BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us! Rss Feed  
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2012-04-09 6:58 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Good work out this morning, added a second run back into my routine.  Kinda got away from it when I started new paper route.  When you look at my log you can see bike milage go up and running way down.  So Easter didn't kill the weight loss/gain, and still on track for June 10th.  1st 1/2 iron distance.  2 months of training left and I feel I'm behind alittle - ok alot - but I'm ready to pick things up and start adding the extra effort.

New running manta - came out of no where this morning - Your hard work WILL pay off!  I ran for 42 min saying that the entire time.  It stuck good.

Happy Monday


2012-04-09 4:04 PM
in reply to: #4137479

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
Paper Boy - 2012-04-09 1:58 AM

Good work out this morning, added a second run back into my routine.  Kinda got away from it when I started new paper route.  When you look at my log you can see bike milage go up and running way down.  So Easter didn't kill the weight loss/gain, and still on track for June 10th.  1st 1/2 iron distance.  2 months of training left and I feel I'm behind alittle - ok alot - but I'm ready to pick things up and start adding the extra effort.

New running manta - came out of no where this morning - Your hard work WILL pay off!  I ran for 42 min saying that the entire time.  It stuck good.

Happy Monday


Awesome! I've been bad about logging in all my workouts busy. Thanks for the tips on picking up  a little more speed. I'll try some of those drills this week. Right now I'm all about NOT getting injured:-) Have a good week!

2012-04-09 6:04 PM
in reply to: #3947226

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Eastern Washington
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

I was gone for a week and everything changed!!  It took me 10 minutes just to find this thread again.  I'm not really understanding the changes, but I'm not going to go anywhere-I like this group...even though I was a slacker last week.

I took two days off to spend with the family and then the rest of the week just went to hell.  I didn't hit the gym once and now I'm really feeling the drag.  I'm going to the pool tonight after work to get back to the training.  I think the external stress finally caught up to me last week and unfortunately, my training suffered.  I was doing so well and feeling really good about all of my strides and now I'm a couple of steps behind, again.  It's my own fault, though, I made the conscious decision to stay away from the gym, when it was probably the best place for me. 

Not a huge loss, but a loss at that.  I have to get my mind back in the game and start training again.  I know I can do it and I know I'll feel a lot better doing it.  Hope everyone is doing well or at least better than me...hahaha. 

Happy Monday!!

2012-04-10 6:56 AM
in reply to: #4139202

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
seoulgirl39 - 2012-04-09 7:04 PM

I was gone for a week and everything changed!!  It took me 10 minutes just to find this thread again.  I'm not really understanding the changes, but I'm not going to go anywhere-I like this group...even though I was a slacker last week.

I took two days off to spend with the family and then the rest of the week just went to hell.  I didn't hit the gym once and now I'm really feeling the drag.  I'm going to the pool tonight after work to get back to the training.  I think the external stress finally caught up to me last week and unfortunately, my training suffered.  I was doing so well and feeling really good about all of my strides and now I'm a couple of steps behind, again.  It's my own fault, though, I made the conscious decision to stay away from the gym, when it was probably the best place for me. 

Not a huge loss, but a loss at that.  I have to get my mind back in the game and start training again.  I know I can do it and I know I'll feel a lot better doing it.  Hope everyone is doing well or at least better than me...hahaha. 

Happy Monday!!

Don't be so hard on yourself - we are not the pros who get pais to do this.  Taking a few days off is fine and it gets your body good and rested for more training.  Sounds like your attitude is right where it needs to be, and sometimes we all need a rest.  Holidays are perfect for this.  Keep it up and you'll be race ready when the day comes.
2012-04-10 7:01 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

I ran 7.3 miles last night to fencing class - and I felt super!  I had not done a long run in 2 weeks and boy what a difference running without a bag of newspapers on your shoulder makes.  just over a 10 min mile :>  Than I kiiled it at class and took no prisoners!  lol

This morning I swam for 46min 1700 yrds.  BOOOOYA  every 100 I would rest for 10 sec or so.  I always feel so good after swimming.  As I sit at my desk I can feel things getting alittle tight - just the way it should after a hard workout.

If all works out I'll bike to work in the morning!  We shall see.

I'm glad we have a few people left.  Checking in makes my day complete.  Thanks for posting and keeping me updated.


2012-04-10 11:07 AM
in reply to: #4140001

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Eastern Washington
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
Paper Boy - 2012-04-10 5:01 AM

I ran 7.3 miles last night to fencing class - and I felt super!  I had not done a long run in 2 weeks and boy what a difference running without a bag of newspapers on your shoulder makes.  just over a 10 min mile :>  Than I kiiled it at class and took no prisoners!  lol

This morning I swam for 46min 1700 yrds.  BOOOOYA  every 100 I would rest for 10 sec or so.  I always feel so good after swimming.  As I sit at my desk I can feel things getting alittle tight - just the way it should after a hard workout.

If all works out I'll bike to work in the morning!  We shall see.

I'm glad we have a few people left.  Checking in makes my day complete.  Thanks for posting and keeping me updated.


I have to say, I'm quite impressed by all of your activities!  When I dissect my day, it seems so one dimensional!  Gym, work, home, eat, it  This morning went off without a hitch, though.  My body clock went back to normal and I was up by 415a and in the gym by 445a.  I only rode for a 1/2 hour but I covered close to 8 miles, so that was a good return to riding after a week off.  Tomorrow is a running day, though, so we'll see how I fare.

I know exactly what you mean about swimming.  I feel so loose and relaxed after swimming.  Perhaps it's because I'm getting a full workout and my joints don't scream at me at the end of it!  I only swam 1300 yards on Monday, but it was a good workout. swiMp3 player wouldn't work.  This is what I was waiting for...really cool device but can it be that shortlived??  I haven't had it for very long and I wasn't even using it every day.  I've submitted a service ticket to the manufacturer to see what they have to say.  I'll be bummed if I have to return it-I really hate to pay more for something else, but if I have to I'll just save my $$ and do it.  It really does make a difference in the water.  I'll keep you guys posted on that outcome.

Feels good to be back in the gym and you're right, Bill, I may have just needed that break.  Smile

Have a fabulous Tuesday, everyone!!!

2012-04-10 4:03 PM
in reply to: #4139202

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
seoulgirl39 - 2012-04-09 1:04 PM

I was gone for a week and everything changed!!  It took me 10 minutes just to find this thread again.  I'm not really understanding the changes, but I'm not going to go anywhere-I like this group...even though I was a slacker last week.

I took two days off to spend with the family and then the rest of the week just went to hell.  I didn't hit the gym once and now I'm really feeling the drag.  I'm going to the pool tonight after work to get back to the training.  I think the external stress finally caught up to me last week and unfortunately, my training suffered.  I was doing so well and feeling really good about all of my strides and now I'm a couple of steps behind, again.  It's my own fault, though, I made the conscious decision to stay away from the gym, when it was probably the best place for me. 

Not a huge loss, but a loss at that.  I have to get my mind back in the game and start training again.  I know I can do it and I know I'll feel a lot better doing it.  Hope everyone is doing well or at least better than me...hahaha. 

Happy Monday!!

Glad to see you're back! Laughing

2012-04-10 4:07 PM
in reply to: #4140001

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
Paper Boy - 2012-04-10 2:01 AM

I ran 7.3 miles last night to fencing class - and I felt super!  I had not done a long run in 2 weeks and boy what a difference running without a bag of newspapers on your shoulder makes.  just over a 10 min mile :>  Than I kiiled it at class and took no prisoners!  lol

This morning I swam for 46min 1700 yrds.  BOOOOYA  every 100 I would rest for 10 sec or so.  I always feel so good after swimming.  As I sit at my desk I can feel things getting alittle tight - just the way it should after a hard workout.

If all works out I'll bike to work in the morning!  We shall see.

I'm glad we have a few people left.  Checking in makes my day complete.  Thanks for posting and keeping me updated.


Awesome! 10 minute mile! I hope to get under 12 minutes one dayWink Yea, I like the tingle after a good swim body seems to float when I'm sitting at my desk.

2012-04-11 7:32 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Well no ride to work today:>(  But i did run a extra 3 miles and push hard to get get papers done in time to jump in shower and than off to work.  Weather has turned cold again, and I am clueless on what to ware on my rode bike.  The paper route close no big deal I've got a layer for every 10 degrees colder it gets,  and yes I look like a bum all layered up.  Now going into the real world makes me think twice.  Just waiting for that 40 degree mark and I'll try again on cummuting to work.

What is your favorite part of this web site?

Mine hands down is, the epic iron man race reports.  I love all the stories about people racing.  I'm a big baby and tear up everytime.

have a super Wednesday


2012-04-11 4:01 PM
in reply to: #4142702

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Eastern Washington
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
Paper Boy - 2012-04-11 5:32 AM

Well no ride to work today:>(  But i did run a extra 3 miles and push hard to get get papers done in time to jump in shower and than off to work.  Weather has turned cold again, and I am clueless on what to ware on my rode bike.  The paper route close no big deal I've got a layer for every 10 degrees colder it gets,  and yes I look like a bum all layered up.  Now going into the real world makes me think twice.  Just waiting for that 40 degree mark and I'll try again on cummuting to work.

What is your favorite part of this web site?

Mine hands down is, the epic iron man race reports.  I love all the stories about people racing.  I'm a big baby and tear up everytime.

have a super Wednesday


I enjoy all of the articles.  For someone like me, who knows nothing about training and becoming a triathlete, the articles are great reading.  I've learned a lot about nutrition, taking care of my body, equipment, etc, from these articles.  I also enjoy reading about people's experiences with triathlons, their mental condition and why they chose this lifestyle.  All of it good information and inspiration.

2012-04-12 1:33 PM
in reply to: #3947226

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Finally got in the pool yesterday...i've been focusing on my running so much that I've neglected my swimming. It wasn't too shoulder is recovering from rotator cuff surgery nicely but still gets stiff at times. The 24hour fitness pool was way more crowded now that triathlon season is in full swing here in Hawaii. That kinda sucked cause I had to wait for a lane to open up. 

This website has been so helpful to fact, this is the only resource I have been using. I don't really have a training mentor or partner here in Hawaii so i depend a lot on this website. I love all the articles about first time triathlon all sounds so exciting and I can't wait for my first tri! I've also learned so much about endurance's so different from how I trained in the past. I'm still a novice and have a lot to learn but I'm enjoying the journey!

Have a great thursday!

2012-04-12 4:41 PM
in reply to: #3947226

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Eastern Washington
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

I have to admit, my motivation has taken a nose dive and I'm not quite sure why.  Spring Break wasn't a terribly rough week, but emotionally wise, it was.  Our household went through some changes and it was a little stressful.  I don't think it was really THAT but for some reason, I just can't get motivated to get into the gym.  I've missed two days this week and for no other reason than laziness.  Today was my day to swim and I turned the alarm off and went back to sleep.  I didn't even try to give myself a pep talk.  I'm not sure why this slump has is getting nicer, and that should light a fire underneath me, but I'm finding myself kind of out of sorts.  I definitely don't like it but I do know, for a fact, that I'm not stopping or quitting.  I just have to find my drive again.

It's almost Friday!! 

2012-04-13 7:28 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

It is Friday :>  Thank goodness, work had got real crazy just like that!  I'm soooo tired!  Every Thursday and Friday my papers come later and later which puts be more behind than ever!  Lucky for me my son is able to help w/ some of the papers on days like these.  I would have never made it without him this morning. - at my real job there is to much drama, my cashier is having heart issues, my other employees are babies....  what a week.  So ready for 5pm!

Saturday - swim at 9am ride 40miles and than run 3 or 4 well see how I feel.  I'm really going to push it see where I'm at as I only have 7 weeks before my big race!

Have a super weekend! chat w/ ya Monday


2012-04-13 2:51 PM
in reply to: #4147170

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
seoulgirl39 - 2012-04-12 11:41 AM

I have to admit, my motivation has taken a nose dive and I'm not quite sure why.  Spring Break wasn't a terribly rough week, but emotionally wise, it was.  Our household went through some changes and it was a little stressful.  I don't think it was really THAT but for some reason, I just can't get motivated to get into the gym.  I've missed two days this week and for no other reason than laziness.  Today was my day to swim and I turned the alarm off and went back to sleep.  I didn't even try to give myself a pep talk.  I'm not sure why this slump has is getting nicer, and that should light a fire underneath me, but I'm finding myself kind of out of sorts.  I definitely don't like it but I do know, for a fact, that I'm not stopping or quitting.  I just have to find my drive again.

It's almost Friday!! 

Hang in there! I've had many lazy'll get your mojo back! I love your positive attitude, quitting is not an option for me either. I admire how you can get up early in the morning to train, I can't do that at all....Have a great weekend!

2012-04-13 2:53 PM
in reply to: #4147896

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
Paper Boy - 2012-04-13 2:28 AM

It is Friday :>  Thank goodness, work had got real crazy just like that!  I'm soooo tired!  Every Thursday and Friday my papers come later and later which puts be more behind than ever!  Lucky for me my son is able to help w/ some of the papers on days like these.  I would have never made it without him this morning. - at my real job there is to much drama, my cashier is having heart issues, my other employees are babies....  what a week.  So ready for 5pm!

Saturday - swim at 9am ride 40miles and than run 3 or 4 well see how I feel.  I'm really going to push it see where I'm at as I only have 7 weeks before my big race!

Have a super weekend! chat w/ ya Monday


My work week has been challenging as nice to have a son who'll help you out like that! :-

have a great weekend!

2012-04-16 6:46 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Ya he is a good egg - but he gets well paid and as he gets older the price seems to go up as well.

So Saturday I take off on my long ride - I'm all decked out w/ biking jersey, bike shorts, drink on my back - snakcs in pockets - lookin like a bad a@@.  SO 20 min in the rain hits, I ride in the rain all the time, just rode this morning in a lovely drizzle- well saturdays rain was cold hard and heavy!  I decide to bail out as every body part has turn a bright red - feet going numb - it was a hard 40 min back to the house.  So i'm frozen!  Shaking - I've never been so cold!  I take a hot show - still cold - but 3 layers on, still cold - sleep for 5 hours - finally better!  Never before have I felt that way.  So got 25 miles in wanted 50 - wanted to swim afterwords or do a run brick.  nope not this weekend.  Oh well I still have time.  The way I thiniking I have a Olympic race distance down no problem.  Problem is I've signed up for double that!  lol need to keep busy.

Have a super Monday.

2012-04-16 6:49 AM
in reply to: #4147170

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
seoulgirl39 - 2012-04-12 5:41 PM

I have to admit, my motivation has taken a nose dive and I'm not quite sure why.  Spring Break wasn't a terribly rough week, but emotionally wise, it was.  Our household went through some changes and it was a little stressful.  I don't think it was really THAT but for some reason, I just can't get motivated to get into the gym.  I've missed two days this week and for no other reason than laziness.  Today was my day to swim and I turned the alarm off and went back to sleep.  I didn't even try to give myself a pep talk.  I'm not sure why this slump has is getting nicer, and that should light a fire underneath me, but I'm finding myself kind of out of sorts.  I definitely don't like it but I do know, for a fact, that I'm not stopping or quitting.  I just have to find my drive again.

It's almost Friday!! 



2012-04-16 10:27 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Eastern Washington
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Riding in the rain...almost sound romantic...NOT!!  25 miles in the rain is more than I think I would have accomplished.    I gave myself a good talk this weekend and I'm hitting the pool after work today and I'm going to get back into training mode.  After 2 weeks of a very mediocre showing at the gym, I'm already feeling flabby and that is no good at all!!

I feel good today and I'm excited to get back to the gym.  I do Bloomsday in about 2 1/2 weeks-which for our area is a 7K walk/run.  I'm walking it this year, but I am looking forward to it.  Should be a fun experience.  It's my first time.  Maybe next year I can run it! 

Happy Monday to all of you!  Hope this week is better for everyone!!

2012-04-16 7:54 PM
in reply to: #3947226

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
 YEAH!! Loving the positive vibes this monday! Hope you both have a great training week!
2012-04-17 1:53 AM
in reply to: #3947226

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Just in case any of you are on Facebook, I'd love to have some tri friends on my list. My pseudo name is "Living Aloha". I don't have any triathlon pics in my albums because well....I haven't done any! but I do plan on putting some in once I get some. I'd love to see any triathlon race or training pics anyone has...

Have a great tuesday! I'm glad monday is over..ugh day at work.

2012-04-17 6:59 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Sry no face book and really don't feel to bad about it.  If work allowed it on thier system things maybe different, but I'm never on the computer while at home.

Agreed - Monday is in the books. yay!   Long run last night to fencing - windy windy windy - 40 to 50 miles is what I heard, help much if it was in my back while in the country - more than hafe the run is in town so I really didn't notice.  Kept me cool.  I killed everyone at class!  So much fun, as the year goes on I know I'm getting in better shape as I'm not naerly as tired during class as I have been.

Swimming in the morning is just not working out.  I'm going to have to try for afternoons - now just to decide which day the family can deal without me.....  I can do it!  I must do it!

Have a super Tuesday!  agreed , glad to hear we are all back on track!  Keep up the great work!

2012-04-17 12:09 PM
in reply to: #3947226

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Eastern Washington
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

I am on Facebook, but you won't be able to find me...I'll find you.    You'll have to excuse all of the game posts, though, I am a Cityville player. Tongue out  I also don't have any pics of any triathlons for the same reason.  I do post about my progress at the gym, though.  I also have several friends who are runners and they give me inspiration to keep running. 

Yesterday was a great swim; I swam 2000m last night.  May have pushed myself a tad because I had a raging headache all night long.  Interrupted my sleep and I didn't get up to go to the gym, but I am going after work today.  My goal is to ride 20 miles.  I don't like the stationary bike but I don't have enough squid saved up to purchase a good one, yet, so I haven't been able to ride outside.  I am looking forward to my first purchase, though.  Have no idea what to get, but I have been doing some research and I think while I'm in Spokane for Bloomsday, I may go to a bike shop and be professionally fit.  Then, at least I know what I'm looking for and I can get schooled on how to find the best bike for me.

I'm alone during the week and I don't like working out after work, but there's no one home waiting for me except my 3 Dobermans, so whether I do it before work or after, doesn't matter.  I prefer mornings but sometimes life just gets in the way.

So, I guess it's just the 3 of us left in this group?  Works for me!!  Hope you guys have a great Tuesday!!


2012-04-17 4:22 PM
in reply to: #4155027

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
Paper Boy - 2012-04-17 1:59 AM

Sry no face book and really don't feel to bad about it.  If work allowed it on thier system things maybe different, but I'm never on the computer while at home.

Agreed - Monday is in the books. yay!   Long run last night to fencing - windy windy windy - 40 to 50 miles is what I heard, help much if it was in my back while in the country - more than hafe the run is in town so I really didn't notice.  Kept me cool.  I killed everyone at class!  So much fun, as the year goes on I know I'm getting in better shape as I'm not naerly as tired during class as I have been.

Swimming in the morning is just not working out.  I'm going to have to try for afternoons - now just to decide which day the family can deal without me.....  I can do it!  I must do it!

Have a super Tuesday!  agreed , glad to hear we are all back on track!  Keep up the great work!

no prob, I've only got about 40 friends on my list..I try not to let facebook suck up too much of  my time so I only friend people I actually care about reading their updates. Only a few know I'm doing this triathlon thing....and they laughed, cause they know I'm not a runner! lol!I didn't blame them....they WILL be AMAZED that I can run 3 miles now!! Even I'm amazed:-

Glad to hear you're feeling stronger in the class..

2012-04-17 4:40 PM
in reply to: #4155940

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
seoulgirl39 - 2012-04-17 7:09 AM

I am on Facebook, but you won't be able to find me...I'll find you.    You'll have to excuse all of the game posts, though, I am a Cityville player. Tongue out  I also don't have any pics of any triathlons for the same reason.  I do post about my progress at the gym, though.  I also have several friends who are runners and they give me inspiration to keep running. 

Yesterday was a great swim; I swam 2000m last night.  May have pushed myself a tad because I had a raging headache all night long.  Interrupted my sleep and I didn't get up to go to the gym, but I am going after work today.  My goal is to ride 20 miles.  I don't like the stationary bike but I don't have enough squid saved up to purchase a good one, yet, so I haven't been able to ride outside.  I am looking forward to my first purchase, though.  Have no idea what to get, but I have been doing some research and I think while I'm in Spokane for Bloomsday, I may go to a bike shop and be professionally fit.  Then, at least I know what I'm looking for and I can get schooled on how to find the best bike for me.

I'm alone during the week and I don't like working out after work, but there's no one home waiting for me except my 3 Dobermans, so whether I do it before work or after, doesn't matter.  I prefer mornings but sometimes life just gets in the way.

So, I guess it's just the 3 of us left in this group?  Works for me!!  Hope you guys have a great Tuesday!!


great! no worries...I don't mind...I would play some if I had more time..:-) my triathlon is on June 17th so I should have some pics up then. I may actually post that I have committed to doing a triathlon soon....I've hesitated posting about my triathlon publicly...just in case I changed my mind, I didn't want my friends to think I was a quitter. But I'm pretty sure I'm 100% committed now 

You know, I had a massive headache the other day after I swam too....I think it was probably because I swam in the ocean....all the sighting to look where I was going  really made my neck muscles tight. I'm so use to swimming in a pool and just looking at the black line. My lower back has been hurting a little too....gotta stretch more or sit in the jacuzzi. 

3 dobermans!! Cool! I love those dogs...I use to doggie sit for a friend who had 2...great dogs and so smart.

have a great training day...and have fun finding a bike! I don't have one either, I'm borrowing one from a friend.

2012-04-18 7:57 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Morning all, another lovely day in Michigan, 35 this morning and should hit 70 this afternoon, spring has finally settled in I hope. 

Not much to report - ran slow biked ok and went for another jog afterwards befor hitting the shower.  So glad i did, thinking this was a long over do brick, had almost forgot what it feels like to ride for a hour and than run.  Not much distance at all but I did it. 

I was checking my log page - if i just do alittle extra each day I hit over a 1000 cal burned.  never seen that before - makes me feel good about myself.  If I can keep my eating under control I'll be very close to my race weight.  ONLY 52 training days left.  Getting alittle nervous.

We have a snoodle and a chorkie.  Both are very cute - they used to be able to keep up for my run walk dog walks, the snoodle is getting alittle old and alittle slower this past year.

Do you run w/ the dogs?  I think that would be so cool and kinda bad a$$ to see 3 big dogs and a hottie burning up the road.

Keep up the good work - 2000 yrds rocks!

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