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2012-03-11 9:38 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Bartlett, IL
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Kirsten - I would say that qualifies you as a triathlete for sure!  They told me I was one after my indoor tri, but I'm skeptical since the bike portion was on a spin bike and not that realistic.  Smile  Looks like yours was the real deal, so I'd say you are a triathlete. Congratulations!

Way to go, Jo - sounds like your training is really coming along well.

Hang in there Fred - just try and get your workouts in when you can.  I'm sure as the weather starts picking up so too will your training.

Had a great run this afternoon - 9 miles on my favorite forest preserve path in 60-degree weather!  Woke up tired with the time change and all, knew it was going to be much warmer in the afternoon, and said "screw it, snooze!".  Many thanks to my wife for letting me get my run in during "family time".  Also had a very informative seminar with my tri club yesterday on race nutrition.  Definitely gave me some things to think about testing out in the new few months.  

Hope you all had a great weekend.

2012-03-11 11:16 PM
in reply to: #4091128

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
bcraht - 2012-03-11 7:28 PM

Do I get to call myself a triathlete now?  First sprint today.  Came 2/5 in my AG, which is kind of neat.  Swim was t-e-r-r-i-b-l-e!  I have a lot of work to do, to get to 1.9km in OW.  I don't panic exactly, but I am just not comfortable yet.  I breast stroked the vast majority.  Disappointed in that.  Bike felt really good, run also, so 2 out of 3 ain't bad!  Transitions were good, at least as far as I can tell, not having a reference point!  All was set up, had no troubles getting socks/shoes on for either bike or run.  Weather was supposed to be rainy, but was overcast, with occasional sunny break, which was fantastic!  More info for those who care to read my race report:

Hope everyone has had a good weekend.  Beginner HIM plan starts now!Surprised

Welcome Kirsten - you are now a triathlete!  Hey breast stroke, doggy paddle whatever gets you there.  Well done - great achievement!

2012-03-12 6:49 AM
in reply to: #4091325

Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED


Yesterday was a great day to be outside. I was able to get my first real outside brick workout in yesterday and it felt good. I live in Indiana so we must have been sharing the same weather. :-)

I'm curious what your top three take away's were from your nutrition seminar?

I am a firm believer that you can never have too much information on nutrition.

Still looking forward to the Indy Mini, although I feel like I might be behind in my training a little.

I have a sprint two weeks before and an Oly two weeks after so I think I will be ready.

2012-03-15 7:04 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

What a strange week - the focus has been swimming on the training plan and I'm feeling strangely flat - missing the run especially.

Did a fantastic OWS on Wednesday night - I'm now called the drafting expert in our squad - Coach says, watch JoJo see how she hangs onto toes and won't let go!  i'm amazed how good it feels to draft - you motor along way faster with less effort - and don't feel lost and lonely out the back!

He says I need to get my stroke deeper as I'm reaching too far and shallow and don't have the strength to get over my stroke - not an issue in the OWS because of the buoyancy of wettie etc but he says noticeable in the pool.

so squad again last night in the pool - did 2.3km before struck down with a massive calf cramp - knowing how this can turn into a tear or strain in my body so easily I hopped out didn't risk doing more.  good session all up.

Couldn't sleep, I feel a bit 'wired' on this program!  I've lost about 8lbs in the course of the plan - didn't need to but always nice to have that in the bank! 

I've not been focussing on nutrition at all, just going along with eating what I fancy when I fancy it.  Probably need to start thinking about it soon.  I just took delivery of a nutrition book for endurance athletes so I'll read that next after I finish 17 Hours to Glory (so inspirational)

Anyway - tonight I get to do a 'reverse' tri.  looking forward to it.

Saturday morning maybe swimming the Melbourne IM course if the water hasn't got polluted from yesterday's rain!

Have fun guys whatever you do - yeah it's supposed to be hard but it's also supposed to be what we do for FUN!




2012-03-16 9:53 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Reverse triathlon thwarted - train hit a car so got home REALLY late from work.  Only had time for a run which was fine because i had to run to the station to collect my car!

Didn't do the IM swim this morning - glad.  My girlfriend did it and said it was truly hideous.  Very choppy she didn't make the distance - felt alone and sick at the back, paddle boards went with the front group so she hated it!  Fingers crossed for 25th March that the sea will be kind.  As I said to her on race day those lifeguards and paddle boards stick with the BOP not the front.  And she will not be the slowest by a long shot.

So this morning I finished my reverse triathlon 60mins bike trainer, then I made up for a missed session and did 3km in the pool - gruelling on your own with no squad or coach!  Done now though, feels good.

tomorrow trying for an OWS about 5pm.  We shall see how the weather is.

Enjoy the weekend!

2012-03-18 8:05 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Bartlett, IL
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Long ride and long run are in the books for this week.  I've been trying to take full advantage of this great weather - crazy warm for Chicago this time of year.  It was 80+ (F) yesterday and I got out for my first outdoor ride of the year - almost 40 miles in roughly 2 hours 20 minutes.  I really liked how it went and think my trainer time this winter has been doing some good.  Probably could have held a faster pace but a lot of the ride was on a bike path made of crushed limestone instead of pavement, and  it was pretty bumpy/rutted/uneven.  Still can't believe I didn't get a flat.  But it was still a fun route and the best part - traffic was limited to path crossings and a little road riding to and from the path.  Really tried to practice nutrition, too.  One thing I took from that clinic was to focus more on carbs rather than worry about calories.  I think the recommended range given was 40-70 grams of carbs per hour - so I went for 50-60 for me.  I've decided to try mostly solids and liquids on the bike and save gels for the run.  Yesterday I tried mini fig newtons (strawberry-yum!) and shot bloks and I tried the IM Perform drink (orange mango) along with water.  Things went pretty well - just wish I had more water.  Pretty tired afterwards, but did a 3 mile brick run right after the ride - it felt like I was running in slow motion compared to my ride!  Just curious - anyone use compression sleeves and/or socks for recovery?  Does it work?  Hope you're all having a great weekend! 

2012-03-18 8:37 AM
in reply to: #4101279

Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

sounds like a great workout. 

I have to say that my first ride ad run was was very rough after being on a treadmill and trainer  all winter. I was incredibly sore and ended up getting an ice unit to ice my knees and ankles. This helped a lot. A fellow triathlete told me about some semi compression socks was-mart ($6) had, so I tried them. They are not true compression socks ($40-$50) but definitely help with recovery. 

You could try these or get  a real pair. Either way I am now a believer in compression. Let me know if you decide to try some and how it works for you. 

2012-03-18 1:41 PM
in reply to: #4101279

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

SEwantstobeFe - 2012-03-18 8:05 AM Long ride and long run are in the books for this week.  I've been trying to take full advantage of this great weather - crazy warm for Chicago this time of year.  It was 80+ (F) yesterday and I got out for my first outdoor ride of the year - almost 40 miles in roughly 2 hours 20 minutes.  I really liked how it went and think my trainer time this winter has been doing some good.  Probably could have held a faster pace but a lot of the ride was on a bike path made of crushed limestone instead of pavement, and  it was pretty bumpy/rutted/uneven.  Still can't believe I didn't get a flat.  But it was still a fun route and the best part - traffic was limited to path crossings and a little road riding to and from the path.  Really tried to practice nutrition, too.  One thing I took from that clinic was to focus more on carbs rather than worry about calories.  I think the recommended range given was 40-70 grams of carbs per hour - so I went for 50-60 for me.  I've decided to try mostly solids and liquids on the bike and save gels for the run.  Yesterday I tried mini fig newtons (strawberry-yum!) and shot bloks and I tried the IM Perform drink (orange mango) along with water.  Things went pretty well - just wish I had more water.  Pretty tired afterwards, but did a 3 mile brick run right after the ride - it felt like I was running in slow motion compared to my ride!  Just curious - anyone use compression sleeves and/or socks for recovery?  Does it work?  Hope you're all having a great weekend! 

Sounds awesome!  I used compression socks when I had shin splints and they were great - I had a pair from Orca which I picked up at a race - really cheap!

So how was everyone's training weekend - Sunday was a bit lazy for my standards but it was my daughter's birthday this weekend so had to be all about her really.  I did manage to fit in my OWS the sea was like glass and the weather awesome - probably about 70 degrees.  I didn't swim too far as I was on my own, did about 1.5km.  Loved it though - sad to think that summer has gone   Last open water squad on Wednesday followed by drinks which is great!  I love my swim squad.

Ironman Melbourne is now 6 days away - I'm volunteering on a bike aid station gonna be a long day.  Forecast is terrible!  62 degrees (cold for Melbourne) and windy and rainy.   Everyone is going to need a lot of support!  It's the inaugural event here so fingers crossed for smooth sailing!


2012-03-20 2:09 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

big run yesterday - just 10km but it felt good.

I've got the sorest glute i've ever had - doesn't seem to stop me running/swimming or cycling but I can feel it all day long.  Need to get me to a massage there's a mighty knot in there!

tonight is last OWS squad for me for the season - will miss it.  Hope to train in the open water through the winter as much as I can.

2012-03-21 1:07 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

I had a really great and a really terrible (ok maybe an exaggeration) ride today.  Was a nice evening, so figured I would get off the trainer.  Aiming for an hour, had a loose route in my head.  Off I go.  First few km I was on a relatively busy road with lots of stop lights.  I also seemed to be on a bus schedule, because every time I stopped at a stoplight, so did the bus.  And the bus stops are just on the far side of the intersection.  So, I waited behind the bus at just about every bus stop.  Start.  Stop.  Start.  Stop.  Sigh!  It was quite windy out, with gusts.  Wind from the South, I was headed East, so was getting some lessons in getting blown off course.  I was having trouble with weaving on my race last week, so I had some good training with that!

Turned South, right into the wind, so now I was getting a lesson in getting low (no aero bars yet).  Not totally comfortable in the drops yet, so got some good training in that.  Next headed West and went down into an area of flats, so the cross winds again were at play--even more so than when headed East.  Now I was actually feeling like I could get blown over...Stopped at a stop light and had a look at GPS watch--was keeping a pretty good pace despite the wind, which I was really happy about!

Next I turned North, headed for home.  Nice to have the wind at my back now.  I'm about 5km from home, and I'm hearing a different noise from my back tire.  Glance down--flat!  Crap. Yell  I just booked myself into a workshop at my LBS which will include how to change a tire.  It's on Friday.  Sigh.  Of course, I didn't bring my phone.  It's 6:30pm, so none of the industrial shops in the area are still open.  So I have to walk 2km to the corner store to borrow the phone.  Just catch my SO before she heads off to work to come get me.

Got home, immediately watched some Youtube videos on how to change a tire Embarassed.  Doesn't look too tough.  Wish I hada done that (and gotten a spare tire etc) sooner!

Learned a lot today, that's for sure!  Had a swim tonight too, needed some patience--Spring Break here, so lots of moms and daughters at the late evening Women only swim that is generally quiet.  Had to do some dodging here and there.  Good practice for the OWS!

Hope everyone else's week is going well!

2012-03-21 6:34 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

OWS last night - sadly our weather turned a bit on us yesterday.  The morning started 82 degrees then at 11am it was down to 52.  6.30 on the beach it was gusty and COLD!  I didn't think anyone would turn up to squad - 30 people!  Some of my standard - swell was 2-3m.  Choppy!!!!  I managed about 1km then had to get out, just exhausted.  Drinks after - red wine is great for warming up and washing dirty sea water out of your system!

Pic below of the swim!



swim.jpg (17KB - 20 downloads)

2012-03-23 8:14 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED


I must like the pain or something.  But the good news is that I got out for a run yesterday.  Really felt the 2 weeks off though 6k run  in 32min off to the pool today for a little dip.  I've figured out that there isn't time for me to train and work my new job, so I have to make the time to train and work my new job.  Work a little harder, train a little faster and balance shall be mine...LOL

have a great weekend everyone, hope everyone's plan is coming together.

2012-03-23 8:43 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Bartlett, IL
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Bryan - glad you are getting back into your training.  Hope the juggling act works out - always difficult.

Jo - wow!  That water looks a little rough.  Volunteering at the IM this weekend, right?  Have fun!

I've had a pretty good training week.  I'm a little disappointed though as it looks like it's back inside on the trainer for my long ride tomorrow.  I need to get it in early and while I don't mind riding outside in the dark, it's also possibly going to be raining or wet, and I don't think the two are a good combination.  On the bright side, I'm doing another indoor tri on Sunday!  I'm doing it with a friend and it will be her first tri - should be fun!  I'm hoping to do a little better than last time and just gain more experience doing all three sports consecutively in the same workout.

Have a great weekend everyone!

2012-03-23 3:40 PM
in reply to: #4109819

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
SEwantstobeFe - 2012-03-23 8:43 AM

Bryan - glad you are getting back into your training.  Hope the juggling act works out - always difficult.

Jo - wow!  That water looks a little rough.  Volunteering at the IM this weekend, right?  Have fun!

I've had a pretty good training week.  I'm a little disappointed though as it looks like it's back inside on the trainer for my long ride tomorrow.  I need to get it in early and while I don't mind riding outside in the dark, it's also possibly going to be raining or wet, and I don't think the two are a good combination.  On the bright side, I'm doing another indoor tri on Sunday!  I'm doing it with a friend and it will be her first tri - should be fun!  I'm hoping to do a little better than last time and just gain more experience doing all three sports consecutively in the same workout.

Have a great weekend everyone!

hi everyone!  Yes that water looks bad.

Worse still I attended the Carbo night and Welcome event in Melbourne last night and if anything the ocean was even angrier - they've cancelled the training swim for Saturday and all fingers and toes are crossed that the 1600 folk will get a swim on Sunday.  The issue in Melbourne is the water quality after rain - so much storm water run off can make for a very nasty looking/tasting ocean with all sorts of nasties!  We are all prayng the inaugural event goes ahead and we don't have another IMNZ on our hands.

This morning (Sat) - it's still raining and it's windy.  But the forecast is for improvements and for Sunday 21C with light westerly winds.  Hope so.

The welcome event was great - inspirational talk from Greg Welch and interviews on stage with Craig Alexander, Eneko LLanos, Mirinda Carfrae etc - such great people.  I was honoured to be in a room with all these people and of course all the age groupers and 400 first timers.

So guys with that in mind a decision has been made - I will attempt my first IM in 2013.  I don't think Melbourne - the weather factor is too unreliable.  I think for me I'd prefer the heat, I can manage that (coz let's face it I'll be walking the run!) - so I think Cairns or Port Mac for me next year.  I'm so excited and without BT and this mentoring group I wouldn't have ever considered it.

Thanks guys!

2012-03-28 12:09 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED


Well the forecasters got it right for once, the wind dropped - yes it was cold and dark but it wasn't windy and it wasn't raining!

Got down to the foreshore at 6.30am, what a crowd and what a buzz, yes nerves in the air but more a sense of anticipation. 

the race started before the sun came up fully - buoys were hard to see (even Crowie had trouble navigating) and too far apart.  By the time the age groupers started the sun was starting to rise but when speaking to friends that raced they had trouble for the first half hour of the swim navigating.

I saw the elites exit the water then had to head off to my volunteer aid station - bike leg, before they go out for the second leg.  We were on the special needs station (PRESSURE!!!)

First we were faced with 1600 special needs bags that needed to be laid out in numerical order as accessible as possible for us volunteers.

All too soon the first elites came through, certainly the more experienced ones showed, in the lead Clayton Fettel who shouted his number as he went down the hill so that on his return up I was ready - he nearly knocked me off my feet, was still going a good 40kph I think!

Next bag for me was Crowie himself - what a pro, shouted out Number 1 all the way down the hill and all the way until he got the bag and said Thanks Love!  A moment to treasure.

The leading age groupers, well a little more bunched up so difficult to get everyone's bag to them but theoretically they can slow down and collect.  As the day wore on that's what happened - people stopping to collect and empty their bags - most of them having a chat and a hug!

One guy - find him on Facebook, Ironcowboy - he's from Utah and trying to break the record by doing 30 IM in one year,this was number four I think.  great guy, father of 5!!!

After about 7 hours our job was done and we headed to transition to wait for friends to come through - all did in varying states!

We then headed down to the finish line - what a buzz what an atmosphere, by now it's dark the commentator Whit is firing on all cylinders, dancing and jumping around keeping spectators motivated!

Waiting and waiting for my girlfriend to come through, 16 hours ticks over she's normally done by and a friend decide to run and try and find her - about 800m there she is, a lone forlorn cold figure, head bowed walking.  We walk with her, she gets 300m from the end and the crowd goes wild, it's like she recharged her batteries - smiling from ear to ear, she's sprinting and high fiving everyone - we're in tears as she crosses the line.


We stay and see the final competitor - it's another friend from squad, damian Breen, 16.57!  he's done it!  What a champion finding the strength in the last few minutes.

All shapes, ages and sizes - I am inspired beyond belief.  Friday 11am Melbourne time registration opens for next year.  It sold out in 5mins last time - I gotta try!



(race leader.jpg)

(Crowies bag.jpg)

race leader.jpg (14KB - 19 downloads)
Crowies bag.jpg (11KB - 17 downloads)
2012-03-28 12:34 AM
in reply to: #4116479

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Sounds like you had a great time, Jo!  I was following along on Ironmanlive--sounds like the event went well.  Glad you made some good memories, and good luck on getting in!!

I'm worried that I'm getting sick--have been feeling tired and chilled for the past few days.  Took a lot to get out to my swim tonight, but made it happen.  I feel like I am making some improvements, slowly but surely.

Quiet in here lately--where is everyone?  Hope everyone is able to keep up with their training!

2012-03-28 2:57 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Struggling with fitting in the training too!  Still I've done an OWS and 60mins bike.  I've got 60min run today and a 75min bike tonight.  Should get me back on track.  Swim squad Friday 5.15am yikes! 

Saturday and Sunday big bike days.

I've seen my daughter once since Saturday - bad mummy!

2012-03-28 3:24 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Bartlett, IL
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Kirsten - hope you're feeling better soon!

Jo - IM volunteering sounds awesome!  Good luck registering for next year - how exciting!  I too hope to one day complete an IM - probably IM-Wisconsin.  It is only 2 hours away and my parents live there.  Another option is Louisville - doesn't sell out as quickly and I'm originally from Kentucky (Lexington).  I'll be curious to see how my Rev3 Wis Dells event goes, too, since they do a 140.6 at Cedar Point, OH, which is an awesome roller coaster park, I might add!    My very tentative plan as of this moment is to possibly volunteer at IM-WI in 2013 and then possibly register for the 2014 race.  But who knows what life will throw at me between now and then.

I did another indoor tri this past weekend - finished tied for 2nd overall!  Don't get me confused with a super age-grouper or anything - only 60-some participants and a lot of fellow newbies.  But still a great feeling and some recognition of the time I've been putting in - and motivation to keep working hard.  Although I know once I get outside it'll be a whole different story.  Pool + spin bike + treadmill does not equal open water + road + road.  Also ordered my first wetsuit today - Xterra Vortex full suit.  Great discount code: R-Omaha gets you even more than the BT discount - great deal if you're in the market for an entry-level wetsuit.

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the training.

2012-03-28 8:37 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
3 a row...LOL  After not being able to stay consistent, I have managed to at least get 3 days in this week and learned that there is a tri focused swim squad starting at our YMCA next week.  I've done Stairs at a local high school on Monday (total of 75 flights up and 75 down) ran 5 miles Tuesday and swam 1.3km today...small steps, but steps none the less..
2012-03-30 1:28 AM
in reply to: #4053159

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
bcraht - 2012-02-17 9:40 AM

Had a terrible swim this morning!  I sure hope there are kayaks every 25m out there on the open water, or I am in a lot of trouble! 

To explain:  I usually swim in a 25m pool.  I have recognized that getting to reach out and touch something every 25m is a bit of a mental handicap, so have been trying to turn without grabbing the wall.  Can't do flip turns, get a headache everytime--besides there are no flip turns in OWS.  So I have been wanted to get into the pool when it is set up at 50m to give it a go.  Today was that day.  Plan was to do a 500m warm up, then a 500m 'race', as per my training plan.  Well, I'm not sure what was happening, but it wasn't a race...  I'm sure it was mostly mental, but I just couldn't make it happen.  Even in the warm up, I was having trouble with my breathing.  I don't know if it had to do with it being twice as long to the wall or what, but it did not go well.  In my 'race', I ended up doing a lot of it breast stroke, because I couldn't catch my breath, then I get down on myself for being a wuss and not being able to do it, arghhhh!  What this tells me, is that I better be getting into the 50m pool a lot more often!  Frustration!

^^^^ me 6 weeks ago.   ↓↓↓↓↓↓ me today. 

In Kamloops for a conference, at the University I went to.  Went for 7km run earlier before it started to rain (incidentally, I come to Kamloops to get away from the West Coast rain, what is up with that?)  Swim was on the schedule for tomorrow am--pool was meant to be at 50m then.  Decided, knowing myself as well as I do, that I should probably go swim tonight, because 5:30 is really early, and I would find some reason to not get up.  So, off I go. 

10-11pm supposed to be half price; I get there, and because Rick Hansen had been here promoting the 20th anniversary of his Man in Motion tour, it was free!  Excellent #1.  Get into the pool, it is set up at 50m, excellent #2.  So the workout is 300m warm up, then 20x50 (eek!), odds RPE 4, evens RPE 9.  So I do the warmup, breast for 100, 50m free, then 50 breast, then 100 free.  No problem.  So I figure I will do the 50s on 1:20.  Well, that was a bit energetic, ended up on 1:30, but the good news is, the 50m set up was not a problem.  I struggled with the first few, as I tend to do, still need quite a bit to get my second wind and get in a groove.  At the beginning of any longish swim workout, I say to myself, "I am not going to be able to finish this whole thing, I'll just do what I can".  Then by the middle I have forgotten that I struggled, and all of a sudden I realize I only have 4 to go!  Even at the end, the RPE 4's were at 1:07 and the RPE 9s were at 1:02, the same as the first ones.  Excellent #3.  Not super fast, and I was giving myself a long rest between, but I can hold the pace.  AND I don't need a kayak every 25m Sealed

2012-03-30 10:01 PM
in reply to: #4120143

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
bcraht - 2012-03-30 1:28 AM
bcraht - 2012-02-17 9:40 AM

Had a terrible swim this morning!  I sure hope there are kayaks every 25m out there on the open water, or I am in a lot of trouble! 

To explain:  I usually swim in a 25m pool.  I have recognized that getting to reach out and touch something every 25m is a bit of a mental handicap, so have been trying to turn without grabbing the wall.  Can't do flip turns, get a headache everytime--besides there are no flip turns in OWS.  So I have been wanted to get into the pool when it is set up at 50m to give it a go.  Today was that day.  Plan was to do a 500m warm up, then a 500m 'race', as per my training plan.  Well, I'm not sure what was happening, but it wasn't a race...  I'm sure it was mostly mental, but I just couldn't make it happen.  Even in the warm up, I was having trouble with my breathing.  I don't know if it had to do with it being twice as long to the wall or what, but it did not go well.  In my 'race', I ended up doing a lot of it breast stroke, because I couldn't catch my breath, then I get down on myself for being a wuss and not being able to do it, arghhhh!  What this tells me, is that I better be getting into the 50m pool a lot more often!  Frustration!

^^^^ me 6 weeks ago.   ↓↓↓↓↓↓ me today. 

In Kamloops for a conference, at the University I went to.  Went for 7km run earlier before it started to rain (incidentally, I come to Kamloops to get away from the West Coast rain, what is up with that?)  Swim was on the schedule for tomorrow am--pool was meant to be at 50m then.  Decided, knowing myself as well as I do, that I should probably go swim tonight, because 5:30 is really early, and I would find some reason to not get up.  So, off I go. 

10-11pm supposed to be half price; I get there, and because Rick Hansen had been here promoting the 20th anniversary of his Man in Motion tour, it was free!  Excellent #1.  Get into the pool, it is set up at 50m, excellent #2.  So the workout is 300m warm up, then 20x50 (eek!), odds RPE 4, evens RPE 9.  So I do the warmup, breast for 100, 50m free, then 50 breast, then 100 free.  No problem.  So I figure I will do the 50s on 1:20.  Well, that was a bit energetic, ended up on 1:30, but the good news is, the 50m set up was not a problem.  I struggled with the first few, as I tend to do, still need quite a bit to get my second wind and get in a groove.  At the beginning of any longish swim workout, I say to myself, "I am not going to be able to finish this whole thing, I'll just do what I can".  Then by the middle I have forgotten that I struggled, and all of a sudden I realize I only have 4 to go!  Even at the end, the RPE 4's were at 1:07 and the RPE 9s were at 1:02, the same as the first ones.  Excellent #3.  Not super fast, and I was giving myself a long rest between, but I can hold the pace.  AND I don't need a kayak every 25m Sealed

Isn't it the best feeling when you have a good swim!  Well done!

2012-03-30 10:10 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

So today was the day - I have had those clipless pedals and pretty shoes for about 4 weeks now but have only been brave enough to clip in and out on the trainer - finding any excuse known to man not to go outside! Its raining, it's windy it's cold it's hot I'm hungry I'm lazy etc etc

Off I set to the Criterium track (they do cycle racing on this track) - it's about a 30km drive, not far really.  Race season is done so I know i'll be one of the few people out there.  Nice day 29 degrees C (mid 70's) but blowing a gale.  In fact the cross wind was about 40kph. 

Anyway hoping to have it to myself - a few local triathlon kids there (seen them win races at the age of 13, they are amazing) and one guy similar to me.  I clip in no problem....and i'm off.  I get halfway round and think okay I should practice unclipping, easy, out pops my left foot, bring the bike to a halt and step down.  Back in again - I did it about 5 times and actually got progressively worse at stopping but unclipping itself not an issue.  I just can't seem to get off the bike to standing - feel like I'm stuck on the saddle so will practice some more tomorrow holding on to the house or my husband!

The other thing I've never mastered is reaching my drink bottle, drinking and replacing bottle.  Today I did that twice!  Progress!

The wind was ferocious, on one stretch I would be doing about 38kph going into the bend and coming out 15kph as the wind blew against me, and it's not a hill!  Anyway 60mins was enough (it was that or 2.5hours)  I jumped off (staggered inelegantly) and changed into running shoes and did a 30min run off the bike - just ran around a football pitch.

Awesome - felt great!  Took care of nutrition with chips and a coffee

So what's left for this week a 2 and a half hour ride tomorrow - maybe back to that track.  Definitely some stopping and starting training.  If I can master that then the road is no obstacle.  I shy away coz of stop lights etc!

oh by the way....



2012-03-31 12:09 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Jo! Awesome! congratulations. That is so exciting. It will be so great to follow your progress!
2012-03-31 7:00 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Bartlett, IL
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Awesome Jo!  Congratulations on getting outside with those clipless pedals!  Oh, and for getting into that whole Ironman thing!    Very exciting!  I must admit, I've been checking the thread constantly since seeing the news that Melbourne sold out, waiting to find out if you got in.   Congratulations!

Got to sleep in this morning ahead of my second group ride with the local bike shop.  Actually riding 10 miles solo to the starting point, then the 27-ish mile group ride, then another 10 back home.  Cold this morning (38 F), but I'm pretty determined not to do any more of my long weekend rides on the trainer anymore.  Have a great weekend everyone!

2012-04-01 3:48 PM
in reply to: #4121980

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Montreal, Canada
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Great to know you are in for your first IM Jo and congrats for your first true ride with your new pedals.

Schedule has been crazy for me but I managed to sneak my training. Might be late, but I decided to join my wife's swim master class for the last session (April/May/June). Also upgraded to clipless pedals but have not left the basement (yet).  Did practice one-leg drills, I think I am getting the idea but I should have had  these in January.

This morning, long run (close to half marathon distance) with a gang of friends who all registered for a Oly early june (same place as my HIM Jun 24th), it will be fun to be all on the starting line at the same time.

Question for the group. I have a special rear tire for the trainer. There is NO WAY I can change the tire every time I want to hit the road/go back in the basement, plus I usually train around 9pm on week-days when the kids are in bed. How do you guys handle this? Second wheel/tube/cassette sounds like overkill (est 150$) , but I do not know what my options are.

Have a great training week everyone.


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