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2008-03-23 9:03 PM
in reply to: #1287939

Tomball, TX
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full
5 more days......yikes....yippee.....omg what have I gotten myself into. Ha! Great advice everyone! GREATLY APPRECIATED My daughter and I went to the race site yesterday. It was great to see exactly what the water conditions are like and feel much better about it. I even ran into another guy who is doing the half on Sunday. He had his wetsuit and got to swim - was hoping mine would have been in by then (of course it was on my doorstep when we got back). So with that said - should I take it to the pool and get used to it for a swim or two?

In regards to the bucket I think they said they will have a rinse off spot but I need to double check on that. Sarah, do you wear a swimsuit for the swim and pull on shorts or wear tri shorts/shirt for the whole race?

Has anyone heard from Josh lately? Just wondering if he was still doing the race. Hope everyone had a great Easter! Oh, I think I have recruited my neighbor to complete my next race with me.

2008-03-23 9:08 PM
in reply to: #1288711

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full

Hi ya Jules -

I wear tri shorts and a tri top (with a sports bra underneath...dah, not like you'd wear it over the shirt!HA) Anyhow, my first tri didn't have tri shorts so swam in a swim suit then put on bike shorts in T1. Pretty dang hard to get a piece of dry clothing over a sopping wet body! HAAAA! My tri shorts have a faint ribbing in them which I like because I believe (or maybe I'm delusional) that those ribs camoflage my cellulite

You'll do fine!

Are you wearing a full wetsuit for a sprint?

2008-03-24 6:57 AM
in reply to: #1288717

Tomball, TX
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full
Thanks Sarah. No, I don't have a full wetsuit - Mine hits my calves and shoulders. I have never had a wetsuit on - it was a very strange feeling.

Have a great week!
2008-03-24 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1151684

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Albuquerque, NM
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full
Hey Juls, I think it's great that you got your friend to come out and try a triathlon!

The first time I ever swam in a wetsuit was in a race and I didn't have any issues with it, I already knew it fit because I tried it on dry. However the BEST idea is to hit the pool and give it a try once or twice before racing in it but you need to make sure and rinse it off well.

If you do have tri clothing like shorts and a top they are made to be worn for the duration of the race. The thin padding in the tri shorts is enough so you don't need the cycling shorts. The cloths will also dry quickly on the bike, well, sort of, you sweat too so you know, things stay kind of damp.

Be sure and rest up this week. Follow your taper plan and you will be ready.
2008-03-27 7:41 AM
in reply to: #1289132

Tomball, TX
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full
Hi group - I am so bummed.....I will not be doing the tri this weekend. I was in the ER Wednesday with chest pain and couldn't breathe. They are continuing to run tests and have strongly suggested I do not do the race this weekend. My chest pain is gone but I am still having trouble taking deep breaths. DANG IT!

Have a good one!
2008-03-27 10:13 AM
in reply to: #1296819

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full

So sorry you'r feeling poorly Jules! But do as docs advise.

In fact, I go to the doc's in an hour - bad cough/pain and I'm due to take a spin training course this weekend so hopefully I don't get cabashed.

Hopefully, you are feeling better sooon and that it is nothing serious. There are tons more tris to do so relax and take care of yourself.

2008-03-27 10:57 AM
in reply to: #1151684

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Albuquerque, NM
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full
Oh Jules, I am so sorry to hear about this turn of events. I hope you find out what is going on soon and it is nothing serious. It is the very beginning of the season so there should be plenty more races
2008-03-28 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1151684

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Albuquerque, NM
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full
Ok gang the official mentoring thing was supposed to last 3 months through January, February and March. We seem to have had a pretty big attrition rate so I'm not certain who may still be out there but I wanted to let you know that I am signing off and I wish you all the best of luck.

I hope I was able to help you along in some small way and want to assure you that even though I may not be active on this string you can always feel free to contact me. You can also continue to use this string among yourselves if you like.

I also want to leave you with one final thing that I think is a lot of fun. There is a website called Ironman Live - has all kind of stuff related to the Ironman event series. On that website there is an Ironman Live tab at the top of the page. You can click on that tab and there is a function called "live athlete tracking". You can use that function to "watch" someone's progress as they compete in an Ironman.

During an Ironman you end up running and riding across a number of timing mats and when you do your time is automatically posted on the live athlete tracking. Typically you will have one time posted after you finish the swim, one when you start the bike, one or two times posted during the bike, your time off the bike and onto the run, a couple times posted on the run and then your finish time. It is actually kind of exciting.

So, as you may remember I will be doing Ironman Coeur d'Alene on June 22nd and Ironman Arizona on November 23rd. If you don't know anyone else doing an Ironman, or even if you do, you should feel free to track my progress and see how it all works.

Again, best of luck to you all! Now I'm off to run the Bataan Memorial Death March Marathon this weekend…oh, and I did decide to face my fears and I officially registered for my first 100 mile endurance run just yesterday!

I'll leave you with two quotes that help inspire me.

"We take these risks not to escape life, but to prevent life from escaping us."
- Scott Crabb

"I refuse to tip-toe through life only to arrive at death safely."
- Scott Weber
2008-03-28 6:50 PM
in reply to: #1300056

Tomball, TX
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full
Pilgrim - it has been a pleasure getting to know you, follow you through your races and gain terrific knowledge from you. I truly appreciate your patience with all of my newbie questions! YOU ROCK!!!! I wish you the best in your future races and I can't wait to see how you accomplish all that you have planned. To everyone else I have you in my friends list and will check in on your training logs periodically. It has been great meeting all of you and wish you the best in this triathlon season. On a good note, my appointments this week went well - the heart is in good shape and I have been put on a couple of new meds. Still out for the race tomorrow - can't even run right now without gasping for breath They said in a couple of weeks I should notice a huge improvement. Happy training everyone!

2008-03-28 8:36 PM
in reply to: #1151684

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full

Aw shuck Pilgrim! Thanks for all the wonderful help, insight, inspiration and direction. You really were a terrific mentor and not only did you talk the talk, you walk it too!

And I'll have to check up on the Ironman site! Neat!

As John Wayne said, ""Whoa, take'er easy there, pilgrim" on that 100 mile race! Whew... makes my knees weak thinkin' about it!


Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes.
      - Buddha (Gautama Buddha)

2008-03-30 7:23 PM
in reply to: #1300962

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full
Hey gang,
I didn't realize we would lose Brian. I was actually wondering why they still had January 2008 mentor group. I definitely will try to do it again. I've really appreciated all your guidance, stories and experiences.

Yesterday, I finished the Sunrise to Sunset (S2S) Relay across Florida. It's 170-miles of running between 3 and 8 miles. We had 12 people and two cargo vans (one with a cage to protect the driver from packages flying forward that we called "the K-9 unit"). It really was a Logistical exercise. There were 2 Ultramarathoners who ran it. I don't know one of the guys names, but he had to stop at the 100-mile mark because his feet were too chewed-up. The other guy was named Hung Ng (pronounced Nee). He finished in almost 65 hours. He would run, walk, run, walk, take a nap, run, walk. It was really neat to see him out there as one of our runners passed him.

As for my legs, I ran 6.5 in the hottest part of the day on a route that had no shade at all and no wind. I now have the rosiest red tank-top-burn. I didn't put the lotion on the skin because to that point, all the running was in trees and was actually really overcast.

The second leg started around 12:40 AM and was 3.7 on a highway with no good shoulder. That's pretty creepy. I was going to ask Brian how he feels about running in places where a trucker can sneeze and you end up squished.

Third leg started at 9:45 and was a 3.6 mile run through a neighborhood where a bunch of dogs in people's yards came out and cheered me on. They were going "Woof Woof" dog for "way to go! Keep going!" I finished-up and looked at the watch (garmin ran out of juice cause I left the thing on after the late-night run) and I ran the last leg in just-under 9-min miles.

Anyway, if we're going to break up the group, I will keep checking-in with all of you. I will also try to get on another group. The accountability of having to tell my stories sure helps. Hope you guys do well and stay safe out there. Remember, "The race goes not to the swift...but time and chance happens to them all."

Semper Fi!
Matt Gomes

2008-03-30 9:45 PM
in reply to: #1151684

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full

Awesome job there Matt! I laughed about the dogs. I love animals but have a very healthy respect for strange dogs when running especially so will cross streets to keep my distance from what looks like a schweetie faced pooch but when faced with a running stranger may become Cujo in a split second.

Running in heat...whew! I don't see much of it here but have in FL and NC when there and believe it or not, it gets pretty hot here in WI in August. LOTS of H2O is my mantra when it gets hot...and clothing that will breathe to get the sweat off my body to help cool down.

Yeah, this thread will still be here so we could always pop in to say hello or drop inspires too so that we can be accountable (like that Matt!) during the summer tri season.

2008-03-31 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1303676

Tomball, TX
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full
Great job Matt! You have some great the concept of the semi squishing..yikes! I am sure Brian has some stories around that I will check back in here as well - I also like the accountability! Good luck everyone!

2008-03-31 10:19 PM
in reply to: #1300056

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full
Hey Pilgrim et al,

Thank you for all the great advice and insight! It was exactly what newbie like me needed to keep moving forward.

My race is in a month and, to Pilgrim's point, I'm going to be sure to enjoy every moment I can of my first ever triathlon.

Warmest wishes to all of you,
2008-04-01 7:35 AM
in reply to: #1306835

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full
Hey guys,

Well, I finished the race last weekend, felt good all day sunday and yesterday until I reached-down to pick my son up last night and felt like someone stabbed me in the lower back. I felt the wind knocked out of me. The pain spread a little into the upper-glutes, but not really spasming. Can't really lay flat and getting-up at night was miserable. If anyone has an idea what that is or what causes it, let me know.

I have an appointment at 10 am. We'll see what they tell me.

It really kills me since I had written-out my training-plan leading to the International Distance Tri in Miami June 1. I'll have to take some time off I'm sure.

One article said it could be due to poor running biomechanics. Anyway, let me know if you have any ideas.

2008-04-01 3:47 PM
in reply to: #1151684

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Albuquerque, NM
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full
Hey, I'm still lurking a bit. My guess is that you may have pinched a nerve. Anyway it's a good idea to get it checked it out.

As far as the Oly in June goes you probably don't have anything to worry about. You should have a decent base and taking a week off probably won't put a dent in your actual fitness level and even taking two weeks off shouldn't doo too much, you'll snap back.

2008-04-02 12:31 PM
in reply to: #1308764

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full
Hey guys,

Good news and good advice. I had a Physical Therapy session this morning (I was surprised at how fast that went too) and the therapist walked me through a lot of great stretches and then through basic techniques for lifting that I think get neglected a little.

Anyway, my back is feeling noticably better today and after the PT session, it feels really a lot better. Basically, I need to stop neglecting my stretching routine and I need to get into better habits of stretching after working out and include abs and back workouts into the schedule.

My advice though is that if you have a pinch or something, get into a specialist to get checked-out for proper stretching mechanics. I've been working out forever, but having that 1 hour session to teach me how to do that stuff correctly has really helped a lot.

Hope everyone's doing well.
Keep on training!
2008-04-12 5:50 PM
in reply to: #1156550

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Henderson, Nv
Silver member
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Open
Hi Brian, I did it!!!! When you accepted me into the group I started working out. I signed up for the Irongirl in Las Vegas where I live and today I finished the sprint race today. WOWWWWW do I feel great. I lost 17 lbs along the way. Thanks from #746! I am looking forward to the next one; only this time I am going to keep better training logs. Every time I went to log a workout I would think to myself it wasn't enough but now I see it was. My family was there cheering me on the whole time and everyone there made it an unforgettable , spectacular day! Thanks, Thanks, Thanks !! Sarah Knippel
2008-04-17 10:43 AM
in reply to: #1151684

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Albuquerque, NM
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full
Great Job Sarah! Welcome to the family of triathletes. A Successful race is made up of a lot of little workouts so always keep up with your logs.
2008-04-21 1:28 PM
in reply to: #1333200

Tomball, TX
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Open
Great job Sarah! Yahoo!!!! I am feeling better now - at least I can breathe normally. I am on a couple of meds regularly which I hate but they seem to be working. I have a race scheduled for Mother's day. I can't wait. I haven't done logs lately but plan on starting again this week.

Hope everyone is doing wonderful!
2008-04-29 8:50 PM
in reply to: #1151684

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full
Hey Pilgrim,

Thanks to you, I too am now a triathlete!!!!!!

Of course, I have much room for improvement, but finished nonetheless. Much of the advice you gave proved invaluable, from the aero drink to the tri-shorts and even the clear packing tape. After my horrible swim, I'm defintely going to work on bilateral breathing.

Also, I made sure to take the time to enjoy my first tri by speaking to athletes along the way, thanking every volunteer I passed, and simply soaking up the scenery. Thanks again for the time you invested in us. It certainly made a difference!

2008-09-09 1:12 PM
in reply to: #1151684

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Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Group - Full
Hey all...

Looks like the group has moved or disbanded, but just wanted to say thanks for all the support! I fell off the radar online, but kept training and had a fantastic summer!

We did our first tri the beginning of June, but cold temperatures shortened the swim and cancelled the bike. We made up for it by completing our first full sprint over the weekend! : )

If anyone's interested there's more info on my blog...

All the best, and thanks Brian!!!
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