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2009-12-30 6:51 PM
in reply to: #2584951

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Lakeland, FL
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Kelly - I must agree with Suzie on the concussion thing.  Definately nothing to mess with - make sure you are OK!! 
As for my totals 2009 vs 2010 - I dont have anything solid to go on.  Never really logged any times before or adhered to any training plans - just went out ran, biked or swam with some basic guidance from BT and friends at my local running store.  I did just sign up for the Silver Level membership and downloaded the 16 week 2x balanced Olympic program.  I know I might need to adjust some training as I nurse the leg back to health, but it looks like something I can stick to. 
I really enjoy logging my training and look forward to tracking progress going forward.  Regarding this 16 week plan - do you incorporate any strength training and if so, when??  My wife is BIG on me continuing to build muscle to avoid future injuries. 
What else should I take advantage of related to the plan/membership??  I'm still quite new to BT and dont know my way around very well

2009-12-30 7:26 PM
in reply to: #2559403

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Thanks for the concern.  I ended up calling my doctor, who told me to go to ER.  My CAT Scan and tailbone x-rays all turned out normal.  Definite concussion, first one and hopefully the last.  It is a really weird feeling.  Looks like I'll be keeping my board on the ground for a while. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful last day of 2009 tomorrow and Happy New Year. 

2009-12-30 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2585211

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Lakeland, FL
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Glad you got it checked out and everything is fine - take it easy for a while.
2009-12-30 9:42 PM
in reply to: #2584914

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2009-12-30 9:50 PM
in reply to: #2585211

Mesa, Arizona
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
glad you got it checked out. I was going to mention that you might want to as my biking partner fell a couple of months ago and cracked the left side of her helmet. i was about 300 yards in front of her and when i got back to her, she passed out! Went to the ER. Thankfully only a concussion.

I am feeling terrible right now. I have put on about 5 or 6 lbs over the holiday. i worked so hard to lose it all year long to put it back on so easily. I feel like a fat pig! And to make matters worse, i keep eating!!! Will be glad when Friday is over. I am not even sure my work clothes will fit next week!!! Just needed to vent!!!

Going for a mountain bike ride tomorrow so hopefully that will help.
gojogo - 2009-12-30 5:26 PM

Thanks for the concern.  I ended up calling my doctor, who told me to go to ER.  My CAT Scan and tailbone x-rays all turned out normal.  Definite concussion, first one and hopefully the last.  It is a really weird feeling.  Looks like I'll be keeping my board on the ground for a while. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful last day of 2009 tomorrow and Happy New Year. 

2009-12-30 9:51 PM
in reply to: #2585166

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2009-12-30 9:55 PM
in reply to: #2585484

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Edited by Bopper 2009-12-30 9:59 PM
2009-12-30 10:32 PM
in reply to: #2559403

Auburn, Wa
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
I think we're all in the same boat when it comes to weight loss and being in better shape. That's why we are all here and we can support each other. The better diet for me starts tomorrow. I need to start a day early!! Just bought the book "racing weight" and spent he day looking at bikes again. I'm hoping there's still a 58cm Cervelo S1 for $1750 at a shop up in Seattle. It's closed this week. It opens again on Sat. I'm planning on heading up there after an ER shift. I have to work 08-1600 on Sat. to keep my per diem status. It's been six months since I've been in the ER so it should be interesting.
What does everyone have planned for New Years? I'm just planning a nice quite night home with my girls. My wife and I are planning on watching a movie or two.
Oh and I think the whole "tri bug" thing is rubbing off on my wife. She mentioned tonight that she "might" like to try a tri this summer. Danskin will be here in August!! I'll keep ya posted!!
Have a great night all!!
2009-12-31 7:29 AM
in reply to: #2559403

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
OK......I am home from my last holiday night shift.UGH. So d*mn tired. Why do i do this for a living again? Can I not just be  paid to train?? And why won't Captain Crunch sponsor me??????

Good night mentor peeps.....catch you all after i have had a bit of shut eye.........shhhhh............ 
2009-12-31 7:30 AM
in reply to: #2585463

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Bopper - 2009-12-30 10:42 PM

hmmm... when and where?... because I'm interested... VERY interested. I know a few people who've done that tour and said it's a good challenge. You have a link for that somewhere Helen?

Lemme splain it to ya when I am coherent...stay tuned!! 
2009-12-31 12:43 PM
in reply to: #2559403

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Where the heck is everyone today?
 I am awake......not coherent quite yet.
Gonna mainline some coffee and all will be right in my world soon.......... 

2009-12-31 1:18 PM
in reply to: #2586537

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2009-12-31 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2559403

Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Hey, all -

Sorry I've been MIA - playing with the family and trying to get my grading done....whoo whoo!

Re: my season totals - I'm disappointed (but not surprised) that my numbers are down from 2008. My goals for 2009 include surpassing my 2008 numbers and also adding in some strength training on a more regular basis.

2009 totals
Bike: 71h 15m 18s - 1187.93 Mi
Run: 110h 46m 49s - 629.73 Mi
Swim: 20h 34m 51s - 39250 M

2008 totals
Bike: 114h 26m 24s - 1879.9 Mi
Run: 139h 59m 39s - 775.35 Mi
Swim: 32h 17m 09s - 62200 M

On a more positive goals side - I've started plotting my race schedule for 2010 and I'm pretty excited about it.

March - Monument 10K (ran it last year in 53:15...hoping to break 53 this year)
April - Nat'l Duathlon 5K/38K/5K
??? May - Power Sprint pool tri (300m/12mi/5K)
June - I Love the Tavern Spring (750m/18.8mi/5K)
July - either the Rockett's Landing Oly or the Charlottesville Oly
August - Patrick Henry 1/2 Mary
November - Richmond 1/2 or full Mary

My other goals for 2010 are to get back to the weight I was at at the beginning of last's been a tough weight year for me.
2009-12-31 1:51 PM
in reply to: #2583673

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2009-12-31 2:00 PM
in reply to: #2586537

the colony texas
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
aquagirl - 2009-12-31 12:43 PM Where the heck is everyone today?
 I am awake......not coherent quite yet.
Gonna mainline some coffee and all will be right in my world soon.......... 

 gettting ready for the big party tonight..

well not really,, working today
2009-12-31 2:06 PM
in reply to: #2586672

the colony texas
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Just looking at my totals  and wow did this year really suck big time.

in 2008 I had apx 185 biking hours and took nov/dec off from biking

this year 2009 I had a combined s/b/r time of 198..  


here's to a great 2010 for all of us

2009-12-31 2:22 PM
in reply to: #2559403

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2009-12-31 4:23 PM
in reply to: #2559403

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
This is the first full year that I have logged i really have nothing to compare my totals to. Would have been a whole lot better had my knee not gone kaplooey way back in September. Oh well. 
2009 totals
Bike:186h 07m 50s  - 5011.91 KM
Run:118h 03m 25s  - 1168.59 KM
Swim:83h 33m 57s  - 

Oh....BTW....I despise  counting laps. So I do not. Just log swimmy hours. Good enough.

Edited by aquagirl 2009-12-31 4:31 PM
2009-12-31 4:28 PM
in reply to: #2586908

the colony texas
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
You people are your metric system...

 I long yardage for swim only because I have it a workout printed out that I take with me to look at or use the swim workouts in a binder book.

Even when my swim workouts were 3600+ the set was rarely more than a 400.  It's much easier to me to count to 8 laps a couple of times than just try to keep track and swim the whole thing.  Plus when the pool went long course (50meters) it was super easy
2009-12-31 4:34 PM
in reply to: #2586917

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Gaarryy - 2009-12-31 5:28 PM You people are your metric system...

 I long yardage for swim only because I have it a workout printed out that I take with me to look at or use the swim workouts in a binder book.

Even when my swim workouts were 3600+ the set was rarely more than a 400.  It's much easier to me to count to 8 laps a couple of times than just try to keep track and swim the whole thing.  Plus when the pool went long course (50meters) it was super easy

Admit are jealous of our LOGICAL system!!  
I am incapable of counting with any sort of accuracy......swim swim......4.......swim swim.......five......swim where was I?? 
2009-12-31 6:12 PM
in reply to: #2586929

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Edited by Bopper 2009-12-31 6:14 PM

2009-12-31 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2559403

Auburn, Wa
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Here's hoping everyone is happy and safe tonight and may you get tp ring in the new with someone you love, or maybe someone you just met, I'm not judgemental!!
Funny thing happenned on my run today(ok it was a run/walk) I felt better afterwards than when I started!!! Who woulda thought!!! It was rainy and windy and I had a blast!! Just enjoyed the moment!! Running doesn"t actually suck. At least not for today!!
Enjoy the NEW YEARS all. I'm looking forward to making Shirley Temples with my girls!! Chris

2010-01-01 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2559403

Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Happy New Year!

2010-01-01 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2587629

Lakeland, FL
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Happy New Year Kristen and everyone else!!  It was a low key night for us - visited some friends for an hour, went to the neighborhood party for all of 30 minutes and left.  The psycho kids next door were lighting bottle rockets and throwing them into the air with no idea of where they would go.  Almost blasted my three year old so we left and had our own fireworks show in the backyard.  Got in a 30 minute run at 7am in the rain - had the whole lake to myself!!  Working on a batch of blackeyed peas in the crockpot and trying to keep the kids entertained!  Have a great day everyone
2010-01-01 10:29 AM
in reply to: #2559403

The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Come and play with aquagirl and mav ! CLOSED
Glittery texts by


Edited by aquagirl 2010-01-01 10:29 AM
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