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2011-02-28 2:33 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
My motabolism is very very efficient.  It is extremely hard for me to lose weight as I can maintain on a few bird seads a day.  Well I can maintain my weight on 1200 calories a day while working out 1 to 3 hours a day. 

You can lose weight doing endurance sports and most people do, actually.  I am currently 35 pounds lighter than when I started training off the couch in 2007.  When I could not work out for 3 months I put some pounds on, partially because of not being able to workout, part because I was bummed that I couldn't workout, and partly because I was around food more because I wasn't workingout.  So here is my case = 1 wisdom with weight loss.  

#1 Do not plan on losing more than 5 pounds per month.  
#2 I really can get through the day on very low calories (1100-1200 calories).
#3 I did not start actually losing weight until I could exercize continuously for more than 60 minutes.  From what I have experienced/read your body burns the carbs in your system for 1 hour and after that it starts looking for other things to burn (fat).  So after that first hour you start burining more fat while you are exercizing.  Untill you get to that level of fitness your benefits are from calories burned (and not replaced) and some very small motabolism residual.  Once you are fit enough to run/bike or swim longer than 1 hour you burn fat during the exercize as well as the other benefits.  
#4 Do not reward yourself for a good workout by eating lots of junk.  This is the easiest place to completely screw up your attempt to lose weight.  I find it best to workout before breakfast and then just eat a small breakfast (160 to 250 calories for me).  I then workout before lunch and then just eat lunch as my "after workout" calories (400 calories for me).  And you guessed it, evening workout is followed by dinner.  After you get home from work snacking, and after dinner snacking are also killers, even if you don't eat desert, per se.  
#5 Weight loss has plateaus.  You can go for weeks without losing an ounce and then lose a couple pounds the next week.  People tend to fluctuate within a 5 pound range.  If you can get below the bottom of your current 5 pound range and you are very good on your diet for the following week, your body may just give up on the higher range and drop down into that next lower 5 pound range.  It will bounce around in there for me for about a month or two if I am not careful before once again dipping below that lowest weight in that range. 
#6 Try to avoid adictive foods: chocolate, brownies, cookies, chips, candy bars, etc., it is easy to start and hard to stop and often they are not easily measurable calorie wize.
#7 Be very careful what calories you take in from beverages.  I had a glass of grapejuice the other day and then looked at the package 500 calories.  I'm all really, that is more than my lunch!!!

And that is pretty much it. 

So, since my 3 month weight gain I am back down to 150 and hope to lose another 5 (10 would be ideal but unlikely) prior to my marathon and IM.  That should get me in the ballpark of 10 ish percent bodyfat.  Although anything below 150 is fine as far as my wetsuit fitting and my trishorts not being too tight.    
Oh and not to be offensive, but I find the "workout out at X heart rate to maximize your weight loss" to be pretty much BS as far as weight loss goes.  You run the 10 miles you burn the 1000 calories whether you are going at a 12 minute per mile pace or an 8 minute per mile pace (yes you burn a couple more colories at 8 mpm but negligable).  I mean you do have to get your heart rate to elevate some, but thats about it.  If my HR is over 150, I am working at whatever I am doing even if at a lower output level and I am burning calories.  I will derail my diet by eating a brownie not by running 30 seconds too fast or too slow.  Just my 2 coppers.  Your bang for your buck on weight loss is running/biking/swimming longer than an hour and avoiding the adicitve high calorie hungry again in 15 minute foods.   

Edited by Baowolf 2011-02-28 2:40 PM

2011-03-01 11:14 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

I swam 2500 yards this am before work and biked 55 miles on the drainer after work, (breakfast 250 cal, lunch 400 cal, snack 200,  calories on the bike 450, dinner 600= calories spent 2400, calories in 1900). 

What's everyone else up to workout wise today?  We really need to stay on page 1, easier to find the thread that way.

3 mile race this weekend, I will be competing against my wife and my 16 year old son.  It is a toss up at this point as to whether my son can beat me or not, he is genetically gifted (wifes side) and I am not, but I work hard.  I put it within about 15 seconds + or -,  taking bets. 

2011-03-01 11:55 AM
in reply to: #3374568

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
tjcin - 2011-02-27 5:38 PM Like I have indicated before, this forum is my "Accountability" place.  This past week I hit all my workouts with the exception of one strength. I hit 2 swims, 2 runs, 2 bikes  and only 1 strength.  I do have a concern though.  I am using this training regimen for a fat loss program also.  This week, my fat loss stalled.  I am very happy that my endurance is doing well, but the fat loss has me very disappointed.  I plan to take this week off and consume my calories at maintenance level and hit it hard next week.  There is plenty of time until my Sprint(June 11th)  so a one week break might do me good.  Is it a difficult balance to increase endurance and lose fat?  Thanks for your input. TJCIN

Are you weighing/measuring everything (as much as is possible) that you eat?  I found that made a huge difference for me when I made sure that I really had a "serving" of whatever I was eating.  Also, I don't know about you, but swimming makes me feel like I'm starving (I've heard that has something to do with the cool water), but regardless, it's easy for me to take in way more than I should after swimming.

Are you logging your nutrition somewhere?  I find logging food helps keep me accountable (and you can see I haven't been doing that lately!)

Maybe a bit more cardio and perhaps more lifting would help.  I was in the best shape of my life when I was following P90X to the letter plus running 20 miles/week.  Maybe you could add in a few more of the strength workouts while keeping the other workouts constant.

Good luck and keep us posted!

Edited by tribeagle 2011-03-01 1:10 PM
2011-03-01 6:56 PM
in reply to: #3377490

New user
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
OMG-I just hit a new high for me and I feel like I want to shout it.  I just had a great run (treadmill) which for me is my case it was huge.  I did a two mile straight run which is twice what I ran the last time, huge changes for me as this whole workout/training thing progresses. 
Oh and I have been measuring again lately and have seen some great results, especially when I look back over the last two years.  So to remind us all that there is always multiple ways to "measure" our progress besides weight.....victories in the little things!!

Thanks for listening!!
2011-03-02 8:07 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Ewengler, thanks for helping me understand the importance of the components/shifters.  So glad you got such a good deal on your bike!

Mike, maybe I just need to plan a trip to Vegas.  The hubby would like that very much  

Peteacher, AWESOME progress on the treadmill!  Do be careful about adding too much too soon. Rule I've heard is to not add more than 10% to your mileage each week.  I totally agree w/ you re: measurement not all being on the scale.  While I would like to drop more weight, I am content to let it happen over time while I continue to improve my fitness.

Tribeagle, P90X looks interesting, just not sure how to fit it in.

Baowolf, nice 20 you had there!  Have fun racing the wife and son.  My money is on you though.  Hmmm....the bird seed diet....haven't tried that one .

Cobratodd, I'm detecting a theme here....focus on the non-weight loss benefits.  I read a book called "Slow, Fat, Triathlete", which was really inspirational.  Basically, come to tri with the body you have and go from there. 

AJ, thanks!  How are your workouts coming along?

tjcin, great job on your workouts last week!  If it were me, I'd take a break only if my mind/body needed it, but not because I was trying to jump start weight loss.  That being said, all our goals are different, so if it works for you, we're behind you all the way!

Jenny, how was the ski trip?

Think I've mostly recovered from my least stopped groaning everytime I get up.  Had a good swim on Monday, just walked the dog a few miles yesterday, and have a short run on tap for today.  First time in new orthotics.  Tomorrow I have a Dr's appt conveniently located near another local bike shop, so will pay them a visit.  Think I'm going to use a modified OLY schedule and go ahead and target a 5/15 OLY with my training.  I'm already registered for a sprint on 4/10.

How about everyone else, what type of plan are you using, and what are your goals for the next month or two?   
2011-03-02 10:20 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
My goals are pretty straight foward, get in 2 more solid 20 mile runs and then race Boston while starting my IM training plan and upping bike and swim yardage.  So March is probably run 200 miles, bike 300 miles swim 20,000 yards, April will be screwy with taper and recovery and then May is where the big build will start.  I plan to lose another 5 pounds this month which = 10 seconds faster per mile or a little over 4 minutes for a marathon and then another 5 for my July IM.  I have been completely stuck at 150 for 3 weeks now, but I know one of these days I will hit 149 and be past this plateau. 

Grats to everyone on getting er done.  Really any day you get out and do anything is a victory. 

Be careful on not going up too fast with your running.  Going from 1 to 2 miles is very big and I remember when I was able to accomplish that. 

I was looking over my logs and my first short season of training my average workout run speed was 10:37 minutes per mile.  The second year it was only up to 10:15 minutes per mile.  It was really the third year when it dropped to 8:40 minutes per mile that I saw the benefits of the previous 15 months of building a base of running.  The bike same thing, first season 14.9 mph average and  progressing to 17.5 ish over 3 years.  So hang in there and things will get better, really they will. 

2011-03-02 11:16 AM
in reply to: #3378200

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
peteacher - 2011-03-01 6:56 PM OMG-I just hit a new high for me and I feel like I want to shout it.  I just had a great run (treadmill) which for me is my case it was huge.  I did a two mile straight run which is twice what I ran the last time, huge changes for me as this whole workout/training thing progresses. 
Oh and I have been measuring again lately and have seen some great results, especially when I look back over the last two years.  So to remind us all that there is always multiple ways to "measure" our progress besides weight.....victories in the little things!!

Thanks for listening!!

Where's the "like" button?  This is great - congrats!
2011-03-02 10:27 PM
in reply to: #3379048

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Baowolf - 2011-03-02 10:20 AM

I was looking over my logs and my first short season of training my average workout run speed was 10:37 minutes per mile.  The second year it was only up to 10:15 minutes per mile.  It was really the third year when it dropped to 8:40 minutes per mile that I saw the benefits of the previous 15 months of building a base of running.  The bike same thing, first season 14.9 mph average and  progressing to 17.5 ish over 3 years.  So hang in there and things will get better, really they will. 

That is great that you were able to keep at it for 15 months and build that base up.  I know that would be a tough task for me to accomplish.

Congrats to everyone on getting their training in!  The beginning of the season is always the hardest part; once you are into the groove and doing races it will all be worth it!  On that note we are in March finally so my 12 week training program just kicked in so the 'making up workouts as I go along' of February is over.  I am happy to finally be nearing my first triathlon and so far I am gladly putting in the time for training!

Make it a good week people.  Spring is around the corner!!!

2011-03-03 4:50 AM
in reply to: #3379048

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Baowolf - 2011-03-02 10:20 AM

I was looking over my logs and my first short season of training my average workout run speed was 10:37 minutes per mile.  The second year it was only up to 10:15 minutes per mile.  It was really the third year when it dropped to 8:40 minutes per mile that I saw the benefits of the previous 15 months of building a base of running.  The bike same thing, first season 14.9 mph average and  progressing to 17.5 ish over 3 years.  So hang in there and things will get better, really they will. 

Thanks for sharing this. It really shows the benefits of base building and the importance of being patient and sticking with it.

My PT says I can try running on Saturday. One mile. As long as it isn't painful. Here's hoping!

Edited by ewengler 2011-03-03 4:50 AM
2011-03-03 8:30 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

Congrats on your successes this week everyone! Hearing about them definitely helps--this week has been such a struggle training-wise! I'm on a program where I build for 3 weeks then have a "rest/easy" week, then go back to building. It's week 5 and I think that rest week did something bad to my brain! Grrr! I signed up for a beginners tri swim clinic which is about a week away and I think I'm going to buy a road bike in the next few days. I'm hoping these things will help bring back my old, excited self!

Speaking of new bikes, does anyone have any thoughts/opinions otherwise on Trek bikes? Specifically the Lexa SLX Compact? This is what I'm leaning toward..Never had a road bike in my life! There are a few reviews online and they all seem very positive, but it would be nice to hear from real people!

2011-03-03 9:31 PM
in reply to: #3269333

New user
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

I wanted to give a shout out to those who shared the info about the increases in my running training.  I am so brand new to so much of this and had no idea about things like this.  I have been researching a lot lately but have only so much time to give to it. 

I know there are training programs on here and believe that I am finally on track to start using a basic one.  I think I have settled on my first event and that gives me a new level of enthusiasm.  I also had two great conversations regarding triathlons yesterday and learned even more.  Once ya get the lingo, ya don't feel so lost anymore!!

Today knocked out a short swim (normally do around 1500-1800) but today was 1050.  The sprint tri I am doing is 600 yards and I have never spent time seeing if I could do that distance all at once.  (usually do a standard broken up workout).  Went really well and took about 11 minutes which I am so okay with.

I gotta say, I love learning all this.....this information is professionally relevant as well as personally beneficial!!


2011-03-04 2:55 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

I had an awesome workout yesterday.  I did 8 x 800 at 7:30 pace.  It felt really good after a tough week and a half at work to get out and just run hard.  I also ran repeats #2 and #3 back-to-back for a 7:24 mile and a "gold" in the little competition we have going at our gym.  I'm looking at 20 miles in the rain this weekend - yuck!  But, it's the last one and then it's taper time.

To all of you who are new to running (and biking and swimming too), hang in there, keep up the good work, and don't get discouraged by Baowolf and I babbling about marathon training.  We were beginners once too!  It wasn't too awfully long ago that I swore up and down that I wasn't interested in training for a marathon and now I'm talking crazy talk about maybe running two in 6 weeks!  (Maybe those were just the endorphins talking after yesterday's workout!). 

2011-03-04 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Hey all - looks like everyone is doing great with their training! Keep up the good work! I apologize for being sort of MIA here this week... things have been a little hectic on the home front - hubby crazy busy @ work, me working on preparing for the race I help organize at the end of the month, kids activities, etc., etc., etc.... Things will likely be just as (or more) busy for the next few weeks, but I promise I will try to post more often!

2011-03-04 7:52 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

conanzchic, I'm interested in any responses you get on that trek bike.  Looks in my price range, and I'm shopping too

Think I did a little bit of stupid today.  Went out for a run, and within 3 or 4 steps had pain in lower left calf.  Thought maybe a cramp, so tried to shake it out and go on.  Hurt all the way, but kept going on it for 3 miles. Think it's a relatively minor muscle pull, but I really didn't need to run today since I'm calling this my zero week to recover from the 1/2 and then start a new training program next week.  Iced it and we'll see how it goes. 

So I've been talking to hubby about the new bike possibilities.  He is very supportive of me getting one.  But I think I talked a little too much....and now he hates the idea of clipless pedals (ie the possibility of me falling trying to learn to use them), and is trying to talk me out of it.  We have already had conversations about the possibility of open water swims in my future (albeit perhaps distant), and he kicks into protective mode on that too.  I love him for it and many other reasons, but also don't want fear to hold me back.

So this was the day to run too much....legs and mouth! 

2011-03-04 8:55 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

Courtney that was a seriously awsome workout!  You realize that means you could run perhapse a 3:30 mary and drop 40ish minutes off your last mary (3:20 possible)?  You are on track for a BQ. 

You have some serious speed in you.  Do not kill youself before the race though!

Very impressive.

Sorry all I know is that Treck is a respected name in bikes.  I don't have any personal experience with them.  Check the components, try to get a professional fit for free when you buy the bike with them and a 20 percent discount on gear if you buy it from a bikeshop (peadals, shoes seat, etc.)  You can also get a seat upgrade to a female specific saddle and they will deduct the price of the base sadle ($70) towards your upgrade.  Etc. if you go for a bike shop bike. They will also measure you for the right fit.

 And I agree... I was scared about completing my first Sprint Tri back in 2007. 

There is an abreviation definition page on BT you can look at to catch up on some of the lingo.



Edited by Baowolf 2011-03-04 9:17 PM
2011-03-05 6:00 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

I do have a Trek 520 bike and I love it but it is a touring bike (meant for long distances with baggage on it) and not a road or TT bike.  It does have a slightly different geometry to it but I am sure I can make it work for me.  I bought it mid way though last summer and only put 400 miles on it so its still relatively new but I have no complaints at all yet!

Oh yeah one more thing, since Trek is the biggest brand name in cycling they tend to have better resale values than other "unknown" companies if you are looking to sell and upgrade later or something.


Edited by mn_av8or 2011-03-05 6:02 AM

2011-03-05 7:00 AM
in reply to: #3383727

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
mn_av8or - 2011-03-05 6:00 AM

I do have a Trek 520 bike and I love it but it is a touring bike (meant for long distances with baggage on it) and not a road or TT bike.  It does have a slightly different geometry to it but I am sure I can make it work for me.  I bought it mid way though last summer and only put 400 miles on it so its still relatively new but I have no complaints at all yet!

Oh yeah one more thing, since Trek is the biggest brand name in cycling they tend to have better resale values than other "unknown" companies if you are looking to sell and upgrade later or something.


Conanzchic: I don't know the Trek bike you mentioned, but agree with Marcus that Trek is one of best known road bike manufacturers.  My partner has a Trek Madone with Shimano's Ultegra components and he loves it.  But as others have said: get fitted at the bike shop, check the components (if Shimano, go for 105s, ultegra, or dura-ace are the best; Sram components are also becoming popular and are well reviewed--Rival and Red are their tops; Campagnolo components are less used than the other 2 in the US, but excellent and probably expensive.)

Squirt: Clipless are the way to go. New ones are always a little tight-stand over the bike with one foot on the pavement and put one foot into the clip and practice unclipping a few times so you know how much force you need to exert and also to loosen it up a bit.  I fell the first time I used them--toppled over right in the drive way because I didn't realize how tight the cleat was in the pedal.  A lot of people are worried about not clipping out in time--just practice. Practice riding on a paved bike trail and slowing down and clipping out.

Open water swim with a friend. I love the quiet of the lake at 6 am but I'd never go without a friend or two--most of the guys I know won't swim alone either. It is just a matter of being smart about safety.   Even some triathlons now offer training swims and rides for people who sign up--two of the ones I've signed up for have various clinics because there are so many people becoming interested in the sport. Is there a tri club in your area? Sometimes they are organized out of local bike shops, so ask around. They often have group swims and other training--I joined my local club and I do open water swims with them at the lake in the summer.


2011-03-05 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3381924

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
conanzchic - 2011-03-03 9:30 PM

Congrats on your successes this week everyone! Hearing about them definitely helps--this week has been such a struggle training-wise! I'm on a program where I build for 3 weeks then have a "rest/easy" week, then go back to building. It's week 5 and I think that rest week did something bad to my brain! Grrr! I signed up for a beginners tri swim clinic which is about a week away and I think I'm going to buy a road bike in the next few days. I'm hoping these things will help bring back my old, excited self!

Speaking of new bikes, does anyone have any thoughts/opinions otherwise on Trek bikes? Specifically the Lexa SLX Compact? This is what I'm leaning toward..Never had a road bike in my life! There are a few reviews online and they all seem very positive, but it would be nice to hear from real people!

I took a quick look at the specs for the Trek Lexa SLX - it certainly looks like a decent bike on paper (for those bike folks who might care to chime in - aluminum frame, carbon fork & seat post, 105 components all around, compact or triple crank available, sounds like conanazchic is looking @ a compact). The compact crank is a better choice IMO than the triple crank. The main thing to consider is whether the bike fits you well. If it's a good fit, I would see no reason to stay away from this bike... Have you test ridden it yet? Most manufacturers will have a similarly speced bike at around the same price point as this one, so if the Trek doesn't fit you well, keep looking - there are lots of options out there!
2011-03-05 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3378200

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
peteacher - 2011-03-01 7:56 PM

OMG-I just hit a new high for me and I feel like I want to shout it.  I just had a great run (treadmill) which for me is my case it was huge.  I did a two mile straight run which is twice what I ran the last time, huge changes for me as this whole workout/training thing progresses. 
Oh and I have been measuring again lately and have seen some great results, especially when I look back over the last two years.  So to remind us all that there is always multiple ways to "measure" our progress besides weight.....victories in the little things!!

Thanks for listening!!

Awesome! Keep up the good work!!!
2011-03-05 8:51 AM
in reply to: #3383105

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
tribeagle - 2011-03-04 3:55 PM

I had an awesome workout yesterday.  I did 8 x 800 at 7:30 pace.  It felt really good after a tough week and a half at work to get out and just run hard.  I also ran repeats #2 and #3 back-to-back for a 7:24 mile and a "gold" in the little competition we have going at our gym.  I'm looking at 20 miles in the rain this weekend - yuck!  But, it's the last one and then it's taper time.

To all of you who are new to running (and biking and swimming too), hang in there, keep up the good work, and don't get discouraged by Baowolf and I babbling about marathon training.  We were beginners once too!  It wasn't too awfully long ago that I swore up and down that I wasn't interested in training for a marathon and now I'm talking crazy talk about maybe running two in 6 weeks!  (Maybe those were just the endorphins talking after yesterday's workout!). 

Nice run Courtney! Good luck with your last 20 miler, and enjoy your taper! Can't wit to hear how the marathon goes!
2011-03-05 12:15 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

Still bike shopping...and ran across the ad below on Craigslist....close enough that I could go look at it.  I was not looking for a tri bike, just to move from my mtn bike to a road bike, but this one looked interesting.  I'm 5ft4 and even the size 7 shoes would stand a good chance of fitting.  Is this worth looking at, or would you guys recommend sticking with a road bike since I'm so new to all of this?


I am selling my gently used Cervelo P2 SL 48" tri bike.

It has less than 750 miles on it. It is equiped with Shimano Ultregra componets and is a 2008 model.

Also with the bike you will receive everything pictured which includes the following:
*Lake clip-in shoes (European Size 39, US size 7)
*Look KEO easy pedals
*Brand new (replaced aftermarket/upgrade from original saddle) Selle Italia Lady gel flow saddle
*Cateye Velo 5 bicycle computer
*Brand New (replaced aftermarket/upgrade from original aerobars--these added a lot more options of fitting the bike perfectly to your needs) ProfileT2+ aerobars and cannondale C2 handlebars.
*Saddle bag with full emergency kit included as well as water bottle cage.

This is an awesome tri bike! I am 5'4" tall and it was a perfect fit. Cervelo says this bike would fit anyone from 5' to 5'5"

This bike has been kept in great condition and has had annual tune ups.

I am asking $1300 for everything listed here.


Edited by squirt 2011-03-05 12:16 PM

2011-03-05 8:01 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

Woot great race!  I finished the 3 mile run in 17:58 (although the clock said 17:55 when I crossed the line).  That is roughly a 2:30 min PR over my last race of around this distance (a while ago).  My splits were 6:00, 6:00, 5:58.  I ended up coming in 7t h overall (some serious heat out there with some 15 minute times and 2nd in my age group.  But more importantly I beat my 16 year old son by 2:42. 

Other family finshes, 16 year old 3 mile 20:40, wife 26:45, 1 milers 13 year old 8:00, 9 year old 8:40, 5 year old 9:57.  We brought home a 2nd, 4th and 5th place. 

It was pretty amazing, I never run that fast, but it all came together.  When I saw the time from the first mile I figured that the big miles I have been putting in should carry me through and they did.  Phew.  Now my son will have to work for another year to have a shot at me. 



2011-03-05 10:04 PM
in reply to: #3383105

New user
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
tribeagle - 2011-03-04 2:55 PM

I had an awesome workout yesterday.  I did 8 x 800 at 7:30 pace.  It felt really good after a tough week and a half at work to get out and just run hard.  I also ran repeats #2 and #3 back-to-back for a 7:24 mile and a "gold" in the little competition we have going at our gym.  I'm looking at 20 miles in the rain this weekend - yuck!  But, it's the last one and then it's taper time.

To all of you who are new to running (and biking and swimming too), hang in there, keep up the good work, and don't get discouraged by Baowolf and I babbling about marathon training.  We were beginners once too!  It wasn't too awfully long ago that I swore up and down that I wasn't interested in training for a marathon and now I'm talking crazy talk about maybe running two in 6 weeks!  (Maybe those were just the endorphins talking after yesterday's workout!). 


Thanks for saying that, some of you guys seem so much farther along than we are but I love learning from what you have to teach!!

2011-03-05 10:51 PM
in reply to: #3384411

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Baowolf - 2011-03-05 8:01 PM

Woot great race! 

Seriously speedy running family thing going on here!!  Great running, and woot is right!  Glad you found a new gear AND can keep the son a little humble for another year .

peteacher I hear you...I've been running off and on for about 5 years and find encouragement by playing this tape in my head --  "I am faster than my couch".  OK, sometimes I think it might be gaining on me, but I'll be darned if I'm going to let it catch me.  Just by participating, we are doing so much more than the vast majority of folks who have let the couch win.  Oh, and we are going to have fun and adventure in the process!!


2011-03-06 4:02 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Extreme Veteran
Higganum, Connecticut
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
The Cervelo P2 is a great tri bike, I bought my used 2007 for about $2k last year, it was a similar situation where the original owner was about my size (1" taller). It is very uncomfortable if not properly fitted to you. I spent another $200 for a super detailed fitting which included a better seat - so don't be surprised if it's a bit harsh to ride - way more hardcore than an average ride. Also note that it has the aerobars and not regular handlebars so to shift gears you have to layout on the bars to reach the shifters. It is not as fast top-end speed as my Felt F80 road bike, but due to the aero position I saved 11 minutes off of a 15 mile loop that I would ride weekly, and due to the geometry, my legs are better ready for the run than with the Felt.It sounds like a good buy if you fit, expect to have it fitted to you, practice on a slow road or closed road without hills at first, and be prepared to really slice through the air. That deal is far better money spent than anything new off the shelf - better geometry, parts, accessories, everything.One last thing, check the size 39 shoes, they vary a ton.Best of luck, I hope it works for you. Time to go run the Shamrock 5k in the rain.

Edited by cobratodd 2011-03-06 4:08 AM
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