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2008-07-04 5:42 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Washington , MO
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

Carmen- Just saw your before and after pics, simply amazing job. You should be proud of yourself and the commitment you've made to your health. Bravo!

Sarah- Have a great race this weekend. You will do well, I just know it. Best of luck!

Everyone- Have a happy and safe holiday weekend!

peace ~~ John

2008-07-05 6:07 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

Hey guys! Sorry I've been MIA for a while, lots going on and less time on the computer.  Sounds like everybody's doing well, good luck to people racing this weekend!, (Sarah!!)  Great pics Carmen!!

I'm doing my 3rd sprint on the 13th, been feeling under the gun latley about training.  Really feel I'm not being productive.

My game plan for the week

Tonight - on the trainer for 30-40 minutes
Tomorrow- swim, run
Monday - Bike outside 15 miles, run
Tuesday - run, trainer 30-40 minutes
Friday - rest day
Saturday - short OWS, 15 minute bike
Sunday - TRI!!!

Edited by Pegasus1731 2008-07-05 6:07 PM
2008-07-07 7:18 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Melissa - good luck with your taper this week and then your race this weekend!

Is anyone else racing this coming weekend?

My plan for the week:
monday - lunch run/bike PM
tuesday - track workout PM
wednesday - OWS PM
thursday - lunch run
friday - ?

This Friday I'm leaving for a week long trip to Yellowstone and the Tetons. I'm super excited, sitting through work this week is gonna be tough!

Anways, hope everyone had a great long weekend My RR is posted from the MinneMan tri.
2008-07-07 9:15 AM
in reply to: #1511181

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Washington , MO
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

Slahmmer - 2008-07-07 7:18 AM Melissa - good luck with your taper this week and then your race this weekend! Is anyone else racing this coming weekend? My plan for the week: monday - lunch run/bike PM tuesday - track workout PM wednesday - OWS PM thursday - lunch run friday - ? This Friday I'm leaving for a week long trip to Yellowstone and the Tetons. I'm super excited, sitting through work this week is gonna be tough! Anways, hope everyone had a great long weekend My RR is posted from the MinneMan tri.

 I happen to be doing a sprint distance tri for fun this sunday, but my 11 week HIM training plan is back in full swing this week, so i'll be training right through it.

 Wow Sarah, that's gonna be a hella awesome trip, Have a blast!

 Best of luck this sunday Melissa!

2008-07-07 12:02 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Great job over the weekend, Sarah!

For me now, taper is in full swing...I'll be backing off the volume even more this week, except for one last long ocean swim Sat. AM.

Today - Rest (considered a half-mile pool swim, but frankly needed the sleep more than the swim now)
Tues - Run 4 - 5 miles
Wed - Bike commute (full commute in AM, from subway in PM), 26 mi.
Thur - Run (intervals) 3 mi.
Fri - Bike commute, 12 mi.
Sat - Swim/run brick: Ocean swim 1.5 mi., run 4 mi.
Sun - Bike 20 mi.
2008-07-08 12:05 PM
in reply to: #1511953

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
tcovert - 2008-07-07 10:02 AM

Great job over the weekend, Sarah!

For me now, taper is in full swing...I'll be backing off the volume even more this week, except for one last long ocean swim Sat. AM.

Today - Rest (considered a half-mile pool swim, but frankly needed the sleep more than the swim now)
Tues - Run 4 - 5 miles
Wed - Bike commute (full commute in AM, from subway in PM), 26 mi.
Thur - Run (intervals) 3 mi.
Fri - Bike commute, 12 mi.
Sat - Swim/run brick: Ocean swim 1.5 mi., run 4 mi.
Sun - Bike 20 mi.

Scratch some of the above...due to oral surgery yesterday, I can't train until Thursday evening.

Not exactly how I planned to taper, but at least I'll be healing up any lingering aches and pains, instead of training through them.

2008-07-08 2:33 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Hope you feel better quickly, Todd!
2008-07-08 3:34 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

IM BACK!!!!!!

just got home last night around 3:30am from Fort Lewis Washington

hows everyones summer been going....i feel like I have missed soo much 

2008-07-08 4:04 PM
in reply to: #1515123

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Slahmmer - 2008-07-08 12:33 PM

Hope you feel better quickly, Todd!

Extraction site (molar) is doing great...almost no I'm considering a slow bike commute tomorrow. Dentist wanted to keep my HR/BP down while the clot is in place, so we'll see how it looks/feels in the morning.
2008-07-08 4:05 PM
in reply to: #1515319

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
landon5108 - 2008-07-08 1:34 PM

IM BACK!!!!!!

just got home last night around 3:30am from Fort Lewis Washington

hows everyones summer been going....i feel like I have missed soo much 

Welcome back! To heck with our'd it go for you?
2008-07-08 11:01 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Glad everything went well Todd!

2008-07-11 12:23 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Happy Friday, everyone! Some good looking workouts so far this week.

Melissa's got a race this weekend...good luck! Anyone else? (I can't keep up with all the 5Ks and adventure races popping up on everyone's schedules!)

Liz and I are looking forward to our first chance this summer to do an ocean swim and short run with her team from Disney in the morning. It's kind of a good news/bad news thing, though: First chance to do a big group OWS, but the wetsuit practice will be wasted, since it looks like it's going to be above wetsuit-legal water temps for Vineman 70.3 next weekend. (Water there was apparently 80 degrees on Monday...two degrees above wetsuit-legal, in case anyone wasn't aware of that rule. Ocean will be too cold tomorrow for me to want to swim without the suit.)

Have a great weekend!
2008-07-11 1:59 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Good luck to every one racing this weekend.
I'm heading out to Yellowstone/Tetons this afternoon for high altitude training, err I mean vacation!

Later gators!
2008-07-11 3:20 PM
in reply to: #1508658

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
jcash683 - 2008-07-04 3:42 PM

Carmen- Just saw your before and after pics, simply amazing job. You should be proud of yourself and the commitment you've made to your health. Bravo!

Wow...yeah! Thought I'd posted about your pictures already, Carmen, but it looks like I didn't. Amazing job!
2008-07-13 8:59 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Had a great race today!! RR already up!  I love this sport!
2008-07-14 12:42 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Good morning and welcome to Monday...

First off: Congrats, Melissa, on another podium finish!

I'll be a little bit scarce online this week, I think, as I not only have to get packed for Vineman (leaving early Friday morning), but Liz and I are in the midst of moving to new apartment.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. We had our first organized swim of the season with Liz's tri team from Disney. I did a one mile ocean swim, then a six mile run. Liz had a shoulder issue, so she hung out on the beach during the swim (life's rough, sometimes...) and then did an easy two mile run (in anticipation of a 9 1/2 mile run--her longest ever--yesterday).

This week:

Today - Moderate 4 mile run this morning.
Tues - Probably about 1000 yds in the pool.
Wed - Bike commute - 12 miles
Thurs - Easy 5K run.
Fri - Drive to Guerneville for Vineman 70.3
Sat - Possible practice swim in AM, definitely final bike check/ride out of T1 through first couple miles of course.
Sun - Race day (M45-49: 7:10am)

2008-07-14 2:12 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

Congrats on everything everyone has been doing this summer.  I was really not able to workout while i was there, but I was out in the field training so much and only eating about one to two meals a day i lost 15lbs.  Hopefully I can get back to working out strong.  I dont know if i will be able to get into good enough shape for my first tri in August, but i guess i could just use it as a rookie race.

 Things went good this summer....I was ranked 8th out of 50 people in my Platoon which is pretty good.   My two mile run went from about 15:15 to 14:04 so i was pretty happy with that.

 This past week my father passed away after his long battle with alcoholism...i always tried to get him to quit.  He made me soo mad sometimes, but now that he is gone i miss him like crazy.  

 I hope everyones weekend was great


2008-07-14 5:51 PM
in reply to: #1528689

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
landon5108 - 2008-07-14 12:12 PM

 This past week my father passed away after his long battle with alcoholism...i always tried to get him to quit.  He made me soo mad sometimes, but now that he is gone i miss him like crazy.  

 I hope everyones weekend was great


I'm so sorry about your dad. I feel even more fortunate that my father has just passed five years sober (as of his 71st birthday last month), after his doctor told him he either had to quit drinking or be dead in six months. You have my very deepest sympathies.
2008-07-15 10:03 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

Hey guys - as you can see from my brief attendance on here and my pathetic training logs life just got really busy in the last week!  I've been squeezing in workouts wherever I could (5k on family vacation) but haven't trained real hard in July.  I haven't even been in the pool once!  I've mostly stuck to my comfort zone of running - plus I can do that almost any time!

For all of you that looked at my before and after pics, thanks for your great remarks.  I guess I started my whole "journey" at 204 and I hover around 150 now.  I'm really aiming for another 10 pounds but I think that's going to take a whole new strategy for me - more weights and focus on nutrition, etc.  I took a metabolic test yesterday, I'm doing an RMR test Friday and then I'm meeting with a dietician. 

Anyway - enough about me...

Matt - welcome back!  Sorry to hear about your dad.  I too have lost my father and the reasons we lose them doesn't make it any easier - you're in my thoughts!

Sarah - hope you are having a great vacation!

 Todd - It's almost go time.  Good luck to our awesome mentor!

 John and Melissa - nice job in your recent races and finishing up there in your AG!

 I'm hoping to be around more from now on but my new job is pretty busy, my sister's wedding is coming up and I have the big 3 0 coming in two weeks!     Take care "team" 

2008-07-17 4:18 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Well, I think my online time may be scarce between now and when we leave for Vineman in the morning, so I just want to wish everyone a safe and sane weekend (mine hopefully will be safe, but I'm not sure it qualifies as "sane"). My wave goes out at 7:10am on Sunday morning...still uncertain whether the swim will be wetsuit-legal (water temp was 80 on Sunday, but is apparently down to around 76-77 borderline).

Take care, all!
2008-07-17 4:21 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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san francisco
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Hi guys...

Haven't been too active online lately...wanted to express my condolences to you, Matt, on losing your dad.

Todd- Good luck with Vineman this weekend. I'll be thinking of you...we have pretty good weather up here forecast for the weekend ...not as hot as last year, that's for sure. Hope it goes well for you and most of all, have a great time...there's only one first HIM and you've been training hard!

2008-07-17 6:13 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Washington , MO
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

 Good luck Todd, you're going to tear it up! Wish i was there to cheer you on. Looking forward to the RR. Remember your nutrition/hydration on the bike

 Have a great weekend everyone!

2008-07-21 8:43 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone - I am back in action this week. The vacation to the Tetons and Yellowstone was awesome. We did a whole lot of hiking and camping. The highlight of the trip was when a couple of moose walked right through our campsite one morning when I was making breakfast.

Congrats to everyone on recent races!! I'm looking forward to hearing how Todd did this weekend!

Anyways, hopefully everyone has a good week - Sarah
2008-07-21 9:55 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Washington , MO
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

Welcome back Sarah! What an awesome trip you had!

Can't wait to hear how it went Todd, I was rooting for ya all weekend!

Have a great week everyone.

2008-07-21 5:03 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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san francisco
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Hi guys,

Welcome back to Sarah....sounds like a really awesome vacation. I finally got back on my bike today for the first time in a month and rode 27 miles! I haven't been so motivated lately, I think because I didn't have a race to prepare for...and my riding buddy has been traveling. I found a sprint race though on Aug. 24 so now I have no excuses! It's a Luna Women's tri and its a fair distance on the swim (880yds) in a lake. That will be a challenge.

Anyhow, my week looks like....

Mon: Swim am/ bike p.m. (done)
Tues: Run 3 mi am/ Spin class
Wed: Swim am
Thurs: Run 4 mi/ Spin class
Fri: Swim am
Sat rest
Sunday: 6-8 mi long run

Can't wait to hear about Todd's race....the weather here seemed like it would be PERFECT for the race! Have a great week everyone!
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