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2013-06-06 11:58 AM
in reply to: jaykayjay

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Originally posted by jaykayjay Hilde - your experience tossing tots is a great endorsement for one of the following: 1) cross training; 2) proper lifting technique; 3) birth control; 4) hired clowns; or 5) all of the above!! I went for an early morning jog. I am still in the very light shuffle, jog stage to keep my guts from getting too tumbled, but it sure felt good to be outside, enjoying the morning air (I love the early light during summer) and getting my heart rate up. One thing I noticed was that with the slower jog, I never got too winded. I know the mantra, "run slower, run longer" but I continually beat my head against that. It seems that during training, I battle against training smart and my self-competitive nature (which has the result of sometimes being self-destructive). Today the proverbial light bulb went on - duh, run slower, maintain a steady heart rate, keep good running form, add up the minutes/miles. The other light that flickered was the possibility of longer running races. Being the eternal optimist (or crazy dreamer, as the case may be), my mind wandered to the possibility of a marathon distance. I have run many 1/2 marathons, but always thought I didn't have the time to train or the body type to run a marathon. Can you hear the wheels turning in my little brain?.....

I say: GO FOR IT!!!!!

2013-06-06 6:16 PM
in reply to: jaykayjay

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by jaykayjay
Today the proverbial light bulb went on - duh, run slower, maintain a steady heart rate, keep good running form, add up the minutes/miles. The other light that flickered was the possibility of longer running races. Being the eternal optimist (or crazy dreamer, as the case may be), my mind wandered to the possibility of a marathon distance. I have run many 1/2 marathons, but always thought I didn't have the time to train or the body type to run a marathon. Can you hear the wheels turning in my little brain?.....

body type? there's no specific body type for one to be a marathoner. there's only training and mind set. you can train for a marathon spread over a year. gradually up your long runs 10% max per week. you can do it.
2013-06-07 4:24 PM
in reply to: oldSAP

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Northern Ontario (near Lake Superior)
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Will did a simulated triathlon today. Not planned just felt like trying it out. I did have to drive from swimming location to the pavement so T1 time was pointless. I did try to take off the wet suit and put on the shoes and helmet and gloves in a timely manner to simulate doing this coming out of the water. T2 was 2:18 as I was able to jump off the bike and start the run. I did take on some water prior to the run as I only brought one bottle on the bike by mistake. We have actually have a nice sunny day here 25 C (77F). The inland lake was a great temperature and smooth as glass. Other than the abundance of pollen on top of the water it was great. I will be hitting up that lake multiple times before the July 1st (Canada Day) race. Should be fun and I will enjoy the beers and fireworks more when it's done. Later Beasties. Heading out the door as I have another fishing derby this weekend Walleye or Pickerel (depending on where your from) one day tournament. Two guys to a boat largest 6 fish total wins. Live release tournament. Most likely the last one I'll do for the year other than kids derby's .
2013-06-07 6:24 PM
in reply to: Jigger

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by Jigger

Will did a simulated triathlon today. Not planned just felt like trying it out. I did have to drive from swimming location to the pavement so T1 time was pointless. I did try to take off the wet suit and put on the shoes and helmet and gloves in a timely manner to simulate doing this coming out of the water. T2 was 2:18 as I was able to jump off the bike and start the run. I did take on some water prior to the run as I only brought one bottle on the bike by mistake. We have actually have a nice sunny day here 25 C (77F). The inland lake was a great temperature and smooth as glass. Other than the abundance of pollen on top of the water it was great. I will be hitting up that lake multiple times before the July 1st (Canada Day) race. Should be fun and I will enjoy the beers and fireworks more when it's done. Later Beasties. Heading out the door as I have another fishing derby this weekend Walleye or Pickerel (depending on where your from) one day tournament. Two guys to a boat largest 6 fish total wins. Live release tournament. Most likely the last one I'll do for the year other than kids derby's .

watch out fishies!
2013-06-08 8:02 AM
in reply to: oldSAP

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Cleveland area, OH
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
body type? there's no specific body type for one to be a marathoner. there's only training and mind set. you can train for a marathon spread over a year. gradually up your long runs 10% max per week. you can do it.


Good luck at the fishing derby this weekend Scott.

I'm looking forward to a weekend full of fun: training, stand-up paddle-boarding, graduation party and more training! Hoping the sun will show up at some point. It's been dreary and cold here in Ohio.

If anyone is interested, here's the link to my race photos from last weekend.

Figures the worst race of my life and they are the best race photos I've ever seen of myself!

Happy weekend Beasties!
2013-06-08 8:28 AM
in reply to: arquillo

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Aw dang, Michelle, your link took me to the photo page but wouldn't let me see anything?!  I guess you have to be logged in or something.  At least you got some good race day pics so it wasn't a total loss!!

Summer vacation has started for real!!  I slept in till 8 a.m., first time in I don't know how long, it was impossible while the grandkids were here... and it's kinda cool out, so need to hope into some running clothes and take advantage!!

2013-06-08 11:09 AM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
I had a horrible allergy day Thursday. I think it started after swimming Wed night. My eyes were itchy, crazy sneezing, blew through a box of Kleenex at work before lunch. Luckily my co-worker was at the main office. I used up all of his tissues. I've been hitting the benedryl. The generic zyrtec did not do the trick. I'm a bit drowsy from the meds, but feeling pretty good.

My swim today was pretty good. Too bad there is only 2 weeks left of Masters. I think it will restart in the fall, but 2 (out of 4) members have summer camp jobs that interfere. I guess I'll switch to an OWS that runs each Friday night. It's quite informal, just a bunch of triathletes (much faster than me at run and bike) that swim at a set time in a lake near me.
2013-06-08 4:23 PM
in reply to: rustymom

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Hey guys!  Just a quick fly-by while I'm updating my logs.  Had a good ride today over at the park although I had to keep the speed down - lots of people out today.  Feeling a little unmotivated since I've got nothing definite on the schedule for the summer or fall.  I'll be volunteering at a couple of tri's but not sure if I'll be doing any.  Still looking at one in Aug but we'll have to see how things shake out this summer.  I'll be back later to check up on everyone - gotta see about getting dinner started.  Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


2013-06-08 8:33 PM
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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Have a great time fishing Scott! The practice tri is a good idea and I will definitely be doing several before my next tri!!

Michelle- Stand-up paddle boarding sounds like fun!!! I cant see your pictures- can you post another link? 

Hilde- good for you getting to sleep in! I had the house to myself to day and loved it!!

Andrea- Hope you are feeling better. You are really lucky to have a group to swim with.

Janet- Glad you had a good ride. I road today and it felt so good just to ride for the sake of riding- but I understand what you mean by wanting motivation. You could look at it as a building time and try to break PRs by a date you set..

I have grandson #1 here spending the night with me watching a crazy movie & tomorrow going to see grandson #2. Smile


Edited by Meljoypip 2013-06-08 8:35 PM
2013-06-08 9:36 PM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Northern Ontario (near Lake Superior)
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Well back from the derby. Placed mid pack out of 65 boats. Not are best day but repectable. A lot of boats didn't even limit (6) out. Which we were lucky to do. Hot day on the water very little wind 26-28 C (77-80 f) lots of sunscreen. I pretty wiped. Planning a swim or run maybe do both tomorrow with my wife.
2013-06-09 5:02 PM
in reply to: Jigger

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Got rained out by a thunderstorm 3.5 miles into my 10 mile run today. I think I am going to move my long run to Thursday. After riding 50 and running 6 yesterday I had a helluva a hard time convincing myself to even get out the door today. It usually takes me till Wednesday to recover from the long efforts on the weekend when I brick on Saturday and long run on Sunday, so I'm gonna swap it around and see if that works better. Time in the saddle and on your feet are what matter when it comes to long course training. If I'm so wore out from the day before that I can't make it out the door, I'm shooting myself in the foot, training wise. My goal for Ironman Louisville is to finish in 15 hours or less, on my feet and with no need for medical attention. AND to have fun during the journey that gets me there. My partner, who is an extremely smart woman, noticed I wasn't happy to get on my bike yesterday. I am usually like a kid ditching school anytime I get to ride. Time to take a step back and enjoy the journey and stop focusing on the outcome so much! Rant over! Hope everyone is enjoying a Beastly weekend!!!

2013-06-09 5:08 PM
in reply to: shadow67

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Sahd- I don't have any experience as far as  long course- but what you said makes perfect sense to me-

More rest time between the long brick (50 mile bike +6 mile run is AWESOME! BTW) sounds very sensible-

and YES- you should be enjoying this!!

2013-06-09 7:57 PM
in reply to: Meljoypip


Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

2013-06-10 7:42 AM
in reply to: jackflash

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Hi everyone.  We have finally finished working on our house getting it ready for renters.  Both of us are whooped.  We will see how the summer goes.  So far the 1st renter hasn't called about anything so I take that as a good sign.

My training plan for September's Nation's Tri starts today.  I am hoping to get a good swim in and get back on track.

Yesterday started taking an old bike apart to get it ready for my daughter.  She is going IronGirl Columbia with me but doesn't have a bike.  We have opted to clean up an old bike rather than purchase a new one (no use in getting a nice bike if it is not ridden in the future!).  I am kind of excited about taking apart a bike and putting it back together.  Will help me learn all lot!

Sounds like everyone is doing pretty good!

2013-06-10 8:21 AM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Hey Melanie-

Glad you guys got the house ready. A rental can be a great source of extra income but can be a lot of extra work too. Our renters moved out this month so we have some cleaning up to do and then 1000 calls to weed through when we put it up for rent again.

That is a great idea about the bike for your daughter. My son )15) wants to get into tri and I am trying to figure out how to deal with the bike situation when I am still working on mine.

2013-06-10 8:22 AM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Reposting this pic for Dee (our resident soccer star!)


So Dee?  Which one is you??  And is that a WINNING photo as in you won the whole thing???


Sounds like Scott had a fun day fishing over the weekend, and yea for Melanie getting her rental property ready and back to training!  I had intended to go for a swim this morning, I even have my suit on, but I've been playing chauffeur for my daughter since her car wonked out over the weekend and is in the shop.  It was NOT my idea of summer vacation to be getting up at 5:30 on the first Monday!  So I finally got her and the boys dropped off where they need to be and I was right around the corner from the house and knew hubby had an early morning meeting so I gots the house to myself!!  Have some chores to get done... I'm altering a few shirts for my son, he has to wear long sleeved polo shirts to cover his tattooed arms, and the sleeve keeps falling over his nub, so I'm shortening that sleeve by about 6 inches.  I did one as a prototype yesterday and he says it's great, so I have 2 more to do...  gotta get that done this morning and then go over to the car registration place and pick up a new registration, pick up daughter for lunch and drop her back off, then run the shirts to my son 30 miles away and make a bank deposit, blah blah blah.  Bike ride for sure tomorrow, I have a cycle date!

2013-06-10 10:14 AM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Sounds like everyone had a great weekend-- hurray! Scott, I'm feeling a tad nostalgic at the idea of a Canada Day race with fireworks after (I'm from Waterloo, Ont, currently working in the States)-- hope you have a grand time! Sorry to hear of the chauffeur duties on the first day of summer, Hilde, but HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SUMMER VACATION!! Rest day for me here, though plenty of stuff to get done in the meantime. Hope everyone's weeks start in an appropriately Beastly fashion!
2013-06-10 11:59 AM
in reply to: wrkinprogress

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Miles City, Montana
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Great weekend work, Beasties! I love the fact that most of you take the weekend to work in bricks or longer times. I spent my weekend outdoors which always feels like success. I walked a lot, picked up a ton of rocks in my "yard", chased kids and generally enjoyed summer. I am still posting in my logs whenever I do something that gets my heart rate up, but geez it feels puny next to all your heroic efforts. Great work!
2013-06-10 7:19 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
We spent mid-day and much of the afternoon Sunday at a road race. My husband's band was one of the bands providing music along the 7 mile route. It was good for our son to see/hear the band as I can't really take him to the occasional bar or wedding that they play at. The weather was nice for watching a race. Maybe mid-70s mostly sunny with a nice little breeze.

It was maybe a bit warm for the racers. The runners were impressive. It's mesmerizing to watch over 1000 runners go past as you stand on the side lines. We were at around mile 1 and mile 6 as the course went out and around and back past us. The winner ran the 7+ miles at around 4:50/mile pace! Crazy!

Edited by rustymom 2013-06-10 7:19 PM
2013-06-10 10:49 PM
in reply to: Meljoypip


Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
I haven't been on the forum as much as I should do to a hectic schedule, I will catch up on all the posts soon. Now that my main soccer season is over I can rest for a couple of days before picking up my Tri training again. Hope everyone is doing well and thanks for all the support. I love my beastie family. We finished undefeated at 14-0-5



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2013-06-11 6:22 AM
in reply to: jackflash

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Cleveland area, OH
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Melanie & Melody - good luck to you both on the rentals. That whole enterprise seems to be hit or miss. Fingers crossed that you will both have good renters!

Dee - congrats on the undefeated soccer season - that's awesome!

Andrea - Very cool that your husband played at the race. I always love the races that have bands on the course.

It seems I can't get the direct link to my race photos on here, so you should be able to go here and enter my name (Arquillo) to see my photos :

I'm so excited for my first tri of the season (this Sunday), that I've already started packing my race bag.

2013-06-11 7:18 AM
in reply to: arquillo

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

I got in a very good swim yesterday and actually met the time goal on my plan (40 minutes).  I am using whatever the 'short' workout is on Sara McLarty's Masters site for swim workouts.  I find following a workout is so much better than what I was doing.  At least from the perspective of making the session interesting and more challenging.

2013-06-11 8:19 AM
in reply to: 0

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Originally posted by arquillo Melanie & Melody - good luck to you both on the rentals. That whole enterprise seems to be hit or miss. Fingers crossed that you will both have good renters! Dee - congrats on the undefeated soccer season - that's awesome! Andrea - Very cool that your husband played at the race. I always love the races that have bands on the course. It seems I can't get the direct link to my race photos on here, so you should be able to go here and enter my name (Arquillo) to see my photos : I'm so excited for my first tri of the season (this Sunday), that I've already started packing my race bag.

Andrea- The band at the race sounded like great fun! I love to watch races and cheer the participants on!

Michelle- Great pictures!!! Is #482_ your husband? I also thought the third one from the top left was a great shot. 

Renting DEFINITELY has a downside. Just found out the air-conditioner might have went out....But I think Melanie's is a vacation rental which his probably totally different. Also, we live an hour or two away from the home so it is harder to deal with.

Melanie: Swim practice sounds great- this is EXACTLY what I need to do since my butt has not been in the water since my race 10 days ago!! I will be checking out this link and one Hilde showed me with swim drills if it is not the same.

Woke up with a big 'pinch' in my back, is killing me. Think 'kink in neck' except lower on my shoulder blade... will be hitting chiropractor later today if it does not go away...

Edited by Meljoypip 2013-06-11 8:20 AM
2013-06-11 2:12 PM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Miles City, Montana
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Melody - I am a fan of rolling around on top of a small ball - one a little bigger than a tennis ball - although I have used a plain tennis ball too. That seems to work out most of my "kinks" before I resort to the chiropractor. I have to breath deep and roll over a couple times, but it sure works things out.
2013-06-12 6:26 AM
in reply to: jaykayjay

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Cleveland area, OH
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by jaykayjay

Melody - I am a fan of rolling around on top of a small ball - one a little bigger than a tennis ball - although I have used a plain tennis ball too. That seems to work out most of my "kinks" before I resort to the chiropractor. I have to breath deep and roll over a couple times, but it sure works things out.

A lacrosse ball works wonders too! I went to a running clinic with a PT session at the end and they gave us each a lacrosse ball. If you stand with your back against a wall and put the ball in between your back and the wall and roll it around, it's feels sooooo good even if you don't have sore muscles!

Melody - That is my boyfriend in the pic. You'd never know it from the uncomfortable look on his face, but that picture was his idea!
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