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2012-01-03 8:10 AM
in reply to: #3942391

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

So I don't listen to regular music when I run.  I listen to music set at a certain beat so I keep a constant cadence when I run.  Increasing my cadence to 180 steps per minute over the past three years has helped improve my performance.  

I started listening to steady beat tracks at 170 bpm and have worked my way up to 180 bpm.  My speedwork is set to 185 bpm.  I ran my last 10K to a track that gradually increased bpm from 180 to 190 -- new PR in this race.

Here are my favorite sources.  Both are available on iTunes too.  They both have tracks at all sorts of bpm's.  For walking, cardio, and running.


Motion Traxx

2012-01-03 11:53 AM
in reply to: #3967663

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
hoffsquared - 2012-01-03 9:10 AM

So I don't listen to regular music when I run.  I listen to music set at a certain beat so I keep a constant cadence when I run.  Increasing my cadence to 180 steps per minute over the past three years has helped improve my performance.  

I started listening to steady beat tracks at 170 bpm and have worked my way up to 180 bpm.  My speedwork is set to 185 bpm.  I ran my last 10K to a track that gradually increased bpm from 180 to 190 -- new PR in this race.

Here are my favorite sources.  Both are available on iTunes too.  They both have tracks at all sorts of bpm's.  For walking, cardio, and running.


Motion Traxx

This is such a cool idea, I've never heard of beat tracks to help your cadence.  I'll have to check it out!  Thanks for the heads up!!

2012-01-03 12:13 PM
in reply to: #3968260

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

Suzie, my wetsuit already has a long ribbon attached to the zipper.... it's just that it fits TIGHT, so I need someone to kind of hold it closed to get the zipper up over my massive back muscles! 

Good idea on the cadence thing, Melanie.... I'm a music teacher, so I am always feeling the "beat", but somehow I can tune out the music and run to my own cadence... must be like multi tasking... I may upload some set tunes though just to see!  Anything can help my run!  I always think it's kinda cool when a song comes on the iPod that perfectly matches whatever cadence I happen to be running....

Guys, since there are so many of you, and since I am back to school, please don't take it personally if you don't have an inspire first thing in the morning, especially those of you at the bottom of my list (alphabetical by user name, and those without avatars are at the very bottom).  I either go out to run at 5 a.m. or leave the house then to go swim, and believe me, it takes some time to check everyone's logs and leave an inspire!!  I try to catch up at lunch, which is what I'm doing right now.  I get EXACTLY 30 minutes for lunch, usually less because I have to walk a group of 4 year olds quite a ways into the building and make sure none stray from the herd!  Then I gots to hit the bathroom before the afternoon starts, that leaves me approximately 23 minutes and 13 seconds for lunch.  And they are here, gotta run!!!

2012-01-03 3:53 PM
in reply to: #3942391

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Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
Hilde, we love the inspires but you are only human, girl.  Take it easy and check in when you can.
2012-01-03 4:05 PM
in reply to: #3968947

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

jcarmody - 2012-01-03 3:53 PM Hilde, we love the inspires but you are only human, girl.  Take it easy and check in when you can.

^^yes, that!

2012-01-03 4:07 PM
in reply to: #3967610

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

Mel - That looks like a pretty good plan. I like the idea of knowing what I'm doing each day in terms of sports too. I tried the barefoot thing but with all the rocks around here - mainly the big chunky-ouchy ones on the corners on the road (which I cut because it makes more sense in terms of mileage than following an extended footpath corner) started to scare me off,lol.

IF you want to try the BF/minimal thing again though go check out the barefoot running forum on runnersworld - there's a sticky thread towards the top (basically means it never moves) that gives you an idea of how to  start and also details injuries, etc - it goes veeery slow on the transition but you can still work it in with normal running (aka shoe running) if you do part BF/minimal and part in normal shoes.

Hilde - sounds like you're one busy teacher. Are the 4 year olds your last class before lunch? I should have an avi pic up tonight. I'm getting my skirts and running tops off lay by today (really want to run this morning but not going to because I want to christen the gear,lol) and I'll be taking pics which I can then make my avatar - if I can figure out how,lol. OH and +1 to jcarmody and louise.

Edited by suzielea 2012-01-03 4:08 PM

2012-01-03 4:39 PM
in reply to: #3967461

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

hildekq - 2012-01-03 4:45 AM Alex, I hope you enjoyed that rest day, we all know those are very hard for you!  I know you were probably ready to really crank out some yards and miles, I guess today will have to do!

*Laughs* You know me entirely too well, Hilde!

Suffice to say that the double today did just fine as a workout, thanks-- it's been way too long since I was in the pool! That's one of many things I'm grateful for with this plan: I *have* to get those pool times in, no ifs, ands, or buts! And yes, Suzie, I entirely agree on flexibility when it comes to following a plan: in fact, I marked the plan out on a giant wall calendar precisely so I could work out which weeks will be easier ones due to conferences etc... gotta have some wiggle room in there, after all!

TammyTurtle, I *love* your wetsuit! Hope it's as speedy in the water as it is a pain to take off! (I have the same issue with mine-- which is why in races I just stomp like heck on the darn thing to get it off my ankles!)

Happy Tuesday, everyone!


2012-01-03 4:43 PM
in reply to: #3967470

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
suzielea - 2012-01-03 5:25 AM
hildekq - 2012-01-03 4:44 AM

Oooh, Tammy, nice wetsuit!!  And I'm with you on getting the thing off.... mine always gets stuck on one heel, I almost have to sit down on the ground to get it off, which is why I'm just as fast without it.  It has to be a longer swim and COLD water for me to consider it, but I'm glad I have it.   Not sure what the trick is to get it off, it's hard enough getting it ON, and I can't zip it up myself.

And I agree with Tammy, Jen, a 45 cm bike just HAS to be called CUTE, ha ha!

Suzie, great work on the swim and whoo hoo on the  clinic, that sounds like tons of fun and just the thing to get you going... is it a swim clinic or a tri clinic?  Oh, and the crank arm is the long piece of metal or whatever that your pedal is on that connects to the bike, one on each side.  (I'm sure Wilson can think of a much more imaginative description of CRANK arm, ha ha!).  For my cadence sensor, I have a small magnet ziptied near the bottom of my crank on the left side.  And there SHOULD be a screw for the magnet that attaches to the spoke.

Idea for the wetsuit thing - if it is the zip that's causing an issue go to a local habadashery store and get some ribbon then tie it on to the zip handle. That way you can pull up the zip by yourself. That's what I use on my swimsuit which has a zip back.

As to the clinic - it's just a swim one. Oh and I had a feeling that was what the crank thing was. As to the screws - there may have been - I got it as part of a lights set and there were a whole bunch of screws. Only thing I could properly work out how to put on was the front head light thing and even that isn't on properly - it's too loose and has spun around so it's facing me.

Anyway the guy at the LBS said to bring it in (I need to get him to swap over the pedals since I couldn't even work out the crank size when I went to the department store) and he'll see what can be done about both that and the bottle cage. I may take it on the train and see a not so local shop though because it sort of seems too professional there for me. I don't even know what half the stuff is for, etc.

Just a quick note on bike shops, Suzie: don't be intimidated! By all means ask whatever questions you have, no matter how basic you think they are-- if the folk in the shop are any good, they'll answer them readily and with no negative attitude at all. If not, take your lovely self, your bike, and your money elsewhere-- you deserve to know what you're getting and why! I love my LBS precisely because I've gone in there with the *dumbest* questions and they've handled every one with grace and patience.

2012-01-03 4:59 PM
in reply to: #3942391

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
Love that wetsuit, which reminds me of a question I've been pondering.  What do you guys prefer- full sleeved wetsuit or sleeveless?  I am not quite ready to purchase one but it's time to start thinking about it anyway.
2012-01-03 5:51 PM
in reply to: #3969125

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
I have a full sleeve, but sometimes wonder if I should have gone with the sleeveless.  Tammy Tucker has a sleeveless... most of the time, the water is too warm for wetsuits here, and honestly I'm fast enough that I really don't get the speed advantage from the wetsuit, I lose it trying to get if off in transition!  I do notice that I need to pull up the sleeves into the shoulders or I really feel some arm fatigue, but if I get it on right, it's just fine.  Sorry, not much help...
2012-01-03 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3969125

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
erinrockrun - 2012-01-03 3:59 PMLove that wetsuit, which reminds me of a question I've been pondering.  What do you guys prefer- full sleeved wetsuit or sleeveless?  I am not quite ready to purchase one but it's time to start thinking about it anyway.
The sleeveless was easier to get in and out of, so I used it when the water was warm (70s), and the FS when it was cold (60s). So I guess it depends on the water temps in your area.

2012-01-03 6:28 PM
in reply to: #3942391

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

I agree: it does depend on water temps in your area. Since the water where I usually swim tends to be on the cold side, I have a full-sleeve Xterra, which works well.

Just a quick note, gang-- I've set up a blog to blather about the IM journey: Feel free to stop by anytime!

2012-01-03 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3942391

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

I prefer a sleeveless wetsuit over full-sleeved.  I actually purchased a full-sleeved first, used it twice only to find out it didn't fit properly.  I've since sold the full-sleeved and now use a sleeveless.  I think the sleeveless is a tad easier to get off. 

One of the tri/swim coaches that runs our masters swim practices suggested cutting a bit off of the lower leg (like an inch) with plain old scissors and this would make the wetsuit easier to get off of your lower legs.  I have not tried this b/c it doesn't feel right to cut a wetsuit that you paid so much $$$ for, but he swears it works!

2012-01-03 7:14 PM
in reply to: #3967392

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
tstl - 2012-01-02 10:57 PM

Just had to share my new arrival... she was waiting for me when I got home today... my first "real" wetsuit! I started out with a cheapie Farmer John style that I got on clearance because it had a fingernail hole in it, then got another cheapie FS from Team in Training that is very constricting. So, I picked up a groupon for and went wetsuit shopping. Here she is:

I feel like a REAL triathlete now!

I just hope it's easier to get out of when it's wet. I got into it reasonably well, but when it came time to take it off, a suction had formed between my calves and the suit, and I had to call for a wetsuit stripper (my husband)! It took both of us a good 5 minutes to extract my feet!

She sure is SEXXXXXY!! 

I bought mine from a coupon on BT, a sleeveless for a STEAL ($70). Had never, ever worn one until Hilde and I did that Rockin Toobin tri in the river last season. Coming out of it wasn't too bad....I too had more trouble getting it down off my calves than anywhere else...Although, that was the reason why I wore a 1 pc tri suit so I wouldn't lose my SHORTS in the process trying to peel it off my arse!! LOL

2012-01-03 7:33 PM
in reply to: #3942391

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

Okay, so there were too many things/people to respond to so I won't remember who said what....

   The minimalist running, from the research I've done and have read from others REALLY takes time if you are already a runner who uses regular running shoes. There was recently an article on BT actually discussing the various injuries that many people are getting from running in their Vibram's or other minimalist shoes w/o the proper 'readying' of the feet/calves. I wear my Fila's but not to run in and because of the type of feet I have I cannot imagine ever using them for anything other than weight training/walking.

   I have only used my sleeveless wetsuit ONCE but I have lent it to a friend of mine who has a full sleeved because she said unless the water is really cold, she prefers the sleeveless. I know folks who swear by the pre-wetsuit lube to help get the thing off the places where it seems to stick (like my ginormous calves!). Haven't had the opportunity to try it out yet so have no opinion.

  We've been talking about working with a "plan" or not. Although I think it is important to have a PLAN...someone else mentioned that it is also good to be flexible. Something that I have learned over the last couple seasons is to LISTEN TO THE BODY. It doesn't lie when it tells you 'DUDE I AM TIRED - ENOUGH ALREADY'. As much as I absolutely despise the whole "resting" process, the truth is....we GROW when we rest. 

  I know there is something else I wanted to respond to.....hmmm short term memory loss - blame it on the kids!! LOL 

Oh yeah and on a neato kind of 16 year old son said that he would like to do a TRI this  year...and wants it to be for a charity!! Pretty cool!! :-)

2012-01-03 7:53 PM
in reply to: #3967392

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Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
tstl - 2012-01-02 10:57 PM

Just had to share my new arrival... she was waiting for me when I got home today... my first "real" wetsuit! I started out with a cheapie Farmer John style that I got on clearance because it had a fingernail hole in it, then got another cheapie FS from Team in Training that is very constricting. So, I picked up a groupon for and went wetsuit shopping. Here she is:

I feel like a REAL triathlete now!

I just hope it's easier to get out of when it's wet. I got into it reasonably well, but when it came time to take it off, a suction had formed between my calves and the suit, and I had to call for a wetsuit stripper (my husband)! It took both of us a good 5 minutes to extract my feet!

Tammy - I'm gonna guess (from your pics) that you're tall and long like me.  How did you figure on the size for this?  You said your previous suit was too constricting .. that's kinda how I feel mine is.  I'm actually nervous about doing the HIM having to wear one because of the tight feeling in my chest and shoulders.  After my marathon (Feb 12) I'm going to start doing OWS on Sat mornings with a local tri group to see if I can adjust to the wetsuit.  If not, I might have to scrap the April HIM.  Trouble is any later than that in the year, the run will be way too hot for me.  Sigh.

2012-01-03 8:54 PM
in reply to: #3942391

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Southern Maryland
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

As for the barefoot/minimalist running, I love running in my Fivefingers.  However (and this is a biggy), I AM NOT currently, nor have I ever been, a runner.  When I ran in regular 'running shoes' I would have foot, ankle, knee, hip and low back pain.  Since starting to run in my VFF's, I have had only ankle pain, and some foot pain, which is due to (we think) a pressure point in my left foot, and a left ankle that has very little stability left.  Most of the pain reduction can probably be ascribed to a midfoot strike rather than a heel strike, which you can achieve in regular running shoes if you chose to go that route.

I have just always had a hard time finding sneakers that fit me right.  I have very small and wide feet with a very high instep, and because of the industries assumption that if you are short, you are automatically skinny, most sneakers in my size tend to be much too narrow for my feet.  The high instep is what causes the pressure point in my left foot, and in the summer, the VFF I wear are open at the top, so I don't have that problem.  (I am going to another type of minimalist footwear for the winter because I hate the cold squishy feeling of water between my toes in my VFF's).

I will say that I can tell when I push too hard because my calves will hurt the next day, but this is one of the 'normal' pains that come with the transition.  There are several articles that detail what are normal pains and what are abnormal ones when it comes to barefoot running, and how to transition.  Slow is the key (since I'm already slow, it's not an issue for me).  Some say to start with 0.1 mile barefoot for the first week, carrying your regular shoes with you and changing during the run and working up from there.  

For all this that I've said, I'm not one of those people who insists that barefoot running is the be all, end all of running.  For most people it's a why fix what isn't broken issue.  I mean, if you're running fine in regular shoes, why go through the trouble of switching over?  For me, I didn't have any 'running style' to begin with so it wasn't a big issue for me.  

Plus...I HATE shoes...

2012-01-03 10:36 PM
in reply to: #3969068

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
WIggle room is good.
2012-01-03 11:15 PM
in reply to: #3969082

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
wrkinprogress - 2012-01-03 4:43 PM
suzielea - 2012-01-03 5:25 AM
hildekq - 2012-01-03 4:44 AM

Just a quick note on bike shops, Suzie: don't be intimidated! By all means ask whatever questions you have, no matter how basic you think they are-- if the folk in the shop are any good, they'll answer them readily and with no negative attitude at all. If not, take your lovely self, your bike, and your money elsewhere-- you deserve to know what you're getting and why! I love my LBS precisely because I've gone in there with the *dumbest* questions and they've handled every one with grace and patience.

Hmm, they do seem fairly helpful. I'm just rather shy on asking things and like to know what I'm getting when I go in,lol. I'll try it though.

 Tammy - The flexibility thing works in with listening to your body. Yay for your 16 year old getting in to tris.


2012-01-03 11:20 PM
in reply to: #3969594

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

Jen - Sounds like a good sum up of why it works for you. Any ideas how to change to a midfoot strike in regular running shoes? I tried BF and found I'm a wimp who can't deal with rocks and don't really want to spent $180 on vibrams (which to me just look like material covering for feet to stop cuts, etc) when I can get proper shoes for the same price.

OH and don't worry your running will get better.

2012-01-04 12:13 AM
in reply to: #3969478

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
peggyf - 2012-01-03 6:53 PM
tstl - 2012-01-02 10:57 PM

Just had to share my new arrival... she was waiting for me when I got home today... my first "real" wetsuit! I started out with a cheapie Farmer John style that I got on clearance because it had a fingernail hole in it, then got another cheapie FS from Team in Training that is very constricting. So, I picked up a groupon for and went wetsuit shopping. Here she is:

I feel like a REAL triathlete now!

I just hope it's easier to get out of when it's wet. I got into it reasonably well, but when it came time to take it off, a suction had formed between my calves and the suit, and I had to call for a wetsuit stripper (my husband)! It took both of us a good 5 minutes to extract my feet!

Tammy - I'm gonna guess (from your pics) that you're tall and long like me.  How did you figure on the size for this?  You said your previous suit was too constricting .. that's kinda how I feel mine is.  I'm actually nervous about doing the HIM having to wear one because of the tight feeling in my chest and shoulders.  After my marathon (Feb 12) I'm going to start doing OWS on Sat mornings with a local tri group to see if I can adjust to the wetsuit.  If not, I might have to scrap the April HIM.  Trouble is any later than that in the year, the run will be way too hot for me.  Sigh.

Peggy, I'm with you on the heat; even some of the fall races here are too hot for me. I know it's best to try wetsuits on, but I'm a sucker for a coupon (it saved me $50!), so I took a chance. They had detailed fit info on the website, plus a reasonable return policy. If I remember correctly, a few of them were available in tall sizes. I know my new one is a couple inches longer than the old one, anyway. It is also more contoured, with stretchy panels where it counts. The arms feel very mobile, so I think it'll work well in the water. I'm 5'10" with a 34" inseam, and it fits me pretty well. I hope you can find one that works so you can do the April race!

2012-01-04 2:42 AM
in reply to: #3942391

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
Just did a run test - see how long I can run before stopping - and got 47 secs (100m on the map) before the calves started protesting - my normal sign that I need to stop and start walking.
2012-01-04 11:38 AM
in reply to: #3942391

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
1st swim since November today.  One length would feel fine - the next pretty out of sync.  Got tired fast.
2012-01-04 12:08 PM
in reply to: #3942391

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

Suzie: way to go in your run test today! You'll be building up your time in no time, I bet!

Melanie, that first swim after a while out of water is gonna feel awkward for sure-- good for you in getting out there, and don't worry: once you get back into it, it'll feel much more natural.

Did my scheduled brick this AM with some strength work after-- BOY was it hard to keep my HR in Z2 while running after biking! Legs felt OK, but my ticker just wanted to gallop apace! Ah well, I managed to keep it more or less in line-- I'm sure it'll get easier with practice.

Sunshine here today, yay! Hope all's going well with your respective Wednesdays!


2012-01-04 3:43 PM
in reply to: #3970686

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
Mel - Great job on the swim. It will get better.
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