BT Development Mentor Program Archives » RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!! Rss Feed  
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2013-03-04 8:44 AM
in reply to: #4542585

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Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!

Jim - question on training plans.  I've got my first Sprint slated for the beginning of June, giving me 14 weeks to get ready.  I typically ride the trainer most of the season and only get outside to ride on the weekends.  I'm planning on using most of the workouts from Jorge's winter program.  I'm just wondering which sections of the plan I should focus on in preparing for the race.  i.e. what part of the plan should I focus on now, and what would be ideal in the 6-8 weeks before the race

Or would I be better off considering something different?

Thanks for any feedback.

2013-03-04 6:41 PM
in reply to: #4645136

Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!

?Thanks, guys.  One piece, it is.


2013-03-04 8:14 PM
in reply to: #4638604

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!
jeri5692 - 2013-02-27 6:34 AM

Hi Jim,

 Am I reading this right, did you reopen your group? I would love to join!!! I've been doing tri's for a few years now but i still consider myself a newbie and need all the help I can get.  I have a half in July, the Musselman in NY.  I did it last year and want to improve my time, that shouldn't be too hard as I walked the whole run.  Jeri


Jeri, we're still accepting new're in!  Welcome

2013-03-04 8:24 PM
in reply to: #4643596

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!
Calvin386 - 2013-03-02 3:56 PM

I am beginning to put together my nutrition plan now for Ironman Louisville August 25, 2013.  So I can train with the nutrition I plan on racing with. 

I am considering starting with the PowerBar line of products.  Perform, Energy blasts, gels etc...  Anyone have any thoughts on this line of endurance nutrition products?

Also wondering if anyone knows what the on course nutrition will be for the Louisville Ironman.  Do all Ironman branded races use the same nutrition on race day?



Todd, it sounds like you found what you need in the Athlete's Guide but keep an eye open for brand changes for 2013.  If you want to "live off the course" for your nutrition then find out what the race will offer at aid stations and train and race prep races with it.  With regard to Powerbar products, they are what I use in my race fueling plan for Ironman.  I use Powerbar/Ironman Perform drink, Power Gels, Power Bars, in addition to Clif Bloks (with and without caffeine) and S-Caps.  I don't think you can practice race nutrition too much.

2013-03-04 8:27 PM
in reply to: #4645136

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!

GoFaster - 2013-03-04 8:39 AM One piece suit all the way - you do not want to try and change into a top when wet.  Especially a tight fitting Tri top.  Any drag from the one piece should be negligible.

3x    I am always amazed how just a little moisture makes putting a lycra top on almost impossible.

2013-03-04 8:37 PM
in reply to: #4645149

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!
GoFaster - 2013-03-04 8:44 AM

Jim - question on training plans.  I've got my first Sprint slated for the beginning of June, giving me 14 weeks to get ready.  I typically ride the trainer most of the season and only get outside to ride on the weekends.  I'm planning on using most of the workouts from Jorge's winter program.  I'm just wondering which sections of the plan I should focus on in preparing for the race.  i.e. what part of the plan should I focus on now, and what would be ideal in the 6-8 weeks before the race

Or would I be better off considering something different?

Thanks for any feedback.

Neil, first I would step back and ask where the Sprint in June fits in with your overall season schedule and your goals.  I'm assuming that Muskoka 70.3 in September is your "A" race for the season, correct?  Personally, I wouldn't focus my next 14 weeks on getting ready for a Sprint race in June if my goal race is a HIM in September.  But if that Sprint is actually your "A" race for personal reasons you may have then I might answer a little differently.  I will go back and review Jorge's schedule layout and make some comments on what pieces you may want to focus on.

2013-03-05 7:54 AM
in reply to: #4646475

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Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!
Birkierunner - 2013-03-04 9:37 PM
GoFaster - 2013-03-04 8:44 AM

Jim - question on training plans.  I've got my first Sprint slated for the beginning of June, giving me 14 weeks to get ready.  I typically ride the trainer most of the season and only get outside to ride on the weekends.  I'm planning on using most of the workouts from Jorge's winter program.  I'm just wondering which sections of the plan I should focus on in preparing for the race.  i.e. what part of the plan should I focus on now, and what would be ideal in the 6-8 weeks before the race

Or would I be better off considering something different?

Thanks for any feedback.

Neil, first I would step back and ask where the Sprint in June fits in with your overall season schedule and your goals.  I'm assuming that Muskoka 70.3 in September is your "A" race for the season, correct?  Personally, I wouldn't focus my next 14 weeks on getting ready for a Sprint race in June if my goal race is a HIM in September.  But if that Sprint is actually your "A" race for personal reasons you may have then I might answer a little differently.  I will go back and review Jorge's schedule layout and make some comments on what pieces you may want to focus on.

Here's how I was kind of looking at it.  I've got 14 weeks to the first race of the season, and 27 weeks until Muskoka.  With the exception of Muskoka, I'm planning to race two Sprints within a 2 week period, an Olympic 4 weeks after that, followed by another Sprint in 3-4 weeks and then 3-4 weeks until the 70.3.  Ideally I would be racing the Olympic last, but that's not going to fit the schedule, and the Sprint I am racing is a 33k bike with 7k run, so it's not too short.

My initial thought is that once the weather turns nice enough, hopefully in the next 2-3 weeks, I'll get in a long(er) ride most weekends.  For the most part this will by anywhere between 80-130km.  For the most part I would be planning to target an 80-85% effort on these rides.

It's the trainer rides (2-3) during the week where I'm a bit lost.  I don't know how to best structure these efforts to get ready for the Sprints vs the 70.3, and when to make the transition to only focus on training for the 70.3 - but continue to race the shorter distances.

Not sure of this is making sense.

2013-03-05 4:32 PM
in reply to: #4646458

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Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!
Birkierunner - 2013-03-04 9:24 PM
Calvin386 - 2013-03-02 3:56 PM

I am beginning to put together my nutrition plan now for Ironman Louisville August 25, 2013.  So I can train with the nutrition I plan on racing with. 

I am considering starting with the PowerBar line of products.  Perform, Energy blasts, gels etc...  Anyone have any thoughts on this line of endurance nutrition products?

Also wondering if anyone knows what the on course nutrition will be for the Louisville Ironman.  Do all Ironman branded races use the same nutrition on race day?



Todd, it sounds like you found what you need in the Athlete's Guide but keep an eye open for brand changes for 2013.  If you want to "live off the course" for your nutrition then find out what the race will offer at aid stations and train and race prep races with it.  With regard to Powerbar products, they are what I use in my race fueling plan for Ironman.  I use Powerbar/Ironman Perform drink, Power Gels, Power Bars, in addition to Clif Bloks (with and without caffeine) and S-Caps.  I don't think you can practice race nutrition too much.

Thanks.  I will watch for the brand changes.

I really had no particular favorites when it came to sports nutrition so I figured I would start with what was offered on the course and go from there.  I ordered Perform, Gu gels and Gu chomps.  I am going to begin training with these.  I am 5' 7" about 165 lbs. and about 12% BF so I figure I will start at 300 cals per hour during training and see how that goes.  I don't have much fat to burn so once I run out of fuel I bonk very quickly.  I know immediately because I feel light headed and weak.

I already have and have used S-caps. If I am using Perform, do you think I will still need S-caps?  Perform seems to have plenty of Sodium in it.  August in Louisville is hot and humid so there will be alot of sodium to replace that is for sure. 



Edited by Calvin386 2013-03-05 4:44 PM
2013-03-06 8:05 AM
in reply to: #4647686

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Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!
I have never used salt caps - I've also never done a full IM.  But there is a lot of literature out there that says you do not need the extra salt.  You'll get plenty from the sodium in your sports drink, especially Perform.  But again, I have no personal experience with them.
2013-03-06 9:23 PM
in reply to: #4542585


Columbia, SC
Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!

Hello Jim, got room for one more?

NAME: Chuck

STORY:   54 years old, carrying 70-80 pounds more than I'd like, but focused on eating healthier, being more active, and losing the pounds. Over the years I've participated in a number of sports including ice hockey, soccer, running, cycling, water skiing, snow skiing, and others. Currently in lousy shape,  but am working on it.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, two daughters aged 10 and 6, yes I started late.

CURRENT TRAINING: Run/walking 2-3 days a week, swimming 2-3, and just started light weights 3 days per week. Will start cycling once daylight savings time arrives.

My older daughter plays club soccer so I run during her practices on Mon and Wed. I add one more run Friday or Saturday. In Dec I was up to 2-5-3 miles running but pulled a calf muscle so I had to ease off. I'm now back up to 1.5 miles running with another 1 mile walking. I'll gradually increase the distance and running percentage and then start working on building speed.

Younger daughter is on a swim team. I go to the YMCA after work on Tues and Thurs to pick her up and get in my laps. The whole family goes to the pool Sat or Sun for another session. I've never been a competitive swimmer, but spent all my summers on a lake in NH when I was growing up, so I'm comfortable in the water. I started the swim training in Jan and am currently doing ten 50 meter laps with a 1-2 minute break in between. I've started reducing the time between the laps and plan to combine some into 100 meter sets soon. I'm dong a lap in 60-65 seconds, which seems really slow, but when I look at the times for my age group it seems that would actually be competitive.

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  Planned:  Sprint tri June 22. Might do others after that.

2012 RACES:  None, but did 128 miles in 2 days at a 17 mph average on a bike MS ride in Sept.

WEIGHTLOSS: Concentrating on losing. Goal for the year is to shed at least 50 pounds, 1-2 per week.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I listen well, am open to learning, and usually accomplish something that I've set my sights on.

2013-03-06 11:44 PM
in reply to: #4542585

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Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!
That's kind of what I was thinking Neil. The Perform taste like it has plenty of salt in it.


2013-03-07 10:34 PM
in reply to: #4636970

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New user

Desert Aire
Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!
Awesome! Well my training is on schedule, just got a question, I have not been able to get any swimming done. I talked to a friend and he says there are ways to workout the swimming muscles with bands, just wondering if anyone knows what and how. Just need to make sure I'm getting some swimming workouts in, even if it involves no actual swimming. I do live by a freezing cold lake, but its not warm enough yet, and well I need to find an affordable wet suit. Any suggestions? Thanks!
2013-03-08 7:39 AM
in reply to: #4647686

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!
Calvin386 - 2013-03-05 5:32 PM
Birkierunner - 2013-03-04 9:24 PM
Calvin386 - 2013-03-02 3:56 PM

I am beginning to put together my nutrition plan now for Ironman Louisville August 25, 2013.  So I can train with the nutrition I plan on racing with. 

I am considering starting with the PowerBar line of products.  Perform, Energy blasts, gels etc...  Anyone have any thoughts on this line of endurance nutrition products?

Also wondering if anyone knows what the on course nutrition will be for the Louisville Ironman.  Do all Ironman branded races use the same nutrition on race day?



Todd, it sounds like you found what you need in the Athlete's Guide but keep an eye open for brand changes for 2013.  If you want to "live off the course" for your nutrition then find out what the race will offer at aid stations and train and race prep races with it.  With regard to Powerbar products, they are what I use in my race fueling plan for Ironman.  I use Powerbar/Ironman Perform drink, Power Gels, Power Bars, in addition to Clif Bloks (with and without caffeine) and S-Caps.  I don't think you can practice race nutrition too much.

Thanks.  I will watch for the brand changes.

I really had no particular favorites when it came to sports nutrition so I figured I would start with what was offered on the course and go from there.  I ordered Perform, Gu gels and Gu chomps.  I am going to begin training with these.  I am 5' 7" about 165 lbs. and about 12% BF so I figure I will start at 300 cals per hour during training and see how that goes.  I don't have much fat to burn so once I run out of fuel I bonk very quickly.  I know immediately because I feel light headed and weak.

I already have and have used S-caps. If I am using Perform, do you think I will still need S-caps?  Perform seems to have plenty of Sodium in it.  August in Louisville is hot and humid so there will be alot of sodium to replace that is for sure. 



The best thing to do is experiment in training and see how your body reacts...ideally in weather that is hot and humid (i.e. similar to your race).

I began taking Endurolytes during hot 70.3 races to supplement my Infinit.  It did not impact me negatively so I continued to use it.  I had a nutrition plan that I developed in training and did not deviate from it on race day and had no issues.

2013-03-08 8:05 AM
in reply to: #4646846

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!
GoFaster - 2013-03-05 8:54 AM
Birkierunner - 2013-03-04 9:37 PM
GoFaster - 2013-03-04 8:44 AM

Jim - question on training plans.  I've got my first Sprint slated for the beginning of June, giving me 14 weeks to get ready.  I typically ride the trainer most of the season and only get outside to ride on the weekends.  I'm planning on using most of the workouts from Jorge's winter program.  I'm just wondering which sections of the plan I should focus on in preparing for the race.  i.e. what part of the plan should I focus on now, and what would be ideal in the 6-8 weeks before the race

Or would I be better off considering something different?

Thanks for any feedback.

Neil, first I would step back and ask where the Sprint in June fits in with your overall season schedule and your goals.  I'm assuming that Muskoka 70.3 in September is your "A" race for the season, correct?  Personally, I wouldn't focus my next 14 weeks on getting ready for a Sprint race in June if my goal race is a HIM in September.  But if that Sprint is actually your "A" race for personal reasons you may have then I might answer a little differently.  I will go back and review Jorge's schedule layout and make some comments on what pieces you may want to focus on.

Here's how I was kind of looking at it.  I've got 14 weeks to the first race of the season, and 27 weeks until Muskoka.  With the exception of Muskoka, I'm planning to race two Sprints within a 2 week period, an Olympic 4 weeks after that, followed by another Sprint in 3-4 weeks and then 3-4 weeks until the 70.3.  Ideally I would be racing the Olympic last, but that's not going to fit the schedule, and the Sprint I am racing is a 33k bike with 7k run, so it's not too short.

My initial thought is that once the weather turns nice enough, hopefully in the next 2-3 weeks, I'll get in a long(er) ride most weekends.  For the most part this will by anywhere between 80-130km.  For the most part I would be planning to target an 80-85% effort on these rides.

It's the trainer rides (2-3) during the week where I'm a bit lost.  I don't know how to best structure these efforts to get ready for the Sprints vs the 70.3, and when to make the transition to only focus on training for the 70.3 - but continue to race the shorter distances.

Not sure of this is making sense.

The timing works out pretty good IMO.  I would transition to HIM specific 12 weeks out.  In the meantime I would probably setup the bike focus as threshold-VO2-Threshold in 4 week blocks in prep for Oly/Spring to build your FTP prior to going HIM specific.

Threshold could be 2 days of (2x20 or 3x15) with 1 long weekend ride with some VO2 thrown in but majority at 80-85% (3 rides total)

VO2 could be 2 days of (1'ON;1'OFF or 30/30) and get 15' total ON and then 1 long weekend ride with some threshold work but the majority at 80-85%.

My 0.02 cents.

2013-03-08 1:17 PM
in reply to: #4651460

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Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!

Thanks Ryan.  With the threshold, would are you aiming for the total workout, including WU & CD to net out at around 8-85%, and then aiming for the main set to be done in the 90's?

As for the VO2 - again what type of percentages are you aiming at with those?


2013-03-08 1:22 PM
in reply to: #4651207

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Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!

Xcracern - 2013-03-07 11:34 PM Awesome! Well my training is on schedule, just got a question, I have not been able to get any swimming done. I talked to a friend and he says there are ways to workout the swimming muscles with bands, just wondering if anyone knows what and how. Just need to make sure I'm getting some swimming workouts in, even if it involves no actual swimming. I do live by a freezing cold lake, but its not warm enough yet, and well I need to find an affordable wet suit. Any suggestions? Thanks!

My two cents.  Working out swim muscles and swimming are two different things.  Is there a specific reason you can't get to a pool?

2013-03-08 1:35 PM
in reply to: #4652202

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!
GoFaster - 2013-03-08 2:17 PM

Thanks Ryan.  With the threshold, would are you aiming for the total workout, including WU & CD to net out at around 8-85%, and then aiming for the main set to be done in the 90's?

As for the VO2 - again what type of percentages are you aiming at with those?


For threshold MS I target 95-100%FTP.  My typical 1hr-1.5hr rides are usually around 0.85-0.90 IF but as long as the MS is done I dont worry about it too much.

VO2 I target 120%FTP.

2013-03-08 2:00 PM
in reply to: #4652219

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New user

Desert Aire
Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!
The closest pool is an hour away... I teach in a rural school and there is no pool in a 40 mile radius. So it's a big bummer. But like I said I live by a lake, it's freezing, but during summer time is my best bet to get some swim time in.
2013-03-08 2:35 PM
in reply to: #4652256

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Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!
rymac - 2013-03-08 2:35 PM
GoFaster - 2013-03-08 2:17 PM

Thanks Ryan.  With the threshold, would are you aiming for the total workout, including WU & CD to net out at around 8-85%, and then aiming for the main set to be done in the 90's?

As for the VO2 - again what type of percentages are you aiming at with those?


For threshold MS I target 95-100%FTP.  My typical 1hr-1.5hr rides are usually around 0.85-0.90 IF but as long as the MS is done I dont worry about it too much.

VO2 I target 120%FTP.

95-100%, right in the sweet spot of "this sucks".  Do you aim to do any of the 6x4min type intervals around 105-110%?

2013-03-08 2:38 PM
in reply to: #4652317

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Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!

Xcracern - 2013-03-08 3:00 PM The closest pool is an hour away... I teach in a rural school and there is no pool in a 40 mile radius. So it's a big bummer. But like I said I live by a lake, it's freezing, but during summer time is my best bet to get some swim time in.

I can't offer any insight on the use of bands, but will say that the only way to improve at swimming - is to swim.  Very difficult to simulate on land, even if you are working the muscles.

Hopefully you can get in the lake once it warms up a bit.

2013-03-08 3:17 PM
in reply to: #4652398

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Desert Aire
Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!
Just what I figured....thanks! A wetsuit will definitely make my swim more enjoyable in the lake then. Time to look for one!

2013-03-08 5:54 PM
in reply to: #4652492


Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!
I just bought a Huub entry suit directly from Huub for 50%, $125.   I have done a couple of swims in the pool to make sure it fits and I am really satisfied.  I did not need to but the were willing to trade it if it was not the right fit
2013-03-08 8:16 PM
in reply to: #4652666

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New user

Desert Aire
Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!
Wow, good deal! I'm going to look into it. Thanks man!
2013-03-09 7:38 PM
in reply to: #4542585

New user

Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!
Hi, 1st prep week this week, im using the IM training plan from the book "your best triathlon", (not knowing what im doing im putting faith in it). anyways, not off to a good start at all - recovering from manflu and its been a waaay too busy work week (grrrrr). anyways, regarding running: i started forefoot strike in Jan and have worked up to my longest run 21.5k last week(its very slow but im still developing the leg muscles, shin splints are dissapearing and the plantar faciitis is fading). ive done this thinking my heel shouldnt touch the ground, ive backtracked in the snow or mud to check the footprints and they dont show heel touching the ground, there are mixed views on the web: should the heel touch or not? also what views are ther on long run the day before the long ride or the other way around?K
2013-03-10 7:11 AM
in reply to: #4653362

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Subject: RE: RE-OPENED Birkierunner's 2013 mentor group - RE-OPENED!!!

Look at the foot strikes of the best runners in the world.  Youtube is great for that - lots of heel striking going on.  I could personally never run the way you've just described.  There was a recent study that said heel striking is not a bad thing.  But really it comes down to what your body does naturally, if you change that too radically you risk hurting yourself.

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