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2015-01-17 1:40 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by sandishr

I've got a bit of catching up to do but life has thrown me a bit of a curveball.

Woke up over the weekend with a pain behind one eye. By Sunday I thought I had a spot in that eye, by Monday my vision was clearly impaired. I've seen specialists, have been diagnosed with uveitis, am on massive quantities of prednisone, and now (Thursday) it has progressed to severe vision loss. Still hoping for improvement but it's not happening yet. I'm just counting my blessings and keeping fingers crossed it stays in one eye.

Fortunately I am still able to exercise, otherwise I suspect I would probably go crazy. Running and walking a LOT...I will need to get comfortable with the bike I think, but my goal is to get there over the next few days.

I may need some encouragement over the next few days...especially in about a month when the prednisone starts to taper off and I crash a bit. At least now I've got a bit of 'roid energy.


Sandy, you have a great attitude and it will carry you far. You are in my thoughts and prayers and hoping for the best for you!

2015-01-17 2:07 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by sandishr

I've got a bit of catching up to do but life has thrown me a bit of a curveball.

Woke up over the weekend with a pain behind one eye. By Sunday I thought I had a spot in that eye, by Monday my vision was clearly impaired. I've seen specialists, have been diagnosed with uveitis, am on massive quantities of prednisone, and now (Thursday) it has progressed to severe vision loss. Still hoping for improvement but it's not happening yet. I'm just counting my blessings and keeping fingers crossed it stays in one eye.

Fortunately I am still able to exercise, otherwise I suspect I would probably go crazy. Running and walking a LOT...I will need to get comfortable with the bike I think, but my goal is to get there over the next few days.

I may need some encouragement over the next few days...especially in about a month when the prednisone starts to taper off and I crash a bit. At least now I've got a bit of 'roid energy.


Sandi, sorry to hear about this, my thoughts are with you.
2015-01-17 2:10 PM
in reply to: Syndiethea

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Week update:

Training: Always starts off great but gee whiz after a tough hot yoga on Wed. night I am sore and tired on Thursday and Friday. So I need to figure out how to get over that hump.
So for the week I had 4 training sessions and will do two more today.

Weight: 158

School starts next week;two classes and one online. i also see there is a swim class at the University that will fit my class schedule, sort of. If I take the class I will need to change my yoga schedule, did I mention how much I love my yoga class? the dilemma you ask? Between my night classes, swim class and yoga I will be in Reno until 8:30 pm every night. So what you ask? Well I live and hour and a half from Reno. So? I also have to be at work by 8 am the next day, in Reno. So that gets me home at 10pm isn and up by 4:30 or so for the run and bike portion of training.

Ok so I am just being a baby, people do so much more than that I know. I guess I can do anything for 15 weeks right?

Oh yeah and I know we should just move but you see I live on 27 acres and we aren't quite ready to give hat up...of course if the offer came along we would be willing I am sure!

2015-01-17 2:10 PM
in reply to: fifthcircle

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by fifthcircle

Hey fruit beer haters,

What's up with that?

I think I had better brew up my Black Currant Saison, and Raspberry Wheat. I'll ship everyone that wants one a bottle of each in time for summer (N.America).

Sound good? :D

I like how you crap on PBR's and then get angry at people in the very next post for crapping on fruit beers.

2015-01-17 4:52 PM
in reply to: justinfss

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Ordered a Wahoo Kickr that should be here Tuesday. I will be doing 3 trainerroad rides on it then a long one outside each week. It should be here in time for the Tour of Suferlandia! Who's in this year? I'm hoping this will kick up some motivation. We shall see....
2015-01-17 6:37 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
My buddy did the Lions Marlborough last year as his first - that's incredibly similar distance/water wise to the one that was going to be my first. Except its in May instead of July. I'm VERY interested in this race! The only catch and it's completely a first world training problem is that I'll just be back from a week vacation a few days before hand. I think I'll just need to keep up my training regimen while I'm away then won't I!!

Regarding the Smuttynose Half - REALLY wanted to do that one last year but obviously my entire training regimen got tossed with the injury sideline. Would LOVE to do that this year!!

My workout today - MAN did the Trainer kick our butts this morning. We did a boot camp style set of circuits for 5 mins at a pop for an hour. Made the homebrew I had this afternoon worth it - a Pliny The Elder clone from my friend, and some as yet uncarbonated winter ale we were bottling.

2015-01-17 7:10 PM
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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

So, I've spent my evening working out a plan for the upcoming year. I've got a few ideas percolating but nothing set in stone.

I'm looking to find races to do in Spetember or October? Any suggestions Jennifer or John?

One that I was eyeing was the Smuttynose Half Marathon? It's on October 4 in Hampton, New Hampshire. Any interest? Nothing like an IPA to get you to the finish line.

Dave, I ran the Smuttynose 2 years ago flat and fast! If the weather is good, it's good. if not - the wind and rain whips off that ocean. Funny story; the Thursday before the race I decided to hike Mt. Mansfield (VT's highest) with a friend. She and I cooked up and down in 2:20. The book says to expect it to be over 4 hours. (I've hiked that mountain more times than I have fingers and toes). Anyway, it didn't feel too taxing at the time - I had been training for the HM and was near the end of taper week so I was ready. I drove to Hampton on Saturday and could barely walk - my quads were cranked and my ankles swollen from the effort on the hike! LOL I crawled up the stairs to my room on the second floor. The next day I figured I wouldn't be able to finish the race and didn't know if I could even start. I did. The quads loosened up and low and behold I PR'd...wt??? The activity also dispersed my lymph fluid that had built up in my ankles! So weird! LOL Clam chowder and a lobtah roll at the finish - soooo good. And of course some Smuttynose beer! I would consider doing that again - i'll have to think on it as my HIM I want to do is the last weekend of August and there would be negligible training between the two I would imagine.

I got a swim in today - 1200 yds. I wanted to start slow as I haven't been in the pool in two months. It's frustrating as when I was finishing swimming I was doing 2800 yds and loving it. It was so good to get back in the pool. Tomorrow is skiing - maybe another 30 minute spin after. My 920 recorded a few of the laps funny - missed some yardage, not sure what's up with that. But it's clear that the longer I swim the faster I swim.

Here's my beer juxtaposition tonight.

Edited by aviatrix802 2015-01-17 7:11 PM

(red stripe.jpg)

red stripe.jpg (40KB - 4 downloads)
2015-01-17 7:13 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Oh, there's the BayState Half as well, Dave - I think that's around mid-October.
2015-01-17 7:52 PM
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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by justinfss

Originally posted by fifthcircle

Hey fruit beer haters,

What's up with that?

I think I had better brew up my Black Currant Saison, and Raspberry Wheat. I'll ship everyone that wants one a bottle of each in time for summer (N.America).

Sound good? :D

I like how you crap on PBR's and then get angry at people in the very next post for crapping on fruit beers.

Well, I didn't mean to come off as angry. I was just teasing about PBR (and hipsters), and also really like a good fruit beers. Not all fruit beers are good! So I understand those that think they don't like that category.

I'm a sarcastic ....for future reference.

Is anyone on twitter? I just rediscovered it, and thought a BDAS connection would be fun/easy on there.
If so, add & message me... @fifthcircle

Edited by fifthcircle 2015-01-17 7:57 PM
2015-01-17 8:59 PM
in reply to: #5075170

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Welcome john! I'm a noob too! I live in ct and have two teeny children so I understand your limitations with regards to weather and scheduling.
2015-01-17 9:02 PM
in reply to: #5075170

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Seems like a lot of good workouts going on!

Tell me more about this tour of sufferlandia I've heard it mentioned before but don't know what it is.

DQ- I think the Rock N Roll half in Denver in Oct would be perfect!

I got in the pool today for the first time since beaches closed based on the sand on my cap. 1150 felt really weak and definitely losing form at the end. I was dreading it, but glad I got it in!

I'm 5/4 for the week challenge! I also hit my very low training volumes for the week.

I'm looking for a small GPS watch if anyone has suggestions. DHs Garmin 305 finally died - so I'm giving him my 910xt and going to get a watch that actually fits me. I'm thinking of a Garmin 220, and would love any feedback. I pretty much only use time, distance and pace for run and bike.

2015-01-17 9:03 PM
in reply to: #5084497

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Mark, how did your race go?
2015-01-17 9:05 PM
in reply to: #5084495

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Sooooo... I DID IT. My first tri! It was an indoor tri, 10 minute lap swim, 30 minute spin and 20 minute treadmill run and DANG I am so proud of me ( I feel like this is truly the only forum to toot your own horn). I did it. I pushed. I felt strong. I felt great! I know the distance doesn't exactly translate to outdoor tri distance but still, what a great intro for me. I know where my weakness is (running) and I know where I can capitalize with some speed training (swim). This was my first tri (number on my arm and leg to prove it and heck yeah I got a picture of it!) and it was very exciting. Very fun. And I had 3 long trail ales this evening to treat myself. I took the week off from drinking, so the three might hurt tomorrow. G'night team. This year is going to be so fun!
2015-01-17 9:16 PM
in reply to: #5084500

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Cwpeters Chris, what is a race report? I use this as an app but it'd be awesome to store my stats somewhere! Thanks!
2015-01-17 10:20 PM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Moonrocket

Seems like a lot of good workouts going on!

Tell me more about this tour of sufferlandia I've heard it mentioned before but don't know what it is.

DQ- I think the Rock N Roll half in Denver in Oct would be perfect!

I got in the pool today for the first time since beaches closed based on the sand on my cap. 1150 felt really weak and definitely losing form at the end. I was dreading it, but glad I got it in!

I'm 5/4 for the week challenge! I also hit my very low training volumes for the week.

I'm looking for a small GPS watch if anyone has suggestions. DHs Garmin 305 finally died - so I'm giving him my 910xt and going to get a watch that actually fits me. I'm thinking of a Garmin 220, and would love any feedback. I pretty much only use time, distance and pace for run and bike.

Yea! New toys! Well, you've already experienced the 910xt - I just got the 920xt , have only used it a couple of times and love it. It is lighter and thinner than the 910xt which is great! I am female with very small wrists. It does cover my wrist but is very light. It is a little bulky to wear as an everyday watch - snug sleeves don't pull well over it. Just fyi. There have been changes made - arm cadence in the pool, better gps for outdoor/indoor swims, running cadence, etc. Another one to look at is the Fenix 3 that just came out. I don't know a ton about it but it now has the same swim features as the 920 I believe and very similar bike/run. Take a look. A friend was all about getting the 920 and is now looking at the Fenix 3. Oh, the 920xt does not come as a tri bundle - only hrm so everything else is a la carte, unlike the 910xt. You could still use your cadence sensors for the pedals if DH doesn't need them.
2015-01-18 10:19 AM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Smiley9188

Sooooo... I DID IT. My first tri! It was an indoor tri, 10 minute lap swim, 30 minute spin and 20 minute treadmill run and DANG I am so proud of me ( I feel like this is truly the only forum to toot your own horn). I did it. I pushed. I felt strong. I felt great! I know the distance doesn't exactly translate to outdoor tri distance but still, what a great intro for me. I know where my weakness is (running) and I know where I can capitalize with some speed training (swim). This was my first tri (number on my arm and leg to prove it and heck yeah I got a picture of it!) and it was very exciting. Very fun. And I had 3 long trail ales this evening to treat myself. I took the week off from drinking, so the three might hurt tomorrow. G'night team. This year is going to be so fun!

Congrats! You are a triathlete!

2015-01-18 10:24 AM
in reply to: 0

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Smiley9188

Welcome john! I'm a noob too! I live in ct and have two teeny children so I understand your limitations with regards to weather and scheduling.

If you are on the computer (or web version) of BT. At the top of the page, there is a "RACES" tab, where you can "Create Report". It's a great idea to do this. I like to look back on the Tri's I did years back, and remember how I felt during that time. Motivation!

Toys? Did someone say toys??
I begged for an expensive B-day present. Now I'm (im)patiently waiting for my Garmin Fenix 3 to be released!
I've never trained with the information that I will get from the F3. My Polar HRM has never been reliable (dropping out here and there, or spiking in the 200's even when I take it off). I try to keep track of my swimming in my head, but it get's confusing when my mind wanders and I'm concentrating on technique. Hopefully the F3 is all I hope it will be.

Also, for those looking for good deals. I highly suggest checking out DC Rainmaker and Clever Training.
I spent $5 to get $55 off of my purchase. 10% off all the stuff on Clever Training. Besides, DC Rainmaker has the most comprehensive toy reviews for triathlon stuff.

Edited by fifthcircle 2015-01-18 10:25 AM
2015-01-18 10:34 AM
in reply to: #5084503

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
After a couple of days off due to work, I hit the trails this morning for a nice run with my dog. I'm at 19/400 for the year. I'm sporting a nice large bruise on my forearm and another on my knee from a wipeout on the frosy, mossy bridge over a little gully. Fortunately, I'm not seriously hurt. The dog (Dixie) loves to trail run, because I let her off leash when there is no one around and she can go as fast as she wants and pee on as many things as she wants.

Someone asked how I came up with my 400 workout goal, but I can't find the post now. Anyway, I counted last year's workouts, doubled that number, and rounded up to 400 because I like round numbers. My biggest issue is consistency and last year was a bad year for consistency. All told I think I workedout about six months of the year and did nothing in the rest of the year. I had good streaks and bad streaks, so I'm hoping this goal will keep me on track. It shouldn't be hard to reach if I'm just consistent all year. Feel free to steal it too!

2015-01-18 12:06 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by drfoodlove

After a couple of days off due to work, I hit the trails this morning for a nice run with my dog. I'm at 19/400 for the year. I'm sporting a nice large bruise on my forearm and another on my knee from a wipeout on the frosy, mossy bridge over a little gully. Fortunately, I'm not seriously hurt. The dog (Dixie) loves to trail run, because I let her off leash when there is no one around and she can go as fast as she wants and pee on as many things as she wants.

Someone asked how I came up with my 400 workout goal, but I can't find the post now. Anyway, I counted last year's workouts, doubled that number, and rounded up to 400 because I like round numbers. My biggest issue is consistency and last year was a bad year for consistency. All told I think I workedout about six months of the year and did nothing in the rest of the year. I had good streaks and bad streaks, so I'm hoping this goal will keep me on track. It shouldn't be hard to reach if I'm just consistent all year. Feel free to steal it too!

Well we are all in good company since several of us followed a similar training plan last year. But we are a never say die kinda group and good on you for starting over. And here I thought I was the only queen of starting AGAIN!

Keep up the great work!
2015-01-18 1:21 PM
in reply to: fifthcircle

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by fifthcircle

Originally posted by justinfss

Originally posted by fifthcircle

Hey fruit beer haters,

What's up with that?

I think I had better brew up my Black Currant Saison, and Raspberry Wheat. I'll ship everyone that wants one a bottle of each in time for summer (N.America).

Sound good? :D

I like how you crap on PBR's and then get angry at people in the very next post for crapping on fruit beers.

Well, I didn't mean to come off as angry. I was just teasing about PBR (and hipsters), and also really like a good fruit beers. Not all fruit beers are good! So I understand those that think they don't like that category.

I'm a sarcastic ....for future reference.

Is anyone on twitter? I just rediscovered it, and thought a BDAS connection would be fun/easy on there.
If so, add & message me... @fifthcircle

haha I know it was all in good fun, hipsters are pretty weird I agree, even though some may think I am an elder hipster (drive a prius, eat organic, etc)

I had twitter until my wife contiunally made fun of me for it and constanly compared me to a teenage girl..... masculintiy crushed!

Im on facebook and instragram still, although sometimes I wonder why and if social media with all its uses and features will still eventually be civilizations downfall.....

2015-01-18 1:25 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Originally posted by Qua17

Here's my beer juxtaposition tonight.

Wow! are you an old, Jamaican, French Canadian Man? because that is what this picutres says to me.

"Jammmmin (in french accent)'

2015-01-18 1:26 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Smiley9188

Sooooo... I DID IT. My first tri! It was an indoor tri, 10 minute lap swim, 30 minute spin and 20 minute treadmill run and DANG I am so proud of me ( I feel like this is truly the only forum to toot your own horn). I did it. I pushed. I felt strong. I felt great! I know the distance doesn't exactly translate to outdoor tri distance but still, what a great intro for me. I know where my weakness is (running) and I know where I can capitalize with some speed training (swim). This was my first tri (number on my arm and leg to prove it and heck yeah I got a picture of it!) and it was very exciting. Very fun. And I had 3 long trail ales this evening to treat myself. I took the week off from drinking, so the three might hurt tomorrow. G'night team. This year is going to be so fun!

Congrats! great job!!
2015-01-18 1:56 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Great run this Sunday morning - met with a group or early morning riders, did 17k run at 5 min/km, and believe or not, it was snowing (extremely weird over here), so very exciting for all of us. Just 2 more weeks to go for the half marathon. In between my HM plan, I am squeezing some spinning classes and 1 30min swim not to be too out of shape.
As beer is not my expertise area, opened a Rioja Gran Reserva to enjoy a wonderful bean stew with the family.

Congratulations to Colleen, the new triathlete in the group!!

2015-01-18 2:08 PM
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Quakertown, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Weekend workout
Would've been smarter to workout on sunny yet chilly Saturday, but I had to volunteer at my daughters gymnastics meet. Family first. Instead the plan was a cold wet run Sunday but the roads got icy and I had to do my not-so-favorite treadmill run of 5 miles.

Beer comment
Anyone recognize the mediocre beer in my avatar photo?

What is the cheapest toy for counting my laps in the pool. I think I may go crazy from repeating this in my head: "1....1....1...1....1...2....2...2...2...2..."

Newbie question
Is there a way to upload my runs and rides from Runkeeper? I only see gear releated uploads when I look.

Congratulations Colleen!

Edited by Snewo 2015-01-18 2:13 PM
2015-01-18 2:59 PM
in reply to: #5075170

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I move my shoes around in a specific pattern on the pool deck to count my 100s. Move one shoe 90* each 100. It seems to work for me, I can remember if I'm on the first lap or second of a 100.
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