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2011-11-15 3:15 PM
in reply to: #3902225

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

GENE- I use my road bike on the trainer... mostly because it seems to fit better and makes less noise.  The knobbies on my mountain bike make so much noise in the trainer...


I've been a lerker the last few days... haven't done a lot of tri specific training.  A spinnerval here and there but mostly either CrossFit or sleep has been very disturbed lately so I am stuggling with energy.

I hope to get out this weekend for a road ride, it is suppose to be in the 50s and no rain...

Hope everyone is doing well!

2011-11-15 3:48 PM
in reply to: #3903302

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Hey Gang!
It's been a while, but my tri season came to a close as you know back in October, but I quickly refocused my training after that to my Half-Marathon this past weekend. Everything went off without a hitch and I completely blew my goal time out of the water. The last time I ran a Half Mary was back in 2007 (before triathlons) and I ran it in 2:37:46. Because of that race...I took a year off and then found out about my ITB issues and dealt with that...which led me to triathlon in 2010 (a little background).

My goal this year started off to finish with a 10:00/mile pace, but as I trained, I felt I could do much better. So about a week before I challenged myself to do it under 2hrs. Well...I finished in 1:47:26. That felt so good...and I now realize that all the specific tri training (HR Zones, etc.) have really helped considerably in my endurance, etc. I was pretty sore on Sunday and Monday, but today I am feeling better. I'm taking this week off to relax and then hopefully next week get into some Winter Maintenance for next season. Already got the Augusta 70.3 on my calendar for next year...I just need to fill in the other spots as the schedule will allow.

Hope all is well with everyone (I too have been lurking this past month)!
2011-11-15 4:54 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

2 day of the shake diet didn't go so well.... am run left me exhausted. then blood donation at work I wound up eating some sugary cookies and then yogurt. I feel better but am tired... we'll see how it goes.

teach cycling tonight and i think i'll go easy

2011-11-15 7:37 PM
in reply to: #3903353

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
triwolfpack - 2011-11-15 1:48 PMHey Gang!It's been a while, but my tri season came to a close as you know back in October, but I quickly refocused my training after that to my Half-Marathon this past weekend. Everything went off without a hitch and I completely blew my goal time out of the water. The last time I ran a Half Mary was back in 2007 (before triathlons) and I ran it in 2:37:46. Because of that race...I took a year off and then found out about my ITB issues and dealt with that...which led me to triathlon in 2010 (a little background).My goal this year started off to finish with a 10:00/mile pace, but as I trained, I felt I could do much better. So about a week before I challenged myself to do it under 2hrs. Well...I finished in 1:47:26. That felt so good...and I now realize that all the specific tri training (HR Zones, etc.) have really helped considerably in my endurance, etc. I was pretty sore on Sunday and Monday, but today I am feeling better. I'm taking this week off to relax and then hopefully next week get into some Winter Maintenance for next season. Already got the Augusta 70.3 on my calendar for next year...I just need to fill in the other spots as the schedule will allow.Hope all is well with everyone (I too have been lurking this past month)!David
Great job getting under 2 hours, that's a great way to finish the season.
2011-11-15 7:42 PM
in reply to: #3903437

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
BbMoozer - 2011-11-15 2:54 PM

2 day of the shake diet didn't go so well.... am run left me exhausted. then blood donation at work I wound up eating some sugary cookies and then yogurt. I feel better but am tired... we'll see how it goes.

teach cycling tonight and i think i'll go easy

I think it's hard to get on a too restrictive diet and still stay active AND give blood. I know you start adding other stuff soon but I'm sure you'll be a little wiped out for a few days.

2011-11-15 7:44 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


That's a pretty impressive pr! You obviously have put in the miles and have a great base. Next season should be a lot of fun for you!

2011-11-16 6:43 AM
in reply to: #3903302

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Remember those vicious little mosquitoes at mossman? Maybe they transmitted some bug-within-a-bug that results in disturbed sleep patterns, as my own sleep has been lousy (louse-y?) for the past few weeks. Last night was okay though, and I hope your sleep returns to normalish asap.

Actually, sleep is one of my triathlon limiters. I am seldom fully rested, and in my last few teaching years I became a pro at the catnap. My schedule always had a break from about 1-1:40 when my class went to their Mohawk language class, and most days I would shut the lights, lock the door,lean back in my chair, and grab about ten minutes of sweet sleep. Granted, it never managed to remove sleep as a limiter, but at least it helped me make it through the rest of the day and possibly have a mildly enhanced workout after school.

My own poor sleep ability is genetic, i think, acquired from my father. Thanks, dad.

Enjoy the ride, I hope it happens for you. As for CrossFit --- enjoying it?

2011-11-16 6:49 AM
in reply to: #3903353

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Sweet Mother of Mercy --- fantastic result from the half-marathon! I can see why you're eyeing Augusta hungrily, as somewhat suddenly you must realize that a good performance sans misery is very possible there. Augusta is also a great race to go into with running confidence, as that's the part of the race that people like the least -- flat, but tedious. I guess you know that the swim is fast due to current-assistance, and the bike has that fabulous final bunch of downhill miles heading into T2. So, you knock off those two, and what's left? 13.1 miles that you know you can do in good form. Perfect!

No surprise you were sore Sunday and Monday, and almost certainly nothing to worry about too much. Can I assume, though, that the ITB was not one of the sore points? Hope so!

Keep in touch, eh?

2011-11-16 6:53 AM
in reply to: #3903437

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


So you did give blood, yes? Wonderful thing to do, and I agree with Johanne that your current schedule (including the blood) requires that you take a bit of extra care with yourself. So, back off training for a day or three, eat a bit more generously, grab rest wherever you can. THEN you can go back to subsisting on protein shakes, if you must!

2011-11-16 7:07 AM
in reply to: #3903817

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
No surprise you were sore Sunday and Monday, and almost certainly nothing to worry about too much. Can I assume, though, that the ITB was not one of the sore points? Hope so!
Keep in touch, eh?

Actually the ITB felt pretty good. A little sore after the race, but I stretched it out and it was back to normal the very next day. Much better than back in 2007 when I could barely walk the next few days after the race. All the muscle soreness is finally gone today and all is well.
I am excited about Augusta...I mainly chose that race because (a) current-assisted swim, (b) it is only 1-1/2 hours from Charlotte and (c) it is the weekend before we take a week long family trip to I will be able to enjoy my time down there! I'll definately stay in seems that when I get focused on something...everything else tends to slide a I am excited to get into Winter Maintenance for now without a pressing goal lying ahead!
2011-11-16 10:28 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

I'm still running a 'lower' energy levels with this diet thing. I did munch on some popcorn last night after a dinner of salad and baked tater. I subbed a cycling class today and didn't feel 'my usual push it self'. Today is fruit...lots of it and a shake and the same dinner but I'll add the popcorn again while watching "American Horror Story" (love that creep fest show!

Tomorrow back to eating more regularly and although I don't know if I'm a big supporter of this sort of 'crash' dieting or cleansing or whatever, it has made me realize how much I love sugar ! LOL Maybe some of my 'funk' is from sugar withdrawal...hmmmm 

2011-11-18 1:24 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Happy Friday Everyone. YEAHHHHHHHH and Happy TURKEY DAY next week, except for Steve, since he had his Turkey back on Oct 10th, ok what the heck you can have turkey next week Steve...

David, awesome job on the 1/2 mary.  Can you do me a favor and slow down some so next year at Augusta you dont make me look slow.  Our Tri Group is using Augusta as our 70.3 race and IMFL as the Full next year.

Sarah - Put down the nuts and fruits and chow down on a greasy double cheese burger and pumpkin cheesecake.  Yumm for the cheesecake.  Last weekend I did a no no and had a slice at Olive Garden after my daughters cheer competition.

Well Im still hitting the gym for strength training and playing on the elliptical machine until I can get the bottom of my feet to feel better.  There are a few in my tri group that thinks its plantar and there is a lady that they all see that does wonders for sore muscles that things.  One of the guys said he had the plantar last year and she was able to help him with it and no problems since. I might have to give her a call but I need to see about the $$ since she charges $60 per hour. We will see.  I ready to get my running started since that is my weakest and this is the perfect time to work on it.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

2011-11-19 9:26 PM
in reply to: #3907474

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Haaa! George - no cheeseburger but I did enjoy some wonderful salmon tonight. Will scale back on the usual chowdown on thursday - sans sweet potato bake with pecans, brown sugar and lots of butter (very southern and got a couple of recipes from my step mother who's from GA). Good luck with the foot...massage may be the ticket.

Anyhow... Love seeing those horsecam shots on FB Johanne! And you signed up for IMAZ!!! Wow you go girl!


2011-11-21 5:41 AM
in reply to: #3904155

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


At least the salmon gave you some desirable omegas, so that was a good choice! As for the sugar cravings, well, I sure can relate to those. During my vegetarian days, I am sure I didn't reduce sweets too much at all, or at least I kept them coming by way of dark chocolate -- rationalizing that I needed the antioxidant benefits that dark chocloate provides. (Or does it?? )

I think much of the world of eating is predicated on rationalization, yes?

2011-11-21 5:48 AM
in reply to: #3907474

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


The school I taught at for my last 19 years of teaching was located right on the Canada/U.S. border -- like, literally, on an island in the St.Lawrence River. (It was spanned by two bridges, though, so it wasn't isolated.) It is part of the Akwesasne Mohawk Reserve, and the Mohawks there can claim priveleges from the U.S., or Canada......or deny any allegiance to either country, preferring to view themselves as sovereign.

That said, with so many students (and teachers) having dual roots, and so many others considering themselves either Canadian or American, we observed BOTH Thanksgivings! The larger nod was made towards the Canadian one, but the U.S. was observed by having the Thursdau off, and then just the teachers in for a P.D. day on the Friday. We may have been the only school system anywhere to observe both Thanksgivings.

Onwards to your feet!

2011-11-21 6:03 AM
in reply to: #3907474

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

GEORGE again -

Tell me if this isn't true, but did I mention my tghoughts on plantar fasciitis to you a month or two ago? IF NOT, let me know, and I will go over it in detail. But for now (and I will try to keep this brief!!!), here's a few quick thoughts:

1.) P.F. can be a bear, so don't try to push through the pain.
2.) Many P.F. problems originate from tight calves, and to read some thoughts on this, go to I think they have a video about it, too, but the gist is that one way to solve P.F. problems is to work on realeasing tightness in the calves.
3.) A sleeping boot is terrific, as it puts your foot in a good therapeutic dorsal flex positiion throughout the night. The best one is from Another option that serves tihe same function is the Strasburg Sock, and although I have never trried this, it looks more awkward. But for the cost of far less than lots of physio, the boot is a great option.
4.) Some home remedies:
-- Apply ice; freeze a water bottle and roll it under your arch
-- Stretch your aarch before getting out of bed
-- Stretch your calf before and after runs
-- Reduce mileage and cross-train
-- Massage your arch by rolling a golf ball under it
-- Think about over the-the-counter arch supports, and maybe consider prescription orthotics
5.) For now, avoid all raical measures, which can be Raidal Shockwave Treatment, Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections, Botox, and Dry Needling. Those are more for people who have run really seriously for years, asn have suffered P.F. for years....but still want to consider running seriously until they die.

If your situation at its worse the first thing in the morning, maybe with your first 50 steps of the day?

If I didn't already tell you how much time I took off when mine got real bad, let me know and I will find that info in my '08 log. My solution was really three-fold: (1) rest, (2) THE BOOT, nightly for several months, and (3) simple taping before all runs. For the taping, let me know and I can tell you how I did it -- it was very simple, and extremely effective.

2011-11-22 1:32 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Hey Steve - How can I get faster. I mean geepers, I've been running now for a few years and actually had made some headway last year going from 10 to 9.5 mins.  Lately, I'm creeping back to my slower pace and I just don't know how to get my legs to turn over faster. Are there easy drills to do to help? talk to me in laymen terms because I never understand track lingo or distances. Do I need to hire a coach to put me thru running bootcamp?
2011-11-22 1:48 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Central Point
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Have a great Thanksgiving everybody. We're headed to AZ for the rest of the week. Maybe I'll get a swim in and race my 10 yr old niece, she just joined a swim team this year.

2011-11-22 2:06 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Yes, I did sign up for IMAZ!!!!

The best part is I volunteered at registration on Saturday for this years athlete's who wanted to register for next year and we were allowed to register ourselves for practice before we let people in. I had friends that were in the line for volunteer priority registration until 11:00 on Monday morning and then it opened online and sold out in 10 minutes. People are nuts! Me included

I started a blog just for fun:

I put a bunch of pictures up from the weekend.

Happy Thanksgiving!


2011-11-23 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hello all, well its 27 hours and counting to chow time. Yum Yum, I love the Thanksgiving food, but I hate what its going to do to my weight, oh well. I hope eveyone has a great Thanksgiving weekend.

Steve - That is awesome that you got turkey dinner twice in one year.  My mother inlaw love to cook Thanksgiving dinner and since we go over there for dinner every Sunday she will run out of things to cook so she will cook Thanksgiving dinner about 5-8 a year.  Steve you did give me some suggestions in the past on the PF.  I would love to know about the taping so I can try that.

Johanne - Congrats on signing upfor IMAZ for next year, I also will need to go out and check your blog.

Well gotta get back to work, but I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving weekend.

2011-11-24 9:02 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Happy thanksgiving everyone!Signed up for a race next year.... I hope that I'm not biting off more than I can chew...The Rev3 half iron aqua bike....

2011-11-25 7:40 AM
in reply to: #3914002

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I think that's a great choice for you! Cycling is your strength (and love), so doing the jump from 40km to 90km should be a pleasant challenge; that is, you're in your "wheelhouse" when you're looking to extend on the bike.

As for the swim, well, it's only 500m longer than an oly swim. That's the good thing about half-irons for someone like me, who runs and bikes far better than he swims -- the run and bike are both more than twice the distance of an oly, but the swim is barely oly-plus. ANYHOW, you just have to think that in doing Mossman you doubled the previous sprint swims, adding a whopping 750m, whereas at Rev3 you're just nudging up an extra 500m -- baby steps. And, OF COURSE, you will be spending LOTS of time in the pool this winter, making the Rev3 swim just a splashy frolic!

Are you staying home this morning, sensibly eschewing Black Friday madness???

2011-11-25 8:00 AM
in reply to: #3911935

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


You've hit on the three areas (drills, track, coach) that one might consider when trying to build running speed. and it can be accomplished to varying degrees by any combination of those, including just one.

Working backwards, a coach is a quick way to address the other two. And it doesn't have to be a commitment to being coached, but rather could just involve a sesssion or two or three -- enough so the person can assess your running technique/mechanics. I think the quick goal here would be to then get some drills that directly address how to run more efficviently, or economically. I can do that for you, too, and I will, but without seeing you run it becomes more of a "cookie-cutter" approach. This is, of course, what works for 99.9999% of us who have neither the time nor the money to be coached, so it's a good point of attack.

Track sessions and their associated lingo are not necessary, IMHO. For people who enjoy that stuff, or just aspire enough to commit to it, it's good. For me, I can make do with "tempo" runs (a certain distance/time at a predetermined challenging pace) and "fartleks" (Swedish for "speed play" - basically turning the speed up and down whenever it suits you on any given run). There-- isn't that simple?? For all the stuff about track repeats and the numbers can be gotten around.

That brings it back to drills, and for now I'll just leave it at two --- posture and cadence. In a nutshell, I think for the average age-grouper improvements can be made through running with a more forward lean (doesn't have to be dramatic, just has to be avoid pronounced heel-striking) while increassing cadence so it approaches 88-90 footfalls (counted on one foot) per minute. Both of these take time and patience, but their beauty is that they are "home remedies" -- can be done anywhere on any run, and don't cost a dime.

For posture info, go to and search around there for pictures and, I think, a video, and also, which will have the same supporting visuals. A few years ago it was a battle to call this whole school of thought "Chi", or "Evolution", or "Pose", or "Newton", but since then Chi has gained the most traction and so when people talk about running with a slight forward lean and more on the midfoot.......they use the term "Chi running".

So, snoop around a bit and see what you can find. In the meantime, I'll try to come up with some very simple approaches for you. Sounds like a plan?

How are your energy levels these days?

2011-11-25 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3911998

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Congrats on biting the bullet!!! And that is a great perk of your job, being able to sign yourself up for practice. I did IMLP in '04 and then volunteered in '05 at the registration/packetpickup tables, but i don't remember that as an option. Then again, i wasn't planning on doing IMLP again the following year, so even if ity wasn't an option I had no reason to pay attention to it.

ANYHOW, glad you did it -- and now how do you view the next 51 weeks of your life?? A bit different, eh? I felt that mine had undergone a sea change, almost....but maybe that was just me, being a drama queen . It certainly DID change the focus of my training, however, and I didn't allow myself too-too many slackass (excuse me) workouts. I guess what I mean is that most of them had a pretty clear purpose, with not too many junk miles or junk efforts. But maybe I'm just trying to gild my own lily there!

I read that there were 3000 people signed-up for IMAZ; is that true? That is a scary-huge number, but of course, realistically, about 300-500 will not make it to the start line. I think for IMLP in '04 there were 2100 registered and about 1800 finishers. (I should check that out, see how good my memory really is!)

So, Vineman half and then IMAZ --- nice foci!

2011-11-25 8:13 AM
in reply to: #3911962

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Enjoy AZ, and best of luck beating your niece (10-year olds on swim teams can be pretty formidable!).

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