BT Development Mentor Program Archives » QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL Rss Feed  
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2011-02-19 11:34 AM
in reply to: #3261875

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Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
Good Saturday Morning Everyone!  I'm back...well, for the moment anyway Wink

Trying to let go of the fact that work interrupted my life and I have a bunch of blank spots on my training log.  (Judi knows how I loves me some peach!)  Not much I could have done about it unless I really wanted to kill myself.  They had us locked in meetings from early in the morning until happy hour (wasn't going to miss that).  Then, group dinners (it was either join in, or eat the cheese doodles and salty popcorn at the bar instead).  What's a girl to do?  Oh, and the rain.  And then more rain.  And then some more.  Ark building was in order.  I survived however...totally wiped out, but I did survive.  Slept 10 hours last night to catch up--and that's something I seldom do.

Nice to see everyone staying active in some fashion or other. 

Happy belated birthday Catherine!  Your celebration sounds fantastic!

Judi--WTH?  I can't believe the issues with your calves!  I'm glad though that they were able to get some relief with the accupressure.  And the calve sleeves?  Yeah, they look goofy, but they sure helped my shin splints last season.  I'm certain they will provide the necessary support to keep you moving without pain or further injury.

Adam--I always wear my HRM, but have never trained with it.  I am just a data freak, so I like to capture the info.  I understand that training with it can be very, very effective...I'm just not that disciplined.  I prefer pace and RPE.  Someone mentioned cardiac drift...I think that Joe Friel has probably commented the most about that phenomenon.  I certainly have experienced it in my own HR data.  It's really quite striking.

Dud--best of luck on your race this weekend!

As for my plans over this three day weekend...hope to get a run in before the skies open up again.  I really should do some strength training at some point as well.  Yoga on Sunday.  I still also have my February goal to get my butt back to the pool staring me in the face so I'm going to try to squeeze that in as well.  I'm also clearly in need of a little rest and recovery, so there's that.  I'm heading down and back to So Cal on Tuesday, and need to be in San Francisco at 10am on Wednesday for two more days of meetings.  Back home next Friday.  March is looking pretty wide open at the moment, so I'm hanging on to that to get me through.

Happy training and racing everyone!

2011-02-19 9:44 PM
in reply to: #3261875

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Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
Dam winter marathons.  Guess I should have traveled up a day early.  The winter weather, mainly the wind with some snow kept us from getting over to the race.  Most the day the thruway was closed even when it opened accidents kept popping up travel map so we bagged it.  I run a hard half tomorrow and am looking at marathons in early May.  Maybe the Run for the Red again. 

The question is I have a half marathon on May 1st, do I race a marathon the next weekend or the weekend after?

Hope the rest of you are having a good training/race weekend or just a good weekend.  
2011-02-20 12:29 AM
in reply to: #3363593

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Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
Ah bugger Dud! ... must be a bit of a let down (or a relief depending on your training I guess ) ... my advice, if I ran a half marathon, I would probably struggle to do a marathon the following week ... pretty sure the doctors wouldn't sign my discharge papers

Good luck! 
2011-02-20 7:11 AM
in reply to: #3261875

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
I think you would shoot me if I entertained the idea of a half marathon May 1 and a full mary within 2 weeks.  Even without my being injured.  I am shocked you are throwing that idea around.
No full marathons closer to todays date to not have to keep those long runs up?
2011-02-20 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3261875

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Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
Sorry to hear about your having to bag the race plans Dud.  That bites.

As to running a half the week before a marathon...really?  In theory you should be in full taper at that point.  I suppose if you were really crazy and wasn't concerned about your time, you could run it as a training run, but why?
2011-02-20 4:15 PM
in reply to: #3261875

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Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
See the thing is that I have already signed up for HM, May 1st.  We got a whole group doing it. 

The training plan I just went through calls for a HM two weeks before this marathon.   A half a week ahead would decrease my ability for sure in the marathon.  So looks like I'll take the two week rest. 

I would treat the half as more of a training run with a bunch of my friends.   Looks like Marmadaddy will be back up to speed to run both with me.  So its looking like the Run for the Red in the Poconos.  We did that two years ago.    It will be fun to do it again.  Hell KenJ might even come along. 

I haven't found anything sooner except trail runs and I'm not coordinated enough not to get hurt doing them.  

2011-02-20 4:18 PM
in reply to: #3261875

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
Okay, that sounds like you have it under control.....but I still say you would come down here and hurt me if I suggested that! (course I would hurt myself trying as my legs have proven!!)

I had a nice gym session on my own....a little elliptical,  got my lift on then swam.  Should sleep like a baby tonight. Undecided
2011-02-20 5:35 PM
in reply to: #3364193

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
dexter - 2011-02-21 6:15 AM See the thing is that I have already signed up for HM, May 1st.  We got a whole group doing it. 

The training plan I just went through calls for a HM two weeks before this marathon.   A half a week ahead would decrease my ability for sure in the marathon.  So looks like I'll take the two week rest. 

I would treat the half as more of a training run with a bunch of my friends.   Looks like Marmadaddy will be back up to speed to run both with me.  So its looking like the Run for the Red in the Poconos.  We did that two years ago.    It will be fun to do it again.  Hell KenJ might even come along. 

I haven't found anything sooner except trail runs and I'm not coordinated enough not to get hurt doing them.  

Sucks about the marathon, but at least you made it back safely.  The two weeks off sounds like a much better idea.  A few years ago I did a 19 miler the weekend before a marathon I ran at my friends pace.  Even though the pace was minutes slower than my pace I was hurting and it took me weeks to recover.
2011-02-21 12:14 PM
in reply to: #3261875

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2011-02-22 9:28 AM
in reply to: #3261875

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2011-02-22 9:35 AM
in reply to: #3261875

Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
Wish I could do two-a days right now, but I'll be lucky to get a workout in each day this week because of business travel.  I'm leaving for Southern California shortly.

Good luck in your quest Rob...

2011-02-22 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3366780

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2011-02-22 11:23 AM
in reply to: #3261875

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
My focus of the week is getting the bike refit and HOPING they can help pin point why my legs remain difficult
2011-02-22 12:06 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
Hi guys - sorry that I've been kind of MIA again.  Getting our house on the market has totally dominated our time lately.  I've missed an entire week of running now!!  UGH.

Dud - so sorry to hear about the marathon.
Judi - I'll be curious to see how your fit works out.
Michelle - hope your travels go well.
Rob - good luck with the clean eating!

My focus for the week is actually going to be cycling!  My plan is to complete two Spinnervals workouts this week (and next week) in prep for my cycling class that starts in March.  I also hope to get in an outside ride this weekend if the weather cooperates. 
2011-02-22 12:47 PM
in reply to: #3367127

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2011-02-22 4:58 PM
in reply to: #3366766

Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
robcolling - 2011-02-22 11:28 PM
No, no, no, we'll have none of that "falling off the first page" business. 

Righty-O, up we go.

My "Focus of the week:"

Eat less! Only 2.5 weeks or so to go until my race. Time to shed the pounds. Two-a-day workouts anyone?  

I'm with you on the two a days.  I was up this morning at 4 and on the trainer at 4:20 sweating and watching the expendables.

It's hard giving up those delicious sudsy drinks but I always make it the first thing that goes.   But abscence makes the heart grow fonder.  2.5 weeks without it will be worth it.  Keep up the good work.

2011-02-22 5:16 PM
in reply to: #3367646

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2011-02-22 5:28 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
My goal this week is a simple one, to stick to the training plan and keep churning out the peach. A month in now and I notice the initial excitement has returned to normal levels. This is not the same as enthusiasm for the task though.

Hope all are well, I am actually growing to like the early morning rises for training (while the weather is warm anyway), it helps to start the day on a positive note and energised. Reminds me what my great grand-ma always said about late rises wasting the best part of the day. 
2011-02-22 6:22 PM
in reply to: #3261875

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
The refit was really short, he moved my saddle down and back.  Suggested shorter rides on the tri bike and in season to do about 50-50 on the tri and road bikes.  In the past I have ridden mostly on the road bike with tri bike for races and an occasional training ride.
He gave me the name of someone else to call if my issues continue.  THe individual is active here on BT, so I can PM him if I feel like I need more adjustment.

Looking like I may be sitting out another season.....
2011-02-23 8:33 AM
in reply to: #3367755

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2011-02-23 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3367683

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2011-02-23 8:51 AM
in reply to: #3261875

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2011-02-23 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3261875

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
I have heard a bit about running  cadence....since my running is sooo limited now I don't know what cadence I typically have anymore.  I am not sure that over extending the stride is always a good way to speed up, seems to me it would be a recipe to get injured.  Will be interesting to see thoughts from others!!
2011-02-23 9:58 AM
in reply to: #3368415

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2011-02-23 10:43 AM
in reply to: #3368508

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
robcolling - 2011-02-23 9:58 AM
QueenZipp - 2011-02-23 10:15 AM Rob,
I have heard a bit about running  cadence....since my running is sooo limited now I don't know what cadence I typically have anymore.  I am not sure that over extending the stride is always a good way to speed up, seems to me it would be a recipe to get injured.  Will be interesting to see thoughts from others!!

Yes, I found some evidence warning about a too-long stride. The article in Runners World also discusses the benefits of a higher (above 90) stride count:

Runner's World article link here

Great article!  I remember reading it a while back.
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