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2007-03-20 8:41 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Hi girls-

Been outa town for a few days in a yucky meeting room. Very tired, no training feel yucky. Have to work VERY early in the AM will try to ride my bike tomorrow PM.

Hope all is well with everyone.


2007-03-20 9:59 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

You all are amazing!  Races coming up, training to squeeze in....and you are all getting it done!  Nice work!  3 of you have races this weekend?  cool

Jill - good luck in the 5K!  We'll be awaiting your RR!

Mel - Hope you can get out on the bike of yours soon!  Did you name your bike?

Kendra - well, I REALLY hope your knee doesn't cause you any trouble this weekend!  Good luck and have a great trip while you are at it!

Z - Good luck in your race, hope the knee is ok!  LOL, you are one determined lady!

Heather - welcome back from your training trip....those sure are hard!  You think you'll have all this time and somehow it disappears. 

Back to the grant proposal for me.  

2007-03-21 11:55 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
hmmm that is funny naming your bike what are your bike's names girlies?

Also good luck in the upcoming races you all rock!!! I want to hear about them so I can be inspired!

2007-03-21 12:28 PM
in reply to: #731716

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
I've never officially named my bike, but one of it's nicknames is "retro in the metro". My bike is painted red with off-white in a retro design and I used to commute from Marin through SF on it. Wish I had a picture of it to show you.

Hey - Good luck to everyone who is racing this weekend!
2007-03-21 9:05 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
I haven't named my bike, but I'm going to now. But it will need a little thought.

Good luck everyone on their events this weekend. We are a busy bunch.

2007-03-22 12:57 PM
in reply to: #731772

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Hmmm, I think my running partner is trying to off me. That run we did last weekend - We finally mapped it out and it turns out it was 10.76 miles, not 8 miles. I have officially taken control of the mapping tool!

2007-03-22 3:06 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

I don't have a name for my bike yet. I'll have to think about it.

Does everyone know what races they are going to be doing for the next year? I was talking to one of the guys in my tri group today and he has all his races planned out for the next year and he is working up to an IM.

I did a mini tri today; swam, biked and ran!

Good luck on your races this weekend Kendra, Jill & Zoya! We'll be cheering y'all on!




2007-03-22 6:30 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Way to go Mel on your mini Tri. After this weekend, I'll have 6 weeks until my first Tri. Then I will be doing another in August and maybe one in Sept. Then I have a 1/2 mary in December. I don't have any small races set up yet and I am thinking that these races might be it. I work every third weekend so that puts a dampner on things.

2007-03-23 9:57 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Hi everyone!  Sorry for my mini absences....I am still stuck under this grant proposal, but after next weekend, I'll be VERY happy and much more present!

Heather - LOL, I never did name my bike.  I couldn't think of one I was happy with.  I'll have to think about it again. 

Kaci - I LOVE the route tracker!  That thing is so cool.  man, you ran 2+ miles more than you thought?  LOL!

Mel - races.  Yeah, I have my races planned through the end of 2008!  OK, I'm a freak.  This year, I have the 5430 series (sprint, oly, 1/2 IM) in the summer.  Then the Philadelphia marathon in November.  Next year, maybe an early 1/2 IM, then IMCdA (Coeur d'Alene) in 6/08, then the Pike's Peak marathon in August (you run up to the top at 14,000 feet and then back down).  So that's my plan.  Beyond that, I don't know! 

Kendra - WOO HOO!  rock your 1/2 mary this weekend! 

Zoya - kick butt in your first TRI!  You are awesome!

And Jill - I want to see a PR out of you in this 5K!!!!  I'm not kidding! 

Have a great weekend all....and I'll be anxiously awaiting your race results!

2007-03-23 11:08 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Reston, VA
Gold member
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
The route tracker last time i used it said i "climbed" 7000 feet on 3 mile run... :-)
2007-03-25 10:04 AM
in reply to: #735347

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Hope everyone's races were great this past weekend! Can't wait to hear all about your experiences.

2007-03-25 9:13 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Soooooo......??????  How were the races?  DYING to know!
2007-03-25 9:21 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
I definitely did my fastest 5k to date! I was very excited. Now time to keep working on training for the oly on April 22nd! Hope everyone else had a good time at their events.
2007-03-25 9:28 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Reston, VA
Gold member
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
It was quick! Mini try...My husband got a flat tire ;-)
2007-03-27 8:38 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
I'm back from the Big Apple. Took in the "Putnam County Spelling Bee" musical. It was a hoot. Visited Ground Zero, which was very emotional. I grew up in NJ and we could see the twin towers on the skyline. Times Square, Carnegie Deli, Brooklyn Diner, Macy's, China Town, etc.

And, Oh yeah! I finished my 1/2 mary. Did it in 3 hours 19 minutes 10 seconds. A 15.2 minute a mile walking pace. Two laps around Central Park + one mile. Awesome experience. Afterwards we all got a pedicure (not everyone in the race, just my walking buds and me). Oh what a treat to tired aching feet.

Now I'd better get back on track for the Tri. It's only 6 weeks away.

Jill, way to go on your fastest 5K yet.

Zoya, bummer about your hubby's flat tire. Were you able to finish though?


PS - what do you all do with the medals you get from the races? I'm trying to decide what to do with them. Right now, the few I have are hanging on the side of the fridge, just so that I won't lose them.

Edited by kns57 2007-03-27 8:41 AM
2007-03-27 11:15 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Congratulations on your races!  That is awesome! 

Kendra as far as medals....well, mine are in a drawer.  But it sure would be cool to have a place for them. 

I have a 1/2 marathon on Sunday.  My grant proposal work has kept me from working out, so I fear I will be ill prepared.  But that's ok.  I'll get to see some of my BT friends and there's beer at the end of the race

2007-03-28 11:37 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Cathy, Good luck with your 1/2 mary this weekend. I know that whatever shape you are in, you will put my time to shame. (Don't worry, I feel great about my time. )

2007-03-29 4:42 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Kendra - Congrats on your race! That is a great walking pace for 26 miles! Did you jog part of it?

Cathy - Good luck on your half marathon this weekend, I hope your grant stuff slows down soon.

I signed up for an organized bike ride this Saturday called "Ride for Heroes". I have never done an organized ride outside of a tri and I thought it would be fun, plus I really need to get some miles on my bike. Some other folks from BT convinced me to sign up for the 64 mile distance. I have NEVER biked more than 35! YIKES! Last weekend, my husband and I rode 31 and then ran 5 and I was OK. I am pretty sure the course is some sort of a loop, so I guess I can always cut out earlier if I get too tired. The group I am going with is fine with an avg pace of 14-15 mph which sounds doable.

Hope everyone else is getting some good training in, is anyone else racing this weekend?

2007-03-29 9:59 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Woo hoo Jill!  Sounds like a fun ride.  Break out the Chamois Butt'r because your butt probably isn't used to sitting on the bike that long!  LOL, that will be cool though.

I am BACK.  I am SO ready to workout regularly again.  All I have left of my grant proposal is reviewing and sending it in officially tomorrow.  I have one more week for small edits, but hopefully there won't be any! 

Swim tomorrow, short run Saturday, 1/2 mary on SUNDAY!  Then I am back on the plan. 

2007-03-29 11:06 PM
in reply to: #742774

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New user
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Hey Cathy! Good luck with your race this weekend and congrats on nearly finishing your grant proposal.

Jill - have fun on your ride!
2007-03-30 6:33 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Jill, it was only a 1/2 mary, 13.1 miles. Here is the link to my race pictures.

I'm so focused on walking, I've got to learn to look up more.

2007-03-30 9:32 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Cute pictures K!  LOL, you look relieved to be finished!  
2007-03-30 10:08 AM
in reply to: #742872

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New user
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
K - Looks like you had great weather for your walk! Nice picts!
2007-03-30 2:51 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
The sun was out, but it was cold. I never took my jacket off and YES...I was relieved to be done. I was 10 minutes and 18 minutes ahead of my walking buddies. Got into the groove and away I went.

Are we having fun yet? Oh, Yes!
2007-03-30 3:28 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Kendra- Great pictures! Looks like you were having fun. WTG!

Jill, Wow, 64 miles, good luck. I hope the route is mainly flat.

Cathy, GL on your 1/2 mary!

Does anyone else have a problem keeping their HR down during training? Mine is averaging in the 180's and is maxing out at 200. I'm not sure what is going on.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!





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