General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2014-07-28 9:14 AM
in reply to: thedallasceliac

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
How did everyone's training go this past weekend?

I had a really great 100 mi/2 mi brick on Saturday and a 2.4mi swim yesterday. Today was supposed to be my longest run (3hrs) but I slept really poorly last night so I moved it to tomorrow morning.

Legs are feeling pretty good, but my upper back has been really bothering me (on and off) for the last 2 weeks. Going to make a chiro appointment and see if that helps. Alleve knocks out the pain but I would rather not be taking it.

2014-07-28 10:37 AM
in reply to: thedallasceliac

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Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Saturday I did a 9 mile run through the Baltimore Harbor while my wife was having brunch with some friends. Could have gone farther but I needed to get back so I had a ride home

Sunday- Plan was a 100mile bike/2 mile brick run. Did the first 53 mile (2500ft) and finished in 3:30ish. While out on the ride, my buddy and I met up with a girl and her mom who were training for IMKY. Rode with them the whole way and at the halfway mark, all of us decided to do the 33 mile loop instead of the 50 again. It was very hot (92 degree, 70% humidity) and the race only had 1 aid station at the 28 mile mark and with the heat, we were all just dying and mentally drained. Last 33 miles there were no aid stations and we all ran out of water with 15 miles to go (not fun!) Once we got back, we were so dehydrated that we scratched the run. As much as I wanted to hit that 100 mile mark, I feel fine with going 86. I know that my legs felt fine, just dehydrated as all get out.

Planning on another long ride next weekend.
2014-07-28 10:47 AM
in reply to: dmbfan4life20

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Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Anyone know when the Athlete Guide will be posted?
2014-07-28 11:32 AM
in reply to: dmbfan4life20

Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by dmbfan4life20

Anyone know when the Athlete Guide will be posted?

no idea - we're all waiting.
2014-07-28 11:38 AM
in reply to: dmbfan4life20

Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by dmbfan4life20

Saturday I did a 9 mile run through the Baltimore Harbor while my wife was having brunch with some friends. Could have gone farther but I needed to get back so I had a ride home

Sunday- Plan was a 100mile bike/2 mile brick run. Did the first 53 mile (2500ft) and finished in 3:30ish. While out on the ride, my buddy and I met up with a girl and her mom who were training for IMKY. Rode with them the whole way and at the halfway mark, all of us decided to do the 33 mile loop instead of the 50 again. It was very hot (92 degree, 70% humidity) and the race only had 1 aid station at the 28 mile mark and with the heat, we were all just dying and mentally drained. Last 33 miles there were no aid stations and we all ran out of water with 15 miles to go (not fun!) Once we got back, we were so dehydrated that we scratched the run. As much as I wanted to hit that 100 mile mark, I feel fine with going 86. I know that my legs felt fine, just dehydrated as all get out.

Planning on another long ride next weekend.

Matt - good job.

For me, Saturday was a 90 mile ride with emphasis on hills. My legs were really tired by the end. I have to find another source of water on my route too, but overall it was a good ride. My stomach is really favoring honey stinger waffles these days vs. clif shot blocks, so that's good to know ahead of IMMT. I definitely feel an uptick in energy with the hsw's, so they'll take up a large portion of my bento box.

Ran 7.5 miles last night in humid conditions. Decent run, but not great. I don't think my dinner was optimal or even semi-optimal for a pre-run meal, but oh well. I know I can do better with better preparation, so no big deal.

See y'all soon!
2014-07-28 1:18 PM
in reply to: LarchmontTri

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
I got in a heads down aero ride on Saturday. Usually that's a hills ride day but we decided to just go long and ride flat so not too many hills on this ride but I got 90 miles in just under 5 hours. Followed that up with 3 hours on the trainer Sunday as the weather was iffy for the morning and I was too tired to get up early for the 6 am 3.5 hour outdoor ride I normally do. I followed the trainer session up with an hour run. For me a solid weekend of training and another solid week overall. This is it the last week of peak training and then I'll be heading into taper mode. I can't wait because I'm so tired of doing anymore training. I just wanna race.

I've been checking in as well on the updated participant list for the BIB#'s and the Athlete's guide. You'd think they'd have posted that already with us being only 3 weeks out. Hope they do it soon.

2014-07-28 2:00 PM
in reply to: thedallasceliac

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Red Deer, Alberta
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Did my final 100 mile hilly ride on Saturday; hills and cross winds, throw in some rain, but it's done. But I strained some ligaments in my left foot this week, and Sunday's planned long run was scrubbed - 3 miles in I was done. Coach and I have decided to scrub any runs necessary until my foot is better - race day is too close! One more 75 mile hilly ride on Saturday coming up - I can't believe we're less than 3 weeks away!
2014-07-29 7:16 AM
in reply to: lepfan72

Subject: ...
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2014-07-29 8:50 AM
in reply to: Fred D

Red Deer, Alberta
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
The top of my foot hurts - felt more like a bruise than anything, but after a week of it getting worse I went for X-rays to rule out a stress fracture. X-rays came back clean, it's just a strain. I'm going to physio 2-3x a week for the next 2 weeks, and treating it with ice and a prescribed anti-inflammatory. I'll try running a short 3 easy tomorrow, but no more hills or hard running until race day! Good thing is, normal use in sandals or flip flops doesn't hurt - just wearing shoes with closed tops. If I loosen my laces a lot, I can walk comfortably in running shoes - I just worry if I run that way I'll get blisters.

We shall see, but I'm not worried about losing fitness at this point - just want to get to race day reasonably healthy.
2014-07-29 8:57 AM
in reply to: lepfan72

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2014-07-29 9:31 AM
in reply to: Fred D

Red Deer, Alberta
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Hmmmm - I did wonder if that might be a factor. My last two long rides, I've gotten off the bike with a rub mark on my foot - but no pain. I have a massage scheduled with my regular therapist for Thursday, I'll have her do some work on my foot and see if it helps. She always makes me hurt so good!

Thanks for the advice!

2014-07-29 9:34 AM
in reply to: LarchmontTri

Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by LarchmontTri

Originally posted by dmbfan4life20

Anyone know when the Athlete Guide will be posted?

no idea - we're all waiting.

I checked today. Still no dice!
2014-07-29 9:41 AM
in reply to: lepfan72

Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by lepfan72

The top of my foot hurts - felt more like a bruise than anything, but after a week of it getting worse I went for X-rays to rule out a stress fracture. X-rays came back clean, it's just a strain. I'm going to physio 2-3x a week for the next 2 weeks, and treating it with ice and a prescribed anti-inflammatory. I'll try running a short 3 easy tomorrow, but no more hills or hard running until race day! Good thing is, normal use in sandals or flip flops doesn't hurt - just wearing shoes with closed tops. If I loosen my laces a lot, I can walk comfortably in running shoes - I just worry if I run that way I'll get blisters.

We shall see, but I'm not worried about losing fitness at this point - just want to get to race day reasonably healthy.

Wow - I hope that foot feet better soon! It sounds like you are throwing the kitchen sink at it!
2014-07-29 8:11 PM
in reply to: Fred D

Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by Fred D

Originally posted by ImSore I've been doing my long rides on Wednesdays, so I will be doing 100 mi 2.5 weeks out, I have 125 mi planned for tomorrow. I'll be doing my l last 18-20 mile run this weekend, then 15-16 mi the weekend after, then my real taper begins. I'll be doing a 3 week run taper. I'm going to drop my run volume about 20% next week. I'll be doing roughly a 2 week bike taper, though next week my volume will be down about 10% from this week. I'll be swimming hard up until the last week. I'll try to keep the intensity up in all disciplines up to the last week, then besides a few threshold miles thrown into my runs, some strides, and maybe a few quick/hard intervals on the bike, I'll be taking it pretty easy that last week. Glad you've bounced back, just have to keep that bounce going a few more days.

You have maintained an excellent run volume from what I can tell. This will serve you well on race day I suspect. My run has been very consistent, however I am no where near the 50 miles a week you are reaching. Very impressed!


Not sure if it was the smartest approach to this particular race, I probably would have benefited more from more focus on the swim. If I would have backed off by 10 mpw or so, I could have had time for an extra swim session per week, and more energy to swim harder period. The swim is my weakest discipline.

I wanted to have a solid fall marathon though, and wanted to have some good consistent mileage under my belt so I can do more focused training after the IM, and not be as concerned with base and build.

I hope you are right though, and that I can run to my potential. I guess I'll find out soon enough.
2014-07-29 8:30 PM
in reply to: thedallasceliac

Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread

Good week of training last week. Left knee is acting up a bit, but I am starting my run taper this week so hopefully it will work itself out.

Got another 50+ mile week in running, and capped it with a scenic 17.5 mile run through NYC this weekend. I started at One World Trade Center, ran along the Hudson river, across through Columbus Circle, did a loop around central park with all the Sunday runners and ran back down to lower Manhattan along the river. Ran a lot faster then I would have at home, all the runners around had me cruising comfortably at a 7:30 pace, and my last 4 - 5 miles I finished up at just about 7 min/mi flat.

I also got a solid 125 mile ride in, had 7800 ft of elevation and it was 90+ degrees.

I didn't swim as much as I would have liked (as usual), got 10k yards in total, but had a good workout where I did 30 x 100 yd on 1:55. I finished most repeats just under 1:40. I'm going to do the same workout this week, but shoot for repeats on 1:50.

I am also tired of all the volume, I am ready to race.
2014-07-30 6:15 AM
in reply to: Fred D

Extreme Veteran
Canton, MI. via Detroit
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
The starting line is calling
There can be no stalling
No crawling nor bawling
No mothballing

Swimmin’ with a wetsuit makin’ fishies play scatter
They should be used to it by now I don't even splatter
Talkin’ 'bout fishes… huh
No problem in my gray matter

Let me reminisce
They call it a runners high
Something's amiss
I gave up some life for this

Permission admission condition
Hydration nutrition digestion
Position technician mission
Ambition tactician friction

The starting line is calling
There can be no stalling
No crawling nor bawling
No mothballing

Are you scared?

Starting with a cannon
And I’m in it for the finish
I said it’s FOR THE FINISH
The finish
The finish
Never diminish
I’m in it for the finish


2014-07-30 7:15 AM
in reply to: ImSore

Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by ImSore

Good week of training last week. Left knee is acting up a bit, but I am starting my run taper this week so hopefully it will work itself out.

Got another 50+ mile week in running, and capped it with a scenic 17.5 mile run through NYC this weekend. I started at One World Trade Center, ran along the Hudson river, across through Columbus Circle, did a loop around central park with all the Sunday runners and ran back down to lower Manhattan along the river. Ran a lot faster then I would have at home, all the runners around had me cruising comfortably at a 7:30 pace, and my last 4 - 5 miles I finished up at just about 7 min/mi flat.

I also got a solid 125 mile ride in, had 7800 ft of elevation and it was 90+ degrees.

I didn't swim as much as I would have liked (as usual), got 10k yards in total, but had a good workout where I did 30 x 100 yd on 1:55. I finished most repeats just under 1:40. I'm going to do the same workout this week, but shoot for repeats on 1:50.

I am also tired of all the volume, I am ready to race.

I'm excited to see you crush the course! Looks like you've put in really solid, consistent training!
2014-07-30 7:19 AM
in reply to: thedallasceliac

Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
We should post up what we're planning on wearing on race day so we can cheer each other on as we see each other on the course. I don't know another soul doing IMMT this year, so it will be a lift to see you all out there. I saw some of my BT buds at IM CdA on the course and it was super fun.

I'm wearing a white/red/black Road ID tri top and black shorts. On the run, my running shoes are salmon/yellow (yeah... not much you can color coordinate with those!) and I'll have on my tri club visor, which is red and says "Cambridge" (although I doubt anyone will be close enough to read it).
2014-07-30 8:25 AM
in reply to: Qua17

Red Deer, Alberta
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Everything but the kitchen sink, I think!

My physio does not think it's bike related (thank goodness!); she is a runner herself, and sees this as an impact injury - apparently I should look into orthotics after the race as I have flat feet.

We did acupuncture yesterday, and it's feeling OK today - we'll see how my easy 3 go tonight.

As for seeing each other on the course - great idea! For the bike I'll be wearing a white/purple/green Pearl Izumi cycling jersey, riding a purple Speed Concept. I'm changing for the run - time isn't a factor for me, comfort is. I'll be wearing a black running skirt and probably another purple cycling jersey.

See you all out there - just over 2 weeks now!
2014-07-30 9:16 AM
in reply to: thedallasceliac

Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by thedallasceliac

We should post up what we're planning on wearing on race day so we can cheer each other on as we see each other on the course. I don't know another soul doing IMMT this year, so it will be a lift to see you all out there. I saw some of my BT buds at IM CdA on the course and it was super fun.

I'm wearing a white/red/black Road ID tri top and black shorts. On the run, my running shoes are salmon/yellow (yeah... not much you can color coordinate with those!) and I'll have on my tri club visor, which is red and says "Cambridge" (although I doubt anyone will be close enough to read it).

For the bike I will be wearing a blue "Police Unity Tour" bike jersey and if its cold or raining, same color "Police Unity Tour" bike jacket. For the run, White running shorts with a light blue tech tee "Harford Multi-Sport" which is my Tri Club. I will also have neon orange Brooks Transcends on for the run.
2014-07-30 12:34 PM
in reply to: Fred D


Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Does anybody else think it's frustrating that they haven't posted the athlete guide? I understand that they tend to be similar from event to event, but I would really like to have the athlete guide for the event that we're doing specifically.

2014-07-30 1:01 PM
in reply to: kalindsey

Extreme Veteran
Canton, MI. via Detroit
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by kalindsey

Does anybody else think it's frustrating that they haven't posted the athlete guide? I understand that they tend to be similar from event to event, but I would really like to have the athlete guide for the event that we're doing specifically.

I have been giving them a hard time about it on their facebook page
2014-07-30 1:24 PM
in reply to: Detroit Dan

Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by Detroit Dan

Originally posted by kalindsey

Does anybody else think it's frustrating that they haven't posted the athlete guide? I understand that they tend to be similar from event to event, but I would really like to have the athlete guide for the event that we're doing specifically.

I have been giving them a hard time about it on their facebook page

I don't blame you maybe we all need to do that. They should have had it up there like a week ago. I don't know what they are waiting for.
2014-07-30 4:19 PM
in reply to: strikyr


Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
I emailed them a couple days ago about the athlete guide. They told me it would be on this Thursday.

2014-07-30 4:26 PM
in reply to: bknoyou


Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
I've enjoyed reading the posts on this site. Thank you for the information.

I have to admit after seeing the mileage people are putting up I am questioning my training strategy.

Basically 10-12 hrs per week for the past 4 months.

Longest swim so far 3100m, longest bike 70miles, longest run 17 miles.

That being said I just did a 70.3 in just over 5 hrs a couple weeks back. This is the fifth I've done and I typically only train 7-8 hrs per week for these.

So if you see a guy walking the marathon wearing a black tri suit with a Gator drinking a beer on it, that's me, and yes I'll have beer post race.

See you there!

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