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2009-02-25 11:39 AM
in reply to: #1980810

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)
gator22 - 2009-02-25 8:13 AM

OK. So after my 10 day binge of no training and diet crash I came back really in a bad place mentally about tris. I am registered for a HIM in June in the Adirondacks. I backed out of the same race last year and was close to doing it last night. A co-worker of mine pulled me aside. His family has a house in Tupper Lake and they are always there the weekend of the race. He told me that my finishing the race was very important to him. He is a little chubby and said that if someone that looked like us could do it he might be confident to start running and try it himself. Now I cannot quit.

So, this morning I attempted my first "run" in like two weeks. I barely went 3/4 mile and I had to walk. I just went over 2 miles. Now, I am dieting hard and have been on a crazy trial all week in addition to my normal shifts. But, do you guys/gals think I should start running more frequently to build the fitness. My plan only has three runs a week??

First--maybe it was divine intervention that your friend came along to help motivate you! Having something that drives you, beyond just you, is always good.

Second--running.  So, you aren't at ground zero, but you do have some building that you need to do (and yes, I think if you can stick with a plan from here out you can finish the HIM).  Running is the one area where we are much more prone to self-induced injury than anywhere else.  I successfully tweaked some plans last year to add in more of what I needed, and that was cycling and running.  So, adding a little more in isn't necessarily bad IF you have the time for it and IF do it gradually.  You DO NOT want to induce injury.  If your schedule allows you to add any additional now, I highly suggest doing it in a run/walk method, and then you can gradually lessen the walk time.  You can' "make up" for the last 10 days, but if you make the next few months quality, then you can do this.  Also, remember that biking and swimming afford the body cross-training time, still work your aerobic capacity, and still work your run times started getting much better AFTER I started doing tri-training, and I think it was because the swimming and biking helped make the total me more fit. 

Those are my thoughts...hope they help some!

2009-02-25 4:16 PM
in reply to: #1981298

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)

I hear all that. I am not quitting, I promise!

2009-02-26 2:36 PM
in reply to: #1857347

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)

Okay--how is everyone doing? We're nearly done with FEB--1/6th of the year is DONE.  I am nearly done with month #2 of base building, and I'm in the important final stages of prepping for my HIM on 5 April and the Boston Marathon on 20 April.  No, I do NOT know what I was thinking when I decided doing a HIM and marathon in a span of 20 days....It will be interesting for sure.  But, I can tell you, I know I won't have huge workouts after the HIM as I need to recover for it and taper some for Boston.  I'm also having to keep my expectations for both races in check, seeing as they are so close together, I probably can't afford to get an "A" race taper in for the HIM...but the goal is Ironman Florida, so I'm okay with that (or convincing myself thereof).  I am tired right now, but I know I need to persevere through March, and then I get two fun races in April, and then some good recovery before I start Ironman specific training.  I think the biggest obstacle for me is the fact that I have to do unit PT (physical training) every morning.  So, while I need to do two-a-days, I'm often doing 3-a-days cause unit PT can be some decent strength training, but that's about it.  If I run at PT, it's often a recovery effort run or I split the distance with what I have scheduled to do.  So, I find that if I'm going to get in the key workouts, I gotta drag my butt out of bed EARLY...which means I gotta get my butt to bed EARLY.  Last night I was in bed by 8:55!!! Hahahaha!

Some days I think I must've been nuts signing up for an Ironman while having this job....but it was gamble in case I got deployed after this job (which was a possibility if I didn't get the grad school deal)....oh well! I am signed up, and I'm doing it!

Anyhow, just doing an "azimuth" check (Army saying, making sure everyone's headed in the right direction!).

Edited by TexasMPGal 2009-02-26 2:37 PM
2009-02-26 2:36 PM
in reply to: #1857347

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)

double post...yippee.

Edited by TexasMPGal 2009-02-26 2:36 PM
2009-02-26 3:11 PM
in reply to: #1984032

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)
TexasMPGal - 2009-02-26 3:36 PM

Okay--how is everyone doing? We're nearly done with FEB--1/6th of the year is DONE. 

Am I the only one who is super happy to see February almost over?  What a month!  And not in a good way.  Okay, it wasn't that bad but it was crazy!  I hope the rest of the year isn't as crazy but I am sure it will be! 

I went for a run today, first since Sunday's half.  My calf's yelled at me almost the entire time!  I haven't wanted to quit a run so badly since the summer time.  Ugh.  I was hurting.  I ended up walking up the major hill back to my house.  I used it as my cool down.  

I finally got to talk to a new doctor for Cole.  After all week of playing phone tag, we finally connected.  First appointment is scheduled for a few weeks from now.  

Bryan is going to have surgery on Monday to have his gall bladder out.   Should be easy but I'm not the one having it done!  

So, the next few weeks are shaping up to be just as crazy as the last few have been.  Let's just hope for no sickness and WARM weather to come!

Oh, I decided to to the Patriot Half Iron on June 20!   Yikes.

2009-02-26 4:45 PM
in reply to: #1984118

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)

Feb has been tough for me to get into a groove too. I just had another big trial postponed until April though, so the next two weeks I hope to make some big gains. I am picking up my new puppy this weekend though and they are alomst as much work as a kid for the first month or so. Glutton for punishment. My wife was just appointed to the town board where we live so now political stuff is coming our way too!! Here is the link if your bored :

2009-02-27 8:08 AM
in reply to: #1984286

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Plano, TX
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)

February has been rough and sometimes I wish I would have signed up for my first tri in April!  I don't have a ton of plans for racing this summer yet as I'm just getting my feet wet right now :-) My fitness base is getting better, not close to where I want to be, but better so that is good.

I think I will restart the 'beginner sprint' training plan here on BT after my tri in two weeks.  It was designed for folks that have already finished a sprint or two, so I tried to manage my training above the "couch to sprint" and less than the "beginner sprint".  

Now that I have a new bike and the weather is getting nicer, I'm sure I'll be putting many miles in there.  I'm enjoying the swimming the most, even though I'm slow.  I really need to focus my efforts on running as it is by far my weakest of the three.




2009-02-28 7:57 AM
in reply to: #1857347

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)
Anyone racing this weekend?  I was supposed to today but it didn't work out.  Bryan had to work.  Stoopid work!  The kids and I are going to jockstrap though.  They hate jockstrapping!  Kind of boring if you're a kid.  Oh well!

Edited by ebshot 2009-02-28 7:58 AM
2009-02-28 9:02 AM
in reply to: #1987336

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Plano, TX
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)

ebshot - 2009-02-28 7:57 AM Anyone racing this weekend?  I was supposed to today but it didn't work out.  Bryan had to work.  Stoopid work!  The kids and I are going to jockstrap though.  They hate jockstrapping!  Kind of boring if you're a kid.  Oh well!

 Jockstrapping??  That's a new one for me.  I wore a jock strap in sports in high school, never heard that term in any other sense.

2009-02-28 12:04 PM
in reply to: #1987447

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)
wkirbytri - 2009-02-28 9:02 AM

ebshot - 2009-02-28 7:57 AM Anyone racing this weekend?  I was supposed to today but it didn't work out.  Bryan had to work.  Stoopid work!  The kids and I are going to jockstrap though.  They hate jockstrapping!  Kind of boring if you're a kid.  Oh well!

 Jockstrapping??  That's a new one for me.  I wore a jock strap in sports in high school, never heard that term in any other sense.

Haha, I think it's a BT originated term--a jockstrap provides athletic support--therefore, someone cheering on someone else at a race is a "jockstrapper" or an athletic supporter.  Now, I started off my tri-life in BT and learned the term. I thought it was a "normal" triathlon term and used it with some other tri (but not BT) friends of mine and I got the "crazy" look and then found out it wasn't a "normal" tri term!! Haha! But, hang around this site long enough and you'll find yourself using it!

No racing for me this weekend--no more races till April for me, and then it's two biggies that I'm constantly asking myself "why"??   I did have a VERY difficult run into the wind...the wind is KILLING me here in Central TX.  It's horrible!

2009-02-28 6:16 PM
in reply to: #1987641


Ann arbor, Michigan
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)

Ha ha.  I asked my husband (before I saw the explanation) and he gave me that same crazy look.  Pretty cool word though...fitting.  Brittany, I hear you on the wind.  I rose bright and early, knowing it was going to be cold and windy.  But I was not prepared to have to run sideways.  It was ridiculous.  Mustered out nearly my botched race distance though at a good clip. 

 It's time for me to start interval work though.  I need to increase my speed.  I'm more sprinter than long distance runner.  But my fast twitch doesn't appreciate the thought of twitching fast at some distance that include's "mile" in the description.   I need to get my butt moving faster.  I've got some plans and paces ( and I know that part of it is psychological (ie can I really hold this pace) but any ideas would be great.

2009-03-02 5:31 AM
in reply to: #1857347

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)
Okay,  my February wasn't bad, but I'm ready for spring to be here!  I need to buckle down and start getting some serious mielage and yardage in for this month.  I was happy for one thing: I saw quite a change in my run since last fall.  Not only have I increased my distace, but I've also shaved over a minute off my mile pace.  I think swimming has helped a bit with the runnng.  I was sort of bummed about my goal sprint race being postponed.  I found another sprint the following weekend, so I've changed my azimuth and recalculated my pace count accordingly.  Brittany, I didn't know anyone in the Army still knew how to use a compass!  I thought it was all GPS, lol.  I'm just kidding really and jealous too,  in the Corps, thats all I had.
2009-03-02 10:11 AM
in reply to: #1990798

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)

I had a great swim today. I did exactly what everyone says not to do. I just relaxed and swam. I thought about everything other than my form (kid's pinewood derby designs, puppy stuff, payin bills). When I do that on a run it just flies by. I think I am a person who does better this way....Here is the monster :


2009-03-02 2:55 PM
in reply to: #1991391

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)
gator22 - 2009-03-02 11:11 AM

I had a great swim today. I did exactly what everyone says not to do. I just relaxed and swam. I thought about everything other than my form (kid's pinewood derby designs, puppy stuff, payin bills). When I do that on a run it just flies by. I think I am a person who does better this way....Here is the monster :


TOO CUTE!!!!!!

2009-03-03 6:27 AM
in reply to: #1857347

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)

Sorry for my's been quite the couple of days for me.  Sounds like February was quite a month for everyone either in the way busy or having to juggle a variety of events in life--good and bad.  Thus, the life of an age grouper, and it's something to keep in mind.  NEVER, and I mean NEVER worry about comparing yourselves to any of the pro's or elites out there...they literally live the training, that is their job.  And really, even comparing yourself to other Age Groupers can be a dangerous spot to be in because we all live vastly different lives and have to juggle a variet of different balls.  So, as the racing season, both running and soon tri's, has started...keep your goals, your motivation, and your journey in focus and have blinders on for everyone else.  In essence, each time you race, you race against yourself....everyone else out there just adds to the adrenaline!!

Just some thoughts I wanted to share!

2009-03-03 9:12 PM
in reply to: #1993419

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)
Awesome ideas....It is so cold here and I am sick of winter and ready for spring. I am going to force myself outside for a run at 5:30 tomorrow morning. Can anybody save me searching the manual and tell me how to backlight my Garmin 305 ???

2009-03-03 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1995573

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)

gator22 - 2009-03-03 9:12 PM Awesome ideas....It is so cold here and I am sick of winter and ready for spring. I am going to force myself outside for a run at 5:30 tomorrow morning. Can anybody save me searching the manual and tell me how to backlight my Garmin 305 ???

When you want to check out the display, hit power button (top left) and it should turn on the light. Obviously don't hold it down to turn it off, but just one quick push SHOULD do it (does for mine!).

2009-03-04 1:35 PM
in reply to: #1857347

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)
Got new shoes today!  Yay!  Pearl Izumi's.  Pretty excited about them.  I should go for a little run but I am suffering from a severe lack of motivation.
2009-03-04 8:20 PM
in reply to: #1857347

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San Antonio
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)


Thanks for what you said about February Britt. Mine's been pretty challenging too. Registering for Captex TODAY!!!! I need to enter a race so that I have a goal. It sort of took the wind out of my sails when I found out that Lonestar was the same day as my son's junior prom. Sad that I won't be doing the race but I would NEVER miss an event like that!  March will be better.  Glad to see everyone has been doing so well.


2009-03-05 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1998050

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)
denny.l - 2009-03-04 9:20 PM


Thanks for what you said about February Britt. Mine's been pretty challenging too. Registering for Captex TODAY!!!! I need to enter a race so that I have a goal. It sort of took the wind out of my sails when I found out that Lonestar was the same day as my son's junior prom. Sad that I won't be doing the race but I would NEVER miss an event like that!  March will be better.  Glad to see everyone has been doing so well.


Nothing like throwing down some cash to get you motivated again!  

2009-03-05 8:22 AM
in reply to: #1857347

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)
I upgraded my membership yesterday and imported a training plan.  I'm pretty excited about just looking at my logs and doing what it tells me to do!  No thinking involved!  Sweet!

2009-03-05 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1998760

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)
I wish I could do that, but my schedule is just too unpredictable.....Oh well, winging it is fun too
2009-03-05 11:10 AM
in reply to: #1857347

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)
Got my first outdoor ride planned for Saturday.  I'm a little nervous.  First time out on my roadie.  Yikes!  I need to get back to the LBS to pick up some cool bottle cages and extra tubes.  Excited yet terrified.  Will be a group ride too so I am sure I will finally fall over with my pedals!   
2009-03-05 2:29 PM
in reply to: #1999245

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)


Make sure you dress warm, especially gloves! I have been out in "warm" weather and my hands get so cold they hurt like crazy.....You will have great times on the new bike!!

2009-03-05 2:40 PM
in reply to: #1999245

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)

ebshot - 2009-03-05 11:10 AM Got my first outdoor ride planned for Saturday.  I'm a little nervous.  First time out on my roadie.  Yikes!  I need to get back to the LBS to pick up some cool bottle cages and extra tubes.  Excited yet terrified.  Will be a group ride too so I am sure I will finally fall over with my pedals!   

Ahhh, memories.  Yep, first time I was on a group ride I fell over at a stop sign.  Joy, I mean, humility.

But yes, wear some thick gloves and some booties over your shoes if you have them. IF NOT, you should use the poor mans shoe warmer/bootie.  Take a plastic grocery sack, put your feet in it, put your sock on, put foot in cycle shoe...poor man's cycling booties.

Les- glad to see you again and look forward to REALLY seeing you at CAPTEX!  I would say your son's prom is pretty important, and we'll miss you at Lonestar, but the race will be there next year I'm sure!!

Oh goodness, typing Lonestar made me realize it's only 1 month away from today that I have my first HIM....good grief.

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