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2015-08-28 9:35 AM
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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I must be a terrible example for my kids.... I have 4 bicycles and two motorcycles. N+1!!!!!

Check out the local gravel race that I was in last weekend. Some heavy hitters were in town. I got a signed copy of Rebecca Rusch's book. Pretty cool to stand there, and listen to her and Niel Shirley chatting about strategy the day before the race.

Edited by fifthcircle 2015-08-28 9:39 AM

2015-08-28 12:37 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Even my dogs got bored while I'm on the trainer. 5 hours is a long time to put out effort and go no where


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2015-08-28 1:20 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
OMG, Scott, 5 hours on an indoor trainer sounds somewhat torturous. Not the 5 hours part.

Bikes....I've only got 2, a hybrid and the new road bike, but I intend to keep both. Way different uses.

My bike commute on Wednesday was uneventful but I was sore afterwards, and yesterday really started thinking it was my knee, maybe a torn meniscus? I figured that if so, I'd know if I ran...went for a 2+ mile run this morning and while it was a little painful initially that seemed to go down as I ran, and now my soreness is back at the side/back of the knee/hamstring area. I'm starting to get suspicious it may be my bike.....I've spent just enough time on it since I bought it to probably cause some problems if something is off. I've got an appointment with a professional PT/bike fitter next week to get his opinion and then the week after with the doctor. Unless this turns around though I'm inclined to stop training to race and just focus on maintaining fitness safely--for this season.

2015-08-28 3:47 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Sandi--hope you figure out what is going on with your knee!!

Scott--5 hours on a trainer?!?!?! Abu Grab called, they want to borrow your technique.

As for me, I had a rather memorable run this morning. First, my fitbit alarm has been acting up since the latest app update (anyone else have one and have this problem?) and it didn't go off this morning. So, already, straight out of bed, I'm behind the eight ball. Woke up around 6:30, so not too late (planned 6am). Woke up with a serious bad attitude, probably due to less sleep than I wanted, and really didn't want to go out for my run. After a little ambling around the house, the dog convinced me to go out for the run. Boy am I glad she did!! About a mile from my house on the return trip I see this guy, running down the middle of the street with his dog. At first, I'm not convinced of what I see, because what I think I see is that he is buck naked. As I get closer, I realized that indeed, the man has no clothes or shoes on, but his dog is on a leash and they are clearly running for pleasure, as opposed to say, away from an ax murderer. As I'm about 100m from them, the dog decides it is a #2 moment. My dog and I pass them. As we do, the guy asks very politely if I might have an extra poop bag, because he doesn't have any pockets.

If my alarm had gone off this morning, I would have missed this amazing piece of southern Illinois culture. Workout #294 was certainly memorable!

Tomorrow I'm off on a day trip to scout the course for my Oly in two weeks (eep!). Based on their map of the bike course, it is already 4 miles longer than stated! I also hope to get in a swim at the lake where the tri is being held. It doesn't open until 11am, which is too bad, because I'd really like to swim, then bike, but I need to be home in time to get my bike to the LBS for its tune-up before they close.
2015-08-28 4:10 PM
in reply to: #5075170

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Gretchen! OMG!!!!!! I'm wishing you had your cell and could pop a picture! Ya know, men need support just as much as women...unless he's working on stretching it for a future first impression. Oh gosh, what I'm saying is so wrong on so many levels... That just nuts...
Sorry, it's happy hour here.

Great idea biking the course ahead of time. I did that last year for my first Oly and it was so well worth it.
So the park where the lake is doesn't open until 11:00? Is there a gate? We have a park here that opens at 8:00 but you can drive right in at any time and swim.
2015-08-28 5:27 PM
in reply to: #5137443

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
The park itself is open, but the swimming beach is not. Swimmers in the water are pulled out by lake patrol and removed from the park. They are actually quite serious about it.

2015-08-28 5:57 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
OMG, GRETCHEN!!!!!!!!!! Best laugh I've had all day!!!!!!! OK, the only one!

2015-08-28 9:22 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by drfoodlove
  • Boy am I glad she did!! About a mile from my house on the return trip I see this guy, running down the middle of the street with his dog. At first, I'm not convinced of what I see, because what I think I see is that he is buck naked. As I get closer, I realized that indeed, the man has no clothes or shoes on, but his dog is on a leash and they are clearly running for pleasure, as opposed to say, away from an ax murderer. As I'm about 100m from them, the dog decides it is a #2 moment. My dog and I pass them. As we do, the guy asks very politely if I might have an extra poop bag, because he doesn't have any pockets.

  • Had to read that 3x to fully appreciate what you saw this morning! OMG - amazing. That beats my naked story... Here tis... So this happened back in 1998. I'm living in San Jose and I am training for a half marathon. I decided I would run along one of the amazing bike trails they had out there - and for this run, I chose to head south, towards Gilroy, which is a little less populated than San Jose proper. So, there I am, admiring the amazing view of the valley around me when I turn to my left and notice a naked woman about 50 feet from me. It's like a mirage and at first, I'm not actually sure of what I saw. So what do I do. I run back to where I had glipsed the blond haired beauty and sure enough - there in front of me was a woman about age 20 having her picture taken. I stood there transfixed watching her as she stood about a foot into a small pond with the hills behind here.. She was georgeous!!! A minute or two passes before I decide that I just can't stand there watching and so I decide to run on - totally titalated (so to speak) by what I had saw. I've never run faster in my life. It was awesome! Then again - no one asked me for a pooh bag either. God. That's classic!
    2015-08-28 9:33 PM
    in reply to: Qua17

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    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
    Sorry folks - I've been MIA for the better part of a week due to the fact that our computer broke. Today, my wife and I bought a brand new PC a lenovo and I am trying to get it to work right....

    So a lot has happened this week as I have prepared for my race. I managed to get my top tube fixed and race ready and the guy was also nice enough to do a quick tune up on my bike when he put the bike back together. So, I'm packing my gear for the HIM on Sunday and I decide to put my front tire on and ride it once just to make sure it's ready. For some reason - it won't shift out of the big ring.... I can't figure out why. So I hop off and discover the cause - a cracked front derailer! At 7:45 the night before I'm supposed to leave to head to the race. I completely freak out and race to the LBS calling them along the way. No problem - bring it in they tell me. Sure enough - the guy at Landies - a nice guy named Mike - is able to fix my derailer in about 15 minutes. He charges me $24 bucks. When I tell him he should be shanging me more - he says that he got the derailer out of the "junk bin" (it's functional but worn) and he just changed me for 1/2 an hour of service. How sweet is that? It occurs to me that it take a village in the truest sense - to compete in triathlon. The longer the race - the big village/need for one....

    Speaking off - and this is a long story - but that bike crash has me more rattled than I would care to admit. It occured to me today that I haven't been on a real bike in more than 10 days. I've done all my rides during my taper on a trainer at the gym. I haven't been anxious about it - but my brain clearly wasn't too keen to get back on the bike... I will need to ride a little bit tomorrow just to get over this hump (is there even is a hump) just so I feel nice and confidennt for the race.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!
    2015-08-29 7:51 AM
    in reply to: Qua17

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    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
    Dave I think that is pretty normal after a crash. Each ride will get easier and easier.
    2015-08-29 7:51 AM
    in reply to: b2b14

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    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
    I have decided to run a Half Marathon for team St. Jude. I have never done fund raising before and reached out to Dave who gave me some great advise.

    I have decided to run this race and raise money for St. Jude because of the great work they do for childhood cancers. I don't think I have ever shared with the group that I lost my youngest daughter 4 years ago. I have felt a push to help sick children and their parents ever since. I remember feeling sad, mad, but mostly alone. I am hoping by doing this some of the parents will realize they are not alone and people are thinking of them and praying for them. My wife started a support group for parents of loss, but I have never been so good at expressing my feelings (my wife calls me a robot). I am including a link to the page. It is pretty generic right now but I plan to add more as time goes on.

    2015-08-29 12:25 PM
    in reply to: b2b14

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    New user
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
    Thanks for sharing, Scott. We get to know each other much better along these years. My volunteering at Make a Wish has help me so much in life but at the same time, has given me a great motivation for training while fundraising, and also, learned so much about families who have gone/are going through a very tough period in life. Not much, but I like to think that while helping other with my small contribution I help myself. You can count on me in this race!

    2015-08-29 5:47 PM
    in reply to: #5137455

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    Carbondale, Illinois
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
    Holy heck I AM TIRED!

    Today was the last day of the last build block of my Oly training plan. I drove up to the race location and rode the course, plus 15 miles. Then, I squeezed into my wetsuit (hard to do all sweaty!) and did a quick OWS 1200yds. There was some cramping involved that ended the swim earlier than I really wanted, but overall I feel good about the race now. The bike course is FAST. When I got home I immediately dropped my bike off at the shop for a tune up. I feel like I left my kid at school for the first time!
    2015-08-30 8:20 PM
    in reply to: drfoodlove

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    Quakertown, Pennsylvania
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
    Quick story...So I'm out walking my dog while buck naked the other day....

    Just kidding. There is a Wiggle, Giggle and Jiggle clothing optional 5K near my house at a nudist resort though. I get the invites along with the other mailing lists I'm on. I avoid that one. For those Seinfeld fans out there....there's Good naked and then there's Bad naked.

    I haven't been posting much but I am updating my training log still. It's pretty much all running....boring stuff for the non runners in here I'm sure.

    Gretchen Good luck on your Oly

    Dave Unless I read wrong, you're HIM was today. How'd it go?

    Scott That's an awesome charity. Good job. Every little bit helps. I had a rough time losing my dad to brain cancer, I can't imagine having to go through that for a child. Devastating I'm sure.

    Mark I'm with you right now. My training distance is ramping up too. I think I'm officially RUNgry. I can't stop eating. I have to assume it's my body demanding a refueling. I'm trying to track everything with MFP but I'm not doing as well as I was prior to my Oly.

    -Dave O.

    2015-08-30 10:32 PM
    in reply to: drfoodlove

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    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

    David did his HIM in 7.5 hours. Solid time. Congrats, fearless leader! 

    2015-08-31 8:27 PM
    in reply to: #5137550

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    , Vermont
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
    Whoop! Whoop!! Yea, Dave!! Congratulations!!! I look forward to the race report and the beer report!!!!

    2015-09-01 6:16 AM
    in reply to: aviatrix802

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    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
    Hi All - Here is the race report.

    I wish I had reach my goal there were a lot of factors that got in my way (crash, heat, mechanical issues). While I'm bummed about my time - I know I gave it everything I had. I celebrated last night with wings and beers at BW3's!

    A big thanks to Alan for his coaching - the fact that I rode the last 5 on the bike above 18 mph - fastest riding ever - is a testiment to his coaching
    2015-09-01 12:24 PM
    in reply to: Qua17

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    DeLand, Florida
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
    Nice work Dave!!!!!!!!!!

    2015-09-01 12:28 PM
    in reply to: firebert

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    DeLand, Florida
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
    I've been absentee a bit too. having some struggles staying motivated after my last race August 16 (my new profile pic). I've been training here and there but haven't had a single swim since then (!) and have only had a few runs and a few bikes. I also have zero races on the calendar. Methinks this is not a coincidence.

    Also my wife had her last race (Oly, Cranberry Trifest in Lakeville MA) a week and a half or so ago, and she's completely shut down. She said she's not doing anything at all for a few months. She went as far as to disassemble and put away the bike trainer which pissed me off... This is making it even harder for me to do workouts, there's no more workout calendar.

    I've looked through the race calendar for local stuff coming up and there's one Sprint I can do, I'm keeping that option open. It's on the 19th. I have to get back in swim shape if I want to do it though!

    2015-09-01 12:29 PM
    in reply to: b2b14

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    DeLand, Florida
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
    Originally posted by b2b14

    I have decided to run a Half Marathon for team St. Jude. I have never done fund raising before and reached out to Dave who gave me some great advise.

    I have decided to run this race and raise money for St. Jude because of the great work they do for childhood cancers. I don't think I have ever shared with the group that I lost my youngest daughter 4 years ago. I have felt a push to help sick children and their parents ever since. I remember feeling sad, mad, but mostly alone. I am hoping by doing this some of the parents will realize they are not alone and people are thinking of them and praying for them. My wife started a support group for parents of loss, but I have never been so good at expressing my feelings (my wife calls me a robot). I am including a link to the page. It is pretty generic right now but I plan to add more as time goes on.

    Scott - thanks for sharing. I can't even imagine. My absolute biggest fear as a parent is losing my daughter. Consider me a supporter!
    2015-09-01 2:50 PM
    in reply to: firebert

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    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
    Scott, what a great charity and near and dear to my heart as well. Thinking of and rooting for you.


    2015-09-01 2:50 PM
    in reply to: sandishr

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    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
    Great work, Dave!!!!

    2015-09-01 3:31 PM
    in reply to: sandishr

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    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
    John and Dave thanks for the donations! You guys rock. I love the tag BDAS Rocks!

    Missed workouts yesterday due to a comedy of errors. Ended up with a new car though. We realized we are 3k over the miles on our lease and had been looking for a while. Got a new chevy from a very close family friend who is the sales manager at a dealership so we got it at a steal.

    Today's workout was great did a brick. Planing on swimming and biking tomorrow. going to attempt to get to the pool in time to swim the long course. My half is not this weekend but next. Hoping the water temp will drop a little so I can wear my floaties.
    2015-09-01 5:02 PM
    in reply to: Qua17

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    New user
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
    Good job!!!

    2015-09-01 7:21 PM
    in reply to: Qua17

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    , Vermont
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
    Originally posted by Qua17

    Hi All - Here is the race report.

    I wish I had reach my goal there were a lot of factors that got in my way (crash, heat, mechanical issues). While I'm bummed about my time - I know I gave it everything I had. I celebrated last night with wings and beers at BW3's!

    A big thanks to Alan for his coaching - the fact that I rode the last 5 on the bike above 18 mph - fastest riding ever - is a testiment to his coaching

    Wow, Dave, just wow. I can honestly say I might have packed it in with the derailleur failure (say that 3 times fast). Kudos to you for keeping on, I am so proud of you.
    I am so happy your friend was there to help with carrying water - heat stroke is not good. Your report had me gripping the arms of my chair!
    I heard there were some good waves off shore to get through before the smooth swimming - that would be unnerving and a huge feather goes in your cap for conquering the swim.
    Congrats!!! You earned that beer!!
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