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2008-09-02 3:59 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

oh no! Sarah I'm sorry to hear about your knee! Good luck with the surgery/rehab, take your time getting back into form.

My week

today - swam 2300, run?
tomorrow - bike course for sunday oly
thursday - swim, run
friday - trainer ride 1hr
satuday- 2 mi run, short swim
sunday - Oly!!!!!

And i may have had a weak moment and convinced myself I should do an ironman.... specifically one in louisville, ky 2009... and I may have had a credit card handy...

2008-09-04 3:12 PM
in reply to: #1644359

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Washington , MO
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Pegasus1731 - 2008-09-02 3:59 PM

oh no! Sarah I'm sorry to hear about your knee! Good luck with the surgery/rehab, take your time getting back into form.

My week

today - swam 2300, run?
tomorrow - bike course for sunday oly
thursday - swim, run
friday - trainer ride 1hr
satuday- 2 mi run, short swim
sunday - Oly!!!!!

And i may have had a weak moment and convinced myself I should do an ironman.... specifically one in louisville, ky 2009... and I may have had a credit card handy...

Good luck on your oly Melissa. And if you make the plunge on 09 Louie, i'll be there with ya!! You've got plently of time to get ready so i say go for it and change your life forever!

2008-09-05 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Good luck to everyone racing! (It's just Melissa this weekend, right?)
2008-09-05 2:53 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Good luck, Melissa!

And have a safe and sane weekend, guys!
2008-09-07 9:42 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone! I went biking for a while and got lost! Actually I haven't done anything since my tri. I think it's starting to show too! I've been watching the forum though. Sorry about the knee Sarah. Luckily it sounds like you'll be better than every by next year. Congrats on eveyone's tris and races also. Todd, how about a little teaser on how you did on Jeopardy? I'm toying with the idea of doing the Hy-Vee tri next year for my first Oly. It's been moved to the course they used this past year incase it floods again next year. I'm a little hesitant since I have a tought time making time for training. Anyone wanna come train with me? It's been fun watching everyone improving and posting great times!
2008-09-08 12:04 PM
in reply to: #1657143

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
pcm95 - 2008-09-07 7:42 PM

Todd, how about a little teaser on how you did on Jeopardy?

Hmm...well, let's just say that the game on Oct. 13 is very suspenseful...

2008-09-08 12:19 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Congrats, are a "podium" magnet!

It's been a weird 7 weeks since my HIM...haven't really been able to train consistently due to recovery, then Africa trip, then recovery from freak plane-ride injury, then taper for half mary, then recovery from half mary injury...and now taper for Malibu Tri on Sunday. May be last tri for season...depending on how I feel afterwards (or, more specifically, how my Achilles feels afterwards), I may do one more Oly on Oct. 5 (or maybe the sprint distance at that event).

Got most of the Oly distances covered in training over the weekend without setting the ankle back much: 1600 yd continuous swim and 22 mile ride on Sat. and 10K run at half mary pace yesterday. Here's what passes for "training" this week...

Today - Bike commute, 8.5 mi.
Tues - Bike commute, same
Wed - Intervals, 3 x 1 mi.
Thurs - Easy run, 3 mi.
Fri - Possible long bike commute AM (20 miles), short commute PM (4.25)
Sat - Possible short ocean swim at Malibu Tri site (packet pickup/expo day)

Have a great week, guys!
2008-09-12 10:57 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Finally had my first relatively "normal" training week in quite awhile! Probably didn't taper enough for Malibu on Sunday, but I've been struggling with a couple extra pounds since my Africa trip and--in the bigger picture--weight maintenance is as important to me as race performance. That's a tricky balance sometimes and I know everyone's priorities are different on that score.

Tonight is the Disney Tri Team's pre-race dinner and rally...there are over 300 people on the team, most of them only doing Malibu (and most as relay participants) and many of them beginners (like my wife and I were for this race last year...our first tri). Almost all of them are Disney employees (including studio, ABC-TV, and ESPN) participating for fitness or fundraising or both, but this year they let a couple of us non-employee spouses participate with the team if we signed a liability waiver. So this year I get to go to the dinner. Chris McCormack ("Macca") will be the speaker...I think he's doing a relay at Malibu...the race promoter announced that he'd be in the race this year, but he's not in their official pro field.

Have a great weekend, everyone!
2008-09-12 8:41 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

Thanks for all the inspires everyone.  Good news/bad news on the event tomorrow.  Good news is that the antibiotic has kicked in and the sinuses are doing MUCH better - I can bend over without a pounding headavche (as Sarah would say - woot!)... Bad news - it hasn't stopped raining the last 24 hours and the tornado sirens sounded multiple times this evening.  The story at packet pickup is that you are to show up rain or shine and they will make a race determination based on the safety of the bike course and the safety of the least experienced athlete... SO, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and working on packing my bags now.  Have a wierd feeling that I'm going to forget my bike for some reason so I'm going to put it in the car here in just a minute - even though I might not even need it Cry

Somehow I drew the open heat card so I'm in heat one with Karen Smeyers, a world class triathlete... think I'll start towards the back of the pack in this heat.  I've never swam, biked or ran in the rain before so even if we do get to participate I'm not sure what to expect from my times.  They said they will do at least 3 thirty minute delays before they will cancel the event if it's even close to ok weather so I'm over-packing on the clothing and water, etc in case I spend half the day out there.

 So, pray for sun (or less rain) tonight for me and I'll look forward to updating you all tomorrow!

2008-09-13 9:12 AM
in reply to: #1671633

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Washington , MO
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
run_carmen - 2008-09-12 8:41 PM

Thanks for all the inspires everyone.  Good news/bad news on the event tomorrow.  Good news is that the antibiotic has kicked in and the sinuses are doing MUCH better - I can bend over without a pounding headavche (as Sarah would say - woot!)... Bad news - it hasn't stopped raining the last 24 hours and the tornado sirens sounded multiple times this evening.  The story at packet pickup is that you are to show up rain or shine and they will make a race determination based on the safety of the bike course and the safety of the least experienced athlete... SO, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and working on packing my bags now.  Have a wierd feeling that I'm going to forget my bike for some reason so I'm going to put it in the car here in just a minute - even though I might not even need it Cry

Somehow I drew the open heat card so I'm in heat one with Karen Smeyers, a world class triathlete... think I'll start towards the back of the pack in this heat.  I've never swam, biked or ran in the rain before so even if we do get to participate I'm not sure what to expect from my times.  They said they will do at least 3 thirty minute delays before they will cancel the event if it's even close to ok weather so I'm over-packing on the clothing and water, etc in case I spend half the day out there.

 So, pray for sun (or less rain) tonight for me and I'll look forward to updating you all tomorrow!

 Hope all is going well today Carmen! If anything it will be a great story Looking forward to the race report already, hehe.

2008-09-13 4:25 PM
in reply to: #1671633

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
run_carmen - 2008-09-12 8:41 PM

I can bend over without a pounding headavche (as Sarah would say - woot!)...

Well said, woot!

2008-09-14 8:52 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED

Well... it was interesting to say the least.  It was dry when I woke up at 5:00 am but by the time I was putting my bike on the rack at about 10 after 6 it started raining and it only stopped for a couple of minutes at a time before the race.  Once the race started at 7:30 it didn't stop raining the whole time.  I left around 10 or 10:30 and every last thing I had with me was soaked. 

The bike course was cancelled due to weather so it was a Splash and Dash and my race report is up.  I'm a bit disappointed just because I know I could have done much better time wise.  I thought the run was a 5K (and it was only 2.6mi) and I had trouble judging the distance because I had never checked the course out.  When I hit the top of a hill and saw the finish I was shocked that I was already done - I had a lot left in me.  Besides being disappointed from that perspective I think my times were pretty good.

2008-09-14 11:26 PM
in reply to: #1673664

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
run_carmen - 2008-09-14 6:52 PM

Well... it was interesting to say the least.  It was dry when I woke up at 5:00 am but by the time I was putting my bike on the rack at about 10 after 6 it started raining and it only stopped for a couple of minutes at a time before the race.  Once the race started at 7:30 it didn't stop raining the whole time.  I left around 10 or 10:30 and every last thing I had with me was soaked. 

The bike course was cancelled due to weather so it was a Splash and Dash and my race report is up.  I'm a bit disappointed just because I know I could have done much better time wise.  I thought the run was a 5K (and it was only 2.6mi) and I had trouble judging the distance because I had never checked the course out.  When I hit the top of a hill and saw the finish I was shocked that I was already done - I had a lot left in me.  Besides being disappointed from that perspective I think my times were pretty good. bike course might just as well have been cancelled today...broke some spokes somewhere in first five miles. Almost gave up when the shimmy got so bad that I had to stop to see what the issue was. Managed to make it in to transition (basically rode 13+ miles on a broken rear wheel), but at a painfully slow crawl...getting passed by everybody. Oh, well...I've been lucky up to now...I've never flatted in a race and haven't even flatted on a training ride in over a year.
2008-09-15 8:40 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Carmen and Todd - sorry to hear both of your races didn't go exactly as planned. Luckily you both have had some good races already this season!

I got in a decent swim and bike yesterday (despite battling a really good hangover, haha )
I'm gonna try to sneak in a swim or two this week and maybe one ride. I've got my surgery on Thursday I am excited to actually start the re-hab process and get back to 100%. It is slightly disappointing though since I feel so good right now and it's gonna be a few months before I am back into everything. Oh well.

2008-09-15 12:14 PM
in reply to: #1674189

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Good luck Thursday, Sarah! (Though I suspect you'll hear from us again before then...)
2008-09-16 1:13 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
*sigh* Someone stole my K2 road bike (retired from training to commuting use) from outside my office today. So, with broken spoke on my Scott, I have no bike til I get the wheel repaired.

Not happy camper tonight...

2008-09-16 8:03 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Ugh, sorry Todd!

It so happens that on my way to work yesterday morning I heard this cool news story. Cops in Madison Wisconsin at the University of Wisconsin put out 40 bikes with electronic transmitters in them at random bike racks around campus and locked them up. When the bikes started moving they tracked down the jerks that stole the bikes and charged them with theft! Pretty cool idea. If every city put out a whole bunch of bikes like this I think it would make the theives think twice!
2008-09-16 3:45 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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san francisco
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Todd- That sucks big time. Glad it wasn't your new bike, though it doesn't make it any better.

Maybe good tri karma will come around and you'll get a screaming deal on a Tri bike and turn your Scott into the commuter! Oh yeah, you just bought the Scott and just moved, and just got back from Africa...and oh...I better shut up now.

Ummm, well, just wanted to put a positive spin on things

Take care--
2008-09-17 12:37 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
No bike = more run sessions then I've been accustomed to lately. So, for variety's sake: Track intervals this morning.

The place we moved to is half a block from a big community college and I hadn't checked out the track, so I walked the .75 mi. to the stadium and it was open for running. So quarter-mile intervals. Yuck. Haven't done those in probably 30 years or more...
2008-09-18 1:46 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Good luck with your surgery, Sarah!
2008-09-18 4:56 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Thinking about you Sarah!!!  You are probably still doped up but hoping you are doing well!

2008-09-19 9:34 AM
in reply to: #1358169

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone, thanks for the well wishes. Surgery went ok. Felt decent afterwards. Have been battling a little bit of stomach problems/uneasiness from the anestetia and now from the pain meds. I got a "block" in my leg before the surgery. They somehow pinch a nerve or something so your entire leg goes numb for about 12 to 16 hours. It really helped with the post surgery pain! The block has worn off so I'm on the meds now. Not sure how loopy I am...hopefully some of this makes sense
Anyways, just lots of rest, elevating, icing, and meds for the next few days. Oh, and tv watching.


(john - good luck this weekend! )
2008-09-19 12:19 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Glad to hear it went well,'s to a speedy rehab!
2008-09-21 9:22 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Glad to hear the surgery is over with and went well Sarah. You probably can't wait for next year already! Don't watch to much TV like me!

Good job on the tri John, doing a half IM is amazing!

Good job to Todd, heck it's been fun reading up on everybody and their triathlons. I'm already motivated for next year. In fact, I've decided to try on Oly next year because of everyone.
2008-09-26 12:37 PM
in reply to: #1358169

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: tcovert's Group - CLOSED
Hi everyone! Woohoo its Friday!

I don't have too many plans for the weekend. I am pretty mobile now, but am still slow and still on crutches, so public places/places that require a lot of walking aren't that feasible.

Not much to say just checking in with everyone. Later
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