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2014-06-09 1:19 PM
in reply to: badmo77a

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by badmo77a

Race report here:

However the run was a mess and I am now in massive pain from calf injuries (tears? cramps?).

Not dead last in my agegroup thanks to 2 DQs and one other first timer. About 230 in the event and all of them better than me. Just managed to beat the woman with an artificial limb.

Adrian - First and most importantly - CONGRATS! Sure, you might have to wait until your second race to get on a Wheaties box, but you did your best and learned a lot. As you progress in this sport, both your knowledge and training volume will build and everything will come easier. In fact, I'm sure there are things you learned from this race that will make a difference in your next one. When are you racing next?

Not sure about your calf pain. If it doesn't get better soon, go get it checked out. Until then, ice it, wrap it in an ace bandage, and keep it elevated.

As for the Gif - it would be more accurate if it showed a lion. You the man!

2014-06-09 1:49 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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St Catharines, Ontario
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by badmo77a

Race report here:

However the run was a mess and I am now in massive pain from calf injuries (tears? cramps?).

Not dead last in my agegroup thanks to 2 DQs and one other first timer. About 230 in the event and all of them better than me. Just managed to beat the woman with an artificial limb.

Adrian - First and most importantly - CONGRATS! Sure, you might have to wait until your second race to get on a Wheaties box, but you did your best and learned a lot. As you progress in this sport, both your knowledge and training volume will build and everything will come easier. In fact, I'm sure there are things you learned from this race that will make a difference in your next one. When are you racing next?

Not sure about your calf pain. If it doesn't get better soon, go get it checked out. Until then, ice it, wrap it in an ace bandage, and keep it elevated.

As for the Gif - it would be more accurate if it showed a lion. You the man!

Thanks! I do feel very pleased with myself despite seeing the gulf in distance between myself and the field. And despite how awful I look in the race pictures!!!

My hope is to go next to Grimsby on the 13th of July as it is a Sunday so my family could go with me. However it has a huge hill in it so I may chicken out :-)

The calf pain I am 99% is just overuse cramping. And will calm down. I have a 10k in two weeks and so will rehab gently to get out for that. I have been icing, stretching and rolling.

Post race re-hydration:

2014-06-09 1:55 PM
in reply to: badmo77a

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth just been crazy around here. Sounds like everyone is doing well and training hard.

I'm sitting at 10/28 and will be 11/28 tonight after swim.
2014-06-09 2:16 PM
in reply to: podemma

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by podemma

Originally posted by Omne38103  I also swam this morning, finally getting to 1000 yards straight! 

I hit 1000 yards straight for the first time this morning too.  It's a pretty good feeling!

Woohoo! Sup 1000 yard buddy!

Adrian, great job! A finish is a finish!
2014-06-09 3:57 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by Qua17

I've started doing OWS once a week with a group of Dads who live in my town. Today - we got to the reservoir at 5:45 and got to work. Swimming at sunrise is amazingly beautiful and peaceful - the way the sun hits the water - it's almost relaxing. I didn't push the pace but just enjoyed myself. Awesome. Then I got a two hour bike in this afternoon which wasn't so awesome with my wife getting more and more frustrated with my teen age son with every mile I rode. Midway through the ride - he got invited to a friends house for the weekend and I found myself standing on the side of the rode trying to work out the details with my wife. Not quite as peaceful! Luckily - the last half hour was interruption free and I was able to relax as I rode home. I had a Narragansett Shandy - which was only enjoyable due to the 2 hour bike ride. Beer like that isn't going to cut it.

Right now - my two biggest challenges are 1) I'm not doing the little things - like stretching and icing. And while I'm still able to train, I've got a hunch that skimping on things like that may wind up biting me in the a$$. And 2 - I'm eating soo poorly. I think today will be the first day in a week that I will finish under my calorie count. And while that is a victory, I need to have weeks of victories in order to drop the weight to make IMMT a little easier and more enjoyable. Those will be my goals for next week.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Though I have not done a OWS at dawn I do love those beautiful swims. Bit the bullet this weekend and did the drive up to Tahoe for the sole purpose of an OWS....totally worth the gas $$. Totally awesome underwater and above water views; worth the drive and gas. It was cold and though I packed my wet suit I chose not to use it. My legs really enjoyed the cold water. My feet did not...cramping! But other than that I had a lot of fun!
2014-06-09 4:16 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Check in & goals

Have not met my goals so still working on them:

Pack a lunch everyday
Hit all training
Yoga 3x (my arms are getting stronger which seems to help with the running; strange but true)
I heard someone say, you can't take out what you put in your body; she was speaking about junk food, that no matter how hard you exercise, once you eat all that stuff it is in there. That has helped me this week...most of the time, I still sometimes don't care.

Ran and swam. Had a nice steady run yesterday as my goal was not to walk. I wasn't fast...what? yes believe it or not I was slow buuuuut I also didn't walk and had enough to sprint at the end of the 5K. Boom!

Had a beautiful swim in Lake Tahoe this weekend. Wish I lived closer.

Making plans to drive from NV to MO in July. My M-I-L suffered a heart attack and stroke two weeks ago. She is doing fine and we thought it would be good to go see her. I know she would love to see her son!

That being said, training must be on point these next few weeks since I have an OLY the day after we get back. I can use that week as a taper week but I really need to get going. My speed is up my endurance is up just not to where I would like them to be.

Hold me to it guys!
No beer just wine last week. Ha an Ironstone table for $5.00...not bad for that price! Great with a week day dinner! I may go buy 6 more just to have wine around the house.

Take is calling me again! Geez!

2014-06-09 6:30 PM
in reply to: SportzVision

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

After a strong start last week was a bust for me training-wise while dealing with home repairs. Long story short, I have a functioning shower again with great water pressure!

On Saturday I managed a 4.5 mile run before walking in a 5k charity walk and today I put in 1000m in the pool. Back on track, however I may not hit the 28 workouts for the month unless I double up a bunch of days.

Beer report: Saint Archer makes a nice IPA and Green Flash's "30th Street Pale Ale" is very tasty.

2014-06-09 7:31 PM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802
6/28 today with a 31 minute run. Forced myself to slow down and run as close to a 10 minute mile as possible - I'm finding in my everyday runs/workouts I'm constantly pushing it and I think I'm fatiguing too much. I will say my "comfortable" runs are getting faster and faster which isn't bad.
Goals for this week: , SLEEP!!, and more focus on core workouts.

I just said this same thing on my way out for a run today - take it easy, no need to rush. I was hitting 9:30s on my last few runs and felt burnt by the end of 2-2.5. today I took it easy and finished 4.1 and felt strong and like I could have kept going. First time in three weeks that I felt pain free running.
--Im also trying to work on getting more sleep and consistently doing my core excercises!

OK, so Im still figuring out running. Im about a year in and I need some help. Sometimes after 1-2 miles I feel aweful, like I cannot go anymore. Then there is today and when I finished my plan I was jogging around the parking lot, because I felt so strong and good! It is now apparent that I have no clue!

^^yeah that's kind of a question?
  • ..
  • Next - what is this X/28 that everyone is posting. Is that the planned workouts for the month?

    Edited by Clarkey77 2014-06-09 7:32 PM
    2014-06-09 9:28 PM
    in reply to: Clarkey77

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    New Mexico
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
    Good evening all,
    I hope everyone is well. I have a quick question regarding bike vs tri shorts. I am looking to do some longer mileages on my bike right now, I am riding without bike shorts but haven't gone farther than 25 miles or so. I understand that for longer distances it is best to wear bike shorts with padding. I am working up to try and do a century by October. Also, I am signing up for a sprint tri in August and am wondering what you wear for the swim/bike/run if there is a difference in bike shorts and tri shorts. I am looking to not spend a huge amount of money so I am wondering if I buy bike shorts for my long rides if they will work for the tri. Or vise versa, if I buy tri shorts will they work for my long rides? Also, if you have any recommendations for more reasonably priced bike or tri shorts. Thanks!
    2014-06-10 8:08 AM
    in reply to: Clarkey77

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    St Catharines, Ontario
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
    Originally posted by Clarkey77

    Originally posted by aviatrix802
    6/28 today with a 31 minute run. Forced myself to slow down and run as close to a 10 minute mile as possible - I'm finding in my everyday runs/workouts I'm constantly pushing it and I think I'm fatiguing too much. I will say my "comfortable" runs are getting faster and faster which isn't bad.
    Goals for this week: , SLEEP!!, and more focus on core workouts.

    I just said this same thing on my way out for a run today - take it easy, no need to rush. I was hitting 9:30s on my last few runs and felt burnt by the end of 2-2.5. today I took it easy and finished 4.1 and felt strong and like I could have kept going. First time in three weeks that I felt pain free running.
    --I'm also trying to work on getting more sleep and consistently doing my core exercises!

    OK, so I'm still figuring out running. I'm about a year in and I need some help. Sometimes after 1-2 miles I feel awful, like I cannot go anymore. Then there is today and when I finished my plan I was jogging around the parking lot, because I felt so strong and good! It is now apparent that I have no clue!

    ^^yeah that's kind of a question?
  • ..
  • Next - what is this X/28 that everyone is posting. Is that the planned workouts for the month?


    Yes the x/28 is part of a 28 workout challenge in June for the mentor group. I think you can get the rules on page 11 of this thread. I am on 8/28 but am worried where my next workout is coming from as my legs are killing me from doing a sprint on the weekend and my local pool is closed for 17 days for maintenance.

    Regarding running. I have a very similar feeling. I often go out for 7 to 10 km runs and without doubt will feel like crap after about 3kms. This minor hump comes and goes and then I get settled.
    2014-06-10 8:11 AM
    in reply to: jlangene

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

    Originally posted by jlangene Good evening all, I hope everyone is well. I have a quick question regarding bike vs tri shorts. I am looking to do some longer mileages on my bike right now, I am riding without bike shorts but haven't gone farther than 25 miles or so. I understand that for longer distances it is best to wear bike shorts with padding. I am working up to try and do a century by October. Also, I am signing up for a sprint tri in August and am wondering what you wear for the swim/bike/run if there is a difference in bike shorts and tri shorts. I am looking to not spend a huge amount of money so I am wondering if I buy bike shorts for my long rides if they will work for the tri. Or vise versa, if I buy tri shorts will they work for my long rides? Also, if you have any recommendations for more reasonably priced bike or tri shorts. Thanks!

    I have about 5-6 pairs of tri shorts that I use on all my cycle training. I personally would not wear bike shorts for a tri as the pad would be very uncomfortable.

    Your butt will get used to the seat...eventually!

    As for races, I usually wear tri shorts/tri top/one piece tri suit for the whole race. Most of the tri shorts I have purchased have been on sale. Check your tri stores for sales, especially in the off season. At least figure out your sizes for the different brands as you may be able to find them on line pretty cheap.(the /Nashbar)

    the end of the day, I would say you can use tri shorts for longer rides but not the other way around...just my 2 cents.

    2014-06-10 8:17 AM
    in reply to: Clarkey77

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

    Originally posted by Clarkey77
    Originally posted by aviatrix802 6/28 today with a 31 minute run. Forced myself to slow down and run as close to a 10 minute mile as possible - I'm finding in my everyday runs/workouts I'm constantly pushing it and I think I'm fatiguing too much. I will say my "comfortable" runs are getting faster and faster which isn't bad. Goals for this week: , SLEEP!!, and more focus on core workouts. Cheers, Jenn
    Jenn, I just said this same thing on my way out for a run today - take it easy, no need to rush. I was hitting 9:30s on my last few runs and felt burnt by the end of 2-2.5. today I took it easy and finished 4.1 and felt strong and like I could have kept going. First time in three weeks that I felt pain free running. --Im also trying to work on getting more sleep and consistently doing my core excercises! OK, so Im still figuring out running. Im about a year in and I need some help. Sometimes after 1-2 miles I feel aweful, like I cannot go anymore. Then there is today and when I finished my plan I was jogging around the parking lot, because I felt so strong and good! It is now apparent that I have no clue! ^^yeah that's kind of a question? ... Next - what is this X/28 that everyone is posting. Is that the planned workouts for the month?

    Here you go!

    I am laying out the June Challenge for those who need a little push to train. Let's make it 28 S/B/R workouts in 30 days. That would be 7 workouts/week.


    Swim:15 minutes.

    Bike:30 minutes.

    Run:20 minutes.

    As long as you hit the minimums, bricks count as 2.

    S/B/R only. One exception ...if you drink a dozen cans warm coors lite in one sitting, I will count that as 8 workouts. Of course if there is no video, it didn't happen.



    2014-06-10 8:20 AM
    in reply to: badmo77a

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

    Originally posted by badmo77a
    Originally posted by Clarkey77
    Originally posted by aviatrix802 6/28 today with a 31 minute run. Forced myself to slow down and run as close to a 10 minute mile as possible - I'm finding in my everyday runs/workouts I'm constantly pushing it and I think I'm fatiguing too much. I will say my "comfortable" runs are getting faster and faster which isn't bad. Goals for this week: , SLEEP!!, and more focus on core workouts. Cheers, Jenn
    Jenn, I just said this same thing on my way out for a run today - take it easy, no need to rush. I was hitting 9:30s on my last few runs and felt burnt by the end of 2-2.5. today I took it easy and finished 4.1 and felt strong and like I could have kept going. First time in three weeks that I felt pain free running. --I'm also trying to work on getting more sleep and consistently doing my core exercises! OK, so I'm still figuring out running. I'm about a year in and I need some help. Sometimes after 1-2 miles I feel awful, like I cannot go anymore. Then there is today and when I finished my plan I was jogging around the parking lot, because I felt so strong and good! It is now apparent that I have no clue! ^^yeah that's kind of a question? ... Next - what is this X/28 that everyone is posting. Is that the planned workouts for the month?
    Hi, Yes the x/28 is part of a 28 workout challenge in June for the mentor group. I think you can get the rules on page 11 of this thread. I am on 8/28 but am worried where my next workout is coming from as my legs are killing me from doing a sprint on the weekend and my local pool is closed for 17 days for maintenance. Regarding running. I have a very similar feeling. I often go out for 7 to 10 km runs and without doubt will feel like crap after about 3kms. This minor hump comes and goes and then I get settled.
    I am the same way for running. The first 1-2 miles, I so want to quit! Every ache and pain seems to surface. I just try to run through it and by 1.5 to 3 miles I am feeling better. I find it is similar in my swimming and biking. The beginning tends to be a chore until I get settled.

    2014-06-10 8:21 AM
    in reply to: jlangene

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    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

    Originally posted by jlangene Good evening all, I hope everyone is well. I have a quick question regarding bike vs tri shorts. I am looking to do some longer mileages on my bike right now, I am riding without bike shorts but haven't gone farther than 25 miles or so. I understand that for longer distances it is best to wear bike shorts with padding. I am working up to try and do a century by October. Also, I am signing up for a sprint tri in August and am wondering what you wear for the swim/bike/run if there is a difference in bike shorts and tri shorts. I am looking to not spend a huge amount of money so I am wondering if I buy bike shorts for my long rides if they will work for the tri. Or vise versa, if I buy tri shorts will they work for my long rides? Also, if you have any recommendations for more reasonably priced bike or tri shorts. Thanks!


    It depends on your level of comfort in the saddle. At this point I can ride without a chamois altogether. My butt is accustomed to it.

    I wouldn't wear a pair of bike shorts with a very thick chamois during a Tri because of the comfort during the swim and run. I really only wear my Tri suit, however, when I'm in a Tri. The rest of the time I wear my regular roadie kit (bib shorts and jersey). The main reason is that Tri suits tend to be sleeveless and made of very thin material so they provide almost no protection from the sun, even the parts that are covered. Cycling Jerseys also offer more pocket space so on long training rides I can stuff extra gear that I wouldn't bother to bring with me during a race (phone, cash, rain jacket, banana, etc.

    2014-06-10 8:23 AM
    in reply to: badmo77a

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

    Originally posted by badmo77a
    Originally posted by Clarkey77
    Originally posted by aviatrix802 6/28 today with a 31 minute run. Forced myself to slow down and run as close to a 10 minute mile as possible - I'm finding in my everyday runs/workouts I'm constantly pushing it and I think I'm fatiguing too much. I will say my "comfortable" runs are getting faster and faster which isn't bad. Goals for this week: , SLEEP!!, and more focus on core workouts. Cheers, Jenn
    Jenn, I just said this same thing on my way out for a run today - take it easy, no need to rush. I was hitting 9:30s on my last few runs and felt burnt by the end of 2-2.5. today I took it easy and finished 4.1 and felt strong and like I could have kept going. First time in three weeks that I felt pain free running. --I'm also trying to work on getting more sleep and consistently doing my core exercises! OK, so I'm still figuring out running. I'm about a year in and I need some help. Sometimes after 1-2 miles I feel awful, like I cannot go anymore. Then there is today and when I finished my plan I was jogging around the parking lot, because I felt so strong and good! It is now apparent that I have no clue! ^^yeah that's kind of a question? ... Next - what is this X/28 that everyone is posting. Is that the planned workouts for the month?
    Hi, Yes the x/28 is part of a 28 workout challenge in June for the mentor group. I think you can get the rules on page 11 of this thread. I am on 8/28 but am worried where my next workout is coming from as my legs are killing me from doing a sprint on the weekend and my local pool is closed for 17 days for maintenance. Regarding running. I have a very similar feeling. I often go out for 7 to 10 km runs and without doubt will feel like crap after about 3kms. This minor hump comes and goes and then I get settled.

    Get out on your bike for some easy spinning! Southern Ontario? How about some OWS training?

    Good luck!

    2014-06-10 8:32 AM
    in reply to: Qua17

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

    Well being a bit of a baby today. Switching my bike for a run at lunch today. High of 13C(55F) with rain today. We are having a crappy spring here!

    That will put me at 13/30! One short of the halfway mark of 14!

    2014-06-10 8:40 AM
    in reply to: thor67

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    St Catharines, Ontario
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
    Originally posted by thor67

    Originally posted by badmo77a
    Originally posted by Clarkey77
    Originally posted by aviatrix802 6/28 today with a 31 minute run. Forced myself to slow down and run as close to a 10 minute mile as possible - I'm finding in my everyday runs/workouts I'm constantly pushing it and I think I'm fatiguing too much. I will say my "comfortable" runs are getting faster and faster which isn't bad. Goals for this week: , SLEEP!!, and more focus on core workouts. Cheers, Jenn
    Jenn, I just said this same thing on my way out for a run today - take it easy, no need to rush. I was hitting 9:30s on my last few runs and felt burnt by the end of 2-2.5. today I took it easy and finished 4.1 and felt strong and like I could have kept going. First time in three weeks that I felt pain free running. --I'm also trying to work on getting more sleep and consistently doing my core exercises! OK, so I'm still figuring out running. I'm about a year in and I need some help. Sometimes after 1-2 miles I feel awful, like I cannot go anymore. Then there is today and when I finished my plan I was jogging around the parking lot, because I felt so strong and good! It is now apparent that I have no clue! ^^yeah that's kind of a question? ... Next - what is this X/28 that everyone is posting. Is that the planned workouts for the month?
    Hi, Yes the x/28 is part of a 28 workout challenge in June for the mentor group. I think you can get the rules on page 11 of this thread. I am on 8/28 but am worried where my next workout is coming from as my legs are killing me from doing a sprint on the weekend and my local pool is closed for 17 days for maintenance. Regarding running. I have a very similar feeling. I often go out for 7 to 10 km runs and without doubt will feel like crap after about 3kms. This minor hump comes and goes and then I get settled.

    Get out on your bike for some easy spinning! Southern Ontario? How about some OWS training?

    Good luck!

    Yep. I do need to get back on the horse. I am going to commute on my bike tomorrow and also have an open air 25m pool which offers some lane time in the city. Short run is planned for Thursday to see if I have done any real harm or am just being soft on myself.

    Open water is still a bit chilly without a wetsuit. The inland water is a bit too far from where I live.
    2014-06-10 12:03 PM
    in reply to: #4996400

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    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
    Thanks for all the info
    I think I'm 7/28 - I need to go check my logs an plan some double sessions!
    2014-06-10 2:22 PM
    in reply to: jlangene

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    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
    Originally posted by jlangene

    Good evening all,
    I hope everyone is well. I have a quick question regarding bike vs tri shorts. [...] I am looking to not spend a huge amount of money so I am wondering if I buy bike shorts for my long rides if they will work for the tri. Or vise versa, if I buy tri shorts will they work for my long rides? Also, if you have any recommendations for more reasonably priced bike or tri shorts. Thanks!

    Spend the money. There are very few expenses in this sport where spending more gives such a high return on investment as in shorts. My $150 Desoto sets are more than twice as better as my $75 Pearl Izumi sets. The stitching is better, the pads are better, and the quality is just head-and-shoulders above the rest. Also, the Desotos have pockets, which should be standard and is really awesome.

    My tri-top and shorts, along with my shoes, rank 4th in the order of most expensive clothing sets I've worn (after my wedding tux and two Calvin Klein suits that are too big for me).

    I have five pairs of bike shorts - a cheap pair, two midrange pairs, a set of Desoto shorts, and a set of Desoto bibs. I rarely wear any of the cheap ones any more - occassionaly on a short trainer ride, maybe, but not really.

    For tri shorts, I have a one-piece tri-suit and a pair of tri-bibs, both by Desoto. Desoto does have some clearance stuff (no returns, so be careful), including "mystery" kits. Be careful though, or be prepared rather, since mine was Giro pink. My wife says it will be easier to pick me out of the crowd of blue and black at a race.
    2014-06-10 2:39 PM
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    , Vermont
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
    I remember reading somewhere that if you consistently run fast you are actually not gaining any benefit and possibly risking injury. I have been running every run at about 8 min/miles and I come home feeling like garbage sometimes, like I had a bad run - then I run the numbers and realize I was cruising (for me). When I try to slow down to maybe 10 min/miles I at least achieve 9:30 miles as I did the other day and I feel better and more able to handle a brick. On the opposite side, if you're on a run and feel like garbage, pick a couple of trees (or cars or telephone poles) and sprint the distance between them - when you slow back down it won't feel as bad as before. I'll do pick-ups (or fartleks) like this for a mile to two. It's good stuff maybe once a week. I have a 10k coming up at the end of the month.

    8/28 today with a swim (1750 yds)
    1100 yds straight, no stopping
    100 kick
    5x50 free sprints (15 sec rests)
    100 pull
    100 free
    100 cool-down

    I had hoped to squeeze in a bike today but it was not to be - maybe a 5k while the kids are at swim team. It's getting hard to get some of these in - life.


    Edited by aviatrix802 2014-06-10 3:12 PM
    2014-06-10 2:46 PM
    in reply to: Clarkey77

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    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
    Originally posted by Clarkey77


    I was hitting 9:30s on my last few runs and felt burnt by the end of 2-2.5. today I took it easy and finished 4.1 and felt strong and like I could have kept going. First time in three weeks that I felt pain free running.


    OK, so Im still figuring out running. Im about a year in and I need some help. Sometimes after 1-2 miles I feel aweful, like I cannot go anymore. Then there is today and when I finished my plan I was jogging around the parking lot, because I felt so strong and good! It is now apparent that I have no clue!

    You are running too fast. Your 5k PR is 30:30 (~10:00 pace) and you are running at 9:30. If you are using a HR monitor, use that as a tool to gauge effort, or look into Gallowy's run/walk.

    Here's some prespective, for me: My HM PR is 2:01 (9:13/mile) on a relatively flat course, and 2:14 at Quassy (10:14, not flat at all), and my last race 10k was ~51:00 (8:22/mile). My 5k is probably around 22:00 right now, but it's been a while since I've ran that short.

    My training pace is around 9:45 to 10:15/mile.

    Here's my last long run: HR data was a bit wonky on the end, so disregard that.

    Running is entirely an aerobic exercise - it's getting enough oxygen to the muscles to propel you forward. As you get stronger on the run, the cardio vascular strength increases, and mitochondrial density in the muscles themselves increases, and that allows you go faster at the same (or lower) energy expenditure.

    Running fast doesn't make you fast - running more makes you fast. People hate running, or get it, or quit running because they sprint, not run. Until you can run a HM is less than 2:30, then I would argue that every single run should be done at a conversational pace. That's whats going to make you a better runner.

    I hope I'm not coming across as a jerk or bragging here - but it is a mistake I see again and again, and it frustrates me.

    2014-06-10 2:55 PM
    in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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    , Vermont
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
    Totally agree with Charles! Run slower longer! I've read this again and again. As I said, I only do a "faster" run maybe once a week. (I try to force myself to run slower the other days).
    2014-06-10 4:53 PM
    in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
    While we are on the subject of running and heart rate, I have a question or ten...or rather just my own situation. I've been running now for just over a year....started with the C25K last March and have consistently been running 4 miles 3-4 days a week since. I have *never* been able to stay in my target HR zone while running. I'm up and out of it within a mile. I can reduce it *somewhat* with speed, but not to the point I get down into what is supposed to be my target zone. With that said--I DON'T feel awful when running, and I can clearly tell when my HR is too high and I've overdoing it...but that level is WAY above what it's "supposed" to be (my HR zones are 114-150....while running I'm around 160, and can feel I'm anaerobic at about 168). Once I stop (and, my HR drops FAST....from 160-120 within 30 seconds easily. I'm also absolutely unable to get into my HR zone now while walking, I just can't get above 114 without seriously pushing it to the point that I'm almost running (in which case I'd rather run).

    I haven't tended to worry about it since I'm not feeling bad and I do have a rate at which I can tell I need to get under. I've chalked it up to being a newer runner. I wouldn't say I'm "conversational" at 160, but I can give dog commands and when it's raining and no one else is around, I confess to singing along with the ipod. I will say that rather than my HR dropping while running, I've seemed to naturally start running faster (have gone from an 11 minute mile to about 9:30 in the past year)....not been a goal in the slightest, it's just what has seemed to have happened unintentionally. Also...I don't know if it's just me, but temperature is a significant HR dropped 10 bpm almost immediately when the temperature dropped this fall...and I am definitely NOT a fair weather runner...I much prefer running in 20 degree weather than 65, although I force myself regardless.
    2014-06-10 5:28 PM
    in reply to: sandishr

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    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
    Update....10/28 today. Feeling great about training thus far, I just hope I'm able to get some open water swim practice in soon. I am definitely struggling badly with breathing to my right side (natural is my left), it's almost like writing with my wrong hand. I'll keep working on it....I'm pretty sure the location of the tri swim is going to have waves coming in at my left side, so I need to get more comfortable with this.

    Tried a new beer this weekend, Payette IPA out of Boise. Went fantastic along with crab and mussels. :-)

    Dave, I can't really speak to nutrition while training at IM levels. I will say that what has worked for me over the past year as I've become more active is staying away from calorie counting and sticking with basic low-glycemic diet principles. (I've done enough calorie counting over the years that I know basically what I'm taking in and expending, so I'm pretty aware of what I need to do to stay in my calorie ranges). At any rate, quality, lean protein, lots of vegetables, and whole grains. I completely stay away from sugar....and once you've eaten this way consistently for a while you stop craving it. I don't do lots of little meals, I eat three good meals a day until I'm full. (I'm not much of a snacker....but if I was and was training at these high levels I'd just have heatlhy can make lots of fun and good stuff with meat, cheese, and veggies.). If I feel ravenous on really active days, I know it's because I'm burning calories. I can FEEL when I need more fuel or nutrition. I dropped 20 pounds doing this last summer, without really trying too hard. It took a while to start losing weight, but once it started coming off it was consistent. My breakfasts are generally something egg-related (I usually make egg bakes with eggs or eggwhites/veggies/cheese and freeze them, defrosting them and eating) along with a whole grain english muffin. Lunch is soup and a slice of whole grain bread or leftover dinner, dinner is some form of fish or chicken and a ton of veggies. In summer I do a lot of barbecuing and eat salmon burgers several days a week and make whole grain pasta salads that are more vegetable than pasta....leftovers of these make great lunches. I don't eat beef but if I did I'd substitute a steak or burger there (that's what my husband will have). My two "bad thing" allowances are beer and wine. But for me, the trick has been high quality lean protein, TONS of vegetables, and enough whole grains to fuel me on top of this. And really staying away from processed grains and sugars. I find they just don't give me much energy long-term and really lead to this cycle of craving and dissatisfaction.

    2014-06-10 5:31 PM
    in reply to: sandishr

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    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

    Originally posted by sandishr While we are on the subject of running and heart rate, I have a question or ten...or rather just my own situation. I've been running now for just over a year....started with the C25K last March and have consistently been running 4 miles 3-4 days a week since. I have *never* been able to stay in my target HR zone while running. I'm up and out of it within a mile. I can reduce it *somewhat* with speed, but not to the point I get down into what is supposed to be my target zone. With that said--I DON'T feel awful when running, and I can clearly tell when my HR is too high and I've overdoing it...but that level is WAY above what it's "supposed" to be (my HR zones are 114-150....while running I'm around 160, and can feel I'm anaerobic at about 168). Once I stop (and, my HR drops FAST....from 160-120 within 30 seconds easily. I'm also absolutely unable to get into my HR zone now while walking, I just can't get above 114 without seriously pushing it to the point that I'm almost running (in which case I'd rather run). I haven't tended to worry about it since I'm not feeling bad and I do have a rate at which I can tell I need to get under. I've chalked it up to being a newer runner. I wouldn't say I'm "conversational" at 160, but I can give dog commands and when it's raining and no one else is around, I confess to singing along with the ipod. I will say that rather than my HR dropping while running, I've seemed to naturally start running faster (have gone from an 11 minute mile to about 9:30 in the past year)....not been a goal in the slightest, it's just what has seemed to have happened unintentionally. Also...I don't know if it's just me, but temperature is a significant HR dropped 10 bpm almost immediately when the temperature dropped this fall...and I am definitely NOT a fair weather runner...I much prefer running in 20 degree weather than 65, although I force myself regardless.


    First off, how did you determine your HR zones? Did you base them off your max HR or resting HR and how did you figure out those numbers? The best method I've come across, short of lab testing, is to first determine your functioning threshold. This is the max HR effort you can sustain before going anaerobic. You can do an FT test for running by running a flat course (a lap around the block, for example) for 30min at your maximum sustainable effort after having done a 20 twenty minute warmup. If go so hard that you need to walk, you've blown the test and will have to try again another day. Based on that you can estimate your HR zones. I suggest picking the Triathletes bible (or Going Long) by Joe Friel. His book has the zones laid out and the tests. 

    If you already have a good idea of what your zones are, running in them is a matter of running slow enough to keep your HR in that zone. It may seem hard at first. When I started training with HR zones I felt like my zone 2 run was just a pinch above a brisk walk. Every once in awhile do a run at near to your FT (functioning threshold), which sounds like what you're doing every run. Training at threshold will increase your threshold so you can run faster and work your HR higher and still feel comfortable. Doing this on every run, however, will result in overtraining and peaking to early. You could also end up overtraining your body to only draw on carb and glycogen stores rather than from fat. Training slower trains your body to fuel itself more efficiently with fat stores so that you can run faster for longer periods without burning out your muscles. 

    Also keep track of your RPE (rate of perceived exertion, usually a 1-10 scale, 1 being the least effort, 10 being all out heart-exploding intensity). If your HR is high and your RPE is low, then that is probably a sign of increased fitness. If your HR is low and your RPE is high, you are probably fatigued and need rest. 

    As far as weather is concerned, most people will notice an increase in HR in hotter weather. This can mess up your training if aren't conscious of the temperature when you're running. 

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