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2006-05-29 7:22 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Extreme Veteran
Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Are we there yet?

2006-05-29 7:51 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Pretty close James...pretty darn close.

Despite a rough few days, I am excited about the challenge ahead.  Not yet sure how I am going to resolve some of the new swim issues I'm having, but I will.  Looks like my wetsuit and I will be getting very well acquainted in the next 3 weeks.

Decent short run/drill wortkout tonight got me in good spirits. 

This is our last week of hard training folks...everyone make it count, but train safe!

2006-05-29 8:07 PM
in reply to: #316690

new orleans
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
OldAg, You're pretty lucky you discovered this OW/wetsuit problem now. 2.4 miles is a looong way to have to feel like sh#t, and I wouldn't think a good way to start an IM. The goofing around in the water with the wetsuit on sounds like a good idea-hope you can work it out.

Today in New Orleans: high 80's, HIGH humidity, NO wind. My 18 mile run was S-L-O-W. I really had to dig deep to finish. I think I got a taste of what the IM run may be like-
ended up running 3min./walking 7min. to finish.

Next long run: CDA!!!

2006-05-30 9:25 AM
in reply to: #437402

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Thought I would start this day off with sharing my first IM nightmare. Try to make it short...

"I was at Pier 70 in Seattle where the start was. Lots of athletes there. All of a sudden the race director and friend walked away. I was on the phone with someone who called with ??'s. All of a sudden I notice everyone has left. Not started swimming but just gone. I freak out and am wandering around the block with my bike screaming "does anybody know where the swim is starting!" I am freaking out and cars keep driving by me. I look at my watch and realise, this is it, I am missing my big day. I am crying, screaming, telling the world I have spent all this money, this time and I am missing my big day!!"

I woke up. No kidding, my throat is sore and I am sweating. I think that is really from being over tired from the weekend and pop some advil.

Also did not help that a guy tells me a story last night about his brother being pulled out of IMAZ in the swim. He had been kicked and got so much water in him they pulled him out. He was dizzy, didn't know where he was, they rushed him to the hospital where they announced he would have drowned had they not pulled him, he had that much water in his lungs. I was like "ok....thanks for joining us tonight!!" Had great conversation up till then!!

Back to reality,

All is good. Keep it up guys. Isn't this close to the last weekend of hard work?
2006-05-30 9:31 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
I can relate to the dizzy and not knowing where you are...luckily I haven't had the lungs filled with water yet!
2006-05-30 11:42 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Coeur d'Alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Hey Everyone-

Hang in there!  When things get tough remember the time you have put in and concentrate on the basics.  My heartrate redlined during the swim at Onionman and I just pulled up, caught my breath then concentrated on making 20 good breaths and just swimming long and pretty.  It really helped! 

We have all done the work so let us all keep looking to the positive.  We know it will be tough, but know you are prepared.  Stay focused and have a great week!

2006-05-30 1:52 PM
in reply to: #437901

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San Diego
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

I agree with Boglecda,

Just relax and enjoy this time. All of the hard part is behind us. There is nothing that is going to happen in the next few weeks that will change your race (except eating week old raw seafood on the 24th). Don't stress out now. When we get to CDA, enjoy everything IM has to offer. You will only have one first IM, so sit back and have fun!

2006-05-30 2:05 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Thanks for ruining my plans, Tom.  I had already set my sights on some nice raw Tilapia that I was going to start curing on my back patio this weekend.   Geez....some people have to go and spoil all the fun. 

Imagine how cool it would be to actually have a GOOD excuse for nausea and dizziness!!!!!


2006-05-30 2:58 PM
in reply to: #438140

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Liberty Lake, WA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
OldAg92 - 2006-05-30 11:05 AM

Imagine how cool it would be to actually have a GOOD excuse for nausea and dizziness!!!!!

Yeh, because doing an IM is not a good enough excuse to be nausous and dizzy.

2006-05-30 4:17 PM
in reply to: #438252

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Vallejo, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
T in Liberty Lake - 2006-05-30 12:58 PM
OldAg92 - 2006-05-30 11:05 AM

Imagine how cool it would be to actually have a GOOD excuse for nausea and dizziness!!!!!

Yeh, because doing an IM is not a good enough excuse to be nausous and dizzy.


Speaking of nausea -- I could use a little unprofessional medical advice.  Last Sunday I did a 90 mile ride followed by a short run.  The weather was in the high 60s, I fueled (Hammer Perpetuem, Endurolytes, Bannana), I hydrated (about 96 ounces of water over 5 hours), and I rolled along at a pretty good clip -- feeling pretty good.  I finished the run, ate an apple, some lowfat turkey and a can of mandarin oranges (I love these things -- buy 'em by the box at Costco) and next thing I know I'm hugging the porcelain and I have a migrane (which I generally get when my allergies act up -- though I really didn't sense that allergies were involved, except that that's what triggers my migranes).  I spent most of the rest of the day and night trying to calm my stomache sufficiently to absorb some migrane medicine, but, of course, taking medicine only more time with the porcelain. 

So my questions are, where did this nausea come from?  The apple?  The turkey? 

Also, does anyone have advice for how to handle nausea if it happens during the race? 

And finally, does anyone take allergy medicine before or during training?  (Allegra?  Advil Cold and Sinus?)  How does that work for you?  I've been trying to limit my medicine intake -- especially on days when I go long.

Thanks.  Steve.

2006-05-30 8:33 PM
in reply to: #438352

new orleans
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
skukta - 2006-05-30 4:17 PM

T in Liberty Lake - 2006-05-30 12:58 PM
OldAg92 - 2006-05-30 11:05 AM

Imagine how cool it would be to actually have a GOOD excuse for nausea and dizziness!!!!!

Yeh, because doing an IM is not a good enough excuse to be nausous and dizzy.


Speaking of nausea -- I could use a little unprofessional medical advice.  Last Sunday I did a 90 mile ride followed by a short run.  The weather was in the high 60s, I fueled (Hammer Perpetuem, Endurolytes, Bannana), I hydrated (about 96 ounces of water over 5 hours), and I rolled along at a pretty good clip -- feeling pretty good.  I finished the run, ate an apple, some lowfat turkey and a can of mandarin oranges (I love these things -- buy 'em by the box at Costco) and next thing I know I'm hugging the porcelain and I have a migrane (which I generally get when my allergies act up -- though I really didn't sense that allergies were involved, except that that's what triggers my migranes).  I spent most of the rest of the day and night trying to calm my stomache sufficiently to absorb some migrane medicine, but, of course, taking medicine only more time with the porcelain. 

So my questions are, where did this nausea come from?  The apple?  The turkey? 

Also, does anyone have advice for how to handle nausea if it happens during the race? 

And finally, does anyone take allergy medicine before or during training?  (Allegra?  Advil Cold and Sinus?)  How does that work for you?  I've been trying to limit my medicine intake -- especially on days when I go long.

Thanks.  Steve.

I have the nausea problem too. Can't eat much after long training days--have to wait a couple of hours. Had bad headache yesterday after my long run, but I think I was somewhat dehydrated (pee was dark). At 1/2IM 2 weeks ago, nausea on the run got better after finding some coke at aid station.

2006-05-30 8:51 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Coeur d'Alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Have to agree with Taleesh...after going hard for an extended period I have to ease into solid food!  Wolfed down a cheeseburger (provided post race meal) after Onionman Oly this weekend and was suffering some serious GI distress!
2006-05-30 8:55 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

OK, finally have almost all of my arrangements made.  Hotel...check.  Flight....check.  Rental car.....check. Post Race massage...check.  Bike shipping...uh oh!

Trying to decide between buying a hard-shell bike case and checking the bike on the plane with me, buying the same case and shipping the bike ahead to my hotel, or just having my LBS pack it (cardboard bike box) and ship it, thus saving the $200+ on the bike case.  Final option would be Tri Bike Transport, but I'd have to drive 4+ hours to the shop that they pick up at.

Guess I need to figure this one out pretty quickly! 


2006-05-30 9:18 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

You can ship it to Inside Out Sports at the expo.  I  did that for last year's Floriday Half and it was very convenient.  I just used a cardboard box and some bubble wrap.

Edited by PGoldberger 2006-05-30 9:18 PM
2006-05-30 9:39 PM
in reply to: #438589

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Back to Steve about migraines and such....
I use to get a headaches really often after long workouts. Yep to the point where I thought was my head was going to explode. Only thing that helped was for me to get to a bed, quick and just sleep it off. Took me years to try and figure out what my problem was. I finally began taking in more calories during my workouts. I am more of a huge meal kinda girl and eat a lot for my size, but during workouts never took a whole lot of calories in. Always thought my body would use the body fat since I was doing LSD. So I added more gatorade more often. And then I also added endurolytes. Seemed the combo has really helped. We all are different and for me, I do this, plus I almost have to crash for a couple of hours after a long workout. Also I AM hungry after, I need to eat real food usually with a high sodium content pretty quickly after I work out. All of these helps me recover. I don't get sick, but I still get headaches if I don't rest up enough.

Like tonight, had to come home from work. I can feel my lymph nodes swollen, my throat hurts and I am major tired. So I will try and catch up tonight, hope I can get back to working out by tomorrow. gotta know your body.
2006-05-31 11:26 AM
in reply to: #438611

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Okay, Just a few words regarding the last weeks of training. First, stay out of the attic! If it doesnt have a floor on it then it wasnt meant to walk on. Thank God those joists are so close together. Second, don't 'stomp' up a ladder. When you get to that 6' high step the ladder might jiggle enough to toss you and your leg might get hung up on the brace. It could happen! The doctor suggests to just stay off the ladder for the next few weeks! He also says I'm in great shape and with a week off I should be at 85%, and if I play my cards right (and dont pull out the chainsaw to clean up that pine tree out back) I should be 100% before the race.

Good Luck!

I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy - myself.

2006-05-31 11:30 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

This probably should be a new thread but since this one is already so crazy here it goes;

For those of you who have ridden the course what kind of gearing are you planning on using and what kind of bike split are you expecting?

2006-05-31 11:40 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Gearing...???  What's that?? 

Never ridden the course, so this response is useless to you, but I thought I'd throw in a little humor today.  I'll be riding in whatever gear allows me to keep pedaling and hopefully with a manageable HR. 


2006-05-31 11:58 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
There you go.  Keep it real simple.
2006-05-31 12:11 PM
in reply to: #439192

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
My crank is 53/39. I used Google Earth to review the climbs in CDA and then find similiar length and height climbs here in SoCal. I find that I can do both the big climbs in my second to the smallest gear.

2006-05-31 12:17 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Coeur d'Alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Ridden the course many times and riding it again on Saturday!  Gearing is what came on my bike (2205 QR Tequilo).  Can't tell you what it is, but seems to work!  There are not a lot of long just flat stretches so you will spend a lot of time in what I call the "middle" on my cogset.  How is that for simple?

2006-05-31 12:19 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

They better not be like they are here!  I don't see any 6-8 mile 7-12% climbs on the course.  If they are there someone shoot me.

I'm using a compact right now (50,34) question is do I use the 11-23 or 12-25.  Thinking about 12-25 so I'm never tempted to go into the 50X11.  The 11-23 gives me nice gears in the middle of my cogset to keep the chain nice and straight. 

2006-05-31 12:20 PM
in reply to: #439170

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Liberty Lake, WA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Same plan here, what the bike came with.  Got a big & little gear up front an assortment of sizes in the back.
2006-05-31 12:28 PM
in reply to: #439218

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

T in Liberty Lake - 2006-05-31 9:20 AM Same plan here, what the bike came with.  Got a big & little gear up front an assortment of sizes in the back.

You guys are killing me.  I refuse to believe people doing an Ironman don't know what gears they have.  I'll just assume you have all changed flats before.

2006-05-31 12:46 PM
in reply to: #439229

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
I use the 12-25, on the wheelset. Around here flat or rolling I rarely get into my biggest gear, so I think it gives me a pretty good range of gearing. Hopefully, for that second loop the rings will be small enough.
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