BT Development Mentor Program Archives » STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL! Rss Feed  
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2012-05-06 1:56 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Heart Rate Training, Max Heart Rate and RPE - Rate of Perceived Exertion

RPE is the most important thing to get right, especially when you are a newbie. Your Heart Rate and your Perceived Level of Exertion may not correlate until you've developed some fitness.

The fun part of this is, if you get all your numbers down RHR - Resting Heart Rate, MHR etc. you can watch yourself get more fit!!!

Your resting heart rate is easy to check if you have a heart rate moniter. Wear it to bed and look at it after you open your eyes in the morning. That's your RHR. I wear my garmin chest strap to bed every other month when I'm training hard, I put the watch 310xt on the bedside table and I leave it on all night. It's amazing to see what your heart goes through as you sleep and dream etc.! your resting heart rate goes down over the months and months you are can SEE your fitness increase!

Lance Armstrong had a RHR of 32-34 bpm at his peak. Mine is about 60. I'm not in good shape. My husband, who runs marathons and is a consistent and disciplined person (opposites attract) has a RHR of 64. Hardly seems fair, but some of this is genetic.

What you need to watch when you are training is your PERCEIVED level of exertion. If your HR is only 160 but you feel like you want to die, perhaps you shouldn't be training at that heart rate. I'll post the Real RPE chart and a FUNNY one in a second.

Swimming - is hard work. Your heart rate will soar... you are using your entire body.
Cycling - is done sitting down. Your heart rate won't be as high... you can coast.
Running - is hard work. But you can walk.

2012-05-06 1:59 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Perceived Exertion Scale
When exercising, it's important to monitor your intensity to make sure you're working at a pace that is challenging enough to help you reach your goals, but not so hard that you blow a lung. One way to do that is to use a Perceived Exertion Scale. The standard is the Borg Scale of Perceived Exertion, which ranges from 0-20. Because I'm a math-idiot, I made up my own scale (see below) that's a little easier to remember. In general, for most workouts you want to be at around Level 5-6. If you're doing interval training, you want your recovery to be around a 4-5 and your intensity blasts to be at around 8-9. As you'll see below, working at a level 10 isn't recommended for most workouts. For longer, slower workouts, keep your PE at Level 5 or lower.

Level 1: I'm watching TV and eating bon bons
Level 2: I'm comfortable and could maintain this pace all day long
Level 3: I'm still comfortable, but am breathing a bit harder
Level 4: I'm sweating a little, but feel good and can carry on a conversation effortlessly
Level 5: I'm just above comfortable, am sweating more and can still talk easily
Level 6: I can still talk, but am slightly breathless
Level 7: I can still talk, but I don't really want to. I'm sweating like a pig
Level 8: I can grunt in response to your questions and can only keep this pace for a short time period
Level 9: I am probably going to die
Level 10: I am dead

2012-05-06 2:01 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Try to appraise your feeling of exertion as honestly as possible, without thinking about what the actual physical load is. Your own feeling of effort and exertion is important, not how it compares to other people's. Look at the scales and the expressions and then give a number.

6 No exertion at all
7 Extremely light
9 Very light - (easy walking slowly at a comfortable pace)
11 Light
13 Somewhat hard (It is quite an effort; you feel tired but can continue)
15 Hard (heavy)
17 Very hard (very strenuous, and you are very fatigued)
19 Extremely hard (You can not continue for long at this pace)
20 Maximal exertion
2012-05-06 2:04 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!



If you find your resting heart rate rising, it can be a sign of overtraining and sometimes illness. If you bought all the toys, you might as well use them.
2012-05-06 2:15 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
There are lots of places to find the calculations for:


This one is very good, and very easy.

Calculate your Heart Rate Reserve and Training Zones
Resting Heart Rate: Resting Heart Rate(RHR): 60
Maximum Heart Rate: Maximum Heart Rate(MHR): 181
Heart Rate Reserve(HRR): 121
Fat Burning: From 121 to 133 beats per minute
Aerobic: From 133 to 145 beats per minute
Steady State: From 145 to 157 beats per minute
Anaerobic: From 157 to 169 beats per minute
Maximal: From 169 to 181 beats per minute

I have a difficult time keeping my HR low, due to a general lack of fitness. It shoots right up! and until I am running regularly again, I will probably need to continue to take 3x1 walk breaks during long runs. I hope to be a 5x1 or 6x1 run walker by October. Wish me luck!

2012-05-06 2:20 PM
in reply to: #4192421

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Zbridget - 2012-05-05 4:33 PM

Thanks Oak73, it was fun!

I finished 266th place, 5K in 38.22- just under 11min/mile- which is really good for me!  I truly am a beginner at this- Half marathon in September, I have so much work to do.  

I have a heart rate monitor question.  According to the 220-my age formula, 90% of my max is 153.  I ran this whole thing with my HR in the 150's- even hitting the 160's.

When I spin, I usually only hit the 150's in the surge, staying in the 130-140's during a class for the most part.  

I didn't feel like I was dying, it certainly was taxing, but I want to know if it is okay to be staying in my 90% percentile for such a period of time.  

Thanks guys





2012-05-06 3:57 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

I would love to get the VO2 max test so I could really figure out my heart rate zones.  The one size fits all calculation doesn't work well for me.  I've never really trained by heart rate, but am trying to understand it better.   

Funny heart rate story....

A few years ago, I had an outpatient procedure.  Afterwards I'm wheeled into recovery and all hooked up to monitors, which have an alarm that goes off if the patient's heart rate drops below a certain level.  My resting heart rate is in the 30's.  So, I'm lying there and of course the alarm goes off.  About a dozen people rush into the room, sure I've just expired.  Me:  ha ha fooled ya!  Took two more alarms before they just unhooked me.

2012-05-06 5:51 PM
in reply to: #4193507

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Stonington, CT
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!




I'm looking up the HR links now- sleeping with my monitor on tonight- I wear a Polar FT60


2012-05-06 9:07 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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New user

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Steph - thanks for all the info re HR, I still don't know if I have mine worked out properly or not... But I do know running is hard, bike is easy, swimming is mostly in between.  But my recovery times from swimming and bike are really fast, but much longer from running...  I need to work out my restinng heart rate, but I know it's roughly around 60. 

I loved your RPE chart - a very good gauge of exertion!


2012-05-07 12:01 AM
in reply to: #4190274

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washington state
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
oak73 - 2012-05-04 7:47 AM
Threejs - 2012-05-03 11:43 PM

oak73 - 2012-05-03 6:28 PM Ok...just uploaded a couple of my race pictures of my first race.

Great pictures! Congrats on a job well done!




Congratulations!  Looks like a fun race! great photos.

2012-05-07 10:45 PM
in reply to: #4193482

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

stephsprint - 2012-05-06 11:59 AM Perceived Exertion Scale

 Level 1: I'm watching TV and eating bon bons - used to be my personal favorite.

Level 9: I am probably going to die - How I feel today after core workout and stairs - time for motrin and bed


Edited by Threejs 2012-05-07 10:47 PM

2012-05-08 9:14 AM
in reply to: #4192421

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Zbridget - 2012-05-05 4:33 PM

I finished 266th place, 5K in 38.22- just under 11min/mile- which is really good for me!  I truly am a beginner at this- Half marathon in September, I have so much work to do.  



Congrats on your well  and a job well done. Keep at it and I sure you will get there for you half marry.


2012-05-08 9:15 AM
in reply to: #4192421

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
aeneah - 2012-05-06 12:29 AM
oak73 - 2012-05-05 8:41 AM

] is the first day of my quit smoking plan!  I bought the patch and today is the first day.  I feel sorry for my kids, hopefully I wont be too grouchy and moody.  

This is the best thing you can do for yourself!!! I have been addicted to nicotine since I was 16. Quit for 5 years, then back smoking again 5 years cycling on and off every ten years. My last quit was January 10, 2011. I took the year off from obsessing about any weight gain, grouchiness and took it easy on myself. Your kids WILL forgive you!

I admire your will and tenacity! Stick with it. I know you can do it and you will see so many improvements in your day to day. If you ever feel like giving up, don't! Just say to yourself "Five more minutes!" and be mindful as to why you are quitting every time you get the itch! If you can hold out for those five minutes you'll do just fine! And you will run, swim, bike (and do so many other things) better and faster, because you're lungs will be happier!!! 

OAK Congrats on quitting smoking.  Every day will get easier and every day you will be a little bit less irratable. 

"If you ever feel like giving up, don't! Just say to yourself "Five more minutes!" and be mindful as to why you are quitting every time you get the itch!"  

I think that is the key not only to quitting smoking to but any life change.  At least it was for me. If you can dig deep for your reasons it becomes easier to stand by them and they become pillars of support when you hit a moment of weakness.

That is what really helped me when I quit. 



Edited by otisbrown 2012-05-08 9:21 AM
2012-05-08 2:05 PM
in reply to: #4128264

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Felt a little twinge in the knee during a scheduled 8mi run at the track and wisely stopped after 6mi. I've been battling IT band issues for the last year, and thought it was doing good. I ramped my strengthening exercises last week for my hip/glutes, as well as an increase in swim and bike miles. I think that coupled with back to back run days set it off again. REST!!

Except.... that I went to the gym on Monday for a light tri workout. 500x2 in the pool 15min bike and a disappointing 0.3 miles on the treadmill. 10min of yoga in between. Just keeping it easy until the knee says "GO". Might never reach IM distances, but I'll happily settle for Sprint fit. Heading out to the drug store to pick up some arnica gel and then a foam roller session.

PS-You can (or may not want to) ask about my IT advice.   

2012-05-08 8:29 PM
in reply to: #4197921

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New user

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

I've been battling IT band issues for the last year,

What is that??  I'd love to ask your advice, but I'm not even sure what it is!  Pardon my ignorance...  Smile

2012-05-09 8:14 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Happy hump-day everyone.  I dont' know about the rest of you, but this week seems to be draaaaaaaging!



2012-05-09 8:58 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Steph mentioned wearing her heart rate monitor to sleep to check resting heart rate so I did it last night. I was so excited to connect it this morning, only to find out it stopped tracking my heart rate like moments after I turned out the light. Anyone else had this happen? How do you get it to keep going all night (I'm not a big mover in my sleep and the watch was on my nightstand...think I need to wear the watch? Tighten the heart rate band? Give up the idea?)?
2012-05-09 8:58 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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washington state
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

I have a 10k this weekend.  I leave tomorrow to head over (about 6-7 hours away.)  We are turning it into a mini-vacation.  One more long day at work to get thru and then I can get ready to leave.  We won't come back until Monday.  Smile


I am feeling pretty good about the distance and even the hills.  I am slower than I wanted, but that's nothing new!  However, I was looking at the age group times from last year.  If there is about the same group, I might medal.  hee hee

At my last tri, I medaled because I was the only female in my age group! 50-55

2012-05-09 9:01 AM
in reply to: #4192421

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washington state
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Zbridget - 2012-05-05 1:33 PM

Thanks Oak73, it was fun!

I finished 266th place, 5K in 38.22- just under 11min/mile- which is really good for me!  I truly am a beginner at this- Half marathon in September, I have so much work to do.  

I have a heart rate monitor question.  According to the 220-my age formula, 90% of my max is 153.  I ran this whole thing with my HR in the 150's- even hitting the 160's.

When I spin, I usually only hit the 150's in the surge, staying in the 130-140's during a class for the most part.  

I didn't feel like I was dying, it certainly was taxing, but I want to know if it is okay to be staying in my 90% percentile for such a period of time.  

Thanks guys



Congratulations on your run! 

2012-05-09 9:56 AM
in reply to: #4199387

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
deehtz - 2012-05-09 9:58 AM

I have a 10k this weekend.  I leave tomorrow to head over (about 6-7 hours away.)  We are turning it into a mini-vacation.  One more long day at work to get thru and then I can get ready to leave.  We won't come back until Monday.  Smile


I am feeling pretty good about the distance and even the hills.  I am slower than I wanted, but that's nothing new!  However, I was looking at the age group times from last year.  If there is about the same group, I might medal.  hee hee

At my last tri, I medaled because I was the only female in my age group! 50-55

Yay! have fun. You know what they say... you beat the crap out of everyone who's still on the couch.
2012-05-09 9:57 AM
in reply to: #4199385

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
amybecca - 2012-05-09 9:58 AM

Steph mentioned wearing her heart rate monitor to sleep to check resting heart rate so I did it last night. I was so excited to connect it this morning, only to find out it stopped tracking my heart rate like moments after I turned out the light. Anyone else had this happen? How do you get it to keep going all night (I'm not a big mover in my sleep and the watch was on my nightstand...think I need to wear the watch? Tighten the heart rate band? Give up the idea?)?

Yeah you definitely have to maintain a connection. Did you keep any data at all or is it not that kind of watch?

2012-05-09 10:01 AM
in reply to: #4198710

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
cislfamily - 2012-05-08 9:29 PM

I've been battling IT band issues for the last year,

What is that??  I'd love to ask your advice, but I'm not even sure what it is!  Pardon my ignorance...  Smile

Iliotibial band. or IT band. It runs down the side of your thigh. Connects your hip region to your knee. Common for people to have knee problems because of a tight IT band.

FOAM ROLLER!!! Gotta have one.,7120,s6-241-285--11642-0,00.h...,7120,s6-241-285--11556-0,00.h...

You can also search the videos for the best exercises.
2012-05-09 10:22 AM
in reply to: #4193597

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
suzimmer - 2012-05-06 4:57 PM

I would love to get the VO2 max test so I could really figure out my heart rate zones.  The one size fits all calculation doesn't work well for me.  I've never really trained by heart rate, but am trying to understand it better.   

Funny heart rate story....

A few years ago, I had an outpatient procedure.  Afterwards I'm wheeled into recovery and all hooked up to monitors, which have an alarm that goes off if the patient's heart rate drops below a certain level.  My resting heart rate is in the 30's.  So, I'm lying there and of course the alarm goes off.  About a dozen people rush into the room, sure I've just expired.  Me:  ha ha fooled ya!  Took two more alarms before they just unhooked me.

ha ha ha!! For mere mortals like the rest of it, it can work pretty well. My running coach is like you and he uses HR training at all times. But then again he's shooting for the next olympic trials. the little dude is FAST marathoner!
2012-05-09 11:44 AM
in reply to: #4199621

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
stephsprint - 2012-05-09 10:01 AM
cislfamily - 2012-05-08 9:29 PM

I've been battling IT band issues for the last year,

What is that??  I'd love to ask your advice, but I'm not even sure what it is!  Pardon my ignorance...  Smile

Iliotibial band. or IT band. It runs down the side of your thigh. Connects your hip region to your knee. Common for people to have knee problems because of a tight IT band. FOAM ROLLER!!! Gotta have one.,7120,s6-241-285--11642-0,00.h...,7120,s6-241-285--11556-0,00.h... You can also search the videos for the best exercises.


X2 on the foam roller.  I had IT band issues.  Bought the hard black roller and made all the difference.

 Will hurt like heck when you first start rolling, but get through it and roll every day, esp after runs, but even on non-running days.  

2012-05-09 11:55 AM
in reply to: #4199613

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

stephsprint - 2012-05-09 8:57 AM
amybecca - 2012-05-09 9:58 AM Steph mentioned wearing her heart rate monitor to sleep to check resting heart rate so I did it last night. I was so excited to connect it this morning, only to find out it stopped tracking my heart rate like moments after I turned out the light. Anyone else had this happen? How do you get it to keep going all night (I'm not a big mover in my sleep and the watch was on my nightstand...think I need to wear the watch? Tighten the heart rate band? Give up the idea?)?
Yeah you definitely have to maintain a connection. Did you keep any data at all or is it not that kind of watch?

It kept track of my time sleeping but that's it. I did get a good night's sleep! Laughing I suppose I could just be all old school and count my pulse in the morning while I time myself...

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL! Rss Feed  
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