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2008-07-21 5:20 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Hi, campers...didja miss me?

Race report will probably be up tomorrow...maybe late tonight.

But the Cliff's Notes version is:


34:44.9 swim
5:37.6 T1
3:04:42.2 bike
3:00.5 T2
1:48:35.9 run

673/1734 O/A
545/1191 men
68/150 M45-49

More soon...hope y'all had a great weekend! I did...

2008-07-21 5:51 PM
in reply to: #1546970

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
...and just cuz I'm pretty pleased with them, the S/B/R times above translate to:

S 1:39/100 yds
B 18.2 mph
R 8:17/mi

Edited by tcovert 2008-07-21 6:09 PM
2008-07-21 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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san francisco
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Congrats Todd!
Those are some awesome times and I can't wait to read your RR. Looks like you were really solid in every aspect of the race. Your half mary time is super impressive for that hilly course. Wow, truly inspirational. WTG!
2008-07-22 1:39 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Race report is up...warning--it's a long un'....
2008-07-23 12:30 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Okay...starting to come up for air a bit...

Let's see...what did I learn this weekend...

--Information is king when you go long. Really wish I'd known just how many hills were on the Vineman run course.

--Hills, hills, hills, hills. Did I mention that you should always train hills?

--Having a supporter (aka "sherpa" or "jockstrapper") for an HIM (and I assume IM, of course) is pretty big. I found even being able to talk through my plans for the race as I refined them--thinking aloud--was helpful. Probably drove my wife crazy babbling on and on about the bike course after we drove it...heck, as we drove it...but it really helped make my tactics real for me and kept me grounded that way. (Of course there were the obvious benefits of having someone able to help shlepp gear, etc.)

--Expensive bikes do make a difference. ::sigh::

--Speaking of money: Don't know about "independent" HIMs, but IM 70.3 branded events are a cash-sucking monster.

--Being above average on the swim at the half iron distance feels good, but--sadly--doesn't buy you much time against the field; the swim just isn't long enough to sort out the pack very much.

--I can't imagine doing an IM at this point. The notion of a bike leg twice what I rode, followed by a marathon is too much to consider now. Maybe if I could ever come to terms with the possibility of walking during a running event being okay for me, but I think I've got to do a couple more marathons so that distance starts to feel more routine. Maybe then. Maybe.
2008-07-23 1:09 PM
in reply to: #1552626

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
tcovert - 2008-07-23 12:30 PM

--Expensive bikes do make a difference. ::sigh::

--Speaking of money: Don't know about "independent" HIMs, but IM 70.3 branded events are a cash-sucking monster.

In terms of expensive bikes I'm still shopping, hehe. I know awhile ago I told you all I was avoiding stores and just web surfing but I went into a store a few weeks ago. I still haven't decided whether I want a road bike with a geometry that is compatible with aero bars or a tri specific bike, so I gotta make that big old decision before I slap down a lot of money.

Ditto to the IM branded halfs being super expensive. My brother and I decided to do the same 1/2 IM together next year. We were debating between a race on the east coast (Eagleman 70.3 - a branded IM) and a race here in Minnesota. My brother lives on the east coast so one of us was gonna have to travel. Anyways, long story short, the eagleman was $250 to enter, the race here is $70. Decision made (I do admit if I ever make the plunge and do a full IM I definitely plan on doing a branded event )

2008-07-23 1:35 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Washington , MO
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

 Maybe Todd's mentor group should meet up next year for a HIM, perhaps Kansas 70.3  Wink Surprised  !!What a blast that would be!

2008-07-23 3:34 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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san francisco
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
That'd be fun, John, I could come out of the water DFL and try to catch up to all of you guys!!!
Seriously, though, I think it'd be awesome to put an HIM on my next year's schedule. Something fun to shoot for for next year and...a great reason to stay in shape all fall/winter.

2008-07-23 10:25 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Awesome race Todd, maybe one day i will work up to a HIM.  Since i was not able to work out for that whole month and a half I was in Washington I am feeling it so hard to get back into a routine like I was.  I have not been working out nearly as much as i was back then.  I need a work out plan and some motivation.
2008-07-24 1:16 AM
in reply to: #1553443

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
kt65 - 2008-07-23 1:34 PM

That'd be fun, John, I could come out of the water DFL and try to catch up to all of you guys!!!
Seriously, though, I think it'd be awesome to put an HIM on my next year's schedule. Something fun to shoot for for next year and...a great reason to stay in shape all fall/winter.

I think you should go for it if you are seriously considering have a strong base as a runner to build on...that will serve you really well if you decide to go long.
2008-07-24 10:41 AM
in reply to: #1552868

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
jcash683 - 2008-07-23 1:35 PM

 Maybe Todd's mentor group should meet up next year for a HIM, perhaps Kansas 70.3  Wink Surprised  !!What a blast that would be!


Kansas sounds like a great one to me!  LOL - nice choice Laughing  That's the only way I'd EVER consider doing a HIM is if I had a group coming to do it with and to compete and train with.  I'm not sure I could get to that level.... but I'd try Tongue out

2008-07-25 12:52 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

GREAT race Todd! Fantastic accomplishment!!!

Kansas eh?


2008-07-25 3:19 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Not sure I could talk the wife into a weekend in Kansas...but...well, keep me posted...


I'm back into light commute (12 mi.) on Wed., jumped in the pool for a 1/2-mile swim on Thurs., and did my first run since Sunday this morning. Nothing tomorrow...cuz we're picking up the rental truck to move our furniture to our new apartment bright and early. Then Sunday I'll be "jockstrapping" for Liz's first training run over 10 miles. (May take my bike and do a 9 mile/2 mile brick while she's away from the aid station I'll be manning for her.)

No races until Disneyland 1/2 Marathon over Labor Day weekend (Liz's first half mary...and actually my first open HM...only have done marathons and HIM half mary before)...and I'll be taking a week off to go to South Africa with my dad 8/9-8/ tri is Malibu (long sprint) on 9/14, so I have time to "rebuild."

What's up for you guys?
2008-07-28 12:17 PM
in reply to: #1559898

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
tcovert - 2008-07-25 1:19 PM

Nothing tomorrow...cuz we're picking up the rental truck to move our furniture to our new apartment bright and early. Then Sunday I'll be "jockstrapping" for Liz's first training run over 10 miles. (May take my bike and do a 9 mile/2 mile brick while she's away from the aid station I'll be manning for her.)

Well, weekend went as planned...I have to say that each of two days of moving to our new apartment was harder than my half iron. I'm a lot more beat up than I was after Vineman. (And I've had enough upper body work to last me a month.)

In spite of the move, Liz did manage to get her key 10.7 mile half-mary-prep training run in yesterday morning and I squeezed in a 12 mile total brick while manning a little aid station for her. First time over 10 miles for her, ever.

Anyhow, hope y'all had a good weekend...we're offline at the new place until mid-week (no TV til Friday!), so I wanted to check in while I had a moment at work. Happy training all!
2008-07-29 9:54 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

Todd - I totally understand on the workout called moving furniture!  My family and I are housing a 16 year old boy from now until March and rearranged our rooms this weekend so his room could be in our finished basement and not outside our master suite.  It was a lot of work! 

If you've not looked at my logs - I've been doing several tests to try and determine why I can't seem to lose any more weight after the first 55 pounds.  I've been stuck for almost 8 months now.  I had a MAP and RMR test done at my gym... long story short - the weight loss killed my metabolism!  SO, I'm trying to do a bit more strength training and really kick up the workouts again - I've kind of slacked in July.  I haven't gained more than the pound I fluctuate every day during these 8 months - but I sure can't lose the last 10 I'd like to lose either!

 So - just decided to do a super mini tri on 8/16 in my hometown on my sister's wedding morning (race director approved no markings!) and then I'm still debating my "A" race on 9/13 - I hope I'm still in shape enough for it.  Then, I'm planning on a half marathon in October.  I'm joining a distance running group on Saturday mornings that starts in two weeks.

2008-08-01 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Hi everyone! It's Friday, woohoo!

I had a deadline at work this week but it got pushed back one week. I thought it was going to be a stressful week and I was gonna have to work a lot but with the extension it'll be no problem getting everything done.

I've been trying to keep up with everyone's logs and it looks like everyone's training is going well.

I went to an LBS and really fell in love with this bike:

It has a reversible seat post (similiar to the Cervelo soloist) so you can ride it as a road geometry or flip the seat post around and put on aero bars and its really similar to a tri geometry. The manager of the LBS said we could work out a deal on the price since he will be getting teh 09 bikes in soon! Woot!
Anybody know anything about Kestrel bikes? Anyone know anyone with one of the reversible seat posts?

I hope everyone has a good weekend Sarah

2008-08-01 12:21 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Hi, guys--

I'm a little scarce online for the time crashed when we set it up and booted up for the first time in our new apartment (power interruption during boot)...recovery efforts failed, so it's off to tech for data recovery, then reinstall XP. Yippee!

Actually, the lack of computer hasn't kept me offline as much as the fact that our DSL is three days late being activated at the new place...

Work's kept me a little too busy to do as much online as I'd like (although, obviously, I'm posting this at my office), but I'll keep checking in as time...and technology...allows!

First "dress rehearsal" at Zuma Beach for the Malibu Tri tomorrow with the Disney Tri Team. Always a good time.

Have a great weekend, everyone, and happy training!
2008-08-01 1:18 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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san francisco
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Hi everyone---
I blew off workouts yest and today so I feel like a slug. Just really felt tired and sluggish. Hopefully I just needed the extra sleep. Work has been stressful as I have had employee issues and difficult reviews for one of my employees. Yuck. Usually running helps to reduce my stress, so I'm looking forward to running tomorrow before work.

Sarah--I've read good things about the Kestrel. I actually checked one out (used) before I bought my bike (used). It was a bit too big for me, even though it is the same (48) size as the bike I ended up getting. They all vary so much in if it fits...go for it!

Have a good weekend everyone.
2008-08-03 8:20 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Washington , MO
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

 Hey everyone, finally able to drop in and say hi.

 Saturdays race went well for me for the most part. Barely squeaked by my goal time of 2:35 with a 2:34:12 so i'm happy with that. Swim and bike went great but ended up with cramps in my quads again on the run. The run was brutally hilly and hot. Once again i didn't get any nutrition on the bike like i should have.Thought it would be a short enough distance to not need it. I was wrong   Overall i'm happy with my time but looking forward already to trying to best it on my next attempt at that distance.

 Might not have been a smart move but went on a long group ride sunday morning on tired race legs, but it was a blast. Probably let my quads recover for a couple days , then get back at HIM training

 So whats on tap for everyone this week?  Happy training all, peace!

2008-08-04 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1579125

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
jcash683 - 2008-08-03 6:20 PM

 Hey everyone, finally able to drop in and say hi.

 Saturdays race went well for me for the most part. Barely squeaked by my goal time of 2:35 with a 2:34:12 so i'm happy with that. Swim and bike went great but ended up with cramps in my quads again on the run. The run was brutally hilly and hot. Once again i didn't get any nutrition on the bike like i should have.Thought it would be a short enough distance to not need it. I was wrong   Overall i'm happy with my time but looking forward already to trying to best it on my next attempt at that distance.

 Might not have been a smart move but went on a long group ride sunday morning on tired race legs, but it was a blast. Probably let my quads recover for a couple days , then get back at HIM training

 So whats on tap for everyone this week?  Happy training all, peace!

Good job out there! Excellent time and placements!

I've been experimenting with electrolyte capsules this year...I don't cramp often, but do sometimes. Used Endurolytes during LA Marathon in March when I was getting calf cramping...seemed to help. Tried Thermolytes during HIM (took them twice...see race report for timing) and yesterday on 15 mile training run in hot temps. Hard to know if they help or not, but I figure they can't hurt (as long as my stomach doesn't object to them).
2008-08-04 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
So, this week...

Today: Bike commute--8.25 miles total (shorter commute from new apt great for sleeping later, not so great for building mileage)

Tues: Run - 4-5 mi.

Wed: Bike full commute to office downtown (~18 mi) in AM, bike from subway in PM (4.125 mi) - 22 mi. total

Thurs: Run - 5-6 mi.

Fri: Fly to South Africa for 10 days...

(And, no, I don't know what training--if any--I'm gonna get to do in Africa...)

Edited by tcovert 2008-08-04 2:41 PM

2008-08-04 8:35 PM
in reply to: #1580783

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

tcovert - 2008-08-04 2:41 PM 

 Fri: Fly to South Africa for 10 days... (And, no, I don't know what training--if any--I'm gonna get to do in Africa...)

 Just take your running shoes!  Have fun - we'll miss you!

We are so busy this week I actually planned a schedule by time so I don't stray.  I'm going to try and only allow myself 3 off days in August.

Mon - 1000m OWS - done

Tues - treadmill run in a.m. and legs workout

Wed - either cycle class at 6:15 or bike outside

Thurs - treadmill run in a.m.

Fri - arms at gym and cardio

Sat - practice bike and run course for 8/16 tri

2008-08-05 4:23 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Bad news here. I was at an ultimate frisbee tournament in Colorado this weekend (I play on the competitive women's minnesota ultimate team and we travel to tournaments). Anyways, I tore my ACL. ACL tears are bad because they do not heal on their own, reconstructive surgery is necessary. They either harvest a tendon or ligament from your body and replace your acl or you get a donor ligament. Anyways, its about a 6 month recovery period post surgery. Blah. I'm not a happy camper. Surgery won't be for 5 or 6 weeks because the surgeon says they have the best success rates when they wait for a month or two and let your knee strengthen and make sure all the swelling is gone.

So instead of a weekly plan here is my plan for the next 12 months:
August 2008: be a rock star at my "prehab" exercises so I come through surgery with flying colors!
September 2008: surgery
Sept 2008 through January 2009: be a rock star at my rehab exercises!
February 2009: reach close to full recovery
June 2009: I used to have on my schedule a 1/2 IM in June 09 that I was gonna to with my brother, but I'd be happy with an olympic!

2008-08-05 6:28 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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san francisco
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Oh Sarah, so sorry to hear about your torn wonder your logs have been quiet. Will be thinking positive thoughts for an excellent surgery and recovery. Take care--
2008-08-05 7:31 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Yikes...sorry to hear that, Sarah! I'm sure with your attitude the surgery and rehab will go great...I wouldn't rule out that HIM next June. You'll be in the pool before you know it and then up on the stationary bike building your mileage. With the base you've already got in place and your determination, you'll definitely have enough time to prepare for a 1/ HIM training period was about 3 months, really.

Good luck! We'll be pulling for you!
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