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2008-06-24 9:01 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Caius - training question.

I managed to improve all my times in the last race, and was happy with it. I think I did as well as I could hope for on the swim, and the only thing that held me back on the run was the stitch.

But on the bike I want to go faster 4 weeks from now. What's the best plan for me over the next month, with an expectation of being able to ride twice a week. One longer ride on weekends and maybe an 1.5 hour ride during the week?

Thanks for any advice.


2008-06-24 11:25 PM
in reply to: #1485860

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Hi everyone,

After a good workout yesterday I seem to have come down with the flu, I hate being sick when I'd rather be training.

Good luck Terry in your race, I am sure you will do great !

2008-06-25 7:25 AM
in reply to: #1488196

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
triidahogirl - 2008-06-25 12:25 AM

Hi everyone,

After a good workout yesterday I seem to have come down with the flu, I hate being sick when I'd rather be training.

Good luck Terry in your race, I am sure you will do great !

Feel better soon kid.

2008-06-25 8:47 AM
in reply to: #1485871

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

squishybelly - 2008-06-24 10:01 AM But on the bike I want to go faster 4 weeks from now. What's the best plan for me over the next month, with an expectation of being able to ride twice a week. One longer ride on weekends and maybe an 1.5 hour ride during the week?

Good question. First off, congrats on the improvements. That is fantastic. It's amazing to see how our bodies are able to adapt and improve over time. There is so much potential in each of us it really is quite amazing. With that said, know that there will come a time where the level of improvement that you will see will start to slow down.

When you are out of shape (not saying that you were, just making a general comment) you will see improvements fairly quickly and they will be large. As you get fitter and fitter, improvements not only come at a slower pace but they are also smaller. All of this is to say that the training/performance graph is not a constant 45º line.

So you've got 4 weeks until your next event and about 2 rides planned per week -  8 rides in total over which you want to see some improvements. Any reality check alarms going off yet?   Okay well, all kidding aside, you can improve over that time but don't expect huge leaps; be realistic in your expectations.

Given the limited schedule, what I would do is to focus on rides that are 1.5-2x your race distance and just bump up the intensity to race pace or above. In addition, if possible, do your training rides on terrain that is as similar as possible to your next race and add a short 15-20min brick run to one of your rides.

This is race specific training as opposed to the general base training that one would normally do. What it will accomplish is to get your legs aclimitized to race-like terrain and race-like pace. In addition, the overdistance will build some good buffer into your reserves so that come race day you will have lots left in your legs when your actual bike is less than whan you had trained with.

Best of luck and of course let us know how you make out!

2008-06-25 12:19 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

One thing I want to practice over the next month or so is having my shoes already clipped into my pedals.  I can't do that at the XTERRA next weekend, due to the terrain.  But I have an A-race Oly in September that I'd like to practice the T1 heavily.  Soaking wet, walk my bike from the backyard to the front yard w/shoes clipped in, throw a leg over and start riding barefoot with my feet on top of my shoes and work my feet into my shoes as I ride.

Caius - Do you do that in your competitions and if so, how far do you usually go before you eventually get your feet into your shoes?  Or I presume it depends on how flat or hilly the course is.

2008-06-25 9:32 PM
in reply to: #1488630

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
caius - 2008-06-25 9:47 AM

So you've got 4 weeks until your next event and about 2 rides planned per week -  8 rides in total over which you want to see some improvements. Any reality check alarms going off yet?   Okay well, all kidding aside, you can improve over that time but don't expect huge leaps; be realistic in your expectations.

Point taken - just hoping for a little sercet, magic trick that no-one else knew about that would help me gain 2kmph. Doesn't hurt to ask right?

That said, I'm starting to play with the idea of adding in one more ride, maybe on lunch during the week. Time dictates that it would be shorter in distance, but would give me a little extra training.

Terry - I haven't tried getting into shoes already on pedals, but did pass one lady my first race who was fumbling around for at least 2 minutes trying to get her foot in. On the flip side I took my shoes out before T2 in the last race and definetly saved time.

Edited by squishybelly 2008-06-25 9:32 PM

2008-06-25 9:59 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Squishy, if you can squeeze in one more ride great! Even so, stick to the race specific training I was suggesting as opposed to adding a long ride. You've already got the distance (endurance) part down so now it's time to focus on speed.

Terry, nope, I still get off my bike first before I take off my shoes. Just haven't spent time practicing those move yet. To be honest, I'm afraid of falling off But when it's done right and at speed, damn does it ever look awesome!


2008-06-25 11:59 PM
in reply to: #1488468

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Invigilator - 2008-06-25 6:25 AM
triidahogirl - 2008-06-25 12:25 AM

Hi everyone,

After a good workout yesterday I seem to have come down with the flu, I hate being sick when I'd rather be training.

Good luck Terry in your race, I am sure you will do great !

Feel better soon kid.


Thanks,  I do feel better tonight, took the day off from work and rested.  Ready to get back to training now 

I will be taking a ride this weekend on the same course as my tri will be at next month. There is an 11% hill , 6 miles up and back down again. I have to admit I do not feel prepared for the race. I have mainly trained on flat ground and the decent at a higher speed has me nervous. Any advise , I could use it,  you guys are great..thanks !

2008-06-26 8:05 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
BRAKES!! I wouldn't worry about having to descend at a high rate of speed, just stick to the right hand side of the road, situp, use your brakes to get your speed where you want it and people will pass you on the left. No need whatsoever to put yourself outisde your own comfort zone - everyone knows to pass on the left.

That sounds like one heck of a climb though. Just remember to pace yourself as well, I think a lot of people blowup by riding too hard at the bottom of a hill. I tend to do fairly well going up, since I just find a pace that works for me, and ignore how fast/slow I'm going.

Caius - I'll try to ride at race pace, but last night ended up doing these 1km intervals (8 times), with a couple of other people. It really kicked my butt. I also enjoy geting out for a longish ride once a week, so what about the idea of riding a portion (i.e. 25-30km) at race pace and then just cruise for the remainder, or is that not such a good idea?

2008-06-26 8:23 AM
in reply to: #1490928

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

triidahogirl - 2008-06-26 12:59 AM There is an 11% hill , 6 miles up and back down again. I have to admit I do not feel prepared for the race. I have mainly trained on flat ground and the decent at a higher speed has me nervous. Any advise , I could use it,  you guys are great..thanks !

An 11% hill that lasts for 6 miles? Seriously? That sounds crazy. Are you sure it's not an 11% hill that's at the 6 mile point? That sounds more realistic. Even the steepest climb at Lake Placid is 8% and it's not even a half a mile long. Double check that as I think you may be scaring yourself for nothing.

Squishy is right on on his comments about riding right, sitting up with your hands on the brakes. The only other thing to add to that is that when going downhill more weight is put on the front wheel which unweights the rear making it squirly. Move your butt as far back as possible to shift the weight rearward making the bike more stable when braking. Also, remember to gently squeeze the brakes, don't squeeze them all hurky jerky like.

Edited by caius 2008-06-26 8:25 AM
2008-06-26 8:25 AM
in reply to: #1491186

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

squishybelly - 2008-06-26 9:05 AM Caius - I'll try to ride at race pace, but last night ended up doing these 1km intervals (8 times), with a couple of other people. It really kicked my butt. I also enjoy geting out for a longish ride once a week, so what about the idea of riding a portion (i.e. 25-30km) at race pace and then just cruise for the remainder, or is that not such a good idea?

Go for it! Remember we're all doing this for fun so if going out on long rides is what makes you happy, absolutely do that. Working some intervals in there is a good idea though. Enjoy!

2008-06-26 9:56 PM
in reply to: #1491245

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

thanks for the suggestions, I will check it the hill and let you know how  steep it is or isn't on Saturday. 


Have a good start to your weekend everyone !

2008-06-27 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Gloria - I'm blaming you, cause I'm sick. Felt fine for the swim yesterday, but got started to get a sore throat later in the day, sneezing, stuffy nose, etc. I kind of felt off the past couple of days, but it really hit me yesterday. Couldn't sleep well, and I'm a wimp when I get sick - hate it.

Today was a scheduled day off anyway, but I have a feeling I'll need to take tmorrow off as well.

Hope everyone is doing better than me!
2008-06-27 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
I think there's definitely something going around. Several people at work are sick. My daughter was sick this week and I'm feeling run down and slightly sniffley as well. Arggg...Gloria!!!
2008-06-27 12:06 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Anyone have a favorite brand of goggles?  I never thought about keeping an extra pair in my race bag - would hate to break a strap on a race morning! 

I've seen Barracuda brand advertised by Michellie Jones in Triathlete magazine and I'll check out their website.  They are supposed to be leakproof.  My Speedo brand leaks a lot if they aren't fitted just perfectly.

2008-06-27 12:43 PM
in reply to: #1494590

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
orange223 - 2008-06-27 1:06 PM

Anyone have a favorite brand of goggles?  I never thought about keeping an extra pair in my race bag - would hate to break a strap on a race morning! 

I've tried Speedo and Nike (can't remember the model type) but never found them to my liking. I've been using TYR Racetech Metallized ( for the past 3 years and have no complaints. Leakproof and long lasting. What wears out before the strap gives is the anti-fog (usually lasts about a year) but that's pretty normal.

Recently, I picked up a pair of Sable 101's ( after reading a glowing review on Slowtwich ( and hey, it's on the O list so you know... Yes, they are quite nice and the field of view and clarity really is noticeably better than regular goggles, but they're pricey. I guess we'll see how long they last. I mean if they last at least a year then that's pretty good considering the amount of times you use them.

2008-06-27 3:01 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Just wanted to say 'hi' and hope everyone feels better!  It's probably the heat outside combined with air conditioning...

I signed up for a tri in July and it is in 2 weeks!  I succombed to the mass e-mail I received this morning advertising a tri in a lake in a subdivision of Calgary that is not too far away.  So I signed up for the try-a-tri portion 375m swim, 10k bike, 2.5k run just to give me the chance to actually swim in a lake and cycle on the roads.  

We are going to some lakes for our holidays in August but they are glacial lakes and I'm not sure anyone swims in them (Waterton in Alberta, Lake Macdonald in Montana). 

Have a great weekend.




2008-06-27 3:52 PM
in reply to: #1494590

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
orange223 - 2008-06-27 1:06 PM

Anyone have a favorite brand of goggles?  I never thought about keeping an extra pair in my race bag - would hate to break a strap on a race morning! 

I've seen Barracuda brand advertised by Michellie Jones in Triathlete magazine and I'll check out their website.  They are supposed to be leakproof.  My Speedo brand leaks a lot if they aren't fitted just perfectly.

Terry - I bought a pair of the Barracuda's cause they seemed to be the only ones to really fit right in the store. I probably tried on 10 different pairs. First couple of times I swam in them they were awesome, but then something happened to the antifog - seemed to get gummed up and I had to wipe it off - and the goggles started to fog like crazy. Baby shampoo seemed to work for a few times, but it isn't producing the results any longer and my spit seems to be defective

I'm still wearing them cause I have zero leak problems, they're pretty comfortable, and I don't have marks under my eyes for 3 hours after getting out of the pool. But the fogging issue drives me nuts. Note - I haven't bought antifog, but have heard it's not really any good.

2008-06-27 8:07 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Hey Caius and Squish, thanks for the info.  There is a local swim shop that sells TYR (I've heard awesome things about their wetsuits!) and I may just order the $20 Barracudas with some extra anti-fog to go with it.  Thanks again!

go tracy!  Go Tracy!  GO TRACY!!   GO    TRACY!!!!!

Edited by orange223 2008-06-27 8:11 PM
2008-06-27 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1493990

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

squishybelly - 2008-06-27 7:45 AM Gloria - I'm blaming you, cause I'm sick. Felt fine for the swim yesterday, but got started to get a sore throat later in the day, sneezing, stuffy nose, etc. I kind of felt off the past couple of days, but it really hit me yesterday. Couldn't sleep well, and I'm a wimp when I get sick - hate it. Today was a scheduled day off anyway, but I have a feeling I'll need to take tmorrow off as well. Hope everyone is doing better than me!

So sorry I tried to keep my bug to myself but it must have slipped through the spaces between the keys and found you . Take tomorrow off and you will feel better.

I was back training today for another OWS. I got brave enough to put my head under the water and practice my stroke.  It went much better this time; I am going 2 more times next week too.

Go Tracy , that is cool you have another race, my next one is in 2 weeks also.

Ok.. all you sick people get better and have a good start to your weekend

2008-06-28 10:28 AM
in reply to: #1495761

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Aack!  A race in two weeks - what was I thinking!!  Normally I am a long term planning type of person.  Any suggestions on what type of wetsuit to rent or buy?  There are a couple of stores here that let you rent and then buy if you like it.  It will probably take me as long to get out of the suit as my swim takes.

Anyway, any suggestions for wetsuits are appreciated. 

PS - I see Terry recommends Tyr.  I was so mesmerized by my own name that I initially missed that!

Edited by tracyhmcd 2008-06-28 10:50 AM

2008-06-28 2:05 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Not being any type of expert on wetsuits - but I think it really comes down to fit, rather than cost. I tried on a $600 suit that didn't feel that great, and eventually purchased a used $200 suit that seems to do the trick just fine.

Torso is the key area for the fit - you don't want any ripples in the zipper, and the suit should be snug under your armpits. Doesn't really matter if it is short in the arms or legs (like mine), but again the torso should be snug - if it's too loose you'll just fill up with too much water. That $600 suit I tried on was definetly snug, but the collar wasn't comfortable around my neck.

There are tons of barnd names for suits - Orca, Nineteen, Blue Seventy, 2XU, etc. - they'll just all be a little different in fit and feel. Good luck shopping - oh, and remember, it's supposed to be tough to get it on. (Bodyglide certainly helps the on/off process)

2008-06-28 2:06 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Caius - saw that you bought a compact crank, I'm curious how that's working out for you?
2008-06-28 2:08 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Hi, Everyone!

Well I definately don't really know anything about wet suits - Sorry Tracy!

I have never bought the antifog stuff for swim goggles but I know you can "spit (just a little saliva will do)" in your goggles and that may do the trick. Let me know if it helps.

I have my FIRST Oly in 2 weeks!!! My orignal plan was to do a 1 week taper but because of my family trip that threw out some training I will be doing a 3 day taper (two of the three days I will be working). I swam 2 days this week and now have gotten my swim grove back!! I did a run on a treadmill Thursday and it really hurt! I wanted to quit 15min into my 1hour workout but I didn't & took it one set at a time.

I am taking my vitamins & resting when I can to help get my energy back. I also have been nursing on this GO Girl Energy drink for the last 3 days. (It has like 140mg of caffine - cola has like 50mg). I was scared to drink it all at once.

My goal time for my Oly is just finishing but I would like to be under 3hours 30min.

You all are doing great! Keep it up! Thanks for all your encouragement!
2008-06-28 3:07 PM
in reply to: #1496314

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

squishybelly - 2008-06-28 3:06 PM Caius - saw that you bought a compact crank, I'm curious how that's working out for you?

The crank is not a compact, it's a 53/39. What I did is switch my rear cassette from 11-23 to 12-27. I've only had two short 1hr rides on it so far. Hopefully it won't rain tomorrow and I'll have a chance to test it out on a good long ride.

From the limited riding I did, my feeling so far is meh. I really liked the feel of the 11-23 much better. The 12-27, while giving me some extra gears to spin up the hill on just doesn't feel as smooth.

With that said, I did it for IMLP and nothing else. The Lake Placid bike course has a total of 7800 feet of climbing and while I did ride the course 4 times on the 11-23 it sure would have been nice to have some extra gears. Anything I can do to save the legs a bit for the run is a good thing. So, even though I don't really like the gearing, I'm sure come race day I will be very greatful for it. Once IMLP and Muskoka 70.3 are done, I'm putting the 11-23 back.

Edited by caius 2008-06-28 3:09 PM
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