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2009-02-08 8:28 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Rochester, New York
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim


I would agree with the cluastrophobia on the full length long sleeve, although I've never tried a sleeveless to see if it is different.  I feel like I can swim fairly well in the pool, but I get the wetsuit on and I feel HORRIBLE!  Can't breath well, can't move well, AArrgghh!

Sounds like everyone is doing well with their training & weight loss.  I'm off for the most part this week, then start the 20 wk program to olympic distance!

Train on!

Edited by rjdorman 2009-02-08 8:32 PM

2009-02-09 9:31 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Ok, I need a challenge for this week. I have not had the best last two weeks. My workouts last week consisted of:

Sunday-1 hour swim lesson
Wed-45 minutes on stationary bike
Friday-I hauled 27 one cubic foot bags of steer manure, compost and top soil (9 of each) onto the cart at Walmart, off the cart and into the car, out of the car down the side of the house to the garden. Then I used the rototiller for 2 hours.
Saturday-another 4 hours with the rototiller.
Sunday off

It was really nice last week and then on Saturday night a storm moved in. It rained most of yesterday and is supposed to be cold this week. Maybe even snow. That is not a usual occurance in the desert and I am not acclimated to cold weather.

Mondays are the beginning of my new training week for each week so this week I am supposed to:

32-Swim & 64-Bike
TOTAL: 5h 41m

My eating has also not been the best. I had a protein shake and toast for breakfast today and have healthy foods packed for lunch and snacks for later.

I think it was Jon who said he feels better when he eats clean and I do to but the sweets really call me sometimes.

Ok Michael give us a challenge. If not I will think up my own.
2009-02-09 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
thanks everyone on the wetsuit, water is cold for my tri so I have to have one, and then there's practicing in open water so pretty much need to buy one not rent one groan . . . didn't add up all these extra costs for my new hobby

love my swim class, 3rd week timing my 100's and went from 2:44 to 2:30 to 2:22, yippee, but I may have to miss the next three weeks, grrrrr, hate that but life gets in the way (Vday getaway, then have to coach at a karate tournament, then have to go to Seattle to chaperone karate team). I may try to sweet talk my honey into letting me swim the 15th but I feel bad, he booked a swanky hotel room for a getaway so it's hard to say, "hey can I leave at 8am on Sunday morning"

I could use some ideas for preworkout snacks, I eat peanut butter on toast sometimes add a banana, it's getting old, any other ideas? I need to eat a snack an hour or two before I workout or I have no gas.

did two runs, two bikes, two swims last week . . . not easy getting in all the training and I'm just starting, eek

2009-02-09 6:32 PM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Challenge for this week (sorry a bit late)

"Push yourself"

So we have been at this for about 5 or so weeks now and should be getting on a roll. So this week lets push ourselves, not trying to provoke injury or anything but put your goals a bit higher this week. Anything counts wether it is a nutriton goal, a s/b/r goal or even a time goal (say I am going to run 20 extra min this week)

For me it is a two a day goal. I want to do two a day workouts at least 5 days this week.

Best of luck gang!

2009-02-09 8:50 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Second week of swim class and I am digging it! I always try to please so having a coach watch me is encouraging me to excel. I take all of the suggestions and I try to put them to work.

At the end of the session I was asked how I felt about doing a 100 yard time trial to get a bench mark - I took the challenage. I set a 100 yard PR by a mile - 1:24. My previous best was around 1:35 - Early last year it would have been in the 1:50's (two years ago it would have been everything to just finish the damn 100 yards and it would have taken me more than 2 minutes - with lots of gasping and choking and much water swallowed). I can't wait to see if this drops a little bit more in the next couple of weeks.

My goal for the week will be a tough one - Wednesday I have a 30 running Time trial scheduled. I did one of these on Jan 20 and did 4.5 miles in 30 minutes at an average heart rate (during the last 20 minutes) of 174. I would like to maintan that heart rate and try to run just a little bit farther. That would mean I need to run a little faster than a 6:40 minute / mile pace.

Throwing down the gauntlets!
2009-02-10 9:57 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Yay James on your 100's - you are smoking me, that's motivating that one day I won't be the newbie, just trying to finish. I'm definitely finding chi running is hard to do, I find myself landing hard and have a hard time keeping pace . . . then I focus again on running "effortlessly". Gotta say, my knee pain is better, more like a 3 then a 7, but lots of room to improve. I didn't buy the book yet, just picked stuff off internet, went to library last night and they don't carry it so will have to buy it.

Goal - push it a little is great for me. My goal is to push it for my short bike/run/swim this week, I tend to stay in a level 1-2, so I'd like to be in a level 4-5

2009-02-10 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

great goal this week Sherm...for the week I'm keeping it light as I have my first indoor tri on Sunday. It will be a 10 min swim,30min bike and 15min run on TM. So I will be pushing myself through the whole thing....If I bust in the end I will know I gave it all. There have been times at tris that I feel I could have given more so for this first one I want to see I far I can really push myself.

As for the food...well I continue to eat very healthy but still do not follow through with the tracking. i tried using the nutrition stuff here but too much typing in of everything. I have a hard enough time just writing down what I eat! So again that is my goal.

Nice job everyone!

2009-02-10 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
In the timed indoor tri they probably add the total distance up to determine the rankings. The swim distance will not matter much and you should try to kill yourself on the bike - you will finish farther. Keep a high cadence and just keep pushing on the bike. And with only 15 minutes in the run you can then give everything else.
2009-02-11 9:11 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
I actually got in a workout yesterday. swim (30 min) and stationary bike (58).

The challenge for this week is to push myself. For me I think that is to get in all of my workouts.

During my swim last night I did try to see how long it took me to do 100 yards. Keep in mind the indoor pool is only 47 ft long so I have to do 6.38 laps to equal the 100 yards. There also isn't an official clock. It's like the school clocks. So if I read it correctly then I think it took me 0:02:10. I did it twice and came up with the same time both times. I did about 800 yards. I was trying to focus on bilateral breathing so I sort of lost track of my counting. Oops.

I really didn't want to get on the bike but figured if I was going to sit on my fat butt on the couch and watch biggest loser I could just as easily move my butt over to the bike. I rode for 58 minutes and covered 20 miles.

Fortunately the scale was back under 150 this a.m. I really don't like when it goes over that. It really needs to be near 125. It was 148.6 this a.m.

I will push myself this next week (starts on Friday) to journal all of my foods.
2009-02-11 1:19 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
I rode the rollers this morning in the garage while watching the rain come down. 35 minutes and practiced clipping and unclipping from the pedals.

The running TT took place at lunch. My legs still fell like lead but the mind was willing. I did my easy 10 minute warm-up (10:00 minute / mile pace) and then accelerated. The 2 mile mark of the working set ( the Time Trial ) came at 13:20 - right at a 6:40 minute / mile pace and I was still working into the set. I leveled off at a 6:30 minute / mile pace. My heart rate was climbing into the mid 180's - higher than I would have liked for this speed - this heart rate is not sustainable. At 186 I backed the treadmill down to let my heart rate recover a little bit. This was right about 19 minutes into the time trial. This is where the machine malfunctioned. I had slowed to about a 7 minute / mile pace and my heart rate was back in the 170's. I went to increase the speed of the treadmill and it would not go. I was running along at this less than maximum pace and getting frustrated. I hit the stop button in hopes that I could then resume the workout. The treadmill just stopped and reset itself. I started running again but by this time my heart rate had recovered down into the 150's. I also did not a have distance that could compare to the earlier time trial. I wimped out here. I called it a day - a 10 minute warm up with a hard 20 minute set - good for just about 4 miles.

I still have a swimming class later today.
2009-02-11 1:31 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Kim - I'm doing a mini indoor tri 20 min each sport on 4/4, let me know how yours goes

James - thanks for the hint on the bike, I will definitely do that

2009-02-11 6:12 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Hey guys and gals-

Sorry I have been MIA.  I am stuggling with working out, but I may have discovered the root cause.  My resting heart rate has been about 50bpm, and times through out the day it has dropped to the low 40's. I have been advised to stop working out unless it stays above 55-60, or until I see my dr. (who of course is on vacation)Feb. 25th. 
This makes me even more nervous since my event is 4-11.  But hopefully it is nothing and I will be able to bust a move in March.

Hope everyone is doing well, and from what I can tell everyone is at least working on it.. I will continue to read and post when I can...

Take Care-


2009-02-13 6:00 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
I had my swim class on Wednesday evening. I worked on POWER. It was a tough workout. Lots and lots of laps. The hardest sets started at 2 x 100 yards then 3 x 75 then 4 x 50 then 4 x 25 with decreasing rest intervals. By the last 25 I think I was only getting like 5 seconds rest. I thought that I was going to puke in the pool.

I have been riding the rollers each morning have worked up to 30 minutes. Still working on riding one handed so that I can wipe the sweat from my brow.

2009-02-13 10:20 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
James-you are doing awesome with your workouts. I've felt like puking while on the bike a few times but not in the pool. Ewww, chunks in the pool I completely understand about the one handed riding. have managed to be able to get my water bottle out of the cage and back in while riding and not fall off the bike or drop the bottle. One small step for mankind one giant leep for Jill I have not forgotten about you and that I need to get you some menu ideas for your points range from Weight Watchers.

I have been struggling with choosing to make time to workout. I know why-I'm not signed up for a race so feel that if I miss training it's no big deal. The race I was going to do filled up so it sort of threw me off. Also the money situation is making it hard to justify signing up for a race. With the heart surgeries we've spent about $2000 since October 31st and we just got another bill that says we are for sure responsible for $500 but that $13,000 is pending. We'll cross our fingers and hope that insurance agrees to cover it.

The next race I planned on is 15 weeks away on May 25th. I guess it's a cross between a Sprint and an Olympic (1093 yd swim. 15.53 mile bike. 3.10 mile run). This a.m. I printed out the registration form and filled it out. That is step 1. Now I need to talk to my husband tonight and see if we can eek out $75.

I did sign up for a 30 day bike challenge with some other Arizonans on the BT site that starts tomorrow. That will get me on the bike more for the next month because if not them I'm letting the team down and that's not fair.

Another thing that was throwing me off even though it sounds ridiculous is that I had set up my training schedule to start on Mondays and my diet journal always starts on Fridays. So I have adjusted that and am starting fresh today and putting the past 5 weeks behind me. Both eating and training will start on Fridays.

The other day I had printed out a 12 week swim workout and an Endurance, Form and Speed swim plan from this site. Rather than following the swim minutes I'm going to use the E/F/S plan for 3 weeks and then use the 12 week plan. By the 9th week it has me doing 900 yds and by the 11th week I'll be doing 1200 so I should be prepared for the May 25th race. I usually just go to the pool and swim "whatever" so I wanted to find something that was planned.

Here's to a fresh start. I WILL run today even if it is on the TM.
2009-02-13 5:18 PM
in reply to: #1960158

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

microspawn - 2009-02-13 7:00 AM I had my swim class on Wednesday evening. I worked on POWER. It was a tough workout. Lots and lots of laps. The hardest sets started at 2 x 100 yards then 3 x 75 then 4 x 50 then 4 x 25 with decreasing rest intervals. By the last 25 I think I was only getting like 5 seconds rest. I thought that I was going to puke in the pool. I have been riding the rollers each morning have worked up to 30 minutes. Still working on riding one handed so that I can wipe the sweat from my brow.

Good job on the swim and the rollers, they both will pay off this summer!

2009-02-13 5:19 PM
in reply to: #1956382

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

craftyazgal - 2009-02-11 10:11 AM I actually got in a workout yesterday. swim (30 min) and stationary bike (58). The challenge for this week is to push myself. For me I think that is to get in all of my workouts. During my swim last night I did try to see how long it took me to do 100 yards. Keep in mind the indoor pool is only 47 ft long so I have to do 6.38 laps to equal the 100 yards. There also isn't an official clock. It's like the school clocks. So if I read it correctly then I think it took me 0:02:10. I did it twice and came up with the same time both times. I did about 800 yards. I was trying to focus on bilateral breathing so I sort of lost track of my counting. Oops. I really didn't want to get on the bike but figured if I was going to sit on my fat butt on the couch and watch biggest loser I could just as easily move my butt over to the bike. I rode for 58 minutes and covered 20 miles. Fortunately the scale was back under 150 this a.m. I really don't like when it goes over that. It really needs to be near 125. It was 148.6 this a.m. I will push myself this next week (starts on Friday) to journal all of my foods.

Very good goal and something I need to start doing. I have been slacking on the eating again. It is something I need to make a top priority or it doesn't go well.

Edited by Shermbelle 2009-02-13 5:20 PM

2009-02-14 8:46 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Michael-how do eating go for you yesterday? Did you eat breakfast at home?

Here's my food from yesterday:

BKFST: Muffin-1, 1 cup applesauce-1, 1 c milk w/bengal-1
LUNCH: turkey-1,1 slice cheese-1,bread-1, tangerine-1
SNACK: apple-1, 6 almonds-1
DINNER: taco bell fresco crunch-3, fresco soft-4, pinto's n cheese-3, 1/2 burrito-3.5
DESSERT: mcd cone-3

I managed to get in a pathetic 1.05 miles on the TM in 24 minutes. At least I got on it at 8:45 p.m.

Today is swim & bike.
2009-02-14 10:02 AM
in reply to: #1961970

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

craftyazgal - 2009-02-14 9:46 AM Michael-how do eating go for you yesterday? Did you eat breakfast at home? Here's my food from yesterday: BKFST: Muffin-1, 1 cup applesauce-1, 1 c milk w/bengal-1 LUNCH: turkey-1,1 slice cheese-1,bread-1, tangerine-1 SNACK: apple-1, 6 almonds-1 DINNER: taco bell fresco crunch-3, fresco soft-4, pinto's n cheese-3, 1/2 burrito-3.5 DESSERT: mcd cone-3 I managed to get in a pathetic 1.05 miles on the TM in 24 minutes. At least I got on it at 8:45 p.m. Today is swim & bike.

Thanks for calling me out but no Frown I did not. I ate drive thru breakfast...again. I need to pack my lunch the night before and have stuff laid out in the morning but I keep procrastinating. We are going to the store this afternoon and my wife is getting back on WW (which she did before the baby) so hopefully that will help

2009-02-14 11:39 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Just finished a 15 mile run and boy are my legs tired - lol. I need to start taking some food with me on these runs. After about 90 minutes I get a little loopy. I can always tell because my math does not work. Today I looked down at my watch and I thought I only had 18 minutes left to complete the last 4 miles. A little demoralizing. Then a few minutes later I realized that I really only had 2 miles left (I was calculating the out and back distance). 18 minutes for 2 miles - much better.

The same thing happens on my bike rides.
2009-02-14 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1962115

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

microspawn - 2009-02-14 12:39 PM Just finished a 15 mile run and boy are my legs tired - lol. I need to start taking some food with me on these runs. After about 90 minutes I get a little loopy. I can always tell because my math does not work. Today I looked down at my watch and I thought I only had 18 minutes left to complete the last 4 miles. A little demoralizing. Then a few minutes later I realized that I really only had 2 miles left (I was calculating the out and back distance). 18 minutes for 2 miles - much better. The same thing happens on my bike rides.

Wow, great run today!

2009-02-14 9:49 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
James-I have to agree w/Michael. Awesome run.

I got in a 12.8 mile bike ride outside today. It took me 59:?? minutes. I also had a good food day:

BKFST: alternative bagel (1), 1 T PB (1), 1 tangerine (1), 1 cup warm milk w/bengal spice tea bag
LUNCH: 5 melba crackers (1), 1 slice 2% cheese (1), 1 cup applesauce (1)
SNACK after ride: 1 cup berries (1), 1 cup plain n.f. yogurt (2)
SNACK 2 stuck at office: reduced fat cheese its (4), 1" cube brie (2)
DINNER: cole slaw (1), vegetarian pea soup (2), 5 melba crackers (1)

I want something for dessert but I'm too exhauted to make anything. I just got home from work. . Ah, I just remembered there is No Pudge brownie mix on the refrigerator. If I have the energy I will make a single serve brownie and have a glass of milk w/it.

Today was supposed to be a swim and ride but I think that I may need to do my swims with my runs instead. Gotta do what works. I made myself a priority and went for the ride in between jobs. I really didn't have the time but decided-HECK I"M IMPORTANT TOO!

2009-02-15 6:04 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
It rained here all morning. I had planned on getting a 4 + hour bike ride but instead I decided to tune up the fleet of bike. It is a little embarrassing but we have 6 bike. I have 2 road bike (old and new) and a tri bike. My significate other also has three bikes - 2 road bikes (old and new) and a mountain bike. Anyway I cleaned and adjusted the drive trains and trued all of the wheels. Fortunately only one wheel was very much out of true. I had fun playing Bike MD.

The sun came out a little later and I rode up to meet the group ride. Not many today and everyone but me and another tri guy turned back at the 15 mile mark. We ended up heading out a little further and I got 60 miles for the day. It was a good ride because I was on my tri bike and I am feeling much more comfortable on it now. I took too much time off of this bike since fall. It definitely is faster than my road bike but it works my muscles in very different ways. Also, the pressure on my 'soft tissue' is much more apparent. I also had a flat but I am getting pretty good at changing them.

Not too much discomfort and had a good ride.
2009-02-15 6:21 PM
in reply to: #1963446

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

microspawn - 2009-02-15 7:04 PM It rained here all morning. I had planned on getting a 4 + hour bike ride but instead I decided to tune up the fleet of bike. It is a little embarrassing but we have 6 bike. I have 2 road bike (old and new) and a tri bike. My significate other also has three bikes - 2 road bikes (old and new) and a mountain bike. Anyway I cleaned and adjusted the drive trains and trued all of the wheels. Fortunately only one wheel was very much out of true. I had fun playing Bike MD. The sun came out a little later and I rode up to meet the group ride. Not many today and everyone but me and another tri guy turned back at the 15 mile mark. We ended up heading out a little further and I got 60 miles for the day. It was a good ride because I was on my tri bike and I am feeling much more comfortable on it now. I took too much time off of this bike since fall. It definitely is faster than my road bike but it works my muscles in very different ways. Also, the pressure on my 'soft tissue' is much more apparent. I also had a flat but I am getting pretty good at changing them. Not too much discomfort and had a good ride.

Sounded like a full day. Bike maintence is something I need a bit more knowledge on. I end up bringing my bike in for things I am sure I could do myself.

2009-02-15 6:23 PM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Finished my week off on a positive note, a nice 7 mi run this afternoon. Hopefully will get in a trainer ride later tonight but now am working on my taxes (it never ends Frown)

Will have the next weeks challenge up later tonight

2009-02-15 11:27 PM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Challenge this week:

In the theme of panera bread resturaunts menu, "You Pick Two Combo"

any two areas you want to focus on its your call, as usual report to the group and we collectively will hold each other accountable

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