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2015-07-05 9:13 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Let's try short and sweet for once...

Weight: Steady at 251. Diet still an issue after I get home in the evenings. Too much temptation?

Swim: 2 sessions for 1050 and 1600 for 2650 total.

Bike: 2 rides for 39.12mi @ 15.8mph and 21.46mi @ 16.1mph for a 60.58mi week. Both solo as group ride was cancelled due to an event being held by the club. Getting much more comfortable in aero, although the leg/gut contact zone is irritating. Trying to get in for a fit.

Run: 3 runs for 2, 2 and 2.5mi. Quite happy about the 2.5 as it was a brick after the 21mi ride and I managed a 13:33/mi avg. It's amazing how much you can improve is you just freaking do it!

Weights: Single session on Tuesday. Was more sore than expected (especially from squats), and my wed AM run just made it worse.

At 5 weeks out, I'm taking this week as recovery on bike. Swim may only be once due to scheduling conflicts anyways. Run will continue as planned. Will try to work in second strength session.

2015-07-05 9:17 AM
in reply to: divinelyplaced

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by divinelyplaced

Is it too late for me to join in this? If it is I can delete... but I will introduce myself!
GROUP FOCUS: weight loss and getting healthy

Welcome Tara!

It is never too late to join up. Glad to have you!
2015-07-12 9:29 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Dude... zero activity week... I hope everyone is doing okay!

Weight: down to 249.5... again... One of these days I'll make it all the way through the 240s...

Swim: 2000yds in roughly 50:00 on Friday. Was thinking about hitting HIM distance again, but couldn't remember... yeah... just 3 more laps *facepalm*

Bike: Easy week. 6mi on the trainer on Monday and 28.88mi yesterday for a 34.88mi total.

Run: Continuing with C25k. Made all 3 runs including a 20 minute sustained run on Friday pushing my youngest in the stroller (pic below )

Weights: Nope. That was my fault, I just kept putting it off...

I took last Sunday as rest, and I didn't ride this morning either. However, the Memphis Hightailers (bike club) have a ride on Tues and Thurs mornings @0530 that is a 23 mile "B" ride (pretty fast paced for me). I'm going to give that a shot this week in lieu of this morning's long, leisurely ride. If I like the group, I think I'll be adding the 3rd ride to my schedule. At least until school starts


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2015-07-19 8:46 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
I hear crickets...

Weight: 247.0

Swim: Got to the pool late on Monday and it was crowded, but got in 2250 on Friday (2150 free, 2x50 kick)

Bike: Tuesday group flat stomped my butt. It was great. At one point I was cranking out 30mph on level ground! 23.69mi on Tue and 24.34mi on Sat makes for a light 48.03mi week.

Run: Hit all 3 of my runs again for 7.3mi. I pushed Bethany in the stroller again for the first two, but I went out early on Friday for a 22minute sustained run by myself. So far so good. Feet and shins feeling good!

Bonus: Amy, the 3 girls and I went out and hiked the 4mi trail at T.O. Fuller Park in Memphis on Friday. It was hot, sweaty and I was pushing Bethany in her jogging stroller. I checked the cargo shorts I wore and they were still wet from sweat this morning... I am not ashamed to say that wrangling that stroller, even with bigger wheels, up and down that trail just killed me.... We're doing another trail this weekend

So... where is everyone?


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2015-07-26 9:06 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Still the only one to post in 3 weeks... wow...

Weight: 248. Had a Dr. appt on Thurs, and he doubled my HBP meds. not happy. Down weight, overall size, and resting HR was 58. Pretty sure sodium intake is the issue.

Swim: I tried 3x to get to the pool this week and it just wasn't in the cards.

Bike: Missed last Sunday again. Tues was a good 23.35 hilly butt-whipping. Saturday was a .53mi nightmare as I flatted, broke my tire tool, then found out my backup tube won't fit these narrower Rolf wheels... 23.88mi? sucks.

Run: got 2 of my 3 runs in for 2.4mi on Mon, and 1.98mi on Thurs... Started feeling an odd pinch on the left side of my chest, figured it'd be good to stop....

2 weeks until Riverbluff and I am still in good position to kill my time from last year. Shooting for 2250yds in the pool on Mon and Thur. 3 rides on Sunday (did 14.04mi this morning on my mountain bike with no nutrition, water or flat kit... wow...), Tues and Sat. Also planning on making up my missed run from last week and run Sun, Tue, Thu and Sat.... Then taper .

Okay, I have to ask.... Did I scare everyone off???

(Weird Al.jpg)

Weird Al.jpg (5KB - 6 downloads)
2015-07-26 9:43 AM
in reply to: #5080193

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Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Good job! Keep it up!!!

2015-08-04 11:17 PM
in reply to: Dorm57


Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Thank you! I'm sorry I'm just getting around to replying on here. Thank you to those who have posted replies. Just alittle update on me, I'm currently riding about 40-50 miles a week at an avg of 15 mph. I am now about to start running again, my back has finally started to feel much better and its time to start pounding pavement. I look forward to starting this journey.
2015-08-14 8:44 AM
in reply to: dag5306

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Rick, I'll be honest with you, I haven't been on here, out of shame. Seems I no sooner post my intent to rejoin and regroup than I fall off the wagon and do NOTHING for a month or more. I started back up again this week and truly had not planned to post until the end of August, figuring that by then I'd have three weeks under my belt and it would be starting to become a habit again (Lord, I miss my commitment in 2013). I don't know why I even checked the forums other than for motivation. When I saw your pleas for company I just had to reach out. That is, after all, why I do this thread; so I know I am not alone out there.

Sunday I worked the Lumberjack Triathlon, in my Fire Police capacity. Seeing all those people pedal past me really got me thinking and I pledged to myself that I WOULD run this race next year.
2015-08-14 8:54 AM
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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Monday hit me with a double-whammy of depression! First of all, I weighed in higher than I have since 2013. Then I reached out to a friend involved in the hiring process at my favorite school district. Not only did I not get the job I wanted, I didn't even get called for an interview. I'll tell the truth, I wallowed in self-pity for pretty much the rest of the day. I got hooked on teaching, went back for my Masters, and dropped $65k on student loans only to discover that nobody is going to hire a 57 year old man as a first-time high school science teacher. I applied to 8 schools this year; interviewed and was passed over at 5, did not even get interviews at the two I really felt best about, and am still waiting to hear on one but not real hopeful. The following is my log entry from Tuesday, after I shook my head clear and regrouped (both mentally and emotionally).

Swim 10m 400.00 yards 02m 30s /100 yards

Well, it certainly appears to be "official". Nobody is going to hire a 57 year old, first-time science teacher. So I needed to come up with a new plan for my future. I am going to focus on getting my Chrysler 22' sailboat ready for sailing next summer. And once again, I shall attempt to return to triathlon for both training and weight loss. Monday morning I weighed in at 383.6 pounds. Not my highest ever, but certainly the highest since I ran my first Blueman Tri.

So, what shall I train for? I broke out Friel's "Triathlon Training Bible" again and will be attempting to fit ALL of the following into a structured plan. I am going to attempt to plan these races for next year, and hopefully input them into my BT Planned Races page.

November 2015 - South Williamsport 5k Turkey Trot
May 2016 - Lake Anna Sprint, VA
July 2016 - PA State Elite Time Trial, Dauphin, PA
August 2016 - Lumberjack Tri, Duboistown, PA
September 2016 - Nation's Tri, Washington, DC
October 2016 - B2B Half, Wilmington, NC

I am not returning to the Forums until I have at least two full weeks of training logged again. By the time I get to four full weeks I am fairly certain it will be well on the way to becoming an established habit. My goal for the remainder of August is to score 19/19 possible workouts. This still allows me one rest day per week.

Edited by leatherneckpa 2015-08-14 8:57 AM
2015-08-15 8:30 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
C'mon Rick, let's bring this board back to life. Maybe if you and I are consistently posting we can motivate others who may have fallen off the wagon like I did. At the very least we can help each other feel accountable. I wish I had e-mails for some of the old regulars so we could reach out to them.

Run 18m 44s 1.01 miles 18m 32s /Mi
Day 5 of 19 - Sped up a little bit for the return leg. Sort of tried race walking. Came back in 1:30 less than I went out, and almost at a 4mph pace. Race walking might just be the ticket.

Cindy came home last night and decided she didn't feel like working out. Good thing I did my swim earlier in the day. I am definitely going to have to revert to my 2013 practice; follow my own training plan and anything that I do with Cindy will simply be considered supplemental.
2015-08-15 6:11 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Hey guys, I'm back. Sorry for the absence. Been so much going on.

Reader's Digest version:
Plan for this year was NJ State oly in July, which I missed because plantar fasciitis messed up my training. Now I'm trying to build running miles. I'm doing the Virginia Beach Rock and Roll half marathon on Labor Day weekend, then the Marine Corps Marathon in Oct. This will be my first marathon. Hopefully I beat the bridge and can finish.

Ran 11.5 today. Felt pretty good. I'm using the Galoway run-walk-run method and it seems to be working. I'm not fast, but I'm logging miles.

2015-08-15 6:55 PM
in reply to: #5080193

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Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
My training is about to take a back seat to me starting my PhD on the 24th of this month while also working full time.

I am the heaviest I have been while being this active ever and I attribute it to the I work my ass off I can eat what I want diet.

My big event that I had been carb loading for those long training sessions for turned out to be the same weekend as my first weekend of classes so that is scrapped which means I can get back to eating healthy.

What are some things that helps you stay on track with your eating? What are some of your favorite easy healthy meals?

The workout motivation is always there it's my eating that is causing problems!
2015-08-16 6:49 AM
in reply to: divinelyplaced

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by divinelyplaced

My training is about to take a back seat to me starting my PhD on the 24th of this month while also working full time.

I am the heaviest I have been while being this active ever and I attribute it to the I work my off I can eat what I want diet.

My big event that I had been carb loading for those long training sessions for turned out to be the same weekend as my first weekend of classes so that is scrapped which means I can get back to eating healthy.

What are some things that helps you stay on track with your eating? What are some of your favorite easy healthy meals?

The workout motivation is always there it's my eating that is causing problems!

I use MyFitnessPal to track all my food and exercise. Tracking all the calories helps keep me near my calorie goal. I find it educational to see the calories of things I'm eating. Especially eating out. Sometimes what you think is a healthy choice, really isn't. For example, many restaurant salads are higher in calories, fat and sodium than a burger.

Best of luck on the PhD! Hopefully you still find some time for training,
2015-08-16 6:51 AM
in reply to: Mfechter67

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Happy Sunday y'all! Today is a rest day for me, although I do have yard work, etc to catch up on. What is everyone up to?
2015-08-16 8:41 AM
in reply to: 0

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Sorry for dropping out y'all. I just got discouraged when there were only 9 posts for the month of July and 7 of them were mine. I also know I get a bit wordy, but TBH, this board is both keeping me honest, and is also my shoulder to cry on

Quick update: The sprint I had planned for the 8th got cancelled. I went out that morning and just hammered the bike. There is no doubt in my mind that I would have cut 15mins from last year's time. I am currently trying to ramp up the mileage on the bike in preparation for my first metric on 10/10. I am also working on my run a lot more (except this last week ). I have joined 2 distance challenges for August. I am shooting for 200+ mi on the bike and 50+mi on foot. Right now I am sitting at 161.3 on the bike and 19.08 on foot. I'm a little behind, as usual, on my foot work. The scale said 247 this morning so... status quo on weight :/.

I got bit by the stupid bug this week too. I realized that I generally swim 2200yds when I jump in the pool. I've also noted that my 30-40mi rides are normal training rides for HIM distance athletes so.... I am tentatively looking at running a HIM next year. Right now I'm looking at Chattanooga because the river swim will keep me a bit fresher for those hills.... which I have none of around my house. If I choose to run a half... it will by my only run next year (time and $$ constraints). If I stick to my original plan, I'll run 3 events which will include Memphis in May (for an apples-to-apples PR shot) and at least 1 Oly. Again, scheduling and money are the factors .

Edited by WebFootFreak 2015-08-16 8:52 AM
2015-08-16 9:00 AM
in reply to: #5080193

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Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Good luck on your HIM training! I'm sure you will do great! My running always is lagging behind but right now it's my running and swimming. Since my tris are over for the year I haven't been in the water since July aside from pool or lake fun swimming!

2015-08-16 9:04 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Dag: Keep it up! I've noticed that just going and going will positively effect your speed and overall fitness. Maybe find a local group to ride with. I found one that flat kicked my arse, but it pushed me harder to keep up. Found out later that I was chasing some of the top riders in Memphis.... 'B' Ride my hind end!!!

Mike: I completely understand being embarrassed. There's been times when I've not told the whole story (usually my "shorter" posts), but being accountable is what's been pushing me. We know, understand and absolutely sympathize with what you're going through with diet and training. I daresay most, if not all of us, have been there in one form and fashion ourselves. While part of this group, for me, is a virtual shoulder to cry on, I would be less of a person if I didn't offer the same to everyone else in return. As far as the teaching goes... Are you limited to High School? If you are qualified at the HS level, perhaps a Jr High might pick you up. Also, do you have the credentials to teach at the Community College level?

Mike F: Sorry to hear about the foot. Sounds like things are going along great now. Wish I could run 11 miles in one stretch.... :P

Tara: Congrats on getting in! I'm also on MFP and it works quite well... when I use in correctly...
2015-08-16 9:38 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
First of all, thank goodness you all came back. It could've gotten pretty lonely in here all alone.

First, the good news. After one week of relatively mild workouts I weighed in this morning at 378.2, down from that depressing 386.6 of last week. To put that in perspective, I ran my 2012 Blueman tri at 345. That's my profile pic.

Day 6 of 19 Bike 27m 28s 4.50 miles 9.83 Mi/hr
Another single gear ride today with Cindy. So proud of my wife! She shredded FIVE minutes off her previous ride. And I broke a sweat thanks to keeping it in that high 3-5 gear.

Now, I've seen people who could do multiple quotes in a single post but I've never learned how to do it. Instead, I sit here and take notes on a sheet of paper while I read your posts.

Mike - I've been thinking about trying to do the Quantico tri, and somewhere in the dim recesses of the Neverland Dream Express is the thought of attempting the MCM. Call me crazy but I sort of think it's something I'm obligated to try, being a Marine and all. But I've never heard this term, "beat the bridge" before. Is this an especially challenging ascent I need to think about or is it worse, a drawbridge that you have to beat to finish within the time limit?

Tara - PhD, congrats. I went back in retirement (2009) to get my MA and my student teaching mentor was working on her PhD. She just got it this year. Don't allow the PhD to overtake your life. Make workouts "YOUR" time and try to set aside at least an hour a day five days a week. At least you can train for sprints and olys at that level. Personally, I hate tracking my nutrition, although there are numerous studies that show those who track are significantly more successful at weight loss than those who do not. I am a cheapskate and have been using the free version of MapMyFitness to track workouts. This morning I decided to start trying to track my food using that. Mike, does MFP do gps tracking of your bikes and runs?

Rick - Like I said, I could feel the desperation in your last 5 or 6 posts. That's the only reason I came back before I had at least a steady month to report. My teaching certifications are good for 7-12, however I live in a very rural area. There are only 7 districts in the county I live in. I broke my own "30 minutes/30 miles" rule and even applied to schools that were up to an hour away. There isn't a community college within an hour of me. But in all honesty, I'm slowly coming to terms with it. Especially since I have re-dedicated myself to an ambitious race season for 2016.
2015-08-16 10:01 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
What do y'all think of my 2016 season? I'm mapping it out right now using Friel's "Bible". The end of the season is compressed, but for right now I believe it is do-able. Here's my thought process.

May 2016 - Lake Anna Sprint, VA - This would be my season opener anyway, because it's about the earliest non-wetsuit tri I can manage without having to pay for hotels. Best friend lives less than an hour away.

July 2016 - PA State Elite Time Trial, Dauphin, PA - This is a 40k bike ride, so basically it's just a training ride for my planned Oly.

August 2016 - Lumberjack Tri, Duboistown, PA - Hometown race, literally. And it's a sprint. By this time of year I should be well into Oly/HIM training distances. Now the next two I took "best guess" dates for. And when they are plotted out on a calendar I have a recovery week, two weeks of build, and one week of taper between each of these three races.

September 2016 - Nation's Tri, Washington, DC - I have worked this one as a motorref and it is the one that returned triathlon to the front of my memory banks. Of course, meeting Dave Scott and getting his autograph didn't hurt either.

October 2016 - B2B Half, Wilmington, NC - This was originally planned for 2013, so that my mother would get to see me finish a tri. Unfortunately she passed away that April and my brother wrecked my bicep while I was there for the funeral. Lost my entire 2013 season to that.

For me, it's not a question of motivation or determination. It really boils down to whether 4 weeks between events is sufficient. I know I can be HIM ready by mid-October, not competitive, but ready.
2015-08-16 10:18 AM
in reply to: #5135175

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Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Looks like a good 2016 schedule!!!!

The rest of my 2015 looks like this:

Half marathon August 30th
62 mile road bike September 19th
Half marathon October 17th

And then this winter is all about getting really lean, eating really clean and not having to carb load or bulk for endurance reasons!

Hoping to drop 20-25lbs by the start of next race season in April.
2015-08-16 10:41 AM
in reply to: divinelyplaced

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Hey all.

glad to see everyone back. I hurt my knee doing a silly fall on my bike that ruined my whole year. So I threw up my hands and reverted to bad habits. Yah, that helped! (heavy sarcasm).  I have been doing the bare minimum of training, but I have started to get my second wind. Having this support thread back will help.

FWIW, the MCM has got to be the best marathon ever. Amazing support the entire way. I did the 10 K, which is the last 6 miles of the marathon, and it was awesome. The hubbie and I were training for the marathon when his cancer surgery de railed us. With the lottery, there is no way for us to get to do it together so it is not gonna happen for us.

Mike, The B2B is an amazing race, too. I love that area and was thinking, If I actually do my HIM in Fla on April 2, 2016, I may sign up for the half there. Be fun to have a compadre there.

Great to see everyone back.

2015-08-16 1:00 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Mayhaps I can coerce the spouse into a family vacation to NC next October...
2015-08-16 3:05 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by WebFootFreak

Sorry for dropping out y'all. I just got discouraged when there were only 9 posts for the month of July and 7 of them were mine. I also know I get a bit wordy, but TBH, this board is both keeping me honest, and is also my shoulder to cry on

Quick update: The sprint I had planned for the 8th got cancelled. I went out that morning and just hammered the bike. There is no doubt in my mind that I would have cut 15mins from last year's time. I am currently trying to ramp up the mileage on the bike in preparation for my first metric on 10/10. I am also working on my run a lot more (except this last week ). I have joined 2 distance challenges for August. I am shooting for 200+ mi on the bike and 50+mi on foot. Right now I am sitting at 161.3 on the bike and 19.08 on foot. I'm a little behind, as usual, on my foot work. The scale said 247 this morning so... status quo on weight :/.

I got bit by the stupid bug this week too. I realized that I generally swim 2200yds when I jump in the pool. I've also noted that my 30-40mi rides are normal training rides for HIM distance athletes so.... I am tentatively looking at running a HIM next year. Right now I'm looking at Chattanooga because the river swim will keep me a bit fresher for those hills.... which I have none of around my house. If I choose to run a half... it will by my only run next year (time and $$ constraints). If I stick to my original plan, I'll run 3 events which will include Memphis in May (for an apples-to-apples PR shot) and at least 1 Oly. Again, scheduling and money are the factors .

Good luck on the HIM plan! I must've been bit by the same bug. I've done 1 mile OWS in an oly, I did 57.5 mile at Princeton 70.3 last year, and I've done 2 HM. Now to put them all together. Not sure which race, but I'm thinking about it. Maybe I should have my head examined.
2015-08-16 3:11 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by leatherneckpa

First of all, thank goodness you all came back. It could've gotten pretty lonely in here all alone.

First, the good news. After one week of relatively mild workouts I weighed in this morning at 378.2, down from that depressing 386.6 of last week. To put that in perspective, I ran my 2012 Blueman tri at 345. That's my profile pic.

Day 6 of 19 Bike 27m 28s 4.50 miles 9.83 Mi/hr
Another single gear ride today with Cindy. So proud of my wife! She shredded FIVE minutes off her previous ride. And I broke a sweat thanks to keeping it in that high 3-5 gear.

Now, I've seen people who could do multiple quotes in a single post but I've never learned how to do it. Instead, I sit here and take notes on a sheet of paper while I read your posts.

Mike - I've been thinking about trying to do the Quantico tri, and somewhere in the dim recesses of the Neverland Dream Express is the thought of attempting the MCM. Call me crazy but I sort of think it's something I'm obligated to try, being a Marine and all. But I've never heard this term, "beat the bridge" before. Is this an especially challenging ascent I need to think about or is it worse, a drawbridge that you have to beat to finish within the time limit?

Tara - PhD, congrats. I went back in retirement (2009) to get my MA and my student teaching mentor was working on her PhD. She just got it this year. Don't allow the PhD to overtake your life. Make workouts "YOUR" time and try to set aside at least an hour a day five days a week. At least you can train for sprints and olys at that level. Personally, I hate tracking my nutrition, although there are numerous studies that show those who track are significantly more successful at weight loss than those who do not. I am a cheapskate and have been using the free version of MapMyFitness to track workouts. This morning I decided to start trying to track my food using that. Mike, does MFP do gps tracking of your bikes and runs?

Rick - Like I said, I could feel the desperation in your last 5 or 6 posts. That's the only reason I came back before I had at least a steady month to report. My teaching certifications are good for 7-12, however I live in a very rural area. There are only 7 districts in the county I live in. I broke my own "30 minutes/30 miles" rule and even applied to schools that were up to an hour away. There isn't a community college within an hour of me. But in all honesty, I'm slowly coming to terms with it. Especially since I have re-dedicated myself to an ambitious race season for 2016.

Big Mike - great job on the weight loss, keep it up.

Beat the bridge at the MCM is a cutoff point. There is a bridge at mile 20 that you must cross by 1:15pm. You need to maintain approx 14 min/mile (measured by the last person that crosses the start line). If you don't "beat the bridge" there is a sweep van/bus that picks you up and drives you to the finish area. They relax the pace for the last 6.2 to approx 16 min/mile. Right now with my Galloway intervals I'm running about a 13:30 pace. Believe it or not, I actually went to shorter intervals and my pace increased.
2015-08-16 3:14 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by leatherneckpa

What do y'all think of my 2016 season? I'm mapping it out right now using Friel's "Bible". The end of the season is compressed, but for right now I believe it is do-able. Here's my thought process.

May 2016 - Lake Anna Sprint, VA - This would be my season opener anyway, because it's about the earliest non-wetsuit tri I can manage without having to pay for hotels. Best friend lives less than an hour away.

July 2016 - PA State Elite Time Trial, Dauphin, PA - This is a 40k bike ride, so basically it's just a training ride for my planned Oly.

August 2016 - Lumberjack Tri, Duboistown, PA - Hometown race, literally. And it's a sprint. By this time of year I should be well into Oly/HIM training distances. Now the next two I took "best guess" dates for. And when they are plotted out on a calendar I have a recovery week, two weeks of build, and one week of taper between each of these three races.

September 2016 - Nation's Tri, Washington, DC - I have worked this one as a motorref and it is the one that returned triathlon to the front of my memory banks. Of course, meeting Dave Scott and getting his autograph didn't hurt either.

October 2016 - B2B Half, Wilmington, NC - This was originally planned for 2013, so that my mother would get to see me finish a tri. Unfortunately she passed away that April and my brother wrecked my bicep while I was there for the funeral. Lost my entire 2013 season to that.

For me, it's not a question of motivation or determination. It really boils down to whether 4 weeks between events is sufficient. I know I can be HIM ready by mid-October, not competitive, but ready.

Looks good Mike. 4 weeks is a nice gap between races. Gives you time to rest/recover after the race and then build into the next event. I think the key is to use the earlier races as training opportunities and not strain too much.
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open Rss Feed  
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Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!! Pages: 1 ... 55 56 57 58

Started by Fechter99
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2015-08-04 12:43 AM Go4gidget

Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group Pages: 1 ... 42 43 44 45

Started by BikerGrrrl
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2013-12-30 2:13 PM Fechter99

Clyde/Athena FB group.... Pages: 1 2

Started by Garceau
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2016-09-27 11:52 AM dandr614

Athena group vs. Beginner Triathlete group

Started by Tri-Ro
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2008-09-03 10:34 PM Artemis

Love Being an Athena/Clyde [Newbie] Because

Started by TriAya
Views: 3759 Posts: 25

2007-08-16 1:45 AM Iron_Gus
date : February 13, 2005
author : JeremyLikness
comments : 9
Losing fat is not difficult. So why does this continue to be an elusive goal for so many people, who “struggle” just to lose a few inches?