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2012-11-20 6:38 AM
in reply to: #4503814

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
everlong - 2012-11-19 3:13 PM

I did 1:35 on the trainer this morning which is the longest I've been on it since April, maybe May. Riding outside is just so much better........but not when the finishing temp is 36. What a difference a year makes though. I'm anywhere from 20-25 more average watts with 5-10 beats per minute lower at the same time as last year. Doesn't matter what type of workout.

Ran a 3.3 mile turkey trot with my 10 year old daughter on Saturday. About 250 of which half were under 18. Her category was 12 and under. All the kids crowded the front of the race and took off like rockets. I looked at the Garmin and was going 6:30 and not putting dent in the 50 yard lead they popped out to. Just before the one mile mark I settled in 30 yards behind her which is where I wanted to be. She did mile one in 6:52. We hit mile 2 in 7:11 and I was impressed she held 7 pace for this long about mile 2.25 I saw her start grabbing her side and I knew she was cramping. She pulled over and I ran up to her and she was almost in tears and begged for some water. I told her there's no water in a 5K you just need to suck it up and keep going.

So I ran next to her at this point and she picked it up to 7:30 and eventually down to 7:15 but stopped again at about mile 3.1 and I said you only have a quarter of a mile and you're still winning your age group for sure lets go. So she did and we brought it in at 7:32 average which with the two stops was still damn good.

She wanted to leave because she felt like she failed and ran a bad race. I said to the director who I know do you know who won the girls 12 and under. He asked the time keeper who said bib 101 which was Cayden's and she was happy but still disappointed with the stops.

They gave out 20 pound turkeys to the age group winners. When they announced her time there were a lot of ooh's and awe's and she blushed and smiled happily. After running and then cooling down holding a 20 pound frozen bird to your chest when you only weigh 65 pounds yourself makes your teeth chatter. I smiled already knowing the answer and asked do you want me to hold that for you? NO WAY! LOL better to be cold and let everybody know you won than to be warm.

I told her she learned a valuable life lesson. No matter how bad you think you're doing just keep going and you'll surprised where you'll end up. In a race or otherwise it's not always your day but by persevering it will make you better when it is your day.

I love this!  Your daughter sounds like she is a fighter.  How wonderful that you were able to participate in this together.  I might need Cayden to pace me for my Turkey Trot  She's fast!  

2012-11-20 7:12 AM
in reply to: #4123621

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Lifting this morning.  I was scheduled for using the TRX but don't have it yet so I approximated in the gym.  Easy enough.  45 minutes of an aerobic ride for lunch.
2012-11-20 7:40 AM
in reply to: #4123621

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED

ZR/1 ride + Z1/2 t run this morning.  May do some KBs this afternoon.  Easy ride/run to keep the legs loose for Thursday.  It will be interesting to see how I do.  I run this race every other year (years we are in Cleveland for Thanksgiving).  First time I did it was about 4 months after I started running.  

Taking the boys to pick up my race packet this morning, and then we're dropping off some flowers at my husband's aunt's house.  I owe her a huge thanks, as she helps me so much with my children.  She really knows them and spends quality time with them, and I can always count on her to be there for me.  If it weren't for her, I'd be completely on my own up here.  I'm going to have the boys ring the doorbell and hand her the flowers.  Can't wait to see her smile  

Edited by jarvy01 2012-11-20 7:40 AM
2012-11-20 8:37 AM
in reply to: #4123621

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
So after saying for weeks that they'd get back to us with what to bring to Thanksgiving Cindy's family decides to just cancel the whole deal.  Guess I'm cooking Turkey Day dinner at home for my crew.  Off to the grocery store once I drop Abby at school. 
2012-11-20 8:52 AM
in reply to: #4504653

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED

uhcoog - 2012-11-20 9:37 AM So after saying for weeks that they'd get back to us with what to bring to Thanksgiving Cindy's family decides to just cancel the whole deal.  Guess I'm cooking Turkey Day dinner at home for my crew.  Off to the grocery store once I drop Abby at school. 

I wish my in laws would cancel on coming to my house.  We cook for about 16 adults and 8 kids. They all show up 45 mins before the meal is served, eat, hang out for an hour, and leave.  I think next year I am doing a "friends only" thanksgiving.  I'll host, you can all come to my house.  That would be much more fun.

What is everyone doing that morning? There is a cool mountain bike trail ride I'm doing.  Starts at 7:00 am.  We stop in the middle of the ride, and the club organizing it has a fire pit set up, with a full turkey. He cuts it up and everyone kind of has a few pieces.  And of course, beer.  Ride, eat, have a beer, and be back at home by 9:00.  Not a bad way to start the day.

2012-11-20 1:39 PM
in reply to: #4123621

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED

I stopped having to deal with the in-laws when we moved to the east coast.  Unfortunately that also meant not spending the holidays with my family either.  My Mom's Thanksgiving dinner was the best (I'm sure everyone feels that way, it's what you grow up and are used to eating) and I always miss it.  But Tom does a mean vegetarian meal now.  Our poor son is probably not going to have fond memories of his Thanksgivings with us.  When we were strict vegan we would send him to our neighbors with a plate to get some of their turkey, while we had tofurkey (which by the way is horrible - tastes like dirty socks smell).

Anyway, I'm going to be running my own 13 mile run in lieu of driving downtown to do the half.  I have not planned the route, but it'll be some version of my runs from the house.  Probably make it a destination run to Starbuck's so Tom can meet me for coffee.

2012-11-20 2:31 PM
in reply to: #4504190

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED

carrie639 - 2012-11-19 7:51 PM That is a great race for her! Funny how competitive they are at such a young age. My nephew did the 10k last week in 52 minutes. I was doing the 10 mile and knew that he would have to sit around downtown Chicago for an hour waiting for me and I was not comfortable with that ... He is 11. So I had my friend Cathy (who did IMWI this year) run with him. He told me after he had to keep her behind him because she had just done and IM and he knew she could beat him .... He legitimately beat het by about 1 minutes, she couldn't hold his pace. So funny how worried he was about her beating him

Very cool. Well Cayden had been telling me all week how she was going to crush me which is why I stayed 30 yards or so behind her. She kept trying to see where I was but that's a hard way to run. Had she not cramped I fully intended to wait on the last quarter of a mile and blow by her. When we hit mile 2.25 and she was still going that pace I was just about to make my move because I thought I need the full mile to sneak up on her at this pace and then catch a breath and then pull away. She definitely exceed my expectations.

The good news is I didn't have to listen to her all week had she won. Tongue out 

The child is a trash talking pro.

2012-11-21 6:11 AM
in reply to: #4123621

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
I started cooking last night.  Put together baked macaroni and cheese, trimmed green beans and brussels sprouts.  Tonight I'll roast squash, make cranberry relish, cubed bread for stuffing, peel and cut potatoes.  My mother insists on me cooking but doing dinner at her house so I get to lug half my kitchen out on Thursday.
2012-11-21 7:08 AM
in reply to: #4123621

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
At least you can stick her with the clean up
2012-11-21 7:45 AM
in reply to: #4123621

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED

But Kelly gets to clean up all the cooking / prep dishes. =(

How do you make your cranberry relish?  I'm in charge of the cranberry sauce this year and I've never made it before.  I bought the cranberries, and have been looking at simple recipes.  Curious how you make yours.

2012-11-21 7:48 AM
in reply to: #4123621

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
So Tom's smoking a turkey this year.  He did that a couple of years ago, and way over smoked it.  Two bites and I was done, felt like I had smoked a pack of cigarettes it was that strong.  I hope he does not overdo it this year or I'm not eating any turkey.

2012-11-21 8:09 AM
in reply to: #4505840

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED

karen26.2 - 2012-11-21 7:48 AM So Tom's smoking a turkey this year.  He did that a couple of years ago, and way over smoked it.  Two bites and I was done, felt like I had smoked a pack of cigarettes it was that strong.  I hope he does not overdo it this year or I'm not eating any turkey.


Easiest way to do that is to cook it in a disposable roasting pan and then cover with foil halfway through.  Very much limits the amount of smoke the bird is exposed to.

I would so be down with prepping and cooking if I didn't have to clean.  Also wanted to go to culinary school at one point, so there ya go.

As to cranberry sauce I have 2 recipes.  One is traditional: berries, orange peel, sugar, and a little orange juice into a pot and cook down until the consistency you want.  Spicy: saute green onions and a chopped jalepeno until soft then add cranberries, lime zest, lime juice and a little bit of sugar to the pot and cook down until the consistency you want.  Finish it by stirring in some chopped cilantro.

2012-11-21 10:03 AM
in reply to: #4505837

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
karen26.2 - 2012-11-21 8:45 AM

But Kelly gets to clean up all the cooking / prep dishes. =(

How do you make your cranberry relish?  I'm in charge of the cranberry sauce this year and I've never made it before.  I bought the cranberries, and have been looking at simple recipes.  Curious how you make yours.

Recipie is at home -- I'll post it when I get hoem tonight.  Its generally cranberries, oranges, apple and sugar in the food processor. 

2012-11-21 11:37 AM
in reply to: #4123621

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Conrad is hogging up the computer with his mine craft, so I am typing on phone. I tried to make a new sweet potato recipe this morning, and it was delicious, but I don't think the others will appreciate it. Sticking to traditional recipe, I guess.

Did an easy recovery workout this morning, made waffles from scratch for the kids, and then dragged 4 kids to the salon for 2 kids' cuts. Fred was "swimming" on the salon floor....sigh.

Enjoy thanksgiving, friends!
2012-11-21 11:38 AM
in reply to: #4123621

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Is it mine craft or mind craft? I don't know. Lol
2012-11-21 5:28 PM
in reply to: #4123621

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
I know we have some who don't eat meat on here and I saw this for Thanksgiving. 

2012-11-22 9:22 AM
in reply to: #4123621

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Happy tryptophan all.
2012-11-22 9:38 AM
in reply to: #4123621

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED

Happy Thanskgiving.


For Karen my cranberry sauce is vegan:

Bag of fresh cranberries

Orange quartered (leave the skin on)

Green apple quartered

Piece of fresh ginger (peeled)

1/2 cup sugar


Put in all in a food processor and "process."  Tastes best if made the day before and left in the fridge to let the flavors develop.

2012-11-22 9:50 AM
in reply to: #4123621

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and enjoys the day. 

Got my smoker started, working on prepping the turkey now, and eagerly awaiting the TEXANS game

Going to try and get out on my mtb bike for a short bit after the first game and get in a little bit of exercise before being a pig. 

2012-11-22 9:54 AM
in reply to: #4123621

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Bird is on the smoker.  Debating whether to make gravy or bbq sauce for dinner.  Happy Thanksgiving y'all.
2012-11-22 10:33 AM
in reply to: #4123621

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Averaged 8 m/m for my 5 mile race....mile 3 was 7:52 . Max HR was 191....felt like I was having a heart attack. Lol. Yay for improvement!

Off to cook and get my kids cleaned up for dinner. Have a wonderful day!

2012-11-22 6:27 PM
in reply to: #4123621

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
2012-11-22 9:03 PM
in reply to: #4123621

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
Hope everyone had a great day. Had a nice group of 50+ mountain bike ride this morning. There was a group of riders that ride expert/pro class that were already tanked at 6:30 am when I pulled in. Ride was at 7 and ended about 8:30 with a fire pit and a turkey roasting. And of course beer. Really fun morning. Here is a short video crash of my cousin Tom riding behind me. The crash was funny (because he didn't get hurt). Even funnier is how out of breath he was, his grunting, and his explicit commentary after he crashes all the way until he catches back up to me. I'm ahead of him in the blue. I can't stop laughing at him, and glad he wasn't hurt. We lost the lead pack at that point.
2012-11-23 7:01 AM
in reply to: #4123621

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
That's pretty funny! Sometimes dropping the f-bomb (or several in this case) makes you feel a little better! He flew so far he had to walk back to his bike! Hope he chilled out with a beer.

Edited by karen26.2 2012-11-23 7:02 AM
2012-11-23 7:06 AM
in reply to: #4123621

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 Part 2 - CLOSED
We had a nice day that started with a run at the greenway. Then coffee @ Starbucks. Then cooking & cleaning all afternoon. We invited a friend who was going to be alone over for dinner and had a nice relaxing evening. She had picked herself up a few growlers of beer, so we made her bring that as her contribution to the meal. Ha! FYI - Terrapin Liquid Bliss (peanut butter porter) is very good.
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