BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us! Rss Feed  
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2012-05-31 6:32 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Keep reading the old articles, my 1st tri - those are the best, and you can pick up info and try to advoid thier mistakes.  Better yet you can think - I've got that, I'm ready for that, I'm going to be a rockstar.

Keep up the good work, a ride in your neiborhood is just as good as anywhere, and you can still practice your transistions in the front yard - driveway. 

Yes this week is a blurr, have a super Thursday.


2012-05-31 2:40 PM
in reply to: #3947226

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

yea, ok, I like reading those newbie articles. They're so inspiring to me. It's a rainy day here in Hawaii...oh well, I don't mind running in rain, just don't like biking in it. Hopefully it'll clear up and I can get my long run in today. I'm gonna go run on the actual course site just to get a feel for it. My new shoes are awesome! my plantar fascitis has gotten way better so I don't have that anxiety of it ruining my race anymore. I'm feeling so anxious now....just want to get this triathlon over with! bring it on!

Are you tapering now? I was planning on must cutting down volume the week of my triathlon but still doing something everyday. I've read that it is good to take the friday completely off for a sunday race? just do some short race pace exercise the day before?

2012-06-01 7:43 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Yes i would take the friday off, and than go for a ride the day before, just a short tool around to make sure bike is ready togo, light and easy.

When is the race? 

My taper is well....I still do the paper route so it is still 20 min running and 70 min bikeing every day, I've got todo some training for paper route subs - so Saturday before the race will be all in the car.  Other than that my long run Monday will just be 4 or 5 miles and than maintain for the rest of the week.  9 days togo.  Feeling good, alittle tired.  This short work week was hard. 

Hope you have a good weekend.


2012-06-01 1:24 PM
in reply to: #3947226

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

My race is June 17th...a week after you I think. So I'm training kinda at a peak level this week and next week. My plan has me doing my maximum times for each sport. So far, I've been feeling pretty good, not too sore or slow to recover. Trying to be careful not to over due it and get injured. I'll cut back the week of my race so my body is rested and ready on the 17th.

Thanks for your help again! When it comes time to sign off from this forum...please say goodbye okay? I'll do the same:-)

Have a great weekend too!!! ALoha!

2012-06-04 6:20 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Yes for sure I will - I bet we can keep in touch and join the next one in the future.

Lots of good work done around the house again this weekend.  Cleaned my bike and made some adjustments  - that baby is sparkling...So I was washing the rims alot - dirt from break pads and I found one spoke that was rerally loose.  Tighten it up, no problem,  but you may want to check yours out.  If they seem loose - than they are.  Don't over tighten anything as this will mess up the wheel from running true.  Other than that OWS Tuesday w/ wetsuit is on the calendar.

Have a super day

2012-06-04 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3947226

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
I'll check my bike and clean, clean clean next week. My training got a little tricky this week as I am on vacation on Kauai with my in-laws and other family. Fortunately the resort we are at has a great fitness center so I can use the stationary bike for workouts. Did my long run this morning around the town and it was actually pretty nice to see new views. Of course the ocean is 100 yards away so I can get my open water workouts in easy. The problem for me is refraining from all the FOOD! LOL!!!This is the first vacation that I'm not eating, drinking margaritas and hanging by the pool all day! I like it though, I feel way more like a rock star in my bikini!!!Have a great day!

2012-06-05 7:17 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Very nice - go ahead and have a couple drinks - don't worry be happy.  It's vacation!

But good for you - you are a rock star and you will rock it out on the 17th.

Nice easy 3 mile run to fencing under 10 min mile so happy and content.  I've got my wetsuit in the car - going to swim in a lake right after work.  Alittle scared.  I'm sure the water is cold.  But I must do it!  It has been 2 weeks since I swam last and well- nervous to see what I lost, what doesn't matter - it will be my 1st OWS for the year....I know I can do it - just ..... alittle worried.

In the past 2 races I do freeze up in the water, the 2nd was way better than the 1st.  1st time no kidding I was on my back and doggie paddled more than anything.  2nd raced I had better form and kept my head in water - but lake michigan was super choppy that day - looked like a washing machine w/ the racers caps bobbing all around.  Still a big struggle to do what I practiced.  I swam a ton in open water - and felt good going into race - than something happens and all that training is out the window.  Survial mode.  lol - excited to share with you tomorrow about the swim, wetsuit, check in.  Thanks for being a super mentor and checking in everyDAY.

You have no clue what it means to me. - Now get off the computer and go have fun on vacation!!!

later Bill

2012-06-06 1:23 AM
in reply to: #3947226

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
LOL! Well I did have some fun today and enjoyed a margarita after my swim this pm:-) I totally understand the whole survival mode thing once you get in the water. I work so hard on my form and timing in the pool but when I get in the ocean with waves crashing on my head, everything goes out the window and I'm just trying to keep moving forward. I drank a lot of water turning to breathe on the side the waves were on but did okay overall. Yeah, I can't wait to hear about the wetsuit too....I've never worn one here in Hawaii. Hope it went okay? I would think it would feel so restricting in the arms? I can't even imagine swimming in a cold lake...I'm spoiled over here:-)Wow! You have like 5 days right? Whoo hoo!! You're gonna rock it! I can feel it:-) Yeah, I appreciate your daily check ins and tips too! Have a great Wednesday!
2012-06-06 7:19 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Your post said you posted at 2:23am????  OMG - that is when I get up todo the

Well I was nervous 1st about getting the suit zipped up.  My son has been helping me w/ that last item at home - but I worked it out.  It is a 3/4 suit so just over the knee and up past my elbow - all zipped up there where a few people on a windy cloudy day at the beach which made feel better incase of a emergency.  I was super surprised the water was not super cold, yes cold just not super cold.  So exposed legs and arms came out of water beet red.  The suit worked great, arms where alittle tight but it really puts you up high in the water and rockjing the hips was a breeze, I swam for 30min took a break adjusted and swam for another 20min.  I'm going back Thursday to hit 45min NO STOPPING!  So another BIG check mark off the list.  I look like a super hero.  oh wait a triathlete!  So glad i went and alittle less worried.  My mind is really racing today - could be sinus thing - my head stuffed up after the swim.  Hope this doesn't happen race day or I'll be the guy w/ a kleenex box taped to his bike.

Have a great day

2012-06-07 3:51 AM
in reply to: #3947226

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
LOL! No.... I wasn't up that late the time difference must have thrown off the website clock, I think it was in the afternoon here when I made that post. That's great your wetsuit workout went well!!! Sounds like you got it under control. Must really feel like a super hero wearing those things. No workout today except a fairly tough hike. It got my legs a little sore and tight tonight so I'm pretty happy and feeling good. Tomorrow is either a open water swim or stationary bike in the resort fitness center. 4 more days for you!!!!! Whoo hoo!!!! Have a good one! Stay healthy!
2012-06-07 9:50 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Healthy is the plan, had a steak dinner w/ baked potato last night, tonight rice w/ chicken curry, Friday a sweet potato pasta, so carbing up and getting rdy.  This morning I didn't run or the sub for paper route - how wierd it was, it must have been months since I drove the whole thing on a weekday.  I always drive the sunday paper but during the week I'll at least run the 20 min.  So well earned day off, HOwever work has this thing going on - so I'm out of here at 11:30am!!!!!!  That never happens, so to the lake I go for 1 more practice swim, booya

I evan brought the race shirt and shorts to ware under wetsuit,  so I'll totally know what to expect.  Mind is still racing all over the place....

Was looking at last year results - I'll be finishing w/ the ladies from those times.  The guys crushed it - than there where a dozen or so slow pokes like me, looks like the bike I'll be at the disavantage.  Grand Rapids Tri is the race - Grand rapids is a (kinda ) stuck up richy rich town so I'm expecting to see a ton of super expensive bikes.  Can't wait!  I'm so excited!

Keep up that training and enjoying the vacation - it is just as important

Later dude

2012-06-08 4:03 AM
in reply to: #3947226

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
No worries about the other race're gonna fly!!! Especially on the bike, you've put in so many miles biking I'm sure you'll do awesome! Adrenaline will be pumping right? Fancy bike doesn't always mean faster, you gotta have the power to move fast too! You've got that:-)Had a fun day riding an ATV through mountain trails on a was kind of a core! Gonna run again tomorrow for one of my last long running sessions before I start to cut back mileage. Hope you're ready mentally and feeling strong! My mind is racing too....starting to do visualizations through each part of the you're meals sound yummy! Great carbsOkay, have a great Friday!!!!! I will be checking Saturday and Sunday in case you have time to post. If not then let me say this now....Go KICK some A$$ on Sunday Bill!!!! Have FUN and remember...YOU CAN DO THIS!! You're a rock star!
2012-06-08 7:55 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

My mind is a blurr, i can't think, I feel numb, I'm quivering, I'm ......

I love riding atv's - that shounds like so much fun - keep haveing a blast and remember - it is a long slow run.  Enjoy it and take it easy.

I'm not worried about the fast bikes - riding the mtb was my choice - and I'll be comfeey the hole ride and rdy for the run.  it will be a good shopping trip - what I'll buy in years to come:>

Swam again Thursday - 53min no stopping - practiced a goggle mishap and felt really good, I had lots of energy when I came out of water - so that made me feel strong.  Sometimes things are alittle unbalanced - not yesterday. 

I'm rdy - I am strong, I am Powerful, I am lean, I am a ROCKSTAR!  now I just need to wait till sunday morning - the waiting is killing me.

Have a super weekend - I'll be sure to log on Monday from home and let you know how it turned out. - Better have your reading glasses - I'm sure it will go

Thanks again - Bill

2012-06-12 7:53 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Race report posted!  What a day!  Lots to improve but darn it I'm a 1/2 iron distance finisher!

Sighting was my problem for the swim - I was so off corse! lol I was all along to far everywhere but where I needed to be.  I would have finished 10 min faster if I stayed on corse.  47:22 for swim.

Bike - 3:19:25 - right where I thought I would be.  After mile 28 - it was so lonely.  I was smoked by everyone!  But I rode great, ran out of water w/ 10 miles togo, thinking no big deal.  Well 5 miles togo it was a big deal. 

Run - my best performance 2:28:53 - Ran strong the whole time.  The MTB did its thing and I was rdy for the run.  I caught all those people that passed me because of thier bike performance.  I walked every aid station, ice went everywhere and stay in my shirt till the next station.  I gingled as I ran I had so much ice in my shirt!  I finished really strong.  What a day.

So out of 298 I ended up 234.  Super happy and good lessons learned.  In 2 years Iron Man will be mine! - More to come

1 week for you!


2012-06-13 1:38 AM
in reply to: #3947226

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!


wow, half iron man finisher! thats so awesome...I will always be a sprint tri girl..LOL! well, not quite yet...5 more days until I can brag about that title.

Thanks for the report..sounds like it was fun and you learned some lessons. Got a good giggle picturing all the ice in your shirt as you ranSo happy to read that your run was good and you finished strong. Hope your body is recovering well..

I'm feeling good and getting anxious for my race....I'll be sure to post a race report too. My strategy is to go as fast as I can on the swim and bike cause my run is gonna be slow...I have one speed

Have a great day!


2012-06-13 6:55 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Rock on girl.  You go hard and don't stop.  The sprint will be over in a flash!  You are ready!

Body is recovered, I slept all day Monday - Tuesday felt like a hard run w/ legs alittle tight and sore, today all is well.

Good luck - stay healthy and make sure those tires are up to pressure!

2012-06-18 7:37 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
OK fill me in with all the details!
2012-06-18 5:46 PM
in reply to: #3947226

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Ok, I cannot figure out how to upload my results into a race report?? or do you have to do it manually?

Got up at 3:30am feeling really suprisingly good. I actually slept. Ate a banana and had coffee and did some light stretching. I don't know if I mentioned this before but I don't normally train in the mornings so I was a little nervous that my body wouldn't wake up.

Got to site at 4:20 and was third to get chip and marking. Got an awesome spot in transition area. Hung out with my friend and another guy and chatted. My family slowly arrived and by 6am we were headed down to the ocean. My swim was AWESOME!!! I felt so good, strong and even had a huge turtle swim right up beneath me to say hi! It made me smile and relax. I got an inside front row spot and just booked it all the way. Only had to breathe on my right cause everyone was on that side so I just tried to stay inline with them. Rounded the buoys fine and finished ahead of majority of women. From here...the dreaded 100 yard beach run to transition really winded me. Heart rate spiked up and I had a hard time getting it back down during the bike. I got passed by a fair number of people, I really got tired of hearing "left" LOL!! But everytime that happened I tried to go faster but my odometer was showing I was already over my normal pace. So, I just decided to ignore them and bike my pace. By the time I got back to T2 I was feeling a little better but I knew the run was gonna be tough. I headed out with a tight chest and still struggling to get my breathing relaxed and in rhythm. It never happened so I really had to slow down to a shuffle. This is where I got SMOKED by alot of the women I passed on the swim. So frustrating but I knew my body could only go so fast. My plantar fascitis was screaming at me in pain like knives but I just kept plugging along!!


Anyway, I finished with a smile and my daughter at the finish line watching me. It was such a great experience and I am so glad I did it! I learned a lot and need to rehab some injuries now.... I'm pretty sore..legs and feet tender but not bad. My overall time was 1:35:22. It's a start and something to improve on next time I do this race.

Thanks for your support! I did think of your mantra at one point "I can do this" "I'm a rock star" LOL! I'll post the race report when I get it figured out! Shoot me a message if you find another cool mentor group to be a part of take care!


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2012-06-19 6:41 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

You bet i will,  - very nice race, and that is a wonderful time, it's your first and you crushed it.  Give the running a few more 100 miles and next time this will be a breeze.  The PF is such a bother - but it does go away, you just need to find the right strech to keep it at bay.  More miles, better form, and less injury will follow.


Enjoy the summer - start looking for a fall race...why have come so far already.

Have a super one. - I'll check back here from time to time.


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