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2016-07-06 10:17 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: Tri-ing in the rain
Originally posted by rjchilds8
I was curious if anyone had any experience/advice for doing a triathlon in the rain. I figured it would have the biggest impact on the bike. Yeah, a very heavy rain might somewhat impact the swim, but I think the worst problem would be the bike. Other than maybe taking corners most slowly to avoid my tires sliding on wet pavement, what kinds of things should I be careful of?

I've been fortunate that I've never had to race in the rain, either. The only things I can say that others have said in my FB tri group is to watch out for the white line because it can be super slippery when wet and decrease your tire pressure a bit for better traction. And, of course, give yourself more distance when braking.

2016-07-10 6:14 PM
in reply to: burner2

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New user
Subject: Finally raced tri this year
I'm still here. I read the posts just havent had time to reply to them. I've raced in the rain before. I drop the pressure in the tires to about 90 psi and give myself extra braking time.Great races everyone! Congrats on your HIM Cass! That's awesome!

I finally raced today. I was signed up for the Olympic distance but due to an ankle sprain that took me out Memorial Day weekend I dropped down to the sprint with plans to go out and have fun and finish the fast flat course around 1:25 time frame. I was predicting about 15 minutes in the water as I have been swimming some the last month. 40-45 minutes on the bike as I haven't been on the saddle in over a month and figured about 25 minutes on run with about 5 minutes lost in transitions.

The water this morning had 1-2 foot swell. I've never had a chance to practice in anything like what I encountered today. Water temp was 71 degrees, but I opted to not wear my wetsuit. (looking back that was my only mistake today) I struggled in the swim early on. I had a short panic attack as I couldn't get in a rhythm, but quickly calmed myself down and slowly made it to the first buoy. Once I made the turn I found my rhythm but it was still crowded and fought with other swimmers. Finally got around the last buoys and got out of the water. Transition went well without having to get out of the wetsuit.

Once on the bike things got going fast. The bike course was out and back on a rather flat course with a light cross with the entire ride. I cruised into T2 in 35 minutes and change for a 20k! Wasn't expecting that. T2 was uneventful, out in about 45 seconds.

The run was another out and back course with one slight hill a quarter mile into it. I was passed by two people during the run and finished strong under 25 minutes! Official time as 1:20:53. Pretty happy with how the event went considering my severe lack of training and I'm looking forward to hitting the road and pool for another 3 weeks before my next tri with hopes of improving.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

2016-07-10 8:23 PM
in reply to: burner2

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Subject: RE: June totals
Originally posted by burner2

S: 18,490 yards
B: 255.04 miles
R: 55.54 miles

Pretty typical numbers for me lately. I expect these will go down in July and August as I have three races in July, so lots of taper time, and then two races the first two weeks in August, and then I’m done for the year. I’ve volunteered to help out with Ironman Cd’A the third weekend in August, and that should be fun. One of my volunteer positions is as Penalty Tent Marshall in the early afternoon. I figure that should give me a pretty good view of the leaders as they’re coming in for the run. I might even get a chance to meet a few pros.

I’m finished with the Tri for Equality program, which is a little sad. But I accomplished what I set out to do, which is finish a 70.3. I’m going to go coachless for the rest of the season since there’s only six weeks left for me, and then re-evaluate and figure out my goals for next year. I haven't decided if I want to go with an online coach again, or perhaps work with one of the local coaches I've met in the past few months.

I also qualified for Nationals again with my Troika results in May, but I’m going to skip it this year. I’ve done one destination race this year, and I think one a year is enough. Milwaukee was easy last year because it was just getting on a train at one end and off at the other, but destinations that involve planes, trains, automobiles, and TSA-groping are just too much.

How’s everyone else doing? What races do you have left this year? Nate, that race you have planned has some serious climbing! Wow! I'm guessing it's an off-road mountain bike race? Or will you be on road bikes and pavement? Either way, that's pretty tough!

Cass awesome job qualifying again. Can you defer to next year?

The race starts off on the road and then hits the trails. Looks like a single track watching some Go Pro videos. The run is off road. I don't think it will be to technical but I may need some trail shoes.
2016-07-10 8:33 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Subject: RE: June totals
Originally posted by rjchilds8

Swim: 3h 53m 15s - 10700 M
Bike: 6h 39m 16s - 118.95 Mi
Run: 5h 58m 51s - 41.56 Mi

Overall, my totals weren't too bad. My swim total was higher than any other month this year, although not by a ton. Still, I like the increase in pool time. I started off somewhat inconsistent in the beginning of the month, but started getting things back together in the 2nd half. I had my best pace ever during my last swim workout, so I'm seeing some gains.

This was my 2nd highest monthly total on the bike since I've started triathlon training 2 1/2 years ago. It was only about 3 miles short of my highest total, which was July of last year. I think I did more rides of a longer distance in July last year. This month, I did more bike rides, but of shorter distance. I've got a couple Olympic races coming up, so I'll need to start increasing my distance on a more regular basis. I've tended to do more bike rides over my lunch period on work days, so they have to stay shorter, and I've done fewer long rides on the weekend.

My run total wasn't the greatest, but not horrible either. It was my lowest total since March. But part of that is because I wasn't doing much biking in March and this month I did a fair amount. Add in the fact that I couldn't run for 8 days after my 10K due to the pain in my big toe (bunion? gout?) and it's pretty easy to understand my total being down. Given that my average pace dropped by 0:28/mile, I'm not going to complain. Yeah, I'd like to see that total higher, but it didn't hurt my running ability in any way.

Randy glad to see the hard work is paying off, and that your foot is feeling better.
You will enjoy the Timberman it was a lot of fun being at a race with a big draw.
2016-07-10 8:51 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Subject: RE: Whaling City Tri
Originally posted by rjchilds8

The full race report is at:

The short version. The swim went pretty well with the exception of some poor sighting to start the race that had me pointed relatively far off course. I was able to correct my course and get back on track. The nice thing about this swim was that it showed me that I'm getting more comfortable in the water. I had several run-ins during the swim and didn't get panicked or feel stressed. My time of 8:19 for the 1/4 mile swim was pretty good for me. I think it also shows that the 9:46 I did a few weeks ago was either a fluke or a poorly measured course. My ranks were 139/310 and 20/30 AG.

The bike course was the flattest I've ever done by far. I was hoping for a big jump up in my best average pace. But I didn't count on how hard the wind would be blowing in off the bay. I was still able to set a new high for average pace, but not nearly as high as I would have liked. My time for the 12 mile bike was 37:52, an average pace of 19.01 mph! My ranks were 118/310 and 23/30.

The run was also very flat. I stretched my calves in transition before going out on the run and I didn't get the cramps like usual. That made my T2 time a little longer, but it gave me a more accurate run time. I crushed my previous best tri 5K and only missed my stand-alone 5K PR by 16 seconds! My time on the run was 25:08! My ranks were 95/310 and 20/30.

Overall, my time of 1:15:35 was 104th and I finished 23/30 in my AG. I was extremely happy with my performance. I told myself I was going to take it easy in this race because I have my first Olympic in a week. But as soon as I hit the water, all of that went out the window! LOL I pretty much only know one gear and that is full throttle!

Nice race. Sounds like you put it all together!
2016-07-10 9:04 PM
in reply to: burner2

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Subject: RE: Tri-ing in the rain
Sorry I missed your post. Tri-ing in the rain is tough. My last oly was like that fortunately the sun came up during the swim.

Its really tough to put a wetsuit on when you are wet. Try to stay dry, or put it on earlier.
Bring plastic bags to keep your shoes and socks dry
Another bag for you post race clothes, and to put you wet tri stuff in

Drop you tire pressure a little. Wear shades to keep the water out of your eyes.

Remember running in the rain is like a playground. I love it.


2016-07-10 9:10 PM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

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Subject: RE: Finally raced tri this year
Originally posted by scottjjmtri99

I'm still here. I read the posts just havent had time to reply to them. I've raced in the rain before. I drop the pressure in the tires to about 90 psi and give myself extra braking time.Great races everyone! Congrats on your HIM Cass! That's awesome!

I finally raced today. I was signed up for the Olympic distance but due to an ankle sprain that took me out Memorial Day weekend I dropped down to the sprint with plans to go out and have fun and finish the fast flat course around 1:25 time frame. I was predicting about 15 minutes in the water as I have been swimming some the last month. 40-45 minutes on the bike as I haven't been on the saddle in over a month and figured about 25 minutes on run with about 5 minutes lost in transitions.

The water this morning had 1-2 foot swell. I've never had a chance to practice in anything like what I encountered today. Water temp was 71 degrees, but I opted to not wear my wetsuit. (looking back that was my only mistake today) I struggled in the swim early on. I had a short panic attack as I couldn't get in a rhythm, but quickly calmed myself down and slowly made it to the first buoy. Once I made the turn I found my rhythm but it was still crowded and fought with other swimmers. Finally got around the last buoys and got out of the water. Transition went well without having to get out of the wetsuit.

Once on the bike things got going fast. The bike course was out and back on a rather flat course with a light cross with the entire ride. I cruised into T2 in 35 minutes and change for a 20k! Wasn't expecting that. T2 was uneventful, out in about 45 seconds.

The run was another out and back course with one slight hill a quarter mile into it. I was passed by two people during the run and finished strong under 25 minutes! Official time as 1:20:53. Pretty happy with how the event went considering my severe lack of training and I'm looking forward to hitting the road and pool for another 3 weeks before my next tri with hopes of improving.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!


Scott I officially hate you!!! lol! You are a machine! Glad you recovered and are out and racing. Do you have any more races planned?

2016-07-11 8:57 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: First Olympic race of the season
I had my first Olympic distance race of the year yesterday. The forecast was for unusually cool temperatures and rain. They got the cool temps part right since it was something like 57 degrees out when the race started. It had rained earlier in the morning, but the rain pretty much held off for the race and for at least an hour post-race. There was only one point during the bike where I felt a little sprinkling. So the air temp turned out to be the big problem. I had been in the water (temp of 74 degrees) to do some warmup, but I was regretting that when I was standing in line waiting for my swim wave to start. I was so cold that I was shivering! I don't wear a wetsuit, so I was out there in just my tri shorts and my sleeveless top.

The swim was 0.9 miles, wave start, and you waded out in the water until it was about chest deep. That was the first time I've had that kind of start. I felt decent during my warmup, but almost from the start of the swim I felt a little off. I had to do a lot of pep talking to myself to get through the swim. My time was 34:12, which is slow by most standards but is so-so for me. I was hoping for more like 33:00, so not way off. My training has been somewhat inconsistent and it showed. But I made it through with no major issues.

I had brought a bike jersey with me to wear due to the cold temps, but once I got out of the water I felt good enough to skip it. It was a little cool on the bike in wet clothes and 60 degree weather, but it never really bothered me. It was a very hilly course over a single loop of a 22 mile course. I have to debate that distance. My GPS watch said 21.5 and the race results show my average pace as if it was only 21 miles. Hmmmm. Anyway, I knew it would be a challenge due to the hills and set a goal time of 1:15:00. I came in at 1:12:11, so I was pleased about that.

The run was hillier than I had expected from looking at the course map and elevations. My legs felt completely spent after the bike, enough so that I worried about even being able to complete the run. I spent an extra 30-60 seconds in T2 just sitting on the ground to give them a minute to recover. I headed out for the run with a goal of 56:30 and was keeping an eye on my pace. When I ran 8:26 for the first mile, I backed off a little. I walked the aid stations at 1.5 and 2.5 miles to get a drink and some nutrition. I think I stopped at the 2.5 mile station on the way back, but that was it. I knew I was running a good enough pace to beat my goal, but felt like I was in a good enough rhythm that I didn't have to back off. As it turns out, I must have turned it on since mile 5 was my 3rd fastest and mile 6 was my fastest at 8:06! My run time was 52:11 and there's no way on God's green Earth that that was 10K. My GPS watch had it at 6.02 and the results web site shows my average pace as if it was 6.0, so that's what I'm going with. Still, a great run for me, especially with how my legs felt and the fact that my right foot felt like it was going numb for about 2 miles!

Total time was 2:43:10. I beat my goal time by almost 5 minutes. Best of all, I did so much better with my nutrition on this race. No cramping at all! That's a huge win for me right there! I've got just about 4 weeks to get ready for my next Oly and I hope to be more consistent with my swimming to turn in a better performance and feel more comfortable.

Race report:
2016-07-11 2:20 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: First Olympic race of the season

Originally posted by rjchilds8 I had my first Olympic distance race of the year yesterday.  

Right on! Congrats on a great race and your first Oly!! 

2016-07-11 5:13 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Subject: RE: First Olympic race of the season
Great job Randy! What do you think is going on with your foot. Sounds similar to me...

2016-07-11 7:01 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: First Olympic race of the season
Originally posted by nrpoulin

Great job Randy! What do you think is going on with your foot. Sounds similar to me...


Nate, I think it was just that my sock had balled up under my foot. I could definitely tell that there was an extra lump under my foot in the shoe on the side that was getting the numbness. I have at least 200 miles in these shoes and I've never noticed anything or ever had that problem before. So the sock bunching up was my best guess as the source of the extra lump. As I was running, I was trying to wiggle my toes and get rid of it. I think I succeeded towards the end of the run because my foot did return to normal and I never took the shoe off until after I'd had my free beer and BBQ! LOL

Not my first Olympic, Monty, just my first this year. It is only my second one, but I did my first Oly distance race last year. I have another one coming up August 7th. I did much better with my nutrition this time around.

2016-07-11 7:03 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: First Olympic race of the season
Bonus points for any tri geek that can tell me who is in this picture with me. I thought I recognized her before the race. As I was out on the run course, she passed by me again. I thought I saw her wave to the woman in front of me, so I asked if she was who I thought she was. The woman had no clue! She asked me if she was a triathlete. I did my best not to laugh and was a little disappointed that she wasn't recognized by the woman.

20160710_114804.jpeg (929KB - 14 downloads)
2016-07-14 7:13 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: First Olympic race of the season

Great race Randy!

Don't be afraid to keep it going if you are in a good rhythm. No need to intentionally back off. If you are feeling good, I say go for it!

2016-07-14 8:18 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Subject: RE: First Olympic race of the season
I cheated. Karen Smyers.

2016-07-14 8:38 PM
in reply to: #5158713

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New user
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint and Olympic Distance Tri Group - CLOSED

"Scott I officially hate you!!! lol! You are a machine! Glad you recovered and are out and racing. Do you have any more races planned? "


I have another sprint at the end of this month and then a busy September with an Olympic and Powerman 10k/60k/10k (run/bike/run) duathlon. Was supposed to do an Olympic the end of July, but it got cancelled and postponed till next year.


2016-07-14 8:54 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: First Olympic race of the season
Originally posted by nrpoulin

I cheated. Karen Smyers.


How did you cheat?

You're absolutely correct. That is Karen Smyers, 1995 Ironman World Champion and 2009 inductee into the Triathlon Hall of Fame! I thought I saw her wave to the woman in front of me. So I asked her, "was that Karen Smyers?" The woman said "who is that, is she a triathlete?" My response was "yeah, she only won Kona!" I think that's a shame, for a fellow female triathlete not to recognize someone of such stature. I relayed the story to Karen while having a beer with her and her friends in the "beer garden" and she said "that's about what I get these days".

What a year it has been. First getting to race against (or at least in the vicinity of) former Olympian and multiple Boston Marathon winner Bill Rodgers and then racing on the same course as a former Ironman world champion! Do others on this group have these chances to race against some of the luminaries in our sports?

2016-07-14 9:00 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: First Olympic race of the season
Originally posted by Dominion

Great race Randy!

Don't be afraid to keep it going if you are in a good rhythm. No need to intentionally back off. If you are feeling good, I say go for it!

Thanks, Chris. I was going to take 2 days off as rest days. But I must have done some things right after the race and on Monday because I felt pretty good. So I jumped right back into training on Tuesday, albeit at a lower intensity level. I'm going to try to keep the momentum going. I do have about 3 1/2 weeks left before my next Oly. Unfortunately, the family and I are going to Myrtle Beach for a 5-day vacation, so that might put a kink in my training plans. I'll at least bring my running gear and get a couple runs in. The condo complex does have a pretty good sized pool, but it isn't set up for lap swimming. They don't appear to have an exercise room, so I won't even be able to use a stationary bike. Booo!
2016-07-15 5:46 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: First Olympic race of the season

Originally posted by rjchilds8
Originally posted by Dominion

Great race Randy!

Don't be afraid to keep it going if you are in a good rhythm. No need to intentionally back off. If you are feeling good, I say go for it!

Thanks, Chris. I was going to take 2 days off as rest days. But I must have done some things right after the race and on Monday because I felt pretty good. So I jumped right back into training on Tuesday, albeit at a lower intensity level. I'm going to try to keep the momentum going. I do have about 3 1/2 weeks left before my next Oly. Unfortunately, the family and I are going to Myrtle Beach for a 5-day vacation, so that might put a kink in my training plans. I'll at least bring my running gear and get a couple runs in. The condo complex does have a pretty good sized pool, but it isn't set up for lap swimming. They don't appear to have an exercise room, so I won't even be able to use a stationary bike. Booo!

Get in a couple of early morning runs on the beach. Enjoy the change of environment and don't worry about the rest of training for those few days. It will do you good!

2016-07-15 8:38 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Subject: RE: First Olympic race of the season
Andy Potts will be at Timberman Randy as well as a number of Pros

I did search based on Karens T-shirt and went to the FB page. Looked at some tagged photos and well there you go.
I know a number of names but very few faces. Hers was not one of them.

2016-07-15 8:42 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Subject: RE: First Olympic race of the season
Originally posted by rjchilds8

Originally posted by Dominion

Great race Randy!

Don't be afraid to keep it going if you are in a good rhythm. No need to intentionally back off. If you are feeling good, I say go for it!

Thanks, Chris. I was going to take 2 days off as rest days. But I must have done some things right after the race and on Monday because I felt pretty good. So I jumped right back into training on Tuesday, albeit at a lower intensity level. I'm going to try to keep the momentum going. I do have about 3 1/2 weeks left before my next Oly. Unfortunately, the family and I are going to Myrtle Beach for a 5-day vacation, so that might put a kink in my training plans. I'll at least bring my running gear and get a couple runs in. The condo complex does have a pretty good sized pool, but it isn't set up for lap swimming. They don't appear to have an exercise room, so I won't even be able to use a stationary bike. Booo!

Friends of mine were just down there. Two teenagers were swept out to see due to rip current. Never were found. They were staying in North Myrtle. Watch your little ones!

2016-07-15 9:15 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: First Olympic race of the season
Originally posted by nrpoulin

Friends of mine were just down there. Two teenagers were swept out to see due to rip current. Never were found. They were staying in North Myrtle. Watch your little ones!


Wow, scary! Yeah, we wouldn't let them go in the water without us, but thanks for the warning. I'll pass it on to my wife and we'll have to be sure to be extra diligent with watching the kids and warning them about the hazards of being in the ocean. Thanks, Nate!

2016-07-15 9:33 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: First Olympic race of the season
Originally posted by nrpoulin

Andy Potts will be at Timberman Randy as well as a number of Pros

I did search based on Karens T-shirt and went to the FB page. Looked at some tagged photos and well there you go.
I know a number of names but very few faces. Hers was not one of them.


I had checked out the results for the 70.3 from last year and I knew Potts was on the list. I know Chrissie Wellington had done that race in the past, although I don't know when the last time was that she did that (or any) race.

I've watched every Ironman World Championship since 1989 multiple times. Or at least, every one that I can find on Youtube! LOL Smyers win was due in part to a very iconic moment in the sport's history. She passed Paula Newby-Fraser when Newby-Fraser collapsed only a few hundred meters from the finish line. Not to take anything away from Smyers win, she earned it and I'm sure there have been numerous championships lost because the leader cramped. But the video footage of Newby-Fraser in such a weakened state sitting or lying on Ali'i Drive is gut wrenching!
2016-07-16 11:50 PM
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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: Tiger Olympic Triathlon
Time: 2:50:56     (2015 - 3:06:39)
Swim (1K): 24:34
T1: 2:50
Bike (40K): 1:17:13
T2 & Run (8K): 1:06:18
AG: 4/4
Overall: 63/79

I competed in my second Tiger Tri today; my first Olympic (sort of) of the summer. It had its ups and downs. The swim went really well, although I was still really slow. But, 4 1/2 minutes faster than last year, so that's a plus. The bike was pretty bad. After having two different mechanics work on it and spending more than $250, it still doesn't shift right, and I could use only about five or six of my 18 gears. That made it really hard to climb hills because I pretty much had one hill-climbing gear--first. Good grief! I was seven minutes faster than last year, but I should have been faster. It's pretty humiliating to be passed by someone riding a mountain bike with huge knobby tires while I'm riding a sleek triathlon bike built for speed. And it wasn't just the bike issues--I'm still not very fast and still struggle with climbing hills. You'd think after the hours and hours I spend training and all the bloody miles I put in, I'd be able to keep up with couch potatoes, but no! I wasn't very happy with the bike ride. However, I did blow my very first snot rocket, which made me pleased.

The run went well for me, but as usual, this is where I lost the most ground. Everybody I'd passed in the swim and on the bike passed me on the run. I gave it everything I had, but I still struggle with running. My left leg was pretty stiff by the time I got to the run, and my knee wouldn't bend, so I had to shuffle along and watch the ground carefully to avoid tripping hazards. It was painful! I kicked rocks in my shoes and had to pee bad. As I passed one of the water stations, I told the volunteer that I could really use a porta potty, and this older woman sailed right by me saying "Just pee yourself! That's what I do! I pee myself all the time!" So I did. I wanted to shave off every single second I could from my finish time, and if peeing myself was going to save me two or three minutes, then so be it!

Also, as I was struggling through my second time around the run course, a younger woman ran past me saying "I want to be you when I'm 54! You're an inspiration!" Wow! That made me feel good. Of course, this was before I pissed myself. Ha ha!

I had seen only one person in my age group the entire time, and she passed me pretty easily as I was starting the run. I was hoping she was the only person ahead of me, but she wasn't. I ended up being fourth and out of medal contention. That made me sad. I like those bright, shiny medals. I got third place last year and was hoping for at least third again, especially since this race doesn't give out finishers' medals, but oh, well. In the overall standings, I was 63rd out of 79, so at least I wasn't last. And I shaved 16 minutes off last year's time. I also wasn't alone on the course this year like I was last year. I was so slow and so far behind everyone last year that I was completely alone almost the entire race, which is no fun. At least I had company this year.

And, I ran into my favorite bike mechanic before the start of the race. I thought he'd moved out of the area last fall when he separated from his employer, but it turns out he'd opened up his own bike repair shop. I'll have him take a look at my bike and see if he can get it shifting properly again. I have another race next weekend and really need to be able to shift gears. If I can't, then I'm going to have to switch back to my regular road bike. Hopefully, he can fix the issue for me

Also, I've come to the conclusion that I absolutely HATE Clif bars. Eating those things while racing is like trying to swallow a mouthful of molasses flavored clay. I can never quite get them down all the way! Yuck!

Edited by burner2 2016-07-17 12:16 AM
2016-07-17 12:13 AM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: First Olympic race of the season
Originally posted by rjchilds8
I think that's a shame, for a fellow female triathlete not to recognize someone of such stature.

Do others on this group have these chances to race against some of the luminaries in our sports?

I know a lot of names of famous triathletes, but I wouldn't be able to recognize any of them because I have prosopagnosia, commonly called "face blindness." I couldn't recognize myself in a photo. The only reason I was able to "recognize" Madonna Buder at NOLA 70.3 is because of the age written on the back of her calf. There's not too many 87-year-olds competing in Ironman races! Plus, the race organizers were treating her like Queen Elizabeth, calling her "ma'am" and almost groveling at her feet.

Andy Potts competed in (and won) Cd'A 70.3 a few weeks ago. There were a number of other pros, as well, both men and women. However, I wouldn't say I was able to race AGAINST them, but rather, I was honored to share the same course with them. Potts was pulling into T2 as I was heading out of T1. I can't believe how fast he was able to do the bike course! He rode those hills at a 28 mph average! He had to have been hitting 50 mph on some of the descents. He did the entire course in under four hours; that's how long it took me just to do the swim and bike!

We also have our share of local age groupers who, like Buder, have gained near god-like status with the local triathletes. I'm beginning to recognize their names as I review participant lists. I'll be age-grouping up next year and competing against one of them, a 55-year old (this year) who just slaughters the competition and wins fastest overall female, which means qualifying for nationals next year will be tough! We're also sending a local boy to this year's Olympics in Rio.
2016-07-18 3:17 AM
in reply to: burner2

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New user
Subject: To Buy or not to Buy - Tri vs Road shoes is the question.....
Hi all,

I'm after some advice on my next purchase.
I have a budget of around £150 and I'm thinking of getting some cleats and shoes.

My road bike is only worth around £200 and I use it for training and racing. I only really use it in the summer.

So my questions are - do you think it worth investing in pedals and shoes that would nearly be as expensive as the bike itself? Although I suppose if I ever upgrade then I can reuse the pedals and shoes.
Which sort of shoes do you suggest?
I've been reading up and I'm thinking road shoes rather than Tri shoes. I don’t think the transaction time will be that much of an effect on me, as I'm a mid-range age grouper.
And the last question and it's a bit of a silly one, but if I do buy shoes and pedals, how long do you think I should practice before using in a race?
My next race is only three weeks away and I'm nervous that I'd only have a couple of weeks practice.

Any tips or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks - Tony.
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Baowolf's Create your Own Saga Triathlon Group (OPEN!!!) Pages: 1 ... 6 7 8 9

Started by Baowolf
Views: 23832 Posts: 223

2017-01-15 5:38 PM Baowolf

Baowolf's fun in the sun Mentor Group (Open)

Started by Baowolf
Views: 65 Posts: 1

2014-05-18 1:30 AM Baowolf

Baowolf's fun in the sun Mentor Group

Started by Baowolf
Views: 26 Posts: 1

2014-05-18 12:48 AM Baowolf

Baowolf's Summer Extravaganza Mentor Group

Started by Baowolf
Views: 13 Posts: 1

2014-05-18 12:01 AM Baowolf

Playmobil31's Group - Open

Started by playmobil31
Views: 65 Posts: 1

2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
date : September 22, 2009
author : Ali Winslow
comments : 0
Is it realistic to race a sprint and Olympic distance race within 2-3 weeks of one another to gauge my progress before tackling the half Ironman?
date : December 4, 2008
author : Amy Kuitse
comments : 5
I really want to do an Olympic distance but I feel it is a little too far right now. Which training plan should I follow? The sprint sounds too easy for what I'm doing but the Olympic seems too much?
date : October 20, 2008
author : araqnid
comments : 0
After doing duathlons for the last couple of years, I decided to go for a triathlon. Starting with an Olympic-distance race perhaps wasn't wise, but it was fun (of a sort).
date : September 8, 2008
author : pjwalzphd
comments : 2
When I told my husband that I planned to work toward completing a sprint triathlon, he smiled and was supportive, but a bit disbelieving.
date : February 5, 2008
author : Team BT
comments : 0
Complete course preview of the North East triathlon on 8/17/2008 featuring a Sprint and a Olympic distance race. Mark your calendars!
date : July 2, 2006
author : acbadger
comments : 1
Keep in mind that the taper period is as important to your body as all of the long hours you’ve put in the pool, on the bike and on the road. It is meant to help you rest, recover and rejuvenate.
date : September 10, 2004
author : Team BT
comments : 0
History of the triathlon and distances.
date : September 5, 2004
author : Team BT
comments : 0
During this past year, I’ve found that there are secrets “out there” - hidden fitness secrets and tips.