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2012-04-19 8:47 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
Warrior Dash on Saturday and Caveman Sprint Triathlon on Sunday

2012-04-19 10:00 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
No tri, but I have a local 5k I'm running in. I'd like to get 25:00 or under, which would be a new PR, but I don't know the course, so I'll wait and see.
2012-04-20 1:15 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Kind of quiet here today.

Continuous swim at lunch today.  Nice and easy......really don't enjoy these.  I got in a pretty good rhythm so it wasn't too bad. 1750 in 29:30 for about 1:41/100.  Easy 1:15 ride this evening.

Good luck to all the racers!  Hope everyone has a good weekend.


2012-04-20 6:17 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
I tried to run a little today. Let me tell you that I am nowhere near to being recovered from my Boston effort. A slow shuffle for three miles was all I could manage and my legs are not happy about even that. More swimming and biking in my near future.
2012-04-20 6:30 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
Thanks for your thoughts on bricks. Very short set of swim sprints this morning and run after work-- done. Now for some serious biking this weekend. Let's all have a great weekend racing and/or training!
2012-04-20 7:53 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Hey everyone.   5hrs/sleep or less per night for the past several nights has wreaked havoc, but the end is in sight, and at least I've got nothing due tomorrow!

I've read through everything -- sorry to have missed out on some good conversations.  I'll throw my 2c in on some of the issues.

stexfjr - 2012-04-18 9:27 AM Woodrowcall: Glad you got that rite of passage out of the way. Unlike you mine came when the maximum amount of people could witness it. 5PM rush hour near a busy intersection. At least they had something to talk about around the supper table.

Lol.  Me too.  Major intersection, 5PM, slow inexorable fall to the ground.  Many laughs ensured, no doubt.  Glad to be of service...

wannabefaster - 2012-04-18 11:41 AM
Jen2012 - 2012-04-18 10:32 AM

I've got a training log question.  

I'm following a the BT 16 week Sprint 3x week training plan, doing my best to just focus on volume. So when I have a bad day (or sometimes, just an average day) and I end up walking for part of the run, I'm not sure what the best approach would be.

Today's plan was a 17 min run. For various reasons, I couldn't hack it today and walked about half of it.   

In the future should I count minutes walking as "run" minutes, or should I log them separately? 

Also, if my plan says 17 minutes is it worth it to take a break and continue running? If so, my workout ends up looking more like a 25-30 minute workout, including warm up and cool down.  Is this defeating the purpose of the short run? At my level, I'm not at risk of over training, but I'm curious what others do as you increase volume over time. 

I would just count them as run minutes . No need to split hairs. You are doing the walking as part of your run and I personally would count them as "run". And, yes, I would run the full 17 minutes with a walk break, even if it took me to 25-30 minutes total. I would be looking to increase my run fitness and that seems like a good way to do it.

I agree with Jason.  If you walk during a run, just keep the clock ticking and log it all as your run.

When I take a break during a run for any reason (usually to use the bathroom), I stop my watch and restart it when I start running again.  I usually make a note in my logs that I took a break unless it was just for a few seconds.

jimmyb - 2012-04-18 11:43 PM

Ok, I've got a topic I'd like to discuss.  Bricks.  How often do you incorporate bricks?  Do you do them as true bricks eg immediate transition?  This makes the most sense for simulating race conditions.  I know of one athlete who always made a point of running after the bike, even if for just a quarter mile as he said it helped train his muscles to get used to the transition.  Do you always do them in the S/B/R order?  From my own experience, I've done them in all different orders but believe that doing the swim last leads to a very ineffective swim with poor form, thus I try not to do this.

I agree with what others have said.  There is really no decent evidence that there are specific physiological benefits to doing bricks.  There are, IMHO, two god reasons to do bricks.  The first is to learn pacing.  Proper pacing off the bike is, for some (raises hand) very difficult.  If you know the pace you are trying to hit, then a mile after a bike ride is enough to practice hitting it.  My personal tendency is to go way too fast, but feel like I'm moving slow.  That's actually worse, in the long run (pun intended) than going out too slow.

The second reason to do bricks is that sometimes it's the only way you have time to get in the workouts.  In that case, I'd say (to address your question about order) that you should in general aim to do the easier workout second, or at least to be sure that you are relatively fresh for whichever of the two workouts is going to be harder.

For the second reason, I do quite a few bricks, usually bike/run, but sometimes run/swim/run and occasionally others.  I do bricks for the first reason typically only as part of a race rehearsal.

stexfjr - 2012-04-19 2:37 PM Duathlon (relay division) on Saturday a.m. My GF is doing the shorty 6.6 mile bike, and I'll bookend with the 2 runs of 2.3 miles. We are guaranteed not to podium but it should be fun.

Fun!  Enjoy it!

Edited by Experior 2012-04-20 7:55 PM

2012-04-20 7:57 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Oh, and best of luck to all racers this weekend!

For me, last weekend of serious training prior to a HIM on in two weeks.  Probably long bike tomorrow and S/B/R on Sunday.  Not sure yet.  What do others have going on?

2012-04-20 8:14 PM
in reply to: #4161820

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Blanda - 2012-04-19 9:30 PM There's a GEAR adventure race this weekend, but no sitter. Cry

Sorry you can't race this weekend, Blanda.  I thought I was going to race, but it turns out I had the date wrong.  I guess that's more like stupidity than lack of babysitting...  Have a great weekend with the kiddos instead!

2012-04-20 8:24 PM
in reply to: #4163867

Hudson Valley Region
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
Experior - 2012-04-20 8:57 PM

Oh, and best of luck to all racers this weekend!

For me, last weekend of serious training prior to a HIM on in two weeks.  Probably long bike tomorrow and S/B/R on Sunday.  Not sure yet.  What do others have going on?

I'm going to an Army vs. Holy Cross lacrosse game at West Point. If nothing else it will be inspirational :-)

Hoping to get in a bike tomorrow and a swim on Sunday. 

I'm amazed at you folks doing triathlons this early in the season. Well, early for me at least.  Late May is the earliest I can find one my me. Not that I'm complaining. When is your off season?

Good luck to everyone racing!

2012-04-20 8:37 PM
in reply to: #4163904

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
thirdstation - 2012-04-20 9:24 PM
Experior - 2012-04-20 8:57 PM

Oh, and best of luck to all racers this weekend!

For me, last weekend of serious training prior to a HIM on in two weeks.  Probably long bike tomorrow and S/B/R on Sunday.  Not sure yet.  What do others have going on?

I'm going to an Army vs. Holy Cross lacrosse game at West Point. If nothing else it will be inspirational :-)

Hoping to get in a bike tomorrow and a swim on Sunday. 

I'm amazed at you folks doing triathlons this early in the season. Well, early for me at least.  Late May is the earliest I can find one my me. Not that I'm complaining. When is your off season?

Good luck to everyone racing!

Enjoy the game!

For triathlon, the off-season around here is Nov-Feb.  Races with pool swims begin in March and outdoor swimming begins in April.  I have done a late Nov or early Dec. running race every year (since I got into this business) then take Dec largely off and start training again in January, though injury threw a wrench into that plan this year.

2012-04-21 7:33 AM
in reply to: #4123247

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Good morning everyone!  Doing power washing/cleaning this morning and then an hour run this afternoon. Enjoy your Saturday.


2012-04-21 8:37 AM
in reply to: #4123247

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Did a full IM distance swim (pool) this morning.  Not very fast as I am a BOP swimmer, nonetheless I'm very pleased with not just my time, but my energy level.  I did not push too hard, and felt very strong coming out of the water.  My pace actually got a bit faster over the last mile.  No stops except for one quick adjustment of my goggles. 

This is a big hurdle for me mentally as I need to complete the full distance swim to boost my confidence.  IM Texas is 4 weeks out, and I love seeing the results of my training coming together.


2012-04-21 8:52 AM
in reply to: #4123247

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Jimmy - Nice job on the swim.  The mental confidence is huge.

It has been a little work getting back into training.  Two weeks off was probably just a little too much.  My legs are blasted right now.  I am incorporating some strength into my training as I start up for training for AZ, and I am feel in it.  Anyone else do any strength sessions?  

Right now I am headed out for a ride.  Supposed to be a slower group.   Going to get some hills in today. 40 mile with ~4700 of elevation gain.  Good thing I have a bailout gear!  Have a great weekend everyone.

2012-04-21 10:33 AM
in reply to: #4123247

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
Jimmy-nice job on the swim. Not much longer and you'll be rocking the course at IMTX. The swim course is great. Once you get into the canal it is even better.

Bennet- can't wait to hear about that ride. Sounds a bit hilly!

Winds are 30 mph here today. So I got in my 3 hour ride on the trainer early this morning. Short transition run off the bike afterwards. Now its time to clean the house, rest a bit and then get ready to swim later today.

I'm looking for a good HIM distance race for June/July. It does not have to be a WTC race. Race course preferences- minimal hills/climbing (remember I live on the coast), cooler weather for the run, and close to a larger airport. BSLT is 11 hours from my house. We have a family conflict with Kansas or any other race on June 10th. WTC choices are Muncie, Racine, Lake Stephens. Any other ideas?
2012-04-21 1:41 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
Forget the request for other races!

If you were going to pick between Racine and Lake Stephens which one would it be? Tri Bike transport will take my bike to Racine and Lake Stephens. It will be cheaper to send the bike by Tri Bike transport instead of flying with it.

My husband is now regretting ($$$) his decision for us to go somewhere the weekend of June 10th. It would have been a lot cheaper to let me go to Kansas. BSLT is the other option.Given my recent history of dehydration/IV's at hot races it is hard to get excited about that race. The only good thing about BSLT is that we could drive- 11 hours.

Edited by Catwoman 2012-04-21 1:54 PM
2012-04-21 2:28 PM
in reply to: #4164226

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

That is simply have my respect.


jimmyb - 2012-04-21 9:37 AM

Did a full IM distance swim (pool) this morning.  Not very fast as I am a BOP swimmer, nonetheless I'm very pleased with not just my time, but my energy level.  I did not push too hard, and felt very strong coming out of the water.  My pace actually got a bit faster over the last mile.  No stops except for one quick adjustment of my goggles. 

This is a big hurdle for me mentally as I need to complete the full distance swim to boost my confidence.  IM Texas is 4 weeks out, and I love seeing the results of my training coming together.


2012-04-21 2:37 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Well, the 5K race I had planned this morning was a debacle. It was a small race, so I was actually hoping to be near the top. I'm not any kind of fast, but I figured a sub-25:00 time would do. I get there with my running buddy, and we're by far the oldest people there. He's 35 and I'm 32. The rest of the group was like a high school CC team, not encouraging. However, most of them were running the HM race, so I felt better once I found that out. Once the race started, the 5K field was really small. 

We ran for about 1/3 mile and then turned right. It was a trail run, and although hilly was pretty nice. We did a loop, came back to where we originally turned right and then started back toward the start...and then race was over! We got back to the start and all just stood there, with no idea what to do. I had been in mid-thought, feeling good about my pace and focusing on a lady just in front of me who I had decided was going to be my archnemesis-we had gone just over 1.5 miles and I was going to pass her at 2.5 if we were still close, but then we were done. No one had any idea where to go. The race director, a college kid, complained he had marked things so well, but someone somewhere had messed. So, that was that.

My buddy and I ran with some other participants (college girls, so we felt like real creeps) for about 3 miles or so just because we were there, but that was it. So, the race was a bust, but I counted it as a workout and I'll swim this evening. 

On the plus side, I stopped by my local tri store this morning and they had a pair of Asics marked down from $140 to $40, so that was a steal! I've been wanting/needing a new pair, but didn't want to spend the money, so I'm thrilled with that discount. I also got my trip top so I can start training for my race in the equipment I'll use, which is about three weeks away now! 

2012-04-21 6:26 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Jim -- great job with the swim.  I'm the same as you:  I have to do the distance at least once before the race.  I'm also 100% convinced that keeping the swim easy and relaxed is very important in ironman.  I've been studying the race results of IMWI quite a bit, and the guys (at least in my age group) who finish near the top do not have particularly fast swim times.  I think that's in part because they are keeping it easy.  The race really starts somewhere around mile 80 of the bike, IMO.  Judging from the splits I've seen, that's when the truly prepared begin to shine.

Bennet -- hope you enjoyed the ride.  Getting back into it can be a little tough the first few times, but your body will soon remember what training is like.  I think that bike rides are a very good way to get it back, by the way.

Rene -- Racine is much less hilly than Lake Stevens.  From what I can tell, they are both pretty venues.  Lake Stevens is probably a bit more of the 'vacation destination' than Racine, but Racine is nice.

Jamie -- too bad about the race!  At least you got in some quality running, and that's never a bad thing...

My foot injury is returning, but I think I understand how to handle it now, so hopefully it will be manageable this time instead of leading to a month off of running.  Great ride and run for me today.  Tomorrow is this year's first OWS, weather permitting.  The water's gonna be ccccccold!

Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!

2012-04-21 6:43 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
Michael, Have you heard anything about Muncie? It looks like it may be even flatter than the other two on the bike.
2012-04-21 8:06 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Jim-great job on the swim. The thought of swimming that far non stop makes my mind numb.  I'm with you though. Got to know that I've done it before to feelconfident heading into a race.

Jamie-sorry about the race. Glad you got a workout in.

Bennet-you will bounce back quickly. Hope the ride went well.

Rene-I'm no help on the races you mentioned.

Michael-any idea on what is causing the foot problem??

I eatimated that my powerwashing  would take 3 hours...ended up close to 5.  Got it done and then had a nice run this evening.  Race rehearsal type workout tomorrow for bike/run.  Going to be really windy UGH!


2012-04-21 8:32 PM
in reply to: #4164726

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Catwoman - 2012-04-21 7:43 PM Michael, Have you heard anything about Muncie? It looks like it may be even flatter than the other two on the bike.

They're very similar.  Basically up and then down in both cases.  Quite fast courses in both cases.  Racine is ever so slightly more rolling in the middle, but really not enough difference to make a difference.  Racine is likely to be cooler.

2012-04-21 8:40 PM
in reply to: #4164726

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
Catwoman - 2012-04-21 7:43 PM

Michael, Have you heard anything about Muncie? It looks like it may be even flatter than the other two on the bike.

I raced Mincie last year and it flat and fast on the bike. Hardly a hill to be found on the whole course. The entire bike is closed to traffic which was nice. The run does have rolling hills throughout and is proportionally harder than the bike.
2012-04-21 9:26 PM
in reply to: #4164242

Hudson Valley Region
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED
AV842 - 2012-04-21 9:52 AM

 I am incorporating some strength into my training as I start up for training for AZ, and I am feel in it.  Anyone else do any strength sessions?  

I do strength sessions twice per week. Squat/Bench Press one day and Deadlift/Press the other.  It is supposed to be a conditioning-friendly program.  I've been doing it for two weeks so I can't say whether or not it works. Up until two weeks ago I was doing only weightlifting.

2012-04-21 10:05 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Strength training is great for overall conditioning and health, especially in those of us older than 40.  And for those with very serious strength imbalances (especially due to injury or even more so surgery) it is an important way to redress those imbalances.  I do it from time to time, especially in the off season.

For the generally healthy just wanting to get faster at S/B/R it probably isn't very helpful.  In general, we are not limited in our triathlon performance by strength.

2012-04-21 10:15 PM
in reply to: #4123247

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Spring/Summer Mentor Group-CLOSED

Good luck to all of you racing! May weather be kind and you swift.

Bennet: I'm doing p90x to strengthen up. I have grown to love the off road triathlons and adventure races and it helps to have some muscle for hefting the bike and myself through jungle. I'm not beef caking out or anything, I've going for lean. More reps with lighter weight.

Hope you having a splendid weekend, guys!

Edited by Blanda 2012-04-21 10:22 PM
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