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2011-05-09 9:16 AM
in reply to: #3434942

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

FINALLY!  I signed up for my race on June 12th.  I'm so excited!

Got my bike into the shop this weekend so hopefully I will be able to work out some of this issues I was having with it prior to the race.

Hope everyone has a great week.

2011-05-09 11:16 AM
in reply to: #3486650

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
lmscozz - 2011-05-07 11:08 AM
mackjenn - 2011-05-06 3:11 PM
Asalzwed - 2011-05-06 4:05 PM
mackjenn - 2011-05-06 4:59 PM

   Sunday I'd debating about sleeping late or getting up for another open water swim in Denver (water is supposed to be at least mid 50s this time).  

This reminds me. I just got my new wetsuit and i was wondering at what temp I should be able to expect to get in the water and comfortable swim? Just a ballpark temp would be helpful because I really have no idea. 

Depends on the brand and your comfort level.  I have a hurricane 2 and I was actually not that cold on my body (areas covered by the wetsuit).  Hands, head, and feet were exposed and they got numb after a bit.

Wetsuit works by allowing a thin layer of water get between your suit and body - which is then warmed up by your body.  Initially, it is cold, but I found I did get comfortable when swimming in 51f water.  For me - only my face was a real issue and now that I know, I suspect it won't be as bad as before (I HOPE it is not as bad).  Want to try it out - fill your tub with water and get in.  Add ice.  Stir slowly.  Enjoy.  How cold can you let the water go?  Or get it real cold first and jump in!

Re: Cold water temps. I'm sure you know this John, but just in case you or someone else doesn't -- you can always put a layer of vasoline or other petroleum type jelly over your face (not near eyes or goggles), feet and backs of hands to add an extra layer of insulation. It seems to work. Just watch out for the goggle area because it will prevent a seal. Also can do it to neck and basically any exposed wear two caps since most of the heat escapes from the head. Right? Right.

Happy Weekend and Mother's Day to you all!


I have never heard this! Awesome! Thank you so much!

2011-05-09 12:53 PM
in reply to: #3488212

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
lounav - 2011-05-09 9:10 AM

Way to go Grace!

I chickened out of my first OWS practice today.  BUT, I do have big plans to do it next week.  Instead I went and spent 2 hours at the pool.  I think I finally have my breathing back under control and am feeling much better about my odds of surviving my tri (okay, at least of making it out of the lake, still plenty of fears about crashing my bike!).


On a very different note, I'm a big fan of stocking my fellow Manatees through their logs.  But, there are a few people that I can't access their logs and some that aren't keeping logs.  Both of which are complete your right to do.  But, I do have fun looking at logs for those that are on the fence!

I can access everyone's logs and yes, people can do whatever they want, but it's probably more of a technical issue. So PM them with info on how to open their logs to public or BT, or to add the other Manatees as Friends so at least you guys can all see each other's logs.

2011-05-09 12:58 PM
in reply to: #3488456

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
GraceVanOwen - 2011-05-09 11:50 AM
I can't imagine breathing any less than every two strokes in a race (and for me, that's pretty much true in practice, too, although I alternate which side I breathe on regularly). Is there a reason you try for 4-6?


Maybe we're talking about the same thing?  I'm talking- in the race every time my right hand went up, I had to breathe.  Is that every two strokes ("left, breathe, left, breathe")?  In practice, I'm usually (breathe, left, right, left, breathe, left, right, left, breathe) which I thought was every four strokes.  Anyway, I always thought the breathing took a little extra time and seems to slow my times when I don't get more strokes in per breath. 

Thanks everyone for your well wishes.

And as to my log, well I'm already loggin on training peaks and also on my iphone.  I just can't get up for logging one more place.  Maybe after my big race in June I"ll have more time.  Right now it's just all kids and gym.

Breathing should take so little extra time that it's more than worth the oxygen you get.

If your form is as good as you can make it, and you're going as hard as you can reasonably go for whatever the distance is (and make it alive to T1 and the bike), you will need to breathe the way you did in the race you just did (either left-breatheright-left-breatheright-left or vice versa).

Ever gotten lessons or coaching on form? You're an awesome triathlete, especially in your age bracket, so it would be really worth it to sharpen that up.

2011-05-09 1:06 PM
in reply to: #3488990

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
christina322 - 2011-05-09 11:16 PM

FINALLY!  I signed up for my race on June 12th.  I'm so excited!

Got my bike into the shop this weekend so hopefully I will be able to work out some of this issues I was having with it prior to the race.

Hope everyone has a great week.

Yaaaaay! We all shall be waiting with bated Manatee breath.

Make sure to log your training!

2011-05-09 1:12 PM
in reply to: #3434942

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

Ah am TAAAAARD ...

My family's like ... The Sopranos crossed with 30 Rock crossed with ... Dynasty crossed with ... I don't know, just dump it all in there to the nth degree ... and I've been cooped up in my parents' Crazy Castle in one of the world's biggest and most insane cities for three weeks.

Surprisingly enough, I am only mildly homicidal (and not really toward any member of my family), not suicidal at all, and at least not any nuttier than usual.

But being around my Jakarta family (parents, brother, his wife and four kids and their sig others) is like LIVING all those TV shows at once, 24 hours a day.

I need to go back to Bali so I can finish being sick properly! (Just getting over pneumonia which followed straight on the heels of typhoid fever, in case I didn't post it here ... my big big job is to NOT TRAIN. No. None. Nothing more strenuous than walking around or maybe an easy paddle. And I don't paddle easy. Maybe I should tell someone I can't go out unless it's in an inner tube or with floatie wings.)

2011-05-09 2:02 PM
in reply to: #3489571

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
TriAya - 2011-05-09 1:12 PM

Ah am TAAAAARD ...

My family's like ... The Sopranos crossed with 30 Rock crossed with ... Dynasty crossed with ... I don't know, just dump it all in there to the nth degree ... and I've been cooped up in my parents' Crazy Castle in one of the world's biggest and most insane cities for three weeks.

Surprisingly enough, I am only mildly homicidal (and not really toward any member of my family), not suicidal at all, and at least not any nuttier than usual.

But being around my Jakarta family (parents, brother, his wife and four kids and their sig others) is like LIVING all those TV shows at once, 24 hours a day.

I need to go back to Bali so I can finish being sick properly! (Just getting over pneumonia which followed straight on the heels of typhoid fever, in case I didn't post it here ... my big big job is to NOT TRAIN. No. None. Nothing more strenuous than walking around or maybe an easy paddle. And I don't paddle easy. Maybe I should tell someone I can't go out unless it's in an inner tube or with floatie wings.)

It sounds as though your family is keeping you plenty busy without the actual training hahaha.

2011-05-09 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3434942

Charlotte, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
Wow, grace!! Thats a fantastic time! Congrats! I love to see other people recount their races because it kinda gives me a look at how tris actually go and problems I should try to avoid/thimgs i should do.As for me, I've had a missserrraabbllee week.MAy dayy night I got super sick..Didn't sleep, threw up several times, aching, etc.. This persisted until Wednesday when I started to feel slightly better. I did a swim, and then on thrusday I did a bike and run. I figured I felt up to doing my workout, but after I completed it ( a 5.4mi bike and 2.4 mile run ( recovery wk)) I started throwing up AGAIN.I feel like I went through the same sickness all over again.. I started to feel better Saturday, but this time opted to take the rest of the weekend off so I wouldn't have the same problem. I basically just spent the entire week in bed (besides weds and thurs). I feel 100% better today, thank god. actuAlly did pretty well on my run workout this morning. Has this ever happened to anybody else? I am alittle worried about missing all of those workouts.. My first race is 5/30 and it's just a mini sprint..but I was also just sick a couple wks ago. I feel like my body is just giving out on me

Edited by deliriousxix 2011-05-09 2:43 PM
2011-05-09 2:39 PM
in reply to: #3434942

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Pueblo, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

Great race Grace!!  I'm hoping I can do a well this weekend in my first sprint of the season.  Open water swim is not what I had expected a few weeks ago and now I'm a little "cautious" about race plans.  I'll be happy if I hit my pool times.

Did not swim this weekend, but took long ride yesterday (2:45) and then a quick run (20 min).  Got hot and actually stood in someone's lawn sprinkler to cool off and get a drink.  Think I dehydrated (whole thing on 2-18 oz bottles of cytomax - all on bike) and I really had nothing left when I started the run (did not plan brick when I started, so no race belt with water ready) - oh - I picked the hill course too (1 quick up hill, then down, then long uphil).  Actually felt a little better towards the end, but may be since I knew I was almost done.

Practiced mounting at about 1/2 through ride (kept taking feet out of shoes and putting them on over and over again to practice leaving T1 and entering T2.  Even swung my leg over and stood on the pedal a few times to get the feel for it.  Did at T2 dismount and run to the front door when all complete.  Will try it this weekend in race conditions.   Also down sizing my T-zone, so no $ hoes this time.  Only thing I'll have there are my running shoes and hat.  Not going to use cycling gloves (practiced that this weekend too).   Will have tri top, sunglasses, race belt in my helmet on my bike, and cycling shoes pre-mounted, rubber banded in place.  This is a C race, so nothing really to loose if something does not work out.  Also may not carry water on run only 5k and it is supported.

Goals:  Swim: 12 minutes; Bike: 35 minutes; Run: 27 minutes.  Not stretch goals, but not a walk in the park either.

2011-05-09 4:33 PM
in reply to: #3489831

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
mackjenn - 2011-05-09 2:39 PM

Great race Grace!!  I'm hoping I can do a well this weekend in my first sprint of the season.  Open water swim is not what I had expected a few weeks ago and now I'm a little "cautious" about race plans.  I'll be happy if I hit my pool times.

Did not swim this weekend, but took long ride yesterday (2:45) and then a quick run (20 min).  Got hot and actually stood in someone's lawn sprinkler to cool off and get a drink.  Think I dehydrated (whole thing on 2-18 oz bottles of cytomax - all on bike) and I really had nothing left when I started the run (did not plan brick when I started, so no race belt with water ready) - oh - I picked the hill course too (1 quick up hill, then down, then long uphil).  Actually felt a little better towards the end, but may be since I knew I was almost done.

Practiced mounting at about 1/2 through ride (kept taking feet out of shoes and putting them on over and over again to practice leaving T1 and entering T2.  Even swung my leg over and stood on the pedal a few times to get the feel for it.  Did at T2 dismount and run to the front door when all complete.  Will try it this weekend in race conditions.   Also down sizing my T-zone, so no $ hoes this time.  Only thing I'll have there are my running shoes and hat.  Not going to use cycling gloves (practiced that this weekend too).   Will have tri top, sunglasses, race belt in my helmet on my bike, and cycling shoes pre-mounted, rubber banded in place.  This is a C race, so nothing really to loose if something does not work out.  Also may not carry water on run only 5k and it is supported.

Goals:  Swim: 12 minutes; Bike: 35 minutes; Run: 27 minutes.  Not stretch goals, but not a walk in the park either.


What?! No bottoms?!!  Could be an interesting race.....Wink

John, sounds like you are very prepared for your tri next weekend!! You have a plan, you've worked hard and I think you'll do great.

Grace, congrats on your tri!!!!!!!    

2011-05-09 4:46 PM
in reply to: #3489820

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

deliriousxix - 2011-05-09 2:34 PM Wow, grace!! Thats a fantastic time! Congrats! I love to see other people recount their races because it kinda gives me a look at how tris actually go and problems I should try to avoid/thimgs i should do.As for me, I've had a missserrraabbllee week.MAy dayy night I got super sick..Didn't sleep, threw up several times, aching, etc.. This persisted until Wednesday when I started to feel slightly better. I did a swim, and then on thrusday I did a bike and run. I figured I felt up to doing my workout, but after I completed it ( a 5.4mi bike and 2.4 mile run ( recovery wk)) I started throwing up AGAIN.I feel like I went through the same sickness all over again.. I started to feel better Saturday, but this time opted to take the rest of the weekend off so I wouldn't have the same problem. I basically just spent the entire week in bed (besides weds and thurs). I feel 100% better today, thank god. actuAlly did pretty well on my run workout this morning. Has this ever happened to anybody else? I am alittle worried about missing all of those workouts.. My first race is 5/30 and it's just a mini sprint..but I was also just sick a couple wks ago. I feel like my body is just giving out on me


Sorry you've been ill.  I wouldn't worry too much about missing a few training days.  You need to take care of yourself first.  Your April totals look good, so I think your fitness is fine and you're not going to lose much in the few days you were sick.  That's great you're feeling well now.  

ease back into your training and don't go too hard this week.  You'll rock your tri May 30!!

2011-05-09 4:53 PM
in reply to: #3490140

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
cggale - 2011-05-09 2:46 PM

deliriousxix - 2011-05-09 2:34 PM Wow, grace!! Thats a fantastic time! Congrats! I love to see other people recount their races because it kinda gives me a look at how tris actually go and problems I should try to avoid/thimgs i should do.As for me, I've had a missserrraabbllee week.MAy dayy night I got super sick..Didn't sleep, threw up several times, aching, etc.. This persisted until Wednesday when I started to feel slightly better. I did a swim, and then on thrusday I did a bike and run. I figured I felt up to doing my workout, but after I completed it ( a 5.4mi bike and 2.4 mile run ( recovery wk)) I started throwing up AGAIN.I feel like I went through the same sickness all over again.. I started to feel better Saturday, but this time opted to take the rest of the weekend off so I wouldn't have the same problem. I basically just spent the entire week in bed (besides weds and thurs). I feel 100% better today, thank god. actuAlly did pretty well on my run workout this morning. Has this ever happened to anybody else? I am alittle worried about missing all of those workouts.. My first race is 5/30 and it's just a mini sprint..but I was also just sick a couple wks ago. I feel like my body is just giving out on me


Sorry you've been ill.  I wouldn't worry too much about missing a few training days.  You need to take care of yourself first.  Your April totals look good, so I think your fitness is fine and you're not going to lose much in the few days you were sick.  That's great you're feeling well now.  

ease back into your training and don't go too hard this week.  You'll rock your tri May 30!!

I agree, you'll be fine by your tri. Maybe all the weakness just left your body with that sickness. Take it easy coming back and know you may be a bit dehydrated after all that so drink up. Glad you're feeling better, too!
2011-05-09 4:54 PM
in reply to: #3488990

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
christina322 - 2011-05-09 7:16 AM

FINALLY!  I signed up for my race on June 12th.  I'm so excited!

Got my bike into the shop this weekend so hopefully I will be able to work out some of this issues I was having with it prior to the race.

Hope everyone has a great week.

The first step is signing up. It will get your parts moving on s/b/r. Happy training!
2011-05-09 5:00 PM
in reply to: #3434942

Charlotte, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
Ok thanks guys!! I feel a lot better now.
2011-05-09 5:08 PM
in reply to: #3490121

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Pueblo, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
cggale - 2011-05-09 3:33 PM
mackjenn - 2011-05-09 2:39 PM

What?! No bottoms?!!  Could be an interesting race.....Wink


I have $ hoes on my matt, so perhaps now you better understand the type of racing I've been doing.  Plus - I have a cobb seat and frankly it feels good to let'er hang (isn't that what the hole is for???).Tongue out

Seriously - I'll be wearing my try shorts under my wetsuit and will race the remainder of the race wearing them.  I've tried / practiced (remember - nothing new on race day) with both wet tri shorts Vs standard swimming jammers.  Found the wet shorts offered some critical padding, even though it is not that thick, that I just could not ride without.  They did not soak up water enough to sink my hips and they dry out relatively quickly.  I do not use regular cycling shorts though since the chami (padding) is too thick and does become a problem during the run - something I don't notice with the Tri shorts.

For me, I won't consider any major clothing changes during a race anymore for anything less than a HIM.  Although expensive, the tri specific clothing really does it all today.

PS - I literally have angel wings today.  I did not get enough sun screen on my back yesterday and my tri-tank left nice red wings where I got sunburned.  However, since they are red, maybe they are different types of wings...

Edited by mackjenn 2011-05-09 5:19 PM
2011-05-09 5:17 PM
in reply to: #3486670

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Pueblo, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
GraceVanOwen - 2011-05-07 10:37 AM

TMI question.  (Really, stop reading if you don't want to discuss poop)

Usually I eat before a sprint- PB and J or bagel, etc. about 60-90 minutes before.  That usually starts my system "going" in the morning and I can clear out last nights meal.  I haven't had any problems with this but my bowel is very touchy and sometimes I"m in the bathroom close to the start time so I really wanted to try not eating to see if that was better.  I had a large pizza dinner last night and stopped eating 12 hours before my race.  As I got up to the start I realized I hadn't had to clear things out.  I didn't have to at that point, which was good, and I was okay until after the race.  But I worry, what if...

So I'm wondering if I should compromise for my next race... eat a little something to see if it starts up my system but not enough to need to clear that out.  My next race may be my A race for the year.  Thoughts? 

TMI???  My family owns a funeral home and I worked my way through college as a custodian, so there is no way you could TMI.

I found that I work best if I eat a larger meal around 3 hours before a race.  That has, at times, meant getting up and eating and then going back to bed for an hour or so.  Another thing for my system is coffee.  I get 2 cups in me and everything starts flowing - try to have that about hour before with 20 - 30 minute "brew" time.

Could be I'm trained too.

2011-05-09 5:23 PM
in reply to: #3490195

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

TMI???  My family owns a funeral home and I worked my way through college as a custodian, so there is no way you could TMI.

I found that I work best if I eat a larger meal around 3 hours before a race.  That has, at times, meant getting up and eating and then going back to bed for an hour or so.  Another thing for my system is coffee.  I get 2 cups in me and everything starts flowing - try to have that about hour before with 20 - 30 minute "brew" time.

Could be I'm trained too.


Woah, real life 6 feet under!

2011-05-09 5:23 PM
in reply to: #3489820

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Pueblo, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

deliriousxix - 2011-05-09 1:34 PM Wow, grace!! Thats a fantastic time! Congrats! I love to see other people recount their races because it kinda gives me a look at how tris actually go and problems I should try to avoid/thimgs i should do.As for me, I've had a missserrraabbllee week.MAy dayy night I got super sick..Didn't sleep, threw up several times, aching, etc.. This persisted until Wednesday when I started to feel slightly better. I did a swim, and then on thrusday I did a bike and run. I figured I felt up to doing my workout, but after I completed it ( a 5.4mi bike and 2.4 mile run ( recovery wk)) I started throwing up AGAIN.I feel like I went through the same sickness all over again.. I started to feel better Saturday, but this time opted to take the rest of the weekend off so I wouldn't have the same problem. I basically just spent the entire week in bed (besides weds and thurs). I feel 100% better today, thank god. actuAlly did pretty well on my run workout this morning. Has this ever happened to anybody else? I am alittle worried about missing all of those workouts.. My first race is 5/30 and it's just a mini sprint..but I was also just sick a couple wks ago. I feel like my body is just giving out on me

I had something similar, but the second round was more stomach focused.  I "bleached" all my water bottles and made sure everything was germ free before using them again since I was afraid I picked up some bacteria somewhere. 

Ultimately - rest, rest, rest.  Coming back too early will be worse than missing another day or so.  Just ease your way back into your full plan and you should be just fine.

2011-05-09 7:19 PM
in reply to: #3489831

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
mackjenn - 2011-05-09 2:39 PM

Practiced mounting at about 1/2 through ride (kept taking feet out of shoes and putting them on over and over again to practice leaving T1 and entering T2.  Even swung my leg over and stood on the pedal a few times to get the feel for it.  Did at T2 dismount and run to the front door when all complete.  Will try it this weekend in race conditions.   Also down sizing my T-zone, so no $ hoes this time.  Only thing I'll have there are my running shoes and hat.  Not going to use cycling gloves (practiced that this weekend too).   Will have tri top, sunglasses, race belt in my helmet on my bike, and cycling shoes pre-mounted, rubber banded in place.  This is a C race, so nothing really to loose if something does not work out.  Also may not carry water on run only 5k and it is supported.


Clearly you aren't planning to have as much fun after this race.

2011-05-09 8:28 PM
in reply to: #3486670

User image

WTH? This isn't coral. It's corn!
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
GraceVanOwen - 2011-05-07 12:37 PM

TMI question.  (Really, stop reading if you don't want to discuss poop)

hahahahaha!! This IS a very important topic! C'mmon we face incredible obstacles wearing wet suits first thing in the morning! LOL

I drink prune juice the night before.  Generous amounts.  It's not only good to get the 'process' going it's also high in potassium.  Then good breakfast 2-3 hrs before race WITH generous amounts of coffee.  Voila. Wink

2011-05-09 8:30 PM
in reply to: #3488990

User image

WTH? This isn't coral. It's corn!
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
christina322 - 2011-05-09 10:16 AM

FINALLY!  I signed up for my race on June 12th.  I'm so excited!

Got my bike into the shop this weekend so hopefully I will be able to work out some of this issues I was having with it prior to the race.

Hope everyone has a great week.

Awesome!! Smile It's very motivating to train after putting moolah down.  (And extremely heartbreaking to 'donate' 300 bucks to WTC LOL)  Dang! they didn't even mail me the shirt!


2011-05-09 8:39 PM
in reply to: #3489571

User image

WTH? This isn't coral. It's corn!
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
TriAya - 2011-05-09 2:12 PM

Ah am TAAAAARD ...

My family's like ... The Sopranos crossed with 30 Rock crossed with ... Dynasty crossed with ... I don't know, just dump it all in there to the nth degree ... and I've been cooped up in my parents' Crazy Castle in one of the world's biggest and most insane cities for three weeks.

Surprisingly enough, I am only mildly homicidal (and not really toward any member of my family), not suicidal at all, and at least not any nuttier than usual.

But being around my Jakarta family (parents, brother, his wife and four kids and their sig others) is like LIVING all those TV shows at once, 24 hours a day.

I need to go back to Bali so I can finish being sick properly! (Just getting over pneumonia which followed straight on the heels of typhoid fever, in case I didn't post it here ... my big big job is to NOT TRAIN. No. None. Nothing more strenuous than walking around or maybe an easy paddle. And I don't paddle easy. Maybe I should tell someone I can't go out unless it's in an inner tube or with floatie wings.)

hahaha! you need to write a novel and retire! Then use the material for a sitcom

2011-05-09 8:39 PM
in reply to: #3490167

User image

WTH? This isn't coral. It's corn!
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

deliriousxix - 2011-05-09 6:00 PM Ok thanks guys!! I feel a lot better now.



2011-05-10 7:31 AM
in reply to: #3490536

User image

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
trainforacure - 2011-05-10 10:39 AM
TriAya - 2011-05-09 2:12 PM

Ah am TAAAAARD ...

My family's like ... The Sopranos crossed with 30 Rock crossed with ... Dynasty crossed with ... I don't know, just dump it all in there to the nth degree ... and I've been cooped up in my parents' Crazy Castle in one of the world's biggest and most insane cities for three weeks.

Surprisingly enough, I am only mildly homicidal (and not really toward any member of my family), not suicidal at all, and at least not any nuttier than usual.

But being around my Jakarta family (parents, brother, his wife and four kids and their sig others) is like LIVING all those TV shows at once, 24 hours a day.

I need to go back to Bali so I can finish being sick properly! (Just getting over pneumonia which followed straight on the heels of typhoid fever, in case I didn't post it here ... my big big job is to NOT TRAIN. No. None. Nothing more strenuous than walking around or maybe an easy paddle. And I don't paddle easy. Maybe I should tell someone I can't go out unless it's in an inner tube or with floatie wings.)

hahaha! you need to write a novel and retire! Then use the material for a sitcom

That's the plan.

My mom has Alzheimer's ... I don't care WHO y'are, you throw a person with Alz's into any (already crazy) situation, there's going to be some serious drama, tragedy, and comedy, too.

And she's the MOST NORMAL out of all of us ...

anyway, I'M HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME!!!!! There is hope for my sanity!

Well, not really, but it was a nice thought. And it is so, so, so, so nice to be home among the furry Funny Farm again. I'm trying to peel the animals off me, but it's not working very well.

2011-05-10 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3434942

Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL


Major Issue.  After a tough swim practice last week, struggling in the swim in the race on Saturday, and another swim practice problem, I went to the Dr. yesterday.  I just figured my bronchitis from two months ago wasn't gone and I was getting frustrated.  Turns out I may have SIPE.  Swimming Induced Pulmonary Edema.  Basically sounds like no more tri's for me.  I see a specialist tomorrow.  I'm freaking out.  And really sad.  Mind is swirling.  Will update when I know more.

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