BT Development Mentor Program Archives » STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL! Rss Feed  
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2012-05-16 6:34 AM
in reply to: #4208867

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
skibummer - 2012-05-14 2:03 PM

Hope all you moms had a Happy Mother's Day. Laughing


IT Band is feeling better. Rest and roll. Went for an easy 3.5mi run yesterday around the lake. At about 2mi in I developed a nice rub on my foot (didn't wear socks). I took off my shoes and ran the rest unshod. I'm not a barefooter but it was a fun time going slower and feeling the mud, dirt, rocks, and roots.

Last week I felt like my swim was getting worse, only being able to do sets of 500yds, but today I used the catch-up drill and swam ascending sets of 500, 600, then 700yds. Focused on taking my time to set up the stroke and not rushing through it. Feeling better about my swim, but more work is needed.

PS - My kids went swimming in the lake yesterday, but I'm going to wait a few more weeks. BRRRRRRRRRRR!!! 



yay for the IT band!! no socks? oy, my feet would be shredded. barefoot running is really good for your feet. i always say i'm going to do it once-a-week and I almost never do. the first time i did it, i overdid it...but it sure felt good. and i tend to have such perfect form when i'm barefoot.

happy about your swim! sounds like you are working the swim demons away, WELL DONE.

2012-05-16 6:37 AM
in reply to: #4208386

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
erin1621 - 2012-05-14 10:45 AM

So just let everyone else I took the week off to recover. My hip is or my quad is bothering me  so figured give my body a bit of rest before I really pic up my training. Well today was spin class and it bothered me again! Not sure what I did or how to make it better. I going to try to use the foam roller see if it will help. I have 42 more days untill my first tri, I just really want to make it!!!!!!!!!!

That front-of-the-leg/hip stuff is frustrating. Lots of little muscles that aren't used to work. Maybe stay off the spin bike for a while? If you can find the sore spot, maybe give it some ice. Keep us posted.
2012-05-16 6:41 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

So I asked my running coach about stairs. There is a common misconception that the important part is the going UP. Not so!! You are better off walking UP the stairs and then running down... but not for speed.

Stairs is about FOOT SPEED. Teaching your legs to pick up your feet. So, when going down the stairs, try to have quick feet and pick up your knees. Light and quick..not fast.

When you work yourself into a frenzy going UP, you tend to injure yourself.

WHO KNEW? so easy does it going up... and quick and light going down.
2012-05-16 6:48 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!


Do you know about taper/rest?

Do you know about carb loading (don't load the night before)?

Do you know about the pre-race warm-up that you do the day before?

We can talk about these things if you are interested. I have access to very good certified triathlon coaches here. So if you don't have that kind of access, please let me know and I will post some of the things I've been taught.

Some people come on here for the camaraderie (me) and some people come on for INFO.... some a little of both. Please let me know what you'd like to hear. There is SO much great information on this site, but it isn't always easy to find. If you have a spare hour each week, it's worth sitting down and going through the site and reading reading reading about triathlon. The site is chock full of experts AND very experienced triathletes. Use the knowledge. Someone else has had your question, problem issue..and someone else has answered, solved it.
2012-05-16 9:04 AM
in reply to: #4212184

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washington state
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

stephsprint - 2012-05-16 4:48 AM RACES ARE COMING UP.... EVERYBODY READY? Do you know about taper/rest? Do you know about carb loading (don't load the night before)? Do you know about the pre-race warm-up that you do the day before? We can talk about these things if you are interested. I have access to very good certified triathlon coaches here. So if you don't have that kind of access, please let me know and I will post some of the things I've been taught. Some people come on here for the camaraderie (me) and some people come on for INFO.... some a little of both. Please let me know what you'd like to hear. There is SO much great information on this site, but it isn't always easy to find. If you have a spare hour each week, it's worth sitting down and going through the site and reading reading reading about triathlon. The site is chock full of experts AND very experienced triathletes. Use the knowledge. Someone else has had your question, problem issue..and someone else has answered, solved it.


Yes I want to know about all three of these!  Of course I do sprint tris and haven't done any thing longer than 10 miles, so I don't even know if these really apply to me.  Also, do any of them apply when I am going to do an extra long workout but it is not a race?

2012-05-16 10:21 AM
in reply to: #4212177

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

stephsprint - 2012-05-16 4:41 AM STAIRS or STEPS So I asked my running coach about stairs. There is a common misconception that the important part is the going UP. Not so!! You are better off walking UP the stairs and then running down... but not for speed. Stairs is about FOOT SPEED. Teaching your legs to pick up your feet. So, when going down the stairs, try to have quick feet and pick up your knees. Light and quick..not fast. When you work yourself into a frenzy going UP, you tend to injure yourself. WHO KNEW? so easy does it going up... and quick and light going down.

Wow...I was trained to high step it UP the steps and slowly walk down.  Of course, that was a few (ahem) years ago so I guess things have changed....

I appreciate the info - that's why I like this site so much

2012-05-16 10:30 AM
in reply to: #4212184

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

stephsprint - 2012-05-16 4:48 AM RACES ARE COMING UP.... EVERYBODY READY? Do you know about taper/rest? Do you know about carb loading (don't load the night before)? Do you know about the pre-race warm-up that you do the day before? We can talk about these things if you are interested. I have access to very good certified triathlon coaches here. So if you don't have that kind of access, please let me know and I will post some of the things I've been taught. Some people come on here for the camaraderie (me) and some people come on for INFO.... some a little of both. Please let me know what you'd like to hear. There is SO much great information on this site, but it isn't always easy to find. If you have a spare hour each week, it's worth sitting down and going through the site and reading reading reading about triathlon. The site is chock full of experts AND very experienced triathletes. Use the knowledge. Someone else has had your question, problem issue..and someone else has answered, solved it.

Yes please - The more info and research I can do the better!  Also, I have trouble navigating the site sometimes - are there certain areas you recommend going to for this information?  I seem to get hung up in the forums (whcih can be VERY helpful) and am unable to locate articles that might be beneficial. 

2012-05-16 12:19 PM
in reply to: #4210542

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Lovey - 2012-05-15 11:17 AM  The hospital referred me to two ortho practices. One practice I looked up and didn't like them. The other practice i have visted once. They couldn't see me until Thursday. I called the ortho I saw 2 years ago for a knee injury. A friend had recommended her at the time and I just went, didn't even check her out but she was good and I liked her. Turns out she is the head orth specialist for the Baltimore Ravens football team for the last 14 years or so. She squeezed me in yesterday. My husband liked her because she gave me all my options, pros and cons and explained everything in details. My ankle is broken in 2 major places, inside and outside, with some floating bone. Recovery is the same with or without surgery but its a matter of how it will heal. without surgery it will heal and in the short term it will feel fine. As I get more active walking and running, it will most likely start to cause issue because of loose bone and my gait being off. Surgery with the use of screws and a plate will put my ankle back the way it was before the accident. Do you think I need to get a second opinion?



I am sorry to hear about your ankle.  I think it is always a good idea to get a second opinion before going under the knife. As Steph mentioned, a sports doctor that works on professional athletes will have the best background for dealing with this type of injury. 

Hope you find yourself on the mend soon.


2012-05-16 12:19 PM
in reply to: #4210560

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
deehtz - 2012-05-15 11:24 AM


I am back from my long weekend away to do my 10k in Eastern Washington.  Had a GREAT time!

The race went well.  Weather was perfect.  The hills were long, but I am pleased with my time.  I am a jogger, not a runner.   I averaged 11'57" per mile even with the hills, so that is great.

Going over the top of Grand Coulee Dam was really neat.  They weren't spilling water, but it was still amazing!  Beautiful area!

Had a really good time with my friend, too.  We spent the rest of the long weekend at her place.  She has horses, so we went on a horseback ride on Sunday.  Beautiful views out over the valley, just so gorgeous!

Now we are home again, and boy, are our dogs glad to see us!


Welcome back and congrats on the race.

2012-05-16 12:22 PM
in reply to: #4212184

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

stephsprint - 2012-05-16 7:48 AM RACES ARE COMING UP.... EVERYBODY READY? Do you know about taper/rest? Do you know about carb loading (don't load the night before)? Do you know about the pre-race warm-up that you do the day before? We can talk about these things if you are interested. I have access to very good certified triathlon coaches here. So if you don't have that kind of access, please let me know and I will post some of the things I've been taught. Some people come on here for the camaraderie (me) and some people come on for INFO.... some a little of both. Please let me know what you'd like to hear. There is SO much great information on this site, but it isn't always easy to find. If you have a spare hour each week, it's worth sitting down and going through the site and reading reading reading about triathlon. The site is chock full of experts AND very experienced triathletes. Use the knowledge. Someone else has had your question, problem issue..and someone else has answered, solved it.


Yes, please ... more info on all of these. 

2012-05-16 1:03 PM
in reply to: #4128264

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Jeez Lovey I hope you heal up quick. I think your initial diagnosis from the sports doc should be credible, considering the NFL team trusts her. You are lucky to have such a resource. Do what she says.

A 45minS/50minB/30minR gym workout today. Swam 500x3. In between sets I would float on my back or tread water, not stand or hang on the side. Floating is so very relaxing, listening to the breath. Stationary biked on the 'Random' setting which is WAY F'n harder than the straight 'Hills' setting. Then ran the dread mill with increasing speeds. I feel good, but wonder if doing all 3 in one session is productive? I am not wiped out at the end and usually have to force myself to not go longer.  I'd post my logs here but I don't like the format. Maybe I/we can post my/our workouts in our thread here.

First race (maybe) Memorial Wknd. A 5K on the lower trail sections of the ski mountain. The first part of the course is a sick hill climb, then an ankle twisting descent into the woods. Logs, mud, and creek jumps abound.  Anyone know how to avoid getting scammed by I've heard about them sneakily charging a huge subscription fee when registering for races.

And I too would like more info on such great topics as tapering and carb intake. Just about anything tri related is always a good read. 


Edited by skibummer 2012-05-16 1:04 PM

2012-05-16 8:17 PM
in reply to: #4213080

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
otisbrown - 2012-05-16 12:22 PM

stephsprint - 2012-05-16 7:48 AM RACES ARE COMING UP.... EVERYBODY READY? Do you know about taper/rest? Do you know about carb loading (don't load the night before)? Do you know about the pre-race warm-up that you do the day before? We can talk about these things if you are interested. I have access to very good certified triathlon coaches here. So if you don't have that kind of access, please let me know and I will post some of the things I've been taught. Some people come on here for the camaraderie (me) and some people come on for INFO.... some a little of both. Please let me know what you'd like to hear. There is SO much great information on this site, but it isn't always easy to find. If you have a spare hour each week, it's worth sitting down and going through the site and reading reading reading about triathlon. The site is chock full of experts AND very experienced triathletes. Use the knowledge. Someone else has had your question, problem issue..and someone else has answered, solved it.


Yes, please ... more info on all of these. 

Yes please help me with it all.


2012-05-17 9:53 AM
in reply to: #4213199

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
skibummer - 2012-05-16 2:03 PM

Anyone know how to avoid getting scammed by I've heard about them sneakily charging a huge subscription fee when registering for races.


This is the first I have heard about this and I have not used them before.  I imagine, there must be a check box for the subscription that people are missing.  If you decide to use them, keep a close eye on the $ amount being charged to your credit card. 


HTH Marcus

2012-05-17 7:38 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Lots to catch up on!

Lovey – so sorry about your ankle. Hope your recovery is speedy.

Skibum – If you’re referring to the ‘free trial’ offered at the end of race registration on Active, I think you just have to look for the veeerrryyy small ‘no thanks’. (?) I've seen it with both of my race registrations so far this year.  Hope the new job is going well.

Oak – Congrats on your race & going smoke free.  I’m with Aeneah:  repeating “I can do anything for __ minutes” can help get through some tough times.  Works with training too!

Zbridget, Deehtz, & Amybecca – congrats to you all on your races!

Susie- congrats on your grad!!

Steph - the more info the better!

2012-05-17 7:48 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

So May has been a bit of a busy month – no time to post, but have uploaded most of my workouts. My first sprint is this Sunday and there’s nothing like the new tri top and shorts to remind a gal of her figure flaws, lol. 

I had planned an OWS for last weekend, but the lake weeds and the ginormous splashing carp made me rethink it. Surprised I’ll try again Memorial Day Wknd to decide if the wetsuit is worth the bother for Sherox in June.  This first race is a pool swim – Olympic length pool, haven’t done that since high school!

I’m anxiously awaiting the opening of the outdoor pool at the gym.  I have been so frustrated lately, arriving at 5am only to find the lap pool completely full, and the Masters team starting at 5:30 everyday, forcing me to swim in the ‘leisure’ pool.  Yuck. Maybe I’m just picking the wrong days to swim.

 On the other hand, I got a great brick workout in yesterday.  Gorgeous weather, bike path not too busy, put me in a fantastic mood the whole day.  Had a tire clinic at the gym, met the cycle club coordinator, got some good tips and practice fixing flats (& more free stuff!). Tomorrow is packet pickup, a Cycling 101 clinic and Sunday is the race.  Weather is supposed to be warm, but hopefully no rain.  Need more transition practice – I’m going to forget about little things like tying my hair back before the swim. Hopefully I can get a few easy laps in the pool Saturday morning.   

Pre-race tips anyone? TG its almost F!


2012-05-17 11:53 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

How is everyone working to get faster on their bikes? I'm sure this is a broad question, but cycling is so new to me that I feel like it's the area I have the most room for improvement on. My gadgets tell me I was riding at about (sigh) 11 miles an hour...and now I'm up to about 13 (since early March). My cadence has increased to about 85 (and I was consciously working on that), but what can I do now to make progress in the next few months? I feel like the slooooooowest thing on the road.


2012-05-18 10:20 AM
in reply to: #4213959


Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
YES! Please pass along your knowledge! My first sprint is coming up in a few weeks!!
2012-05-18 1:53 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Happy Friday Everyone!!  Another weekend is here. Laughing

Tomorrow I have my first race of the season and I am looking forward to it.  There is a small chance that I might be able to place in this race as the field is typically small (150ish) and last year I wasn't that far off.

Sunday I will do my first real bike ride of the season.  Hoping that my pace will be on point, but we will see. 


Swim Smooth posted a blog today regarding breathing.  Here is the linky:

The article got me thinking about my stroke and what happens to my arm when I take a breath. For some reason, I dont think it is straight out in front.  Something I will focus on the next time I am in the pool.  

Have a great weekend and good luck to anyone else that has a race this weekend.


2012-05-19 10:13 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: Pre-Race Brick - day before the race
Planned Duration: 1:00
Swim: 10min
Bike: 20min
Run: 15min

Practice fast transitions. Wear your race clothes. This is done slightly below race effort but with several race effort bursts during each sport.
2012-05-19 10:15 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: Race Day Warm-up
45min prior to start: easy 10min run with a few race bursts
35min prior to start: swim 5-10min get comfortable in water

Make sure you check all moving parts on bike in transtion before race!

I would add to MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE you are in a very easy gear. Pump up your tires the night before too.
2012-05-19 10:28 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: Pre Race Warm-up... more detail, short distancees
The warm up before the race is extremely important.

The shorter the Race, the more important and longer the warm up.
The Longer the Race, the warm up is still important but very short.

Let’s figure “ backwards” the “ ideal warmup” for a Sprint & Olympic distance Triathlon.
You don’t want to warm up too early and be cold at the start.
And you don’t want to warm up in a hurry either.

Arrive at least 90’ to 75’ prior to the Race “START” (which is not necessarily your start).

Let’s suppose that the race starts at 7:00am:

· 6:50 You should leave the water and go closer to the start.
· 6:45 Get in the water and swim really easy for 1-2’ . Then do 2-3 x 10-20” accelerations. Kick hard to make sure that your ankle bracelet with the chip is not loose.
· 6:40 leave your running shoes (and optional socks) in your transition and make sure everything is fine with your stuff and take your cap and goggles and go to the swim start.
· 6:20-6:25 start jogging easy for 1 mile or 10’. Use socks. Stretch again. Then, do 3-4 x 20” Strides/Accelerations.
· 6:15-6:20 start stretching really easy.

My recommendations:

· Bring baby powder with you and fill up both your biking and running shoes with it. The inside part at the heel is priority. It’s much easier to slide your wet foot inside the shoe.
· Set up your transition with a little old towel and put your things on top of that. Slide your foot in the towel to take off most of the dirt from running barefoot on the sand or on the gravel.
· Body Glide: under the arms; on your heels; under your arms, etc
· Hydration starts the night before with lots of electrolytes from after dinner to bed time. Don’t exaggerate.
· Last meal should be 12 hours before Start Gun.
· Bring always two pairs of goggles (one dark and one clear)
· Follow intensity/Effort/Cadence Chart for your optimal race.
This is from my coach Marcelo Holcberg

2012-05-19 10:57 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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washington state
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Good luck to all who are racing this weekend.  Remember to ENJOY!!!
2012-05-19 11:30 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Surgery went well on Friday I was told since i was knocked out the whole time. She put in a plate and 8 screws in my ankle. I go back in 3 weeks for a check up. In the meantime, I have to keep my leg elevated at all times and only get for the bathroom. Taking recovery, one day at a time with lots of painkillers.
2012-05-19 2:52 PM
in reply to: #4218130

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Lovey - 2012-05-19 12:30 PM

Surgery went well on Friday I was told since i was knocked out the whole time. She put in a plate and 8 screws in my ankle. I go back in 3 weeks for a check up. In the meantime, I have to keep my leg elevated at all times and only get for the bathroom. Taking recovery, one day at a time with lots of painkillers.

Thank goodness for quality meds. ;-)
2012-05-19 2:56 PM
in reply to: #4216238

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
amybecca - 2012-05-18 12:53 AM

How is everyone working to get faster on their bikes? I'm sure this is a broad question, but cycling is so new to me that I feel like it's the area I have the most room for improvement on. My gadgets tell me I was riding at about (sigh) 11 miles an hour...and now I'm up to about 13 (since early March). My cadence has increased to about 85 (and I was consciously working on that), but what can I do now to make progress in the next few months? I feel like the slooooooowest thing on the road.


Work your gears. Start in a lower gear, really spinning...then as you speed up, practice changing gears up... when you are spinning quickly again, change up. Remember to use a full pedal stroke... not just pushing and pulling, the stroke is a circle. You are clipped in yes?

Staying in a lower gear allows you to spin, rather than putting it in a harder gear and struggling.
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