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2007-11-08 2:32 PM
in reply to: #1044304

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Baowolf - 2007-11-08 12:27 PM

Alyssa, I have been running 2-3 bricks a week for about 2-3 weeks now and the bike to run transition isn't at all bad anymore. I no longer have dead legs right away off the bike.

I used to have like a half mile of my legs being dead, then I got the tri bike and then it was only my calves for a bit and now I transition fine from bike to run with anything less than 35 mile bike.

I found that endurance is a bit iffy though, I start off fine and am chomping at the bit to up the speed a bit by the end of the first mile, but if I go faster than 6.5 mph for a 5k or much over 6.0 for a 10k I start to loose steam after the first 2 (for 5k) to 3 miles (for 10k). That is just a fitness thing. As much as I would love to go from couch to a Full Ironman in 3 months... (if wishes were horses then drives would ride)... there is the reality of needing to just be consistent, put in the time and build the endurance for a couple of years, not months.

As it is I did 3 sprint distance bricks last week on 3 consecutive days, so I am no longer worried about finishing my sprint Tri for next month. The Oly distance though.... is a different story. 25 miles on a bike is cake, but the 6 mile run afterwards... not yet.

Oh and I got the funky 5 fingered (toed) shoes lastnight with the no padding soul. They are supposed to strengthen parts of your feet/legs that regular running shoes weaken and force you into the correct running form. I did .7 miles on them and started getting a hotspot, so changed back to the running shoes again. Wow what a difference. Running shoes are like running on a matress after barefoot/tread only running. One more thing to build up endurance and calusses for. Oh well back to work.

you're totally gonna SMOKE that sprint tri next month, probably beat my sad little time by like an hour!!
so you're liking the tri bike then?? i'm still shopping, so tell me good things about your bike,
and i've never even heard of shoes with toes, need more info (or a pic) i have a mental image, but it's sort of "dr. seuess"

2007-11-08 2:32 PM
in reply to: #1043923

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

Vida Nova - 2007-11-09 3:57 AM Hey, I'm the new guy on the team. Since I'm only three days into triathlon training and never done anything like this before, I hope I can do alright. My goal is to run 40 miles in November. I've only gotten 3.18 so far yesterday. I slept in today, but I will probably do some running tonight. I'm finding that the hardest thing with triathlon training so far is the early hours.


Welcome Vida... nothing wrong with training in the evening if you have the time to do so!

40 miles is a very impressive goal for the month! Just take care of your legs (lots of stretching) and listen to your body.. running can be very hard on it!

2007-11-08 2:39 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
was that on this thread or the other one, we were talking about the barefoot thing??? anyway, barefoot on grass, supposed to really help with form.
one handed due to nursing baby-will post more later
2007-11-08 2:39 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
www.vibramfivefingers.com are the shoes I got. It is like running in bare feet, except you can run farther with less callus. I can go .3 miles in barefeet, .7 miles in these shoes before I need to stop or risk blisters. I will try to add a bit each week. One of the big distance runners here said he does 10% of his running barefoot for the strength, form, etc issues.

The bike is nice, although it has had its issues. For sure go on a testride before buying it.

I like the areo bar position and have a love hate relationship with the clip in peddles. Just changing from the mountain bike to the Felt s22 or whatever it is added 4 mph the day I bought it with no additional training. It also saves my legs soooo much on the bike to run transition. It is not even an issue anymore. Only my endurance is an issues 8).

I also got the cyclopse liquid trainer thing. You go slower on that than on actual roads and no coasting whatsoever (18mph roads = 17.5 mph trainer).

I am still getting used to the bike and have to take 30 sec to a minute off of it to stretch every hour or so (even with the good seat on it). And still working out the nutrition, I am doing like 100 cal per 45 min + 20 oz water over 90 min to 3 hours. Anything under 1 hour I just preload 60 cal or can go cold, not a big deal.

Hopefully all this training will let me run and bike faster some day 8). As for the swimming, that will be a long range solution. I hope to spend 1 month on a lake this summer to get in some swim time... waterski time, windsurf time, fishing....

I am worried about doing other sports while training for Tri's. Like it will start snowing more and I will be wanting to do some downhill skiing. But, it works certain muscles in my legs that may decrease my ability to run and bike. Oh well, play it by ear.

I don't know how to get a picture of legs or whatever onto the web here. And besides that chainring on my right calf is nearly healed so not anything to look at anymore....

K now I am really signing off, have to go drive 150 miles for a meeting tomorrow.

Edited by Baowolf 2007-11-08 2:58 PM
2007-11-08 3:38 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
ok. those shoe things are super cool. a little bit with the dr seuess. but so what. they're awesome!! and if you get the same results running in them, as running actually barefoot, but can go longer. i'm all over it. seriously, except for the weirdness factor. do they FEEL weird? like those glove-sock things my niece insists on wearing all winter that make me want to strip off my socks and shoes, and start screaming??

the bike. i remember you getting it last month, but i can't remember what you got exactly, other than it was a tri-bike. was it a specialized?? i'm totally spacing it out just now.
i rode a stationary bike the other day, and had dead leg-even just walking after. so if you can ride and NOT have deadleg? i'm all over THAT too.

i HAVE to get a bike. i need to do it like-today. well. last month actually. once i get the bike, i'm going to start doing the crazy bricks like you do a few times a week, seems like the best way to prepare honestly! i'm totally blown away that you're essentially doing a sprint tri a couple times a week. it won't even be CHALLENGING when you finally get there next month. you'll be the first newbie EVER to WIN a sprint

ok. more work to do, gotta bounce.
oh yeah. to post a pic. click that box there at the bottom that says attach a file after posting, then you can browse for a foto file on your computer.
2007-11-08 3:41 PM
in reply to: #1044335

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Hey Hippos;

Just checking in...still have computer problems $%^&*...I can fix a lot of things but this ain't one of them. I am having problems accessing certain pages on the site...and yes it is me; not the site.

Got some running in at the granddaughters Karate class and am headed there now to do the same. Can't seem to have time to get on the bike. Cool weather has moved in and I should be riding...go to do better there. Been hitting the gym and done well there but I have to get my butt back on the dreaded bike.

The leg picture is comming, I PROMISE....as soon as my geek buddy comes this weekend to work on this piecs of crap.

Keep safe on the roads


2007-11-08 3:53 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Just checking in really quick. So far, I have 309 minutes of exercise since Nov 1. I'm still shooting for 200 minutes each week (Mon thru Sun). This week, I only have about 10 more minutes to go! I think I'm doing pretty good. Next week will be a whole other story! Catch up with all of you later.
2007-11-08 6:08 PM
in reply to: #1044334

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
lyssa-gator - 2007-11-08 3:39 PM

was that on this thread or the other one, we were talking about the barefoot thing??? anyway, barefoot on grass, supposed to really help with form.
one handed due to nursing baby-will post more later

The barefoot running discussion is actually on the Turkey team thread. (It's leaked onto other threads though.)

I tried it last night, on the treadmill. (I wore socks.) I ran 0.75 miles (no walking).

It really changed my running style! My stride was shorter, and I didn't land on my heels.

Today, there's a bit of soreness, but it's not bad.

Based upon this, I'm planning on doing it again. Probably over the weekend.

2007-11-08 6:13 PM
in reply to: #1044335

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Baowolf - 2007-11-08 3:39 PM
I also got the cyclopse liquid trainer thing. You go slower on that than on actual roads and no coasting whatsoever (18mph roads = 17.5 mph trainer).

I want one of those. That'll be my next "big purchase."

Thanks for the numbers comparison (road vs trainer)! I'd been looking for something like that. You're the first person I've come across who has given me actual numbers though!

First though, I need to get that old mountain bike overhauled....


2007-11-08 6:26 PM
in reply to: #1044624

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

D001 - 2007-11-09 11:13 AM
Baowolf - 2007-11-08 3:39 PM I also got the cyclopse liquid trainer thing. You go slower on that than on actual roads and no coasting whatsoever (18mph roads = 17.5 mph trainer).
I want one of those. That'll be my next "big purchase." Thanks for the numbers comparison (road vs trainer)! I'd been looking for something like that. You're the first person I've come across who has given me actual numbers though! First though, I need to get that old mountain bike overhauled.... Dee

I LOVE my trainer... although I still set it up on the balcony at home instead of IN the house... (dont ask... I dont share a house with anyone who understand the concept of training or even exercise!)

I also read somewhere that an hour on the trainer is almost equivalent to 1.5 hours on the road because there is no coasting at all... I dont think its quite that big a difference but its certainly great at teaching you to just keep the legs turning over for a LONG time... and great for form work!

2007-11-08 6:38 PM
in reply to: #1044630

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
I do think those numbers for the road-vs-trainer are correct for most people. In the area I live in, outside of Atlanta, with the hills and such I have been told that the 1.5/1 ratio is about correct.

I don't have a trainer yet but am supposed to start some spin classes soon....I am a runner not a biker yet.


2007-11-08 6:43 PM
in reply to: #1044630

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
kaqphin - 2007-11-08 7:26 PM
I LOVE my trainer... although I still set it up on the balcony at home instead of IN the house... (dont ask... I dont share a house with anyone who understand the concept of training or even exercise!)

I also read somewhere that an hour on the trainer is almost equivalent to 1.5 hours on the road because there is no coasting at all... I dont think its quite that big a difference but its certainly great at teaching you to just keep the legs turning over for a LONG time... and great for form work!

Actually, on the balcony sounds fine. Do you have a nice view from there?

2007-11-08 7:14 PM
in reply to: #1044648

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

Reno8 - 2007-11-09 11:38 AM Cat; I do think those numbers for the road-vs-trainer are correct for most people. In the area I live in, outside of Atlanta, with the hills and such I have been told that the 1.5/1 ratio is about correct. I don't have a trainer yet but am supposed to start some spin classes soon....I am a runner not a biker yet. Steve

Spin calsses are fun - a good instructor with a music choice you can stand is really important!!!

Just remember nothing is 100% the same as riding your bike but for 1-2 times a week supplement - very very fun!

2007-11-08 8:11 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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in front of my computer duh!
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Hey team 7 this is wild hippo joe and i have just come back from a 6.66 mile run (no joke i did my loop and when i got back home and ended my workout my nike+ said thats how far i ran. pretty freaky! ) that brings my total mileage for the month up to 21.72 miles out of 100 miles for the month. and in reference to kaqpin's comment "Umm... we women like to perve at hot men body parts.... legs, abs, arms.... But it all started with the legs, so the ladies figured if they showed some... the guys might too!" here is hoping to see more ladies show some

i do feel however that my upper body is much better than my legs.


legs2.jpg (9KB - 5 downloads)
2007-11-08 8:18 PM
in reply to: #1044765

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Happy Thursday!

We have 102 people participating in the Challenge this month! For those of you who missed Sunday's “Challenge Update,” You can see it here: http://beginnertriathlete.com/discussion/forums/thread-view.asp?tid...

Want to see the team rosters? Your goals? Other people’s goals? All of those are available here: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=puhAA5NRKHA3l_GNYwG3Qdg

Each week, I’ll update the above spreadsheet. That way, you can chart your progress!

Team Spreadsheet "Due Dates"

The Challenge started on Nov 1st and ends on Nov 30th. All of your workouts during the month of November count.

Here are the "weeks" you'll use for reporting your workouts:
Thurs Nov 1 - Sunday Nov 11
Mon Nov 12 - Sunday Nov 18
Mon Nov 19 - Sunday Nov 25
Mon Nov 26 - Friday Nov 30

The "progress reports" (aka spreadsheets) will be due from the team leaders on these days:
Monday Nov 12
Monday Nov 19
Monday Nov 26
Saturday Dec 1st

The extra day is so that the team leaders can collect the end information without having to nag their team become overly stressed.

Team Leaders - Attached are the latest Team spreadsheets. Once you've entered your team's data, you can post the updated spreadsheets on the main Challenge thread. (This is the one with the push pin sticky. Since it's pinned to the top of the forum, it'll be easier to find. And the "chatter" on it has calmed down, so you don’t need to worry about it getting lost!) The teams are large, so if you want extra help, feel free to name an assistant captain!

If you have questions, post them on the main Challenge thread. That way, I’ll be sure to see them. (Or you can always PM me.)

I hope that your month is going well! This Challenge is all about working out - however you want to define it, meeting fellow BTers, and having fun! I hope that you've been able to accomplish all of these things during the past week.


Wild Hippos.xls (37KB - 12 downloads)
2007-11-08 8:21 PM
in reply to: #1044765

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

joemac3 - 2007-11-09 1:11 PM Hey team 7 this is wild hippo joe and i have just come back from a 6.66 mile run (no joke i did my loop and when i got back home and ended my workout my nike+ said thats how far i ran. pretty freaky! ) that brings my total mileage for the month up to 21.72 miles out of 100 miles for the month. and in reference to kaqpin's comment "Umm... we women like to perve at hot men body parts.... legs, abs, arms.... But it all started with the legs, so the ladies figured if they showed some... the guys might too!" here is hoping to see more ladies show some i do feel however that my upper body is much better than my legs.

Oh Id take a hot upper body pic... puh-lease

2007-11-08 10:17 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Yay another personal best. 10k in 57:30 ... (2:22 off Monday's 10k), with cool down mark, chock up another 7.2 miles run. Legs a touch sore today at the start. Lite bike tomorrow we see how it goes.
2007-11-08 10:35 PM
in reply to: #1044987

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

Baowolf - 2007-11-09 3:17 PM Yay another personal best. 10k in 57:30 ... (2:22 off Monday's 10k), with cool down mark, chock up another 7.2 miles run. Legs a touch sore today at the start. Lite bike tomorrow we see how it goes.

Woo hoo! Congrats on the PB!

2007-11-09 12:55 AM
in reply to: #1044700

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
kaqphin - 2007-11-08 5:14 PM

Reno8 - 2007-11-09 11:38 AM Cat; I do think those numbers for the road-vs-trainer are correct for most people. In the area I live in, outside of Atlanta, with the hills and such I have been told that the 1.5/1 ratio is about correct. I don't have a trainer yet but am supposed to start some spin classes soon....I am a runner not a biker yet. Steve

Spin calsses are fun - a good instructor with a music choice you can stand is really important!!!

Just remember nothing is 100% the same as riding your bike but for 1-2 times a week supplement - very very fun!

I'm a spinning instructor! I have some great music, too. I have some pretty hard core people in my class. They are constantly challenging me to give them great workouts. Cat, you are definitely right about the class not being the same as your own bike. Spin class should be utilized for cadence improvement, as a social outlet, and as a crappy weather substitute.
2007-11-09 1:06 AM
in reply to: #1045136

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
owl_girl - 2007-11-09 5:55 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-08 5:14 PM

Reno8 - 2007-11-09 11:38 AM Cat; I do think those numbers for the road-vs-trainer are correct for most people. In the area I live in, outside of Atlanta, with the hills and such I have been told that the 1.5/1 ratio is about correct. I don't have a trainer yet but am supposed to start some spin classes soon....I am a runner not a biker yet. Steve

Spin calsses are fun - a good instructor with a music choice you can stand is really important!!!

Just remember nothing is 100% the same as riding your bike but for 1-2 times a week supplement - very very fun!

I'm a spinning instructor! I have some great music, too. I have some pretty hard core people in my class. They are constantly challenging me to give them great workouts. Cat, you are definitely right about the class not being the same as your own bike. Spin class should be utilized for cadence improvement, as a social outlet, and as a crappy weather substitute.

Definatley good for leg strength and speed too... plus it provides some nice variety

Helps if the instructor is hot too!  

2007-11-09 1:08 AM
in reply to: #1044987

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in front of my computer duh!
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Baowolf - 2007-11-08 8:17 PM

Yay another personal best. 10k in 57:30 ... (2:22 off Monday's 10k), with cool down mark, chock up another 7.2 miles run. Legs a touch sore today at the start. Lite bike tomorrow we see how it goes.

way to go on the PB!!

2007-11-09 1:09 AM
in reply to: #1045142

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
kaqphin - 2007-11-08 11:06 PM

owl_girl - 2007-11-09 5:55 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-08 5:14 PM

Reno8 - 2007-11-09 11:38 AM Cat; I do think those numbers for the road-vs-trainer are correct for most people. In the area I live in, outside of Atlanta, with the hills and such I have been told that the 1.5/1 ratio is about correct. I don't have a trainer yet but am supposed to start some spin classes soon....I am a runner not a biker yet. Steve

Spin calsses are fun - a good instructor with a music choice you can stand is really important!!!

Just remember nothing is 100% the same as riding your bike but for 1-2 times a week supplement - very very fun!

I'm a spinning instructor! I have some great music, too. I have some pretty hard core people in my class. They are constantly challenging me to give them great workouts. Cat, you are definitely right about the class not being the same as your own bike. Spin class should be utilized for cadence improvement, as a social outlet, and as a crappy weather substitute.

Definatley good for leg strength and speed too... plus it provides some nice variety

Helps if the instructor is hot too!  

Yeah Baby!!!!! GO, GO, GO!!!!!
2007-11-09 7:33 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
I was benched this morning for my run, due to illness. I definitely needed the sleep and the break.

Hope to make up the run tomorrow.
2007-11-09 9:33 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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New user

SLC, Lago Salgado
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
DTraub, I hope you get feeling better. I don't like being sick either.

This morning I was up early and got in a 3.31 mile run. That puts me at 6.49 miles for the month. The goal is 40 miles for my first month of triathloning (training).

Tomorrow I'm shooting for a long run of 4 miles in the afternoon.
2007-11-09 11:16 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Does anyone know how you put those fun colors and stuff on your blog page?
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