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2011-04-28 9:44 AM
in reply to: #3470806

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
Rudedog55 - 2011-04-28 9:30 AM
kaburns1214 - 2011-04-28 5:51 AM
jsklarz - 2011-04-27 7:21 PM

Rudy - My wife's yoga teacher called and wants her gong back.  I owe you a ton of money for the bike, please, dear god, let me by you a more masculine disc wheel . 

Seriously - Rudy is a perfect example of what dedication to training, particularly single sport focused training can do for you.  You will be hard pressed to find many AGers who have developed as stong a bike in as short period of time as rudy.  More importantly, he cooks great ribs. 

Just remember there's no such thing as a good bike followed by a bad run! (or as Shaun says unfortunately they don't give out medals at the end of the bike leg).

Seriously -- triathlon is one that involves three disciplines and you need to able to execute efficiently on all three.  Why do you think Lance is so scared of Kona?


other than my half where i was injured and under trained for the distance of the run, my fastest bikes are usually followed by a pretty decent run for what i can do (when in mid-season form). Kelly you have seen my logs, we have talked about them and my training. Keep in mind i did nothing longer than a sprint last year, and am in much better overall shape and much lighter than 2009 when i did my Oly's and half.

It is hard to determine if my runs are really all that bad in the Tri's that i have done, as i have only been at it for 3 years, and my runs improve every race as my base run mileage and run speed increases, i am still at the point that extra distance relates to extra speed. I guess this will be a better conversation for Martha's Vineyard, after I go sub 60 on the bike and we will see what i have left for the run and Patriot is in the books.


Rudy - did you just serve Kelly? 

I think your run will be fine.  You were well rested for the Hfd Quarter and had a really good race.  I think as long as you get some additional volume (i.e. a few 2:30-3 hr) runs in between now and patriot, preferrably following a bike day, you'll be fine.  At this point, probably like me, your issue will be muscular endurance (what kelly call peripheral system failure).  My lungs are almost always fine, HR is good, its my legs that fail.  that is insuifficient volume and still being too heavy.  When I did a hilly 13 mile run the day after a hilly 25 mile bike I was definitely hurting.  this week I am looking to do a 35-45 mile hilly bike saturday and a 13-15 mile hilly run sunday.  ouchy poo.

2011-04-28 10:03 AM
in reply to: #3470997

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
jsklarz - 2011-04-28 10:44 AM
Rudedog55 - 2011-04-28 9:30 AM
kaburns1214 - 2011-04-28 5:51 AM
jsklarz - 2011-04-27 7:21 PM

Rudy - My wife's yoga teacher called and wants her gong back.  I owe you a ton of money for the bike, please, dear god, let me by you a more masculine disc wheel . 

Seriously - Rudy is a perfect example of what dedication to training, particularly single sport focused training can do for you.  You will be hard pressed to find many AGers who have developed as stong a bike in as short period of time as rudy.  More importantly, he cooks great ribs. 

Just remember there's no such thing as a good bike followed by a bad run! (or as Shaun says unfortunately they don't give out medals at the end of the bike leg).

Seriously -- triathlon is one that involves three disciplines and you need to able to execute efficiently on all three.  Why do you think Lance is so scared of Kona?


other than my half where i was injured and under trained for the distance of the run, my fastest bikes are usually followed by a pretty decent run for what i can do (when in mid-season form). Kelly you have seen my logs, we have talked about them and my training. Keep in mind i did nothing longer than a sprint last year, and am in much better overall shape and much lighter than 2009 when i did my Oly's and half.

It is hard to determine if my runs are really all that bad in the Tri's that i have done, as i have only been at it for 3 years, and my runs improve every race as my base run mileage and run speed increases, i am still at the point that extra distance relates to extra speed. I guess this will be a better conversation for Martha's Vineyard, after I go sub 60 on the bike and we will see what i have left for the run and Patriot is in the books.


Rudy - did you just serve Kelly? 

I think your run will be fine.  You were well rested for the Hfd Quarter and had a really good race.  I think as long as you get some additional volume (i.e. a few 2:30-3 hr) runs in between now and patriot, preferrably following a bike day, you'll be fine.  At this point, probably like me, your issue will be muscular endurance (what kelly call peripheral system failure).  My lungs are almost always fine, HR is good, its my legs that fail.  that is insuifficient volume and still being too heavy.  When I did a hilly 13 mile run the day after a hilly 25 mile bike I was definitely hurting.  this week I am looking to do a 35-45 mile hilly bike saturday and a 13-15 mile hilly run sunday.  ouchy poo.


nah, Kelly knows i admire and respect her immensely, And she may be totally spot on if i blow up fantastically in my half about 7 miles in the run, but realistically, i have done enough shorter races and am in good enough bike shape that i can go 110% on the bike and still lay down a 7:30-8:00m/mile run for at least 5-6 miles. Which takes care of all sprints and Oly's, and still is a decent pace for me, not fast for the field, but fast enough.

And she is 100% correct, that was not the case 2 years ago, so her comments are founded and documented, and i have no argument for them, but it will make for great conversation at the Beer BQ or your house in Sept.  It will be a great season regardless.


2011-04-28 12:05 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
I for one respect anyomne is willing to CRUSH the bike and still run well, good on 'ya Big Dog.

Altrhough it is a bit trite, yes, triathlon is 3 sports which need to be executed at the best of our abilitites...blah, blah, blah. BUT, sometimes if you are VERY good at one, it often pays, especially in shorter races, to make hay when the sunshines. Case in point there is a local guy here named Cam Hill who is an amazing swimmer. He races mostly Olympics where the swim has a heavier proportional represntation in distance. I can bike and run faster then him but he's able to capture so much time on the swim, one year it took until the last 100 yards of the race for me to catch him and beat him by about one second. Never undersetimate using the weapons you may have.
2011-04-28 12:43 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Swim videos from the TI workshop......please keep in mind that in the post-workshop videos the focus is on form and not speed   I feel like I look like a total dillhole in the post-workshop videos, but some of the stroke concepts felt strange to me.  Plus the coach was screaming at me from the side of the pool -  keep your head down, open up, etc. 

Initial video underwater:

Inital video 2:

Post-workshop underwater:

Post-workshop video 2:

2011-04-28 12:44 PM
in reply to: #3471445

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

bryancd - 2011-04-28 1:05 PM I for one respect anyomne is willing to CRUSH the bike and still run well, good on 'ya Big Dog. Altrhough it is a bit trite, yes, triathlon is 3 sports which need to be executed at the best of our abilitites...blah, blah, blah. BUT, sometimes if you are VERY good at one, it often pays, especially in shorter races, to make hay when the sunshines. Case in point there is a local guy here named Cam Hill who is an amazing swimmer. He races mostly Olympics where the swim has a heavier proportional represntation in distance. I can bike and run faster then him but he's able to capture so much time on the swim, one year it took until the last 100 yards of the race for me to catch him and beat him by about one second. Never undersetimate using the weapons you may have.

All I'm saying is that (especially at longer distances) pushing the bike 110% and "picking up" time will likely cost you dearly on the run.  Its a delicate balance.  I know I can run a 10K on pretty much nothing, but I can't do that with a half marathon.

Its going to be an interesting experiement for me this weekend.  The goal is to hold 215 watts on the bike, which on the St. As course will be a pretty fast bike (for a girl) and then get off and run a 48 or so on the 10K (clearly the run is not my strong point).  For a the Quassy half, my watts target will be lower because I'm going to need a lot more for the run.

2011-04-28 12:50 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
110% sounds like a bit of hyperbole from the Big Dog.

2011-04-28 12:53 PM
in reply to: #3471581

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

bryancd - 2011-04-28 1:50 PM 110% sounds like a bit of hyperbole from the Big Dog.

You haven't seen him ride.

I can drop most guys I know on the bike, I cannot drop Rudy.

2011-04-28 1:50 PM
in reply to: #3471556

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
jarvy01 - 2011-04-28 11:43 AM

Swim videos from the TI workshop......please keep in mind that in the post-workshop videos the focus is on form and not speed   I feel like I look like a total dillhole in the post-workshop videos, but some of the stroke concepts felt strange to me.  Plus the coach was screaming at me from the side of the pool -  keep your head down, open up, etc. 

Initial video underwater:

Inital video 2:

Post-workshop underwater:

Post-workshop video 2:


Great stuff! How did you enjoy the workshop? 

2011-04-28 1:53 PM
in reply to: #3471581

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

bryancd - 2011-04-28 1:50 PM 110% sounds like a bit of hyperbole from the Big Dog.

sort of like when people say "I am above my max heart rate."  You can neither exceed 100% or your maximum.  but we'll cut rudy a break

Kelly - you are goign to crush St. As.

2011-04-28 1:57 PM
in reply to: #3471080

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
Rudedog55 - 2011-04-28 11:03 AM
jsklarz - 2011-04-28 10:44 AM
Rudedog55 - 2011-04-28 9:30 AM
kaburns1214 - 2011-04-28 5:51 AM
jsklarz - 2011-04-27 7:21 PM

Rudy - My wife's yoga teacher called and wants her gong back.  I owe you a ton of money for the bike, please, dear god, let me by you a more masculine disc wheel . 

Seriously - Rudy is a perfect example of what dedication to training, particularly single sport focused training can do for you.  You will be hard pressed to find many AGers who have developed as stong a bike in as short period of time as rudy.  More importantly, he cooks great ribs. 

Just remember there's no such thing as a good bike followed by a bad run! (or as Shaun says unfortunately they don't give out medals at the end of the bike leg).

Seriously -- triathlon is one that involves three disciplines and you need to able to execute efficiently on all three.  Why do you think Lance is so scared of Kona?


other than my half where i was injured and under trained for the distance of the run, my fastest bikes are usually followed by a pretty decent run for what i can do (when in mid-season form). Kelly you have seen my logs, we have talked about them and my training. Keep in mind i did nothing longer than a sprint last year, and am in much better overall shape and much lighter than 2009 when i did my Oly's and half.

It is hard to determine if my runs are really all that bad in the Tri's that i have done, as i have only been at it for 3 years, and my runs improve every race as my base run mileage and run speed increases, i am still at the point that extra distance relates to extra speed. I guess this will be a better conversation for Martha's Vineyard, after I go sub 60 on the bike and we will see what i have left for the run and Patriot is in the books.


Rudy - did you just serve Kelly? 

I think your run will be fine.  You were well rested for the Hfd Quarter and had a really good race.  I think as long as you get some additional volume (i.e. a few 2:30-3 hr) runs in between now and patriot, preferrably following a bike day, you'll be fine.  At this point, probably like me, your issue will be muscular endurance (what kelly call peripheral system failure).  My lungs are almost always fine, HR is good, its my legs that fail.  that is insuifficient volume and still being too heavy.  When I did a hilly 13 mile run the day after a hilly 25 mile bike I was definitely hurting.  this week I am looking to do a 35-45 mile hilly bike saturday and a 13-15 mile hilly run sunday.  ouchy poo.


nah, Kelly knows i admire and respect her immensely, And she may be totally spot on if i blow up fantastically in my half about 7 miles in the run, but realistically, i have done enough shorter races and am in good enough bike shape that i can go 110% on the bike and still lay down a 7:30-8:00m/mile run for at least 5-6 miles. Which takes care of all sprints and Oly's, and still is a decent pace for me, not fast for the field, but fast enough.

And she is 100% correct, that was not the case 2 years ago, so her comments are founded and documented, and i have no argument for them, but it will make for great conversation at the Beer BQ or your house in Sept.  It will be a great season regardless.


Rudy - ya know i love you, but that about :47 10K.  I suppose we'll see in September at MV.

2011-04-28 2:17 PM
in reply to: #3471581

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

bryancd - 2011-04-28 1:50 PM 110% sounds like a bit of hyperbole from the Big Dog.


I'm a Clydesdale, i am allowed the extra 10%.... LOL


2011-04-28 2:20 PM
in reply to: #3471791

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED


Rudy - ya know i love you, but that about :47 10K.  I suppose we'll see in September at MV.



1/4 mary 10k 49:59

i run better off the bike, i never warm up right for a running race

i am glad you are an attorney and not an accountant....!!!!  lol

2011-04-28 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3471775

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
jsklarz - 2011-04-28 2:53 PM

bryancd - 2011-04-28 1:50 PM 110% sounds like a bit of hyperbole from the Big Dog.

sort of like when people say "I am above my max heart rate."  You can neither exceed 100% or your maximum.  but we'll cut rudy a break

Kelly - you are goign to crush St. As.

actually you can go 110%

if your FTP on the bike is 200 watts/hr avg and you are required to do 220w for 5 mins you are actually working out at 110% of threshold


mine goes to 11 baby!!!!


fwiw, my 20 min power in january when i tested it was in the hood of 326w avg, 

the last TT i did 2 weeks ago i averaged 416w for 9 mins, just sayin'

a lighter person would require much less power to go the same speed, so it is all relative, this TT was basically a hill climb, turn around and comeback down and then finish on a 1/2 mile 9% climb

keep in mind that aerodynamics are HUGE on a TT bike, with 48" shoulders i am a big sail on my roadie, when i race i am the 2-5 min guy, i can not go on a long break, i have to work too hard, but i will leave before the sprint or lead out a sprinter. In aero on my TT bike, i get my shoulders and front section out of the wind and i am much more proficient, thereby not having to work quite as hard to maintain the same speed (note i did not say power).


2011-04-28 3:06 PM
in reply to: #3471871

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
Rudedog55 - 2011-04-28 3:20 PM


Rudy - ya know i love you, but that about :47 10K.  I suppose we'll see in September at MV.


1/4 mary 10k 49:59

i run better off the bike, i never warm up right for a running race

i am glad you are an attorney and not an accountant....!!!!  lol


you said 7:30-8:00, so I took 7:45, 7:45 x 6.2 = 46:30

It is SOOOOOO on!

2011-04-28 3:10 PM
in reply to: #3471916

User image

New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
Rudedog55 - 2011-04-28 3:34 PM
jsklarz - 2011-04-28 2:53 PM

bryancd - 2011-04-28 1:50 PM 110% sounds like a bit of hyperbole from the Big Dog.

sort of like when people say "I am above my max heart rate."  You can neither exceed 100% or your maximum.  but we'll cut rudy a break

Kelly - you are goign to crush St. As.

actually you can go 110%

if your FTP on the bike is 200 watts/hr avg and you are required to do 220w for 5 mins you are actually working out at 110% of threshold


mine goes to 11 baby!!!!


fwiw, my 20 min power in january when i tested it was in the hood of 326w avg, 

the last TT i did 2 weeks ago i averaged 416w for 9 mins, just sayin'

a lighter person would require much less power to go the same speed, so it is all relative, this TT was basically a hill climb, turn around and comeback down and then finish on a 1/2 mile 9% climb

keep in mind that aerodynamics are HUGE on a TT bike, with 48" shoulders i am a big sail on my roadie, when i race i am the 2-5 min guy, i can not go on a long break, i have to work too hard, but i will leave before the sprint or lead out a sprinter. In aero on my TT bike, i get my shoulders and front section out of the wind and i am much more proficient, thereby not having to work quite as hard to maintain the same speed (note i did not say power).


Exceeding FTP is not your max power.  It just means you are above threshold and going anerobic, no? 

2011-04-28 3:31 PM
in reply to: #3472024

User image

Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
jsklarz - 2011-04-28 4:10 PM
Rudedog55 - 2011-04-28 3:34 PM
jsklarz - 2011-04-28 2:53 PM

bryancd - 2011-04-28 1:50 PM 110% sounds like a bit of hyperbole from the Big Dog.

sort of like when people say "I am above my max heart rate."  You can neither exceed 100% or your maximum.  but we'll cut rudy a break

Kelly - you are goign to crush St. As.

actually you can go 110%

if your FTP on the bike is 200 watts/hr avg and you are required to do 220w for 5 mins you are actually working out at 110% of threshold


mine goes to 11 baby!!!!


fwiw, my 20 min power in january when i tested it was in the hood of 326w avg, 

the last TT i did 2 weeks ago i averaged 416w for 9 mins, just sayin'

a lighter person would require much less power to go the same speed, so it is all relative, this TT was basically a hill climb, turn around and comeback down and then finish on a 1/2 mile 9% climb

keep in mind that aerodynamics are HUGE on a TT bike, with 48" shoulders i am a big sail on my roadie, when i race i am the 2-5 min guy, i can not go on a long break, i have to work too hard, but i will leave before the sprint or lead out a sprinter. In aero on my TT bike, i get my shoulders and front section out of the wind and i am much more proficient, thereby not having to work quite as hard to maintain the same speed (note i did not say power).


Exceeding FTP is not your max power.  It just means you are above threshold and going anerobic, no? 


max power is pointless, some days my sprints are 1450w max, somedays i suck and they are 1200w max, i cannot keep that for more than a few secs.

but you are still over 100% ftp

Brian or Kelly can correct me, but when you are doing a 20min or 1hr power test for your FTP, you are anerobic for most if not all of it. They hurt like no ones business.

The General Consensus
It's generally agreed that your Functional Threshold Power is the maximal power output you can sustain for the duration of one hour.  It's NOT your "average" power.  As average has a different meaning in a power context to "sustained".

so after reading that,you can be at 110% or better over your FTP, a lot of my hard intervals are well above my FTP, but for much shorter time.

so for me to say that in a 12 mile bike race i will go 110% is actually doable, it will hurt like hell, i would have to average 330w for that 30 mins i am racing on the bike. 


2011-04-28 6:41 PM
in reply to: #3472072

User image

New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
Rudedog55 - 2011-04-28 4:31 PM
jsklarz - 2011-04-28 4:10 PM
Rudedog55 - 2011-04-28 3:34 PM
jsklarz - 2011-04-28 2:53 PM

bryancd - 2011-04-28 1:50 PM 110% sounds like a bit of hyperbole from the Big Dog.

sort of like when people say "I am above my max heart rate."  You can neither exceed 100% or your maximum.  but we'll cut rudy a break

Kelly - you are goign to crush St. As.

actually you can go 110%

if your FTP on the bike is 200 watts/hr avg and you are required to do 220w for 5 mins you are actually working out at 110% of threshold


mine goes to 11 baby!!!!


fwiw, my 20 min power in january when i tested it was in the hood of 326w avg, 

the last TT i did 2 weeks ago i averaged 416w for 9 mins, just sayin'

a lighter person would require much less power to go the same speed, so it is all relative, this TT was basically a hill climb, turn around and comeback down and then finish on a 1/2 mile 9% climb

keep in mind that aerodynamics are HUGE on a TT bike, with 48" shoulders i am a big sail on my roadie, when i race i am the 2-5 min guy, i can not go on a long break, i have to work too hard, but i will leave before the sprint or lead out a sprinter. In aero on my TT bike, i get my shoulders and front section out of the wind and i am much more proficient, thereby not having to work quite as hard to maintain the same speed (note i did not say power).


Exceeding FTP is not your max power.  It just means you are above threshold and going anerobic, no? 


max power is pointless, some days my sprints are 1450w max, somedays i suck and they are 1200w max, i cannot keep that for more than a few secs.

but you are still over 100% ftp

Brian or Kelly can correct me, but when you are doing a 20min or 1hr power test for your FTP, you are anerobic for most if not all of it. They hurt like no ones business.

The General Consensus
It's generally agreed that your Functional Threshold Power is the maximal power output you can sustain for the duration of one hour.  It's NOT your "average" power.  As average has a different meaning in a power context to "sustained".

so after reading that,you can be at 110% or better over your FTP, a lot of my hard intervals are well above my FTP, but for much shorter time.

so for me to say that in a 12 mile bike race i will go 110% is actually doable, it will hurt like hell, i would have to average 330w for that 30 mins i am racing on the bike. 


jeepers, whose the lawyer now? Your revised argument is logical and accepted.  

2011-04-28 7:35 PM
in reply to: #3436066

User image

Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
I LOVE good natured smack talk. You both are course clutter, by the way...
2011-04-28 7:51 PM
in reply to: #3471556

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
jarvy01 - 2011-04-28 1:43 PM

Swim videos from the TI workshop......please keep in mind that in the post-workshop videos the focus is on form and not speed   I feel like I look like a total dillhole in the post-workshop videos, but some of the stroke concepts felt strange to me.  Plus the coach was screaming at me from the side of the pool -  keep your head down, open up, etc. 

Initial video underwater:

Inital video 2:

Post-workshop underwater:

Post-workshop video 2:

Looks much better on the after -- one thing to watch is the position of your elbow under water.  You let it drop pretty quickly.  You want to remember to keep a high elbow (early vertical forearm) during the propulsive portion of your stroke. 

2011-04-28 8:30 PM
in reply to: #3472433

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

bryancd - 2011-04-28 8:35 PM I LOVE good natured smack talk. You both are course clutter, by the way...


you would be too far ahead of me for me to ever get in your way ;o)

2011-04-28 9:31 PM
in reply to: #3472452

User image

Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2011-04-28 6:51 PM

jarvy01 - 2011-04-28 1:43 PM

Swim videos from the TI workshop......please keep in mind that in the post-workshop videos the focus is on form and not speed   I feel like I look like a total dillhole in the post-workshop videos, but some of the stroke concepts felt strange to me.  Plus the coach was screaming at me from the side of the pool -  keep your head down, open up, etc. 

Initial video underwater:

Inital video 2:

Post-workshop underwater:

Post-workshop video 2:

Looks much better on the after -- one thing to watch is the position of your elbow under water.  You let it drop pretty quickly.  You want to remember to keep a high elbow (early vertical forearm) during the propulsive portion of your stroke. 

High elbow is good but not everyone has the biomechanics to hold a high elbow. I'm actually just not built that way. What you really need to work on is your hand entry. Your are diving too deep on entry and that is the biggest issue. Try and change your recovery more over the top of your head and let your arm more plop into the water as opposed to diving down. Your hand at your reach full extension should just be a few inches below the water. Work on that first.

2011-04-29 6:32 AM
in reply to: #3471762

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
abqtj - 2011-04-28 2:50 PM
jarvy01 - 2011-04-28 11:43 AM

Swim videos from the TI workshop......please keep in mind that in the post-workshop videos the focus is on form and not speed   I feel like I look like a total dillhole in the post-workshop videos, but some of the stroke concepts felt strange to me.  Plus the coach was screaming at me from the side of the pool -  keep your head down, open up, etc. 

Initial video underwater:

Inital video 2:

Post-workshop underwater:

Post-workshop video 2:


Great stuff! How did you enjoy the workshop? 

Thanks!  I enjoyed the workshop, but it was mentally draining.  Then when I got back to swimming on my own, I couldn't stop thinking about every little imperfection in my stroke.  I think I've struck a decent balance now.  I was timing some 100s last night, and they were 1:18/100 yds.  I just kept thinking that my times couldn't be right.  The hard work is really starting to pay off, particularly with the swim and the run.  Now....if I could just give my bike some more attention!!!!

2011-04-29 6:33 AM
in reply to: #3472452

User image

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2011-04-28 8:51 PM
jarvy01 - 2011-04-28 1:43 PM

Swim videos from the TI workshop......please keep in mind that in the post-workshop videos the focus is on form and not speed   I feel like I look like a total dillhole in the post-workshop videos, but some of the stroke concepts felt strange to me.  Plus the coach was screaming at me from the side of the pool -  keep your head down, open up, etc. 

Initial video underwater:

Inital video 2:

Post-workshop underwater:

Post-workshop video 2:

Looks much better on the after -- one thing to watch is the position of your elbow under water.  You let it drop pretty quickly.  You want to remember to keep a high elbow (early vertical forearm) during the propulsive portion of your stroke. 

That's exactly what the coach said.  The left side drops faster than the right and crosses over pretty badly.  Thanks for taking a peek!

2011-04-29 7:06 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Morning everyone!

Today is an off day for me (its a litle crazy, I had three complete rest days for the month of April).  I'm flying to Tampa this afternoon for St. As.  Tomorrow is super easy / super short efforts in all three disciplines and then the race on Sunday.

What are everybody's plans for the weekend?

2011-04-29 7:12 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
Good luck Kelly! You are going to crush it!!!!
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