Other Resources Challenge Me! » Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread Rss Feed  
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2007-11-11 10:20 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
I just meant in general, not just for this week.

2007-11-11 11:50 PM
in reply to: #1047780

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
gillyfev - 2007-11-11 10:10 AM

OK very quick post in between bath-time (DD) and dinner (mine!). Sounds like lots of people have had an amazing weekend - way to go Yanti and Judi.

But in between all the cheering, I have two burning questions. What does DAYUM stand for and what is a hash race???


There is an international organization called the Hash House Harriers and they have lots of little clubs all over the world. Their famouse quote is that they are a "Drinking club with a running problem." Basically they get together every now and then for a hash run where they get a some people aka the "hares" to plot out a course that they mark with flower and the rest of the group has to run the path. Along the way they have check points where you have to drink beer. When you finish you have a little party and drink more.

So Fresh So Clean - 2007-11-11 6:50 PM

Hey Andrew -

17.5 is very good on hills!!!

Honestly... if you gain your base training and then start to do some specific workouts (intervals, sprints, hills, pedal mashing etc)... you'll get over 20 no problem!!!

I definitely think I can improve quite a bit. My goal race is Wildflower in the beginning of May. I don't really have any specific training plan just yet because I am still a ways out. My outline for the bike is to just focus on building up my base milage for the rest of the year, maybe even into February, and then start focusing more on the speed.
2007-11-12 12:35 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

Andrew, I have a job for you!

Because of your eloquence, careful explanations, and lovely Diderot signature line, you are:

Corporal Quotes of the Hard Core Tri Corps!

Whenever the urge hits, drop us a quote you like, or something you say to yourself as you're trying to get up a steep hill, or anything pithy.

Way to jump into the team with a bang!

2007-11-12 9:49 AM
in reply to: #1047792

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Reading, Berkshire (UK)
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread


Well, I'm from the south so when I say damn, it sounds like dayum

Far too straightforward I was thinking in the style of LOL and LMAO (which is what you will be doing shortly!) but the best I could come up with was "damned amazing - you're unbelievably marvellous"

I did a lot of work so that I don't sound like I just came off of the farm even though I did. 

Ditto - I grew up in Australia and when I moved back to the UK, I had to concentrate very hard to stop my voice from rising at the end of every sentence. My university nickname was "skippy" so it wasn't hugely successful at the beginning!

2007-11-12 9:51 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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Reading, Berkshire (UK)
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

Just wanted to have a small boast of my own. I've just run for 9 whole minutes without stopping (except twice for traffic!) which is the furthest I've run since before I was pregnant.

And I don't think there was too much shuffle in there either. I kept thinking "Judi thoughts" and it seemed to work.

Next major milestone - I'm going swimming tonight, with a local tri club - which is doubly daunting.

2007-11-12 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1048788

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
TriAya - 2007-11-11 10:35 PM

Andrew, I have a job for you!

Because of your eloquence, careful explanations, and lovely Diderot signature line, you are:

Corporal Quotes of the Hard Core Tri Corps!

Whenever the urge hits, drop us a quote you like, or something you say to yourself as you're trying to get up a steep hill, or anything pithy.

Way to jump into the team with a bang!

Woo-hoo a promotion!
I'm not sure if it would be appropriate to post what I say to myself to get up a hill though
Haha, I usually pick a very emotionally charged word or short phrase that I just repeat to myself over and over again as I grind my teeth and try to fight through the burning in my legs.

Nothing gets you up a hill faster than love, hate, or pure determination.

Side note, is there somehwere I can get a list of the code tags that let you format your text, like making things bold, colors, or smily faces?


2007-11-12 11:41 AM
in reply to: #1048719

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
ACGRAY22 - 2007-11-12 12:50 AM

gillyfev - 2007-11-11 10:10 AM

OK very quick post in between bath-time (DD) and dinner (mine!). Sounds like lots of people have had an amazing weekend - way to go Yanti and Judi.

But in between all the cheering, I have two burning questions. What does DAYUM stand for and what is a hash race???

There is an international organization called the Hash House Harriers and they have lots of little clubs all over the world. Their famouse quote is that they are a "Drinking club with a running problem." Basically they get together every now and then for a hash run where they get a some people aka the "hares" to plot out a course that they mark with flower and the rest of the group has to run the path. Along the way they have check points where you have to drink beer. When you finish you have a little party and drink more.

Wow - Sounds like a fun group!

I can just picture the end of the run, where everyone is weaving around. LOL

I live in such a boring place....
2007-11-12 11:43 AM
in reply to: #1049215

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
ACGRAY22 - 2007-11-12 12:12 PM

Side note, is there somehwere I can get a list of the code tags that let you format your text, like making things bold, colors, or smily faces?


There may be an easier way, but I just use HTML.

Here's a good tutorial:

And here's a quick summary: I disabled HTML for this, so you can see what I'm doing.

To change color:
<font color="red"> type your text here </font>

If you dont want red, put whatever color you do want. (blue, green, etc.)

The first part starts the command. (Color in this case.). The second part, with the backslash ends the command.

If you want bold:
<b> This text would be bold. </b>

To underline text:
<u> This would be underlined. </u>

Hope that helps get you started!
2007-11-12 11:44 AM
in reply to: #1049274

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

And here is the exact same post, but with HTML enabled, so you can see what it looks like:

Here's a good tutorial:

And here's a quick summary:

To change color:
type your text here

If you dont want red, put whatever color you do want. (blue, green, etc.)

The first part starts the command. (Color in this case.). The second part, with the backslash ends the command.

If you want bold:
This text would be bold.

To underline text:
This would be underlined.

Hope that helps get you started!

Edited by D001 2007-11-12 11:45 AM
2007-11-12 11:47 AM
in reply to: #1049215

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
ACGRAY22 - 2007-11-12 12:12 PM

TriAya - 2007-11-11 10:35 PM

Andrew, I have a job for you!

Because of your eloquence, careful explanations, and lovely Diderot signature line, you are:

Corporal Quotes of the Hard Core Tri Corps!

Whenever the urge hits, drop us a quote you like, or something you say to yourself as you're trying to get up a steep hill, or anything pithy.

Way to jump into the team with a bang!

Nothing gets you up a hill faster than love, hate, or pure determination.



That is a great first quote.

(It should actually get put into the BT list of quotes.)

2007-11-12 11:50 AM
in reply to: #1048598

New user

Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
Uuuuuuugh! I gained five pounds and have been sick Friday through Monday. I am feeling better today and should be back up and running Tuesday. It is helpful to have someone checking in on me because I "QUIT" last week because I was so discouraged. I am better now.


2007-11-12 12:48 PM
in reply to: #1049289

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
cleavitt - 2007-11-12 9:50 AM

Uuuuuuugh! I gained five pounds and have been sick Friday through Monday. I am feeling better today and should be back up and running Tuesday. It is helpful to have someone checking in on me because I "QUIT" last week because I was so discouraged. I am better now.


Don't get discouraged, your bodyweight is going to fluctuate, even during the course of a day, plus if you were sick that will be a bit of a setback also. My weight can change as much as 5 lbs over a day just from hydration levels, when I eat etc. When you start training sometimes you put on some muscle mass also which can temporarily up your bodyweight. Make sure you are keeping a healthy diet and keep at the training, you will start to see results!
2007-11-12 1:31 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

Hi everybody! It's great to see Cindy checking in, that's her job after all, and being so honest with us. Andrew--way to get started with your inspirational job of Corporal Quotes!

Congrats to Judi for a great weekend race, and to everyone for putting effort into your training.

As all of you know, I have been Sergeant Doberman and dropped by your logs! Here's the down 'n' dirty: as of 11/11/07 (that's Sunday), the challenge is 37% over. So you should be roughly 1/3 of the way through your goals ... so you know what you need to do if you're behind!

Ramp up, but do a bit more at a time every day--no need to load up or panic! There's still 19 gorgeous training days left in November. Gorgeous is what you make of it, has nothing to do with the weather!

Thank you everyone--get out there and TRAIN GORGEOUS!

2007-11-12 1:52 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
Great to see you checking in, Cindy! I'm really sorry to hear you've been sick though. Hopefully you'll be feeling back to your normal wonderful self soon.

Andrew - the board here also uses MBBS code. When you are in the compose box, there's a link over on the left that says "MBBS Code: Yes" that you can click which shows you those options. I'll put them here as well for you:

Of course, I think sarcasm is my favorite.

Any of the emoticon use you see other than the typical blue guys like and
are all inserted using the img tag either by MBBS code or HTML.

Hope that helps!
2007-11-12 3:02 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

Hi everybody, just checking in.  I just got back from a run with my 10 year old.  He, my sister and myself are doing a 5k on Thanksgiving morning.  It will be the first race we've ever done together, so I'm excited. 

This challenge is just what I needed, because I really think I would have spent alot more time on the couach this month without it.  I'm 45% of the way to my goal, so am thinking I might actually surpass it.  That would be very cool, since I HATED running before I started tri's and don't really think of myself as a runner now.  The funniest part of this all is that I'm planning a 1/2 mary in the spring and depending on how that goes a marathon in the fall of 09.  YIKES! Why would I call that funny?????

2007-11-12 3:21 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
Hi all!

Wow I got several pages behind in this thread by not checking it over the weekend! Zoinks.

As of today I've swum (swam?) 10,450 yds of my goal of 15,000. I'm kinda front-loading it this month since next week I'll be traveling for work and then it's Thanksgiving, so I suspect I won't be doing as much swimming next week. Nonetheless, I expect to MORE than complete that goal. I'm surprising even myself with the amount of time I've spent in the pool this month. Good thing next month is a swim challenge!

As far as my ITBS status...well. It hasn't improved one lick in the past few weeks, unfortunately. Tomorrow I re-visit the ortho to see what happens next.

Anyway...looks like everyone's doing a bang-up job of training and supporting each other this month! Keep up the great work, everyone!

2007-11-12 7:36 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

here to say I hated my job today...let's just say intubating a known noncompliant cretin who self extubated (despite restraints) and managed to maintain his airway maybe another hour before reintubating and CODING, vomiting blood all over my favorite shirt (threw it out, he was hepatitis positive) then being forced to stat because the ER was insane and I was on call really sucked.  I haven't eaten since breakfast other than a small yogurt right before the cretin arrived and a peanutbutter apple around 5.  came home to find my kids played hairdresser ad the younger one had a comb so twisted in the older one's LONG, FINE hair that it nearly required an emergency call to a hairdresser. I got the mess untangled... thanks for letting me fuss about the horrors of being an ERRN

No, I don't have a yoga goal because I really don't enjoy it.  Pilates or stability ball workouts are the goals.  My push up goal is more than 30/min FROM  THE TOES which  I met (35 last Sunday).  Planks are to be held over 30 or 45 seconds depending on the type

2007-11-12 8:31 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Supersonicus Idioticus
Thunder Bay, ON
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
As the minister of impossible missions, I have the following file:

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to do a double or a brick within the next week. (That means two workouts in one day). I will do my next Wednesday, but you can plan yours whenever.

This message will self destruct in 5, 4, 3...
2007-11-12 8:34 PM
in reply to: #1050165

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

So Fresh So Clean - 2007-11-12 8:31 PM As the minister of impossible missions, I have the following file: Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to do a double or a brick within the next week. (That means two workouts in one day). I will do my next Wednesday, but you can plan yours whenever. This message will self destruct in 5, 4, 3...

My swim is on for the morning, if the hip flexor handles it "I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike..." (who besides me is old enough to remember Queen when that song came out?)

2007-11-12 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1050176

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Supersonicus Idioticus
Thunder Bay, ON
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
zipp1 - 2007-11-12 9:34 PM

So Fresh So Clean - 2007-11-12 8:31 PM As the minister of impossible missions, I have the following file: Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to do a double or a brick within the next week. (That means two workouts in one day). I will do my next Wednesday, but you can plan yours whenever. This message will self destruct in 5, 4, 3...

My swim is on for the morning, if the hip flexor handles it "I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike..." (who besides me is old enough to remember Queen when that song came out?)

Remembering that song is better than the backstreet boys songs that I will remember when I turn your age ~shudder~
2007-11-12 8:59 PM
in reply to: #1050053

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
zipp1 - 2007-11-12 8:36 PM

here to say I hated my job today...let's just say intubating a known noncompliant cretin who self extubated (despite restraints) and managed to maintain his airway maybe another hour before reintubating and CODING, vomiting blood all over my favorite shirt (threw it out, he was hepatitis positive) then being forced to stat because the ER was insane and I was on call really sucked. I haven't eaten since breakfast other than a small yogurt right before the cretin arrived and a peanutbutter apple around 5. came home to find my kids played hairdresser ad the younger one had a comb so twisted in the older one's LONG, FINE hair that it nearly required an emergency call to a hairdresser. I got the mess untangled... thanks for letting me fuss about the horrors of being an ERRN

No, I don't have a yoga goal because I really don't enjoy it. Pilates or stability ball workouts are the goals. My push up goal is more than 30/min FROM THE TOES which I met (35 last Sunday). Planks are to be held over 30 or 45 seconds depending on the type

Um. I hadn't been impressed with my day... However.... Your day was FAR worse than mine. Ewww!

Hope it gets better tomorrow! (Put it this way - it probably can't get worse, right? LOL)

2007-11-12 10:22 PM
in reply to: #1050176

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
zipp1 - 2007-11-12 6:34 PM

"I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike..." (who besides me is old enough to remember Queen when that song came out?)

I remember it, Judi! I even had the pleasure of seeing them in concert once.
2007-11-13 6:24 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
I remember....wow that was a long time ago!
2007-11-13 7:58 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

Hey gang, we're really at a low percentage of those goals.  I know w all have issues related to ou health/families/jobs going on so let's get motivated and MOVING in a forward progression towards those goals.

Melissa, I wish those 5-10 minutes of chest compressions could count toward the push up goal, my shoulders HURT all night from that--mama never even broke a sweat, just kept on compressing except when the tube was actuallybeing passed...

2007-11-13 11:13 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
Hi everyone! I had a lovely weekend. In my opinion there are not enough 3-day weekends in the year. It's kind of hard for me to stay off the computer and "chat" with you all

It's so great to see so many posts. I'm thrilled to see Cindy posting but am sorry to see you've been ill

This weekend DH and I joined 24 Hour Fitness. This is a huge step for both of us. I asked a ton of questions and I think the guy talking to us was ready to see us leave! LOL The biggest holdup on this was the initial fee and what would happen if DH is sent to Iraq or gets orders to a place that doesn't have a club. Since it was Veteran's weekend we didn't have to pay any initial fee and if DH is sent to Iraq they'll freeze his account but I get to keep going at my lower monthly fee. Plus the real winner to us is they have a 24 hour saltwater pool. I was ready to jump in that minute! So, we're now members of our very first "country" club and now I just need to find a workout partner if DH is sent away.

My heel is back killing me again and I bought some innersoles for my other shoes, so I'm hoping that will fix the problem, since I can't walk around in my running shoes all day long. 9 days until my first race. Gotta stay healthy.
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