BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN) Rss Feed  
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2014-05-07 12:34 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: IM Cabo Race Report
I did a 25 mile ride last Saturday and a nice 1000m swim with 7 mile run on Sunday. It's fun moving up to the half-iron distance...I'm loving all of these longer training rides and runs. I've managed to be really consistent for the last 4 weeks. I've only missed one workout and that was because when I arrived at my gym the pool was closed for unexpected repairs for the day. I'm still about 11.5 weeks out from my race and feeling pretty good that I'll be able to build up to it well. I am finding it hard to map out good routes for these longer bike rides. Do any of you have an app that you like to use for that? I've been using Runtastic's bike app, but I'm not sure if I like it all that much.

Matt - your long ride sounds awesome! Hope you had a good time.

Glad to hear that everyone has been having nice weather and are working away!

2014-05-08 11:15 AM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: IM Cabo Race Report
Ran the Wisconsin Marathon in Kenosha. PR of 3:31. Felt good until I hit the wall around mile 18 (per usual), so still haven't figured out the correct pacing. I would need to shave off 16 minutes in order to qualify for Boston. Some day...
For those future Ironmen in training right now: It sounds like no one has forgotten to enjoy the journey!
My bike is in the shop as I write getting ready for the road. Can't wait to get out there!
- Todd
2014-05-08 6:46 PM
in reply to: #4915070

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Kinda peeved right now... Made it to the group ride... and got humiliatingly out classed...

This is a no-drop ride. Just over 2 miles in, I'm 100yds behind, I'm in 46/12 (my top gear) and spinning so fast I'm bouncing in my seat... Then I sling my chain. After limping it back to my truck, I check my Strava numbers... they were doing 20+! I was doing 25 when my chain went!

Oh well... back to solo training again...
2014-05-09 9:19 AM
in reply to: trei

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Subject: RE: bike tubes
Wondering if anyone has any recommendations or any "stay away from" comments on particular brands of bike tubes. Specifically are there some that are less likely to puncture or are all companies about the same?

Thanks, Todd
2014-05-09 9:39 AM
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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: IM Cabo Race Report

Originally posted by trei Ran the Wisconsin Marathon in Kenosha. PR of 3:31. Felt good until I hit the wall around mile 18 (per usual), so still haven't figured out the correct pacing. I would need to shave off 16 minutes in order to qualify for Boston. Some day... For those future Ironmen in training right now: It sounds like no one has forgotten to enjoy the journey! My bike is in the shop as I write getting ready for the road. Can't wait to get out there! - Todd

Congrats on the PR!  As they say, the marathon is 20 miles of hope and 6 miles of reality.  Hitting the wall at 18 miles is likely a fitness and fueling issue, compounded by going too fast for your current fitness.  What has your general training for the race been?    I'm no help on specific brands for tubes that resist puncturing, but its probably more important to get tires that are more resistent.

Edited by Birkierunner 2014-05-09 9:40 AM
2014-05-09 12:40 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Just wanted to post about my biking beatdown yesterday. It was definitely humbling. Have been improving my biking, so wanted see how I measured up against some really good cyclists. Suffice to say I still have a long way to go. If you have ever heard of the NPR (New Pier Ride), its about a 30 mile sufferfest here in the beach cities every Tues and Thurs at 640a. Big group of about 60-70 and most of these riders race crits and stage races. There are some really cool videos posted on Vimeo. First 7 or 8 miles were manageable, about 24-25 mph and I was just sucked along in the pack. Then we make our way to the sprint. 4 loops around Westchester Pkwy 4.5 mile loop. It has a small hill in the middle but relatively flat. These guys can really hammer. I held on for about a lap at around 28-29 mph, then got dropped. Tried to catch up but no chance. HR was up to 181. Did the next 2 laps at my own pace and pedaled home in shame.

These guys and girls are at a very different level. I was unbelievably impressed at their riding. Hope to continue to improve this year and give it another shot in the fall. It was a good lesson.

Also joined a masters swim program at LMU. Got 4 days of swimming in this week. Looking forward to a 2 hour ride tomorrow and 6 mile run on Sun. Been cutting back the running this week. Knee tenderness. So will take it easy.

Enjoy the weekend guys.

2014-05-10 1:32 PM
in reply to: StevenC

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by StevenC

Just wanted to post about my biking beatdown yesterday. It was definitely humbling. Have been improving my biking, so wanted see how I measured up against some really good cyclists. Suffice to say I still have a long way to go. If you have ever heard of the NPR (New Pier Ride), its about a 30 mile sufferfest here in the beach cities every Tues and Thurs at 640a. Big group of about 60-70 and most of these riders race crits and stage races. There are some really cool videos posted on Vimeo. First 7 or 8 miles were manageable, about 24-25 mph and I was just sucked along in the pack. Then we make our way to the sprint. 4 loops around Westchester Pkwy 4.5 mile loop. It has a small hill in the middle but relatively flat. These guys can really hammer. I held on for about a lap at around 28-29 mph, then got dropped. Tried to catch up but no chance. HR was up to 181. Did the next 2 laps at my own pace and pedaled home in shame.

These guys and girls are at a very different level. I was unbelievably impressed at their riding. Hope to continue to improve this year and give it another shot in the fall. It was a good lesson.

Also joined a masters swim program at LMU. Got 4 days of swimming in this week. Looking forward to a 2 hour ride tomorrow and 6 mile run on Sun. Been cutting back the running this week. Knee tenderness. So will take it easy.

Enjoy the weekend guys.

Damn, that is some fast riding!!! I don't think I go 29mph on a downhill! (Which is why I tend to train alone, nothing like holding everyone back!) -- It's awesome that you challenged yourself and went out for that ride, and it sounds like now you know what your aiming for Hope the masters swim program is helpful!
2014-05-10 7:42 PM
in reply to: tiffanyosh

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Greenville, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Hi all! Just started my 20-week plan this week, and it's going relatively well so far. Glad I'm starting from a fitness beyond where the plan starts and planning to maintain my momentum until the plan gets ahead. Snuck in a local sprint this morning even though I should have done something longer - nice to remember what it's like to be done in less than 1.5 hours! Still did another 1500 in the pool this afternoon to reach the total 2200 m in my plan for today.

Tiffany - I use Ride With GPS - their mapping is pretty easy and my cyclist friends tell me their calculation for climbing is more accurate than Map My Ride. Unfortunately, Ride with GPS doesn't have an iPhone app yet, so I mostly use it for piecing together roads I know.
2014-05-12 8:45 AM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: IM Cabo Race Report
My training for the marathon was basically sticking with my current HIM training plan, but increasing the long runs to fit a marathon training plan (so I ran two 22 mile long runs prior to the marathon. I ran the long runs at a comfortable pace and for the race definitely went out faster than my typical pace, so you are correct that I went out faster than my fitness level. So, something I will do the next time around will be to step up the pace in training.
2014-05-13 1:38 PM
in reply to: trei

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Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: IM Cabo Race Report
Hey everyone I just wanted to let you all know I just got back from the Police Unity Tour and had a blas over the last 4 days! Below is a quick recap of the week. Turns out the routes had to be changed due to weather and road closures so we only did 250 instead of 280 miles but it was still a blast.

Day1- Arrived in Philly the night before and hung out with everyone in our Chapter.Had dinner at a local restaurant and went to bed around 9:30. Was up at 6am and got ready for the first day. We rode 60 miles from Philly to New Castle County, DE. During this stage it was about 2800-2900ft of climbing. We rode through Main Street Newark and the University of Delaware, Wimington and Brandywine Park areas. Since this is a group ride, the pace is maintained at 13-15mph at all times. I had a new fit on my bike before this ride and it made all the difference in the world! I felt so much stronger on the bike then ever before. I did not feel tired at the end of the ride.

Day 2- 68 miles. First 40 were through the flat delaware/cecil county country side through horse country and the last twenty were on rolling hills and steady climbs. About 2900ft of climbing. Did a 15 minute brick run after and felt good. Legs felt heavy at first but felt better after 5 minutes

Day 3- 68 mile. Hills, HIlls HIlls was the name of the day. About 4400ft of climbing and I felt strong!! I felt very confident about my abilities to climb hills and keep my HR down below 150. Not sure the grades but someone said we did up to 17% grades during this section and atleast (2) 1 mile climbs and a 2 mile climb.

Day 4- 50 miles. Rode into Washington DC and into the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. Was a great experience and had a blast. First 25 miles were hilly and the last 25 were pretty flat. About 2700ft of climbing

After doing this ride, I felt fine each day and legs felt good. I am feeling pretty confident heading into IMMT and I feel good about being able to maintain pace for 112 miles.

2014-05-13 2:50 PM
in reply to: dmbfan4life20

Subject: RE: IM Cabo Race Report
Matt - welcome back. Sounds like it was a great time, and some really good training for you. Good job on the hills. Was the ride supported (ie. did you ride with the same set-up as you plan to race) or did you have to carry some additional gear?

96 days to go!!

2014-05-13 3:55 PM
in reply to: LarchmontTri

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Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: IM Cabo Race Report
Originally posted by LarchmontTri

Matt - welcome back. Sounds like it was a great time, and some really good training for you. Good job on the hills. Was the ride supported (ie. did you ride with the same set-up as you plan to race) or did you have to carry some additional gear?

96 days to go!!

No aero bars allowed so I had to ride my heavy 8speed road bike. I feel that I will do even better on the hills and flats with my carbon 10spd tri bike. The ride was supported with water and food at every stop but I brought all my nutrition along with me each day to try out and it seemed to work pretty well. I rode with 1 bottle of water and 1 bottle of Infinit and would take in a Bonk Breaker Bar and some GU Chomps throughout the day. I felt good with the nutrition (In the 80s all week) but did find that I craved some solids and salty things towards the end of the longer days so I need to take that into consideration. We stopped every 14-25miles for water/food and I stuck with a drink every 5 minutes which I though worked out well.
2014-05-14 10:09 AM
in reply to: dmbfan4life20

Subject: RE: IM Cabo Race Report
Originally posted by dmbfan4life20

Originally posted by LarchmontTri

Matt - welcome back. Sounds like it was a great time, and some really good training for you. Good job on the hills. Was the ride supported (ie. did you ride with the same set-up as you plan to race) or did you have to carry some additional gear?

96 days to go!!

No aero bars allowed so I had to ride my heavy 8speed road bike. I feel that I will do even better on the hills and flats with my carbon 10spd tri bike. The ride was supported with water and food at every stop but I brought all my nutrition along with me each day to try out and it seemed to work pretty well. I rode with 1 bottle of water and 1 bottle of Infinit and would take in a Bonk Breaker Bar and some GU Chomps throughout the day. I felt good with the nutrition (In the 80s all week) but did find that I craved some solids and salty things towards the end of the longer days so I need to take that into consideration. We stopped every 14-25miles for water/food and I stuck with a drink every 5 minutes which I though worked out well.

Good job on testing your nutrition. You might want to think about adding some salt tabs or some other electrolyte tabs/pills into your routine. This would most likely resolve the cravings for salty things, and will also help with your hydration during and after. On big training/race days and especially on hot and humid days, I take 2 salt tabs per hour. I sweat a good amount and found out the hard way during my first HIM a 90 degree day about the necessity of salt/electrolytes. So, for now on, salt tabs are just part of my routine.

In terms of solids, I'm totally rockin the Honey Stinger Waffles these days - they taste damn good and my stomach/GI system is happy with them. They're a bit crumbly to eat, but go down easily and work great for me. Bonk breakers are good too, but sometimes on long days out when I'm tilting towards being a bit dehydrated, they're a bit too 'solid' for me. That said, they're definitely on my good list for nutrition products. (My bad list includes gels and clif bars.)

2014-05-16 9:02 AM
in reply to: dmbfan4life20

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: IM Cabo Race Report

Originally posted by dmbfan4life20 Hey everyone I just wanted to let you all know I just got back from the Police Unity Tour and had a blas over the last 4 days! Below is a quick recap of the week. Turns out the routes had to be changed due to weather and road closures so we only did 250 instead of 280 miles but it was still a blast. Day1- Arrived in Philly the night before and hung out with everyone in our Chapter.Had dinner at a local restaurant and went to bed around 9:30. Was up at 6am and got ready for the first day. We rode 60 miles from Philly to New Castle County, DE. During this stage it was about 2800-2900ft of climbing. We rode through Main Street Newark and the University of Delaware, Wimington and Brandywine Park areas. Since this is a group ride, the pace is maintained at 13-15mph at all times. I had a new fit on my bike before this ride and it made all the difference in the world! I felt so much stronger on the bike then ever before. I did not feel tired at the end of the ride. Day 2- 68 miles. First 40 were through the flat delaware/cecil county country side through horse country and the last twenty were on rolling hills and steady climbs. About 2900ft of climbing. Did a 15 minute brick run after and felt good. Legs felt heavy at first but felt better after 5 minutes Day 3- 68 mile. Hills, HIlls HIlls was the name of the day. About 4400ft of climbing and I felt strong!! I felt very confident about my abilities to climb hills and keep my HR down below 150. Not sure the grades but someone said we did up to 17% grades during this section and atleast (2) 1 mile climbs and a 2 mile climb. Day 4- 50 miles. Rode into Washington DC and into the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. Was a great experience and had a blast. First 25 miles were hilly and the last 25 were pretty flat. About 2700ft of climbing After doing this ride, I felt fine each day and legs felt good. I am feeling pretty confident heading into IMMT and I feel good about being able to maintain pace for 112 miles.

Sounds like you had a great experience.  The bike fit should help you out in yout IMMT prep.

2014-05-16 9:06 AM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: IM Cabo Race Report

They are starting to close down the winter/spring mentor groups and are taking mentor applications for the spring/summer mentor groups.  I will be doing a spring/summer group again so I invite all of you to joing that group as well.  They have archived this thread and we can still continue discussions here but it may be easier to start with the new group once my mentor group goes live. 

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN) Rss Feed  
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