BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society Rss Feed  
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2012-12-19 3:31 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society

I got in a double today.  First day off for winter vacation and I went to the Y at 10:00 today.  I did a high intensity swim/spin cycle workout.  I gave my legs a rest from running.  I have a hockey game tonight, followed by day off tomorrow.  Friday is a 8.35 miler and a 6.25 miler Saturday or Sunday.

Funny story, I locked my keys in the car when I got to the house.  Fortunately, my padlock on my garage wasn't locked, and I wrigged a fishing pole up with some wire taped to the end.  Using a prybar, I pried the door open and hooked the keys out of the ignition.  Just as I'm pulling them through the opening, they slip and fall between the seat and the door.  Another 45 minutes, and a busted fishing rod later, I'm sitting here typing and sipping on an IPA.  Life is grand.

2012-12-19 7:08 PM
in reply to: #4541872

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society
kevinbe - 2012-12-19 2:31 PM

I got in a double today.  First day off for winter vacation and I went to the Y at 10:00 today.  I did a high intensity swim/spin cycle workout.  I gave my legs a rest from running.  I have a hockey game tonight, followed by day off tomorrow.  Friday is a 8.35 miler and a 6.25 miler Saturday or Sunday.

Funny story, I locked my keys in the car when I got to the house.  Fortunately, my padlock on my garage wasn't locked, and I wrigged a fishing pole up with some wire taped to the end.  Using a prybar, I pried the door open and hooked the keys out of the ignition.  Just as I'm pulling them through the opening, they slip and fall between the seat and the door.  Another 45 minutes, and a busted fishing rod later, I'm sitting here typing and sipping on an IPA.  Life is grand.

what a winner of a day.
2012-12-19 7:53 PM
in reply to: #4539370

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society
Qua17 - 2012-12-18 6:59 AM

I got so emotional in my last post that I forgot to mention my workout...

I've got to say - it was a battle getting out of bed this morning.  And then, it was a battle to get out to the car... It was like that scene in Animal House where the girl passes out on the bed and the angel and devil argue it out as to what the kid should do... Devil: Go back to bed.  It's warm, you know you want to.  Angel: Now David, be a man and do the right thing.  Brutal.

Glad I pushed myself.  I got in 3 miles on the treadmill and did repeats  of 1 minute strides (ala our fearless leader) and 1 minute of recovery.  I increased the speed from 4 miles to 9mph and then back down again.  I got my heart rate up to 165 - so I was really pushing it.  Then I got in the pool and swam 600 at a leisurely 2:25... (which is an improvement over where I was last year at this time).

I'm still playing around with those yearly goals and I think the big one is going to be to improve my speed.  In HS, I ran a 2:07 800 and while I don't think I will ever be that fast again, I'd like to make it my mission to see if I could crank out a 6 minute mile again.  There is a part of me that would like to qualify for Boston because to me that has always been the true test of  speed and determination.  But that goal is years  in the future.  For now, I've been playing around with finishing times: running a 6 min mile, a sub 21 minute 5k, a sub 47 min. 10k, a sub 2:00 HM , a sub 4 hour marathon, a sub 2:45 Oly, and a sub 6:00 HIM.  To be honest, all of these numbers are just numbers I've been pulling out of the air to make myself feel good.  I've also be playing around with the idea of shoot for a 20% improvement in all of my times for the second year but there is nothing scientific about that number either...  The reason why I'm putting so much thought into this is that I want my goals to be not only achievable but to also have value.  The more I get a handle on the rational behind my goal, the most effort I will be willing to put into achiving them

Question - what are you all thinking about in terms of goals?  What advice do you have for me?

my goals have been primarily running centred and for the past 3 years have been almost entirely mileage based. So 2010 I wanted to average 70k a week, I missed it because I got a bit sick for the last two months but that was cool. 2011 I wanted 77k a week and I made it, something like 80k a week. This year I wanted 85k a week, and I am doing my darnedest to get there. I started my logs here in 2008 my only goal was to do an ironman. I can't remember what happened in 2009....oh yeah I had a kid, ha.

My personal opinion is with running you can make all the goals you want but the fact is that you need the time to build. I read for most people this is 4-6 years of consistant effort. Solid day in and day out stuff. For swimming, I mean that is just time in the pool and drills drills drills drills. For biking....I don't know.

So yeah, I say try to increase your time and distance next year. Increase your frequency in the pool. Hit some of the same races that you have done this year and try to improve. Seriously, this is not an over night thing.

If I were you I would be putting everything on that June half you have scheduled. Like everything. The whole thing. I like your idea of being fast and living your youth again, and that will come, but not by June, or even next year. You need to stay healthy. You pull a groan or twist a knee you are going to be done. You are too old to come back from that stuff. Hit the pool 3 times a week. Run as much as you feel you can safely and fill the rest of your time on the bike. That is pretty unscientific but until you are able to put 10+ hours a week consistantly any other goals probably won't help you. He77, you hit the pool and start running you will have a much better experience at your half in June. I don't think you will go too much faster, although you might, but it will feel so much better. I think, you probably could take 40 minutes off that time. I say that because I don't think you will be able to do the running to be faster. You want to go sub 6, you are going to have to start hitting (or able to at least) those 20+ km runs at least once and maybe twice a week, and you aren't there yet, and that is fine.

But you got to put the time in the pool and running. Otherwise you can make all the goals you want you aren't going to get there.

The thing I don't know is how your previous athletic accomplishments may help. You were obviously a bit of a stud in the day, 2:07 800, are you serious, wow. So I don't know, that might still be around and carry you a bit.
2012-12-19 9:56 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society

So, I've spent the last 13 months dropping weight and what did all my students give me?  Food!  And a lot of it.  I scored Lindt chocolates, brownies, fruit cake, chocolate covered graham crackers, and at least 3 dozen cookies.  I managed to give most of it away but I spent the majority of the day munching contentedly... There is a reason why people are fat - because chocolate tastes good.

So, I came home and downloaded my first sufferfest video... I enjoyed it.  A lot.  I won't say its gonna turn me into Lance Armstrong but it really motivated me to really push myself.  The video was 50 minutes long and I only made it through 35 minutes - so I guess I know what my goal for December will be...

Thanks DH for the thoughts about the yearly goals... I totally hear everything you are saying and I agree that I need to do everything in my power to keep myself healthy.  But I'm also compulsive by nature and I know that setting goals is the key to keeping myself motivated.  Last year - when I had something to focus on, I was really able to stick with the plan... So staying healthy is goal 1 and improving my speed needs to be goal 2.  Perhaps what I should do is to stick with the 10 percent rule and make it my mission to improve 10% in terms of my times but also miles completed throughout the course of the year.  So far, I've biked almost 2000 miles and I think biking 2200 miles would be attainable... 

BTW - Yesterday we had our anual beer swap, which works like a cookie swap but with tasty beverages.  I brought a case of Breckenridge Oatmeal stout and came home with about 20 different beers.  The first one I tried was Magic Hat's Heart of Darkness.  It was decent... not great.  Do you guys have Magic Hat out there?

2012-12-19 10:45 PM
in reply to: #4542216

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society
Qua17 - 2012-12-19 7:56 PM

So, I've spent the last 13 months dropping weight and what did all my students give me?  Food!  And a lot of it.  I scored Lindt chocolates, brownies, fruit cake, chocolate covered graham crackers, and at least 3 dozen cookies.  I managed to give most of it away but I spent the majority of the day munching contentedly... There is a reason why people are fat - because chocolate tastes good.

So, I came home and downloaded my first sufferfest video... I enjoyed it.  A lot.  I won't say its gonna turn me into Lance Armstrong but it really motivated me to really push myself.  The video was 50 minutes long and I only made it through 35 minutes - so I guess I know what my goal for December will be...

Thanks DH for the thoughts about the yearly goals... I totally hear everything you are saying and I agree that I need to do everything in my power to keep myself healthy.  But I'm also compulsive by nature and I know that setting goals is the key to keeping myself motivated.  Last year - when I had something to focus on, I was really able to stick with the plan... So staying healthy is goal 1 and improving my speed needs to be goal 2.  Perhaps what I should do is to stick with the 10 percent rule and make it my mission to improve 10% in terms of my times but also miles completed throughout the course of the year.  So far, I've biked almost 2000 miles and I think biking 2200 miles would be attainable... 

BTW - Yesterday we had our anual beer swap, which works like a cookie swap but with tasty beverages.  I brought a case of Breckenridge Oatmeal stout and came home with about 20 different beers.  The first one I tried was Magic Hat's Heart of Darkness.  It was decent... not great.  Do you guys have Magic Hat out there?

I've Never seen Magic Hat here on the Left.  How was the Holiday  Party.  Was the steak worth every bite and more. 

I feel like all the goals you set are atainable.  Not unreasonable.  You should chase them.  as always, be mindfull of what your body is telling you, and build a base slowly and slowly increase.  You got this.

2012-12-20 1:47 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society

Thanks Kevin!  The holiday party was great and the beef tenderloin was simply incredible.  I wanted seconds but had a beer instead!

Today the mentor thread opened up and I applied/posted.  I was the 9th person to start a thread so I've got to think I have a chance to actually do this thing.  I hope you all will join me f they decide to go live my the group.  Here's my bio:



GROUP FOCUS: This group is perfect for beer loving people looking to do their first Sprint or Olympic triathons in 2013.  Beer is a great motivator and I'm willing to use it to not only to motivate you but to hold you accountable as well. 

NAME: David or DQ

STORY: Last year, I was weighing in at a portly 270 pounds and knew I needed to find a way of becoming heathier and happier.  So, I started working out with the goal of dropping the weight.  It seemed to take forever, but with support from my mentor group and from the desire to drink good beer, I made steady progress and managed to make working out and eating well a way of life.  For me, its all about being happy and healthy and tri is the perfect way to do it.

FAMILY STATUS: I am blessed to be married to Heidi and during the last 15 years, we've had three kids 12, 10, and 3 (my youngest just got potty trained - merry Christmas to me!!!)

CURRENT TRAINING: I love swimming, biking and running and I usually do each element 2-3x per week.  I'm also trying out yoga with the hope of alleviating injuries (I struggle with plantar fasciitis, ITB, and bursitis).  

THIS YEAR'S RACES: In 2012, I trained for a sprint, an olympic (My mentor buddies used Coors Light to motivate me.  Finish over three hours and I'd have to drink warm Coors Light.  Using that as motivation, I managed to finish in 2 hours, 59 minutes, 59.8 seconds.  Phew!), a Century (finished at Harpoon Brewery - does it get any better), a half Iron Man (when they handed me a cold IPA after crossing the finish line, I actually teared up) and I finished off the year with a half marathon (and rewarded myself with a juicy burger and a couple Octoberfests). 

2013 RACES:  This year, my goal is to get faster.  So, I plan on doing a couple sprints, an olympic, 2 half iron mans and a marathon.  For each PR, I plan on trying a new tasty beverage.  (I've got a chocolate stout in the fridge as a reward for finishing a New Year's Day 10K

WEIGHT LOSS: Last year, I lost 96 pounds.  Who knew that you could drink beer and lose weight?  It's all about moderation.  My doctor just told me that I need to get down to 165, so I have about another 20 to lose.  Let's do it together!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: To be honest, I would not have been able to accomplish what I did in 2012 without the help of my awesome mentor (thanks DH) and fellow beer loving mentees.  I am so thankful, and I want to repay my debt by helping those who join this group to accomplish their goals.  I promise to check the forum everyday and I will do my best to answer your questions and cheer you on as you prepare for the 2013 tri season.  As a group, we will use beer to help motivate us to get healthier and happier and to put us in a good position to accomplish our goals and kick a little butt along the way.



2012-12-20 2:17 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society

Well done!

This will be a fun and exciting next chapter in your journey, and I'd love for you to save a few spots in the group for us.  Very exciting.

2012-12-20 2:27 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society

Sign me up!!

It has been a rough week...stumbling into 2013...can't seem to shake the sickness. Unlike Darren who is not human. I hate running in the cold, cold weather...last night with wind chill, -22F. Chilly for Christmas...

2012-12-20 3:22 PM
in reply to: #4543121

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society
Qua17 - 2012-12-20 1:47 PM

Thanks Kevin!  The holiday party was great and the beef tenderloin was simply incredible.  I wanted seconds but had a beer instead!

Today the mentor thread opened up and I applied/posted.  I was the 9th person to start a thread so I've got to think I have a chance to actually do this thing.  I hope you all will join me f they decide to go live my the group.  Here's my bio:



GROUP FOCUS: This group is perfect for beer loving people looking to do their first Sprint or Olympic triathons in 2013.  Beer is a great motivator and I'm willing to use it to not only to motivate you but to hold you accountable as well. 

NAME: David or DQ

STORY: Last year, I was weighing in at a portly 270 pounds and knew I needed to find a way of becoming heathier and happier.  So, I started working out with the goal of dropping the weight.  It seemed to take forever, but with support from my mentor group and from the desire to drink good beer, I made steady progress and managed to make working out and eating well a way of life.  For me, its all about being happy and healthy and tri is the perfect way to do it.

FAMILY STATUS: I am blessed to be married to Heidi and during the last 15 years, we've had three kids 12, 10, and 3 (my youngest just got potty trained - merry Christmas to me!!!)

CURRENT TRAINING: I love swimming, biking and running and I usually do each element 2-3x per week.  I'm also trying out yoga with the hope of alleviating injuries (I struggle with plantar fasciitis, ITB, and bursitis).  

THIS YEAR'S RACES: In 2012, I trained for a sprint, an olympic (My mentor buddies used Coors Light to motivate me.  Finish over three hours and I'd have to drink warm Coors Light.  Using that as motivation, I managed to finish in 2 hours, 59 minutes, 59.8 seconds.  Phew!), a Century (finished at Harpoon Brewery - does it get any better), a half Iron Man (when they handed me a cold IPA after crossing the finish line, I actually teared up) and I finished off the year with a half marathon (and rewarded myself with a juicy burger and a couple Octoberfests). 

2013 RACES:  This year, my goal is to get faster.  So, I plan on doing a couple sprints, an olympic, 2 half iron mans and a marathon.  For each PR, I plan on trying a new tasty beverage.  (I've got a chocolate stout in the fridge as a reward for finishing a New Year's Day 10K

WEIGHT LOSS: Last year, I lost 96 pounds.  Who knew that you could drink beer and lose weight?  It's all about moderation.  My doctor just told me that I need to get down to 165, so I have about another 20 to lose.  Let's do it together!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: To be honest, I would not have been able to accomplish what I did in 2012 without the help of my awesome mentor (thanks DH) and fellow beer loving mentees.  I am so thankful, and I want to repay my debt by helping those who join this group to accomplish their goals.  I promise to check the forum everyday and I will do my best to answer your questions and cheer you on as you prepare for the 2013 tri season.  As a group, we will use beer to help motivate us to get healthier and happier and to put us in a good position to accomplish our goals and kick a little butt along the way.




This is great...sorry at work and can't post more but I will tonight...can't wait to sign up for your group!

2012-12-20 3:22 PM
in reply to: #4543121

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society
Qua17 - 2012-12-20 1:47 PM

Thanks Kevin!  The holiday party was great and the beef tenderloin was simply incredible.  I wanted seconds but had a beer instead!

Today the mentor thread opened up and I applied/posted.  I was the 9th person to start a thread so I've got to think I have a chance to actually do this thing.  I hope you all will join me f they decide to go live my the group.  Here's my bio:



GROUP FOCUS: This group is perfect for beer loving people looking to do their first Sprint or Olympic triathons in 2013.  Beer is a great motivator and I'm willing to use it to not only to motivate you but to hold you accountable as well. 

NAME: David or DQ

STORY: Last year, I was weighing in at a portly 270 pounds and knew I needed to find a way of becoming heathier and happier.  So, I started working out with the goal of dropping the weight.  It seemed to take forever, but with support from my mentor group and from the desire to drink good beer, I made steady progress and managed to make working out and eating well a way of life.  For me, its all about being happy and healthy and tri is the perfect way to do it.

FAMILY STATUS: I am blessed to be married to Heidi and during the last 15 years, we've had three kids 12, 10, and 3 (my youngest just got potty trained - merry Christmas to me!!!)

CURRENT TRAINING: I love swimming, biking and running and I usually do each element 2-3x per week.  I'm also trying out yoga with the hope of alleviating injuries (I struggle with plantar fasciitis, ITB, and bursitis).  

THIS YEAR'S RACES: In 2012, I trained for a sprint, an olympic (My mentor buddies used Coors Light to motivate me.  Finish over three hours and I'd have to drink warm Coors Light.  Using that as motivation, I managed to finish in 2 hours, 59 minutes, 59.8 seconds.  Phew!), a Century (finished at Harpoon Brewery - does it get any better), a half Iron Man (when they handed me a cold IPA after crossing the finish line, I actually teared up) and I finished off the year with a half marathon (and rewarded myself with a juicy burger and a couple Octoberfests). 

2013 RACES:  This year, my goal is to get faster.  So, I plan on doing a couple sprints, an olympic, 2 half iron mans and a marathon.  For each PR, I plan on trying a new tasty beverage.  (I've got a chocolate stout in the fridge as a reward for finishing a New Year's Day 10K

WEIGHT LOSS: Last year, I lost 96 pounds.  Who knew that you could drink beer and lose weight?  It's all about moderation.  My doctor just told me that I need to get down to 165, so I have about another 20 to lose.  Let's do it together!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: To be honest, I would not have been able to accomplish what I did in 2012 without the help of my awesome mentor (thanks DH) and fellow beer loving mentees.  I am so thankful, and I want to repay my debt by helping those who join this group to accomplish their goals.  I promise to check the forum everyday and I will do my best to answer your questions and cheer you on as you prepare for the 2013 tri season.  As a group, we will use beer to help motivate us to get healthier and happier and to put us in a good position to accomplish our goals and kick a little butt along the way.




This is great...sorry at work and can't post more but I will tonight...can't wait to sign up for your group!

2012-12-20 8:32 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society

OK - First a post about the new group...  

So, I'm not sure how the process works and I don't know the criteria by which mentors/groups are chosen.  However, people are already joining groups in the staging area - even before they are choosen.  

If you've got the time and want to join the group - please feel free to sign up with an intro post.  Perhaps that will get us out of the staging area faster... We can continue to post here until we go live and I'll send you an email when that happens.

2012-12-20 9:00 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society

Post #1000!  Made it with 10 days to spare...

Had a good swim today.  I didn't have a ton of time and pushed it a bit.  Glad to see that I was averaging around 2:15 per 100 (I've been in the 2:20's.  Then I came home and got in a 4.5 mile long run before heading out to dinner with the fam.  Enjoyed two nice beers to celebrate - Harpoon Winter Warmer (decent) and Ten Penny Ale by a brewery out of CT called Old Ironside Brewing Co.  Finally - a scottish ale that wasn't too malty.  

On the way home, we drove around town looking at lights.  Nice is grand.

Everyone ready for Christmas?

2012-12-20 10:00 PM
in reply to: #4543624

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society
Qua17 - 2012-12-20 6:32 PM

OK - First a post about the new group...  

So, I'm not sure how the process works and I don't know the criteria by which mentors/groups are chosen.  However, people are already joining groups in the staging area - even before they are choosen.  

If you've got the time and want to join the group - please feel free to sign up with an intro post.  Perhaps that will get us out of the staging area faster... We can continue to post here until we go live and I'll send you an email when that happens.

I just posted over there.  Looking forward to a new year.  Merry Christmas to all and a Happy new year.  Enjoy yourselves, and get a few workouts in!

6.25 miler tomorrow, 8.25 miler this weekend.

2012-12-20 10:17 PM
in reply to: #4543216

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society
thor67 - 2012-12-20 1:27 PM

Sign me up!!

It has been a rough week...stumbling into 2013...can't seem to shake the sickness. Unlike Darren who is not human. I hate running in the cold, cold weather...last night with wind chill, -22F. Chilly for Christmas...

I am with you man. Can't wait to join up, I already got my bio ready but it is a little "in your face" so I am going to hold off until it goes live. But yeah, the weather, sucks balls, man. It is getting COLD down here. I think we are looking at a high of -FRIGGIN COLD for the next 7 days or so. Ha. Just keep it up. Get out there for a mile or two and you will be surprised how far you go.
2012-12-20 10:31 PM
in reply to: #4543624

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society
Qua17 - 2012-12-20 7:32 PM

OK - First a post about the new group...  

So, I'm not sure how the process works and I don't know the criteria by which mentors/groups are chosen.  However, people are already joining groups in the staging area - even before they are choosen.  

If you've got the time and want to join the group - please feel free to sign up with an intro post.  Perhaps that will get us out of the staging area faster... We can continue to post here until we go live and I'll send you an email when that happens.

I think they "go live" simply in order that people post the initial post. So looks like you are 6th or 8th or something. Don't worry. You are going to get tons of cats out there looking to to live the dream. My only real advice is don't cut it off too soon. Get to about 20 people if they show up. My past 2 groups I went to about 15, and the group I was in before that went about 15. People die out. Like fast. I was lucky this time with you a'll. you where awesome. You don't get that all the time. And you got 3 guaranteed so I think you can go to 20 pretty safely. Jus don't feel bad when people bail. What I tried to do when I got started is throw Inspires out to people every day or so. Like every day. That is all you can really do to keep people at it. And I will help too, I love sending inspires to newbies to keep them going. In the end though, for the most part, you are only going to get the people who want to be here. Which is cool.

Anyways, I got my intro ready, I was going to post it but no one really wants to see an oldie posting first but when you "go live" I will be there and ready to let this thread go to its just reward.
2012-12-21 9:38 AM
in reply to: #4541872

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society
kevinbe - 2012-12-19 3:31 PM

I got in a double today.  First day off for winter vacation and I went to the Y at 10:00 today.  I did a high intensity swim/spin cycle workout.  I gave my legs a rest from running.  I have a hockey game tonight, followed by day off tomorrow.  Friday is a 8.35 miler and a 6.25 miler Saturday or Sunday.

Funny story, I locked my keys in the car when I got to the house.  Fortunately, my padlock on my garage wasn't locked, and I wrigged a fishing pole up with some wire taped to the end.  Using a prybar, I pried the door open and hooked the keys out of the ignition.  Just as I'm pulling them through the opening, they slip and fall between the seat and the door.  Another 45 minutes, and a busted fishing rod later, I'm sitting here typing and sipping on an IPA.  Life is grand.


2012-12-21 9:46 AM
in reply to: #4543121

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society
Qua17 - 2012-12-20 1:47 PM

Thanks Kevin!  The holiday party was great and the beef tenderloin was simply incredible.  I wanted seconds but had a beer instead!

Today the mentor thread opened up and I applied/posted.  I was the 9th person to start a thread so I've got to think I have a chance to actually do this thing.  I hope you all will join me f they decide to go live my the group.  Here's my bio:



GROUP FOCUS: This group is perfect for beer loving people looking to do their first Sprint or Olympic triathons in 2013.  Beer is a great motivator and I'm willing to use it to not only to motivate you but to hold you accountable as well. 

NAME: David or DQ

STORY: Last year, I was weighing in at a portly 270 pounds and knew I needed to find a way of becoming heathier and happier.  So, I started working out with the goal of dropping the weight.  It seemed to take forever, but with support from my mentor group and from the desire to drink good beer, I made steady progress and managed to make working out and eating well a way of life.  For me, its all about being happy and healthy and tri is the perfect way to do it.

FAMILY STATUS: I am blessed to be married to Heidi and during the last 15 years, we've had three kids 12, 10, and 3 (my youngest just got potty trained - merry Christmas to me!!!)

CURRENT TRAINING: I love swimming, biking and running and I usually do each element 2-3x per week.  I'm also trying out yoga with the hope of alleviating injuries (I struggle with plantar fasciitis, ITB, and bursitis).  

THIS YEAR'S RACES: In 2012, I trained for a sprint, an olympic (My mentor buddies used Coors Light to motivate me.  Finish over three hours and I'd have to drink warm Coors Light.  Using that as motivation, I managed to finish in 2 hours, 59 minutes, 59.8 seconds.  Phew!), a Century (finished at Harpoon Brewery - does it get any better), a half Iron Man (when they handed me a cold IPA after crossing the finish line, I actually teared up) and I finished off the year with a half marathon (and rewarded myself with a juicy burger and a couple Octoberfests). 

2013 RACES:  This year, my goal is to get faster.  So, I plan on doing a couple sprints, an olympic, 2 half iron mans and a marathon.  For each PR, I plan on trying a new tasty beverage.  (I've got a chocolate stout in the fridge as a reward for finishing a New Year's Day 10K

WEIGHT LOSS: Last year, I lost 96 pounds.  Who knew that you could drink beer and lose weight?  It's all about moderation.  My doctor just told me that I need to get down to 165, so I have about another 20 to lose.  Let's do it together!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: To be honest, I would not have been able to accomplish what I did in 2012 without the help of my awesome mentor (thanks DH) and fellow beer loving mentees.  I am so thankful, and I want to repay my debt by helping those who join this group to accomplish their goals.  I promise to check the forum everyday and I will do my best to answer your questions and cheer you on as you prepare for the 2013 tri season.  As a group, we will use beer to help motivate us to get healthier and happier and to put us in a good position to accomplish our goals and kick a little butt along the way.



I can't find it!!!!! Heeelllllppppp!

2012-12-21 10:09 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society

Go to the becoming a mentor link just below the 2013 mentor program link.  Once there, go to either the top or bottom of page in the mentor staging link.  Our group is the Beer Drinker's appreciation society, and we're open. 

2012-12-21 8:54 PM
in reply to: #4544108

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society

Evening Folks - We are live!  Here's the link:

DH - I want to extend a personal invite to you.  You've been there for me for a year and I know I still have a lot to learn.  Hope you will join us!

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