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2014-01-31 2:20 AM
in reply to: mtrunner6

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)

Hi Helen, looks like you are doing all the right things, one thing I would look at doing is cycling your carbs, ie take in more carbs on the days you train hard and less on the active rest or rest days. It'll keep stimulating your metabolism by keeping your body guessing, some strength work will do the same, the more lean muscle you have the faster your metabolism and the more fat you'll burn during training and during rest. Just my two cents. When I was competing in Taekwondo about 8 years ago, I was a similar size to you, 5ft 3in and 114lbs, or 160cm and 52 kgs in my language. I had to manage my weight to keep within my weight division, now however, I want to get down to that again to be faster on the bike and run, but it depends on how the medication I take will affect my weight loss. I gained a LOT of weight over winter and got up to around 93kgs, I'm back down to 84 now, but would still like to lose the rest, however I'll settle for being around 55kgs, I have found clean food and staying away from processed stuff has helped me enormously.

Originally posted by mtrunner6

Happy Thursday to everyone! Hope everyone is having a grand week of training. Alright so here is a "typical" day of eating for me. I realize that you all aren't nutritionists (although I guess I am not aware of your professions, so I'll just assume there aren't any R.Ds in here) I am just looking for advice on adjusting my diet, substitutions etc. as I mentioned earlier this week. Breakfast: 1/2c oatmeal w/ banana and 2TB peanut butter and 1/2c greek yogurt; a.m. snack: trail mix ( 1/4c walnuts, 2TB chocolate chips, 3TB dried cherries); Lunch: 1/2c bulgar w/ 2TB hummus, (2) carrots,1 apple, 1/2 sandwich (1 slice bread with 1TB peanut butter and 1tb honey); p.m. snack nature valley granola bar; Dinner: 1c brown rice w/ 1c mixed vegetables, 1/2c black beans, 2TB shredded cheese; p.m snack(s) 1c spring mix w/ 1/4c cottage cheese, 1c mixed veggies w/2TB shredded cheese, (6) squares dark chocolate Not to get too personal but, I should mention I am 5'3," weigh 118 pounds and am currently training about 18 hours a week (4 swim, 4 bike, 4 run workouts/ week), also I am a vegetarian. Be gentle,I just put my weight up for all to see! But seriously any and all advice helps, thanks! Helen

2014-01-31 6:37 AM
in reply to: gdelamora

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Awesome swimming Gil - congrats, that is fantastic. Make sure you restrain from any significant increases soon so you can make sure that Achilles will get better.


Originally posted by gdelamora

Hello team,

Had a great swim this evening with the masters swim team. I have been working hard at trying to reach the 3000 yds. distance and I finally did that tonight. It's a milestone for me because the swim has always been a challenge. I have a lot of work to still because I'm still the slowest guy on the team. It's not that important to me to be the fastest but I would like to keep up with the workouts.

So far I have had a pretty good month. I've managed to keep my training up around 6 hours a week and my Achilles is doing well. hardly no pain. I've had some runs were I don't feel any pain so this is a great sign for the future.

The weather is still pretty crummy here so more indoor workouts for me. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

2014-01-31 6:39 AM
in reply to: murdock

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Post away murdock and if your wife won't go - do what I did sometimes, if the pool was not busy - ask the life guard to take a quick video for you.


Originally posted by murdock

Tim, earlier you said that Zone 3 is best described as junk miles, and IceMan, you state that you train in Zone 2 for endurance and Zone 4 to improve lactate threshold. My question is this: I'm doing a short run and a long run each week, so should I be doing my short run in Zone 4 and my long run in Zone 2? My long run usually ends up being in the low end of Zone 3. Should I slow down? I can maintain that pace for the duration of my long runs fairly easily. Thanks guys!
Also, I may be posting some swimming vids here soon if I can get my wife to go to the pool with me. I definitely need some critique!
2014-01-31 6:41 AM
in reply to: kcgolf

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Good Morning Team - have a great day, stay safe and healthy and eat whatever the hell you want on Super Bowl Sunday

Still waiting for those predictions?

2014-01-31 9:41 AM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Hi Team!

KC - anything over 3000 is way too much right now. Work on your fitness and speed. My A race is in Greenwood, thinking of doing another one in Sept but we will wait on that.

Gil - Congrats on hitting that 3000!

Helen - I wish I could eat like you! I try to eat healthy and some days I am good at it and others I fail miserably. And I know I am an emotional eater so I have to work on that.

I know we all have been hit with the frigid temps and have made training interesting. If you have to be inside try to make your workouts fun I know it is hard on a treadmill and trainer but try otherwise we will lose our minds. Oh wait...........some have already thought we have.

Simone - can you send us some of your heat to the states?

Superbowl predication - The Broncos!

Have a great weekend!
2014-01-31 9:49 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Originally posted by tmoran80

Murdock -You are on the right track but your short runs do not have to be all in Zone 4. You want to try and incorporate some interval work into the short runs by either tempo runs, short distance repeats, fartlek runs, etc... for your long runs try and stay in Zone 2 to build that endurance. If you do it correctly you should see your times decrease at the same HR effort. Let us know if you need some help with the interval workouts.

A good weekly running plan for me incorporates 3 key workouts - Easy/Recovery Run. Speed or Tempo and finally the LSD (Long Slow Distance)

Originally posted by murdock

Tim, earlier you said that Zone 3 is best described as junk miles, and IceMan, you state that you train in Zone 2 for endurance and Zone 4 to improve lactate threshold. My question is this: I'm doing a short run and a long run each week, so should I be doing my short run in Zone 4 and my long run in Zone 2? My long run usually ends up being in the low end of Zone 3. Should I slow down? I can maintain that pace for the duration of my long runs fairly easily. Thanks guys!
Also, I may be posting some swimming vids here soon if I can get my wife to go to the pool with me. I definitely need some critique!

Tim is right. When we say zone 4 we don't mean the entire run. You can do a quick 45 minutes with a 10 min dynamic warm-up and 30 minutes with # x 5 minutes at zone 4 and 5 mins recovery easy in between. Then work up to 4 X 5 mins. Or 3 X 7 mins, 3 X 10 minutes. You can and should vary the speed during your Zone 2 workouts too. It's easy to just do a few 30 second bursts hard or from a telephone pole to the next a few times. Also you can do negative splits so you are finishing faster than you started. It teaches the body to expect to finish strong. Track work is good too. 220 fast, 220 slow....repeat. 440 fast, 440 slow, repeat.

Tim's plan is great. One very easy short recovery run. One speed workout, one long slow distance run. I also believe in the value of hill repeats on the run and the bike. I do one hill repeat, one speed, one LSD, and if I skip anything it's the recovery run - or I just toss on 20 mins after my Saturday hard bike workout.

As always, form should be something we focus on.

The reason to avoid Zone 3, according to USAT and Friel, is that that is where we'd all end up if we weren't watching what we are doing and it is too easy to bring about the muscle adaptations we want and too hard so it requires more recovery time without the benefits. But don't worry too much if you slide up into that low end of zone 3. Depending on whose measure you use, you might be in zone 2 according tone system and zone 3 in another. It isn't exact. That website I gave you figures HR three or four ways, each giving a slightly different result. The proof overtime is, "Am I getting strong, faster and fitter?" For beginners, the faster isn't that critical yet. Lay down endurance base first for beginners. Speed will come.

2014-01-31 12:20 PM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
I predict that I will drink at least 6 beers, eat at least 3/4 of a bag of tortilla chips, consume way too much dip/sour cream and finally I will feel guilty for not working out at least twice maybe three times during the game.

Originally posted by kcgolf

Good Morning Team - have a great day, stay safe and healthy and eat whatever the hell you want on Super Bowl Sunday

Still waiting for those predictions?

2014-01-31 4:08 PM
in reply to: 0

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Kenmore, Washington
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Seakawks 27, Broncos 23

Lynch gets 1 TD and rushes for 130 yards
Sherman gets an interception in the first half
Seahawks shut down Broncos offense in the second half

Go Hawks!

EDIT: Just want to add that I do not hate the 49ers, despite what the media may lead you to believe. The teams and fans don't hate each other. The rivalry is there but the hate is fabricated by the media.

Edited by pnwdan 2014-01-31 11:47 PM
2014-01-31 6:04 PM
in reply to: pnwdan

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED

If the packers aren't playing, who cares?
2014-01-31 7:40 PM
in reply to: krazytallchick

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)

Kathy I would love too, it has been brutal again here this week. I just hope we don't get your winter when the seasons are reversed!

Originally posted by krazytallchick 

Simone - can you send us some of your heat to the states?

2014-01-31 9:43 PM
in reply to: #4942201

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Did anyone watch the Big Bang Theory last night and felt they were watching triathletes register for an Ironman race?

On a different note I just registered to volunteer for Chattanooga.

2014-01-31 9:53 PM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Heya all!

Sorry for the inactivity I have been busy with work; working out; and house projects.

In terms of the Z2 and Z3 run workout discussions, I have read many sides of both stories. I trained last year in a lot of zone 2 with some zone 4 workouts. I had modest returns. However, over the last three months, I have been following Dr. Maffetone's recommendation for 2 runs per week (long runs -60+ and mid-week 30 to 40 minutes). In these workouts, I run entirely fasted and run high zone 3..and try to keep it there. Top end of Zone 3, for me, is 145 BPM. I also do 1 or 2 speed/hill run workouts per week (30 minutes). I am seeing enoromous returns by doing this method. I can run my long runs on Sunday (70 minutes), in a fasted state and mainatin 8:15 minute compared to 9:30 minute miles only a two months ago. I am at my highest mileage ever (18 MPW). When I finish the long runs, I still feel like I have energy and have avoided the injury bug (knock on wood) that plagued me last year. Only time will tell, if this method gets me through my first half marathon and my first HIM.

In terms of eating habits, I stumbled upon this video: .She talks about mindfull eating...eating when your hungry; regonizing how your body reacts to food before, during, and after eating; and eating healthish! My problems is I have always tried to be too perfect with eating...this is sabotage for me. I only end up binge eating. I have been doing much better lately by eating when I am hungry (which can be 5 to 6 times a day) and eating generally good stuff. I am done 12 pounds on the new year and almost at my college weight.

I have revamped my swim stroke in the last couple weeks. I have implemented a strong catch and pull per the recommendations of some freinds and Swim Speed Secrets. I feel a much more powerfull catch and pull and my efficiency is better. The only problem is I engage my lats and shoulders more and fatigue much quicker. I have been doing strength training twice per week (per Sheila Taormina Swim Speed Secrets) to improve these muscles.

I have been running x4; biking x2; and swimming x2 per week. This will increase in the next couple weeks.

I will be finishing my HIM plan in the next week and will post it for any thoughts My plan officially will start first week of March!

Iceman, I really appreciate your thoughts on run and bike training! I am implementing your thoughts on the bike! I really need to improve my bike for next year.

Nate, I do all my training with a HR monitor. I get a good feel for how my body reacts to being fresh, tired, etc, and I can use the data to plan what level of effort is maintainable. I even use it on the bike (I dont have a power meter), but I learn, again, what level of effort is maintainable and what level is not.

Gil, Great job on the 3k mark!

Tim, Good luck on your surgery! I will be thinking about you!

Johh, Murdock, Darrin, and Anne, welcome to the group! Glad to have you! Hopefully, I didnt miss anyone

Seahawks 31 Broncos 28; more pizza and taco dip then one can imagine. I am throwing a Superbowl Party, so I need to make sure I get rid of leftovers

Looking forward,

2014-01-31 10:52 PM
in reply to: krazytallchick

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED

Just a bit of inspiration / motivation. I get choaked up every time I see this...

2014-02-01 8:05 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Thanks for sharing, Simone! I have no excuse for not going biking today
2014-02-01 11:02 AM
in reply to: #4920811

Downingtown , Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Good morning team. We finally had a little thaw today in PA. Supposed to hit 50 today. I was able to get a 7mi run outside for the first time in 2 weeks! Hope others have great workouts today.
2014-02-01 12:56 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
That is the best prediction I have ever seen.

Originally posted by tmoran80

I predict that I will drink at least 6 beers, eat at least 3/4 of a bag of tortilla chips, consume way too much dip/sour cream and finally I will feel guilty for not working out at least twice maybe three times during the game.

Originally posted by kcgolf

Good Morning Team - have a great day, stay safe and healthy and eat whatever the hell you want on Super Bowl Sunday

Still waiting for those predictions?


2014-02-01 12:58 PM
in reply to: krazytallchick

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
No I did not watch it - what was it about? Volunteered for Chattanooga - I know what that means - you are going to do it next year - NICE KTC

Originally posted by krazytallchick

Did anyone watch the Big Bang Theory last night and felt they were watching triathletes register for an Ironman race?

On a different note I just registered to volunteer for Chattanooga.
2014-02-01 1:08 PM
in reply to: ettringite23

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Hi Todd - thanks for checking in - sounds like you are working hard and doing all the right stuff. Loved the video - thanks and enjoy the Super Bowl Party.

Originally posted by ettringite23

Heya all!

Sorry for the inactivity I have been busy with work; working out; and house projects.

In terms of the Z2 and Z3 run workout discussions, I have read many sides of both stories. I trained last year in a lot of zone 2 with some zone 4 workouts. I had modest returns. However, over the last three months, I have been following Dr. Maffetone's recommendation for 2 runs per week (long runs -60+ and mid-week 30 to 40 minutes). In these workouts, I run entirely fasted and run high zone 3..and try to keep it there. Top end of Zone 3, for me, is 145 BPM. I also do 1 or 2 speed/hill run workouts per week (30 minutes). I am seeing enoromous returns by doing this method. I can run my long runs on Sunday (70 minutes), in a fasted state and mainatin 8:15 minute compared to 9:30 minute miles only a two months ago. I am at my highest mileage ever (18 MPW). When I finish the long runs, I still feel like I have energy and have avoided the injury bug (knock on wood) that plagued me last year. Only time will tell, if this method gets me through my first half marathon and my first HIM.

In terms of eating habits, I stumbled upon this video: .She talks about mindfull eating...eating when your hungry; regonizing how your body reacts to food before, during, and after eating; and eating healthish! My problems is I have always tried to be too perfect with eating...this is sabotage for me. I only end up binge eating. I have been doing much better lately by eating when I am hungry (which can be 5 to 6 times a day) and eating generally good stuff. I am done 12 pounds on the new year and almost at my college weight.

I have revamped my swim stroke in the last couple weeks. I have implemented a strong catch and pull per the recommendations of some freinds and Swim Speed Secrets. I feel a much more powerfull catch and pull and my efficiency is better. The only problem is I engage my lats and shoulders more and fatigue much quicker. I have been doing strength training twice per week (per Sheila Taormina Swim Speed Secrets) to improve these muscles.

I have been running x4; biking x2; and swimming x2 per week. This will increase in the next couple weeks.

I will be finishing my HIM plan in the next week and will post it for any thoughts My plan officially will start first week of March!

Iceman, I really appreciate your thoughts on run and bike training! I am implementing your thoughts on the bike! I really need to improve my bike for next year.

Nate, I do all my training with a HR monitor. I get a good feel for how my body reacts to being fresh, tired, etc, and I can use the data to plan what level of effort is maintainable. I even use it on the bike (I dont have a power meter), but I learn, again, what level of effort is maintainable and what level is not.

Gil, Great job on the 3k mark!

Tim, Good luck on your surgery! I will be thinking about you!

Johh, Murdock, Darrin, and Anne, welcome to the group! Glad to have you! Hopefully, I didnt miss anyone

Seahawks 31 Broncos 28; more pizza and taco dip then one can imagine. I am throwing a Superbowl Party, so I need to make sure I get rid of leftovers

Looking forward,

2014-02-01 1:15 PM
in reply to: IceManScott

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
What can I say - I am a Detroit Lions fan - so I don't have a lot to cheer for and have to live my football life through other teams

Originally posted by IceManScott

If the packers aren't playing, who cares?
2014-02-01 1:21 PM
in reply to: kcgolf

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Happy Saturday and Happy Weekend Team RFP.

Week 3 is in the books - finished it this morning. I crawled on the bike at 7 and fell off it 2hours and 50 minutes later. I only got off the bike twice - once to pee and once to apply come chamois butter It was a brutal ride - did not hit my plans mileage and my power sucked the only thing I can say about it is - I got it done = RFP.

On a lighter note - as I was riding I was flipping channels and came across a documentary on piranhas in the Amazon. Please remind me never to do a Tri in South America and what the hell was I thinking watching that? I am really looking forward to my first open water swim of the season - not

On tap for the rest of the day - more snow shovelling and perhaps a nap.

Have a great weekend everyone.

2014-02-01 3:23 PM
in reply to: #4942523

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Tough week. This was my operative week which usually means late days and a overnight on Friday. The snow shortened the gym hours onWednesday, Thursday, and friday so I was not able to workout.

Hit the gym post call this morning for a bike and a swim. Tried to work at a lower heart rate checking every half mile on the treadmill. Started at a comfortable 930 and finished at a more comfortable 1040. HR stayed between 160 and 170. Could not get it lower. Never felt short of breath my guess at rpe a 5 (I suck at grading subjective things). My time to hr less than 140 was about 40 secs into my walking recovery I'm typically at 75 to 90 sec. My have to invest in a monitor sooner.

Decided to try and push my fs further and started both my 400s with 125y fs. Felt ok.

Thanks for all the support, and advice.
Another swim and run tomorrow. Going to fall a bike and a lift short this week.


2014-02-01 6:43 PM
in reply to: #4942641

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Kenmore, Washington
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Hello Nate. Nice workout. If your gym has Precor equipment the cheap but awesome Omron HRM at will work. The equipment picks up the signal and shows it on the display, so you don't have to interrupt your workout to grab the sensors.

An HR of 160+ is interval territory. Do you know your resting and walking HR? A good way to estimate your base running HR is find the difference between resting and walking HR, and add that agsin to your walking HR.
2014-02-01 7:52 PM
in reply to: pnwdan

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
I do the majority of my training by HR. That said, I have recently been on medication that has made my HR crazy, so I'm just easing back into it again now. When I first started going by HR I was VERY frustrated by the slow pace, as I'm sure many of this group will remember haha. But, I also feel it helped me find speed eventually. I'm still slow, I'm just not as slow.

Training has been going well. I have decided to definitely do the REV 3 race in TN in May. It will be my first Oly! I have my first race of the year tomorrow - a 5K. I'm not expecting much, and I'm really just using it to see where I am.

2014-02-01 7:56 PM
in reply to: cheekymonkeys1

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Oh, I also got the swim video back from my coach. I seem to have an affinity for 'gliding' lol. Apparently, I have a good body position, but need to work on early vertical forearm and a stronger pull. Easy fixes that will speed me up in no time :-)
2014-02-01 8:32 PM
in reply to: #4942717

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Kenmore, Washington
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
I know not to judge to quickly when it comes to HR. My swim buddy hits 170bpm when I'm at 130.

When I started running and was 25% heavier I could not keep my HR below 150 no matter how slow I ran. Now I have days where 9 min/mile is in the 130's. In retrospect I should have taken more walking breaks to hit an average HR in the zone 2 area.

In other news, I'm running again! Did 4 miles at 9:30 and felt good. Still some weird stuff going on with my ankle. There were some hints of pain at the beginning but it went away when I adjusted my stride.
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2014-05-16 3:19 PM jackiep
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author : Team BT
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