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2011-04-21 7:21 AM
in reply to: #3457983

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
rh8463 - 2011-04-21 12:31 AM

Ok Crushers, I am off for a 5 day weekend - yes 5 days!!!! Heading to the Hunter Valley in New South Wales, wine country! Staying in a gorgeous cottage with good friends.

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend and Rhoda especially, I hope you get the chocolate you are hoping for!

Sounds delightful!! Have fun!

2011-04-21 7:21 AM
in reply to: #3424508

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
got my swim on today
2011-04-21 10:00 AM
in reply to: #3453736

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
rh8463 - 2011-04-18 7:02 PM
D001 - 2011-04-19 10:06 AM
rnihill - 2011-04-18 10:35 AM

So, the fact that Emma is getting a puppy has me thinking this morning...  Do puppies leave you gross presents?  If not, I may need to switch my thinking from being a "cat person" to a "dog person".   My cat has caught an unbeliveable amount of mice/moles/voles  in the last week and keeps leaving them right outside the front door.  Hubby is very proud of our boy for protecting his garden...  but I am just about done with the GROSSness of it all!

Maybe I should just get fish?

My dog gives me soggy, slimy tennis balls. Does that count?

Morning All!

Just had a massive morning of drama, worked really late last night and early this morning to get a draft of a proposal in by a 10am deadline. At 9.15 am I went to send it and realised that the latest saved version I had was from yesterday afternoon, with a more recent version on my home laptop but not enough time to get it...etc etc (no idea what happened, a version of idiotic events I guess!), so I had 45 mins to complete about 5 hours worth of work.... I did my best, got it in and apparently it was ok, so phew! I have, however, decided not to apply for the other fellowship I meant to as it is just so much work and I seriously doubt I would be able to get together a competitive application in time anyway. So, it is not worth my sanity to try to. I have more than enough on my plate as it is!

I've had days like that. Not fun. Glad things worked out.

2011-04-21 10:06 AM
in reply to: #3455055

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

yogachic - 2011-04-19 12:44 PM Ugh, why is it so cold and rainy?  Totally makes me not want to do anything today!  Maybe it's a good day to head to the pool, then the steam room afterward Wink

This is how my day was yesterday. Had all these great plans to go for a run after work then get some stuff done in my yard. A couple blocks from the house it starts to rain. Went inside to work on some stuff and didn't finish up until after 10 so no workout at all. Training hasn't gone well lately. Great plans, poor follow through.

2011-04-21 10:09 AM
in reply to: #3455684

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
bodhi_girl - 2011-04-19 7:23 PM

Oh bad weather and taser toppage! Nice.  ;-)

I'm cranky. What a friggin' day. Today was one one of those days where I considered walking out of my job - but then remembered that the police service really is my career, it's my life in a way, I don't want to work anywhere else ... so what if I'm in a terrible section at the moment, I'll be transferred or seconded or apply for something else soon/eventually. I have to work for another 25-ish years, so I may as well stick it out.

On that note - a REALLY good job opened up today in another district, and it would be PERFECT. It is exactly what I have been dreaming of all these months ...
ONLY - they require a specific degree, and I do not have it. I have education, but not the right education. I have some feelers out, and hopefully I'll get unofficial word that they will take direct experience instead (they'd barely have to train me!) ... but ... we'll see. This one might be tricky, as I believe the union will be pretty cut and dry on the education aspect.

Cross your fingers for me, Crushers! (not only would I die happy doing this job, it's an extreme raise in pay!).

I skipped my planned bike workout today. Too cranky. This is why I schedule 3 every week - so I can skip one when I'm tired and cranky yet still get 2 solid sessions in. See - I'm smrt like that. Laughing

Good luck. I hope this new opportunity works out for you.

edited because I'm a sloppy typer.

Edited by pdbman 2011-04-21 10:09 AM
2011-04-21 10:12 AM
in reply to: #3456659

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
QueenZipp - 2011-04-20 10:22 AM

Adapted Mike's ridiculous intervals to something more reasonable, walked 2 min to start then 2 min jog to 15 sec walk.....couple walk breaks went 30 seconds cause of the hills.  So far so good.

Rasoul tortured me today, over 200 crunches on the ab bench!  If that wasn't enough, on each round of squats and chest press he added more weight!!

Sounds like a good workout. I've been considering hiring a coach/trainer to help me get back on track.

2011-04-21 10:15 AM
in reply to: #3457550

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
D001 - 2011-04-20 5:32 PM
bodhi_girl - 2011-04-19 9:14 PM

yogachic - 2011-04-19 12:44 PM Ugh, why is it so cold and rainy?  Totally makes me not want to do anything today!  Maybe it's a good day to head to the pool, then the steam room afterward Wink

It's snowing and below freezing where I live ... Cry

Ahem. You probably don't want to know that it's been like.... unusually warm here this year..... like, um, t-shirt and shorts kinda weather.....

I do want to know that. In fact I want to know where you live so I can move someplace warm. Summers are way too short here.

2011-04-21 10:17 AM
in reply to: #3457872

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
rnihill - 2011-04-20 9:11 PM

Got a short bike in tonight...  in between 100 loads of laundry and packing to go to the in laws for the weekend.

Hope the Easter Bunny brings the kids some chocolate so I can get through the weekend.  Wink

Good luck with the in laws. Maybe you can set up a heavy duty workout schedule that will give you an excuse to get out of the house for some time to yourself.

2011-04-21 10:18 AM
in reply to: #3457983

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
rh8463 - 2011-04-20 11:31 PM

Ok Crushers, I am off for a 5 day weekend - yes 5 days!!!! Heading to the Hunter Valley in New South Wales, wine country! Staying in a gorgeous cottage with good friends.

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend and Rhoda especially, I hope you get the chocolate you are hoping for!

Have fun.

2011-04-21 10:55 AM
in reply to: #3457983

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
rh8463 - 2011-04-21 1:31 AM

Ok Crushers, I am off for a 5 day weekend - yes 5 days!!!! Heading to the Hunter Valley in New South Wales, wine country! Staying in a gorgeous cottage with good friends.

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend and Rhoda especially, I hope you get the chocolate you are hoping for!

Have fun!!

2011-04-21 7:15 PM
in reply to: #3458614

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
pdbman - 2011-04-21 11:15 AM

D001 - 2011-04-20 5:32 PM
bodhi_girl - 2011-04-19 9:14 PM

yogachic - 2011-04-19 12:44 PM Ugh, why is it so cold and rainy?  Totally makes me not want to do anything today!  Maybe it's a good day to head to the pool, then the steam room afterward Wink

It's snowing and below freezing where I live ... Cry

Ahem. You probably don't want to know that it's been like.... unusually warm here this year..... like, um, t-shirt and shorts kinda weather.....

I do want to know that. In fact I want to know where you live so I can move someplace warm. Summers are way too short here.

You live in North Slackerville.

I live in South Slackerville.

Just move to my part of the neighborhood. It's the same slackerville routine, but wayyyyyy warmer.

2011-04-22 4:13 AM
in reply to: #3457658

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

It's 3 a.m. and I'm cunningly pretending to work - instead I'm BT'ing - hehehe.

So I applied for my dream job - Dee yes I plan to negotiate the degree if it comes to that, honestly I don't even know if I'll get interviewed tho ... but I would love to go back to school part-time, so it's a negotiation I'd be happy making. The competition closes Saturday ... we'll have to wait and see!

Last nightshift tonight, 5 days off coming up - I'm excited cuz the fence & deck guy is coming Mon/Tues to build, I can't wait! Long weekend, I'm heading out to the mountains to visit with my sister and my nieces, and I think we're FINALLY going to look at that Land Rover this weekend too. Busy busy.

Training has sucked the past few days, just too long of shifts and not enough sleep - and I was hoping to stop by the pool otw home this morning but remembered it's a holiday, so they don't open until later. And after I sleep a bit this morning, then get my errands/meetings done, I won't have time this afternoon to get to the pool. ;-(

Happy Easter everyone! May the bunnies smile down chocolately goodness upon you.

2011-04-22 7:25 AM
in reply to: #3424508

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
Rasoul hurt me in a good way today.  I <3 throwing the medicine ball around.
2011-04-22 9:30 AM
in reply to: #3459830

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
D001 - 2011-04-21 6:15 PM
pdbman - 2011-04-21 11:15 AM
D001 - 2011-04-20 5:32 PM
bodhi_girl - 2011-04-19 9:14 PM

yogachic - 2011-04-19 12:44 PM Ugh, why is it so cold and rainy?  Totally makes me not want to do anything today!  Maybe it's a good day to head to the pool, then the steam room afterward Wink

It's snowing and below freezing where I live ... Cry

Ahem. You probably don't want to know that it's been like.... unusually warm here this year..... like, um, t-shirt and shorts kinda weather.....

I do want to know that. In fact I want to know where you live so I can move someplace warm. Summers are way too short here.

You live in North Slackerville. I live in South Slackerville. Just move to my part of the neighborhood. It's the same slackerville routine, but wayyyyyy warmer.

Sounds like a plan to me. We're actually working on getting our house ready to put on the market so we can move a little farther south. Not too far though, only about 10 miles away but hopefully to a less slackery part of Slackerville. I would love to move into that condo on the beach in California that we stayed in last month but don't have a million bucks sitting around that I could buy it with.

2011-04-22 9:17 PM
in reply to: #3424508

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
I may have found my puppy!!!  He's a 2 week old black and silver miniature schnauzer and he's in Tennessee.  I can pick him up at the beginning of June.  Keeping my fingers crossed that James decides he's the one for us. 
2011-04-22 11:16 PM
in reply to: #3424508

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
Took my new bike out for a ride with my husband today. It's so much easier to move this bike than my big steel beast!

2011-04-23 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3461895

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

Yay for new bike toppage!

I'm running away for the weekend Crushers. I just have to get away - although I'm only going as far as the little mountain town 90 minutes away where my sister lives, I've still gotten a fancy hotel room (last minute deals are awesome) and I'm planning to pretend I'm on a real holiday. Spend some time with the fam, but also get some hiking and other outdoors stuff in.

I just feel so stressed out right now, with work, with work, with work, and finances, and buying this new veh, and the landscaping (the quote came in about $2000 more than I expected), and fighting with the neighbours over the fencing and landscaping (they are proving to be *very* difficult) ... I realize spending money on gas and hotel is counterproductive to my worries over money, but I need to get away from it all for a few days so I can clear my head.

See you next week! Everyone have a great weekend.

2011-04-23 10:15 AM
in reply to: #3462138

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
bodhi_girl - 2011-04-23 11:36 PM

Yay for new bike toppage!

I'm running away for the weekend Crushers. I just have to get away - although I'm only going as far as the little mountain town 90 minutes away where my sister lives, I've still gotten a fancy hotel room (last minute deals are awesome) and I'm planning to pretend I'm on a real holiday. Spend some time with the fam, but also get some hiking and other outdoors stuff in.

I just feel so stressed out right now, with work, with work, with work, and finances, and buying this new veh, and the landscaping (the quote came in about $2000 more than I expected), and fighting with the neighbours over the fencing and landscaping (they are proving to be *very* difficult) ... I realize spending money on gas and hotel is counterproductive to my worries over money, but I need to get away from it all for a few days so I can clear my head.

See you next week! Everyone have a great weekend.

getting away and clearing your head is an excellent investment. i hope you have a wonderful time!

2011-04-23 12:21 PM
in reply to: #3424508

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
Well.......it's going to be a very long road back, as if it weren't already long enough.........Oh well, no changing what it is.  I may need to become kick azz good on my bike so the loss of my run speed is less of an insult to my psyche.
2011-04-24 3:00 PM
in reply to: #3424508

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
I spent the afternoon enjoying the sunshine from the saddle of my bike. Would have loved to ride more, but my legs would have been ballistic.  I hate letting them be in charge. Yell
2011-04-24 8:01 PM
in reply to: #3462138

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
bodhi_girl - 2011-04-23 10:36 AM

Yay for new bike toppage!

I'm running away for the weekend Crushers. I just have to get away - although I'm only going as far as the little mountain town 90 minutes away where my sister lives, I've still gotten a fancy hotel room (last minute deals are awesome) and I'm planning to pretend I'm on a real holiday. Spend some time with the fam, but also get some hiking and other outdoors stuff in.

I just feel so stressed out right now, with work, with work, with work, and finances, and buying this new veh, and the landscaping (the quote came in about $2000 more than I expected), and fighting with the neighbours over the fencing and landscaping (they are proving to be *very* difficult) ... I realize spending money on gas and hotel is counterproductive to my worries over money, but I need to get away from it all for a few days so I can clear my head.

See you next week! Everyone have a great weekend.

Done right a weekend vacation can be just as refreshing as a week long one! Have a great time.

2011-04-25 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3424508

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

Good morning all.  I got out for a bicycle ride on the road yesterday.  It felt so good.

Just one more swim to do and then I'll be at 100%+ for the challenge. 

2011-04-25 9:54 AM
in reply to: #3424508

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

Only at 60% of my goal, so gotta get crack-a-lackin' this week.  We have severe storms forecast for the next 3 days, so I'm hoping I can get another ride and a couple of wogs in. 

Hope everyone had a Happy Easter...and has a good week!!!

2011-04-25 12:41 PM
in reply to: #3424508

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

Last week of classes for me.  Here's what my schedule looks like:

Today: work and study

Tuesday: Test, interview, finish thesis, work on presentation

Wednesday: Class, work, class:presentation due

Thursday: 2 tests and work, online quiz

Friday: HW due online

Hoping I don't go completely crazy and I manage to fit some workouts in!

2011-04-25 1:01 PM
in reply to: #3464662

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
Emmanem - 2011-04-25 11:41 AM

Last week of classes for me.  Here's what my schedule looks like:

Today: work and study

Tuesday: Test, interview, finish thesis, work on presentation

Wednesday: Class, work, class:presentation due

Thursday: 2 tests and work, online quiz

Friday: HW due online

Hoping I don't go completely crazy and I manage to fit some workouts in!

Good luck. I remember those crazy last few days trying to wrap things up before classes end. There are times I miss going to school but I never miss those crazy deadline days.

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