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2010-03-11 7:38 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

It's a training weekend for everyone right?  How is the consistancy coming?  Now is the time to build a good routine and stick with it!!  

2010-03-11 10:06 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Hehe, I think I was sick and missed 1 workout in the past 6 months 8), maybe missed 5 workouts in the past  2 years.  If all it took was consistency I would be rocking the Triathlon scene.   It is a requirement but boy it takes a lot of years at this sport to get any good.  Youth is wasted on the youth... my kids are slugs and they just let the time go by.   
2010-03-11 8:45 PM
in reply to: #2720574

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

Baowolf - 2010-03-11 10:06 AM Hehe, I think I was sick and missed 1 workout in the past 6 months 8), maybe missed 5 workouts in the past  2 years.  If all it took was consistency I would be rocking the Triathlon scene.   It is a requirement but boy it takes a lot of years at this sport to get any good.  Youth is wasted on the youth... my kids are slugs and they just let the time go by.   

Tonight I forced my son back into the water for some actual lap swimming - not pretty!  Last summer he won 1st place in the championship meet for 25 free, ff to 8 months later and the slug can barely swim a 50 with any sort of form.  I miss them swimming year round, but when we moved there just wasn't a team I was comfortable with him swimming year round.  Sigh - mom the coach is gonna have to crack the whip!

2010-03-13 10:16 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Spring Break is HERE!  I'm heading up to Oklahoma to do some backpacking with my Dad and nephews.  It's been years since I've strapped on a pack, so I'm really looking forward to it.  I should be back into the full swing of training by Wednesday.
2010-03-14 11:07 AM
in reply to: #2724444

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

FWSquatch - 2010-03-13 10:16 AM Spring Break is HERE!  I'm heading up to Oklahoma to do some backpacking with my Dad and nephews.  It's been years since I've strapped on a pack, so I'm really looking forward to it.  I should be back into the full swing of training by Wednesday.

Sounds like fun!  Have a great time!!

2010-03-15 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Port Kent, NY
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
I don't know what to do.  My son is crawling know and doesn't want to be confined to the jumper or the other thing, so riding my bike is know almost out of the question.  My husband is back to work and he works out of town.  Maybe I'm just using this as an excuse b/c I'm afraid to sign up for the tinman.  But it seems like I never have any time for training.  Running doesn't seem to be a big issue b/c I can put him in the stroller and he is use it know.  Once our weather warms up I plan on riding my bike to and from work (which is 3 times a week and 15 miles one way).  So know its just the swimming.  I wish I could take him with me.  I don't know what to do.  Should I just sign up for the sprint Tinman instead?  I do really want to do this but I'm so afraid to sign up for this race and spend that kind of money to get to race day and not feel like I got good quality training in.  Any input would be greatly appriecated at this point.  I can't ask my husband for help b/c he gives me a really hard time about it and I'm trying to "sneak around" to get work outs in so that he doesn't get "Jealous"! I don't know I'm pretty down about it all. 

2010-03-15 11:02 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
If you have a YMCA membership or if your YMCA has cheaper day passes, you can ditch the kid with the babysitter/care they provide while you work out.  Alternatives are family, friends, babysitter.  When I started tri's I took my little one in a kid seat on the back of my mountain bike.  If you are at home you can put him/her in jail er a playpen or fence off   the area where your bike is.  You may have to limit your trainer ride to a couple 30 minute rides instead of one continuous if the child is extremely grumpy.  If your little one takes naps, that works great.  TV can distract.  Taking turns watching kids of friends.  Some kind of networking.  It is ok for the little one to be unhappy and have to entertain him/herself for periods of time.  Your husband may have to step up to the plate when he is home.  It is part of his job as father to watch the little one, change diapers from time to time, etc.   
2010-03-15 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

My first words of advice are to tell your husband to suck it up and help.  I know that's not really an option, so my second tip would be find a friend that also swims and trade off kid time.   You can play at the pool w/ both kids while your friend swims, then you swim while she watches your kid.  My sister in law and I have done a lot of kid trade off in the last few years - works great!!

2010-03-15 7:03 PM
in reply to: #2720169

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York, PA
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
katimomma - 2010-03-11 8:38 AM

It's a training weekend for everyone right?  How is the consistancy coming?  Now is the time to build a good routine and stick with it!!  

A couple days behind on this post. But yes, really working it. I swam 500 yards today for the first time. I had to throw in a few breaststroke laps becuase I pulled my right side last week and had a week off but I am happy I accomplished my first 500 yards. I did it in 12 minutes.

Edited by Robin7 2010-03-15 7:03 PM
2010-03-16 10:36 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Grats on the swim milestone.  Any gain in swim is a major accomplishment. 

Last night I took advantage of the extra daylight and got in an easy ride... well supposed to be easy, 20 mph winds made it somewhat more challenging.  Then I did 30 minutes of drills where you try to ballence on your back, side, with a sharksfin and mostly just see how much water you can get up your nose.  Not convinced that the drills do anything other than take time away from fitness yet, but I am commited to giving it a shot just in case, 90 to 120 minutes of drills every week for a while on top of 2:30 in real swimming per week.  Tonight is 1 hour continuous swim, fun fun.   
2010-03-16 12:58 PM
in reply to: #2728893

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

Baowolf - 2010-03-16 10:36 AM Grats on the swim milestone.  Any gain in swim is a major accomplishment. 

Last night I took advantage of the extra daylight and got in an easy ride... well supposed to be easy, 20 mph winds made it somewhat more challenging.  Then I did 30 minutes of drills where you try to ballence on your back, side, with a sharksfin and mostly just see how much water you can get up your nose.  Not convinced that the drills do anything other than take time away from fitness yet, but I am commited to giving it a shot just in case, 90 to 120 minutes of drills every week for a while on top of 2:30 in real swimming per week.  Tonight is 1 hour continuous swim, fun fun.   

Drills should make you hop on that bike fresher and ready to tear up the roads!  I always tell my swimmers that swimming is the 'less work to go fastest' sport - the more efficient the better!!  I've gotta get out for a run today but my warm inside self just doesn't want to go back out there!!  1:45 in the wind on the bike this am was enough!

2010-03-17 10:19 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Well 3000 yards straight at 2:00/100 pace.  Not blazing, but it is a start.  March is going to be coming quickly.  I am up to 12 ish hours per week for workouts now and the big build is still coming.  I am only at a 3 hour bike ride so far and haven't added in the longer runs yet.  Fun, fun...   

Happy St. Patrick's Day all.
2010-03-17 12:09 PM
in reply to: #2726777

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Port Kent, NY
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Baowolf - 2010-03-15 11:02 AM If you have a YMCA membership or if your YMCA has cheaper day passes, you can ditch the kid with the babysitter/care they provide while you work out.  Alternatives are family, friends, babysitter.  When I started tri's I took my little one in a kid seat on the back of my mountain bike.  If you are at home you can put him/her in jail er a playpen or fence off   the area where your bike is.  You may have to limit your trainer ride to a couple 30 minute rides instead of one continuous if the child is extremely grumpy.  If your little one takes naps, that works great.  TV can distract.  Taking turns watching kids of friends.  Some kind of networking.  It is ok for the little one to be unhappy and have to entertain him/herself for periods of time.  Your husband may have to step up to the plate when he is home.  It is part of his job as father to watch the little one, change diapers from time to time, etc.   

I've taken note of some of the advice you gave here like just spliting up the spinning... Naps were a great way but he has decided that he is to big for naps know, lol.  As for the YMCA you do have to be a member in order to take advangte of the babysitting service.  I'm looking into that.  Other than that is talking to Daycare about leaving him an extra hour one day a week to get my swim in.  It's all a work in progress.  As for my husband I just don't want to deal with it so I'll find away. Thank you so much!!! 
2010-03-17 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2727240

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Port Kent, NY
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
katimomma - 2010-03-15 1:38 PM

My first words of advice are to tell your husband to suck it up and help.  I know that's not really an option, so my second tip would be find a friend that also swims and trade off kid time.   You can play at the pool w/ both kids while your friend swims, then you swim while she watches your kid.  My sister in law and I have done a lot of kid trade off in the last few years - works great!!

I think that this may just work even though my friend doesn't have any kids but I know she wouldn't mind watching him while I swim a few laps.  At least to get me started.  Thanks !!
2010-03-17 12:12 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Port Kent, NY
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
The weather here has been just beautiful!!!!!!!!  Suppose to be hitting 60 degrees, WOW.  I can not wait to get home and get out for a run....

Happy St. Patty Day Everyone!!!!!!!!!
2010-03-18 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2731510

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

Mommyintraining - 2010-03-17 12:12 PM The weather here has been just beautiful!!!!!!!!  Suppose to be hitting 60 degrees, WOW.  I can not wait to get home and get out for a run....

Happy St. Patty Day Everyone!!!!!!!!!

It is gorgeous here too!  Bummer is today is a super busy day, so no outside riding - unless it's with my 7 year old, which is really fun - but not really riding per say.  

2010-03-18 3:50 PM
in reply to: #2733321

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
I'm out of the wilderness and back into training.  Backpacking was GREAT!  I am still sore unfortunately.  I guess I'm not a young whipper-snapper anymore.  The hikes up and down some really rocky trails were tough, but the sleeping on the ground was even worse!  My hips and back are still a bit tender.  Today was absolutely beautiful here so I yanked my bike off the trainer and hit the streets.  Got in a nice ride while the kids hit the park.  Now that nasty lawn of mine is calling my name.  Bleh.  Scenic Looker  Before
2010-03-18 6:16 PM
in reply to: #2734317

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
FWSquatch - 2010-03-18 4:50 PM I'm out of the wilderness and back into training.  Backpacking was GREAT!  I am still sore unfortunately.  I guess I'm not a young whipper-snapper anymore.  The hikes up and down some really rocky trails were tough, but the sleeping on the ground was even worse!  My hips and back are still a bit tender.  Today was absolutely beautiful here so I yanked my bike off the trainer and hit the streets.  Got in a nice ride while the kids hit the park.  Now that nasty lawn of mine is calling my name.  Bleh.  Scenic Looker  Before

Nice pix!  If I were to do that I'd have to bring an air mattress, the couple of extra lbs would be so worth it!
2010-03-18 6:26 PM
in reply to: #2733321

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Hi Gang!
Been pretty busy these days at work.  Still B&R training pretty good but I really need to get myself to the pool next week, my sprint tri is only 11 weeks away.  Currently in the process of catching a bug, really felt it last night on my run, had absolutely nothing.  Seems that the stomach bug is going around and my wife's 4 year old's preshool class over half have gone home over the last two days.
2010-03-18 6:39 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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York, PA
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Did my first 11 miles on the bike. (up from 7.5)
2010-03-19 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2734563

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Beautiful weather here today as well!  I just finished a bike/run brick workout.  I'm beat.  The weather is supposed to turn cold this weekend so it looks like I'll be spending some time in the gym.

2010-03-19 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2734563

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

Robin7 - 2010-03-18 6:39 PM GREAT DAY TO BE OUTSIDE!
Did my first 11 miles on the bike. (up from 7.5)

GREAT JOB!!!  I'm getting ready to head to the beach for the half marathon on Sunday!  Packing, packing, packing!  Weather looks beautiful - should be a great race.

2010-03-19 5:29 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
I don't want to think about tomorrow's workout yet, 1 hour swim, 3 hour bike, 5 mile brick run, core workout and look presentable by 6pm to go out.
2010-03-19 8:51 PM
in reply to: #2736135


NE Texas
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

GREAT JOB!!!  I'm getting ready to head to the beach for the half marathon on Sunday!  Packing, packing, packing!  Weather looks beautiful - should be a great race.

Good luck on the Half!Cool 
2010-03-19 8:53 PM
in reply to: #2734563


NE Texas
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Robin7 - 2010-03-18 6:39 PM GREAT DAY TO BE OUTSIDE!
Did my first 11 miles on the bike. (up from 7.5)

WTG Robin...  
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