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2008-02-03 8:17 AM
in reply to: #1089758

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Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full


Thanks for the stretching/cool down info.  I will do those next time I swim.  Yesterday's class was so freaking awesome...I FINALLY nailed my breaststroke.  Like I could do it okay before...but she tweaked my timing with when my head entered the water during my pull and BLAM! I was gone down the pool easily.  I'm just really glad because I wanted to have it in my arsenal as a 2nd forward facing stroke that I was comfortable with and could do during a tri to catch my breath since I find it much less taxing than freestyle.   My lessons are over and I'm considering seeing how much it would cost for a few 1 on 1 sessions with an actual swim coach (versus the swim class teachers) to work on technique.

I have a nutrition question that I thought of when reading the GI convo.  When working out I always drink only water.  I've heard that you don't need anything more than water unless the workout is over 1.5 hours.  Is that true?  I guess the root question is at what point is it required (or suggested?) that you use a supplement during your workouts?  I'd like to stick with water for as long as possible....cause water is free, lol.  But I'm just wondering if/when I would have to switch to something other than water.

2008-02-03 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1089758

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Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full

Looking online for bikes and ran across these in my size: 

 Thoughts?  I really REALLY would like to stay around $500 or less for my first bike.  The last one is a little more, but it comes with clip on aero bars (which I can store for later) and already has clipless pedals.  I went to get sized again and look this weekend and really liked the specialized bikes...but they really are out of my price range.  I'm checking out a different one today.  But in the mean time...I'm looking online...I'd like to get one before March!

2008-02-03 10:32 AM
in reply to: #1089758

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full

Aloha!  I hit a new milestone, up 26 hours yesterday (is that even possible?).  Kona received 18 inces of rain yesterday, and Maui is supposed to get it today.  Thankfully, I brought my fins and goggles!

GI issues and running is a great topic.  This used to plague me during particularly long and/or hard sessions.  I talked to my sports doctor and he said that blood is being diverted away from the stomache to the muscles which causes digestion to slow down considerably. Here is what I have done:

1. Found the pre-run meal that works (duh!).  As a morning running, it is plain oatmeal, cinnamon, Splenda and a bit of brown sugar. No fat, low fiber.  WHenever I have tried to run at night I have had issues, mainly because I have eaten so much through out the day.  I have little advice to offer here, except experiment.

2. Post run after a harder or longer effort, I cannot eat immediately which I know is against the 30 minute glycogen refueling advice.  Just doesn't work for me.  I stretch and eat about an hour later.  I experimented and realized that a open faced turkey sandwhich worked for me.  Otherwise, I bet oatmeal, cereal or another low fiber meal would help.

3. I fuel solely with Infinit custom sports drink.  Like Brian said HFCS is a killer for me as are all gels, and most sports drinks.  I too supplement with endurolytes for 1/2s or longer.  1 before and 1 one the hour. I carry Infinit in marathons which some feel is a pain in the butt.  It was the only way for me to take in the appropriate number of calories and feel good the last 10K.  There is a great article on the Infinit site regarding calories necessary for running.  I think this might help both Judi and Kim.  If you cannot find it let me know and I will send it off to you.

4. I just thought of two other things: what you eat the night before and the importance of going to the bathroom before you run are two critical things for me.  I would say the second more so than the first.  Again, experiment with the evening meal the night before to see what works on both fronts!

Off to do my run!


Edited by SSMinnow 2008-02-03 11:00 AM
2008-02-03 10:34 AM
in reply to: #1191860

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Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full
kimmitri408 - 2008-02-03 9:17 AM


Thanks for the stretching/cool down info.  I will do those next time I swim.  Yesterday's class was so freaking awesome...I FINALLY nailed my breaststroke.  Like I could do it okay before...but she tweaked my timing with when my head entered the water during my pull and BLAM! I was gone down the pool easily.  I'm just really glad because I wanted to have it in my arsenal as a 2nd forward facing stroke that I was comfortable with and could do during a tri to catch my breath since I find it much less taxing than freestyle.   My lessons are over and I'm considering seeing how much it would cost for a few 1 on 1 sessions with an actual swim coach (versus the swim class teachers) to work on technique.

I have a nutrition question that I thought of when reading the GI convo.  When working out I always drink only water.  I've heard that you don't need anything more than water unless the workout is over 1.5 hours.  Is that true?  I guess the root question is at what point is it required (or suggested?) that you use a supplement during your workouts?  I'd like to stick with water for as long as possible....cause water is free, lol.  But I'm just wondering if/when I would have to switch to something other than water.

I think its great to use only water during shorter (<90 minute workouts).  When the heat starts to kick in, you want to augment with some kind of electrolyte replentishment.  My wife started dropping Nuun tablets in her water bottle - basically flavored with electrolytes but no calories.  Also, those Endurolytes I mentioned before are great.  It's nice to have zero calorie electrolyte options.  Definitely stay away from sugary drinks while working out - especially when trying to loose weight.  Think of electrolytes (mainly sodium and potassium) as the oil for the engine and carbs as the fuel. 

Side note.  I basically didn't have breakfast this morning and just headed out on a 2hr run.  I brought my breakfast (two bottles of Heed or about 32oz) on the run.  This was just more practical for me than filling my stomach with a real breakfast then running with a full tummy.  I did get a nice recovery meal in afterwards, with solid food.

2008-02-03 1:33 PM
in reply to: #1089758

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full
I'm definitely not an expert, but am doing so far/so good with nutrition - Suzy's advice (figure out what works for you) is definitely the way to go...but what works for me seems to be Nuun (the electrolyte tabs Brian's wife uses) and gels (powerbar or Gu, but I prefer Gu).

For cycling (spin or outdoors), I use one bottle of water plain and one bottle of water with Nuun. If I'm cycling outdoors more than 1.5 hours, I'll take a gel along to eat at 1/2 way.

For running, I have a 4 bottle fuel belt - I fill 3 with water with nuun (slightly over diluted) and one with plain water. I drink the nuun water while I run, and use the plain water when I eat the gels. I'm still playing with that, but I eat one gel at approximately every 4 miles (or ~44 minutes) - but 10 miles is the furthest I've gone.

I prefer to workout in the morning - I seem to have less tummy problems that way. Before morning races, I'll usually eat a Cliff mojo about 1 hour before - that seems to do OK for my insides.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! I had a glorious run today - I can't believe how nice it was would have been a great day for a ride, but Baby is in the shop for her tune-up and I need to knock out some miles since I'm turning into a runner.
2008-02-04 8:18 AM
in reply to: #1089758

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Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full

Went yesterday and got fit for a new pair of running shoes.  Mine are almost 3 years old and aren't nearly as supportive as they used to be, so it's time for new ones and asics doesn't carry those shoes anymore    I have the worst feet....size 11.5, narrow, no arch, and my feet aren't straight, they stick out (something about my hips...forces my feet out) finding the right running shoes is a task.  Anyway, I went to the running store and found some I think I will love and had to special order (for some reason..stores don't carry a women's size 11.5 narrow, LOL) and hopefully when they get in, they will fit nicely.

Also went to the other bike shop...their prices were crazy.  I do like the curved handle bars on road bikes...but didn't want to spend more than $500 on my first bike.  I like the specialized bikes a lot and they fit me really nicely.  Argh...buying a bike is hard! 

2008-02-04 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1089758

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full


When you find running shoes you love, try to get 2 pairs so you can break in the second pair once the first have a few miles on them.  Especially since you have harder to fit feet make sure you deal with good running stores--the average "sporting goods" store guy knows squat about a good running shoe fit.  You'll want them to watch your gait in them for potential problems and always bring the old ones with you when buying new ones since they'll look at the wear patterns on the old pair.

Bikes: do you have a friend who rides at all?  I had a friend come with me.  She insisted I try a minimum of 3 bikes before making a decision.  You're right, it's a lot of money and you don't want to put it into a poor fit or something that doesn't meet your needs a good while.

2008-02-04 12:32 PM
in reply to: #1193307

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Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full

I went to a really good running store.  She watched me walk in socks and had me put on some shoes that they use for fittings and run/walk down the sidewalk before she pulled out shoes for me to try.  All were excellent, one turned out to be the new version of my old shoe.  I purposely didn't tell her the old diagnosis because my last running shoe purchase was a while ago at a very small running store and I was curious to see what conclusion she would come up with.  I selected the same brand as the old shoe..but a different style that felt a lot better.  I have to wait to try the final product..they had to special order my size...but I'm not obligated to buy it at all unless it really does fit.  So fingers crossed!  If it does, I will definitely ask them to order another pair.

 I don't have any friends in the area that ride.  I have some friends that ride that live in other states..but none of them ride competitively..only for leisure or commuting to work.  So unfortunately, I'm kind of on my own in this one which is probably why I'm so overwhelmed.  I know what I like...definitely specialized dolce is my favorite bike I've tried.  The dolce elite is freaking beautiful and comfortable but at over $'ll have to wait.  The dolce 08 is $800...I'm REALLY hoping I can find one that is an 07 or even 06 sitting around that would be discounted enough that i can fit my budget.  I am considering going with a trek's $350 and should be enough to train on and get through the first tri...see how I like it..then upgrade in a year or two to a real road bike. 

2008-02-05 8:13 AM
in reply to: #1089758

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full
Hey, Kimmi

I have a Specialized Dolce, which I HEART. I bought mine in Fall 06 and got the previous year's model at a good deal. (Whichever year mine is is the year they were solid purple - love love love my purple bike. I'm a purple-y girl.)

Good news on the running shoe front! I hope the pair works great.
2008-02-05 9:52 AM
in reply to: #1194866

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Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full

enders_shadow - 2008-02-05 9:13 AM Hey, Kimmi I have a Specialized Dolce, which I HEART. I bought mine in Fall 06 and got the previous year's model at a good deal. (Whichever year mine is is the year they were solid purple - love love love my purple bike. I'm a purple-y girl.) Good news on the running shoe front! I hope the pair works great.


I just found one online and made some phone calls...I should be able to check it out tomorrow after work!  I found a bike store that has an 07 in my size and marked down to right under $600!!!!  And they are willing to ship it to the branch of the store closer to me so I can check it out!   A tad more than my original budget, but I've learned by riding bikes the last 2 weeks that what I want isn't in that budget at all.  But if I can get what I want for $100 more...then hey...I'm happy and while I didn't stick exactly to the budget...I didn't blow it to heck either.

 Kristen, I'm such a girly girl.  I think at the one bike store, the guy was getting annoyed with me.  I knew my size and told him and he asked what I wanted in a bike.  I said a saddle that won't irritate me too much and that it's pretty.  He was like huh?  I was like I want a pretty bike...I want to look at it and want to ride it because it's pretty, especially since the style bike I want isn't cheap.  Still looked confused.  I was like look...would you rather drive a mustang convertable or a ford taurus.  He was like oh, dude a convertable is sweet.  I was like yes...that's how I want to feel about my bike


2008-02-05 11:13 AM
in reply to: #1195075

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Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full
kimmitri408 - 2008-02-05 10:52 AM

enders_shadow - 2008-02-05 9:13 AM Hey, Kimmi I have a Specialized Dolce, which I HEART. I bought mine in Fall 06 and got the previous year's model at a good deal. (Whichever year mine is is the year they were solid purple - love love love my purple bike. I'm a purple-y girl.) Good news on the running shoe front! I hope the pair works great.


I just found one online and made some phone calls...I should be able to check it out tomorrow after work!  I found a bike store that has an 07 in my size and marked down to right under $600!!!!  And they are willing to ship it to the branch of the store closer to me so I can check it out!   A tad more than my original budget, but I've learned by riding bikes the last 2 weeks that what I want isn't in that budget at all.  But if I can get what I want for $100 more...then hey...I'm happy and while I didn't stick exactly to the budget...I didn't blow it to heck either.

 Kristen, I'm such a girly girl.  I think at the one bike store, the guy was getting annoyed with me.  I knew my size and told him and he asked what I wanted in a bike.  I said a saddle that won't irritate me too much and that it's pretty.  He was like huh?  I was like I want a pretty bike...I want to look at it and want to ride it because it's pretty, especially since the style bike I want isn't cheap.  Still looked confused.  I was like look...would you rather drive a mustang convertable or a ford taurus.  He was like oh, dude a convertable is sweet.  I was like yes...that's how I want to feel about my bike

TOO FUNNY!  It takes a real basic, testostorone-induced analogy for us to understand anything beyond money, cars, beer and sport...  Just relate it to one of those things and we'll get it.... eventually.    I know my wife would pay a 30-50% premium for anything pink, depending on the shade...

2008-02-05 12:50 PM
in reply to: #1195295

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Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full
mbmoran2 - 2008-02-05 12:13 PM

TOO FUNNY! It takes a real basic, testostorone-induced analogy for us to understand anything beyond money, cars, beer and sport... Just relate it to one of those things and we'll get it.... eventually. I know my wife would pay a 30-50% premium for anything pink, depending on the shade...


Me and your wife are kindred spirits.  I'm the only female engineer in my office and the guys constantly crack up at my pink stuff.  My pink peacoat, pink lunch box, and I probably wear pink at least once a week, LOL.  

2008-02-05 9:39 PM
in reply to: #1089758

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Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full

This is what Ann (wife) will get if/when I get her a new road bike


(Fuji Finest 2.0 2007.jpg)

Fuji Finest 2.0 2007.jpg (12KB - 16 downloads)
2008-02-06 7:16 AM
in reply to: #1196333

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Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full

Very pretty bike!

I got in my workout last night (sans swim).  I'm going to swim tonight after class b/c I got done with homework too late to go to my actual gym, so I just went to my apt gym.  Got a good run in...I can't wait for new shoes though!  I got to work early today so I can hopefully get out on time and go to the bike store today!  I'm so excited about that.  


2008-02-06 7:30 AM
in reply to: #1196333

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full
mbmoran2 - 2008-02-05 10:39 PM

This is what Ann (wife) will get if/when I get her a new road bike


OOOOOOOH - pretty!

I am in love.
2008-02-06 7:33 AM
in reply to: #1089758

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full
And since we're being all girly in Brian's thread... ...

Here's my baby -


my_bike.jpg (42KB - 12 downloads)

2008-02-06 7:36 AM
in reply to: #1196616

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Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full
aww i love yours too!  the purple is so pretty!  the  2007s are blue or girly colors.  but blue and black would go with i can wear pink tri gear...LOL
2008-02-06 7:40 AM
in reply to: #1196621

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full
kimmitri408 - 2008-02-06 8:36 AM

aww i love yours too!  the purple is so pretty!  the  2007s are blue or girly colors.  but blue and black would go with i can wear pink tri gear...LOL

Yeah - mine's an 05. The 06s were silver with purple writing. I hadn't looked at the 07's yet, but I think pink goes beautifully with blue or black.

2008-02-06 9:57 AM
in reply to: #1089758

New Jersey
Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full
i finally managed to get to a bike shop yesterday. i told the guy i was a real beginner doing a triathlon and his suggestion was that i get a hybrid bike. mainly because the ride will be more comfortable, so i'll be more likely to get out there and log more miles. i'm under the impression that hybrids are seen as a poor choice for triathlons because they're heavier - is this a terrible idea to get a hybrid? the ones in the shop were mostly under $500, so it would definitely be a cheap option, which appeals to me.
2008-02-06 10:36 AM
in reply to: #1196966

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full

Hi Jen

How comfortable do you think you would be on a road bike? what type of tris are you doing your first year--flat, hilly? If it were me, I would not sink $500 into a hybrid only to want a road bike a year later. Having had both, the hybrid is heavier, the saddles typically wider and does not give you the opportunity to use the drops if you want to.  If you do decide to go the hybrid route, I would still get the clipless pedals.  I am an anamoly, I use MTB pedals and shoes on my Seven.  I like the fit better and mine allows you to clip in on either side. 

Good luck.

2008-02-06 12:03 PM
in reply to: #1089758

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Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full
Jen, I had this same question and debate with myself. I don't know what your budget is, but I have found quite a few 2007 model road bikes that are marked down to the $600-500 range. That is what I am looking at purchasing for myself. Another thing...when I mentioned at a few bike shops that I was looking for bikes for a tri and I was a newbie, they all told me that a road bike would be more comfortable for a long ride. That sounds like the exact opposite of the info you got. I don't know what's right or wrong..but just found that interesting that we got conflicting stories..hmmm. Also, ride bikes. I probably tried at least 15 bikes (hybrids and road and 4 different brands) before figuring out what I did and didn't like and want and what was comfortable.  I think more than talking to people and reading, this was really what made my decision.  Some bikes felt more natural on me than others and some brands seemed to be a better fit than others.  That really  helped me make a decision, because long term, if I'm riding this bike for miles and miles...I don't want to be uncomfortable on it. 

Edited by kimmitri408 2008-02-06 12:05 PM

2008-02-06 6:19 PM
in reply to: #1089758

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Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full
Meet the newest Tri Tart...her name is Bonnie...
2008-02-06 6:34 PM
in reply to: #1089758

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Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full
Meet the newest Tri Tart. Her name is Bonnie and her momma loves her!  She's a 2007 Specialized Dolce

Edited by kimmitri408 2008-02-06 6:35 PM


bonnie.jpg (16KB - 19 downloads)
2008-02-06 7:28 PM
in reply to: #1198111

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full
kimmitri408 - 2008-02-06 6:34 PM Meet the newest Tri Tart. Her name is Bonnie and her momma loves her!  She's a 2007 Specialized Dolce
very nice! welcome, Bonnie!
2008-02-06 8:12 PM
in reply to: #1198111

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Brian and the Tri Tarts Group - Full

kimmitri408 - 2008-02-06 6:34 PM Meet the newest Tri Tart. Her name is Bonnie and her momma loves her!  She's a 2007 Specialized Dolce

SWEET!  Is Bonnie going to ride naked or is she being fitted with a few extras (e.g. small bag for tubes, etc).  Also what kind of shoes did you settle on?

Edited by SSMinnow 2008-02-06 8:13 PM
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