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2011-07-24 4:23 PM
in reply to: #3612415

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Terps421 - 2011-07-24 4:28 PM We had a great day at Hagerstown today. My daughter Katie did her 1st tri and kicked some butt on an $85 Walmart special we got her for Christmas. Anyway, she was 2nd in her AG of 15-19 and had a really competitive time too. Sucked for me not to race it like I was supposed to, but I was very proud of her. I will be out of commission from running ect. for 4-6 wks. due to a broken foot

Glad for Katie, sad for you. Heal up quick!

2011-07-24 4:49 PM
in reply to: #3612398

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
badgerintx - 2011-07-24 3:14 PM
mighty mom - 2011-07-24 10:01 AM   Thanks all for the advice and tips!  Super helpful.  I tried out a walk/run strategy (run 1 mi/walk 30") and it definitely helped me keep my pace longer.

I took my new wheels out yesterday morning.  Holy smokes, what a difference!  Only problem is the saddle.  Everything was fine til around mi 28 but from there I couldnt' sit without readjusting every 60 seconds or so.  Super uncomfortable and even had some lower pelvic pain yesterday afternoon.  So, I need to find a new saddle.  How does one go about doing that?  Is it just trial and error?   

I will put my @.02.  My coach's execution plan has you walk the last 'station' at each Aid stop at any distance HIM and higher.  So, if there are 3 stations at a stop, you run to the last one and walk until you have drank your water, put ice in those private cooling areas, etc.  Gives you about a 30" walk at set locations on the course and gives you a couple of those .... I am gonna run until (blank) answers.  (you will understand that more at about mile 8!)  I changed my plan and walked the entire Aid Stations during the Racine 70.3 but it was 428 degrees with 300% humidity that day!  

Saddle issues, that's really personal choice.  I ride 2 different models of Adamo on my TT bike (Race Model) and my Road bike (Peloton Model) after much trial and error.  I will also suggest you reach out to Minnow, I know she had an entire stable of saddles that she tried before she found that worked for her, maybe she Paul would work a deal out with you to get them outta the house.  Or another option is to find a LBS that has a quick seat release post and set up an appointment to go ride on their trainer for a couple of hours on several different test saddles.  

John had some great advice earlier.  The only thing I will add is to concentrate what you can control.  Forget about the rest! Oh, and learn to love 4:30 am! 

Dino is right.  I have a stable of saddles some of which are unused that I would love to sell.  My best advice is to go to a LBS with your bike and have them set you up on a trainer testing each one.  By the way, are you sure you are set up correctly on the saddle you have? maybe start there with the LBS.   My LBS let me go home and test the saddle. I actually rode it for IM before getting my own.  I have this SMP and love it.  Course it doesn't mean it's right for you.

After testing if you should decide to settle on a Terry Butterfly (black or white--brand new) or a Cobb V Flow (brand new), I have those and will sell them very reasonably just to get them out of our house before we move.

2011-07-24 5:43 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed


2011-07-24 6:05 PM
in reply to: #3612415

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Terps421 - 2011-07-24 6:28 PM We had a great day at Hagerstown today. My daughter Katie did her 1st tri and kicked some butt on an $85 Walmart special we got her for Christmas. Anyway, she was 2nd in her AG of 15-19 and had a really competitive time too. Sucked for me not to race it like I was supposed to, but I was very proud of her. I will be out of commission from running ect. for 4-6 wks. due to a broken foot

Yeah for Katie, but how did you end up breaking your foot?  Running?

2011-07-24 6:08 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Here is the latest update on the Principal I told you about that got hit...he is lucky to be alive but injured.

 Frank was in surgery for six hours yesterday. The surgery was successful. He had 2 pins put in his arm, and his arm is now in traction. He had 3 plates and screws put in his face, and his jaw (which was also broken) is wired shut. He also has a broken foot. He is in Room 10 on the 4th floor of the University of Maryland Shock Trauma. It looks like he might go home tomorrow. His jaw will be wired shut for about 3 weeks.

2011-07-24 6:57 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Just to piggyback John's post...woke up at 5:00 am to eat breakfast, took Ripley for her hour long walk, loaded up the car, left the house at 7:30 to my ride start, 120 miles and 2 bathroom stops later, the drive home and I am sitting in an ice bath. By the time I shower, 12 hours will have passed since I woke up! Yes, peeps, big time commitment. I know what I signed up for...I can't imagine those of you with little ones! Truly amazing...oh and today I was cursing my saddle too...Suzy?????

2011-07-24 7:06 PM
in reply to: #3612564

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

kt65 - 2011-07-24 7:57 PM Just to piggyback John's post...woke up at 5:00 am to eat breakfast, took Ripley for her hour long walk, loaded up the car, left the house at 7:30 to my ride start, 120 miles and 2 bathroom stops later, the drive home and I am sitting in an ice bath. By the time I shower, 12 hours will have passed since I woke up! Yes, peeps, big time commitment. I know what I signed up for...I can't imagine those of you with little ones! Truly amazing...oh and today I was cursing my saddle too...Suzy?????


One word...WOW!!! Kim great ride!

2011-07-24 7:20 PM
in reply to: #3612571

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Terps421 - 2011-07-24 5:06 PM

kt65 - 2011-07-24 7:57 PM Just to piggyback John's post...woke up at 5:00 am to eat breakfast, took Ripley for her hour long walk, loaded up the car, left the house at 7:30 to my ride start, 120 miles and 2 bathroom stops later, the drive home and I am sitting in an ice bath. By the time I shower, 12 hours will have passed since I woke up! Yes, peeps, big time commitment. I know what I signed up for...I can't imagine those of you with little ones! Truly amazing...oh and today I was cursing my saddle too...Suzy?????


One word...WOW!!! Kim great ride!

Thanks, Linda...I am glad your principal is on the mend. You take care of that foot now.
2011-07-24 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3612564

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

kt65 - 2011-07-24 7:57 PM Just to piggyback John's post...woke up at 5:00 am to eat breakfast, took Ripley for her hour long walk, loaded up the car, left the house at 7:30 to my ride start, 120 miles and 2 bathroom stops later, the drive home and I am sitting in an ice bath. By the time I shower, 12 hours will have passed since I woke up! Yes, peeps, big time commitment. I know what I signed up for...I can't imagine those of you with little ones! Truly amazing...oh and today I was cursing my saddle too...Suzy?????

one word... PFFFFFT!  


awesome day kim!!! 

2011-07-24 8:39 PM
in reply to: #3612564

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

kt65 - 2011-07-24 6:57 PM Just to piggyback John's post...woke up at 5:00 am to eat breakfast, took Ripley for her hour long walk, loaded up the car, left the house at 7:30 to my ride start, 120 miles and 2 bathroom stops later, the drive home and I am sitting in an ice bath. By the time I shower, 12 hours will have passed since I woke up! Yes, peeps, big time commitment. I know what I signed up for...I can't imagine those of you with little ones! Truly amazing...oh and today I was cursing my saddle too...Suzy?????

Been there!  So, what have you done differently besides ride longer? more time in aero? less?  If it is an issue, slide on over to your LBS and test out a bunch.  You still have time if you need to make a switch. It was about this time I moved to the SMP.  For me, it was constant change from aero to upright because of all the hill climbing I was doing (and you will do on the IM WI course).  Nose of the saddle was too wide to accomodate the shift. 

Good job on the ride.  Only one more of those in the plan! or at least that's my guess.

2011-07-24 8:43 PM
in reply to: #3612662

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-07-24 6:38 PM

kt65 - 2011-07-24 7:57 PM Just to piggyback John's post...woke up at 5:00 am to eat breakfast, took Ripley for her hour long walk, loaded up the car, left the house at 7:30 to my ride start, 120 miles and 2 bathroom stops later, the drive home and I am sitting in an ice bath. By the time I shower, 12 hours will have passed since I woke up! Yes, peeps, big time commitment. I know what I signed up for...I can't imagine those of you with little ones! Truly amazing...oh and today I was cursing my saddle too...Suzy?????

one word... PFFFFFT!  


awesome day kim!!! 

Mlylt, wor TEEP! No flats, no pffft!

2011-07-24 8:53 PM
in reply to: #3612415

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Terps421 - 2011-07-24 4:28 PM We had a great day at Hagerstown today. My daughter Katie did her 1st tri and kicked some butt on an $85 Walmart special we got her for Christmas. Anyway, she was 2nd in her AG of 15-19 and had a really competitive time too. Sucked for me not to race it like I was supposed to, but I was very proud of her. I will be out of commission from running ect. for 4-6 wks. due to a broken foot

latex tubes would have gotten her first.  and the chick that beat her threw down a 7:10 pace on the run... wtf!?! congrats to katie!!!!   and glad principle frank is one the mend.  sounds like he's gonna be sore. 

2011-07-24 8:58 PM
in reply to: #3612664

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-07-24 6:39 PM

kt65 - 2011-07-24 6:57 PM Just to piggyback John's post...woke up at 5:00 am to eat breakfast, took Ripley for her hour long walk, loaded up the car, left the house at 7:30 to my ride start, 120 miles and 2 bathroom stops later, the drive home and I am sitting in an ice bath. By the time I shower, 12 hours will have passed since I woke up! Yes, peeps, big time commitment. I know what I signed up for...I can't imagine those of you with little ones! Truly amazing...oh and today I was cursing my saddle too...Suzy?????

Been there!  So, what have you done differently besides ride longer? more time in aero? less?  If it is an issue, slide on over to your LBS and test out a bunch.  You still have time if you need to make a switch. It was about this time I moved to the SMP.  For me, it was constant change from aero to upright because of all the hill climbing I was doing (and you will do on the IM WI course).  Nose of the saddle was too wide to accomodate the shift. 

Good job on the ride.  Only one more of those in the plan! or at least that's my guess.

I bet that's it. It was mildly bothering me on the last long ride but I thought it was cuz I forgot to reapply assos at the halfway point...but like clockwork at about mile 80, omg, the agony! I will check in with my bike guys this week.....aiyah.
2011-07-24 9:01 PM
in reply to: #3612675

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Dang it, my post got lost. Trying again:

Brent - I'm curious to see what happens with your new LT test. Please keep us posted!

Linda - Thanks for the update on the principal. I'm relieved that he'll be okay and didn't have a head injury. And I'm so bummed for you that you'll be sidelined from running for so long. I know that will be tough - hang in there! Congrats to Katie on her awesome first tri!

Kim - 120 miles. You're amazing. And Ripley is a lucky dog to get an hour long walk every day!

John - Great post on IM training and time. I'll chime in to say that I felt maxed out by HIM training, especially once summer break started. I've found that I can fit shorter workouts (an hour or less) into my work and family schedule, but when the individual workouts get longer (1.5 hours or more), it's harder to fit them in without cutting into family time. I'm glad I did my HIMs this season, but it's a relief to get back to shorter distances. If I do an HIM next season, it will have to be early so I can fit the training in during the school year - and so it's less likely to be ridiculously hot on race day!

2011-07-24 9:04 PM
in reply to: #3612692

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
gotta run - 2011-07-24 10:01 PM

Dang it, my post got lost. Trying again:

Brent - I'm curious to see what happens with your new LT test. Please keep us posted!

Linda - Thanks for the update on the principal. I'm relieved that he'll be okay and didn't have a head injury. And I'm so bummed for you that you'll be sidelined from running for so long. I know that will be tough - hang in there! Congrats to Katie on her awesome first tri!

Kim - 120 miles. You're amazing. And Ripley is a lucky dog to get an hour long walk every day!

John - Great post on IM training and time. I'll chime in to say that I felt maxed out by HIM training, especially once summer break started. I've found that I can fit shorter workouts (an hour or less) into my work and family schedule, but when the individual workouts get longer (1.5 hours or more), it's harder to fit them in without cutting into family time. I'm glad I did my HIMs this season, but it's a relief to get back to shorter distances. If I do an HIM next season, it will have to be early so I can fit the training in during the school year - and so it's less likely to be ridiculously hot on race day!

wait, what.  


i think i'm off for another beer.

2011-07-24 11:13 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Yes I am still alive I am well into my training for my Sept HIM race and have been watching my son at his swim meets by the time I log my workouts I am exhausted so I just turn off the computer and go to bed.

I hope everyone is doing well  and enjoying this heat as much as I am. (hahaha)

2011-07-25 5:24 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

My RR from July 17 is finally up:

I know that I completely Georged it, but it took them a week to publish the race results.  Believe it or not, I found a race that does not use timing chips.

2011-07-25 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3612385

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

John- THANK YOU for that.  It is definitely difficult navigating b/w training and the kids even now and especially since my husband has an unpredictable work schedule including lots of travel.  Thankfully he is incredibly supportive of my training but it's tough on the kids. They complain as soon as they see me in my gear.  Maybe I need to be more creative.  Maybe I need a better routine.  Maybe I'm just not that committed.  Eh, that's life for me right now.

I'm not making any decisions on tackling a 140.6 yet but this HIM experience has changed my thinking about what time of year I might take it on.  Like Julia, IM/HIM training over the summer vacation months might not be ideal for us.

Ha!  I am glad I am not looking at other people's logs making comparisons.  If I've learned anything here at BT/in triathlon it's you're running your own race.  This HIM is purely an accomplishment for myself just in the doing.  I won't hit my original goal and I am A-O-K with that.  I will admit that I've probably read just about every Timberman race report that is published on BT... to get a flavor of what to expect.  It's not helping calm my nerves any but I am feeling more and more confident in my training.  Whatever happens, I am happy with the journey; at least so far.

Edited by mighty mom 2011-07-25 8:25 AM
2011-07-25 8:24 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Dino- thanks for your $.02.  I was reading a thread over in the Iron Distance Forum and Kathy posted an EN (I think) article about that exact strategy. I tried mimicking that run/walk timing in my long run yesterday and it absolutely helped me keep my pace better.  I will be doing that come race day. BTW, I'm pretty certain I will be going at a glacial pace out of T2.  All of my running these days is glacial pace and I'm ok with that right now.

Re: saddles, I brought my new bike into my fitter last Thursday afternoon and he made the necessary adjustments for me.  I trust him.  He used to race Pro and was recommended by Jorge (here on BT) and many other BTers. We didn't change the seat but that was a point of discussion b/c we had a difficult time finding the right one during my fitting back in Jan.  Thing is even the one we ended on we weren't convinced that it was right and he didn't have a ton to try out.  :sigh: I'll give him a call and see what he thinks.  I think Suzy might have some luck gettting rid of a saddle soon.

Kim- I have to say you just scared the crap out of me with your 12 hr/120 mi training day.  MEGA kudos to you!

Linda- Sorry to hear about your foot.  Congrats to your daughter!  Amazing first race!

2011-07-25 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3612532

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Terps421 - 2011-07-24 7:08 PM

Here is the latest update on the Principal I told you about that got hit...he is lucky to be alive but injured.

 Frank was in surgery for six hours yesterday. The surgery was successful. He had 2 pins put in his arm, and his arm is now in traction. He had 3 plates and screws put in his face, and his jaw (which was also broken) is wired shut. He also has a broken foot. He is in Room 10 on the 4th floor of the University of Maryland Shock Trauma. It looks like he might go home tomorrow. His jaw will be wired shut for about 3 weeks.

Oh Linda, I've thought about him on every ride since his accident--especially as I roll through the intersections.  It would be so easy to make a mistake like that.  I'm glad he is recovering.

Sorry to hear about your foot.  More details . . .  where is the break?  How did it happen?  Sending speedy healing vibes your way.

P.S. When does school start?  Aug. 15th for me.

2011-07-25 11:16 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

I tried posting this yesterday and it bombed out so let me try again.

In regards to Dino's comment about going to the tail end of the aid stations to save time.  You can't do that in all races.  IM WI is set up so that coke might be first, followed by sponges and then water and then way down the line ice.  If you run to the end you are hosed if you're looking for something besides ice.  My advice is to know what you want and start yelling it.  Someone always points to the correct location.  For IM WI, I always wanted water and ice and occasionally a sponge.  It was three separate areas, but it really didn't take that long.  I got all three, took a few swigs of water, threw the ice down my spors bra and I was off.   Flying through the aid stations in longer distance racing isn't worth it IMO.

2011-07-25 12:17 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Back from camp. What an amazing experience. Timing was great. Was starting to fell a little 'blah' about training. Had a great group bonding weekend. ~17hrs of s/b/r with 2hrs of yoga thrown in.

34 days to IMC!!!!

2011-07-25 1:11 PM
in reply to: #3612860

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
dcon - 2011-07-25 6:24 AM

My RR from July 17 is finally up:

I know that I completely Georged it, but it took them a week to publish the race results.  Believe it or not, I found a race that does not use timing chips.

Thanks for making me look like I have Suzy speed at posting RRs!  You may have just created a new MG verb...

2011-07-25 1:56 PM
in reply to: #3613583

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
TrevorC - 2011-07-25 1:17 PM

Back from camp. What an amazing experience. Timing was great. Was starting to fell a little 'blah' about training. Had a great group bonding weekend. ~17hrs of s/b/r with 2hrs of yoga thrown in.

34 days to IMC!!!!


That sounds like so much fun. Nice work, Trevor! I hope you have some recovery lined up this week.

2011-07-25 2:14 PM
in reply to: #3613817

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
gotta run - 2011-07-25 1:56 PM
TrevorC - 2011-07-25 1:17 PM

Back from camp. What an amazing experience. Timing was great. Was starting to fell a little 'blah' about training. Had a great group bonding weekend. ~17hrs of s/b/r with 2hrs of yoga thrown in.

34 days to IMC!!!!

Only 34 days?  holy cow!  I'm not doing the math on how many days that leaves Kim or me.  And don't you do it either.

Glad you got the training pop you needed.  Always good to have it, especially when tapering isn't all the far away. gulp!


Edited by SSMinnow 2011-07-25 2:28 PM
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