Depression and Moods- Check in! (Page 14)
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2009-11-26 11:51 AM in reply to: #2532391 |
Member 23 Homeless in Tacoma | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! I feel the same way about Thanksgiving this year. I have turned down about 5 invitations and my daughter and I are going to go watch New Moon again instead. No dinner unless we go to Denny's. I just couldnt stand to be around people and be asked about David and what went wrong with our marriage and his affair. Explain how I am losing my job and why we are in a hotel. It is just all depressing. Even more so knowing that he is happy as a clam and glad that I am gone and I didn't do anything except believe in him. Depression is a monster. It has robbed me of happiness and made everything false. I pretend for my daughters, my coworkers, my family when inside I am just screaming. Having a plan to end it all is scary. But the lack of courage do it is the worst. It just adds to the list of failures. I don't even have the courage to ask for my bike or my dog. I know the exercise would help and I want to ride but I dont even have it with me. I understand so much what you said Anthony, I am sorry that anyone else is feeling like I do. It is the most horrible way to feel in the world. I know that someday things will be better, it is just the giving it the time that is hard isnt it? I am thankful for my daughters also, especially the one living with me. She is putting up with my crying all the time. She doesnt understand why her stepfather did what he did and how he could hurt me like he did either. We hadnt even been married two years. |
2009-11-26 11:11 PM in reply to: #1319576 |
Extreme Veteran 1112 Las Vegas | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! This is my version of Edgar Allen Poe's famous writing, "The Raven". Over many a thought and dreaded memory of unforgotten yore
While I nodded from no evening napping, suddenly there came a rapping As of some one stamping stamping on my head like a metal door
Tis some memory I muttered, stamping on my life of bore Only this and nothing more And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor
Eagerly I wished the sorrow, that I had only begged to borrow From my books, and friends, of morrow, sorrow for my days of yore
For the rare and radiant days, those wonderful days of days before
Dreaded days for evermore
And the silken sadness fear, uncertain thoughts both there and here Thrilled me no, but filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before
So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating Tis some stranger beating beating entrance at my protecting door
Some attacking stranger beating entrance at my protective door That it is and nothing more.
Presently my soul grew weaker, hesitating, became much bleaker Sir said I, or Madam, truly your compassion I implore
But the fact is I was hearing sounds yes sounds that I am fearing And you were banging, banging, banging at my protective door
That I scarce was sure I wished to know, the who might be at open door
Darkness there, and nothing more
Doubting, fearing fears no mortal dared to know before
But the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token And the only word there spoken was the whispererd word before
This I whispered and an echo murmured back the word before
Merely this and nothing more
But soon again, I heard the stamping somewhat louder than before
Surely said I surely that is something at my protective door Let me see then what it is and this mystery explore
Let my mind be still a moment and this mystery explore
Tis the wind and nothing more
In there stepped a stately beast of the saintly days of yore Not a turn of head made he, nor a minute stopped or stayed did he
But with cape of lord or lady, perched above my protective door
Perched upon my favorite painting just above my protective door
Perched and crouched and nothing more
Then this shadowy beast wings spread my so sad fancy turned quick to dread By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore
Though thy crest be shorn and darkened, thou I said art sure to harken Ghastly grim and ancient embarking wandering into the nightly shore - Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s so cold cold shore
Quoth my beast, said Evermore
Much I marveled this ungainly shadow to hear discourse so plainly
Though its answer little meaning little relevancy bore For we cannot help agreeing that a normal human being
Ever was stressed with seeing, shadow about his protective door Something beastly above the painted painting above his protective door
With such name as Evermore
That one word as if his soul in that one word he did outpour
Nothing further then he uttered not a threat or promise muttered Till I scarcely more than stuttered,…….Other beasts I’ve met before
On the morrow will he leave me as my fears have flown before
Then the beast said Evermore
Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken, Doubless said I what it utters is its only stock and store
Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful disaster
Followed fast and followed faster till his words one burden bore Till the dirges of his hope that fateful prediction bore
Of Never-no but Evermore But the beastie still suppressing all my gladness to depressing Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of beast and paint and door
And then upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to thinking
What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt and ominous beast of yore
Meant in croaking Evermore
To the beast whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom’s core
This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining On the cushion’s velvet lining that the lamp-light gloated o’re
But whose velvet violet lining with the lamp light gloating o’re
It shall press, as Evermore
Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censor Swung by Seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor.
Respite - respite and fetch from thy memories of Before! Quaff, oh quaff this unkind doing, and don’t forget this lost Before!
Whether tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore, Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted - Is there - is there hope in my soul? - tell me - tell me, I implore!' Quoth the beastie, `Nevermore.' Beastie said I, thing of evil! Beastie still, if real or devil
By that Heaven that bends above us or that hell we both abhore
Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant fading
It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels might adore - Quoth the Beastie, `Evermore.' `Be that word our sign of parting, beast or fiend!' I shrieked upstarting - `Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's forgiving shore! Leave no blackness as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken! Leave my loneliness unbroken! - quit the edge above my door! Take thy teeth from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!' Quoth the Beastie, `Evermore.'
On may favorite painted painting sitting above my protective door; And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming, And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor; And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor Shall be lifted - Nevermore! |
2009-11-27 5:57 AM in reply to: #2532391 |
Extreme Veteran 1074 | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! anth0424 - 2009-11-26 10:56 AM Depression is getting really, really bad. It is thanksgiving and I don't feel thankful for anything, except my daughter. I am still running, but sometimes it is a mater of forcing myself out the door. The other day I went to go to a spin class, it was after dark and cold, I got to the locker room and next thing I knew i was back in my car driving home. I didn't want to be around anyone. I F**king hate feeling this way. I take medication, but sometimes it just comes back and I feel like I am walking in a dense cloud. I am going through pretty serious relationship issues, so I know that is a large contributer. This really sucks! Youre thankful for your daughter...that's something, isnt it? Sure its ONE thing, but look how big it is. Sometimes that ONE thing can be THE thing to get you through. Let her know that, let her know you love her. 4 root canals is better than 6, right? There is ALWAYS something good, to be thankful for. Just gotta find it and hold on to it. Dont want to be around anyone? Same here 99% of the time. Problem is that the more we disconnect, the more we feed the depression. It blows man, but I have learned that even being around others--forget about interacting, just being--can help. Interaction by osmosis, I don't know? If youre on meds and feeling crappy still, you may want to check in with your doc. Hang in there bro, it WILL get better. |
2009-11-27 7:33 AM in reply to: #2532447 |
Master 2429 Falls Church, Virginia | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! donna999 - 2009-11-26 12:51 PM I feel the same way about Thanksgiving this year. I have turned down about 5 invitations and my daughter and I are going to go watch New Moon again instead. No dinner unless we go to Denny's. I just couldnt stand to be around people and be asked about David and what went wrong with our marriage and his affair. Explain how I am losing my job and why we are in a hotel. It is just all depressing. Even more so knowing that he is happy as a clam and glad that I am gone and I didn't do anything except believe in him. Depression is a monster. It has robbed me of happiness and made everything false. I pretend for my daughters, my coworkers, my family when inside I am just screaming. Having a plan to end it all is scary. But the lack of courage do it is the worst. It just adds to the list of failures. I don't even have the courage to ask for my bike or my dog. I know the exercise would help and I want to ride but I dont even have it with me. I understand so much what you said Anthony, I am sorry that anyone else is feeling like I do. It is the most horrible way to feel in the world. I know that someday things will be better, it is just the giving it the time that is hard isnt it? I am thankful for my daughters also, especially the one living with me. She is putting up with my crying all the time. She doesnt understand why her stepfather did what he did and how he could hurt me like he did either. We hadnt even been married two years. Donna, I am so sorry. I was only married three years before my separation, but the wheels started to come off even before that. Now I'm just waiting for my divorce to be finalized, and its the worst. I think the feeling of failure that comes along with divorce really compounds the depression. I am in no way diminishing your feelings, I only offer a ray of hope: I felt like you did last year. I hid from people, couldn't bear the holidays, and cried at the drop of a hat. I constantly missed the things that I lost in my divorce (both tangible and intangible) and I didn't work out for almost two years. This year I'm feeling much better. Time really does heal your wounds, but you have to find a friend you can be vulnerable with and lean on during this time. |
2009-11-27 9:10 AM in reply to: #1319576 |
Member 23 Homeless in Tacoma | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! Yes, thank goodness for my computer. My friends are all on it. Mainly facebook where I have friends I have known since elementary school. I have joined a few cycling forums and am looking for some that David hasnt been a member of.... difficult feat. I have been writing ALOT. I have a blog site and the more I write on it, the more problems I see that our marriage had to begin with anyway and the more I SHOULD be thankful to be free of him now. Turning off the love for him will be harder, but I am going to keep working on it. Our 90 days is supposed to be up soon for the divorce to be final but for some reason his attorneys are taking thier time to finish it.. Just keeps making me suspicous of alternative motives from him. Surprising when he was in such a hurry to get it over with. now I want it over. I am ready to make some positive moves but feel like I am being placed on hold. Lots of other issues going on here too. housing, health, job, etc. My feelings are up and down, of course. I know that is normal and they run the gamut from hate, revenge, sadness, depression, to whining, begging and crawling. My mother doesnt help a bit. She blames everything on the length of my hair and tells me I look old! LOL I am watching for that light on the horizon... I would say tunnel but I have a fear of tunnels. Thank you Atlantia for your support. It is nice to know that you understand ALL of it! |
2009-11-28 10:14 AM in reply to: #2522533 |
Subject: ... This user's post has been ignored. |
2009-11-29 8:46 AM in reply to: #1319576 |
Melon Presser 52116 | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! Hi again everyone! Post here from time to time but should more often. So beautiful to read your stories, thank you everyone for sharing your struggles and solutions. It's been pretty dark in my life for a year and a half. Somewhere in there were two hospitalizations for severe depression with psychosis. Thankfully I (slowly) got better, but nevertheless it's been a painful struggle for a long time. Six months ago I moved to Indonesia to take care of my ailing parents and their household and family business. It would have been, even for several extremely energetic and well people, impossible. Things went very badly ... also, I tapered off all my medications since none of them were available in Indonesia. (I had been on two of the ones available here before but had bad experiences with them). I then predictably became quite depressed and anxious and was under unfathomable stress. It became impossible to live with my father (abusive, insane) as well as work for him (in the home too) and look after his medical needs. I made sure the household was in good running order, my mom was on some schedule and being looked after (she has Alzheimer's) and moved to a different city in Indonesia where I have friends and support. So I'm a 1.5 hr plane flight away if my folks need me, but am able to take care of myself here. That said, it's scary scary scary. I'm 33 years old and starting again in an unfamiliar place. I'm starting a new business and am so frightened of all the responsibility and whatifs, and especially of going broke. I'm not so much depressed right now as having high anxiety, crippling sometimes. And yes I have grief/sadness/anger/guilt etc. from how the situation with my parents turned out. I've struggled with smoking off and on in the last year and a half as well, and as of right now I'm breathing free for five days. But it's not easy (to extremely understate it!) and it is significantly magnifying the anxiety. Maybe it wasn't the "right time" but now that I'm into it I'm certainly not going back! There are a few other meds available in Indonesia that I haven't tried that I am considering going on. I think I need additional help. I also really need therapy, but it isn't available here either. What I'm doing instead is a structured, intensive writing therapy every night, winds up yielding 1000-3000 words (there's no minimum or limit, just forces you to dig deep). It's helping tremendously ... have been doing it since I got to Indonesia and it has saved my azz and life, but it is so very painful sometimes. Often. That's where I'm at ... thanks so much for "listening" and for all of you sharing your journey, too. It's really helpful to know I'm not alone. |
2009-11-29 9:06 AM in reply to: #2534376 |
Master 2429 Falls Church, Virginia | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! TriAya - 2009-11-29 9:46 AM Hi again everyone! Post here from time to time but should more often. So beautiful to read your stories, thank you everyone for sharing your struggles and solutions. It's been pretty dark in my life for a year and a half. Somewhere in there were two hospitalizations for severe depression with psychosis. Thankfully I (slowly) got better, but nevertheless it's been a painful struggle for a long time. Six months ago I moved to Indonesia to take care of my ailing parents and their household and family business. It would have been, even for several extremely energetic and well people, impossible. Things went very badly ... also, I tapered off all my medications since none of them were available in Indonesia. (I had been on two of the ones available here before but had bad experiences with them). I then predictably became quite depressed and anxious and was under unfathomable stress. It became impossible to live with my father (abusive, insane) as well as work for him (in the home too) and look after his medical needs. I made sure the household was in good running order, my mom was on some schedule and being looked after (she has Alzheimer's) and moved to a different city in Indonesia where I have friends and support. So I'm a 1.5 hr plane flight away if my folks need me, but am able to take care of myself here. That said, it's scary scary scary. I'm 33 years old and starting again in an unfamiliar place. I'm starting a new business and am so frightened of all the responsibility and whatifs, and especially of going broke. I'm not so much depressed right now as having high anxiety, crippling sometimes. And yes I have grief/sadness/anger/guilt etc. from how the situation with my parents turned out. I've struggled with smoking off and on in the last year and a half as well, and as of right now I'm breathing free for five days. But it's not easy (to extremely understate it!) and it is significantly magnifying the anxiety. Maybe it wasn't the "right time" but now that I'm into it I'm certainly not going back! There are a few other meds available in Indonesia that I haven't tried that I am considering going on. I think I need additional help. I also really need therapy, but it isn't available here either. What I'm doing instead is a structured, intensive writing therapy every night, winds up yielding 1000-3000 words (there's no minimum or limit, just forces you to dig deep). It's helping tremendously ... have been doing it since I got to Indonesia and it has saved my azz and life, but it is so very painful sometimes. Often. That's where I'm at ... thanks so much for "listening" and for all of you sharing your journey, too. It's really helpful to know I'm not alone. Wow, you have been through so much! Good for you for recognizing that you were in a bad place and moving away from your father. That takes so much courage. You're still doing what you need to do for them, but still putting yourself first. I think more people should do that. I think when you make a big change in your life like you have, anxiety would be expected for anyone. For someone with a history of depression its a given. When I got separated I knew I wouldn't have medical coverage, meds, money, etc. I had crippling panic attacks and crying fits for a year, and its only now that I'm starting to feel better. Its almost like I don't have time to be depressed. And I don't want to give my ex-husband the satisfaction of seeing me fail without him. I want him to know how much better I am than him, how much better off I am without him. I guess I'm rambling a little bit (as I do) but to sum it up: good for you for taking care of yourself. I'm sure you have internal grief about your decision regarding your parents, but you did the right thing. And I know its hard to try to beat depression and anxiety without medication or anything, but again, you're doing what you can. That's all any of us can do. Plus, you did that beautiful triathlon, so how cool is that? Hang in there. |
2009-11-29 8:05 PM in reply to: #2533754 |
Extreme Veteran 1074 | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! melbel1038 - 2009-11-28 10:14 AM Atlantia - 2009-11-19 4:11 PM Being paralyzed by depression is the worst. I can remember times when I would try to go for a swim and never make it out of the parking lot. I just felt like I didn't belong, like I was just pretending to be a triathlete. I think the best part about this site, these people, and this sport is how nice and welcoming everyone is. I really think that having a support system is being held accountable for my workouts is better healing than any medication. I am new to this thread. Hello everyone. Anyway just wanted to say I'm plagued by this and not just in triathlon training. I've been a web developer for 12 years and I still feel like any day now someone's going to expose me as a fraud who doesn't know enough design, programming etc. to call herself a professional. I found out recently there is a name for this. Its called "imposter syndrome". Google it. It's probably just one more way that people manifest their self esteem issues. Knowing that a lot of people feel that way has helped me identify when I'm doing it and just try to ignore that inner critic. Hey, welcome aboard. I get the imposter thing too. Often terrified that I will be found out as knowing nothing, screwing up, etc. Its bs though. Its the inner critic, who knows nothing other than how to pester. When I start getting to that point, I start thinking, well, if I can do X, then I can do Y..... |
2009-11-29 8:07 PM in reply to: #2534376 |
Extreme Veteran 1074 | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! hey, hang in there and dump on us whenever you need to! That's why we are here! In the meantime, will think positive thoughts for you!!! |
2009-11-29 8:16 PM in reply to: #1319576 |
Pro 4189 Pittsburgh, my heart is in Glasgow | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! Hey guys, hope everyone is well today. The holidays are hard! I've got a sort of good update...I've been working two jobs for the last two months. It feels great to be employed again, and even partially in my field plus a retail job. The thing is though...I still have bouts of terrible sadness connected with my employment status. The two jobs I managed to get are incredibly low-paying, and neither is full time. So I work as many hours as humanly possible at both of them, walking 8+ hrs a day, which isn't good for my hip which has finally started to feel better, get treated like poo by customers who can afford to drop $450 on a jacket, and then get a tiny paycheck that basically goes to pay my student loans. It feels like I took one step forward and then a half step back. And it is sort of humiliating because our family and friends still make these gestures out of love, that I always interpret as pity. Like my dad asked me if I needed money for my wallet yesterday. Like I was 16 and still living at home. And I know that's not how he meant it and I know it came from a place of love, but it still makes me feel like a failure for not having a salaried job, a home, plans to have a baby (which would be the worst thing that could happen right now). That people feel like they have to help us in terms of paying for things or choosing cheap restaurants to go out to or telling us it is OK to not give them presents. I just feel like I've failed at being an adult. No "real" job, no house, no kids, not even a dog or the ability to get a dog because we can't afford to move to an apartment that would let us keep one. Has anyone else experienced real anxiety/depression in regards to the news? Like every report on is just soul crushingly bad and sad and makes you just want to run away to Antarctica? I guess it isn't so much the news as the commentary/talking heads. And its flipping hard to escape too! There's no where to hide from it. I just feel really sensitive about things like healthcare and employment at this point and time because of my experiences in the past year, and I get really defensive/angry about some of the crap that people say. Ugh. But the running is getting better, and the hip has healed so I can actually properly run. I take real solace in my runs, moreso than usual. It's been great to run by the river in the morning and just relax, I guess I should try to carry that with me all day long. |
2009-11-29 10:32 PM in reply to: #2535054 |
Expert 1158 Chicagoland | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! phoenixazul - 2009-11-29 8:16 PM Hey guys, hope everyone is well today. The holidays are hard! I've got a sort of good update...I've been working two jobs for the last two months. It feels great to be employed again, and even partially in my field plus a retail job. The thing is though...I still have bouts of terrible sadness connected with my employment status. The two jobs I managed to get are incredibly low-paying, and neither is full time. So I work as many hours as humanly possible at both of them, walking 8+ hrs a day, which isn't good for my hip which has finally started to feel better, get treated like poo by customers who can afford to drop $450 on a jacket, and then get a tiny paycheck that basically goes to pay my student loans. It feels like I took one step forward and then a half step back. And it is sort of humiliating because our family and friends still make these gestures out of love, that I always interpret as pity. Like my dad asked me if I needed money for my wallet yesterday. Like I was 16 and still living at home. And I know that's not how he meant it and I know it came from a place of love, but it still makes me feel like a failure for not having a salaried job, a home, plans to have a baby (which would be the worst thing that could happen right now). That people feel like they have to help us in terms of paying for things or choosing cheap restaurants to go out to or telling us it is OK to not give them presents. I just feel like I've failed at being an adult. No "real" job, no house, no kids, not even a dog or the ability to get a dog because we can't afford to move to an apartment that would let us keep one. Has anyone else experienced real anxiety/depression in regards to the news? Like every report on is just soul crushingly bad and sad and makes you just want to run away to Antarctica? I guess it isn't so much the news as the commentary/talking heads. And its flipping hard to escape too! There's no where to hide from it. I just feel really sensitive about things like healthcare and employment at this point and time because of my experiences in the past year, and I get really defensive/angry about some of the crap that people say. Ugh. But the running is getting better, and the hip has healed so I can actually properly run. I take real solace in my runs, moreso than usual. It's been great to run by the river in the morning and just relax, I guess I should try to carry that with me all day long. I have been in your situation many many times. I went from a MBA to working for my girlfriend's dad in construction. Then I drifted into temp work, I didn't feel smart enough to get a "real" job nor was I even able to interview for fear that I would be exposed as a fraud! I still feel that way. I applaud you for working your butt off. I think you are doing what is necessary to get things done. You are not sitting around feeling sorry for yourself like I have done. Your hard work will soon bear fruit. I still cannot bear to talk to old friends from high school or college because I don't want them to know what I am doing. I struggle with this feeling of wasting my "potential" and not giving 100%. It is hard to give 100% when you feel like < 10%. Slowly I am realizing that it is not about things but about what's inside. I almost gave up two weeks ago. Actually I was pretty damn close. Freaked everyone out but I guess I was just testing myself to see if it was better to be here than not. I realized that no matter the pain (and there is a lot) it is better to be here and continue fighting. One step at a time. |
2009-11-30 9:30 AM in reply to: #2535054 |
Extreme Veteran 1074 | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! phoenixazul - 2009-11-29 8:16 PM Hey guys, hope everyone is well today. The holidays are hard! I've got a sort of good update...I've been working two jobs for the last two months. It feels great to be employed again, and even partially in my field plus a retail job. The thing is though...I still have bouts of terrible sadness connected with my employment status. The two jobs I managed to get are incredibly low-paying, and neither is full time. So I work as many hours as humanly possible at both of them, walking 8+ hrs a day, which isn't good for my hip which has finally started to feel better, get treated like poo by customers who can afford to drop $450 on a jacket, and then get a tiny paycheck that basically goes to pay my student loans. It feels like I took one step forward and then a half step back. And it is sort of humiliating because our family and friends still make these gestures out of love, that I always interpret as pity. Like my dad asked me if I needed money for my wallet yesterday. Like I was 16 and still living at home. And I know that's not how he meant it and I know it came from a place of love, but it still makes me feel like a failure for not having a salaried job, a home, plans to have a baby (which would be the worst thing that could happen right now). That people feel like they have to help us in terms of paying for things or choosing cheap restaurants to go out to or telling us it is OK to not give them presents. I just feel like I've failed at being an adult. No "real" job, no house, no kids, not even a dog or the ability to get a dog because we can't afford to move to an apartment that would let us keep one. Has anyone else experienced real anxiety/depression in regards to the news? Like every report on is just soul crushingly bad and sad and makes you just want to run away to Antarctica? I guess it isn't so much the news as the commentary/talking heads. And its flipping hard to escape too! There's no where to hide from it. I just feel really sensitive about things like healthcare and employment at this point and time because of my experiences in the past year, and I get really defensive/angry about some of the crap that people say. Ugh. But the running is getting better, and the hip has healed so I can actually properly run. I take real solace in my runs, moreso than usual. It's been great to run by the river in the morning and just relax, I guess I should try to carry that with me all day long. You are working your butt off. The job will happen. Can't blame yourself for a crappy economy. So will the house, dog, kid, etc. etc. Hang on and keep moving forward and you will get there. I like to run or ride right at dawn. See the sky turn from black to purple, to orange, to blue. The sunrise is an amazing, beautiful thing. Every day it is different. I try to burn those images into my mind and keep them with me during the day. Anyway, I guess my point is that like you, I take solace in my run/ride in the morning. Trying to keep an image or thought from that run can help when the day gets crappy. Have a good one. |
2009-12-03 9:33 PM in reply to: #1319576 |
Member 23 Homeless in Tacoma | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! Been a bad week. I am not doing well and the grief is winning. I am trying really hard to not give in but I am not thinking that I am going to make it. I am sorry. I know it is just a marriage and he was just a lousy man and he treated me like and had an affair on top of it but I love him. I just cant let go. We werent married long enough to have even counted. But for me, I didnt want to give up and let it end. I still don't. Now, losing my job. No where to live. No family. Losing friends.. So alone. Just giving up. Just disappearing. |
2009-12-03 10:28 PM in reply to: #2542347 |
Veteran 221 | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! donna999 - 2009-12-03 9:33 PM Been a bad week. I am not doing well and the grief is winning. I am trying really hard to not give in but I am not thinking that I am going to make it. I am sorry. I know it is just a marriage and he was just a lousy man and he treated me like and had an affair on top of it but I love him. I just cant let go. We werent married long enough to have even counted. But for me, I didnt want to give up and let it end. I still don't. Now, losing my job. No where to live. No family. Losing friends.. So alone. Just giving up. Just disappearing. If I knew your phone number I would call you. I sincerely hope you'll stick it out. After the death of my son, ending of my first marriage, and now a second divorce, I can tell you there is light but you just can't see it yet. I promise you it's there. |
2009-12-04 1:18 AM in reply to: #2542347 |
Extreme Veteran 1996 Halifax, Nova Scotia | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! donna999 - 2009-12-03 11:33 PM Been a bad week. I am not doing well and the grief is winning. I am trying really hard to not give in but I am not thinking that I am going to make it. I am sorry. I know it is just a marriage and he was just a lousy man and he treated me like and had an affair on top of it but I love him. I just cant let go. We werent married long enough to have even counted. But for me, I didnt want to give up and let it end. I still don't. Now, losing my job. No where to live. No family. Losing friends.. So alone. Just giving up. Just disappearing. It will get better. At some point, things will start to turn, but you have to work through the muck first. And you'll be surprised that it was easier than you expected. There are lots of good people out there to connect with, lots of support you don't see. Just hang in there til it clears up a bit. Please. Blair |
2009-12-04 5:50 AM in reply to: #2542347 |
Extreme Veteran 1074 | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! donna999 - 2009-12-03 9:33 PM Been a bad week. I am not doing well and the grief is winning. I am trying really hard to not give in but I am not thinking that I am going to make it. I am sorry. I know it is just a marriage and he was just a lousy man and he treated me like and had an affair on top of it but I love him. I just cant let go. We werent married long enough to have even counted. But for me, I didnt want to give up and let it end. I still don't. Now, losing my job. No where to live. No family. Losing friends.. So alone. Just giving up. Just disappearing. Hang in there! PLEASE. There is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS something to hold on to. Something to stick around for. Can be as inconsequential as wanting to watch Andy Griffith show, but ITS THERE. You can find it, no matter what you tell yourself to the contrary. I hope u can log back in and see these mesages. We are here for you to let it out but maybe you need more? Go talk to someone. Jobless or not....get your into an ER or a church or somewhere and TALK. It sucks, but its the way out. |
2009-12-06 9:51 AM in reply to: #1319576 |
Veteran 221 | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! Glad to hear you're still here. The offer still stands, call anytime. I was in a similar relationship. Probably wouldn't have had the strength to finally end it without the help of my social worker aunt and three really great friends. I'm still sorting out the things he used to say to me but it's been getting better and better. Don't worry about the number of times you've been married. Now you can take time away to be ther for your daughter and figure some things out for yourself. All the soul searching I've been doing has greatly helped me and now I feel like it's more possible to pick the right person, not let them take advantage of me, and believe in myself. The bad times are only an obstacle, not an impossibility. I've been down too many times with some pretty great things in between so I know it's never forever. |
2009-12-06 10:03 AM in reply to: #1319576 |
Extreme Veteran 1074 | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! hang in there donna, you;ll find the answer |
2009-12-06 1:36 PM in reply to: #1319576 |
Champion 7931 Sequim, Washington | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! Hey Donna...I'm in the Seattle area. Are you? I would like to get together for a cup of coffee if you are. |
2009-12-06 1:46 PM in reply to: #1319576 |
Champion 7931 Sequim, Washington | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! I really should check in more often... I've been quite depressed lately. I'm trying to get on a new medication regimen, but it is taking a long time to get to a therapeutic dose. I have hunkered down at my parents place and haven't been to my place for more than one night in the last 3 weeks. I am not sure that I like my new psychiatrist. |
2009-12-06 9:55 PM in reply to: #2545168 |
Extreme Veteran 1074 | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! mchally - 2009-12-06 1:46 PM I really should check in more often... I've been quite depressed lately. I'm trying to get on a new medication regimen, but it is taking a long time to get to a therapeutic dose. I have hunkered down at my parents place and haven't been to my place for more than one night in the last 3 weeks. I am not sure that I like my new psychiatrist. Hey there...Meds definitely can take time to get it just right, but they certainly elp. If you dont like your shrink, get a new one. Shrinks are just another med---sometimes the dose just aint right. Hang in there!!! |
2009-12-10 8:12 PM in reply to: #1319576 |
Champion 7931 Sequim, Washington | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! Well, I finally left my folks place and am doing better now that I am away from the stress there. I also saw my Psychiatrist again...I am a little disappointed that he is so quick to offer prescriptions. I get billed for a 20-30 minute appointment, but I certainly am not in his office that long. I think he needs a new billing code for the 5-10 minute appointments that I get. Edited by mchally 2009-12-10 8:17 PM |
2009-12-10 8:20 PM in reply to: #2545617 |
Champion 7931 Sequim, Washington | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! ChicagoMan65 - 2009-12-06 7:55 PM mchally - 2009-12-06 1:46 PM I really should check in more often... I've been quite depressed lately. I'm trying to get on a new medication regimen, but it is taking a long time to get to a therapeutic dose. I have hunkered down at my parents place and haven't been to my place for more than one night in the last 3 weeks. I am not sure that I like my new psychiatrist. Hey there...Meds definitely can take time to get it just right, but they certainly elp. If you dont like your shrink, get a new one. Shrinks are just another med---sometimes the dose just aint right. Hang in there!!! This is a new one...and highly recommended. I have had trouble finding drs in my area that deal with both bipolar disorder and adhd. It is already a bit of a drive to see this guy. |
2009-12-11 1:23 AM in reply to: #1319576 |
Extreme Veteran 1996 Halifax, Nova Scotia | Subject: RE: Depression and Moods- Check in! What in God's name can a Psychiatrist do in 5-10 minutes? That seems wrong, particularly when your a new patient. Good luck with him and keep us posted- I sure hope he shows better colours soon. December can be a tough month, but it also can be a great month. Hope its the latter! Blair |