BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society Rss Feed  
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2012-01-10 9:16 AM
in reply to: #3981212

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
SportzVision - 2012-01-09 10:57 PM

Got my run done was rough.  I did not sleep well last night, about 4 hrs, so I kept dozing off on the drive home. Don't worry it was not my carpool day to drive.  But seriously, mid conversation and I would fall asleep.  Good grief...good night all!

good god, another person with a rough run. Mondays are hard sometimes.

2012-01-10 9:17 AM
in reply to: #3980608

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
cathyd - 2012-01-09 4:08 PM

Logged a short run and swim today. Run was on the gym treadmill, I'm about at my time limit for treadmill sanity so will brave the outdoors tomorrow. Swim was 600 meters done as 25s with short breaks after each.

good work.
2012-01-10 10:05 AM
in reply to: #3981638

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
BigDH - 2012-01-10 8:15 AM
thor67 - 2012-01-10 7:59 AM

Brutal run this morning. Mentally weak! It was all I could do to not stop and go sit in the hot tub!

I am looking forward to this half marathon to be over with!

Have a great day everyone!

Some days you are the Hammer, Some days you are the Nail. That is how I feel anyways. You got it done and that is what matters. Seems strong to me.

I was so the nail today...

2012-01-10 10:09 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
On a side note, I just noticed the "inspire me" buttons in the log...lights on nobody home.Embarassed
2012-01-10 4:48 PM
in reply to: #3976991

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Qua17 - 2012-01-07 4:38 PM

Happy Saturday everyone!

Thanks for the thoughts about Boston... I will check it out and see if anything comes of it.  I;m just trying to create a future to ensure I continue to exercise.  Someone in another post today mentioned that they were done yo yoing and I would like to second that.  The last 20 years have been all about exercising for 6 months and then sitting on my for 2 years... I need to make that pattern a thing of the past by always having something to do in the future.

Today was incredible in New England.  The temp hit 58 and I went out for a ride and went 15 miles.  Tonight there will be beer (homebrewed milk stout) and ribs.  Its gonna be good!

Enjoy those long workouts today or tomorrow!

Yes, it certainly helps to plan to help prevent the yo-yoing. I like that you're planning a year in advance!

2012-01-10 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3979259

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

BigDH - 2012-01-09 8:58 AM Nothing beats a Monday morning when you get up knowing you are going to run as fast as you can for as long as you can. Hope your day and week goes well. Here is one of my favorite motivational videos. Every once and a while it pops up on my facebook. Can't help watching it.

Whatan awesome video! Thanks for sharing!

2012-01-10 4:59 PM
in reply to: #3979713

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
thor67 - 2012-01-09 11:38 AM
BigDH - 2012-01-09 9:29 AM
thor67 - 2012-01-09 8:35 AM

Okay, managed to drag my butt out of bed this morning for a run...barely. I don't usually run Mondays but had the chance and took it! Plans for this week is to run Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday with some cycle trainer/spin classes sprinkled in there.

Also starting the 100 push challenge with my 9 year old son. We completed it last year and we are going to do it again this year!

Have a great week everyone!!

u did 100 pushups? Your son did? That is awesome. I did my own variant, I just added one push up a day. Got to 50, but that is a mother. Currently I am doing 25 nightly after yoga, but I am almost ready to move up to 30. lol

We both did, although my son's form was somewhat...not so good! Smile

Pushups are a great exercise that is underused!

Yah, I wish I could do pushups, but I have no upper body strength. But that may be changing, if my training has anything to say about it!

2012-01-10 5:04 PM
in reply to: #3982602

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Ran an easy four miler this morning. Was still sore from Monday's weight workout (walking lunges). Wasn't sure what the day was going to be like. Yesterday afternoon it snowed for quite a while. Was quite surprised that it was in the 40's and sunny when I ran!
2012-01-10 6:15 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

My backs hurting... It started with my neck and I thought I'd just slept funny now it's into my upper to mid back and certain movements hurt. The yoga yesterday felt pretty good so I'm going to do yoga again tonight and hold off on the bike... I don't think my back would hold up well on a bike session. We'll see how the swim tomorrow goes..... Which reminds me I have swim related questions....

Pull buoys... I've seen several swim workouts calling for the use of a pull buoy but I've also heard good and bad things about them so is it worth getting one or should I go without?

Kickboards... I'm seriously considering getting one. I've always done kick drills without them but I'm starting to think a kickboard would be a good aid... Again what's everyone's opinion?

Edited by Emmanem 2012-01-10 6:16 PM
2012-01-10 6:48 PM
in reply to: #3982722

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Emmanem - 2012-01-10 7:15 PM

My backs hurting... It started with my neck and I thought I'd just slept funny now it's into my upper to mid back and certain movements hurt. The yoga yesterday felt pretty good so I'm going to do yoga again tonight and hold off on the bike... I don't think my back would hold up well on a bike session. We'll see how the swim tomorrow goes..... Which reminds me I have swim related questions....

Pull buoys... I've seen several swim workouts calling for the use of a pull buoy but I've also heard good and bad things about them so is it worth getting one or should I go without?

Kickboards... I'm seriously considering getting one. I've always done kick drills without them but I'm starting to think a kickboard would be a good aid... Again what's everyone's opinion?

I would suggest avoiding the pull buoy.  For pull sets, just allow your legs to kick less than normal.  Using a pull buoy puts a lot more stress on your shoulders than needs to be.  I haven't used one since I started college.  The buoy also causes you to swim flat.  You should be rotating your hips while swimming and it's much harder to do that with a buoy.

Kickboard is a good idea.  Keep in mind that it will also put stress on your shoulder's so for long sets I would switch up between using the kickboard and kicking without it.  If your back is hurting (pain rather than soreness) the kickboard might aggravate it.

2012-01-10 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
I got in a 30 minute ride today.  I was feeling really tired this morning, but after getting on the bike I felt pretty good.  I woke up last night coughing and needed to take Nyquil to get back to sleep.

2012-01-10 7:17 PM
in reply to: #3982602

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
pdc33 - 2012-01-10 3:59 PM
thor67 - 2012-01-09 11:38 AM
BigDH - 2012-01-09 9:29 AM
thor67 - 2012-01-09 8:35 AM

Okay, managed to drag my butt out of bed this morning for a run...barely. I don't usually run Mondays but had the chance and took it! Plans for this week is to run Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday with some cycle trainer/spin classes sprinkled in there.

Also starting the 100 push challenge with my 9 year old son. We completed it last year and we are going to do it again this year!

Have a great week everyone!!

u did 100 pushups? Your son did? That is awesome. I did my own variant, I just added one push up a day. Got to 50, but that is a mother. Currently I am doing 25 nightly after yoga, but I am almost ready to move up to 30. lol

We both did, although my son's form was somewhat...not so good! Smile

Pushups are a great exercise that is underused!

Yah, I wish I could do pushups, but I have no upper body strength. But that may be changing, if my training has anything to say about it!

You can do this challenge from your knees if you look at the website.

2012-01-10 8:44 PM
in reply to: #3982617

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

pdc33 - 2012-01-10 5:04 PM Ran an easy four miler this morning. Was still sore from Monday's weight workout (walking lunges). Wasn't sure what the day was going to be like. Yesterday afternoon it snowed for quite a while. Was quite surprised that it was in the 40's and sunny when I ran!

Is the weather this winter crazy or what?  One day it's in the 50's and the next day it snowing.  I'm not complaining since it means one less day in the gym - but it's just strange...

Way to get out there despite the sore muscles!


2012-01-10 8:51 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

Evening all - From the recent threads - it sounds like everyone is getting a little tired.  I'm feeling a little sluggish myself.  Hopefully the three day weekend will be the cure for what ails you...

I hit the pool this morning and logged 450 yards which is a good milestone since it's about the distance of a sprint swim.... now if I can just improve my form and my speed - I should be good to go.  

Tonight I signed up for my first tri in two years - It's on May 13 and I'm really looking forward to it.  

Have a great humpday!


2012-01-10 10:07 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

Love It!  Great posts. 

I got 2200 done in the pool. I went upstairs and ran 2 miles on the mill.  Sit up excercises after that.

I got home tonight and had dropped another few.  Weight loss is going good.  I'll see what I weigh in the morning, I'm just trying to get a sense of what my normal food intake is doing and trying to see what a few beverages, or a small bowl of ice cream does as well to the weight.

On swimming, I'm a novice, but am getting better.  I have seen pretty much everyone using paddles, fins, and kick boards.  Never seen a bouy.

Ive largly gotten faster by time in the pool, and increasing my distance.  Ive gotten faster by doing.  I am now incorporating speed workouts into my weeks.  10x100 for instance.  Does doing these kinds of workouts increase chance of injury as intensity rises?  I notice the effort to do these "bursts" is overall more taxing then just swimming slower distance reps.  Does anyone have experience getting injured in pool due to intensity of workouts of shorter distance repeats?

2012-01-11 7:15 AM
in reply to: #3983116

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
kevinbe - 2012-01-10 9:07 PM

Love It!  Great posts. 

I got 2200 done in the pool. I went upstairs and ran 2 miles on the mill.  Sit up excercises after that.

I got home tonight and had dropped another few.  Weight loss is going good.  I'll see what I weigh in the morning, I'm just trying to get a sense of what my normal food intake is doing and trying to see what a few beverages, or a small bowl of ice cream does as well to the weight.

On swimming, I'm a novice, but am getting better.  I have seen pretty much everyone using paddles, fins, and kick boards.  Never seen a bouy.

Ive largly gotten faster by time in the pool, and increasing my distance.  Ive gotten faster by doing.  I am now incorporating speed workouts into my weeks.  10x100 for instance.  Does doing these kinds of workouts increase chance of injury as intensity rises?  I notice the effort to do these "bursts" is overall more taxing then just swimming slower distance reps.  Does anyone have experience getting injured in pool due to intensity of workouts of shorter distance repeats?

First off for weight loss, i find my weight varies on the time of day and what I have recently ate. Throughout the day I can vary 3-4lbs. I try to consistently weigh myself in the morning after a shower, __, and shave.

As for swimming, I used to swim in a swim club and I never got injured doing those types of workouts. Tired yes, injured no. Stretch and warmup properly and you should be okay. 

2012-01-11 7:16 AM
in reply to: #3982769

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
swimmindy - 2012-01-10 5:48 PM
Emmanem - 2012-01-10 7:15 PM

My backs hurting... It started with my neck and I thought I'd just slept funny now it's into my upper to mid back and certain movements hurt. The yoga yesterday felt pretty good so I'm going to do yoga again tonight and hold off on the bike... I don't think my back would hold up well on a bike session. We'll see how the swim tomorrow goes..... Which reminds me I have swim related questions....

Pull buoys... I've seen several swim workouts calling for the use of a pull buoy but I've also heard good and bad things about them so is it worth getting one or should I go without?

Kickboards... I'm seriously considering getting one. I've always done kick drills without them but I'm starting to think a kickboard would be a good aid... Again what's everyone's opinion?

I would suggest avoiding the pull buoy.  For pull sets, just allow your legs to kick less than normal.  Using a pull buoy puts a lot more stress on your shoulders than needs to be.  I haven't used one since I started college.  The buoy also causes you to swim flat.  You should be rotating your hips while swimming and it's much harder to do that with a buoy.

Kickboard is a good idea.  Keep in mind that it will also put stress on your shoulder's so for long sets I would switch up between using the kickboard and kicking without it.  If your back is hurting (pain rather than soreness) the kickboard might aggravate it.

People use their legs to kick for freestyle??Wink I save my legs for the bike and run....hahaha

2012-01-11 7:25 AM
in reply to: #3982985

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Qua17 - 2012-01-10 7:51 PM

Evening all - From the recent threads - it sounds like everyone is getting a little tired.  I'm feeling a little sluggish myself.  Hopefully the three day weekend will be the cure for what ails you...

I hit the pool this morning and logged 450 yards which is a good milestone since it's about the distance of a sprint swim.... now if I can just improve my form and my speed - I should be good to go.  

Tonight I signed up for my first tri in two years - It's on May 13 and I'm really looking forward to it.  

Have a great humpday!


What triathlon did you sign up for?

I hear you about the weather! Yesterday at this time 6:00am it was -2C (29F), now with windchill it is -25C (-13F). At least I have not got the snow like Darren in Calgary!

2012-01-11 8:28 AM
in reply to: #3982966

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Qua17 - 2012-01-10 7:44 PM

pdc33 - 2012-01-10 5:04 PM Ran an easy four miler this morning. Was still sore from Monday's weight workout (walking lunges). Wasn't sure what the day was going to be like. Yesterday afternoon it snowed for quite a while. Was quite surprised that it was in the 40's and sunny when I ran!

Is the weather this winter crazy or what?  One day it's in the 50's and the next day it snowing.  I'm not complaining since it means one less day in the gym - but it's just strange...

Way to get out there despite the sore muscles!


Ha I know what you mean with the weather. On Monday it was 10C. This morning it is -18C. That is a bit of a swing.
2012-01-11 2:26 PM
in reply to: #3983427

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
thor67 - 2012-01-11 8:15 AM
kevinbe - 2012-01-10 9:07 PM

Love It!  Great posts. 

I got 2200 done in the pool. I went upstairs and ran 2 miles on the mill.  Sit up excercises after that.

I got home tonight and had dropped another few.  Weight loss is going good.  I'll see what I weigh in the morning, I'm just trying to get a sense of what my normal food intake is doing and trying to see what a few beverages, or a small bowl of ice cream does as well to the weight.

On swimming, I'm a novice, but am getting better.  I have seen pretty much everyone using paddles, fins, and kick boards.  Never seen a bouy.

Ive largly gotten faster by time in the pool, and increasing my distance.  Ive gotten faster by doing.  I am now incorporating speed workouts into my weeks.  10x100 for instance.  Does doing these kinds of workouts increase chance of injury as intensity rises?  I notice the effort to do these "bursts" is overall more taxing then just swimming slower distance reps.  Does anyone have experience getting injured in pool due to intensity of workouts of shorter distance repeats?

First off for weight loss, i find my weight varies on the time of day and what I have recently ate. Throughout the day I can vary 3-4lbs. I try to consistently weigh myself in the morning after a shower, __, and shave.

As for swimming, I used to swim in a swim club and I never got injured doing those types of workouts. Tired yes, injured no. Stretch and warmup properly and you should be okay. 


I agree... warming up and stretching are imperative!  Most of the injuries you'll see from swimming are overuse injuries.  I messed up my shoulders when I was younger because I was swimming with improper technique and I was swimming like that for years.  Focus on really rotating your hips when you swim freestyle and that will help your shoulders by putting less stress on them.  

Keep up the great weight loss!

2012-01-11 2:27 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

Got in a quick 1500 yds at the pool.  Felt much better than on Monday.

Didn't get the walking in, but I will be walking and on my feet all day tomorrow.

2012-01-11 2:30 PM
in reply to: #3983116

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
kevinbe - 2012-01-10 9:07 PM

Love It!  Great posts. 

I got 2200 done in the pool. I went upstairs and ran 2 miles on the mill.  Sit up excercises after that.

I got home tonight and had dropped another few.  Weight loss is going good.  I'll see what I weigh in the morning, I'm just trying to get a sense of what my normal food intake is doing and trying to see what a few beverages, or a small bowl of ice cream does as well to the weight.

On swimming, I'm a novice, but am getting better.  I have seen pretty much everyone using paddles, fins, and kick boards.  Never seen a bouy.

Ive largly gotten faster by time in the pool, and increasing my distance.  Ive gotten faster by doing.  I am now incorporating speed workouts into my weeks.  10x100 for instance.  Does doing these kinds of workouts increase chance of injury as intensity rises?  I notice the effort to do these "bursts" is overall more taxing then just swimming slower distance reps.  Does anyone have experience getting injured in pool due to intensity of workouts of shorter distance repeats?

I think ideally with any sort of speed workout, or any workout, you gotta concentrate on your form. Part of the point of the workout is not to make you breath hard but to help you keep your form when under stress. If you are doing 100 meter sets and just flailing about for 50 meters of it you aren't really getting what you are supposed to be getting out of it.

It should be hard, even incredibly hard, but you should feel smooth. And if you are smooth then you don't get injured.


slow is smooth, smooth is fast.
2012-01-11 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
I swam today... 800 yards. I bought a kickboard and I love it!!! I really thought this swim would be really tough but I felt much better than I expected. I mean it was by no means easy but it felt awesome to be swimming again!
2012-01-11 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
I swam today... 800 yards. I bought a kickboard and I love it!!! I really thought this swim would be really tough but I felt much better than I expected. I mean it was by no means easy but it felt awesome to be swimming again!
2012-01-11 4:16 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Extreme Veteran
Munich, Germany
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
barbell training today. instead of a run. i just put off running for a while. just don't feel like it right now. training was frustrating. i really sucked. my muscles felt all tied up. it felt like there was a knot in them. again a gazillion lunges and squats. i used to love them but now i hate them because they show me that i've been lazy for way too long. tomorrow: pool. looking forward to that.

sorry i'm not writing too much in here right now. work is crazy at the moment. should get back to it anyways... nite nite!
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society Rss Feed  
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