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2012-01-21 9:01 PM
in reply to: #4002938

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
RJ1363 - 2012-01-21 9:21 AM

It depends on where I am.  If I am at the Y I just listen to my ipod and watch the tv there. 

At home I have a lap top loaded with bike races/workouts from sufferfest.  The music on these videos are great, but I have to admit the guys that you are watching, chasing and riding with are even better!  These videos will work you out in an hour and really makes the trainer rides go by fast. 

I also do isolated leg training that works on smoothing out cadence.  Like Kathy stated, I also do increased RPMs for a workout...this breaks up the workout and gives you something to focus on.

Sufferfest fan here as well. They make trainer riding very interesting, and really work you out. I just did one today, and feel like jelly right now, but in a really good kind of way .

2012-01-22 7:41 AM
in reply to: #4003583

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Mike_D - 2012-01-20 6:25 PM

owl_girl - 2012-01-21 3:19 PM 2 hour 40 minute trainer ride DONE!!!!! Cool



Great job! How'd you get through it?

2012-01-22 7:45 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Alrighty Mike_D - I had a great long run yesterday with no pain in my foot.ankle - so I went ahead and signed up for my two first half of 2012 races - the Great Bay Half Marathon and Patriots HIM...and now the "Oh cr4p" feeling has kicked in. Here's to staying uninjured until the race is over!

Steffi - I agree..the idea of swimming outside when it's really cold is intriguing to me, but the thought of standing on the side right before getting in the water (or the scamper to the locker room after) is daunting to say the least. I'd like to try it though!

All the nutrition info is really helpful - please keep it coming. I too like the idea of applesauce as a pre-race meal. That's a good one.

Long ride on the trainer for me today - after taking the kidlets ice skating on a friend's pond. Should be a nice day!

2012-01-22 11:13 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

What's everyone doing today? Did you get snow and it is hard to get outside?

I'm going to the pool to do PT including some kicking then watching Patriot game. We live about 7-8 miles from stadium so it gets a bit nuts around here on the roads with all the game traffic.

2012-01-22 11:58 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
It's really super windy here.  Our electricity has been flickering all morning.  In about an hour, I'm heading out to do an 85 minute run.  Should be interesting.
2012-01-22 11:59 AM
in reply to: #4004138

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
itsallrelative_Maine - 2012-01-22 5:41 AM
Mike_D - 2012-01-20 6:25 PM

owl_girl - 2012-01-21 3:19 PM 2 hour 40 minute trainer ride DONE!!!!! Cool



Great job! How'd you get through it?

Thanks!  It wasn't that bad!  I watched a couple of things on Hulu.

2012-01-22 12:13 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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2012-01-22 12:30 PM
in reply to: #3972843

Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

I"m going for a run post Patriots game today, either to forget the disappointment or think happy things about the Super Bowl . Roads are mostly clear and run-able, but sidewalks are a mess. I'll be donned in all the lights & reflective gear I have.

Have to say the post trainer ride feeling last night was truly awesome. I want more

Good luck w/ the PT today, Kathy!  I grew up about 7 miles from the stadium, and agree on the game traffic, at least on 495. I was usually in it, though. Dad had season tickets from 1964-1988.

2012-01-22 12:43 PM
in reply to: #4004453

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2012-01-22 1:27 PM
in reply to: #4004369

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
KathyG - 2012-01-22 12:13 PM

What's everyone doing today? Did you get snow and it is hard to get outside?

I'm going to the pool to do PT including some kicking then watching Patriot game. We live about 7-8 miles from stadium so it gets a bit nuts around here on the roads with all the game traffic.

All the snow and ice that you folks on the north eastern seaboard received was just wicked, wicked, thunderstorms down south all day yesterday, but I did manage to squeeze in a little speedwork acclimation set yesterday at the track. It was great fun in the downpour - the turns were flooded so it was a little more like aqua jogging, actually. This morning I went on my first group ride in about 3 years an got my rear-end handed to me in the last 9 miles. I did WAY too much work at the front for about an hour and a half, and then lost focus while feeding and stretching for a moment and went off the back. Probably should have just rolled back to the grupetto, but the triathlete in me was happy to pace the group for a few more miles until I was COMPLETELY blown up. Brilliant. I need a nap.

2012-01-22 1:32 PM
in reply to: #4003366

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

owl_girl - 2012-01-21 3:19 PM 2 hour 40 minute trainer ride DONE!!!!! Cool

Awesome - 2:40 on the trainer is the equivalent of 3.5 on the road, btw - that is tough tough tough!

What is the prognosis on the flooded garage?

2012-01-22 1:33 PM
in reply to: #3972843

Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
I ran again this morning, last one of 3r3w - next week I'm up to 5r/2.5w!!! That made for 3 runs and a yoga class despite starting the week so poorly. I'll take it.

Been doing fairly well on the eating plan, too. I'm supposed to stick to 1200cal per day, and went over several days, but never more than 1600 or so total. Weigh in is Tuesday.

So, the plan for this coming week is to get all my runs in, yoga on Tuesday and Thursday, and add at least one strength session, swim, or bike. Anything else would be bonus.

Also, all your talk of trainer rides reminds me that I need to get mine back from my friend. I rarely use it, but it's so much quicker than driving to where it's safe to ride, riding, and driving home.

I lost my football heart when the Packers lost, deservedly so, but still :-(

Ready for a rocking week everyone?!?!?
2012-01-22 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3972843

Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

I am getting ready for week 2 of my trip.  Managed skiing one afternoon in Val d'Isere (and before you think, how hard can this trip be if she goes skiing, we were in scientific sessions from 8-11 and from 4pm to 8pm followed by company presentations and dinners till 11pm)  and towards the end of the week got in 3 runs and decent time on the elliptical.  One run went by Checkpoint Charlie so that was super special.  

Hope to ride the bike 2 times and run 3 times bf I head back stateside Thursday....  Luckily I am traveling by myself now; so no VPs or colleagues who want to go out and eat...  much better for my diet in general as well.


I am totally awestruck at 2,5 miles on the trainer...  AMAZING!


2012-01-22 3:02 PM
in reply to: #3972843

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Hi Everyone,

I can't believe the weekend is almost over. I am actually supposed to be OFF tomorrow but I have so much work in the office that I need to go in. Then I have one flight Tuesday night and back Wednesday morning and Thursday evening I am off to Germany until Tuesday morning for some recurrent ground training. That will be a long weekend and food wise it will definitely be a challenge!

I just got my schedule for next week and after 2 days of biking this weekend I have yet another bike ride tomorrow and my sit bones are so sore!! I really want to whine but I know I can't because I have to get the ride in as I won't have my bike with me next weekend.

I have been thinking a lot about the Abu Dhabi Race and about which distance I should take.

I think right now I have two options:

Participate and finish the longer distance (1500m/100K/10K)


Race and push myself on the shorter distance (750m/50K/5K)

What would you do? Right now I am leaning towards the sprint distance (although this means I am throwing 130$ out of the window as I can't change my entry and I need to register new) but that means I would not get to bike on the Formula 1 race track (the 50K bike does not make it there) which was one of the biggest reasons of doing the race.

With my weight right I would be at my lowest weight during a Triathlon and I still have 6 more weeks where I can loose weight so somehow I would like to see what I can do.....but have I mentioned the Formula 1 race track lol

Any advise from you guys would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

Hope you are all enjoying your Sunday

2012-01-22 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3972843

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Actually I had one more question for you guys:

I did a "sweat-rate" test today before and after my bike ride. Weighed in before then biked and afterwards weighed-in again and added the amount of water weight I drank and substracted the first number from that numer.

I was on the bike for 1hr 23min today and I lost a net rate of 0.4lbs of sweat! ?????

As an example my husband does this all the time and he did a 2hrs30min trainer ride today and his weight loss (~sweat rate) was a net rate of 10lbs during those 2:30!!!

I know I don't sweat a lot but this is ridiculous. On most shorter bikes when I drink about half a liter of water I gain weight during the ride! . How can that be?

And is there a way to increase sweating? Any ideas?


2012-01-22 3:30 PM
in reply to: #4004672

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Joblin - 2012-01-22 4:13 PM

Actually I had one more question for you guys:

I did a "sweat-rate" test today before and after my bike ride. Weighed in before then biked and afterwards weighed-in again and added the amount of water weight I drank and substracted the first number from that numer.

I was on the bike for 1hr 23min today and I lost a net rate of 0.4lbs of sweat! ?????

As an example my husband does this all the time and he did a 2hrs30min trainer ride today and his weight loss (~sweat rate) was a net rate of 10lbs during those 2:30!!!

I know I don't sweat a lot but this is ridiculous. On most shorter bikes when I drink about half a liter of water I gain weight during the ride! . How can that be?

And is there a way to increase sweating? Any ideas?


Steffi - train harder? Turn the heat up?

seriously I wouldn't worry too much about trying to sweat more (or less) - your body should know what it is doing relative to cooling itself. A good bit of current research shows there is not a 1:1 relationship between weight loss during exercise and fluid intake, BTW. Trying to balance those two things is a good way to wind up with hyponatremia, which is actually more frequent in endurance sports than dehydration, particularly with the us MOP/BOP folks. If you are interested in better info than me just saying so, I will post some links when I get in front of a real computer. This is important stuff, especially when taking on the Abu Dhabi long-course, which is what I would do if I were you. You know you really want to!

2012-01-22 3:36 PM
in reply to: #4004369

Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Just finished my 17.8 mile trainer ride while watching the local hero sufferfest.  This video worked me over.  The family thinks I need a shower...I sweat way too much now. 
2012-01-22 3:48 PM
in reply to: #4004672

Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up


I agree...don't worry about how much your sweating.  Your body will cool itself down...just stay hydrated and drink when you body needs it.

I didn't starting sweating at a disgusting rate until I returned from Iraq.  Let me tell you...I don't enjoy looking like the guys with sweat dripping from me, not to mention all the puddles around me.  I have to pace myself at drinking water and NUUN or I'd go through 40 oz between 40-45 mins....I've got to make it to a water point both in races as well as training.      

2012-01-22 3:54 PM
in reply to: #3972843

Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Steffi, my gut instinct is that you can push and do a great time at a shorter race near home.  Abu Dhabi is not just about testing yourself, it's the whole experience of being there and racing on that circuit.  It's such a long way from home and such a different environment and the F1 route is so much a part of the reason you are going.  Any way you can register for both and decide nearer the time?  We all have these doubts coming up to races and often we surprise ourselves with what we can do.
2012-01-22 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3972843

Lake Monticello, Virginia
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Busy day. Church, toy tractor and train show, swimming lessons. Just completed a rather leisurely ride through the rolling hills and sun drenched meadows of my workshop. Looking forward to a run and core work out tomorrow. Slowly my endurance and stamina are building. My goal for Feb is to be able to consistently run 5 miles and up 4x week, get back to the pool and increase trainer distance and time. Also, need to look back through these posts to find a workable trainer routine.
2012-01-22 9:09 PM
in reply to: #3972843

Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Tonight I rode my tri bike first time since surgery

Very pleased I could get on it, and even use my shoes and pedals with only minor discomfort.

Plus Patriots won and I drove our new Rav4 first time...all good stuff!

2012-01-22 9:13 PM
in reply to: #4005084

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
KathyG - 2012-01-22 10:09 PM

Tonight I rode my tri bike first time since surgery

Very pleased I could get on it, and even use my shoes and pedals with only minor discomfort.

Plus Patriots won and I drove our new Rav4 first time...all good stuff!

Kathy - that is a red letter day all around - congratulations!

The patriots made it a little too "exciting" there at the end though. Looks like SF and the Giants are trying to have an equally exciting game.

2012-01-22 9:22 PM
in reply to: #4004672

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Oh, and here is a great 3 part interview with Dr Mark Hetherington on marathon where he talks about endurance hydration, sweat rate, etc. Hetherington is a researcher at the University of Leeds (where he directs their acclimatization research), is himself an accomplished ultra runner, and has worked with many elite marathoners to prepare them for both the Athens and Beijing Olympics, among many others. The interview is spread over the 3 podcasts, #s 70, 71, and 72. To save you some time, you can hear each segment at 48:30, 50:20 and 05:50 respectively. I found it really informative and well worth a listen!
2012-01-22 9:50 PM
in reply to: #4005100

Lake Monticello, Virginia
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

TankBoy - 2012-01-22 9:22 PM Oh, and here is a great 3 part interview with Dr Mark Hetherington on marathon where he talks about endurance hydration, sweat rate, etc. Hetherington is a researcher at the University of Leeds (where he directs their acclimatization research), is himself an accomplished ultra runner, and has worked with many elite marathoners to prepare them for both the Athens and Beijing Olympics, among many others. The interview is spread over the 3 podcasts, #s 70, 71, and 72. To save you some time, you can hear each segment at 48:30, 50:20 and 05:50 respectively. I found it really informative and well worth a listen!

Thanks for the link Rusty. Just bookmarked it!

2012-01-23 12:18 AM
in reply to: #4004553

far northern CA
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
TankBoy - 2012-01-22 11:32 AM

owl_girl - 2012-01-21 3:19 PM 2 hour 40 minute trainer ride DONE!!!!! Cool

Awesome - 2:40 on the trainer is the equivalent of 3.5 on the road, btw - that is tough tough tough!

What is the prognosis on the flooded garage?

Yep!  Fun ride!  I'll do it again if I have to!

The garage is ok.  (Thanks for asking.)  Fortunately, the part that flooded (3 car detached garage) contained stored stuff/shhhhiiiiittttt that we had in plastic boxes.  Nothing was ruined.  Husband dug some emergency trenches to divert rainwater.  We live out in the boonies on some acreage without a paved driveway so we do what we can do.

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