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2008-02-03 6:22 PM
in reply to: #1192412

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!

atlrunnergirl - 2008-02-03 7:19 PM What a gorgeous day! I got out for a ride today and went the furthest I've ever gone - 30 miles. But man, the run after the bike? That pretty much sucked.  It was supposed to be 2 miles but I pretty much gave in halfway through and headed back (up a very steep hill, joy).  Did I mention how much it sucked?

Good for you!!!  Did you ride on the SCT?  I thought about sending you a message to see if you wanted to ride.

Bricks get better with time.  You didn't the right thing...1-2 miles of 10-20 minutes.  WIth time, you essentially training you muscles to react and engage.  Kudos to you for bricking today!

2008-02-03 7:37 PM
in reply to: #1089582

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!
(doesn't help that I am out of town)

Monday:  Core yoga/ 2000y swim
Tuesday:  Strength training/35' run/ core exercises
Wednesday:  Upper body weights (?)
Thursday:  85' run
Friday:  Off
Saturday:  20' run, possible lake swim
Sunday:  Mercedes Half Marathon
2008-02-03 7:48 PM
in reply to: #1089582

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!

Something to think about:

"Obstacles are the things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal." -- E. Joseph Cossman

Try to take some time and determine what obstacles are standing in your way right now.  Are you having trouble balancing work, life, training?  Are you masking some injury?  Are you skipping workouts? 

Now that it is February it is nearly go time.  Recall your goals and lets figure out what is needed to get everyone on track. 


For me, I need to let my body heal.  I don't know what I did but I have some major aches and pains.  This weekend was a good training weekend for me.  I have a race this weekend so that is the focus.  I am going to take about a week off afterwards, re-evaluate some things and hopefully jump into the deep end! 

2008-02-03 10:01 PM
in reply to: #1089582

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!
Hi everyone.  I have pneumonia   I haven't been able to do anything for what feels like forever. God knows when I'll be back onto a regular schedule as I have to take it easy for at least another week.  I am so frustrated beyond words at the moment. I had a 10K in 2 weeks which I've had to cancel due to being sick for so long.  It totally sucks!
2008-02-03 11:20 PM
in reply to: #1192482

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Extreme Veteran
Incline Village, NV
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!
ADollar79 - 2008-02-03 5:48 PM

Something to think about:

"Obstacles are the things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal." -- E. Joseph Cossman

Try to take some time and determine what obstacles are standing in your way right now.  Are you having trouble balancing work, life, training?  Are you masking some injury?  Are you skipping workouts? 

Heh, yes, yes and yes.  Grrr...hopefully next week will be better!

2008-02-04 8:11 AM
in reply to: #1192639

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!

ScotinSeattle - 2008-02-03 11:01 PM Hi everyone. I have pneumonia I haven't been able to do anything for what feels like forever. God knows when I'll be back onto a regular schedule as I have to take it easy for at least another week. I am so frustrated beyond words at the moment. I had a 10K in 2 weeks which I've had to cancel due to being sick for so long. It totally sucks!

Don't come in here spreading your germs

Hope you feel better!!!

2008-02-04 8:32 AM
in reply to: #1192639

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!

ScotinSeattle - 2008-02-03 10:01 PM Hi everyone. I have pneumonia I haven't been able to do anything for what feels like forever. God knows when I'll be back onto a regular schedule as I have to take it easy for at least another week. I am so frustrated beyond words at the moment. I had a 10K in 2 weeks which I've had to cancel due to being sick for so long. It totally sucks!

I hope you get better soon girl! I really have no excuse now, huh?


2008-02-04 8:37 AM
in reply to: #1192482

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!
ADollar79 - 2008-02-03 7:48 PM

Something to think about:

"Obstacles are the things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal." -- E. Joseph Cossman

Try to take some time and determine what obstacles are standing in your way right now. Are you having trouble balancing work, life, training? Are you masking some injury? Are you skipping workouts?

Now that it is February it is nearly go time. Recall your goals and lets figure out what is needed to get everyone on track.

This is good - I like that quote.  I'm dealing with some pain after long workouts - my body just isn't used to the bike yet and getting back into free weights has made me a little sore too.  I've got two more long runs (23 and 26) before my marathon in March (the rest of the runs on Saturdays are around 10).  I really want to get the most I can from those so that I feel like I'm ready.  This is such a hilly course, and I want to feel like I can tackle it. 

I'm changing up my schedule so that I can get in a guaranteed workout in the mornings. I don't really have any excuse since I have a fairly loose work schedule.   

My other obstacle?  I have had no will power when it comes to eating a clean diet.  About 2 years ago I lost 80 lbs.  And I had the drive to do it.  Now, I have about 30 to go and I can't get serious.  I have to start being accountable on that.

So, how's that for answer  


2008-02-04 8:40 AM
in reply to: #1192415

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!
ADollar79 - 2008-02-03 6:22 PM

Good for you!!! Did you ride on the SCT? I thought about sending you a message to see if you wanted to ride.

Yup - SCT - I met my tri club out there.  It was a good workout - ride out for an hour and back, so that we could go varying paces.  I was pleasantly surprised to see that I rode about what everyone else did.  And my speed is improving. 

I'll have to hook up with some of the GA folks on some rides, I really want to meet everyone.  

2008-02-04 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1089582

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work, road, bike, pool
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!
Sadurday - 4pm I got on my trainer as we (my 2 roomates) watched uncle Buck. After about 30 min i had to go to the bathrom ... got off the bike... went to the restroom... getting back on my bike. The house was dark now but for the light given off of my TV. as i cliped my right shoe in and tried to clip my leftit slid off and the right pushed down on the pedle and smoked my left ancle - swelling and bruzing to come wiht in 15 min. so i sttod there for a min regained my composure and cliped the left in first... then smack the right peddle smokes my right shin - bruzing and swelling to come with in 10 min...

Stood there for anouther min regained my self ( roomates laughing at me and pointing and calling me names) how are you going to be able to do a triathlon if you cant even get on a non moving bike.... so finaly got on my bike and rode 60min or of the scheduled 78... not such a good one.

BUT today is the first day of my training schedule... what a great way to start off the week 40 min of swimming
2008-02-04 10:04 AM
in reply to: #1193142

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!

Oh no!  I hope you are ok? Yikes - I have a fear of falling off my trainer. Hasn't happened yet....

Hooray for a fresh schedule! 

2008-02-04 10:07 AM
in reply to: #1089582

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Extreme Veteran
Incline Village, NV
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!
Ummm, knock on wood, Sarah and Dollar, I think you're the only two here that aren't sick or hurt!
2008-02-04 11:01 AM
in reply to: #1089582

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!

I always laugh when people hurt themselves on a trainer.  Those things are so evil!!!!


2008-02-04 11:32 AM
in reply to: #1089582

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Urbandale, IA
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!

OK - just got back from the doc and (drumroll .......)

I have the greenlight to go back to training.  I may run all that I like as long as I support the arm with a splint and I may bike all that I want - on a stationary bike and in the aero position (no weight on my wrist).  He put me in a removable splint and thinks I can probably do some kick drills in the water in about two weeks.  No real weight bearing work on the wrist for at least 4 weeks. 

Edited by jdwright56 2008-02-04 11:33 AM
2008-02-04 11:37 AM
in reply to: #1193428

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Extreme Veteran
Incline Village, NV
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!
Woo Hoo!  Welcome Back!
2008-02-04 5:22 PM
in reply to: #1193428

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!
jdwright56 - 2008-02-04 12:32 PM

OK - just got back from the doc and (drumroll .......)

I have the greenlight to go back to training.  I may run all that I like as long as I support the arm with a splint and I may bike all that I want - on a stationary bike and in the aero position (no weight on my wrist).  He put me in a removable splint and thinks I can probably do some kick drills in the water in about two weeks.  No real weight bearing work on the wrist for at least 4 weeks. 

That is AWESOME news!

Now, what you don't want to hear....BE PATIENT!!! 
Don't try to jump back into you plan.  Take is WAY down for a few works.  The endurance is there...just take your time ramping back up so that you don't agitate things. 

2008-02-05 12:28 PM
in reply to: #1089582

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work, road, bike, pool
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!
its nice to know that you can work out.. i dont know what i would do if i were not able to. I bet it made your day...

non tri related i lost my key code for Microsoft office and had to rest my laptop to factory settings .. so i lost all microsoft outlook, word, excell, etc. I used a trial version for 60 days and now my trial is up.

its for vista and no one i have talked to has key codes for this. my work is all on the old microsoft 2000.

Is there any one that would know some one that would have a key code.
2008-02-05 8:46 PM
in reply to: #1195450

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!

Ok, who gave me the flu?  I feel like crap.  Wah.  Here's hoping I wake up tomorrow and it was just a temporary thing. 

2008-02-06 12:19 AM
in reply to: #1196280

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!
atlrunnergirl - 2008-02-05 6:46 PM

Ok, who gave me the flu? I feel like crap. Wah. Here's hoping I wake up tomorrow and it was just a temporary thing.


I'm sorry you don't feel good!  I've just been there myself! Only now am I starting to feel better.  I managed to get 2 swims and 1 run in so far this week. Felt nice to be back up and moving! WOOT!


I hope you get better soon!!  Lots of chicken soup and rest.   

2008-02-06 8:09 AM
in reply to: #1089582

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Urbandale, IA
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!

Ok - lesson #1 learned last night.  I need more solid support on my arm for running at this point.  I was going to run for 15 minutes and I stopped after 5 because the constant jarring was killing me.  I think I said things that emberrassed the nice lady on the treadmill next to me.

I biked on Monday night and it was awesome.  No issues at all, save for the fact that the padding on the spin bikes at my gym in the aero position sucks and my elbows were getting sore.  I put a little foam cushion under them and it was fine.  30' was no problem, but I knew that would be the easiest for me.  I am going to see the PT today to get something more solid to support my arm while running. 

2008-02-06 9:10 AM
in reply to: #1196280

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!
atlrunnergirl - 2008-02-05 9:46 PM

Ok, who gave me the flu?  I feel like crap.  Wah.  Here's hoping I wake up tomorrow and it was just a temporary thing. 


Apparently it is making the rounds because it dropkicked me yesterday.  I am hoping to bounce back today. 

2008-02-07 9:03 AM
in reply to: #1089582

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work, road, bike, pool
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!
first week of Tri Training.... Im also on a simi diet... more or less just adding a meal of pasta and beef/chicken/shrimp....

First week of work outs looks like this

Mon - 40 Swim - Chest complete / LONG SWIM
Tues - 48 Bike - Back complete / SHORT BIKE
Wed - off - Legs complete
Thurs - 40 run - off or sholders / LONG RUN
Friday - 24 swim - Arms / SHORT SWIM
Sat - 80 Bike - sholders or off / LONG BIKE
Sun - 24 run - off / SHORT RUN

next week i am defentley going to change monday to legs and wed to chest. it was hard to lift after swimming. last year i would do my swimming on leg days and it was a great work out.
2008-02-07 10:59 AM
in reply to: #1089582

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!

I hope I haven't jinxed the team!!!  I am back to almost 100% but I really do feel your pain if you're ill. It sucks. I honestly felt like I was never going to be well again  So please get better soon! 

 I started the Olympic run focused plan today. I'm going to spin 48 mins then swim 24 which is eerie because that's what I was planning to do.   Don't know how I'm going to manage the bike when I'm in Scotland.  So that might be an issue but running and swimming is not. Phew. 

2008-02-07 2:39 PM
in reply to: #1199074

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work, road, bike, pool
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!
my watch band is about to break... and cant find a new on... the guy at the Local running store said that it woudl take about 2 months to get a new one... ill need one in the mean time ... do i go buy a new one and get this one fixed or what?
2008-02-07 6:45 PM
in reply to: #1089582

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: ADollar79's Group--closed and in the base building phase!
Could you replace it with one that's cheaper for the time being maybe? 
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