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2014-02-05 1:45 AM
in reply to: healthlawyer

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED

I cannot afford master swim classes or private lessons for swimming, but I did buy the Swim Smooth book and have found the drills in there very helpful. I found I used to hold my hand very rigid throughout my entire stroke until I read that from the time it leaves the water to the time it enters the hand and wrist should be completely relaxed, since I've been doing that I am less tired in the shoulders. Doing fingertip drags really helped with the relaxation and with keeping my elbow up. Not sure if that would help you or not, but I recommend the book, it is really good.

Originally posted by healthlawyer

Hi Folks, 2000m in the pool this am. Couple of questions: 1. After my swim I'm having some pain radiating from the base of my left thumb and into my wrist. Hurst especially when I rotate the wrist. Pretty sure it relates directly to something I'm doing in the pool because it subsides an hour or so after I'm finished. Any thoughts on this? 2. Has anyone here followed or used the total immersion stuff? What have you found most useful (cds, books etc.)? They're having a clinic in philly later this month. Cost os around $300 which seems steep but I'm considering it. Thanks and have a great day. Todd R.

2014-02-05 10:51 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Hi Team!
Big question for everyone: As I get into the 3+ hour rides (which are apparently all going to be on my trainer until the Spring thaw) I need entertainment! What movies/tv shows are people's favorites for long, indoor rides?

Have a great Wednesday!

2014-02-05 11:10 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
That is scary Tim! Hope he's doing better! Take care.

Originally posted by tmoran80

Just checking in. Work picked up again but I was able to get my Trainer Road FTP test done this morning. Lasy hear for Racine 70.3 I was at. 238 FTP. Today I tested at 209. I was not that upset seeing as that thia year last time I was at 199 so it gives me he to kick some butt until 2/26 and then have a quick rwcovery and hopefully still salvage this season.

I had a scare on Saturday when my 2 yr. Old's fever spiked to 105 and he had a seizure in my arms. Never been so freaked/stressed in my life as I thought he had stopped breathing. He did this with my wife right before christmas when he had thw flud. Very scary but all is good now.

Gonna hit the pool tomorrow am if I can make it through the snow...

2014-02-05 11:14 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Great to hear Simone! I agree that it feels great to be back in training again, running, swimming, and biking (and lifting)!
Keep it up girl!

Originally posted by kruzmeister

G'day Team,

Found a great article on nutrition for endurance -

And another one on why sugar is bad for you -

Also had my first run back yesterday, only 10 minutes but my achilles and calf held up like a champ. I finally feel like a triathlete in training once more now that I can do all three disciplines again. Ride and swim tomorrow, cannot wait.

2014-02-05 12:34 PM
in reply to: pnwdan

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
I also use the catch up drill as my go to drill. Even comes in handy during start of OWS - I use that stroke to prevent from getting kicked int he face

I am am gonna have to check out the 3/4 catchup drill Scott posted though...

Originally posted by pnwdan

I prefer doing a very strict catch-up drill complete with a moment of gliding in the superman position. I believe drills must over emphasize whatever you're trying to correct in order to be effective. 3/4 catchup is pretty much how you should always swim. The full catchup drill teaches a few more things:

1) Stroke timing. Like any catch-up drill the primary purpose is to delay the catch & pull. This is very important because pulling early means you're doing bad things. Either you rotated, which puts your recovering shoulder in the water and creates tons of drag, you didn't rotate enough, which puts huge amounts of stress on your shoulder joint as you start the pull, or you're pulling across your body, which throws off your balance, wastes energy on sideways motion, and creates an ineffective "paddle" that misses lots of water.

2) Balance. The full catch-up drill forces you be laid out parallel and rotated on your side to breath. This is the hardest part of the drill for a beginner because it stops you from using your stroke to do bad things. Your leading arm should be pointed straight ahead and cannot be used to compensate for poor body position while your other arm recovers. This was a huge issue for me when I started swimming half a year ago. I would pump my leading arm to lift my head out of the water. It's terribly inefficient behavior. You waste energy pressing down, put stress on your shoulder, waste more energy kicking to compensate, and create extra drag.

3) A Strong and Efficient Pull. This drill slows down your stroke rate and lets you focus on the catch & pull. That pause after each recovery means you start the catch & pull when laid out like superman, facing the bottom of the pool, and probably not going very fast. You have to pull hard to maintain momentum. I like to make mine borderline violent :-) Grab the water and rip it back. This is a big part of the secret to a great catch. Drag goes up as a square of velocity. Double the speed at which your hand moves and you will catch 4 times more water.

4) Streamlining. The pause after recovery gives you a chance to focus on the feel of the water when streamlined. Watch the bottom of the pool and pay attention to how quickly you slow down. Try to find a way to maintain as much momentum as possible. Get your ankles together and point your toes back. Keep your head down and face the bottom. Get your biceps against the side of your head. Puff up your chest. Make it a game to see how few strokes it takes to get across the pool.

Well this turned into a book. Can you tell I love this drill? It hits so many things all at once. It's always part of my warm-up. I'm still very new to swimming like a swimmer so this is all fresh in my head.
2014-02-05 12:39 PM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Great news that you are getting back on track - just take it easy and don't overdue it. Much better to be conservative and ease back into it then go all out. You have been through his before and know what you need to do PLUS I want you to stay healthy this year so we can get you to IMOZ next year!

Originally posted by kruzmeister

Also had my first run back yesterday, only 10 minutes but my achilles and calf held up like a champ. I finally feel like a triathlete in training once more now that I can do all three disciplines again. Ride and swim tomorrow, cannot wait.

2014-02-05 1:50 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED

That is scary! I am glad everything is back to normal!

2014-02-05 1:53 PM
in reply to: mtrunner6

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED

While I am on the trainer, I use traineroad and watch Netflix in the background. It helps pass the time. I use AirParrot to mirror my computer screen to my flat screen TV. This works well. This allows me to set up my trainer in from of my flat screen.

2014-02-05 1:57 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Same here, Tim. I use catch up drill on every swim workout. I try to focus on high elbow catch, high arm and extended recovery, and proper kick in the rotated position.
2014-02-05 3:42 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Sorry to hear. Glad things are better now. The flu has been nasty this year in NC, imagine its been bad everywhere.

2014-02-05 4:13 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Hope everyone is having a good training week.

I've logged 2 runs, 2 swims, 1 bike, and lifted. Trouble getting dressed this morning because all my slacks seemed to be too baggy!

Still struggling the most with the swim and I am looking for a masters class at my gym.
Tim per your rec I have added 25 yards to my freestyle and did 125y last week and 150y continuous today. Also moving the swim to before my run to allow me to focus more on this aspect. Likely starting in the next week or so I will have to split my workouts which will be a whole different scheduling nightmare.

I have slowed down my runs per overwhelming recs for zone 2 training. My HR numbers still in zone 3 but lower. 10:30 pace was causing some hip discomfort that went away at 10:00. I was doing most of my runs at 9:15-9:30 pace before. This has decreased my HR by about 10. Really hope to prevent injury and hope to improve weight loss.

Interestingly I was below zone 2 on my bike so I increased the intensity there a little.

Does anyone use the polar monitors? I don't need a GPS model as I use runtastic for my GPS runs and plan to use this on the bike when the weather gets nicer. A local triathlete is allowing me to use his old bike (had to glue on the tires, never seen that before!) and I hope to get out on the road sometime soon.

I'm traveling next week to NH. Anyone have tips for finding a pool that will let you swim for 2 or 3 days?


2014-02-05 5:24 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED

Tim! So glad the child is OK!

Don't worry about your FTP. You'll come back strong.

It is supposed to be 30 below windchill tomorrow and I am NOT going to Masters. I refuse to fight that crap. I am going to work at the courthouse however. Money is money.

My coach had me do catchup drills and then move to 3/4 catch up to resemble the timing of the actual strokemore. Avoiding over-glide is a key to going faster. Yes, we need to glide but not to the point of losing momentum. The power should come from the hip-roll and that happens when the recovery hand is near the cheek, right? Swimming form is something we'll play with our whole damn tri careers I suspect. Smoother,faster, not harder. Smooth is easy, easy is fast, smooth is easy, easy is fast. I said that for 2.4 miles of IM Wisconsin. Cut 10 minutes of my time 2 years before.

Swim Smooth is a great web site. Lots of free information. And I have their videos and they are really good form teachers. You can also download an avatar for your desktop of their view of the "perfect stroke" A guy is swimming. You can see it from several perspectives and at different stroke speeds.

Speaking of stroke cadence I use the Tempo Trainer. You can set it to beep at different paces. Helps get the cadence up. You can also use it on the run to reach that 90 sweet spot.
2014-02-05 6:32 PM
in reply to: 0

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Hi Team.

Been busy the past couple of days. I hope everyone is ok. Winter struck my region with a vengeance again last night and today and to be honest – I am tired of it and did not need it today – today sucks ? - Bad time of year for me - movin on.

KTC - I use BT for creating my plan and keeping track of it. I am probably making a big mistake using this site to build my program – but – WTF – I would be kidding myself if I said I was anything else other than a BOP’r and this works for me. BTW I like your lines at the end of your posts.

RE: HR and running – I keep meaning to pay more attention to that – I am now making it a New Years Resolution so wish me luck but odds are I will break this on as well.

Cheekymonkey – you rock.

Dan – I liked your book ?

Helen – no body glide ouch ?. Congrats on the new bike – what did you name her?

Elena – nice job on the Super Bowl Sunday run and great news on the ITBS.

Scott – thanks for all the info, you rock.

Todd. – I am not sure on the thumb issue, have you found any answers on that yet? I did a TI clinic in Toronto and loved it. I have the cd’s and love them. I watch everything I can on TI on youtube as well and I have read the book. You might want to also find a TI Coach and take private lessons. I have and while I only see him once in a while, I love it

Todd (the other one) – I disagree with your take on TI. It is conducive to open water swimming. The founder and creator is one of the best OW swimmers ever.

Jen. – Don’t worry about it, I hope you are doing well and check in whenever you feel like it ?

Tim – Holy Crap – is he ok now? Why is that happening?

Simone – good news on the calf – easy does it my friend.

Helen – I am also on the bike once a week for that long now and it sucks lol. Thank God for Netflix. I get through them with action adventure and then after that is over, I pop in copies of IM KONA – thanks to Simone (God Bless you Simone)

Nate – my LBS has told me that the Polar monitors are great. As far as fining a pool, do a good search on public pools for the area or call a local college and ask – they will be able to tell you.

Stay healthy everyone. If I go missing for a couple of days, no worries, I will come around. I am just in a bad valley right now but will climb my way out. RFP


Edited by kcgolf 2014-02-05 6:55 PM
2014-02-05 7:05 PM
in reply to: #4920811

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Tim, was it called a febrile convulsion? If so, Sophie had one when she was around 4. They are really scary. Thank goodness Miles is ok. I'm sure it shook you guys up pretty well.

Simone, that's great news!

Nate, where in NHare you going? I used to live in NH and know it pretty well, so I may be able to direct you to water.
2014-02-05 10:21 PM
in reply to: cheekymonkeys1

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Going Ice fishing in Laconia area for the weekend and then spending a few days in Claremont before heading down to Merrimack. Last time I was able to work a week pass at the Y as a trial, but they have my info and it wont work again. My folks have a gym membership but no pool. Maybe can work the college angle and bring my university ID. Thanks for the tip

2014-02-06 12:19 AM
in reply to: cheekymonkeys1

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED

G'day Team,

Hope everyone is travelling well.

Just found out today that Scody Challenge Melbourne which is a half iron distance event is opening its entries for 2015 at 9am tomorrow and I am going to take a stab at entering. Shep 70.3 still have not got their act together for this year with no event date or entry date announced yet (this time last year I was already entered!), so I'm opting for Challenge Melbourne instead. It's an ocean swim (love), and pretty flat course on the bike and run, and I have longer to train for it as it's on the 1st Feb 2015. Everyone who did it this year (the inaugural event) spoke very highly of it, so fingers crossed I manage to snag a spot. Also I have a lot of friends in Melbourne from my Taekwondo days, which means I'll have a pretty decent cheer squad.

Anyway I'll let you all know tomorrow at 9:15 am if I got in!

2014-02-06 6:46 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Originally posted by kruzmeister

G'day Team,

Hope everyone is travelling well.

Just found out today that Scody Challenge Melbourne which is a half iron distance event is opening its entries for 2015 at 9am tomorrow and I am going to take a stab at entering. Shep 70.3 still have not got their act together for this year with no event date or entry date announced yet (this time last year I was already entered!), so I'm opting for Challenge Melbourne instead. It's an ocean swim (love), and pretty flat course on the bike and run, and I have longer to train for it as it's on the 1st Feb 2015. Everyone who did it this year (the inaugural event) spoke very highly of it, so fingers crossed I manage to snag a spot. Also I have a lot of friends in Melbourne from my Taekwondo days, which means I'll have a pretty decent cheer squad.

Anyway I'll let you all know tomorrow at 9:15 am if I got in!

Awesome. Sounds great.
2014-02-06 7:09 AM
in reply to: IceManScott

Downingtown , Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Tim, Sorry to hear about your child. One of mine had a few febrile seizures and one was bad enough that he had to be medi-evac'd to a childrens hospital. That was when he was about 3. He;s 10 now and has totally outgrown them. Hasn't had one since. We were told that most kids outgrow them by age 4. Best of luck.
2014-02-06 11:32 AM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED

Claremont - Goodwin Bailey Indoor Pool (603) 542- 7019

Laconia - Laconia Athletic and Swim club (if you go to their website, you can get a free trial if you 'are thinking of moving to the area ;-)'

Merrimack - Only has a Y. - no single swim to travelling public.

Anyway, hope that helps.
2014-02-06 12:27 PM
in reply to: cheekymonkeys1

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Nate, it looks like Deb got you covered for pools in NH. However if you are ever traveling again here is a great website it will tell you where there are pools. Also, I have gotten to where I will call either a triathlon or running store and get their take on pools to use.

Tim - so sorry to hear about Miles. Hope all is okay and that you don't have to go through that again.

I haven't heard of the 3/4 catch swim drill and will look into that also.

I too took the TI clinic and enjoyed it. However I wouldn't take the clinic (if they offer several through the year) that is right before triathlon season as you will have a larger class. I was still new to triathlons when I took the class and yes I got a lot out of it, I wished I had done more swimming before hand as I was so new that I totally didn't grasp everything like I should have.

I am so glad that I don't have an early spring race as it is just too darn cold. I was thinking that any OWS here in the South in March or April may be canceled due to cold conditions as it will take forever for these lakes to warm up.
2014-02-06 12:38 PM
in reply to: #4944989

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Kat, don't say that!! I am going down to TN for my first race in Mid May. I hope it's warmed up by then. If not, I may just lead the cheer squad lol

2014-02-06 1:35 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED

I am going icefishing this weekend as well. Heading up to Minnesota and fishing all weekend. I will be MIA until next week

Good luck fishing!

2014-02-06 4:23 PM
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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED

I got in, Challenge Melbourne 2015 here I come!

KC, when you get the chance can you add it to my name on the race list, it's being held on the 1st February 2015. Cheers.

Oh and you can scrub Shep 70.3 off, I wont be doing that now till the end of next year. Thanks heaps.

Edited by kruzmeister 2014-02-06 4:24 PM
2014-02-06 4:48 PM
in reply to: ettringite23

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
Todd -Awesome. Have fun.

Deb - thanks for the info!

2014-02-06 8:32 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED
I went to the pool this am. I thought of you guys the WHOLE swim. Why? The guy in the lane next to me was wearing red.... not speedos, red Jammers. Oh man. I wanted to ask him 'WHY?????": Could see every rumble in that jungle.

I'm almost sworn off swimming now.
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