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2011-05-17 12:03 PM
in reply to: #3434942


Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

Congratulations Grace on finishing. Holy moley that will be a story to share with your grandchildren. Please take care of yourself though. loss of memory and dizzy spells make me nervous.

I have to say if they cancelled my swim and told me I had to run and not swim, I might do the happy dance. Congrats on your race too John. I'm sorry you didn't get to practice the swim though.

I haven't been here in awhile but I have been reading the posts through my email. Also I tried to post our group to my friends list and I keep losing it. No idea what I am doing wrong.

Had my first of 5 swim lessons this morning. Just got to practice what I learned. Next one on Monday and going from there.

Feel like the tri is approaching at rocket speed and I feel like I am not as ready as I would like to be. Got to work on my run and swim, bikeing is rolling along (no pun intended).Laughing However I did get my kodak moment on Thursday night. Fell off my bike at the traffic light. Couldn't get my shoe out in time. Well at least that's over with, I knew it was coming. Laughing I didn't know whether to cry or take a bow. Honestly there could not have been any more cars at the intersection, every leg of the intersection was full. Going to try again this week with a group on Thursday. Hopefull I will stay upright this time.

Good luck with your training all. You are definitly inspiring me to get off my butt and keep going.



2011-05-17 1:30 PM
in reply to: #3495977

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Golden, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
mackjenn - 2011-05-12 1:19 PM

Teddie - FYI:  The Groupon for Colorado Springs today is a Pikes Peak morning bike tour.  Includes breakfast and lunch from chalenge unlimited (~$115 regular price per person, offered for $55).

Holly:  You coming down for the Littlefoot Tri in Lakewood?  Might still be able to get in, or at least come down to see what's going on.  Afterparty is at the Tri-Yoga in Golden (not sure if I'll go to afterparty - I have to be back in Pueblo for my daughter's dance recital at 3).

Hope everyone is having a great week and super weekend planned!

Sorry I missed it John....well not really - the weather was hideous. We got 6 inches of snow at our house...I was birthdaying with my hubby all weekend. Can't wait to read your race report. I bet it was TOUGH! I can't imagine the swim with that weather. You are a champ for even going through with it!!

2011-05-17 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3503015

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Golden, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
GraceVanOwen - 2011-05-16 9:07 PM

Thanks for all the good thoughts.  I'd love to take all the credit for being tough and a trooper but the fact of the matter was I was just in shock.  Honestly, I just went on auto pilot.  There's no logical way I could have run that fast, and I probably never will again, but my body was just opperating on an instinctual level.  My training partner suggested she smack me in the head and have everyone run over me at the start- just to get me bruised and bloody- since that seems to work.  I'm going to pass on that idea.

Took Sunday off.  Did 2 hours of pilates and 2- 1 hour stairmaster work outs in today.  Can't figure out how to train since I can't get the gashes in my arm and leg soaked and don't think my knee can stand the pounding yet.  The bike is in the shop- damage to be determined.  It didn't move well getting it there.  And of course this is suppose to be my last super load week before my big race of the year.  Sigh>



Just catching up today on all the weekend excitement. Holy Hell! I can only imagine the end of that race. I can't believe you didn't end up in the ER. Girl! The craziest part is that you medaled and PRd it. Hang in there and take it a bit easy this matter what the plan calls for-the plan has no idea that you have Super Powers. Wow!Surprised

2011-05-17 1:50 PM
in reply to: #3504322

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Golden, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
Hollz - 2011-05-17 12:30 PM
mackjenn - 2011-05-12 1:19 PM

Teddie - FYI:  The Groupon for Colorado Springs today is a Pikes Peak morning bike tour.  Includes breakfast and lunch from chalenge unlimited (~$115 regular price per person, offered for $55).

Holly:  You coming down for the Littlefoot Tri in Lakewood?  Might still be able to get in, or at least come down to see what's going on.  Afterparty is at the Tri-Yoga in Golden (not sure if I'll go to afterparty - I have to be back in Pueblo for my daughter's dance recital at 3).

Hope everyone is having a great week and super weekend planned!

Sorry I missed it John....well not really - the weather was hideous. We got 6 inches of snow at our house...I was birthdaying with my hubby all weekend. Can't wait to read your race report. I bet it was TOUGH! I can't imagine the swim with that weather. You are a champ for even going through with it!!

Glad you didn't have to swim in that. Hypothermia would have been a factor for sure. I think you had a great race for the conditions you faced. Way to go!

2011-05-17 2:36 PM
in reply to: #3500197

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
lounav - 2011-05-16 6:22 AM

Well, my Sunday was much less exciting than John or Grace's.  But, I went and biked the course for my tri.  I've been really nervous about it and had heard that there were lots of bad hills (I train with minimal hills).  I also mostly bike on a hike & bike trail and then in a park where the speed limit is 20mph.  So this was my first time biking on major roads with lots of traffic.  I decided to bike in my tennis shoes instead of clipping in.  It might have slowed me down a little bit, but it surely helped with the nerves of biking next to so many cars.  The course was tough, but I was really happy with how it went!  Most importantly, it has helped ease some of my race anxiety.  

Now to my first attempt an an OWS.  Well, let me just say I am really scared of snakes.  It was cool out this morning (around 70), but the water was okay.  But, because of the temps, no one else was out in the lake.  So off I went.  I felt good about not being able to see.  I felt good about the little waves making me swallow water.  I felt good about my breathing.  But, as I got deeper, I started to not feel so good about the possibilities of snakes swimming around me.  I freaked out a bit and ended up cutting it short.  I'm glad I did at least a little swim, wish I had done more.  

Awesome job on BOTH the biking and swimming fronts. It may not SEEM like the swim built your confidence, but I promise it did. The snakes will actually stay further away from you next time, I promise!

P.S. I *told* you so ... you were on the verge of a swimming breakthrough [referring to later posts]

2011-05-17 2:43 PM
in reply to: #3502430

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
crystalashworth - 2011-05-17 6:12 AM

Hey Manatees!  Sorry for being MIA this past week.  4 out of my 5 kiddos were sick with colds, ear infections, strep and tonsillitis.  Fun times.

Just made it back to my Masters Swim class for the first time in a week.  It kicked my butt.  MAN why is gaining fitness so hard, but losing it is so easy??!!  :P

Hey, just a Manatee sabbatical, remember? Unfortunately four sick kids is some really whacko sabbatical, you poor poor thing!!!

Whenever you feel like something kicked your azz, what that really means is that you kicked ITS azz.

2011-05-17 2:47 PM
in reply to: #3502757

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
kalico123 - 2011-05-17 9:38 AM

Hey Manatees... been a little busy so MIA on the forum, but keeping up on the training and logging. Just caught up a little on what's been going on.... OMG Grace... you are definately one tough cookie!! Congrats on your tri and thank goodness you are ok.  I'm sooo happy for you that you didn't break your wrist... I broke mine this Feb and it kinda puts a little bit of a wrench in training!!!    It's just finally starting to get back to normal.

And good job on your tri too John....sorry to hear you didn't get your OWS in!

I FINALLY did a race that I was registered for last weekend.  We weren't sure I would do it due to my Achilles, but my coaches and dr told me the week before to do it for experience BUT I wasn't allowed to run the whole thing.... had to do my 5 & 1 run/walk! I stuck with the plan and did ok... about 5min better than last year, and 3rd in AG, considering my lack of swimming and run training thanks to those darn injuries this year!

And I am slooowly working my way up to riding a 100k ride! My training partner and I got in a 60k and a 70k ride in this week.  Our 70k ride was with hills and wind.... it took us just over an hour out and thanks to our wonderful Sask. winds... about 1 hour and 40min back!   

Keep up the great work Manatees!!!

Super congrats on doing it, sticking to a wise plan, AND PRing the course AND hardware!!! woo-hoo!

So where's the race report?

2011-05-17 2:51 PM
in reply to: #3504085

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
Grainne Wynne - 2011-05-18 2:03 AM

Congratulations Grace on finishing. Holy moley that will be a story to share with your grandchildren. Please take care of yourself though. loss of memory and dizzy spells make me nervous.

I have to say if they cancelled my swim and told me I had to run and not swim, I might do the happy dance. Congrats on your race too John. I'm sorry you didn't get to practice the swim though.

I haven't been here in awhile but I have been reading the posts through my email. Also I tried to post our group to my friends list and I keep losing it. No idea what I am doing wrong.

Had my first of 5 swim lessons this morning. Just got to practice what I learned. Next one on Monday and going from there.

Feel like the tri is approaching at rocket speed and I feel like I am not as ready as I would like to be. Got to work on my run and swim, bikeing is rolling along (no pun intended).Laughing However I did get my kodak moment on Thursday night. Fell off my bike at the traffic light. Couldn't get my shoe out in time. Well at least that's over with, I knew it was coming. Laughing I didn't know whether to cry or take a bow. Honestly there could not have been any more cars at the intersection, every leg of the intersection was full. Going to try again this week with a group on Thursday. Hopefull I will stay upright this time.

Good luck with your training all. You are definitly inspiring me to get off my butt and keep going.



Nice to see you checking in, Grainne, and welcome to "the club." it's one of the hallmarks of being a true cyclist.

By the way, not feeling like you are as ready as you should be is a good sign. It's the people who are deluded into thinking they ARE ready when they're not that worry me.

2011-05-17 5:10 PM
in reply to: #3434942

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

Congrats to all who raced this past weekend.  Sounds like all 3 of you did great (and survived!)

I had an interesting day today.  I have had random running related injuries and was pretty sure that they are related to my running gait and muscular imbalances I have.  I knew somehting was there, but not sure what or how to fix it.  i travel to Houston a lot for work and at my last tri, I saw an ad for performance testing.  One of the big hospitals in Houston has a big sports medicine focus and has a specific group that is focused on endurance athletes.   I have had some trsting done in the past by trainers in the gym, but was a little skeptical about their knowledge level.  This testing was done by exercise physiologists with PhD's and physical therapists.  So I figured it was worth the investment.  i mainly wanted to get a gait analysis and functional movement screen.  Since I was there and on the treadmill I added in lactate, max VO2 and kcal burned testing. 


Overall I think it will be pretty helpful.  The gait analysis made me feel better, but also pissed my off.  I have bought way too many of the wrong kind of shoes.  I guess trusting the 19 year old that works for minimum wage at the running store is not the way to go.  Basically I have been told everything, but the last few times I was told that I have major overpronation and needed stability shoes.  And less heel drop.  The shoes would never feel right so I would go back and end up with something similar.  I never felt like I overpronated, but went with what they said.  Turns out that I have a pretty neutral gait with slight supenation on one foot.  My big problem is I drop one hip a lot (and have a lot of hip pain on that side). 


The Max VO2 and lactate threshold was interesting (I do feel like a pin cushion from all the finger sticks, I'm a baby about needles!)  But the calories burned was very surprising.  I figured that my Garmin was way off and way over estimated what I burn, but it is actually under.  I burnt ~825 calories/hr running at my usual slowish pace.  Yea!!  Tomorrow I go back and they give me exercises that will help the weaknesses they identifies. 



2011-05-17 5:17 PM
in reply to: #3504811

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
kussmaul - 2011-05-18 7:10 AM

Congrats to all who raced this past weekend.  Sounds like all 3 of you did great (and survived!)

I had an interesting day today.  I have had random running related injuries and was pretty sure that they are related to my running gait and muscular imbalances I have.  I knew somehting was there, but not sure what or how to fix it.  i travel to Houston a lot for work and at my last tri, I saw an ad for performance testing.  One of the big hospitals in Houston has a big sports medicine focus and has a specific group that is focused on endurance athletes.   I have had some trsting done in the past by trainers in the gym, but was a little skeptical about their knowledge level.  This testing was done by exercise physiologists with PhD's and physical therapists.  So I figured it was worth the investment.  i mainly wanted to get a gait analysis and functional movement screen.  Since I was there and on the treadmill I added in lactate, max VO2 and kcal burned testing. 


Overall I think it will be pretty helpful.  The gait analysis made me feel better, but also pissed my off.  I have bought way too many of the wrong kind of shoes.  I guess trusting the 19 year old that works for minimum wage at the running store is not the way to go.  Basically I have been told everything, but the last few times I was told that I have major overpronation and needed stability shoes.  And less heel drop.  The shoes would never feel right so I would go back and end up with something similar.  I never felt like I overpronated, but went with what they said.  Turns out that I have a pretty neutral gait with slight supenation on one foot.  My big problem is I drop one hip a lot (and have a lot of hip pain on that side). 


The Max VO2 and lactate threshold was interesting (I do feel like a pin cushion from all the finger sticks, I'm a baby about needles!)  But the calories burned was very surprising.  I figured that my Garmin was way off and way over estimated what I burn, but it is actually under.  I burnt ~825 calories/hr running at my usual slowish pace.  Yea!!  Tomorrow I go back and they give me exercises that will help the weaknesses they identifies. 



Oooh, that is very exciting and I am quite envious! (especially of kcal burnt!) Now the really fun part will be putting those numbers to good use, if you want to. In any case, great to have them and to take advantage of the opportunity for testing.

If shoes don't feel quite right, they aren't right. It's still better to trust your gut ... ah, feet ... than the kid at the running store who got a 10-minute briefing from another kid on gait ...

2011-05-17 5:48 PM
in reply to: #3502430

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Pueblo, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
crystalashworth - 2011-05-16 3:12 PM

Hey Manatees!  Sorry for being MIA this past week.  4 out of my 5 kiddos were sick with colds, ear infections, strep and tonsillitis.  Fun times.

Just made it back to my Masters Swim class for the first time in a week.  It kicked my butt.  MAN why is gaining fitness so hard, but losing it is so easy??!!  :P

Fitness and weight are kissing cousins.

2011-05-17 6:12 PM
in reply to: #3504085

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Pueblo, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
Grainne Wynne - 2011-05-17 11:03 AM

Feel like the tri is approaching at rocket speed and I feel like I am not as ready as I would like to be. Got to work on my run and swim, bikeing is rolling along (no pun intended).Laughing However I did get my kodak moment on Thursday night. Fell off my bike at the traffic light. Couldn't get my shoe out in time. Well at least that's over with, I knew it was coming. Laughing I didn't know whether to cry or take a bow. Honestly there could not have been any more cars at the intersection, every leg of the intersection was full. Going to try again this week with a group on Thursday. Hopefull I will stay upright this time.

Hope you are OK after your fall, but alas - it's not "if", but "when" will it happen.  I've logged 1000's of miles and still get that occasional "oh cr@p" situation where my balance is off a little to the wrong side or I'm trying to do too much at one time - might be mountain bike gets stuck in a rut- something and always stupid stuff.

With all the cycling tales on the post lately, have any of you practiced crashing yet?  I see we are gaining experinece (unfortunately), but are we practicing those crashes / out of control situations?  Sounds stupid, but remember - nothing new on race day!!!

I'm not suggesting we all go take a header or intentionally lean too much where there is loose gravel, but do you know how far you can lean on a wet corner or how hard you can brake without taking a tumble?  Have you elected to train inside on a rainy day instead of going outside - I have and I have not.  None of us can control race day conditions, so always training in good weather does not prepare you for those bad weather races.

2011-05-17 6:13 PM
in reply to: #3504811

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Pueblo, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
kussmaul - 2011-05-17 4:10 PM

Congrats to all who raced this past weekend.  Sounds like all 3 of you did great (and survived!)

I had an interesting day today.  I have had random running related injuries and was pretty sure that they are related to my running gait and muscular imbalances I have.  I knew somehting was there, but not sure what or how to fix it.  i travel to Houston a lot for work and at my last tri, I saw an ad for performance testing.  One of the big hospitals in Houston has a big sports medicine focus and has a specific group that is focused on endurance athletes.   I have had some trsting done in the past by trainers in the gym, but was a little skeptical about their knowledge level.  This testing was done by exercise physiologists with PhD's and physical therapists.  So I figured it was worth the investment.  i mainly wanted to get a gait analysis and functional movement screen.  Since I was there and on the treadmill I added in lactate, max VO2 and kcal burned testing. 

Overall I think it will be pretty helpful.  The gait analysis made me feel better, but also pissed my off.  I have bought way too many of the wrong kind of shoes.  I guess trusting the 19 year old that works for minimum wage at the running store is not the way to go.  Basically I have been told everything, but the last few times I was told that I have major overpronation and needed stability shoes.  And less heel drop.  The shoes would never feel right so I would go back and end up with something similar.  I never felt like I overpronated, but went with what they said.  Turns out that I have a pretty neutral gait with slight supenation on one foot.  My big problem is I drop one hip a lot (and have a lot of hip pain on that side). 

The Max VO2 and lactate threshold was interesting (I do feel like a pin cushion from all the finger sticks, I'm a baby about needles!)  But the calories burned was very surprising.  I figured that my Garmin was way off and way over estimated what I burn, but it is actually under.  I burnt ~825 calories/hr running at my usual slowish pace.  Yea!!  Tomorrow I go back and they give me exercises that will help the weaknesses they identifies. 

I want that!

2011-05-17 6:20 PM
in reply to: #3504869

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
mackjenn - 2011-05-18 8:12 AM

With all the cycling tales on the post lately, have any of you practiced crashing yet?  I see we are gaining experinece (unfortunately), but are we practicing those crashes / out of control situations?  Sounds stupid, but remember - nothing new on race day!!!

I'm not suggesting we all go take a header or intentionally lean too much where there is loose gravel, but do you know how far you can lean on a wet corner or how hard you can brake without taking a tumble?  Have you elected to train inside on a rainy day instead of going outside - I have and I have not.  None of us can control race day conditions, so always training in good weather does not prepare you for those bad weather races.

Bike handling skills! Such an important topic, and my brain is empty right now. I will let it refill and come back later. Thanks, John!

2011-05-17 7:06 PM
in reply to: #3504817

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
TriAya - 2011-05-17 5:17 PM that is very exciting and I am quite envious! (especially of kcal burnt!) Now the really fun part will be putting those numbers to good use, if you want to. In any case, great to have them and to take advantage of the opportunity for testing.

If shoes don't feel quite right, they aren't right. It's still better to trust your gut ... ah, feet ... than the kid at the running store who got a 10-minute briefing from another kid on gait ...

I may have been easily swayed by how cute all the wrong shoes were! The kcal burnt was a little shocking. I had kind of convinced myself I don't burn that much and that is why I can't lose my last 4 pounds. Maybe not. I kind of have the tendency to track what I eat only on low calorie day......
2011-05-17 9:53 PM
in reply to: #3504516

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
TriAya - 2011-05-17 1:47 PM
kalico123 - 2011-05-17 9:38 AM

I FINALLY did a race that I was registered for last weekend.  We weren't sure I would do it due to my Achilles, but my coaches and dr told me the week before to do it for experience BUT I wasn't allowed to run the whole thing.... had to do my 5 & 1 run/walk! I stuck with the plan and did ok... about 5min better than last year, and 3rd in AG, considering my lack of swimming and run training thanks to those darn injuries this year!

And I am slooowly working my way up to riding a 100k ride! My training partner and I got in a 60k and a 70k ride in this week.  Our 70k ride was with hills and wind.... it took us just over an hour out and thanks to our wonderful Sask. winds... about 1 hour and 40min back!   

Keep up the great work Manatees!!!

Super congrats on doing it, sticking to a wise plan, AND PRing the course AND hardware!!! woo-hoo!

So where's the race report?

I've actually never done a real race report... but I did reflect about it and put in my blog on race day (May 8th).  Does that count???

2011-05-17 9:54 PM
in reply to: #3504872

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
mackjenn - 2011-05-17 5:13 PM
kussmaul - 2011-05-17 4:10 PM

Congrats to all who raced this past weekend.  Sounds like all 3 of you did great (and survived!)

I had an interesting day today.  I have had random running related injuries and was pretty sure that they are related to my running gait and muscular imbalances I have.  I knew somehting was there, but not sure what or how to fix it.  i travel to Houston a lot for work and at my last tri, I saw an ad for performance testing.  One of the big hospitals in Houston has a big sports medicine focus and has a specific group that is focused on endurance athletes.   I have had some trsting done in the past by trainers in the gym, but was a little skeptical about their knowledge level.  This testing was done by exercise physiologists with PhD's and physical therapists.  So I figured it was worth the investment.  i mainly wanted to get a gait analysis and functional movement screen.  Since I was there and on the treadmill I added in lactate, max VO2 and kcal burned testing. 

Overall I think it will be pretty helpful.  The gait analysis made me feel better, but also pissed my off.  I have bought way too many of the wrong kind of shoes.  I guess trusting the 19 year old that works for minimum wage at the running store is not the way to go.  Basically I have been told everything, but the last few times I was told that I have major overpronation and needed stability shoes.  And less heel drop.  The shoes would never feel right so I would go back and end up with something similar.  I never felt like I overpronated, but went with what they said.  Turns out that I have a pretty neutral gait with slight supenation on one foot.  My big problem is I drop one hip a lot (and have a lot of hip pain on that side). 

The Max VO2 and lactate threshold was interesting (I do feel like a pin cushion from all the finger sticks, I'm a baby about needles!)  But the calories burned was very surprising.  I figured that my Garmin was way off and way over estimated what I burn, but it is actually under.  I burnt ~825 calories/hr running at my usual slowish pace.  Yea!!  Tomorrow I go back and they give me exercises that will help the weaknesses they identifies. 

I want that!


2011-05-18 12:44 AM
in reply to: #3434942

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
YAnti didn't tell us but yesterday was her birthday!!!! All together now... Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear dear Yanti, happy birthday to youuuuuuu! And ,Many, many more! {{{{{{{press}}}}} manatee pod party!
2011-05-18 5:25 AM
in reply to: #3505291

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

lmscozz - 2011-05-18 12:44 AM YAnti didn't tell us but yesterday was her birthday!!!! All together now... Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear dear Yanti, happy birthday to youuuuuuu! And ,Many, many more! {{{{{{{press}}}}} manatee pod party!


Edited by cggale 2011-05-18 5:26 AM
2011-05-18 7:24 AM
in reply to: #3505291

User image

Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

lmscozz - 2011-05-17 11:44 PM YAnti didn't tell us but yesterday was her birthday!!!! All together now... Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear dear Yanti, happy birthday to youuuuuuu! And ,Many, many more! {{{{{{{press}}}}} manatee pod party!


2011-05-18 10:04 AM
in reply to: #3434942

Charlotte, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
Haaaapppyy birthday yanti!! And I know I'm a little late, but congrats everybody on their tris this past weekend! I read all the race reports and it looks like it went pretty well. I can't believe grace's story.. What a trooper! Thank god you weren't seriously injured.

2011-05-18 11:00 AM
in reply to: #3434942

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

What's a birthday party without a birthday cake. Yes, there is actually a manatee cake!

Dig in!! But first piece goes to her Yantiness!!
2011-05-18 11:40 AM
in reply to: #3505992

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

lmscozz - 2011-05-19 1:00 AM

What's a birthday party without a birthday cake. Yes, there is actually a manatee cake!

Dig in!! But first piece goes to her Yantiness!!

No friggin' way!!! A MANATEE CAKE! That's the cutest damned thing I ever did see. Best cake I ever got, too! (And I used to run around with Cake Boy ... Lynn, do you remember those insane days?)

I thought I spilled the beans on my birthday, I guess not ... THANK YOU ALL for the wonderful birthday wishes ... and I am having (I'm gonna milk it for a few days yet, haha) the most marvelous birthday ever.

2011-05-18 12:34 PM
in reply to: #3506073

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
TriAya - 2011-05-18 9:40 AM

lmscozz - 2011-05-19 1:00 AM

What's a birthday party without a birthday cake. Yes, there is actually a manatee cake!

Dig in!! But first piece goes to her Yantiness!!

No friggin' way!!! A MANATEE CAKE! That's the cutest damned thing I ever did see. Best cake I ever got, too! (And I used to run around with Cake Boy ... Lynn, do you remember those insane days?)

I thought I spilled the beans on my birthday, I guess not ... THANK YOU ALL for the wonderful birthday wishes ... and I am having (I'm gonna milk it for a few days yet, haha) the most marvelous birthday ever.

I DO remember Cake Boy!   Also, around these parts we call it the birthday week or birthday month. WTH? Why not?
2011-05-18 4:05 PM
in reply to: #3434942

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
Happy, happy, happy, and some more happy, birthday!!!  My mother is a firm believer that you should celebrate your birthday for the following length of time - 1 day per decade.  So keep on celebrating!  Thanks for being you!
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