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2011-12-28 8:27 AM
in reply to: #3956704

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2011-12-27 7:06 PM

Two more trainer questions:

1. Is there some way of knowing how far you've riden?  I'm very distance oriented.  I like to know how far I've been and my average speed.  Just started a master's swim class tonight and I usually judge my swim by my average 100 yd time.  Not able to do that tonight and it's driving me a little nuts.  Guess I'll have to get over that because it was a great swim work-out.

2. I have a specialized road bike with aero-bars and a cervelo tri-bike.  I think I know the answer.  Would it be too much difference if I put my road bike on the trainer instead of my tri-bike.  I can ride pretty much year round where I live but I'm going to need the trainer because I will have to be riding at night over the next few months.  After April I'll be back outside riding full time.  Not sure what is involved in getting set up on the trainer.  


Bike computer connected to your rear wheel.  I used to have the wired version, PIA, then I got the Garmin 305.  Don't count the distance or speed on the trainer. It's not the same as it is on the road.   My speed on the road would be 15-16mph (yeah, I'm slow), but it's 10-13 on the trainer, yet I'm putting out the same effort.   Focus on time instead.  I do this for my logs - TRAINER - and since I KNOW I always put out 15 mph avg, so every hour I put in 15 miles.

As for the second question - I don't have a tri bike, so I just use my road bike. Takes me two minutes to get everything set up, so it's not that much of a hassle.  If you're really strong on the bike, I don't think it matters, but I would go on the tri bike because of the postioning. Your hips/legs would be different on a road bike. So If you're on the road bike for a while until April, then it'll take a bit to get used to the "new position" ie, arms, leg angle, open hip angle, etc.   That's just my opinion...I could totally be wrong.

2011-12-28 8:31 AM
in reply to: #3956704

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2011-12-27 10:06 PM

Two more trainer questions:

1. Is there some way of knowing how far you've riden?  I'm very distance oriented.  I like to know how far I've been and my average speed.  Just started a master's swim class tonight and I usually judge my swim by my average 100 yd time.  Not able to do that tonight and it's driving me a little nuts.  Guess I'll have to get over that because it was a great swim work-out.

2. I have a specialized road bike with aero-bars and a cervelo tri-bike.  I think I know the answer.  Would it be too much difference if I put my road bike on the trainer instead of my tri-bike.  I can ride pretty much year round where I live but I'm going to need the trainer because I will have to be riding at night over the next few months.  After April I'll be back outside riding full time.  Not sure what is involved in getting set up on the trainer.  

Like someone said, you can get a computer that reads off the back wheel, I think a good inexpensive one is the Cateye Astrale 8.  It is available in both wired and wireless at most any bike shop, and it includes cadence.  But keep in mind, other than satisfying your need for numbers (I am the same way) the relationship between trainer miles and actual road numbers are going to be different.  Having the cadence though will be a big help.

As far as which bike, I try and use my race bike in the trainer and keep my road bike for the few oportunities that I get to ride outside this time of year.  I will also use the road bike on the rollers when I get brave enough to get on those.  One lesson I learned the hard way a couple of years ago was to get plenty of miles on the bike you are going to race.  I had my road bike in CA when I was out there for an extended work assignment.  I came home to race a HIM with only a couple of rides on the tri bike. I paid for it dearly in a bad bike split and a worse run split.  The best thing IMHO is to mix it up and try and ride them both as often as you can.  Putting a bike into and out of a trainer is a relatively quick process.

2011-12-28 8:36 AM
in reply to: #3956981

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: No idea what happened but what a great day!
gator22 - 2011-12-28 7:42 AM

Congrats on the baby! I am in the same boat right now. I have had some back issues due to a car accident in 2000. I think that your position at the game caused your muscles to lock up to protect your spine. As long as you don't do anything silly in the next day or too it will let go.

CARLA - I read your blog post and felt so bad. I was a serious professional diver for a while. The "pink Meanie" is a portugese man of war and it would have ended your day had you been stung. I admire your attitude. It is inspiring.

Plugging ears and humming loadly!

2011-12-28 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3957188

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Subject: RE: No idea what happened but what a great day!
kenj - 2011-12-28 8:36 AM
gator22 - 2011-12-28 7:42 AM

Congrats on the baby! I am in the same boat right now. I have had some back issues due to a car accident in 2000. I think that your position at the game caused your muscles to lock up to protect your spine. As long as you don't do anything silly in the next day or too it will let go.

CARLA - I read your blog post and felt so bad. I was a serious professional diver for a while. The "pink Meanie" is a portugese man of war and it would have ended your day had you been stung. I admire your attitude. It is inspiring.

Plugging ears and humming loadly!

2011-12-28 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: Trying to get my profile up to speed

I've looked at a few profiles and they are very well put together.  I have a few questions:

How do you add the weather at the top of the page?

How do I add you guys as friends?

On a related note, it's getting very frustrating now that I'm reaching an age that I can't figure out technology. 

2011-12-28 9:57 AM
in reply to: #3957409

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Subject: RE: Trying to get my profile up to speed
russrisher - 2011-12-28 9:43 AM

I've looked at a few profiles and they are very well put together.  I have a few questions:

How do you add the weather at the top of the page?

How do I add you guys as friends?

On a related note, it's getting very frustrating now that I'm reaching an age that I can't figure out technology. 

I think I've got it figured out now.

2011-12-28 10:28 AM
in reply to: #3955455

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2011-12-27 12:59 PM

Wesley12 - 2011-12-27 11:25 AM With my work schedule and training for a 1/2 in May and IMFl in Nov., I'm going to have to buy a trainer in the next week or two.  I don't mind running in the dark but i don't think I want to do much riding in the dark.  Any suggestions on what to look for in a trainer? 


CycleOps Fluid Trainer is the top of the fluid trainer line.  Whatever brand, I recommend the fluid trainers.  They can recreate any road situation. 

I went for price 2 years ago, just starting out - got the cycleops wind trainer, and it's tough to hear the tv on full volume over the bike if i want to get up to a decent cadence....

2011-12-28 10:36 AM
in reply to: #3957455

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Trying to get my profile up to speed
russrisher - 2011-12-28 10:57 AM
russrisher - 2011-12-28 9:43 AM

I've looked at a few profiles and they are very well put together.  I have a few questions:

How do you add the weather at the top of the page?

How do I add you guys as friends?

On a related note, it's getting very frustrating now that I'm reaching an age that I can't figure out technology. 

I think I've got it figured out now.

For the weather, click settings up top, then choose the Training Blog Customization tab, and then the weather tab.  You should be able to check to box to chose to have it displayed and a zip code to your home. 

2011-12-28 10:36 AM
in reply to: #3956222

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2011-12-27 5:03 PM

I'm gonna ask the ladies -

     I'm getting married in September (woot!), and I wanted to know how I can keep my Triathlon tan lines to a minimum? I will have straps.  So far, my arms looks pretty tan, but my neck area is very light, due to not wearing a lot of racerback style shirts/no triathlons, etc. All the lines are caused by cycling.  Legs, I don't care, you ain't gonna see them.

    I know it's bad, but I normally do not put sunblock/lotion (with exception on my face and lips) Only because I feel like it's "heavy", after a while, it gets "sticky".  Unless if there's a product that's guarantee that won't cause issues even for the most pickiest person. I'm so sensitive to anything that I put on my skin (not allergic sensitive, just tactile sensitive).

    A friend suggested that I put 30-50 spf, and just get out there and do what I can do, then when the wedding roll around, I can get a spray tan, go to the tanning booth a couple times to even it out, however, she's not a triathlete. 


    Any suggestions? :-D

first, mazel tov on your upcoming wedding!

2nd, the advice you've already been given is exactly what i'd suggest. and, wedding or not you really need to use the sunscreen! i spend way too much time around people with cancer - believe in it pretty strongly. good "sports" spray sunscreens, with spf's of 30-50 (i prefer bullfrog - sold at my local bike/sports shop). even for races, i spray them on after i get my numbers on and use body glide with spf. i splurge and buy "cosmetic" stuff for my face - shiseido - so that it doesn't drip & sting my eyes. none of it feels weird or off.

2011-12-28 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3956684

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: No idea what happened but what a great day!
pmitch - 2011-12-27 9:56 PM

No idea what happened today.  Only ran a couple miles yesterday, very low key.  Went to the Portland Trail Blazers game last night (great game....beat the 76ers) and was sitting next to a big guy which forced me to lean on my right side (or should I say cheek) to watch the game with my wife.  Pretty uncomfortable but it was fine.  By the time I got home, my back was a little sore but didn't think anything of it.  When I woke up this morning, I had to crawl out of bed.  Can't stay in one position for too long and am in PAIN.  I managed to get myself to work but this is horrible.  I am giving it over night before I go to the Dr., but I am sure I am out of commission for the week.

The reason why I say it was a great day is that my wife just let me know we are expecting!  I know I shouldn't be talking about it until she is at least 12 weeks but I gotta tell someone.  Ok everyone...keep the secret! 




woo-hoo - congrats! is this your first?

sure, your secret's safe with all of us

2011-12-28 10:47 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

still at my mom's in NC, still sick so had a lot to catch up on, but now at the point where i can at least contemplate getting in the pool in a day or so...and enjoying the vicarious training by reading about all of yours. what a great group.

and carla, what a report. you write so beautifully, and i so admire your persistence and reliving it with us - pretty inspirational, actually, and easier for me to relate to in a lot of respects than the reports of the folks who cross the finish  line with plenty of time to spare....

2011-12-28 4:05 PM
in reply to: #3957595

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
MarlaS - 2011-12-28 11:47 AM

still at my mom's in NC, still sick so had a lot to catch up on, but now at the point where i can at least contemplate getting in the pool in a day or so...and enjoying the vicarious training by reading about all of yours. what a great group.

and carla, what a report. you write so beautifully, and i so admire your persistence and reliving it with us - pretty inspirational, actually, and easier for me to relate to in a lot of respects than the reports of the folks who cross the finish  line with plenty of time to spare....

Hope you get feeling better soon!

2011-12-28 4:16 PM
in reply to: #3956286

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Massive Post Replies for All: 

Many thanks for everyone’s responses to my Ironman Florida Race Report – “Life after DNF”

GoGoGo – “Engaging and enlightening read!”  ß Wow… what a compliment, thanks!  And yes, now I’m free!  (Or at least beginning to embrace my new freedom!)

Robin Gray – It is a “sad story”… and I am glad that you ultimately felt inspired at the end.  I am looking forward to 2012 with an open heart and mind!

IceManScott – You asked if I had figured out why I felt “less than optimal” on the bike… to be honest, I am just not a strong cyclist.  I was 20lbs heavier this year than last… and I didn’t do NEAR the “POWER” work I did last year (nor was I as consistent with my week day training sessions as I was in the past).  So the combination was “less than optimal”.  I am focused on “Weight Loss and Fitness”.   The Jellyfish were actually beautiful… it was me that was fearful.  I finished the swim without a sting… so we are grateful for that!  Hoping for a stellar year in 2012!

Jpbis26 – Yes, the “Jellyfish Thing” WAS Crazy!  It wasn’t nearly that bad a year before.  I was freaked out but now after writing about it, I wonder if I made it a lot worse than it needed to be.  They were very peaceful and non-aggressive creatures.  If I had been a “Diver” and not a “Triathlete” perhaps I would have been able to enjoy them more.

Abake – So glad you enjoyed reading my blog… I love to write… and I love the sport of triathlon… now if we can just get my bike speed up the next entry will be a LOT more exciting as I will be writing about my Ironman “Finish!” 

Gator22 – My understanding about jellyfish is that the “Pink Meanie” and the “Portuguese Man of War” are actually different.  After the race I did some research and my findings were that the Pink Meanie was more “flat” and “furry” where the Man of War has more of a “fin” appearance.  I think we can agree that we probably don’t want to identify either of these on our next swim!!!

Mikeylee – So glad you found insight in my write up!  I am struggling to keep everything in perspective… and it was just a “Snapshot in time”.  Several weeks prior to the race I rode like “THE WIND”.   Just didn’t have it on the day.  Definitely looking forward to 2012!!  “Bring it!”

KenJ – So glad you felt my race report was “Well Written”!!!  Someday I would like to write a book or be a motivational speaker.  Just gathering material right now I suppose.   And yes that road leading up to the Bike Special Needs Area needs a re-pavement job!  Last year I called it “Crotch-Break-Hill!”  (Read my IMFL 2010 Race Report! )  Did you see many jellyfish in 2010?  I saw a few but not like I did this year.  I think it is ever changing.  Looking forward to 2012!  (Still may buy a slot for IMFL 2012 and see you on the beach!

Edited by CarlaLThompson 2011-12-28 4:21 PM
2011-12-28 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3957150

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2011-12-28 6:27 AMMy speed on the road would be 15-16mph (yeah, I'm slow)

Hey, I go that same speed and consider myself average speed...I USED to be slow... :-)
2011-12-28 4:59 PM
in reply to: #3958529

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
YOU GUYS!!!We can NOT use the "S-Word" in here!!!Some of us bike 13 MPH on the bike!
2011-12-28 5:09 PM
in reply to: #3958537

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2011-12-28 5:59 PMYOU GUYS!!!We can NOT use the "S-Word" in here!!!Some of us bike 13 MPH on the bike!
I like that rule Carla! We will not use the S word to describe our speed! But we will use the F word! As in I will be faster at swimming, biking and running next season because I am going to hit all my training this winter!

2011-12-28 6:08 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
There is no "slow", there is "fast" and "less fast".  
2011-12-28 6:23 PM
in reply to: #3958551

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2011-12-28 3:09 PM
CarlaLThompson - 2011-12-28 5:59 PMYOU GUYS!!!We can NOT use the "S-Word" in here!!!Some of us bike 13 MPH on the bike!
I like that rule Carla! We will not use the S word to describe our speed! But we will use the F word! As in I will be faster at swimming, biking and running next season because I am going to hit all my training this winter!
x2! I promise I won't use the S word again! I am used to my old mentor group where I wasnt as fast as them Here, seems like majority of us are at the same level, speedwise. I definitely don't feel as intimidated! Carla- your blog post is inspiring! Keep up the great work, training and your blog.
2011-12-28 7:12 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

I think average bike speeds are very relative. A "slow" speed on one course could be "fast" on another depending on the difficultly of the terrain. Last summer, I raced three races within a few months of each other and had very different average speeds for all of them (one course had quite a bit of climbing, one was flat, and one had a lot of downhill). They were in Vegas, CA, and UT.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is that when you're talking to people who aren't riding in your area, you're never comparing apples to apples with bike speed.

2011-12-28 7:46 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

You will slay that IM Fla. course next time.

No one is slow.   We are fast and less fast.  No one has limiters. We have "challenges" which makes us like everybody else in the world.  We're lucky.  We chose our challenges. What a luxury. 

I love this stuff.

2011-12-28 9:45 PM
in reply to: #3943039


Subject: Thanks everyone

Thanks to everyone for the kind words.  Yes, this is our first one...getting a late start but better late than never!  Now I just to get my back better so I can get back out there.


2011-12-28 10:21 PM
in reply to: #3958919

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Thanks everyone
pmitch - 2011-12-28 8:45 PM

Thanks to everyone for the kind words.  Yes, this is our first one...getting a late start but better late than never!  Now I just to get my back better so I can get back out there.


I feel for you.  I have had chronic back issues for 13 years. Back pain is horrible. Does it hurt more when you are sitting, standing or..?  If you could find a way to relax the muscles, it would probably help. If you tweeked something, then your muscles are most likely tight to compensate for the injury which just makes things worse (I think someone mentioned that in a prior post).  Hope you feel better soon.

2011-12-28 10:23 PM
in reply to: #3957188

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: No idea what happened but what a great day!
kenj - 2011-12-28 7:36 AM
gator22 - 2011-12-28 7:42 AM

Congrats on the baby! I am in the same boat right now. I have had some back issues due to a car accident in 2000. I think that your position at the game caused your muscles to lock up to protect your spine. As long as you don't do anything silly in the next day or too it will let go.

CARLA - I read your blog post and felt so bad. I was a serious professional diver for a while. The "pink Meanie" is a portugese man of war and it would have ended your day had you been stung. I admire your attitude. It is inspiring.

Plugging ears and humming loadly!


Ken, I am with you.  I had to e-mail Carla to ask just how bad the jelly fish were. 

2011-12-28 11:32 PM
in reply to: #3958529

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Mikeylee - 2011-12-28 2:57 PM
CyborgQueen - 2011-12-28 6:27 AMMy speed on the road would be 15-16mph (yeah, I'm slow)

Hey, I go that same speed and consider myself average speed...I USED to be slow... :-)
Ummm, actually, my comment was made in jest. Besides, I consider no-one as long as they are doing their best given the circumstances at any given time. A check of my race reports will show one of my three races has a lower than would be considered optimal speed (read the 's' word) compared to the other two races. I am proudest of the lower than the faster (read the 's' word) paces because the hills were steep and long, and I sucked through it and gave it more than I thought I had (something I am confident we all identify with). If I don't give it all I can give, whether in the swim, run, or bike, I was slow. Semantics....
2011-12-28 11:58 PM
in reply to: #3959037

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Mikeylee - 2011-12-28 11:32 PM
Mikeylee - 2011-12-28 2:57 PM
CyborgQueen - 2011-12-28 6:27 AMMy speed on the road would be 15-16mph (yeah, I'm slow)
Hey, I go that same speed and consider myself average speed...I USED to be slow... :-)
Ummm, actually, my comment was made in jest. Besides, I consider no-one as long as they are doing their best given the circumstances at any given time. A check of my race reports will show one of my three races has a lower than would be considered optimal speed (read the 's' word) compared to the other two races. I am proudest of the lower than the faster (read the 's' word) paces because the hills were steep and long, and I sucked through it and gave it more than I thought I had (something I am confident we all identify with). If I don't give it all I can give, whether in the swim, run, or bike, I was slow. Semantics....

OMG that was funny!!!  "(read the 's' word)"  !!!!!  ROTF!!!!!!!!

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