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2011-02-08 11:13 AM
in reply to: #3344414

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2011-02-08 11:17 AM
in reply to: #3261875

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2011-02-08 11:27 AM
in reply to: #3345036

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
robcolling - 2011-02-08 11:13 AM
islandflyer - 2011-02-08 8:07 AM isn't cross chaining when you do more than one sport with a lisp? 

^^ That cracked me up! 

Me too!!
2011-02-08 8:53 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
Ok Catherine...I'm going to show my city girl ignorance.  Are those goats? 

Whatever they are, they are adorable!
2011-02-08 8:59 PM
in reply to: #3345049

Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
robcolling - 2011-02-08 9:17 AM
Since my shin splints (most evil) have returned, and I've been complaining about them (par for the course), my oh-so-generous (and gifted athlete) brother linked me to a series of exercises to help:

Strengthening Exercises Link

 I thought I would pass them along to the group in case others suffered from shin splints (most evil) or weak lower legs. 


Thanks for the link Rob.  Like I mentioned before, I suffered from shin splints last season and it wasn't fun.  I've been working to strengthen my legs overall ever since.  I hope to gain power as well as prevent a shin splint recurrence.

Something that someone recommended to me from my last mentor group that really helped were the shin splint sleeves from the Cho Pat store fifth row down.  They aren't pretty, but they did make my shins feel a whole lot better.  I doubt they would do much to help heal the problem, but the compression helped stop the aching at night immediately.  I ordered them in black and even ran with them a couple of times.  Looked goofy as all get out, but I didn't care since they really minimized the pain.
2011-02-08 9:27 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
Three dog night here in western New York.  Probably cold there too Rob, aye?

Looks like a good site Rob, I think the best thing to manage shin splints in balance of strength and ROM.

Next question of the day.  What is the purpose and the goal of a brick work out? 

2011-02-09 8:04 AM
in reply to: #3346162

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2011-02-09 11:48 AM
in reply to: #3261875

Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL

Yes, Michelle - Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats! Smile  To be fair, it's not the best picture in the world.

My QOTD answer: I was under the impression that brick workouts were pretty much to get your brain used to how it *feels* to run after biking and that there isn't much you can do about better training your muscles to do it.  I also know that a lot of training plans use them to save time (and showers!).  That's predominantly why I do them...because I need to bike and run on the same day, so I might as well tie them together and save myself a change of clothing!

2011-02-09 2:50 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
To put my answer in, much the same as everyone else, except I believe brick session are not just bike/run, but can be swim/run as well. Used to practice pre-transition actions (such as lifting cadence in the bike for example), transitions themselves, and muscle switch from one discipline to another.
2011-02-09 7:21 PM
in reply to: #3261875

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL

Good answerw to the Question of the Day!  All pretty much good thoughts and rational thinking.


Today's Question of the Day?  Discuss the pros and cons of learning other swim strokes.  Not being proficient to compete in them, but why you think one should or should not learn the other strokes.

2011-02-09 8:53 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
Great answers on the brick.  I'm no expert for sure, but  what I've found, IMO, that motor planning function is that most important part.  To get the legs and brain to transition from bike to run.  I have found that I really don't have to do as many bricks any more.  My training partner feels the same.  

2011-02-10 10:06 AM
in reply to: #3347912

Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
QueenZipp - 2011-02-09 5:21 PM

Good answerw to the Question of the Day!  All pretty much good thoughts and rational thinking.


Today's Question of the Day?  Discuss the pros and cons of learning other swim strokes.  Not being proficient to compete in them, but why you think one should or should not learn the other strokes.

Okay...considering that my swim is my weakest link, it seems to me you could always benefit from having a different set of strokes in your arsenal.  You may need to draw on something other than freestyle during an OWS depending on conditions and it would be helpful to have developed endurance in another stroke.  I would also think that each different stroke has the potential to recruit different muscles, thereby helping to prevent overuse injuries from repeating the same old same old.

But what do I know?
2011-02-10 10:08 AM
in reply to: #3347067

Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
GLC1968 - 2011-02-09 9:48 AM

Yes, Michelle - Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats! Smile  To be fair, it's not the best picture in the world.


Dwarf dairy goats!  Do you milk them for chevre?  I loves me some chevre!

Also, any chance they make a decent indoor/outdoor house pet?  Or would they eat the furniture?

They are too cute for words!
2011-02-10 10:48 AM
in reply to: #3348623

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
michwea - 2011-02-10 10:06 AM
QueenZipp - 2011-02-09 5:21 PM

Good answerw to the Question of the Day!  All pretty much good thoughts and rational thinking.


Today's Question of the Day?  Discuss the pros and cons of learning other swim strokes.  Not being proficient to compete in them, but why you think one should or should not learn the other strokes.

Okay...considering that my swim is my weakest link, it seems to me you could always benefit from having a different set of strokes in your arsenal.  You may need to draw on something other than freestyle during an OWS depending on conditions and it would be helpful to have developed endurance in another stroke.  I would also think that each different stroke has the potential to recruit different muscles, thereby helping to prevent overuse injuries from repeating the same old same old.

But what do I know?

Very good points, Michelle.  Rough water may require breast stroke for breathing and sighting.  If you are in a bad place breathing or are feeling panicky about OWS being comfortable to roll over on your back and backstroke a bit is helpful  If you look at my RR's there may only be one OWS race in which I did NOT resort to backstroke at some point during the swim.

Yes, you are recruiting different muscles.  Being able to swim all 4 strokes in a swim set actually requires the use of every major muscle group in the body.  A nice full body workout without impact!!

People who are pure swimmers think it gives a better "feel" for the water. 

Are there any other thoughts? I realize most of us have limited a time crunched athlete do you think it's worth part of your limited resources to occasionally practice other strokes?
2011-02-11 12:38 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
I can swim so from my presective all you really need to have is freestyle and breaststroke. 

Freestyle is your speed and allows you to sight if you can swim like Tarzan a little. 
Breast stroke will allow you to catch your breath and sight at the same time. 

Butterfly is for masocist and not really ever useful in a tri. 
Back stroke IMO is not what you want to be doing when in a middle a pack or on the fringes or waiting for the next wave to come up on you.  On your back you are blind ahead and behind. 

Side stroke is OK but is realy a single handed breast stroke. 
2011-02-11 7:13 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL

I know that most of you are still enjoying your Friday evening but my Saturday workout is done.

12 mile run - 1:47:13
6 miles out straight run
6 miles back 1:6 - walk:run

What's on tap for you?

2011-02-11 7:28 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
While I have you here, let me vent for a minute.....

We went to get Brielle (she's a week old) a passport so we could take her home for my brother's wedding and show her off.  Apparently the U.S. consulate and the Japanese consulate are fighting over a document confirming the citizenship of U.S. babies born in Japan.  Getting a Social Security card and passport will take 9-11 weeks!  Two American citizens, one a Naval Officer, have a baby in a U.S. hospital on a U.S. Navy Base and they cannot confirm that she's a U.S. citizen.  We were given this news late Friday afternoon so we get to figure out what we can do over the weekend.  There are a couple of avenues we're going to investigate next week but who knows. 

Brielle is basically a prisoner in Japan until she gets a passport.  The military moved us to Japan for 3 years now it's telling us that we can't go home during my wife's maternity leave.  Since she doesn't get much leave during the year as the Clinic Dept. Head, this means her 80 year old parents will have to fly to Japan if they want to see their newest granddaughter before her 1st birthday.  Not an easy trip for them physically or financially.

Icing --If we hit any snags the wife and kids won't be able to go to Australia for the IM either.

Okay, I'm done now.
2011-02-11 7:29 PM
in reply to: #3351310

Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
Nice work Chris, some great work there!

It's noon on Saturday here already, so mine is done as well:

24.13km (~15 mi) ride - 52:27
27.60km/hr (17.14mi/hr)
806 calories

First half of that ride pretty much up hill the whole way (mild gradient, I am not talking mountains), ride back in was various, flat with a few decent climbs (well at least for me, speed bump for others). 

Longest ride yet, legs are shot, but enjoyed it

2011-02-11 8:21 PM
in reply to: #3351326

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
papson14 - 2011-02-11 7:28 PM While I have you here, let me vent for a minute.....

We went to get Brielle (she's a week old) a passport so we could take her home for my brother's wedding and show her off.  Apparently the U.S. consulate and the Japanese consulate are fighting over a document confirming the citizenship of U.S. babies born in Japan.  Getting a Social Security card and passport will take 9-11 weeks!  Two American citizens, one a Naval Officer, have a baby in a U.S. hospital on a U.S. Navy Base and they cannot confirm that she's a U.S. citizen.  We were given this news late Friday afternoon so we get to figure out what we can do over the weekend.  There are a couple of avenues we're going to investigate next week but who knows. 

Brielle is basically a prisoner in Japan until she gets a passport.  The military moved us to Japan for 3 years now it's telling us that we can't go home during my wife's maternity leave.  Since she doesn't get much leave during the year as the Clinic Dept. Head, this means her 80 year old parents will have to fly to Japan if they want to see their newest granddaughter before her 1st birthday.  Not an easy trip for them physically or financially.

Icing --If we hit any snags the wife and kids won't be able to go to Australia for the IM either.

Okay, I'm done now.

YIKES!!!!  That makes absolutely NO sense!  A US Naval Officer, both US citizens and a base hospital?  Stinking NUTS!!!  Sure hope they figure this out sooner than they are saying!!
2011-02-11 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3351326

Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
papson14 - 2011-02-11 5:28 PM While I have you here, let me vent for a minute.....

We went to get Brielle (she's a week old) a passport so we could take her home for my brother's wedding and show her off.  Apparently the U.S. consulate and the Japanese consulate are fighting over a document confirming the citizenship of U.S. babies born in Japan.  Getting a Social Security card and passport will take 9-11 weeks!  Two American citizens, one a Naval Officer, have a baby in a U.S. hospital on a U.S. Navy Base and they cannot confirm that she's a U.S. citizen.  We were given this news late Friday afternoon so we get to figure out what we can do over the weekend.  There are a couple of avenues we're going to investigate next week but who knows. 

Brielle is basically a prisoner in Japan until she gets a passport.  The military moved us to Japan for 3 years now it's telling us that we can't go home during my wife's maternity leave.  Since she doesn't get much leave during the year as the Clinic Dept. Head, this means her 80 year old parents will have to fly to Japan if they want to see their newest granddaughter before her 1st birthday.  Not an easy trip for them physically or financially.

Icing --If we hit any snags the wife and kids won't be able to go to Australia for the IM either.

Okay, I'm done now.

Frickin' bureaucracy.  Sheesh.

Chris and Adam both...nice work outs guys!
2011-02-11 8:59 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
On tap for me on Saturday?  Looking forward to a run with a couple of gals from the tri club tomorrow morning.  And if I'm feeling good after that, I may try another strength routine.  My goal states an average of two strength workouts a week, but the plan I just started following recommends three if you can manage it.   We'll see...

2011-02-12 12:25 AM
in reply to: #3261875

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
Hey everyone. Just dropping by to say hi! I've got a bunch of papers, projects and presentations over next week. I'm not ignoring everyone (and trust me ... I would rather be geeking out talking tri). Have a great weekend and week training.
2011-02-12 12:30 AM
in reply to: #3351326

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
papson14 - 2011-02-11 5:28 PM While I have you here, let me vent for a minute.....

We went to get Brielle (she's a week old) a passport so we could take her home for my brother's wedding and show her off.  Apparently the U.S. consulate and the Japanese consulate are fighting over a document confirming the citizenship of U.S. babies born in Japan.  Getting a Social Security card and passport will take 9-11 weeks!  Two American citizens, one a Naval Officer, have a baby in a U.S. hospital on a U.S. Navy Base and they cannot confirm that she's a U.S. citizen.  We were given this news late Friday afternoon so we get to figure out what we can do over the weekend.  There are a couple of avenues we're going to investigate next week but who knows. 

Brielle is basically a prisoner in Japan until she gets a passport.  The military moved us to Japan for 3 years now it's telling us that we can't go home during my wife's maternity leave.  Since she doesn't get much leave during the year as the Clinic Dept. Head, this means her 80 year old parents will have to fly to Japan if they want to see their newest granddaughter before her 1st birthday.  Not an easy trip for them physically or financially.

Icing --If we hit any snags the wife and kids won't be able to go to Australia for the IM either.

Okay, I'm done now.

This totally sucks. I saw your post I cup of joe. I'm so sorry to hear about the situation. I can only imagine how frustrated you are right now. I really hope everything works out. Let us know if you need emails sent to your Congressman/Senator.
2011-02-12 11:27 AM
in reply to: #3261875

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL

I had fun at the gym today.  Thank goodness the trainer knew I needed to get some happy endorphin fix from my inability to run.  He gave me a workout that did just that.  Throwing the medicine ball isn't a good run, but it makes life better for a bit.

2011-02-12 11:43 AM
in reply to: #3351830

Nassau, Bahamas
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
trying to convince people to do a 5-6 miler today in Hope Town!
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