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2009-07-13 6:25 PM
in reply to: #2279362

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searching for the elusive runner's high!
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
pole_dancer - 2009-07-12 3:54 PM

So now I can say have completed a full Olympic triathlon.  3:44 - no records broken, but I had a great time.

WAY TO GO SHELLEY! That is absolutely awesome that you completed an Oly!! You must feel SOOOO excited!

2009-07-14 6:45 AM
in reply to: #2282415

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
surfnturf - 2009-07-13 6:25 PM
pole_dancer - 2009-07-12 3:54 PM So now I can say have completed a full Olympic triathlon.  3:44 - no records broken, but I had a great time.
WAY TO GO SHELLEY! That is absolutely awesome that you completed an Oly!! You must feel SOOOO excited!

It feels great to have it done.  I trained for one last year but due to Hurricane Ike, the swim portion was cancelled.  So now I have a "full" one under my belt.  It was pretty difficult, but I enjoyed it and look forward to doing it again.  I signed up for another in two weeks!
2009-07-16 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2280499

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
Artemis - 2009-07-13 5:37 AM

I would try for at least two per week, but three (especially of running) each week would be better.  You also want to schedule a rest day in there.  Maybe a sample could be something like this (2x per week of swimming, biking, running):

Monday - swim
Tuesday - run
Wednesday - swim
Thursday - bike
Friday - rest day!
Saturday - long run
Sunday - long bike

Obviously, you could switch the days around and do multiple workouts per day.  Setting something simple like this would help give you a very basic plan.

Does that help at all?

Yeah, it helps a lot. Thank you!

I'm working a schedule starting Saturday, trying to plan training in and around the rest of life. I actually can't start swimming  yet, though - I don't have access until classes start at UAF in September. So for now I'll schedule running and biking, and try for at least 3 runs per week. When it gets cold, I'll have to do everything inside. The gym has one or two stationary bikes, and an eighth-mile track. Lots of circles!
2009-07-16 5:05 PM
in reply to: #2070802

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
Going to be driving to Bismarck ND this weekend for my wife's Alumni at U of Mary.  They are hosting 5k fun run on Saturday.  It starts up on a bluff and then you run down the road turn around and run back up.  Map my ride has a change of elevation change of 250 and a grade of 8%.  Should be a PR day for sure.  Ok maybe not.
2009-07-17 6:15 PM
in reply to: #2290301

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
m55morris - 2009-07-16 5:05 PM Going to be driving to Bismarck ND this weekend for my wife's Alumni at U of Mary.  They are hosting 5k fun run on Saturday.  It starts up on a bluff and then you run down the road turn around and run back up.  Map my ride has a change of elevation change of 250 and a grade of 8%.  Should be a PR day for sure.  Ok maybe not.

That sounds pretty fun.  Ok maybe not Tongue out.
2009-07-19 5:33 AM
in reply to: #2070802

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
4th place overall and an age group win for me!!!! 

Ok you can stop reading now and just stick with the the first line. The 5k was pretty informal, much more of a wellness walk/run than organized race.  I did get 4th with a time of 31:04 and I wasn't to far behind the leaders.  The main hill in the race was about 3/4 of a mile long and got up to about 8% grade with about 250 -300 feet of elevation change.  There were also a couple small hills of 20-30 feet which made the run so much better.  Managed to run the whole thing without walking.  It likely didn't help me too much that the day before I did hill repeats on the bike.  Went up and down 6 times.    I actually wish this hill was close to were I live because it is a great training hill, just long enough to make  you hurt a little or a lot.  I will try to remember to post a picture soon so you can all see the fun you missed.

2009-07-19 7:17 AM
in reply to: #2294055

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
m55morris - 2009-07-19 5:33 AM 4th place overall and an age group win for me!!!! 

Great job!
2009-07-19 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2294055

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searching for the elusive runner's high!
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
m55morris - 2009-07-19 6:33 AM

4th place overall and an age group win for me!!!! 

Ok you can stop reading now and just stick with the the first line. The 5k was pretty informal, much more of a wellness walk/run than organized race.  I did get 4th with a time of 31:04 and I wasn't to far behind the leaders.  The main hill in the race was about 3/4 of a mile long and got up to about 8% grade with about 250 -300 feet of elevation change.  There were also a couple small hills of 20-30 feet which made the run so much better.  Managed to run the whole thing without walking.  It likely didn't help me too much that the day before I did hill repeats on the bike.  Went up and down 6 times.    I actually wish this hill was close to were I live because it is a great training hill, just long enough to make  you hurt a little or a lot.  I will try to remember to post a picture soon so you can all see the fun you missed.

WOO HOO!! Awesome job...great that you finished (let alone placed) after doing hill repeats the day before!!
2009-07-22 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2294055

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
m55morris - 2009-07-19 6:33 AM 4th place overall and an age group win for me!!!! 

Ok you can stop reading now and just stick with the the first line. The 5k was pretty informal, much more of a wellness walk/run than organized race.  I did get 4th with a time of 31:04 and I wasn't to far behind the leaders.  The main hill in the race was about 3/4 of a mile long and got up to about 8% grade with about 250 -300 feet of elevation change.  There were also a couple small hills of 20-30 feet which made the run so much better.  Managed to run the whole thing without walking.  It likely didn't help me too much that the day before I did hill repeats on the bike.  Went up and down 6 times.    I actually wish this hill was close to were I live because it is a great training hill, just long enough to make  you hurt a little or a lot.  I will try to remember to post a picture soon so you can all see the fun you missed.

Congratulations!!!  That's awesome!
2009-07-27 2:49 PM
in reply to: #2070802

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
Hey ya'll! We've been awfully quiet lately! How was everybody's weekend? Any fun tri- or non-tri-related things happen?

I volunteered at the Chena Lakes triathlon yesterday morning. Wrote all about it in my training log/blog thing, but the basic gist is that it was a lot of fun. There are only two local triathlons a year - the one yesterday, which is a sprint distance, and another one earlier in the month, which was a half Ironman. There's no chance I'll be attempting a half Ironman next year, but maybe I'll shoot for competing in the Chena Lakes sprint triathlon. Since there aren't any races between now and then, it's either that or wait try to compete in one somewhere else, and take all my gear there. It can be my long-term goal
2009-07-27 6:46 PM
in reply to: #2070802

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
I was supposed to have a 10k on sat. but my daughter was sick so I was at home with her.  Kind of disappointing to not be able to do the run, but I guess that happens when you have little ones.  I am also done with Tris for this season, but  a couple of 5k races left.  I am changing my training over to run focused for the next few months.  Seems like a smart idea considering I will be doing primarily run races this fall.  I think that I will be able to work my 5k times down to 24 minutes or less.  I am actually hoping by next spring I will back near 21 minute 5ks but that is a long way off and a lot of pain to get there. I will also start training for 1/2 and full mary starting in Nov or Dec but that is a ways off.

2009-07-27 8:51 PM
in reply to: #2070802

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
I did an Olympic tri yesterday, but it was very difficult.  I'd have to say it was the hardest thing I've done so far.  Still recovering.  Will write about it later.
2009-07-29 2:32 PM
in reply to: #2311503

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
congrats on the Oly.  Let us know when your race report is done, I look forward to reading it.
2009-07-29 2:34 PM
in reply to: #2070802

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
Finally completed my first 40+ mile bike ride today.  The legs are so shot.  I think the wind doesn't like me I swear it changed direction every time I was about to get a tail wind.
2009-07-29 10:32 PM
in reply to: #2070802

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
Here is my race report-

Music City Triathlon Intermediate Distance

I feel much better about it today.
2009-07-30 10:34 AM
in reply to: #2315615

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
m55morris - 2009-07-29 3:34 PM Finally completed my first 40+ mile bike ride today.  The legs are so shot.  I think the wind doesn't like me I swear it changed direction every time I was about to get a tail wind.

lol...I know that feeling well!!  Nice job on getting it done anyway.  How did the water work out?

2009-07-30 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2316463

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
pole_dancer - 2009-07-29 11:32 PM Here is my race report-

Music City Triathlon Intermediate Distance

I feel much better about it today.

Great job!!!!  Don't feel discouraged.  It sounds like that was a really tough course and you were still able to finish. 

Edited by Artemis 2009-07-30 10:39 AM
2009-07-30 1:45 PM
in reply to: #2316463

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
Sounds like a pretty tough course. Great job at sticking with it to finish it out.
2009-08-07 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2070802

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
What does your race schedule look like for August?

I'm doing two - an all-womens' sprint tri on Sunday and a half marathon on the 29th.
2009-08-07 2:01 PM
in reply to: #2070802

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
I have a sprint on the 29th.  I am also being talked into a Dragon Boat competition on the 22nd.  Not sure how that's going to turn out as I can't remember ever rowing a boat before. 
2009-08-07 2:43 PM
in reply to: #2334649

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
That sounds cool!  I've heard the Dragon Boat races are really fun.  Never gotten a chance to do it.

2009-08-08 9:54 PM
in reply to: #2070802

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
I have 5k in the morning, and a daughter with an ear ache tonight so this could be a long night.  A cool thing is that my wife started to do some run training with me this week.  We are starting her easy with some short jogs between a lot of walking, but she is doing great with it.  Really proud of her.  As for the 5k I am hoping for my first sub 27 minute 5k.  Should be interesting because I drank a little or a lot to much on friday.
2009-08-09 5:44 PM
in reply to: #2070802

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
Had really good 5k today.  Went out to get a sub 27 minute 5k and ran it in 26:16.  That is a PR for me by about 50 seconds.  Great result for me.  Race report is up.
2009-08-11 7:13 AM
in reply to: #2070802

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searching for the elusive runner's high!
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
Hey gang. I will officially sign off from the group. I have enjoyed meeting all of you and appreciate Artemis for inspiring us to do our very best this season. Many of you have done AMAZING and your future is full of great races and new PR's!!

I plan to send you inspires from time to time...maybe even see you in another challenge in the Fall. Take care and remember that tri'ing is a lifestyle!!
2009-08-11 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2070802

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
We don't have to stop posting here.  The threads will stay open and I'll still check it. 
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