BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN) Rss Feed  
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2014-03-06 12:45 PM
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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Birkierunner

Originally posted by Antwonathon I tried a 5 minute FTP test Thursday and failed in a miserable fashion. I had no idea what power to shoot for and I picked one that ended up being way too high. After a 1:45 I said uncle and spun easy for a 1:30 and then stopped feeling sorry for myself and pushed hard for the last 1:15. I don't want to think about the 20 minute test. My endurance definitely needs some work. I've been using a GPS and HR monitor on my runs. HR is normally in the high 150s when I run at my "natural speed" - the speed that I just naturally run without thinking about it. I need to figure out my maximum HR so that the HR monitor is a little more useful to me, but I think I tend to run too fast. Have a great weekend everyone! Keep up the hard work!

Are you planning on using the 5' test as a valid test?  I would consider re-doing it and choose a starting point that will allow you to have a more even effort over the entire test.   I'm not familiar with the virtual power setup but doesn't it calibrate for the trainer you are using?  If so, you should be able to use your gearing to alter the effort during the test so you don't have an interruption like your first attempt.


You are right about shifting to make things easier. My problem was more that I didn't know what number to shoot for, so I picked one based on my best race time last year. I forgot to take into account that I haven't biked much in the last 4 months or that power on the trainer is relative to that trainer and can't really be compared to outdoors power unless you have a powertap or some other power device. So I chose a wattage that was too high and then tried to push through instead of shifting down and salvaging something for my effort.

As for what I'm doing with the 5 min effort, I've been lurking over on the power mentor group here on BT. They have a lot of good info there, but I plan to use the 5 min threshold power value and a 20 min threshold power so I can calculate my Critical Power which is the maximum power you can theoretically hold for one hour (approximately your FTP). Then I use this to create workouts based on %FTP for Sufferfest videos or whatever I want. It gives my something shoot for while I'm grinding away on the trainer. I never really know if I am going too hard or too easy. Now I have something to aim for during my workouts and a way to track progress while on the trainer.

Edited for grammer

Edited by Antwonathon 2014-03-06 12:47 PM

2014-03-06 1:05 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
So I've been getting really nervous that this polar vortex was preventing me from having a real outdoor ride before IM Cabo later this month. Yesterday I spent an extra day in Vegas after a business trip and did 70 miles around Red Rock Canyon. OMG is all I have to say. I can't believe I've to been to Vegas about 20 times and never ventured out there before. The scenery is breath taking and the amount of riders out there made me feel really welcome. I feel much more confident after this long ride. Even though I didn't get the full 112 in, the 4,000 ft of gain kind of made up for it and I feel fine this morning.

I considered just renting a bike and going solo but used instead to take me around. Bob , the owner was awesome. Took care of everything I needed. I just needed to show up with my pedals and gu and we were off. I highly recommend his service.

2014-03-06 2:42 PM
in reply to: Antwonathon

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by Antwonathon
Originally posted by Birkierunner

Originally posted by Antwonathon I tried a 5 minute FTP test Thursday and failed in a miserable fashion. I had no idea what power to shoot for and I picked one that ended up being way too high. After a 1:45 I said uncle and spun easy for a 1:30 and then stopped feeling sorry for myself and pushed hard for the last 1:15. I don't want to think about the 20 minute test. My endurance definitely needs some work. I've been using a GPS and HR monitor on my runs. HR is normally in the high 150s when I run at my "natural speed" - the speed that I just naturally run without thinking about it. I need to figure out my maximum HR so that the HR monitor is a little more useful to me, but I think I tend to run too fast. Have a great weekend everyone! Keep up the hard work!

Are you planning on using the 5' test as a valid test?  I would consider re-doing it and choose a starting point that will allow you to have a more even effort over the entire test.   I'm not familiar with the virtual power setup but doesn't it calibrate for the trainer you are using?  If so, you should be able to use your gearing to alter the effort during the test so you don't have an interruption like your first attempt.

  As for what I'm doing with the 5 min effort, I've been lurking over on the power mentor group here on BT. They have a lot of good info there, but I plan to use the 5 min threshold power value and a 20 min threshold power so I can calculate my Critical Power which is the maximum power you can theoretically hold for one hour (approximately your FTP). Then I use this to create workouts based on %FTP for Sufferfest videos or whatever I want. It gives my something shoot for while I'm grinding away on the trainer. I never really know if I am going too hard or too easy. Now I have something to aim for during my workouts and a way to track progress while on the trainer. Edited for grammer

The 5' and 20' approach is what I would have suggested if you had answered differently.  Prescribing workouts as a % of CP is a very nice way to give concrete guidance to athletes.

2014-03-06 2:46 PM
in reply to: stevepiv

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by stevepiv So I've been getting really nervous that this polar vortex was preventing me from having a real outdoor ride before IM Cabo later this month. Yesterday I spent an extra day in Vegas after a business trip and did 70 miles around Red Rock Canyon. OMG is all I have to say. I can't believe I've to been to Vegas about 20 times and never ventured out there before. The scenery is breath taking and the amount of riders out there made me feel really welcome. I feel much more confident after this long ride. Even though I didn't get the full 112 in, the 4,000 ft of gain kind of made up for it and I feel fine this morning. I considered just renting a bike and going solo but used to take me around. Bob , the owner was awesome. Took care of everything I needed. I just needed to show up with my pedals and gu and we were off. I highly recommend his service.


2014-03-10 7:08 PM
in reply to: stevepiv

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Greenville, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by stevepiv

So I've been getting really nervous that this polar vortex was preventing me from having a real outdoor ride before IM Cabo later this month. Yesterday I spent an extra day in Vegas after a business trip and did 70 miles around Red Rock Canyon. OMG is all I have to say. I can't believe I've to been to Vegas about 20 times and never ventured out there before. The scenery is breath taking and the amount of riders out there made me feel really welcome. I feel much more confident after this long ride. Even though I didn't get the full 112 in, the 4,000 ft of gain kind of made up for it and I feel fine this morning.

I considered just renting a bike and going solo but used instead to take me around. Bob , the owner was awesome. Took care of everything I needed. I just needed to show up with my pedals and gu and we were off. I highly recommend his service.

so cool! i love when people are nice. someday maybe i'll make it out there.
2014-03-10 7:14 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Greenville, South Carolina
Subject: marathon tapering
ok, so i've reached race week for my marathon (on sunday). i know how to taper my run, but before my last marathon i wasn't really swimming or biking as much as i have been lately, so i'm trying to decide how much of that to do this week. i did a pretty hilly ride yesterday after my long swim and last long(isn) run on sat… so i'm thinking of skipping the structured swim workouts i've been doing and just swimming easy tomorrow and friday. then i can do my runs tues and thurs, and maybe a short trainer ride wed… total rest sat and then race sun. thoughts?

2014-03-10 11:59 PM
in reply to: hotalinge

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: marathon tapering

Originally posted by hotalinge ok, so i've reached race week for my marathon (on sunday). i know how to taper my run, but before my last marathon i wasn't really swimming or biking as much as i have been lately, so i'm trying to decide how much of that to do this week. i did a pretty hilly ride yesterday after my long swim and last long(isn) run on sat… so i'm thinking of skipping the structured swim workouts i've been doing and just swimming easy tomorrow and friday. then i can do my runs tues and thurs, and maybe a short trainer ride wed… total rest sat and then race sun. thoughts?

Frankly....if I had a marathon this coming weekend I wouldn't spend a single second thinking about swimming or biking....let alone actually swimming or biking.....makes no sense to do either if you have a marathon coming up in a few days.  

2014-03-11 6:27 AM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Greenville, South Carolina
Subject: RE: marathon tapering
Originally posted by Birkierunner

Frankly....if I had a marathon this coming weekend I wouldn't spend a single second thinking about swimming or biking....let alone actually swimming or biking.....makes no sense to do either if you have a marathon coming up in a few days.  

thanks! that's kind of what i was hoping to hear…
2014-03-16 9:00 PM
in reply to: hotalinge

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New user

Subject: RE: marathon tapering
Well, it looks like we got ourselves a winner here! Great job, Elizabeth, for shaving 17 minutes off her Marathon PR with a 4:19 finishing time!!Rumors have it that she was last seen riding her TT through the McD and BK drive through. Hats off and I hope everyone has been having a good time training
2014-03-18 7:27 PM
in reply to: ukentho

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Greenville, South Carolina
Subject: RE: marathon tapering
Originally posted by ukentho

Well, it looks like we got ourselves a winner here! Great job, Elizabeth, for shaving 17 minutes off her Marathon PR with a 4:19 finishing time!!Rumors have it that she was last seen riding her TT through the McD and BK drive through. Hats off and I hope everyone has been having a good time training

thanks, marcel! your turn this weekend.

i'm definitely happier with this marathon than my last one - especially pacing and nutrition. i stayed with the 4:15 pacers until just before mile 20, which helped a lot. i ate a probar super early and then a banana around 30 min before starting. i still ate a few of my bolt chews, but i also had 2 stinger waffles - one around mile 8 and another around 18 or so. other than that i ate mostly off the aid stations. i carried scratch but didn't drink it until i finished. i had water at almost every aid station and orange quarters and/or banana halves at most. 2 aid stations had cookies, so that was good too. it was VERY cold and rainy, so i finished soaking wet and freezing - but it was a very well-organized race and still a great experience.
2014-03-20 7:16 AM
in reply to: hotalinge

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Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: marathon tapering
Great Job!

2014-03-20 8:33 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Hamilton, Montana
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Hello Jim, I would like to join if there's still room.

NAME: Jerry Miller

STORY: I'm 65 and recently retired. I've been running on and off ever since high school. I’ve done one half marathon, one full marathon and a century ride. I just learned to swim in December and have had a few instructions. Never done a triathlon but wanted to do it for a very long time.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, children are grown.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently in the final weeks of an olympic distance training planning, but focusing on the swim. Stilling have big problem with swim endurance. Have my first sprint tri next week.

THIS YEAR'S RACE PLAN: Daughter is an Ironman. This is certainly well above me, but my daughter talked me into doing IM AZ with her in November. Between now and then, I plan to do an Olympic and Half IM.
2014-03-24 9:17 AM
in reply to: millej1

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by millej1 Hello Jim, I would like to join if there's still room. NAME: Jerry Miller STORY: I'm 65 and recently retired. I've been running on and off ever since high school. I’ve done one half marathon, one full marathon and a century ride. I just learned to swim in December and have had a few instructions. Never done a triathlon but wanted to do it for a very long time. FAMILY STATUS: Married, children are grown. CURRENT TRAINING: Currently in the final weeks of an olympic distance training planning, but focusing on the swim. Stilling have big problem with swim endurance. Have my first sprint tri next week. THIS YEAR'S RACE PLAN: Daughter is an Ironman. This is certainly well above me, but my daughter talked me into doing IM AZ with her in November. Between now and then, I plan to do an Olympic and Half IM.

Welcome to the group Jerry!

2014-03-24 9:51 AM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
So I am entering the last week of my base phase this week. I have gotten in minimal swimming due to changing gyms and moving. I plan on starting back this week but I am not too worried about my swimming (shooting for 1:30). I trust my plan (Fink Comp) but I cant help but feel I should have logged more mileage or done more over the last 9 weeks. Is this normal?? I know that IM training is the sum of all training past and present and I am in the best shape of my life but maybe its all in my head but I feel like I am behind. Anyone else ever feel like this when training for their first IM?? I have not been able to ride outside due to the weather so biking distance is always estimated since I am on the trainer. I am sure I am being silly and letting my head get to myself but though I would check to see if others have experienced the same thing.
2014-03-24 10:35 AM
in reply to: dmbfan4life20

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by dmbfan4life20 So I am entering the last week of my base phase this week. I have gotten in minimal swimming due to changing gyms and moving. I plan on starting back this week but I am not too worried about my swimming (shooting for 1:30). I trust my plan (Fink Comp) but I cant help but feel I should have logged more mileage or done more over the last 9 weeks. Is this normal?? I know that IM training is the sum of all training past and present and I am in the best shape of my life but maybe its all in my head but I feel like I am behind. Anyone else ever feel like this when training for their first IM?? I have not been able to ride outside due to the weather so biking distance is always estimated since I am on the trainer. I am sure I am being silly and letting my head get to myself but though I would check to see if others have experienced the same thing.

Trust me, at one time or another we all have that feeling of "have I done enough?".   Its perfectly normal.  The key is to assess whether that feeling is due to actually missing a lot of important workouts or whether that feeling is due to you attempting your first have never attempted before.  You can't go back in time and do things over.  Assess where you realistically are right now fitness-wise (perhaps do some s/b/r field testing to determine this) and see if it jives with where your training plan has you at this time in relation to your goal race.  If it doesn't you may have to re-assess any time goals you may have but try to get back on track.  In your case, it sounds like you've stuck with the training plan (except for some swimming logistical issues) for the most part so don't start second-guessing things.  You're tackling something are bound to have some of these types of thoughts every so often.  Don't dwell on it though...its supposed to be fun.

2014-03-24 4:03 PM
in reply to: dmbfan4life20

Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by dmbfan4life20

So I am entering the last week of my base phase this week. I have gotten in minimal swimming due to changing gyms and moving. I plan on starting back this week but I am not too worried about my swimming (shooting for 1:30). I trust my plan (Fink Comp) but I cant help but feel I should have logged more mileage or done more over the last 9 weeks. Is this normal?? I know that IM training is the sum of all training past and present and I am in the best shape of my life but maybe its all in my head but I feel like I am behind. Anyone else ever feel like this when training for their first IM?? I have not been able to ride outside due to the weather so biking distance is always estimated since I am on the trainer. I am sure I am being silly and letting my head get to myself but though I would check to see if others have experienced the same thing.


I agree with what Jim said - this is normal. For what it's worth, in my (limited, only 1 IM to date) experience, you will never feel fully prepared for your first IM. The IM is such a big event and there is so much unknown on how race day will go, that I never felt ready. But I got to the starting line (barely because of Hurricane Sandy, but that's another story) alongside everybody else and I finished it. Somebody will always train more than you will and somebody will train have to trust your training and your plan. Everybody has different circumstances. BTW, some folks will train too hard and get injured, so training more isn't always advisable.

So, my advice is to stick to the plan, and enjoy the ride. Somebody here in BT once wrote something along the lines of...IM race day is the icing on the cake - doing the training is what makes you an Ironman. I thought that was a load of BS until i raced IMFL, but whoever wrote that is right. Race day is so awesome (and so painful!), but the journey is what makes us.

Hope this helps. And I think we all need to get outside soon. Being cooped up in my basement riding for hours and hours is getting really boring.


2014-03-24 4:18 PM
in reply to: ukentho

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Greenville, South Carolina
Subject: RE: marathon tapering
Congrats to Marcel on a new marathon PR (by a lot!) in Rome yesterday!

How was it? Did run/walk work for you? How was nutrition?
2014-03-25 8:04 AM
in reply to: LarchmontTri

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Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Thank you Brian and Jim, your words were helpful.
2014-03-26 7:43 PM
in reply to: dmbfan4life20

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Actually ran on the roads today....and there was no ice....and my face didn't freeze off.....35 degrees never felt so good

2014-03-27 3:28 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Back to heavy snow today here.   Today's bike workout was relatively short but a quality one...warmup followed by 60 minutes as 7.5 minutes at 75% critical power then 2.5 minutes at 105%.  Short run later today.


2014-03-28 1:42 PM
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Subject: RE: marathon tapering

Thanks, Elizabeth! I ran and feel a lot better compared to my first one from 2011. I only walked aid stations and some hills that were just sending my heart rate through the roof. I definitely need to do better preparation before my next race. My work and the baby threw off all the good things you should do before a Marathon. I didn't run at all and barely ate anything the whole week prior. Then as I picked up my race packet at the convention, I walked past all the booths and realized that I forgot my SHOES. Out of all things, who does that?! I even brought my backup Garmin! Checklist, Marcel, checklist... I can't fathom the things that go through my head sometimes...

The Marathon itself was huge. There were over 14,000 running and always a good hundred people around me. It rained and there were not enough porter potties, so people turned the city into a urinal. On top of that there was no food until mile 13 - definitely glad I carried snacks! It was rough to keep eating the same thing, so next time I'll have to bring a bit more variety. I passed a lot of people that I saw run past me earlier in the race, so keeping my pace definitely helped. I had planned to keep my heart rate below 155, but that just didn't happen, and I tried to hold my pace instead. I noticed my heart rate raised a bunch toward the second half, and I did get a cramp in my bicep the last 2km. So my hydration must have been off and not enough. I didn't feel too crazy past mile 18, so I guess that's a plus. After the finish line, I did spend quite some time in the fetal position though, because I finished the last mile way too fast. Do Marathons always feel that brutal? I would like to applaud anyone here that has completed the Iron distance, because I can't imagine doing that after the swim and bike portion. 

Despite all the disasters, I improved my last PR and from there I feel like I have a lot of room for improvement. Unfortunately, I have to cancel my Marathon in May due to work, but that means that I have all the way until end of July to prepare for my first HIM and September for Athens Marathon.

If anyone would love to give me some pointers on my data, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Edited by ukentho 2014-03-28 1:46 PM

2014-03-29 2:01 PM
in reply to: ukentho

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Greenville, South Carolina
Subject: RE: marathon tapering
Originally posted by ukentho

\Then as I picked up my race packet at the convention, I walked past all the booths and realized that I forgot my SHOES. Out of all things, who does that?! I even brought my backup Garmin! Checklist, Marcel, checklist... I can't fathom the things that go through my head sometimes...

hahaha that's hilarious. i've forgotten lots of stuff, but never my shoes. so did you buy shoes at the expo or what?

Originally posted by ukentho

The Marathon itself was huge. There were over 14,000 running and always a good hundred people around me. It rained and there were not enough porter potties, so people turned the city into a urinal.

i had the same experience in paris. almost 40,000 people…. totally insane. and the lack of port-johns must be a european thing - paris was the same way and people turned the famous champs-elysees into a urinal.

Originally posted by ukentho

Do Marathons always feel that brutal?

curious what more experienced people have to say. i've only done 2 but i would venture to say yes… this one was better than my last one, but no matter how much you train and how well you plan, it's still 26.2 miles.
2014-03-31 8:12 AM
in reply to: hotalinge

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Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: marathon tapering
How was everyones weekend of training?? I just finished my first 10 week block of IM training and felt pretty good about it. I was a little mad that I missed my long run yesterday but I was away in Atlantic City for a friends Bachelor Party so needless to say I was not in any shape to run at all yesterday.

Hoping the spring weather hits this weekend so I can get a long bike in but we shall see.
2014-03-31 9:33 AM
in reply to: dmbfan4life20

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: marathon tapering

I got a couple of quality Computrainer bike sessions in and was able to actually run outside without a hat or gloves on Sunday....this long brutal winter may finally by over...

2014-03-31 10:58 AM
in reply to: dmbfan4life20

Subject: RE: marathon tapering
I had a pretty good weekend of training.

Saturday was brick day - 2 hrs on the bike indoors watching movies followed by an outdoor 10k run. Overall, just under a 3hr day and it felt pretty good. I could have run farther, but decided not to overdo it. It felt so great to get outside - it was a bit wet outside, but it wasn't raining. And that small window was pretty much the only part of the weekend that wasn't raining, so the timing worked out well. And in case you're wondering, Dodgeball was the movie of choice for the biking portion. Super funny and entertaining film - one of my favorites. "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball"

Sunday - 1hr bike sprint intervals session indoors. 5 min warm-up, 7x3min sprint intervals w/2min rbi, then 7x1min sprint intervals w/1min rbi and 5 min cool-down. Movie choice was Space Cowboys.

Planning to get to the pool tonight, and hopefully a long run outdoors tomorrow morning.

Down to 83 days until my first race of the season (Syracuse 70.3), and feeling pretty good about where I am. That said, I really need to get outside for some proper bike training.

Happy Monday!
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